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The tendency toward extremely high variability among relaxins derived from purportedly closely related species has come to an abrupt end with the discovery of quasi-porcine relaxin in the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and the Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni). An aqueous abstract of the corpora lutea of the two baleen whales contained significant amounts of relaxin-like activity as determined by a mouse bioassay and by cross-reactivity with anti-pig relaxin antibodies. The activity could be isolated and purified to homogeneity. Sequence analysis revealed that both whale relaxins differed from each other by about 3 residues, whereas the relaxin of B. edeni differed at only one position from that of pig relaxin. The similarity appears to include even the chain length heterogeneity observed at the C-terminal end of the B chain in porcine relaxin which is produced by a peculiar mode of connecting peptide removal from the pro-hormone. This finding may well represent one of the better documented challenges to the current paradigm of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

用mtDNA序列鉴定一头小布氏鲸标本   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
测定了采自浙江省瑞安市的一头须鲸类标本的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)细胞色素b(cytochrome b,cyt b)基因369bp和控制区(control region)933bp的序列,通过与已发表的须鲸类同源序列比对,发现与西太平洋和日本水域的布氏鲸的cyt b基因和控制区分别有6.78%-7.05%和13.30%-14.40%的序列差异,而与来自所罗门群岛的布氏鲸之间cyt b基因的序列完全相同,控制区的序列也仅相差一个碱基(0.28%)。提示与邻近的西太平洋和日本海的普通布氏鲸在遗传上有显著区别,而可能与所罗门群岛的布氏鲸为同一种,即小布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)。同时表明,应用分子生物学手段为进行鲸肉及其制品的种类鉴定是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

Samples of milk from a Bryde's whale and a Sei whale contained 2.7 g/100 mL and 1.7 g/100 mL of hexose, respectively. Both contained lactose as the dominant saccharide along with small amounts of Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (3'-N-acetylneuraminyllactose), Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (6'-N-acetylneuraminyllactose) and Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (LST c). The dominance of lactose in the carbohydrate of these milks is similar to that of Minke whale milk and bottlenose dolphin colostrum, but the oligosaccharide patterns are different from those of these two species, illustrating the heterogeneity of milk oligosaccharides among the Cetacea.  相似文献   

Prior to attempting the in vitro production of embryos in the Bryde's whale (Balaenoputera edeni), we investigated whether spermatozoa can retain the capacity for oocyte activation and pronucleus formation as well as chromosomal integrity under cryopreservation by using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into mouse oocytes. Regardless of motility and viability, whale spermatozoa efficiently led to the activation of mouse oocytes (90.3-97.4%), and sperm nuclei successfully transformed into male pronucleus within activated ooplasm (87.2-93.6%). Chromosome analysis at the first cleavage metaphase (M) of the hybrid zygotes revealed that a majority (95.2%) of motile spermatozoa had the normal chromosome complement, while the percentage of chromosomal normality was significantly reduced to 63.5% in immotile spermatozoa and 50.0% in dead spermatozoa due to the increase in structural chromosome aberrations. This is the first report showing that motile Bryde's whale spermatozoa are competent to support embryonic development.  相似文献   

Arterial supply of the anterior ear.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Twenty cadaver auricles were injected with a latex solution to define the arterial supply of the anteroauricular surface. Two arterial networks exist, the network of the triangular fossa-scapha and the network of the concha. Both eventually communicate on the anthelix. The triangular fossa-scapha network originates from one subbranch of the upper auricular branch of the superficial temporal artery and from branches of the posterior auricular artery that come through the earlobe and triangular fossa and over the helical margin. The conchal network is provided by two to four perforators that come from the posterior auricular artery, piercing the conchal floor. Auricular branches of the superficial temporal artery in the preauricular region and their communications with the posterior auricular artery also were confirmed. We believe that a greater understanding of the detailed arterial anatomy in this area allows one to develop safely a variety of surgical techniques for reconstruction of the ear.  相似文献   

Translational motion of the head and trunk during normal walking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) recovery rates with respect to reproductive status per sei (Balaenoptera borealis) and Bryde's (B. edeni) whales were determined in Experiment 1. The number of COCs recovered ranged from 16.0 to 30.6 and from 6.7 to 26.8 per sei and Bryde's whales, respectively. The effects of COCs grades and protein supplementation in embryo culture medium on development of in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos were evaluated in sei and Bryde's whales in Experiment 2. The COCs were classified into either Grade A (COCs with five or more layers of compact cumulus cells) or Grade B (COCs with less than five layers of compact or expanded cumulus cells) before being cultured for IVM. The cleavage (12.0 to 19.5%), 4-cell (8.0 to 12.0%) and 8-cell (4.0 to 8.0%) formation rates in sei whales did not vary significantly between embryos derived from either grade A or B oocytes and between embryos cultured in either fetal whale serum (FWS)- or bovine serum albumin (BSA)-supplemented medium. The cleavage (4.0 to 14.8%), 4-cell (0.0 to 7.5%) and 8-cell (0.0 to 2.6%) formation rates in Bryde's whales did not vary significantly between embryos derived from either grade A or B oocytes and between embryos cultured in either FWS- or BSA-supplemented medium. The grade B oocytes cultured in FWS-supplemented medium developed to morula stage (1.1%) in sei whales. In conclusion, the present study indicates that IVF in sei whales is possible to achieve cleaved embryos developing to morula stage. This is the first in vitro embryo production attempt in sei and Bryde's whales.  相似文献   

Most head muscles arise from the pre-otic axial and paraxial head mesoderm. This tissue does not form somites, yet expresses the somitic markers Lbx1, Pax7 and Paraxis in a regionalised fashion. The domain set aside by these markers provides the lateral rectus muscle, the most caudal of the extrinsic eye muscles. In contrast to somitic cells that express Lbx1, lateral rectus precursors are non-migratory. Moreover, the set of markers characteristic for the lateral rectus precursors differs from the marker sets indicative of somitic muscle precursors. This suggests distinct roles for Lbx1/Pax7/Paraxis in the development of head and trunk muscles. When grafted to the trunk, the pre-otic head mesoderm fails to activate Lbx1, Pax7 or PARAXIS: Likewise, somites grafted into the region of the lateral rectus precursors fail to activate the lateral rectus marker set. This suggests that distinct regulatory cascades act in the development of trunk and head muscles, possibly reflecting their distinct function and evolution.  相似文献   

We have studied the process of neurulation within the anterior trunk region of the zebrafish by means of serial sectioning of staged embryos and labelling cells by applications of the dye Dil and intracellular injections of fluoresceine dextran amine. The first morphological manifestation of the prospective neural plate is a dorsomedial ectodermal thickening which becomes visible immediately after gastrulation. Within 1–2 h, by the time somatogenesis begins, two bilaterally symmetrical thickenings have appeared more laterally, which eventually fuse with the medial thickening to form the neural keel. The central canal forms next by separation of the cells on either side of the midline of the neural keel, beginning ventrally at the 17-somite stage and progressing towards dorsal levels. By means of fluorescent dye labelling in the late gastrula, we found that both the medial and lateral thickenings contribute to the nerve cord. The medial thickening was found to contain, exclusively, neural progenitor cells from the 90–100% epiboly stage on, whereas the adjacent regions contained a mixture of neural and epidermal progenitor cells, as well as prospective neural crest cells. Between the 90–100% epiboly and 2-somite stages, this heterogeneity of developmental capabilities is resolved into territories, with epidermogenic and neurogenic cells clearly separated from each other. To achieve this segregation into neural and epidermal anlagen, cells from the lateral thickenings have to move over a distance of roughly 400 m within 1–2 h. Epidermal overgrowth of the nerve cord occurs during the morphogenetic movements that accompany nerve cord formation. Correspondence to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

Olfactomedins comprise a diverse family of secreted glycoproteins, which includes noelin, tiarin, pancortin and gliomedin, implicated in development of the nervous system, and the glaucoma-associated protein myocilin. Here we show in zebrafish that olfactomedin-2 (OM2) is a developmentally regulated gene, and that knockdown of protein expression by morpholino antisense oligonucleotides leads to perturbations of nervous system development. Interference with OM2 expression results in impaired development of branchiomotor neurons, specific disruption of the late phase branchiomotor axon guidance, and affects development of the caudal pharyngeal arches, olfactory pits, eyes and optic tectum. Effects of OM2 knockdown on eye development are likely associated with Pax6 signaling in developing eyes, as Pax6.1 and Pax6.2 mRNA expression patterns are altered in the eyes of OM2 morphants. The specific absence of most cartilaginous structures in the pharyngeal arches indicates that the observed craniofacial phenotypes may be due to perturbed differentiation of cranial neural crest cells. Our studies show that this member of the olfactomedin protein family is an important regulator of development of the anterior nervous system.  相似文献   

By means of silver nitrate impregnation after V. V. Kupriianov of blood vessels it has been revealed that the blood microcirculatory bed of the borderline structures in the anterior part of the inferior mediastinum, united by their topographical proximity and common sources of blood supply, are characterized by a high concentration of microvessels, arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries, postcapillaries and venules. In each structure investigated peculiar features of the blood microcirculatory bed organization are defined. Richness in vessels and their borderline position ensure potency of transudation and resorption of liquids from the inferior mediastinum in the cases, when the mediastinal part studied becomes the reservoir for pathological exudates (at traumas, at mediastinitis).  相似文献   

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