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The cytotoxic activity of hemocytes isolated from larvae of the blowfly Calliphora vicina was tested using human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells as target. Both single cell and cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that the hemocytes recognize the K562 cells as nonself, firmly attach to their surface and induce target destruction in a manner resembling the effect of mammalian cytotoxic lymphocytes. The cytotoxic activity increased dramatically in the course of larval metamorphosis and was considerably higher shortly before the onset of pupariation, compared to the activity of human peripheral blood or mouse spleen lymphocytes. In insects, the cytotoxic hemocytes may take part in defense against eukaryotic parasites and in the elimination of aberrant self cells, as well as in developmental processes such as metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Kind TV 《Tsitologiia》2008,50(9):757-764
The stable hyaline cells (thrombocytoids precursors) are prevailing haemocytes type in young larvae of Calliphora vicina. Their concentration decreased significantly during the crop emptying and became completely absent in wandering larvae. However, the injection of foreign particles into the haemocoel induced evident increase in the number of stable hyaline cells by means of transformation from prohaemocytes within 24 h after the treatment. Maximum of hyaline cells concentration is achieved on the 2-3 day when the part of them starts to transform into prothrombocytoids. Injection of both abiotic (charcoal) and biotic (human erythrocytes) foreign particles exerts an identical effect. Puncture of the body wall, bacterial immunization and injection of saline did not induce hyaline cells appearance. In crop emptying larvae, the stable hyaline cells originate within the clusters of undifferentiated steam cells, i. e. prohaemocytes. After the completion of crop emptying in wandering and diapausing larvae, preliminary dedifferentiation of very young plasmatocytes may be also observed. It is suggested that specification of the stable hyaline cells is induced by thrombocytoids after engulfing of the injected foreign particles and forming of their agglutinates.  相似文献   

The fat body is the main place of synthesis if peptide antibiotics in insects. The goal of the present study was the search in the body of the larva Calliphora vicina for humoral factors inducing synthesis of antimicrobial peptides by fat body cells during trauma. The preliminary analysis has shown that the activation factor revealed in hemolymph is the thermostable hydrophilic compound with molecular mass less than 3 kDa. According to results of experiments, the integument epitheliocytes and hemocytes also release the humoral factors directly stimulating synthesis of antimicrobial peptides by fat body.  相似文献   

The mechanism of septic induction of antimicrobial peptide synthesis in insects is well reported in current papers. On the contrary, there is little data on aseptic, particularly hormonal, regulation of immune defense. Insect neuroendocrinology traditionally considers hormones as regulators of development and reproduction, focusing less attention on their role in regulation of defense reactions. In the present study, the direct influence of ecdysones, adipokinetic hormone, and biogenic amines on antimicrobial peptide synthesis in isolated fat body cells of Calliphora vicina was studied. According to the results, low concentrations of α- and β-ecdysones and high doses of adipokinetic hormone and octopamine can stimulate the fat body activity in vitro. Thus, these hormones are key mediators of the adaptive syndrome, hormonal activation of endogenic antibiotic synthesis which probably takes place in response to extreme stimuli.  相似文献   

The anatomy and functionality of the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS) of third-instar larvae of Calliphora vicina was characterised. As in other insects, the Calliphora SNS consists of several peripheral ganglia involved in foregut movement regulation. The frontal ganglion gives rise to the frontal nerve and is connected to the brain via the frontal connectives and antennal nerves (ANs). The recurrent nerve connects the frontal- to the hypocerebral ganglion from which the proventricular nerve runs to the proventricular ganglion. Foregut movements include rhythmic contractions of the cibarial dilator muscles (CDM), wavelike movements of crop and oesophagus and contractions of the proventriculus. Transections of SNS nerves indicate mostly myogenic crop and oesophagus movements and suggest modulatory function of the associated nerves. Neural activity in the ANs, correlating with postsynaptic potentials on the CDM, demonstrates a motor pathway from the brain to CDM. Crop volume is monitored by putative stretch receptors. The respective sensory pathway includes the recurrent nerve and the proventricular nerve. The dorsal organs (DOs) are directly connected to the SNS. Mechanical stimulation of the DOs evokes sensory activity in the AN. This suggests the DOs can provide sensory input for temporal coordination of feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In measurements of the air pressure in the cephalic air-sacs of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D., negative correlations between air pressure and proboscis extension and retraction were observed, confirming that both extension and retraction are direct muscular actions, extension not being caused by a pneumatic mechanism.  相似文献   

Field experiments conducted in the environs of St. Petersburg (Russia) with a local population of Calliphora vicina showed that induction of larval diapause under natural conditions was significantly dependent on day lengths and temperature. The maternal photoperiodic response had a distinct threshold: the first diapausing larvae hatched from the eggs laid in the middle of August when the day length was 16 h; at shorter photoperiods, the fraction of diapausing larvae depended only on temperature. At the mean temperature of 16°C, larval diapause was rarely recorded; at 12–13°C, about 50% of the larvae entered diapause; at 7–9°C, nearly all the larvae entered diapause. These results of the field experiments agree well with the parameters of photoperiodic and thermal responses studied in the laboratory at constant temperatures and photoperiods.  相似文献   

Summary We have used single electrode voltage clamp in the intact animal and whole-cell recording from dissociated cell bodies to investigate the properties of potassium conductances in large monopolar cells (LMCs) of the first optic ganglion of the blowfly Calliphora vicina. Two classes of voltage gated potassium conductances were found: a delayed rectifier current (Kd) with slow inactivation (inac = 1–3 sec), and an A current (Ka) showing both faster inactivation (inac = 21 ms) and also more rapid activation. The reversal potential of both currents is ca. -90 mV with 2 mM [Ko] and 140 mM [Ki], and follows the Nernst slope with increasing [Ko]. The voltage operating range of Ka is unusually negative, with the mid point of the steady-state inactivation curve (V50) at- 101 mV. V50 for Kd is - 84 mV. Although no inward currents were detected, for technical reasons their presence cannot be excluded.In inside-out patches from LMC soma membranes the single channels underlying the currents both have a conductance of ca. 20 pS in symmetrical 140 mM K solutions and channel densities may be as high as 10/m2. Less frequently, inside-out patches contained a large conductance (110 pS) calcium-activated potassium channel which existed almost exclusively in a rapidly flickering mode. Open probability increased with depolarization and Ca concentrations greater than 40 nM.In whole-cell recordings, dissociated LMC cell bodies fall into two classes with respect to their voltage sensitive currents: 37 % of cells only showed Kd; the remainder (63%) were dominated by Ka with a variable (0–30%) contribution from Kd. In the intact animal, intracellular recordings from LMCs, combined with dye-marking, indicate that cells expressing only Kd are type L3 cells, whilst L1 and L2 express predominantly Ka. Since L1 and L2 have resting potentials of ca. - 40 mV and maximum hyperpolarizations reaching -90 mV only transiently, inactivation of Ka is unlikely to be removed under most physiological conditions. In contrast, L3 cells have a more negative resting potential (–60 mV) and Kd should play a significant role in signal-shaping, in particular contributing to the falling phase of a prominent spike-like transient in response to dimming.Abbreviations Ka A current - Kd delayed rectifier - LMC large monopolar cell - L1-L3 classes thereof - TTX tetrodotoxin  相似文献   

Tulin DV  Chaga OIu 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(10):976-985
The rational classification of blood cells of a blowfly Calliphora vicina larva has been worked out basing on the studies of hemocyte morphology and their dynamics while ageing. Eight morphological cell types can be found during the third age in larva's hemolymph. Hemocytes of type I (prohemocytes) are undifferentiated cells, and, probably, serve as cambial elements of hemocytes of other types. Hemocytes of types II (thrombocytoids), III (cell platelets), IV, and V (early- and late post-thrombocytoids) possibly correspond to consecutive stages of a certain differentiation pattern. Hemocytes of types VI (filopodocytes), VII (crystal cells), and VIII (histolysocytes) posses a number of specific features and represent three independent cell lines. The existence of four independent cell lines in C. vicina hemolymph supports the polygenetic conception of hematopoiesis in insects. We compared our classification with other existing classifications of C. vicina larva blood cells, and proposed a new nomenclature of these cells. The existence of cells with crystal inclusions (type VII hemocytes) in C. vicina larva hemolymph has been shown for the first time. Data on two generations of blood cells during larval development of C. vicina were obtained. Hemocytes of types II, VI and VII belong to the first generation. These cells disappear completely at the stage of empty-poropped larva, when hemocytes of the second generation i.e. those of types III and VIII, appear in the hemolymph.  相似文献   

Open field experiments with the blowfly, Calliphora vicina originating from the environs of St. Petersburg showed that the correlation between the rate of its preimaginal development under the natural conditions and the mean daily temperature could be very closely approximated by linear regression. The sum of effective temperatures required for development from the egg to the puparium constituted ca 140 degree-days and from the egg to the adult, ca 320 degree-days with the lower thresholds of 5.8 and 4.8°C, respectively. The minimum duration of development (6–8 days from the egg to the puparium and 16–20 days from the egg to the adult) was recorded during the period of the highest mean temperatures (22–23°C) from July 8 to August 15 of 2010 and 2011. The rate of development under natural thermorhythms was not siggnificantly different from that under the laboratory conditions at constant temperatures from 12 to 23°C.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1988,18(8):839-845
Nuclei from fat body of different developmental stages of Calliphora vicina were isolated. They appear to be polyploid and show polytene chromosomes. The isolated nuclei were incubated with [32P]GTP and the RNA transcribed in vitro was hybridized with a DNA fragment encoding a polypeptide subunit of calliphorin. The isolated nuclei transcribe the calliphorin-mRNA correctly and with the same stage specificity as observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Extracellular ribosomes during adult development of the blowfly Calliphoravicina were previously considered to occur naturally invivo. A variety of radioisotopic experiments performed at different stages of metamorphosis now demonstrates that the specific activities of extra- and intracellular ribosomes are consistently very similar. Further, in addition to previously described physico-chemical similarities, extra- and intra-cellular ribosomal protein profiles are now shown to be essentially identical. These results vitiate the notion of a natural pool of extracellular ribosomes, the occurrence of which is now ascribed to an experimental artifact, resulting from unusual cell fragility.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroids, the molting hormones of arthropods, act like vertebrate steroid hormones by binding to an intracellular receptor protein. We have recently isolated a protein from nuclei of blowfly larvae which has satisfied the requirements of an ecdysteroid receptor. The receptor was partially purified and its ecdysteroid-binding properties were characterized. The availability of receptor preparations which have been stabilized by partial purification now enables us to study the general DNA-binding properties of ecdysteroid receptors. DNA-binding characteristics of ecdysteroid receptors were studied with calf thymus DNA. Affinity for DNA was observed both in the presence and in the absence of steroid ligand but the ligand clearly enhanced binding of receptors to DNA. Receptor preparations contained a heterogeneous mixture of receptors; up to 25% of DNA-binding receptors, and nonbinding forms of ecdysteroid receptors. The ability to bind to DNA was subject to inactivation which was not affected by partial purification, but which could be decelerated by dilution of the receptor preparation. Thus, dilution resulted in a spurious activation of DNA binding. A genuine activation, which would have led to an increase in the percentage of the DNA-binding form of the ecdysteroid receptor complex, was not observed.  相似文献   

Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides in diapausing larvae Calliphora vicina can be induced by two different pathways. One pathway is well known in insects and includes recognition of microbial particles by the pattern-recognizing receptors. The other pathway includes perception and transduction of stress signal to immunocompetent cells by neuroendocrine system. This phenomenon consists in stimulation of synthesis of defensins, cecropins, and diptericins under effect of chromic stimulation of mechanoreceptors with ligature applied on the larva head end. Formation of immune response in brain is established to need less than 30 s, after which isolation of the neuroendocrine complex does not eliminate activation of immune response As judging from rate of the neurogenic induction, transduction of the stimulating signal from brain to the immune system cells can be connected with release into hemolymph of biogenic amines or other neurohormones stored preliminarily in the neurohemal organ. The nature of this inductor at present remains unknown, as analysis of role of octopamine, dopamine, and adipokynetic hormone did not reveal stimulating effect on synthesis of bactericidal peptides. Physiological mechanism of this phenomenon is not finally understood, its key links seem to be CNS, hormonal factor of cardial bodies, and system of antimicrobial peptides. Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides is directly regulated by the neuroendocrine system that can produce both stimulating and stress action by reminding in this aspect the known immunoneuroendocrine interrelations in vertebrates. The existence of similar integrating mechanisms in such polar animal kingdom groups which are insects and vertebrates indicate that they are more ancient than this was considered earlier.  相似文献   

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