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Previous studies in this and other laboratories have demonstrated that IL-1, lymphotoxin (LT), and TNF rapidly stimulate a number of proinflammatory properties in cultured endothelial cells (EC) including cell-surface procoagulant activity and increased adhesivity for lymphocytes, monocytes, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In addition, we have demonstrated that LT and TNF, but not IL-1, stimulate increases in EC RNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and cellular volumes, changes which may correspond to the hypertrophy of EC seen at sites of inflammation in vivo. It is reported here that both human rIL-1 alpha and rIL-1 beta totally inhibit the increases in EC RNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and cell volumes induced by either TNF or LT. As little as 0.1 ng/ml of either IL-1 was sufficient to totally block the activation of EC induced by 100-fold higher concentrations (10 ng/ml) of either LT or TNF. The relevance of these findings to the regulation of inflammatory responses is discussed.  相似文献   

IL-2-stimulated human lymphocytes, referred to as lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, can develop a broad range of lytic activity against fresh tumor cells and cultured tumor cell lines. IL-1, a pleiotropic cytokine shown to synergize with IL-2 on LAK induction, is endogenously synthesized and secreted by LAK cells. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that IL-2-stimulated PBL produced the 31- to 34-kDa pro-molecules of IL-1 within 24 h and maintained their expression for at least 96 h. The role of secreted IL-1 has been examined using rIL-1R antagonist (IL-1ra). The addition of IL-1ra to LAK activation culture resulted in dose-dependent inhibited lytic activity, which was more apparent in LAK cells cultured with higher doses of IL-2. However, IL-1ra had no effect on proliferative responses elicited in LAK cells by IL-2. Moreover, when IL-1 binding was blocked by IL-1ra, the expression of the IL-2R p55 subunit was reduced compared with control LAK cells. The effect of IL-1 binding blockade on expression of other cytokine mRNA was further examined by polymerase chain reaction analysis, and, specifically, inhibition of both TNF-alpha and TNF-beta mRNA expression by IL-1ra was observed in PBL stimulated with IL-2. The reduced biologic activity of TNF in culture supernatants correlated well with the inhibition of mRNA expression. These findings suggest that autocrine/paracrine IL-1 is involved in the initial generation of LAK activity and, in particular, that TNF expression could be induced via an IL-1 autocrine pathway.  相似文献   

Alteration in the surface membrane of endothelial cells (EC) is a feature of endothelial activation both at sites of inflammation in vivo and after stimulation with cytokines in vitro. The effects of stimulating EC with IL-1 or TNF include enhanced adhesiveness for polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and T cells, the induction of EC leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1) expression, and the increased expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and the 1.4C3 Ag. In contrast, IFN-gamma stimulation increases EC binding of T cells but not PMN and enhances ICAM-1 expression but not ELAM-1 or 1.4C3 Ag expression. Recently we have reported that the T cell-derived cytokine IL-4 also increases EC adhesiveness for T cells but not PMN. In this study we have examined the effect of IL-4 on the expression of several cytokine-inducible EC activation Ag, by using a previously described ELISA technique. IL-4 modulation of activation Ag expression was concentration dependent, optimal at around 100 U/ml, and exhibited a unique pattern compared to that seen with the other cytokines. Although, IL-4 stimulation increased 1.4C3 Ag expression (p less than 0.001), it significantly inhibited constitutive ICAM-1 expression (p less than 0.01) and did not induce ELAM-1. Furthermore, IL-4 exhibited significant synergy with IL-1 or TNF in inducing 1.4C3 Ag expression (p less than 0.001) but inhibited the increased expression of ICAM-1 produced by IL-1, TNF, or IFN-gamma (p less than 0.01) and inhibited the induction of ELAM-1 by IL-1 and TNF (p less than 0.001). In contrast, IL-4 had no effect on the expression of EC HLA-class I, -DR, -DP, or -DQ and neither enhanced nor inhibited the effect of IFN-gamma on the expression of these molecules. Finally, although IL-4 alone caused little if any shape change in EC monolayers, it strongly synergized with TNF or IFN-gamma in causing a change in shape to a more fibroblastic morphology. These observations indicate that IL-4 increases EC adhesiveness for T cells by the induction of a different adhesion molecule to ICAM-1. Furthermore, the ability of IL-4 to both enhance and inhibit the expression of activation Ag on EC already activated by IL-1, TNF, or IFN-gamma suggests that it may be important in altering the quality of inflammatory responses such as may occur during the development and maintenance of chronic or immune-mediated inflammation.  相似文献   

The expression of membrane-associated forms of lymphotoxin (LT) and TNF were examined on cell lines of T, B, and myeloid origin, IL-2 dependent T cell clones, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Inducible and constitutive patterns of surface LT expression were found on T cells as exemplified by the II-23.D7, a CD4+T cell hybridoma, and HUT-78, a T cell lymphoma. Phorbol ester induced surface LT expression on Ramos, an EBV transformed B cell line, but at a slower rate of appearance when compared to the II-23.D7. Secretion of LT was rapidly inducible by phorbol ester in II-23.D7 and also in HUT-78 but with slower kinetics; surface LT expression continued in both lines after secretion had ceased. Low levels of membrane TNF were transiently induced on II-23.D7 and HUT-78, but none was observed on Ramos. Peripheral blood monocytes and some myeloid tumor lines did not express surface LT. Several T cell clones expressed surface LT after Ag-specific stimulation, and expression persisted several days. Stimulation through the TCR or by IL-2 rapidly induced surface LT on resting peripheral T cells and CD56+ NK cells; pokeweed mitogen activation induced expression on CD20+ B cells. Consistent with previous results, immunoprecipitation with anti-LT mAb showed that LT was complexed with a distinct 33 kDa glycoprotein (p33) on cells that expressed surface LT, whereas secreted LT was not associated with p33. Surface and secreted modes of LT expression by activated T, B, and NK cells suggests that LT can be utilized as either a localized or diffusible mediator in immune responses.  相似文献   

Analysis of the IL-6 Receptor beta chain (gp130) mRNA expression on the two human epithelial cell lines UAC and Hep3B reveals that it is enhanced by IL-6, IL-1 and TNF treatment. In the case of UAC cells, TNF action might be mediated by IL-6. For Hep3B cells, TNF seems to exert a direct effect on gp130, as no IL-6 expression is detected after stimulation by this cytokine. On the same cells, increase of the binding of an anti-gp130 monoclonal antibody was observed after treatment by TNF, which denotes the effective appearance of new gp130 molecules on the cell surface. All this cytokines seem to act selectively on the beta chain of the IL-6 receptor. This probably reflects the importance for some cells to have gp130 represented on their membrane in inflammatory contexts.  相似文献   

Induction of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity by IL-2 has been described and characterized as broadly cytolytic activity against both fresh and cultured tumors. rIL-7 in the absence of IL-2 also induces LAK activity in human cells. This activity is unique for IL-7, because it is not shared by other cytokines including IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. IL-7 also induces either de novo or increased expression of the surface markers CD25 (Tac, IL-2R alpha-chain), CD54 (ICAM-1), Mic beta 1 (IL-2R beta-chain) and CD69 (early T cell activation Ag). IL-7-induced LAK activity is independent of IL-2 secretion, because it is not abrogated by IL-2 antisera. The LAK precursor responding to IL-7 stimulation is enriched in the null cell fraction as has been demonstrated for IL-2-induced LAK cells. TGF-beta and IL-4 interfere with generation of LAK activity by IL-7. Anti-IL-4 antiserum enhances IL-7-induced LAK activity and augments induction of surface marker expression by IL-7. This may be indirect evidence that IL-7 stimulation leads to induction of IL-4 activity. Our results describe the activation of mature lymphoid cells by IL-7. This and the previously described role of IL-7 in lymphohemopoiesis makes it a cytokine of potential therapeutic value for treatment of immunodeficiency states and possibly the immunotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   

The effect of rTNF-alpha on human T cell function was examined and compared with that of rIL-1 beta by assessing the ability of each cytokine to support mitogen-induced proliferation, IL-2 production, and IL-2R expression. TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta each enhanced DNA synthesis induced by PHA or immobilized mAb to the CD3 molecular complex. In addition, each cytokine increased the number of cells entering the G1 phase of the cell cycle and augmented IL-2R expression. The combination of optimal concentrations of these factors supported these responses to a greater extent than either cytokine alone, suggesting that T cell responsiveness is independently regulated by the action of at least two separate monocyte derived cytokines. Whereas TNF-alpha had little effect, IL-1 beta augmented IL-2 mRNA expression and IL-2 production by mitogen-stimulated cells. Furthermore, IL-1 beta enhanced proliferation with increasing length of culture. Whereas TNF-alpha also enhanced proliferation late in culture, it was less effective in this regard than IL-1 beta. Thus, IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha augment mitogen-induced T cell proliferation by increasing the number of cells initially activated and by promoting subsequent cell cycle progression. They differ, however, in their capacity to promote IL-2 mRNA and IL-2 production and therefore ongoing T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

IL-1 and IL-4 modulate IL-1 receptor expression in a murine T cell line   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The combination of IL-1 and IL-4 stimulates the proliferation of certain murine T cell populations. Although this effect has been best characterized for a number of murine type 2 Th cell (Th2) clones, the mechanism(s) by which these cytokines effect this response is unclear. We have examined the effects of IL-1 and IL-4 on IL-1R expression by MD10 cells, and IL-1-responsive murine T cell line. These cells bear specific IL-1R, which bind human and murine IL-1 alpha and -beta. The measured apparent IL-1R dissociation constant ranged from 41 to 255 pM using 125I-HrIL-1 alpha. Cross-linking studies demonstrated two different 125I-HrIL-1 alpha binding complexes having Mr of 70,000 and 130,000 to 156,000. When removed from passage conditions and placed in non-growth factor-supplemented media, MD10 IL-1R expression spontaneously increased two- to fourfold over the first 11 to 12 h of culture followed by a decline. This phenomenon is partially inhibitable by cycloheximide suggesting that protein synthesis is involved. In agreement with other reports, HrIL-1 alpha down-regulated the expression of its own receptor with an ED50 of between 1 and 10 pM HrIL-1 alpha for this effect. In most experiments, low amounts of HrIL-1 alpha (1.0, 0.1 pM) significantly augmented IL-1R expression. Scatchard analysis of data obtained with all HrIL-1 alpha treatment conditions showed that the effects were due to a change in receptor number, not affinity. Significantly, purified murine IL-4 (MpIL-4) augmented MD10 IL-1R expression in both a time- and dose-dependent fashion. In the presence of 50 U/ml MpIL-4, MD10 IL-1R expression increased two- to threefold after 24 h without a change in receptor affinity. When MpIL-4 (50 U/ml) and various amounts of HrIL-1 alpha (.01-1000 pM) were co-added, the down-regulatory effect of high levels of HrIL-1 alpha was significantly antagonized. When added to cultures after 24 h of HrIL-1 alpha (100 pM) treatment, MpIL-4 reversed the IL-1R down-regulatory effect induced by high levels of HrIL-1 alpha. Finally, when combined in MD10 proliferation assays, MpIL-4 synergistically enhanced the proliferation of MD10 cells treated with suboptimal levels of HrIL-1 alpha.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of IL-6 in the antiproliferative effect of IL-1 for tumor cell lines was investigated using IL-1-sensitive cell lines. Human recombinant IL-1 alpha and IL-6 both inhibited the growth of an IL-1-sensitive cloned human melanoma cell line (A375-C6). However, IL-1 has greater maximum growth inhibitory activity than IL-6. Conditioned medium of the tumor cells that were treated with IL-1 contained IL-6 as determined by ELISA. Northern blot analysis revealed that IL-6 mRNA expression increased in IL-1-treated cells. In addition, antibody against human IL-6 neutralized about 50% of the antiproliferative effect of IL-1. The growth of an IL-1-resistant clone of A375 cells (A375-C5), which cannot be shown to express any detectable IL-1R, was inhibited by IL-6 to the same degree as A375-C6 cells. The A375-C5 cell line did not produce IL-6 or increase IL-6 mRNA after stimulation with IL-1. These results indicate that IL-6 mediates in part the antiproliferative effect of IL-1 on A375-C6 cells by acting as an autocrine antiproliferative factor. IL-1 also inhibited the growth of a malignant human mammary cell line (MDA-MB-415). IL-6 exhibited only slight growth inhibition in this cell line. Neither IL-6 production nor IL-6 mRNA expression was induced in this cell line by IL-1. Antibody against IL-6 did not neutralize the antiproliferative effect of IL-1. Therefore, for MDA-MB-415 cells IL-6 appeared not to be involved in the antiproliferative effect of IL-1. These results indicate that the antiproliferative effect of IL-1 involves at least two pathways, one IL-6 dependent and another IL-6 independent. The contribution of IL-6 to the antiproliferative effect of TNF was also examined. IL-6 appeared not to play a role in the antiproliferative effect of TNF in these cell lines.  相似文献   

The in vitro incubation of B6 splenocytes with purified, mouse rIL-4 for 4 to 5 days was sufficient to generate lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. In addition, rIL-4 augmented LAK cytotoxic activity when combined with rIL-2, as measured in a 4 h 51Cr-release assay against fresh, syngeneic MCA-sarcoma (MCA-102 and MCA-105) cells. Interestingly, this augmentation was not observed against the cultured YAC-1 target. LAK generation and augmentation of cytotoxicity by rIL-4 was species-specific, because human rIL-4 (up to 20,000 U/ml) failed to elicit these effects in the mouse splenocyte cultures. When 5-day B6 LAK cells (splenocytes incubated in rIL-2 at 1000 U/ml for 5 days) were split and recultured in the combination of rIL-2 plus rIL-4 for 4 additional days at least a twofold greater expansion in cell number resulted compared to similar cells cultured in either rIL-2 or rIL-4 alone. Moreover, LAK cells expanded in rIL-2 plus rIL-4 exhibited substantial increases in in vitro cytolytic activity (on a per cell basis) against MCA-102 and MCA-105 sarcoma cells, but not against YAC-1 targets. FACS analysis or negative selection using Lyt-2 or NK-1.1 mAb plus C revealed no differences in effector phenotype(s) of LAK cells expanded in rIL-2 alone compared to rIL-2 plus rIL-4 to account for the differences observed in both expansion and cytolytic activity by rIL-4. The majority of cells was Thy-1+, Lyt-2+, T3+, and ASGM-1+. However, a marked increase in the granule-associated serine esterase, BLT-E, was found only in LAK cells expanded in the combination of both lymphokines. Collectively, these studies show that rIL-4 has potent regulatory activities on splenic LAK generation, expansion, and cytotoxic function in the mouse.  相似文献   

It has been recognized that protease-activated receptors (PARs), interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-6 are involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases, and that IL-12 plays a role in adaptive immune response. However, little is known of the effect of IL-12 on protease-induced cytokine release from mast cells. In the present study, we examined potential influence of IL-12 on mast cell PAR expression and IL-4 and IL-6 release. The results showed that IL-12 downregulated the expression of PAR-2 and upregulated expression of PAR-4 on P815 cells. It also downregulated expression of PAR-2 mRNA, and upregulated expression of PAR-1, PAR-3 and PAR-4 mRNAs. However, IL-12 enhanced trypsin- and tryptase-induced PAR-2 and PAR-2 mRNA expression. It was observed that IL-12 induced release of IL-4, but reduced trypsin- and tryptase-stimulated IL-4 secretion from P815 cells. PD98059, U0126 and LY294002 not only abolished IL-12-induced IL-4 release but also inhibited IL-12-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and Akt. In conclusion, IL-12 may serve as a regulator in keeping the balance of Th1 and Th2 cytokine production in allergic inflammation.  相似文献   

Increased plasma- and tissue levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) during inflammatory diseases, have suggested a role of ET-1 in the pathophysiology of inflammatory reactions. The authors have studied the effect of ET-1 on cytokine release from monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. ET-1 increased secretion of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6 in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Optimal ET-1 concentration ranged from 0.01 to 1 nM. The maximal response was a 200 to 400% increase in cytokine release. A time-course study revealed that the pattern of cytokines induced by ET-1 was different in monocytes and macrophages, although an early increase in TNF-alpha was observed in both monocyte and macrophage supernatants. In conclusion, ET-1 stimulates monocytes and macrophages to release cytokines thereby demonstrating a potential role for ET-1 in regulation of inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cells from atopic blood donors showed increased IL-3 steady state mRNA levels. This finding complemented our earlier observations that cells from atopics also showed increased IL-4 but decreased IFN-gamma, IL-1 beta and IL-6 mRNA levels. Therefore, we investigated the effect of human recombinant IL-4 on cytokines mRNA levels in mononuclear cells from normals and atopics. In the presence of IL-4 steady state levels of IL-1 beta and IL-6 mRNA were decreased even if cells were co-stimulated with polyclonal activators such as PMA, PWM or PHA. No influence of IL-4 on granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-3 or IFN-gamma mRNA levels was observed with the exception of a decreased IFN-gamma mRNA level in PWM stimulated cells.  相似文献   

Chin YR  Horwitz MS 《Journal of virology》2005,79(21):13606-13617
Proteins encoded in adenovirus early region 3 have important immunoregulatory properties. We have recently shown that the E3-10.4K/14.5K (RIDalpha/beta) complex downregulates tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) expression at the plasma membrane. To study the role of the RIDbeta tyrosine sorting motif in the removal of surface TNFR1, tyrosine 122 on RIDbeta was mutated to alanine or phenylalanine. Both RIDbeta mutations not only abolished the downregulation of surface TNFR1 but paradoxically increased surface TNFR1 levels. RID also downregulates other death receptors, such as FAS; however, surface FAS expression was not increased by RIDbeta mutants, suggesting that regulation of TNFR1 and that of FAS by RID are mechanistically different. In the mixing experiments, the wild-type (WT) RID-mediated TNFR1 downregulation was partially inhibited in the presence of RIDbeta mutants, indicating that the mutants compete for TNFR1 access. Indeed, an association between RIDbeta and TNFR1 was shown by coimmunoprecipitation. In contrast, the mutants did not affect the WT RID-induced downregulation of FAS. These differential effects support a model in which RID associates with TNFR1 on the plasma membrane, whereas RID probably associates with FAS in a cytoplasmic compartment. By using small interfering RNA against the mu2 subunit of adaptor protein 2, dominant negative dynamin construct K44A, and the lysosomotropic agents bafilomycin A1 and ammonium chloride, we also demonstrated that surface TNFR1 was internalized by RID by a clathrin-dependent process involving mu2 and dynamin, followed by degradation of TNFR1 via an endosomal/lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

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