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The metabolic effects of extracellular glutamine (2.5 mM) or high potassium (25 mM) on glucose metabolism were studied in cultured cerebellar astrocytes. High potassium caused an increased glycolytic flux and an increase in glutamine release. Exposure to glutamine increased glycolytic flux and alanine formation, indicating that glutamine uptake is an energy requiring process. The effects of glutamine and high potassium on glycolytic flux were additive. Formation of metabolites from [1-13C]glucose and [2-13C]acetate confirmed the effects of glutamine and high potassium on glycolytic metabolism. In the presence of extracellular glutamine, analysis of the 13C labeling patterns of citrate and glutamine indicated a decrease in the cycling ratio and/or pyruvate carboxylation and glutamine synthesis from [1-13C]glucose did occur, but was decreased. Exposure to high potassium led to extracellular accumulation of acetate, presumably through non-enzymatic decarboxylation of pyruvate.  相似文献   

The S100B protein belongs to a family of small Ca2+-binding proteins involved in several functions including cytoskeletal reorganization. The effect of S100B on protein phosphorylation was investigated in a cytoskeletal fraction prepared from immature rat hippocampus. An inhibitory effect of 5 M S100B on total protein phosphorylation, ranging from 25% to 40%, was observed in the presence of Ca2+ alone, Ca2+ plus calmodulin or Ca2+ plus cAMP. Analysis by two dimensional electrophoresis revealed a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent and a Ca2+/cAMP-dependent inhibitory effect of S100B, ranging from 62% to 67% of control, on the phosphorylation of the intermediate filament proteins glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin. The fact that S100B binds to the N-terminal domain of GFAP and that the two proteins are co-localized in astrocytes suggests a potential in vivo role for S100B in modulating the phosphorylation of intermediate filament proteins in glia.  相似文献   

Incubation of the green alga Chlorella vulgaris (strain K, Tanner and Kandler, 1967) with glucose leads to the induction of a glucose transport system and of two amino acid transport systems. Because it was not clear whether the regulation of 3 different transport systems by glucose is specific to our strain of Chlorella or whether it is a general property of the genus Chlorella, 11 other free living and symbiotic Chlorella species and strains were tested for glucose-inducible glucose, arginine and proline transport. It was found that nearly all Chlorella species possess glucose and amino acid uptake systems. Often they were constitutive, although in some species they were induced or stimulated by glucose. According to the transport activities of the different Chlorella species and strains, a physiological classification of Chlorella was constructed, resulting in 3 groups: the C. fusca vacuolata, the C. vulgaris and the symbiotic Chlorella group. Our Chlorella (strain K) obviously belongs to the C. vulgaris group and forms a link to symbiotic Chlorella strains. This suggests that the possession of the glucose-regulated transport systems is of advantage for Chlorella in symbiotic situations, whereas the constitutive systems are useful for free living Chlorella.  相似文献   

Brain glycogen metabolism was investigated by employing isofagomine, an inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase. Cultured cerebellar and neocortical astrocytes were incubated in medium containing [U-13C]glucose in the absence or presence of isofagomine and the amounts and percent labeling of intra- and extracellular metabolites were determined by mass spectrometry (MS). The percent labeling in glycogen was markedly decreased in the presence of isofagomine. Surprisingly, the percent labeling of intracellular lactate was also decreased demonstrating the importance of glycogen turnover. The decrease was limited to the percent labeling in the intracellular pool of lactate, which was considerably lower compared to that observed in the medium in which it was close to 100%. These findings indicate compartmentation of lactate derived from glycogenolysis and that derived from glycolysis. Inhibiting glycogen degradation had no effect on the percent labeling in citrate. However, the percent labeling of extracellular glutamine was slightly decreased in neocortical astrocytes exposed to isofagomine, indicating an importance of glycogen turnover in the synthesis of releasable glutamine. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that glycogen in cultured astrocytes is continuously synthesized and degraded. Moreover, it was found that lactate originating from glycogen is compartmentalized from that derived from glucose, which lends further support to a compartmentalized metabolism in astrocytes. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Bernd Hamprecht.  相似文献   

Ammonia causes astrocyte swelling which is abrogated by methionine sulfoximine (MSO). Since myo-inositol is an important osmolyte, we investigated the effects of ammonia and MSO on myo-inositol flux in cultured astrocytes for periods up to 72 hours. Uptake of myo-inositol was significantly decreased by 26.7 (P < 0.05) and 39.3 (P lt; 0.006) percent after 48 hours of exposure to 5 or 10 mM ammonia, respectively. The maximum rate of uptake was 14.0 ± 0.5 nmol/hour/mg protein which was reduced to 7.45 ± 0.27 and 7.02 ± 0.57 nmoles/hour/mg protein by 5 or 10 mM ammonia, respectively. The Kms by Michaelis-Menten equation for the control, and in the presence of 5, or 10 mM ammonia were 32.5 ± 4.52, 44.4 ± 5.82, and 39.3 ± 7.0 M, respectively. Kms by Hanes-Woolf plot for the control, 5, or 10 mM ammonia were 25, 45, and 40 M, respectively. Treatment of astrocytes with either 5 or 10 mM NH4Cl for 6 hours caused a decrease in myo-inositol content by 66% and 58%, respectively. MSO (3 mM) partially diminished the ammonia-induced inhibition of myo-inositol uptake and decreased myo-inositol content by 31% after 24 hours. Additionally, ammonia increased myo-inositol efflux briefly through the fast efflux component but had little effect on myo-inositol efflux through the slow efflux component of astrocytes exposed to ammonia for up to 72 hours. Predominantly decreased myo-inositol influx coupled with brief efflux through the fast component may represent an adaptive response to diminish the extent of ammonia-induced astrocyte swelling.  相似文献   

Abstract: This is a study of the effects of a single “therapeutic” dose of glycerol [2 g(22 mmol)/kg i.p.] on brain carbohydrate and energy metabolism in normal nursing weanling mice. Findings were correlated with brain water and electrolyte content and with metabolite changes in plasma, red blood cells, and liver. Plasma glycerol levels peaked at 21 mM 7.5 min after injection and returned to the control value, 0.16 mM, by 2 h. Plasma Na+ concentration decreased and plasma protein increased for as long as 2 h after injection. Although red blood cells were freely permeable to glycerol, there was no evidence for glycerol metabolism in these cells. Glycerol levels in liver paralleled those in plasma. Glycerol injection increased liver glucose concentration 23% and doubled hepatic glycerol-1-phosphate levels. Liver ATP levels were reduced 24% after glycerol injection. Brain water concentration was significantly reduced from 7.5 min to 30 min after glycerol injection; brain Na+ and K+ levels were unchanged. There was no evidence for glycerol entry into brain (the amount detected in brain tissue could be explained by the glycerol content in the blood of the brain). While plasma glucose increased 33%, brain glucose increased 87%. Concomitantly there were statistically significant increases in fructose-1,6-diphosphate, lactate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate levels. The disproportionately high brain glucose value suggests increased transport of glucose from the blood to the brain. Increases in fructose-1,6-diphosphate, lactate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate are compatible with an increased metabolic flux in the glycolytic pathway and Krebs citric acid cycle. As has been previously shown for urea and/or mannitol, these changes may result from the effects of the hyperosmolar glycerol solution on the blood-brain barrier and on cerebral glucose utilization. The sustained lowering of plasma Na+ concentration after a single “therapeutic” glycerol injection suggests a need for monitoring plasma Na+ levels in the clinical situation. Possible lowering of hepatic ATP levels by the use of glycerol in humans is another concern.  相似文献   

Abstract: The relative cerebral cortical metabolism of glucose (GLU) and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DG) was measured in vivo in control and insulin-treated hypoglycemic rats. The ratio of the utilization rate constants for the two hexoses, i.e., K DG/ K CLU is defined as the Hexose Utilization Index (HUI). The HUI was found to be invariant in rats whose cerebral glucose content exceeded 1 μmo1.g−1 wet weight (HUI = 0.48 ± 0.07). Severe hypoglycemia (plasma glucose <2 mM) effected a shift in the HUI to 1.04 ± 0.21. The results are consistent with a model in which the interpretation of the HUI is determined by the rate of transport into brain, or subsequent phosphorylation, as the rate-limiting step for hexose utilization.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):279-287
Copper ions have been suggested to play a role in the non-covalent glycosylation (glycation) of proteins via transition metal-catalysed oxidations. We have further investigated “autoxidative glycosylation” by comparison of the behaviour of dog and bovine serum albumin with respect to the oxidative reactions of glucose and ascorbate. The proteins possess similar numbers of total amino residues available for glucose attachment but dog serum albumin contains fewer histidine groups and also lacks a high affinity copper-binding site. We find that the higher copper-binding capacity of bovine serum albumin is reflected in a lower rate of ascorbate oxidation as well as less protein oxidative damage than is the case for dog serum albumin. We also observe that modification of bovine serum albumin histidine groups by diethylpyrocarbonate enhances ascorbate-mediated protein fluorophore formation.  相似文献   

The ouabain-induced suppression of glutamine synthesis and retention in incubating rat brain cortex slices was found to be mimicked by changes in the cationic content of the incubation medium, which cause an increase in the intracellular [Na+] and a decrease in the intracellular [K+]. The suppression of glutamine synthesis (and fixation of ammonia) was also found to take place when Ca2+ was omitted from the incubation medium. This occurred whether endogenous or exogenous glutamate was the substrate for glutamine synthesis. The suppressions cannot be due solely to an effect on glutamate uptake, because the uptake is not markedly affected by these conditions. The results show that Na+, K+, and Ca2+ influence the synthesis and distribution of glutamine in the brain. They suggest that Ca2+ and the Na+, K+ pump may serve a role in regulating the activity of ATP-dependent glutamine synthetase, a key enzyme of the glutamate-glutamine cycle, located in the astrocytes. This may be mediated via a direct effect on the enzyme or through an effect on the production of ATP.  相似文献   

目的:研究高糖环境对原代培养新生7天SD乳鼠视网膜Muller细胞谷氨酸转运合成系统的影响及其可能机制。方法:新生7天SD乳鼠视网膜Muller细胞原代培养并模拟高糖环境构建乳鼠视网膜muller细胞体外高糖环境模型。处理分为3组:对照组,高糖组,高糖+白藜芦醇干预组。培养时间为24h,通过westernblot等检测方法,对照观察各组Muller细胞谷氨酸转运体(GLAST)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)的表达情况。结果:模拟高糖环境可以造成新生SD乳鼠视网膜Muller细胞谷氨酸转运体(GLAST)表达的降低(0.225foldVScontrol,P〈0.05),并导致其表达的谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)表达水平的显著降低(0.653foldVScontrol,P〈0.05);而干预药物白藜芦醇作用后可明显逆转新生SD乳鼠Mu ller细胞谷氨酸转运体(GLAST)(1.133foldvSHGgroup,P〈0.05)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)(1.720foldVSHGgroup,P〈0.05)等蛋白的表达水平。结论:模拟高糖环境可以影响视网膜M0ller细胞谷氨酸转运体(GLAST)、谷氨酰胺合成酶的表达,其结局可能导致视神经细胞因谷氨酸堆积而导致的兴奋性毒性,白藜芦醇能提高Mcjller细胞谷氨酸转运体(GLAST)、谷氨酰胺合成酶表达,从而保护视神经细胞。  相似文献   

Neutral amino acid transport is largely unexplored in astrocytes, although a role for these cells in blood-brain barrier function is suggested by their close apposition to cerebrovascular endothelium. This study examined the uptake into mouse astrocyte cultures of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), a synthetic model substrate for Na+-dependent system A transport. Na+-dependent uptake of AIB was characteristic of system A in its pH sensitivity, kinetic properties, regulatory control, and pattern of analog inhibition. The rate of system A transport declined markedly with increasing age of the astrocyte cultures. There was an unexpectedly active Na+-independent component of AIB uptake that declined less markedly than system A transport as culture age increased. Although the saturability of the Na+-independent component and its pattern of analog inhibition were consistent with system L transport, the following properties deviated: (1) virtually complete inhibition of Na+-independent AIB uptake by characteristic L system substrates, suggesting unusually high affinity of the transporter; (2) apparent absence of trans-stimulation of AIB influx; (3) unusually concentrative uptake at steady state (the estimated distribution ratio for 0.2 mM AIB was 55); and (4) susceptibility to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide. Direct study of the uptake of system L substrates in astrocytes is needed to confirm the present indications of high affinity and concentrative Na+-independent transport.  相似文献   

Böhm H  Mäck G 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(10):1361-1368
Feeding of amino acids to hairy roots of the yellow beet (Beta vulgaris var. lutea) usually results in the formation of the respective betaxanthins. One exception is (S)-glutamate whose feeding leads to an increase in the betaxanthin vulgaxanthin I (glutamine as amino-acid moiety) instead of vulgaxanthin II (glutamate as amino-acid moiety). To elucidate this phenomenon, hairy roots were cultivated in modified standard medium and (S)-glutamate was fed. Under most nutrient conditions tested, glutamine and vulgaxanthin I in the tissue dominated over glutamate and vulgaxanthin II. Glutamate, opposed to glutamine, was readily metabolized so that its concentration was lower than that of glutamine. Maximum concentrations of glutamate were reached when the activity of glutamine synthetase was low. Even then, however, vulgaxanthin II stayed on a low level. In contrast, the level of vulgaxanthin I increased with increasing concentrations of glutamine in the tissue. Also 4-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was a major amino acid in the hairy roots. Its concentration reached maximum levels when (S)-glutamate, a GABA precursor, was fed, or when sucrose, the C source of the roots, was replaced by glucose. The respective GABA-betaxanthin, however, was hardly detectable. When both (S)-glutamate and glucose were supplied, the GABA concentration exceeded that of all other amino acids. Only then the GABA-betaxanthin could be characterized in small amounts. Interestingly, the level of the main betaxanthin, miraxanthin V, consisting of betalamic acid and dopamine, was most markedly reduced by a replacement of sucrose with glucose. We conclude that the reaction of betalamic acid with glutamate and GABA was considerably lower than with glutamine and dopamine, irrespective of the concentration of the amino acid in the tissue. Possible reasons will be discussed, also with respect to the occurrence of species-specific patterns of betaxanthins.  相似文献   

Concentrative influx of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) into incubated mouse cerebrum slices is decreased when pyruvate is substituted for glucose. Influx of GABA from pyruvate medium is not increased by presence of glucose, 2-deoxy-d -glucose (2-DOG), or 3-O-methyl-d -glucose (3-O-MeG). Influx of AIB is restored to the rate from glucose medium if 2-DOG is present initially, but is not restored if 2-DOG is added with AIB. Influx is not restored if 3-O-MeG is present initially, but is restored if 3-O-MeG is added with AIB. Influx is restored if glucose is present initially or is added with AIB.  相似文献   

目的:研究补糖和刺五加对大鼠运动后骨骼肌细胞的AMP激活蛋白激酶(AMPK)蛋白表达的影响及其恢复期的时相性变化。方法:128只SD大鼠大鼠随机分为训练对照组(C组)、训练补糖组(G组)、训练补刺五加皂甙组(A组)和训练补糖补刺五加皂甙组(GA组)四大组,补糖和刺五加均在运动后0.5 h内灌胃给予。根据运动前和运动后不同时间(0 h,4 h,12 h)采样,共分为16小组(n=8)。采用Western blot方法分析骨骼肌的AMPK蛋白含量。结果:①运动后骨骼肌的AMPK蛋白表达量上调,运动后即刻最高(209.23±21.32),随后逐渐恢复;②补药显著地提高了机体在消耗糖原运动后即刻和4 h后的股四头肌AMPK蛋白含量(225.11±20.58和186.31±15.26vs195.19±13.31和157.11±16.43),运动后12 h两组间没有差异;③补糖对骨骼肌AMPK的蛋白表达量的影响没有统计学意义;④补糖同时补药可提高运动后即刻和4 h后的股四头肌AMPK蛋白含量(217.96±19.25和191.86±14.69),但是运动后12h反而低于对照组(121.89±15.23vs137.92±16.01)。结论:运动可激活骨骼肌细胞AMPK,补充刺五加皂甙可上调运动后的AMPK蛋白表达,补糖则没有影响。  相似文献   

Lipids from microalgae have become a valuable product with applications ranging from biofuels to human nutrition. While changes in fatty acid (FA) content and composition under nitrogen limitation are well documented, the involved molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) is a key enzyme in the FA synthesis and elongation pathway. Plastidial and cytosolic ACCases provide malonyl-CoA for de novo FA synthesis in the plastid and FA elongation in the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. The present study aimed at investigating the expression of plastidial and cytosolic ACCase in Chromera velia and Isochrysis aff. galbana (TISO) and their impact on FA content and elongation level when grown under nitrogen-deplete conditions. In C. velia, plastidial ACCase was significantly upregulated during nitrogen starvation and with culture age, strongly correlating with increased FA content. Conversely, plastidial ACCase of I. aff. galbana was not differentially expressed in nitrogen-deplete cultures, but upregulated during the logarithmic phase of nitrogen-replete cultures. In contrast to plastidial ACCase, the cytosolic ACCase of C. velia was downregulated with culture age and nitrogen-starvation, strongly correlating with an increase in medium-chain FAs. In conclusion, the expression of plastidial and cytosolic ACCase changed with growth phase and nutrient status in a species-specific manner and nitrogen limitation did not always result in FA accumulation.  相似文献   

The effects of turbulence velocity on Egeria densa Planchon was studied for 12 weeks using mechanically oscillating grid-generated turbulence without mean flow. The root-mean-square of the turbulence velocity fluctuations (u′) ranged from 1.62 ± 0.44 to 2.86 ± 0.8 cm s−1 (high turbulence), 1.36 ± 0.2 to 1.86 ± 0.78 cm s−1 (medium turbulence) and 0.67 ± 0.12 to 0.81 ± 0.16 cm s−1 (low turbulence). The control was subjected to gentle manual mixing once a day. Shoot elongation was significantly reduced with increasing turbulence intensity, and the endogenous indole acetic acid (IAA) concentration was significantly decreased with increasing turbulence intensity and exposure time. The plants exposed to high turbulence showed a 64.6% decrease in endogenous IAA concentration compared to the control, while it was decreased only 26.9% in plants exposed to low turbulence. IAA and cytokinin catabolism was increased, and there was an increase in the hydrogen peroxide concentration of the tissues, which triggered peroxidase activity. The total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a content decreased with the time of exposure. Although the flow turbulence negatively affected plant growth and metabolism, all of the plants survived for the experimental period.  相似文献   

The Na+/l-glutamate (l-aspartate) cotransport system present at the level of rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles is specifically activated by the ions K+ and Cl?. The presence of 100 mM K+ inside the vesicles drastically enhances the uptake rate and the transient intravesicular accumulation (overshoot) of the two acidic amino acids. It has been demonstrated that the activation of the transport system depended only in the intravesicular K+ concentration and that in the absence of any sodium gradient, an outward K+ gradient was unable to influence the Na+/acidic amino acid transport system. It was also found that Cl? could specifically activate the Na+-dependent l-glutamate (l-aspartate) uptake either in the presence or in the absence of K+. Also the effect of Cl? was observed only in the presence of an inward Na+ gradient and it was noted to be higher when chloride ion was present on both sides of the membrane vesicles. No influence (activation or accumulation) was observed in the absence of the Na+ gradient and in the presence of chloride gradient. l-Glutamate uptake measured in the presence of an imposed diffusion potential and in the presence of K+ or Cl? did not show any translocation of net charge.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5HT) is a biologically active amine present in mammals in the brain and the peripheral tissues. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which 5HT homeostasis is disturbed both centrally and peripherally, but the relationship between the 5HT disturbances in the two compartments is not understood. In an attempt to explore the relationship between the disturbed peripheral 5HT homeostasis and central 5HT functioning, we exposed the developing rat brain to increased 5HT concentrations, by treatment of rats with subcutaneous injections of the immediate 5HT precursor 5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan (5HTP, 25 mg/kg), or the non-selective MAO inhibitor tranylcypromine (TCP, 2 mg/kg), during the period of the most intensive development of 5HT neurons - from gestational day 13 to post-natal day 21. The effects of the mentioned treatments on peripheral and central 5HT levels were then studied in adult rats. Platelet and plasma 5HT concentrations (measured by ELISA), as well as cortical and midbrain 5HT, tryptophan and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels (measured by HPLC) were determined in twelve 5HTP treated and eight TCP treated rats, and compared with the values measured in 10 control, saline treated rats. Treatment with 5HTP significantly raised peripheral but not central 5HT concentrations. At adult age, peripheral 5HT homeostasis was re-established, while modest decrease in 5HT concentration was observed in frontal cortex, presumably due to hyperserotonemia-induced loss of 5HT terminals during brain development. Treatment with TCP induced significant 5HT elevations in both compartments. At adult age, permanent changes in 5HT homeostasis were observed, both peripherally (as hyperserotonemia) and centrally (as altered 5HT metabolism with decreased 5HT concentrations). Further studies are planned in order to explore the nature of the different disturbances of 5HT homeostasis induced by the two compounds, and their results are expected to shed some light on the role of hyperserotonemia in autism.  相似文献   

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