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Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus populations have declined dramatically in recent years, but we know little about their ecology. We radio-tagged four vultures in northern Botswana to gather data on animal movement and home-range patterns. Hooded Vultures were primarily sedentary at night. Hooded Vultures moved similar distances and speeds during the wet and dry season, and travelled over similar home ranges as measured using minimum convex polygons (MCP), but used much smaller core areas during the dry (breeding) season. We found significant differences in mean distances and speeds moved among different birds, and when comparing day to night, but not between the wet (non-breeding) and dry (breeding) season or by year. All of the variables we tested, including individual vulture differences, season, year and number of fixes, significantly influenced 95% MCP and kernel density estimate (KDE) home-range sizes. Hooded Vultures used significantly smaller KDE home-range sizes during the dry (breeding season) than in the wet (non-breeding) season. Hooded Vultures travelled smaller daily distances over smaller home ranges than most other vulture species for which data exist.  相似文献   

DAVID C. HOUSTON 《Ibis》1988,130(4):402-417
Carcasses were provided at a gallery forest site in Venezuela to compare the feeding methods of four vulture species. Turkey Vultures or Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures were always the first species to arrive. Black Vultures were most likely to arrive at large carcasses or those in open situations and were the only species to form large feeding groups. King Vultures were equally likely to arrive at small or large carcasses. There were marked differences in feeding technique, food selection, rate of feeding and bill morphology between Turkey, Black and King Vultures, and the level of aggression between species was low compared to intra-specific aggression.  相似文献   

DAVID C. HOUSTON 《Ibis》1988,130(3):402-417
Carcasses were provided at a gallery forest site in Venezuela to compare the feeding methods of four vulture species. Turkey Vultures or Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures were always the first species to arrive. Black Vultures were most likely to arrive at large carcasses or those in open situations and were the only species to form large feeding groups. King Vultures were equally likely to arrive at small or large carcasses. There were marked differences in feeding technique, food selection, rate of feeding and bill morphology between Turkey, Black and King Vultures, and the level of aggression between species was low compared to intra-specific aggression.  相似文献   

C. J. Skead 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):155-165
Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus are critically endangered but little is known of their year-round use of nests or whether other species usurp Hooded Vulture nest sites. We investigated visitation rates by Hooded Vultures and other species (including potential nest predators and usurpers) to examine their effect on Hooded Vulture breeding success. We present observations of 33 species recorded by camera traps at 12 Hooded Vulture nests over a total of 93 nest-months (2 095 nest-days). Several pairs of Hooded Vultures visited their nests regularly during the non-breeding season, some adding nesting material, highlighting that pairs visited their nest(s) year round. Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiaca, potential usurpers of raptor nests, were present at occupied and unoccupied Hooded Vulture nests, but we recorded no usurpation of nests by Egyptian Geese and they had no impact on vulture breeding success. Hooded Vulture breeding failure was linked to two species only: camera-trap imagery recorded one case of predation of a vulture egg by a Chacma Baboon Papio ursinus, and one case of a Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus predating a vulture nestling. We recommend expanding the Hooded Vulture nest monitoring programme to include more pairs.  相似文献   

Lead contamination is a global problem affecting a large number of bird species around the world. Among the different avian guilds, vultures and facultative scavengers are particularly threatened by this toxic metal. However, little information is available about differences in exposure to this metal for sympatric vulture species that share food resources. We compared blood lead concentrations of two closely related sympatric obligate scavenger species, the abundant Black Vulture Coragyps atratus and the threatened Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in north-western Patagonia, Argentina. We sampled 28 Andean Condors and 29 Black Vultures trapped foraging in the same area in the steppe. We also sampled 16 Black Vultures foraging in a rubbish dump to determine whether there were differences in lead contamination among foraging sites. Andean Condors had significantly higher mean blood lead concentrations than Black Vultures. There was no difference in lead concentrations between Black Vultures trapped in the steppe and in the rubbish dump. The prevalence and probability of lead concentrations above the threshold level (20 µg/dL) was higher for Andean Condors than for Black Vultures, potentially producing different effects on their health. This disparity in lead contamination may be due to differences in their foraging habits or in their susceptibility to this toxic metal. Overall, our results suggest caution in using an abundant surrogate species to infer lead contamination in a closely related but harder to sample species.  相似文献   

Negative economic impacts resulting from wildlife disrupting livestock operations through depredation of stock are a cause of human-wildlife conflict. Management of such conflict requires identifying environmental and non-environmental factors specific to a wildlife species' biology and ecology that influence the potential for livestock depredation to occur. Identification of such factors can improve understanding of the conditions placing livestock at risk. Black vultures (Coragyps atratus) have expanded their historical range northward into the midwestern United States. Concomitantly, an increase in concern among agricultural producers regarding potential black vulture attacks on livestock has occurred. We estimated area with greater or lesser potential for depredation of domestic cattle by black vultures across a 6-state region in the midwestern United States using an ensemble of small models (ESM). Specifically, we identified landscape-scale spatial factors, at a zip code resolution, associated with reported black vulture depredation on cattle in midwestern landscapes to predict future potential livestock depredation. We hypothesized that livestock depredation would be greatest in areas with intensive beef cattle production close to preferred black vulture habitat (e.g., areas with fewer old fields and early successional vegetation paired with more direct edge between older forest and agricultural lands). We predicted that the density of cattle within the county, habitat structure, and proximity to anthropogenic landscape features would be the strongest predictors of black vulture livestock-depredation risk. Our ESM estimated the relative risk of black vulture-cattle depredation to be between 0.154–0.631 across our entire study area. Consistent with our hypothesis, areas of greatest predicted risk of depredation correspond with locations that are favorable to vulture life-history requirements and increased potential to encounter livestock. Our results allow wildlife managers the ability to predict where black vulture depredation of cattle is more likely to occur in the future. It is in these areas where extension and outreach efforts aimed at mitigating this conflict should be focused. Researchers and wildlife managers interested in developing or employing tools aimed at mitigating livestock-vulture conflicts can also leverage our results to select areas where depredation is most likely to occur.  相似文献   

Human activities provide food resources for animals that are predictable in space and/or time. These resources, sometimes referred to as predictable anthropogenic food subsidies (PAFS), can be either the result of human‐generated waste or provided intentionally, sometimes as a conservation measure. Some PAFS, including landfills, are used by common species. However, little information exists about the effects that these feeding points have on rarer species that feed there, some of which are of conservation concern. This study focuses on the influence of PAFS and their spatial location on the distribution of territories of the endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. We analysed a population in the NE Iberian Peninsula that has in recent decades expanded its range. We used both null model and linear model analyses to ascertain the effect of PAFS and other covariates on the occupancy of territories by the study species. PAFS appeared to play an important role in territory selection by Egyptian Vultures, as occupied territories were nearer landfills than expected by chance. Furthermore, the distance from PAFS (landfills and vulture feeding stations, or ‘restaurants’) played an important role in the probability of territory occupancy by Egyptian Vultures, in addition to other environmental variables such as surface areas of rocky south‐facing slopes, human settlement and the proximity of conspecifics. However, recent EU legislation aims to phase out open‐air landfills to reduce the negative environmental effects of these facilities. This could have an undesired impact on the endangered species that use these feeding points. We recommend management measures that can control abundant pest species but, in the long term, other measures as supplementary feeding should be considered to counteract the probable negative effect of the disappearance of landfills on endangered species.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus population in Morocco has undergone a marked decline since the 1980s to the point of nearing local extinction in the twenty-first century. A field study of some possible sites for Egyptian Vultures was carried out over six days during June 2014 in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco. We counted a total of 48 Egyptian Vultures at three different localities: two occupied breeding sites and one communal roost that hosted 40 vultures of different ages. A (probable) singe adult bird at the breeding site was located and a previously occupied site was also visited. A preliminary survey amongst local people indicated that threats faced by this species are predator poisoning in some areas, and the use of vulture parts for traditional medicine. Given that the species is considered globally Endangered and populations continue to decline in many areas, the discovered population reported here, although relatively small, is of national and regional (North-west Africa) importance. We expect this new situation will revive the hopes for studying and conserving this and other vulture species in Morocco and North-west Africa in general.  相似文献   


Vultures and humans have been sympatric for millions of years and evidence from the archaeological and historical records suggests interdependence over long periods. Like other species, early hominins probably used these birds to locate carcasses in the landscape. With the evolution of large-bodied and more encephalized hominins, the quest for high-quality food would have intensified. Vultures used as beacons for meat may have been particularly important to hominins dispersing out of Africa, facilitating the occupation of new landscapes. Neanderthals and prehistoric modern humans incorporated vulture parts into their culture, and while the symbolic and ritualistic significance of the birds may have varied through time and across cultures, their link with positive life forces is apparent. More recently, the intensification of farming and modern sanitary restrictions, as well as the spread of human populations, has led to the radical decline in vulture populations throughout the world. Without commitments by governments to fund vulture conservation programs, the ability to preserve many species may be limited over the long term. In this review paper we discuss the ability of vultures to act as beacons signaling meat in the landscape and our changing relationships with these enigmatic birds through a shared history. Within this narrative, we outline why vultures are fundamental to maintaining our ecosystem and should therefore be protected.  相似文献   

The scavenging activities of Greater Yellow-headed Vultures Cathartes melambrotus were studied in the Amacayacu National Park, Colombia. This species is the most abundant vulture in the area and is usually the first species to locate a carcass, both in open clearings and inside the forest. The birds use olfaction to locate food. Vultures located 63% of provided carcasses, while mammalian scavengers found only 5%. Greater Yellow-headed Vultures were displaced when feeding by both Turkey Vultures Cathartes aura and King Vultures Sarcorhamphus papa .  相似文献   

American black bears (Ursus americanus) were extirpated from Oklahoma, USA, in the early twentieth century but have since recolonized eastern portions of the state after immigrating from Arkansas, where they were successfully translocated. Within the last 2 decades, a population of black bears was detected in the Oklahoma Ozark region, prompting studies to determine population size, growth rate, and genetic makeup. To understand how black bears were recolonizing the human-dominated landscape, we investigated resource selection at 2 scales. Between 2011 and 2016, we collected global positioning system collar spatial data for 10 males and 13 females. We calculated average kernel density home ranges on a seasonal scale for all collared bears. We used generalized linear mixed models to calculate resource selection functions at the study area, defined by locations of all radio-collared black bears (second order) and the scale of individual black bear home ranges (third order). Resource selection did not differ significantly by sex. Black bears across seasons and scales selected riparian forest and moist oak (Quercus spp.) forest land cover types and mostly selected against indicators of human activity (e.g., pasture-prairie, anthropogenic land cover types, roads, and areas of high human population density). Black bears also selected areas with rugged terrain at high elevations, although not consistently across seasons and scales. Black bear recolonization appeared to be negatively affected by areas and features characterized as human-altered. Further expansion of the range of black bears may be limited by anthropogenic disturbance in the region. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Three species of vulture (African White-backed, White-headed and Lappet-faced) breed in Swaziland, all of which are threatened within the country. Vulture nests were surveyed using a fix-winged aircraft in low-lying savannas of Swaziland. Nesting was observed in three land use categories: (1) unprotected government cattle ranches, (2) protected cattle ranches, and (3) conservation areas. A total of 248 nests was recorded, of which 240 belonged to the African White-backed Vulture. Nesting densities were highest in conservation areas, an order of magnitude lower on protected cattle ranches and negligible on government ranches. Nests of White-headed Vultures and Lappet-faced Vultures were exclusively located in conservation areas. Nesting densities of African White-backed Vultures in some conservation areas exceeded 260 nests/100 km2, which are the highest known densities of this species anywhere in Africa. Nests were almost exclusively located in riparian vegetation, but at Hlane National Park a large proportion of nests were placed in open woodland, possibly as a result of an influx of vultures from adjoining agricultural lands that have only been transformed in recent decades. Where elephants were present in conservation areas, vultures did not nest within their enclosures. The location and density of vulture nests may possibly be used as an indicator of pressure on biological resources in low-lying savannas of Swaziland.  相似文献   

The monitoring of an experimental feeding station established in northern Spain allowed the evaluation of how this type of resource, predictable in space but not in time, was exploited by a guild of avian scavengers in relation to factors such as season, hour of disposal and presence of the dominant species. The presence of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus at carcasses was more likely during spring, and richness and diversity of avian scavengers was lower during the summer and when Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus arrived earlier. The temporal unpredictability of the resource may favour exploitation by smaller and less competitive scavengers. New European regulations may present an opportunity to develop effective conservation measures to support functional scavenger assemblages.  相似文献   

The analysis of animal tracking data provides important scientific understanding and discovery in ecology. Observations of animal trajectories using telemetry devices provide researchers with information about the way animals interact with their environment and each other. For many species, specific geographical features in the landscape can have a strong effect on behavior. Such features may correspond to a single point (eg, dens or kill sites), or to higher dimensional subspaces (eg, rivers or lakes). Features may be relatively static in time (eg, coastlines or home‐range centers), or may be dynamic (eg, sea ice extent or areas of high‐quality forage for herbivores). We introduce a novel model for animal movement that incorporates active selection for dynamic features in a landscape. Our approach is motivated by the study of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) movement. During the sea ice melt season, polar bears spend much of their time on sea ice above shallow, biologically productive water where they hunt seals. The changing distribution and characteristics of sea ice throughout the year mean that the location of valuable habitat is constantly shifting. We develop a model for the movement of polar bears that accounts for the effect of this important landscape feature. We introduce a two‐stage procedure for approximate Bayesian inference that allows us to analyze over 300 000 observed locations of 186 polar bears from 2012 to 2016. We use our model to estimate a spatial boundary of interest to wildlife managers that separates two subpopulations of polar bears from the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.  相似文献   

The status of many Gyps vulture populations are of acute conservation concern as several show marked and rapid decline. Vultures rely heavily on cues from conspecifics to locate carcasses via local enhancement. A simulation model is developed to explore the roles vulture and carcass densities play in this system, where information transfer plays a key role in locating food. We find a sigmoid relationship describing the probability of vultures finding food as a function of vulture density in the habitat. This relationship suggests a threshold density below which the foraging efficiency of the vulture population will drop rapidly towards zero. Management strategies should closely study this foraging system in order to maintain effective foraging densities.  相似文献   

Aim This paper has three aims: (1) to reconstruct the population history of a flightless silvicolous (forest) ground beetle in a region where strong anthropogenic activity has altered the connectivity of the landscape; (2) to estimate the effects of both contemporary and historical landscape structure on the genetics of populations; and (3) to investigate the reasons for clinal variation in one gene locus found in an earlier study carried out in the same geographical location. Location Münster (Westphalia), north‐west Germany. Methods We investigated 26 populations of the ground beetle Carabus auronitens Fabricius, 1792 by analysing seven polymorphic microsatellite loci and an allozyme locus. Samples of at least 16 individuals per site were studied. These were obtained from dry pitfall traps placed at 23 sites and from three additional (refuge) populations. We used regression and correlation analyses to investigate the effects of both historical and contemporary landscape structure on the allele frequency distributions of the investigated loci. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to study possible clinal variations, and admixture rates were calculated in order to assess the genetic influence of populations from possible refuges. Possible reasons for the development of the cline were examined using simulation models. Results The allele frequency distributions at the investigated loci could not be explained by selection or isolation by distance. We found clinal variation in 50% of the investigated loci and our simulations indicated that this was unlikely to have developed by chance. Admixture rates show significant influences of the investigated refuge populations on the populations under study. Main conclusions The findings strongly suggest that the clinal variation is secondary. It results from recolonization of the area by C. auronitens from multiple refuges after anthropogenic landscape changes caused forest fragmentation and led to species isolation.  相似文献   

Question: Do anthropogenic disturbances interact with local environmental factors to increase the abundance and frequency of invasive species, which in turn exerts a negative effect on native biodiversity? Location: Mature Quercus‐Carya and Quercus‐Carya‐Pinus (oak‐hickory‐pine) forests in north Mississippi, USA. Methods: We used partial correlation and factor analysis to investigate relationships between native ground cover plant species richness and composition, percent cover of Lonicera japonica, and local and landscape‐level environmental variables and disturbance patterns in mature upland forests. We directly measured vegetation and environmental variables within 34 sampling subplots and quantified the amount of tree cover surrounding our plots using digital color aerial photography. Results: Simple bivariate correlations revealed that high species richness and a high proportion of herbs were associated with low Lonicera japonica cover, moist and sandy uncompacted soils, low disturbance in the surrounding landscape, and periodic prescribed burning. Partial correlations and factor analysis showed that once we accounted for the environmental factors, L japonica cover was the least important predictor of composition and among the least important predictors of species richness. Hence, much of the negative correlation between native species diversity and this invasive species was explained by soil texture and local and landscape‐level land‐use practices. Conclusions: We conclude that negative correlations between the abundance of invasive species and native plant diversity can occur in landscapes with a gradient of human disturbance, regardless of whether there is any negative effect of invasive species on native species.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the relative importance of climate, biotope and soil variables as well as geographical location for the species richness of plants, butterflies, day‐active macromoths and wild bees in boreal agricultural landscapes. Location A total of 68 agricultural landscapes located in southern Finland. Methods Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyse the effects of environmental (climate, biotope and soil) and spatial (latitude and longitude) variables on species richness of four taxa in 136 study squares of 0.25 km2. Using partial regression, the variation in species richness was decomposed into the purely environmental fraction; the spatially structured environmental fraction; and the purely spatial fraction, including variables retained in cubic trend surface regression. Results Species richness of all taxa was positively correlated with temperature. Species richness of plants and butterflies was also positively correlated with the heterogeneity of landscape. The extent of low‐intensity agricultural land and forest had a positive effect, and the extent of cultivated field a negative effect on the species richness of these taxa. The effect of soil characteristics on the number of observed species was negligible for all taxa. The greatest part of the explained variation for all taxa was accounted for by the pure effect of geographical location. To a somewhat lesser extent, the species richness of plants, butterflies and bees was also related to the effects of spatially structured environmental variables, and the species richness of macromoths to the effects of environmental variables. Main conclusions Multi‐species richness of boreal agricultural landscapes at the scale of 0.25 km2 was associated with the heterogeneity of the local landscape. However, large‐scale geographical variation in species richness was also observed, which indicates the importance of climate and geographical location for the taxa studied. These results highlight the fact that, even on a landscape scale, geographical factors should be taken into account in biodiversity studies. Heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, including forest and non‐crop biotopes, should be preserved or restored to maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the utility of island biogeography theory as a model for understanding and conserving native communities of nonvolant terrestrial vertebrates at prairie dog towns. Location Oklahoma Panhandle, USA. Methods We surveyed mammal, reptile and amphibian communities on 36 black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) towns during the summers and falls of 1997 to 1999. We used a Geographic Information System (GIS) to characterize the landscape within 10 km of each town. We used Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Correlation Analysis, and Linear Regression to test for patterns in species richness relative to area and isolation of towns, local habitat characteristics, and characteristics of the adjacent landscape. Results Species richness was not significantly correlated with town size, town isolation, or local habitat characteristics. On the other hand, species richness was significantly correlated with characteristics of the landscape within 10 km of the focal town. In addition, species richness of mammals at prairie dog towns during the summer increased in a northerly direction, while richness of mammals at towns during fall increased to the west. Main conclusions These results, albeit contrary to traditional island biogeography theory, are consistent with an emerging view that communities on relatively small islands are strongly influenced by characteristics of the adjacent landscape (or seascape). We recommend that to the extent possible, networks of reserves for prairie dogs and their associated species should include clusters of large towns (i.e. larger than those studied here), as well as large but isolated towns, and that conservation efforts should include management of the intervening matrix of anthropogenic habitats.  相似文献   

Vultures provide an essential ecosystem service through removal of carrion, but globally, many populations are collapsing and several species are threatened with extinction. Widespread declines in vulture populations could increase the availability of carrion to other organisms, but the ways facultative scavengers might respond to this increase have not been thoroughly explored. We aimed to determine whether facultative scavengers increase carrion consumption in the absence of vulture competition and whether they are capable of functionally replacing vultures in the removal of carrion biomass from the landscape. We experimentally excluded 65 rabbit carcasses from vultures during daylight hours and placed an additional 65 carcasses that were accessible to vultures in forested habitat in South Carolina, USA during summer (June–August). We used motion‐activated cameras to compare carrion use by facultative scavenging species between the experimental and control carcasses. Scavenging by facultative scavengers did not increase in the absence of competition with vultures. We found no difference in scavenger presence between control carcasses and those from which vultures were excluded. Eighty percent of carcasses from which vultures were excluded were not scavenged by vertebrates, compared to 5% of carcasses that were accessible to vultures. At the end of the 7‐day trials, there was a 10.1‐fold increase in the number of experimental carcasses that were not fully scavenged compared to controls. Facultative scavengers did not functionally replace vultures during summer in our study. This finding may have been influenced by the time of the year in which the study took place, the duration of the trials, and the spacing of carcass sites. Our results suggest that under the warm and humid conditions of our study, facultative scavengers would not compensate for loss of vultures. Carcasses would persist longer in the environment and consumption of carrion would likely shift from vertebrates to decomposers. Such changes could have substantial implications for disease transmission, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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