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Two novel blood group H-type decaglycosylceramides with a branched core saccharide have been identified in mixture in a fraction isolated from rat small intestine. They were present exclusively in the epithelial cells. The number and sequence of sugars were established by direct inlet mass spectrometry of the permethylated and LiAlH4-reduced permethylated derivatives. Gas-liquid chromatography of the products after degradation of the native and permethylated glycolipids gave the type of sugars and the binding positions. A di- and a trisaccharide were identified by mass spectrometry after degradation of the permethylated-reduced derivative. One trisaccharide had the structure (formula see text) and was therefore additional evidence for a branched structure. Treatment of the decaglycosylceramide fraction with alpha-L-fucosidase gave free fucose and an octaglycosylceramide identified by mass spectrometry. Proton NMR spectra of the permethylated and permethylated-reduced octa- and decaglycosylceramides provided evidence for the binding configurations and the localization of type 1 and type 2 sequences in the two branches. The 3-linked branch was homogeneous with a type 1 saccharide (Gal beta 1 leads to 3GlcNAc) but the 6-linked branch had both type 1 and type 2 (Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc) sequences. Two glycolipids with the following probable structures were therefore present, making up 60 and 40% of the mixture, respectively: (formula see text) The lipophilic part contained mainly trihydroxy 18:0 long chain base (phytosphingosine) and 16:0 to 24:0 nonhydroxy fatty acids.  相似文献   

Two blood group A-active dodecaglycosylceramides were earlier reported in a mixed fraction isolated from rat small intestine (Breimer, M. E., Hansson, G. C., Karlsson, K.-A., and Leffler, H. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 906-912). Treatment of these with alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase produced two blood group H-type decaglycosylceramides earlier identified in this tissue (Breimer, M. E., Falk, K.-E., Hansson, G. C. and Karlsson, K.-A. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 50-59). Proton NMR spectroscopy of the intact dodeca- and decaglycosylceramides and degradation studies established the following two branched-chain species, one (60% of the mixture) with type 1 sequences (Gal beta 1 leads to 3GlcNAc) in all three places, and the second (40% of the mixture) identical with this except for a type 2 sequence (Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc) in the 6-linked branch.  相似文献   

Two glycosphingolipids with human blood group A and H antigenicity were isolated from porcine erythrocyte membranes which were obtained from the pooled blood. The yield of the A- and H-antigenic glycolipids was approximately 0.2 and 0.1% of total neutral glycolipids, respectively. No B antigen was detected. Through several methods the porcine erythrocyte antigens were all found to belong to lactoseries (type 1 chain), IV2Fuc alpha, IV3GalNAc alpha Lc4Cer for type A and IV2-Fuc alpha Lc4Cer for type H, in contrast to the antigenic glycolipids in human erythrocytes, which mostly belong to neolactoseries (type 2 chain). The constituent fatty acids of the A antigen were 75% normal acids and 25% 2-hydroxy acids, and the long chain base was 95% sphingenine. This is the first demonstration of the A- and H-antigenic glycolipids on erythrocytes of pig in whose gastric mucin the human blood group A and H substances have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary Although infantile hemangioma (IH) are the most common tumors of infancy, the mechanism of their proliferation and involution remains vague. Proliferation, differentiation and death of endothelial cells are the basic processes involved in their pathobiology. Here we hypothesize that the glycoconjugates ABH histo-blood group antigens (HBGA) and lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) might be implied in both the differentiation and death of endothelial cells during vascular remodeling in IH. Proliferating and involuting IH were examined immunohistochemically for HGBA and LAMP expression together with vWF and CD31. Proliferative and apoptotic indices were determined. LAMPs were found in immature endothelium of proliferating IH. In involution an increased number of immunopositive cells stained with higher intensity was detected. The enhanced expression might be associated with augmented autophagy required for tissue remodeling during tumor involution. HBGA presented an opposite pattern of expression – they stained intensely the endothelium of mature capillaries, while the immature ones were positive for vWF. The presence of HBGA in endothelial cells of IH may be related to the differentiation process only, as well as to endothelial adhesion and angiogenesis. Novel evidence for differential expression of HBGA and LAMPs in proliferative and involutive phases of IH is presented.  相似文献   

Blood group A-active glycosphingolipids of the small intestine, A-6 and A-12, which have been characterized previously in the adult rat [Breimer ME, Hansson GC, Karlsson K-A, Leffler H (1982) J Biol Chem 257:906–12], were found to appear during postnatal development, using immunostaining on thin layer chromatograms with two monoclonal anti-A antibodies, A005 and A581. In this system, A005 was found to be specific for the A determinant based on the type 2 chain, while A581 reacted mainly with the A determinant based on the type 1 chain and only weakly with the A determinant based on the type 2 chain. A-6 Type 1 was detected first at 18 days after birth. Its concentration increased markedly during the fourth week. A-6 Type 2 was detected, at a very low level, in neonates. Its concentration increased between days 15 and 20 and then decreased almost to the neonate level by 28 days. Dodecaglycosylceramide A-12 followed the same pattern of reactivity as A-6 type 1 with A581, and remained strongly reactive with A005 after 20 days. Linear A-6 and branched A-12 appeared simultaneously. Antibodies directed against blood group H determinants based on the type 1 or type 2 chains did not detect any H structure which might have appeared as a precursor of either A-6 or A-12 at the early stages of postnatal development.Abbreviations A-6, A-12, H-5, H-10 etc the glycolipids are abbreviated by giving blood group activity, and number of sugars (see also Fig. 1) - GM3 GM3-ganglioside, H3NeuAc-LcCer - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Small intestinal epithelial cells (enterocytes) were isolated from specimens obtained at operation from four human individuals with different blood group ABO, Lewis, and secretor phenotypes. The non-acid glycolipids were isolated and characterized by thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, and proton NMR spectroscopy and for reactivity with monoclonal antibodies on thin-layer chromatograms. Monohexosylceramides and blood group ABH (type 1 chain) and Lewis glycolipids with 5-7 sugar residues were the major compounds present in all cases, and the expression of the major blood group glycolipids was in agreement with the ABO, Lewis, and secretor phenotype of the individual donors. Small amounts of more complex glycolipids with up to 10 sugar residues were identified by mass spectrometry in all cases. In addition, small amounts of lactotetraosylceramide, a blood group H-active triglycosylceramide with the structure of Fuc alpha 1-2Gal-Hex-Cer (where Fuc is fucose, Hex is hexose, and Cer is ceramide), and dihexosylceramides were identified in some cases. Globotriaosyl- and globotetraosylceramides were absent from the epithelial cells. Small amounts of Leb-active glycolipids in blood group OLe(a+b-), non-secretor and OLe(a-b-), secretor individuals as well as trace amounts of type 2 carbohydrate chain compounds in all individuals were detected by specific monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

A chemical investigation has been done on blood group active glycosphingolipids of both small intestine and pancreas from two individuals, one blood group A and one blood group B. Total non-acid glycolipid fractions were prepared and the major blood group fucolipids present were purified and structurally characterized by mass spectrometry, proton NMR spectroscopy, and degradation methods. The glycolipid structures identified were a blood group Leb hexaglycosylceramide, a B-hexaglycosylceramide with a type 1 (Gal beta 1 leads to 3GlcNAc) carbohydrate chain, A-hexaglycosylceramides with types 1 and 2 (Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc) carbohydrate chains, a B-heptaglycosylceramide with a type 1 carbohydrate chain, and A-heptaglycosylceramides with type 1 and 2 carbohydrate chains. In addition several minor glycolipids having more than seven sugar residues were detected by thin-layer chromatography. The small intestine and pancreas had some distinct differences in their expression of the major fucolipids. The small intestine contained only glycolipids based upon type 1 carbohydrate chain while the pancreas had both type 1 and type 2 structures. The intestines contained mainly difucosyl compounds while the pancreas tissues contained both mono- and difucosyl glycolipids. Monofucosylglycolipids based on both types 1 and 2 saccharides were present in one pancreas while the other one contained only monofucosylcomponents based on type 1 chain. The ceramides of the intestinal glycolipids were found to be more hydroxylated (trihydroxy long-chain base, hydroxy fatty acids) compared to the pancreas glycolipids (dihydroxy long-chain base, non-hydroxy fatty acids).  相似文献   

The mammalian small intestine is both a source and a site of degradation of neurotensin. Metabolites produced by incubation of the peptide with dispersed enterocytes from porcine small intestine were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography and identified by amino-acid analysis. The principal sites of cleavage were at the Tyr-11-Ile-12 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-11), and at the Pro-10-Tyr-11 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-10). The corresponding COOH-terminal fragments, neurotensin-(11-13) and -(12-13) were metabolized further. Formation of neurotensin-(1-11) and -(1-10) was completely inhibited by phosphoramidon (Ki = 6 nM), an inhibitor of endopeptidase 24.11, but not by captopril, an inhibitor of peptidyl dipeptidase A. Incubation of neurotensin with purified endopeptidase 24.11 from pig stomach also resulted in cleavage of the Tyr-11-Ile-12 and Pro-10-Tyr-11 bonds. A minor pathway of cell-surface-mediated degradation was the phosphoramidon-insensitive cleavage of the Tyr-3-Glu-4 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-3) and neurotensin-(4-13). No evidence for specific binding sites (putative receptors) for neurotensin was found either on the intact enterocyte or on vesicles prepared from the basolateral membranes of the cells. Neurotensin-(1-8), the major circulating metabolite, was not formed when neurotensin(1-13) was incubated with cells, but represented a major metabolite (together with neurotensin-(1-10] when neurotensin-(1-11) was used as substrate. The study has shown that degradation of neurotensin in the epithelial layer of the small intestine is mediated principally through the action of endopeptidase 24.11, but this enzyme is probably not responsible for the production of the neurotensin fragments detected in the circulation.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is presented that glycosphingolipids of circulating erythrocytes are membrane-packing substances providing for an energetically cheap carbohydrate protective coat at the cell surface. The glycosphingolipids should cover the membrane surface not occupied by functional glycoproteins. This role is envisaged for the globo series of glycosphingolipids which are Pk and P antigens of human blood. Glycosphingolipids of the neolacto series terminated with non-informative A, B, H. Lewis, P1 antigenic structures as well as with sialic acid residues should serve the same purpose. These carbohydrate structures may be also used for conferring biological inertness on otherwise functionally active carbohydrate structures and provide protection for circulatory and membrane glycoproteins from proteolysis, denaturation and recognition of potentially antigenic sites of protein moieties by the immunosurveillance system of the body. At the external body surface the same carbohydrate structures may protect cells from the action of pathogenic microorganisms and other environmental factors. The roles of the above mentioned carbohydrate sequences on glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins in the development, tumorigenesis and evolution of blood group polymorphism are discussed.Abbreviations GP glycoprotein - GSL glycosphingolipid - GC glycoconjugate  相似文献   

The N-linked type of glycans were prepared as their glycopeptides after pronase digestion of the epithelial cells from the small and large intestine of two inbred strains of rat. These glycopeptides were analysed for sugar composition, for blood-group activity, by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, and after permethylation by electron-impact mass spectrometry. The glycopeptides were of the triantennary and tetraantennary types with intersected GlcNAc. The terminal parts were, in contrast to most N-linked glycans, devoid of neuraminic acid residues. Instead they contained blood-group determinants. Blood-group-H types 1 (Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc) and 2(Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) were found in the small and large intestines of both strains, although type-1 predominated. One rat strain (GOT-W) did not express blood-group-A glycopeptides in the small intestine, but the large intestine from the same strain did. The other strain (GOT-BW) expressed blood-group-A determinants in the small intestine. The lack of neuraminic acid residues in the small and large intestine and of blood-group-B activity in the large intestine differed from that found in glycosphingolipids obtained from the same organs.  相似文献   

1. Homogenization of the epithelial cells of rabbit small intestine in 0·3m-sucrose–5mm-EDTA, pH7·4, maintains intact the microvillus sheets that form the lumenal surface of the cells, the nuclei, the mitochondria and the vesicles (microsomes) formed from the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. These particulate components of the cell, and the cell-sap fraction, have been isolated by differential centrifuging of cell homogenates. 3. The nuclei and microvillus sheets sediment together and it has been impossible to separate these subcellular components by centrifugal methods. 4. The isolated subcellular fractions have been identified by a combination of light-microscopic examination, electron-microscopic examination, chemical analysis and assay for selected enzyme activities.  相似文献   

A blood group H type pentaglycosylceramide was isolated in relatively large amounts from human adult small intestine (52mg from one individual) and human meconium (fetal origin). The structure was made likely by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy of non-degraded permethylated and permethylated-LiAlH4-reduced glycolipid and by degradaton to be Fucα1 → 2GAlβ 1 → 3GlcNAcβ 1 → 3GAlβ 1 → 4Glcβ 1 → l Cer. The ceramide was composed mainly of phytosphingosine and 2-hydroxy 16–24 carbon fatty acids. This novel type 1 chain species (Galβ 1 → 3GlcNAc) was not accompanied by the type 2 chain isomer (Galβ 1 → 4GlcNAc) which in contrast is the sole species in human erythrocyte and dog small intestine.  相似文献   

The ability of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus to agglutinate human erythrocytes and to attach to rabbit epithelial cells of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts was shown to depend on the presence of ABH blood group antigens. Indeed, agglutination was inhibited by saliva from secretor individuals but not from nonsecretors, the latter being devoid of H antigen. In addition, erythrocytes of the rare Bombay phenotype, which completely lack ABH antigens, were not agglutinated. Native viral particles from extracts of infected rabbit liver as well as virus-like particles from the recombinant virus capsid protein specifically bound to synthetic A and H type 2 blood group oligosaccharides. Both types of particles could attach to adult rabbit epithelial cells of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts. This binding paralleled that of anti-H type 2 blood group reagents and was inhibited by the H type 2-specific lectin UEA-I and polyacrylamide-conjugated H type 2 trisaccharide. Young rabbit tissues were almost devoid of A and H type 2 antigens, and only very weak binding of virus particles could be obtained on these tissues.  相似文献   

1. Only a single phosphofructokinase isoenzyme is present in the mucosa of rat small intestine. 2. Mucosal phosphofructokinase was purified to yield a homogeneous preparation of specific activity 175 units/mg of protein. 3. The native enzyme is a tetramer, with monomer Mr 84 500 +/- 5000. 4. The native enzyme may be degraded by the action of endogenous proteinases to give two products with the same specific activity as the native enzyme: degradation occurs in the order native enzyme leads to proteolytic product 1 leads to proteolytic product 2. 5. Proteolytic product 1 has a greater mobility in cellulose acetate electrophoresis at pH8 and binds more strongly to DEAE-cellulose than does native enzyme; the converse is true for proteolytic product 2. 6. Proteolytic product 1 is a tetramer with a monomer Mr about 74 300; proteolytic product 2 is also a tetramer. 7. Native enzyme can only be prepared in the presence of proteinase inhibitors; partial purifications based on simple fractionation of crude mucosal extracts in the absence of proteinases inhibitors contain proteolytic product 2 as the main component and proteolytic product 1 together with little native enzyme. 8. Purified native mucosal phosphofructokinase displayed little co-operativity with respect to fructose 6-phosphate at pH 7.0 and was only weakly inhibited by ATP.  相似文献   

A novel type of blood group A-active glycosphingo-lipid was isolated from the epithelial cells of the small intestine of one strain of inbred rats. Electron-impact mass spectrometry of the permethylated and LiAlH4-reduced glycolipid indicated that it is a decaglycosylceramide with a branched oligosaccharide chain. Methylation analysis, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy of the partially methylated alditol acetates, sequential degradation by exoglycosidases and characterization of the reaction products by TLC immunostaining with appropriate anti-A and anti-H antibodies, and 1H NMR spectrometry resulted in the characterization of a decaglycosylceramide with two variants in a 7/3 ratio. It was termed AA-10. [formula: see text] The major variant has only type 1 chains, whereas the minor one has type 2 chain in the C6-linked branch. This is a novel type of glycolipid with a blood group A-active tetrasaccharide repeat. Genetic analysis demonstrated that AA-10 is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of lipoproteins has been studied in intestinal epitheliocytes of rats in normalcy and under D-hypovitaminosis. It is found that D-hypovitaminosis induces changes in the lipid and protein composition of lipoproteins. It is supposed that disturbances in biosynthesis of the lipoprotein components and their transport may be possible reasons of such changes.  相似文献   

Isolation of the epithelial cells of the rat small intestine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Synopsis Purified preparations of epithelial cells have been made from the guinea-pig small intestine. Homogenates of these preparations have been analysed by centrifugation in a zonal rotor. The results confirm the presence of lysosomes in these cells and indicate the existence of catalase particles which equilibrate in a sucrose gradient at a density of between 1.21 and 1.23 and which have a different distribution from other subcellular particles except lysosomes. Injection of Triton WR-1339 into fasting animals enables the separation of lysosomes and catalase particles.  相似文献   

The biochemical nature of the feline AB blood group system was characterized by analysing red blood cells from homozygous (genotype A/A) and heterozygous (A/B) type A, type B (B/B), and type AB cats. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) of red cell gly-colipids revealed that specific neuraminic acids (NA) on gangliosides, containing ceramide dihexoside (CDH) as a backbone, correlated with the feline AB blood group antigens. Although disialogangliosides predominated, mono- and trisialogangliosides were also isolated. B cats expressed solely N-acetyl-NA (NeuNAc) on these gangliosides. In addition to expressing N-glycolyl-NA (NeuNGc) containing gangliosides, A red cells have gangliosides with only NeuNAc or mixtures of both NA. HPTLC profiles of disialogangliosides from homozygous and heterozygous A cats differed slightly in the quantity of disialogangliosides. Equal amounts of NeuNAc and NeuNGc containing disialogangliosides, as well as two intermediary forms, were recovered from AB erythrocytes. Analysing disialogangliosides from red cells belonging to 17 genetically related cats, we consistently obtained the expected disialoganglio-side profile, based on blood typing and pedigree information. SDS-PAGE of red cell membrane proteins and blotting with Triticum vulgaris, a lectin recognizing NeuNAc, revealed glycoproteins of approximately 51, 53, and 80 kD in B and AB cats but only a faint band of approximately 53 kD in A cats. By haemagglutination, Triticum vulgaris could also distinguish different blood types by specifically binding to B and AB cells. Flow cytometry showed that more anti-B bound to B cells than anti-A bound to A cells. Although AB cells had a broad range of fluorescence when compared to the profiles seen with A and B cells, the mean fluorescence with AB cells was half of that seen with A or B. These results further characterize the antigens determining the feline AB blood group system illustrating differences between A, B and AB cats, and between homozygous and heterozygous A cats.  相似文献   

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