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Single-stranded DNA released from E. coli wild type and mutant cells by alkaline-EDTA-detergent was analyzed using the recently developed biophysical technique of viscoelastometry. Under the lysis conditions used, it was possible to detect single strands of molecular weight approximately 2 times 10-9 daltons. Little difference was detected in the size of single-stranded DNA from log phase vs. stationary phase cultures, or from cells treated with chloramphenicol to allow completion of replicating chromosomes. The largest single strands from ligase overproducing, endonuclease minus, and pol A1 mutants were likewise of approximately the same size as wild type, but were present in smaller yields. The reduction in single-strand molecular weight as a result of heating intact cells was investigated as a function of time and temperature. Heating at 37 degrees C for up to 20 min produced no additional single-strand breaks, but temperatures from 45 to 65 degrees introduced breaks. Solutions maintained at pH 12.5 were not stable indefinitely, and the relative viscosity of such solutions was found to decrease over a period of several hours.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) plays an important role in DNA replication, repair and recombination. To study the biochemical properties of SSB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB), we have used the recently published genome sequence to clone the ssb open reading frame by PCR and have developed an overexpression system. Sequence comparison reveals that the MtuSSB lacks many of the highly conserved amino acids crucial for the Escherichia coli SSB (EcoSSB) structure-function relationship. A highly conserved His55, important for homotetramerization of EcoSSB is represented by a leucine in MtuSSB. Similarly, Trp40, Trp54 and Trp88 of EcoSSB required for stabilizing SSB-DNA complexes are represented by Ile40, Phe54 and Phe88 in MtuSSB. In addition, a group of positively charged amino acids oriented towards the DNA binding cleft in EcoSSB contains several nonconserved changes in MtuSSB. We show that in spite of these changes in the primary sequence MtuSSB is similar to EcoSSB in its biochemical properties. It exists as a tetramer, it has the same minimal size requirement for its efficient binding to DNA and its binding affinity towards DNA oligonucleotides is indistinguishable from that of EcoSSB. Furthermore, MtuSSB interacts with DNA in at least two distinct modes corresponding to the SSB35 and SSB56/65 modes of EcoSSB interaction with DNA. However, MtuSSB does not form heterotetramers with EcoSSB. MtuSSB therefore presents us with an interesting system with which to investigate further the role of the conserved amino acids in the biological properties of SSBs.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and convenient procedure for the determination of concentrations and extinction coefficients of oligo- and polynucleotides. It offers significant advantages over other methods in terms of precision and the ability to detect artifactual or erroneous results. Samples are first completely digested with appropriate enzymes to mononucleotides and nucleosides. Using the multicomponent linear regression capabilities of commonly available spreadsheet programs, the absorbance spectrum of the digest can be analyzed as a linear combination of the contribution of the possible constituent monomers. If all the spectral components present have been included, the analysis yields the concentration of each of the monomer species whose sum is the concentration (in monomer units) of the original undigested sample. When combined with the predigest absorbance spectrum, the extinction coefficients of the intact sample can then be calculated. The analysis also yields the fractional base composition of the oligomer or polymer. The extensive spectral data provided by digital read-outs of modern spectrophotometers permit the application of sensitive tests of the goodness of fit, thus facilitating the detection of artifacts and sample inhomogeneity. Both single-strand and duplex structures can be analyzed comfortably in sample sizes of 25 to 35 nmol (total) of mononucleotides with a precision of 1%. The concentrations obtained by this method agree, on the average, within 0.2% with those determined by phosphate analysis of the same sample. The method also yields the base composition with an accuracy of ca. 5% for high-molecular-weight polymers and 2% for short oligomers (15-20 bp) when compared to the predicted values.  相似文献   

Melting behavior of a covalently closed, single-stranded, circular DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We synthesized the 26-residue deoxynucleotide sequence d(TTCCT5GGAATTCCT5GGAA) which folds intramolecularly to form a dumbbell-shaped, double-hairpin structure with a gap between the 3' and the 5' ends. We used T4 polynucleotide kinase to phosphorylate the 5' end followed by T4 DNA ligase to close the 3' and 5' ends. Melting of the dumbbell structure formed by this ligated sequence produces a covalently closed, single-stranded, circular final state. We employed calorimetric and spectroscopic techniques to characterize thermodynamically the melting behavior of the ligated molecule and compared it with the corresponding melting behavior of its unligated precursor. This comparison allowed us to characterize uniquely the influence of single-stranded ring closure on intramolecular duplex melting. The data reveal that ring closure produces a thermally more stable structure which exhibits significantly altered melting thermodynamics. We rationalize these thermodynamic differences in terms of differential solvation and differential counterion association between the ligated and unligated molecules. We also note the importance of such constrained dumbbell structures as models for hairpins, cruciforms, and locally melted domains within naturally occurring DNA polymers.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein is a non-sequence-specific DNA binding protein that functions as an accessory factor for the RecA protein-promoted three-strand exchange reaction. An open reading frame encoding a protein similar in size and sequence to the E. coli SSB protein has been identified in the Streptococcus pneumoniae genome. The open reading frame has been cloned, an overexpression system has been developed, and the protein has been purified to greater than 99% homogeneity. The purified protein binds to ssDNA in a manner similar to that of the E. coli SSB protein. The protein also stimulates the S. pneumoniae RecA protein and E. coli RecA protein-promoted strand exchange reactions to an extent similar to that observed with the E. coli SSB protein. These results indicate that the protein is the S. pneumoniae analog of the E. coli SSB protein. The availability of highly-purified S. pneumoniae SSB protein will facilitate the study of the molecular mechanisms of RecA protein-mediated transformational recombination in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Rep helicase is a stable monomer (Mr = 72,802) in the absence of DNA; however, binding of single-stranded (ss) or duplex (ds) DNA induces Rep monomers to dimerize. Furthermore, a chemically cross-linked Rep dimer retains both its DNA-dependent ATPase and helicase activities, suggesting that the functionally active Rep helicase is a dimer (Chao, K., and Lohman, T. M. (1991) J. Mol. Biol. 221, 1165-1181). Using a modified "double-filter" nitrocellulose filter binding assay, we have examined quantitatively the equilibrium binding of Rep to a series of ss-oligodeoxynucleotides, d(pN)n (8 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 20) and two 16-base pair duplex oligodeoxynucleotides, which are short enough so that only a single Rep monomer can bind to each oligonucleotide. This strategy has enabled us to examine the linkage between DNA binding and dimerization. We also present a statistical thermodynamic model to describe the DNA-induced Rep dimerization in the presence of ss- and/or ds-oligodeoxynucleotides. We observe quantitative agreement between this model and the experimental binding isotherms and have analyzed these isotherms to obtain the seven independent interaction constants that describe Rep-DNA binding and Rep dimerization. We find that Rep monomers (P) can bind either ss-DNA (S) or ds-DNA (D) to form PS or PD, respectively, which can then dimerize to form P2S or P2D. Furthermore, both protomers of the DNA-induced Rep dimer can bind DNA to form either P2S2, P2D2 or the mixed dimer species P2SD and ss- and ds-DNA compete for the same sites on the Rep protein. When bound to DNA, the Rep dimerization constants are approximately 1-2 x 10(8) M-1 (6 mM NaCl, pH 7.5, 4 degrees C), which are greater than the dimerization constant for free Rep monomers by at least 10(4)-fold. The Rep-ss-DNA interaction constants are independent of base composition and sequence, consistent with its role as a nonspecific DNA-binding protein. Allosteric effects are associated with ss- and ds-DNA binding to the half-saturated Rep dimers, i.e. the affinity of either ss- or ds-DNA to the free promoter of a half-saturated Rep dimer is clearly influenced by the conformation of DNA bound to the first protomer. These allosteric effects further support the proposal that the Rep dimer is functionally important and that the Rep-DNA species P2S2 and P2SD may serve as useful models for intermediates that occur during DNA unwinding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The product of the gene mutated in Bloom's syndrome, BLM, is a 3′–5′ DNA helicase belonging to the highly conserved RecQ family. In addition to a conventional DNA strand separation activity, BLM catalyzes both the disruption of non-B-form DNA, such as G-quadruplexes, and the branch migration of Holliday junctions. Here, we have characterized a new activity for BLM: the promotion of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) annealing. This activity does not require Mg2+, is inhibited by ssDNA binding proteins and ATP, and is dependent on DNA length. Through analysis of various truncation mutants of BLM, we show that the C-terminal domain is essential for strand annealing and identify a 60 amino acid stretch of this domain as being important for both ssDNA binding and strand annealing. We present a model in which the ssDNA annealing activity of BLM facilitates its role in the processing of DNA intermediates that arise during repair of damaged replication forks.  相似文献   

Duplex DNA with a contiguous single-stranded tail was nearly as effective as single-stranded DNA in acting as a cofactor for the ATPase activity of recA protein at neutral pH and concentrations of MgCl2 that support homologous pairing. The ATP hydrolysis reached a steady state rate that was proportional to the length of the duplex DNA attached to a short 5' single-stranded tail after a lag. Separation of the single-stranded tail from most of the duplex portion of the molecule by restriction enzyme cleavage led to a gradual decline in ATP hydrolysis. Measurement of the rate of hydrolysis as a function of DNA concentration for both tailed duplex DNA and single-stranded DNA cofactors indicated that the binding site size of recA protein on a duplex DNA lattice, about 4 base pairs, is similar to that on a single-stranded DNA lattice, about four nucleotides. The length of the lag phase preceding steady state hydrolysis depended on the DNA concentration, length of the duplex region, and the polarity of the single-stranded tail, but was comparatively independent of tail length for tails over 70 nucleotides in length. The lag was 5-10 times longer for 3' than for 5' single-stranded tailed duplex DNA molecules, whereas the steady state rates of hydrolysis were lower. These observations show that, after nucleation of a recA protein complex on the single-stranded tail, the protein samples the entire duplex region via an interaction that is labile and not strongly polarized.  相似文献   

In the pairing reaction between circular gapped and fully duplex DNA, RecA protein first polymerizes on the gapped DNA to form a nucleoprotein filament. Conditions that removed the formation of secondary structure in the gapped DNA, such as addition of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein or preincubation in 1 mM-MgCl2, optimized the binding of RecA protein and increased the formation of joint molecules. The gapped duplex formed stable joints with fully duplex DNA that had a 5' or 3' terminus complementary to the single-stranded region of the gapped molecule. However, the joints formed had distinct properties and structures depending on whether the complementary terminus was at the 5' or 3' end. Pairing between gapped DNA and fully duplex linear DNA with a 3' complementary terminus resulted in strand displacement, symmetric strand exchange and formation of complete strand exchange products. By contrast, pairing between gapped and fully duplex DNA with a 5' complementary terminus produced a joint that was restricted to the gapped region; there was no strand displacement or symmetric strand exchange. The joint formed in the latter reaction was likely a three-stranded intermediate rather than a heteroduplex with the classical Watson-Crick structure. We conclude that, as in the three-strand reaction, the process of strand exchange in the four-strand reaction is polar and progresses in a 5' to 3' direction with respect to the initiating strand. The present study provides further evidence that in both three-strand and four-strand systems the pairing and strand exchange reactions share a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The structure of DNA from the temperate Bacillus subtilis phage phi105 was examined by using the restriction endonuclease EcoRI and by sedimentation analysis. The DNA contains six EcoRI cleavage sites. Although eight DNA fragments were identified in the EcoRI digests, the largest of these was shown to consist of the two fragments that carry the cohesive ends of the phage DNA. In neutral gradients, the majority of whole phi105 DNA sedimented as nicked circles and the remainder as oligomers. No unit-length linear structures were detected. The associated cohesive ends could be sealed by DNA ligase from Escherichia coli and could be cleaved by S1 nuclease. On the basis of these results and previously reported studies, it appears that, as isolated from phage particles, phi105 DNA is a circular molecule that is formed from the linear structure by the association of complementary single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis Marburg TI (thy,trpC2) has at least four endonuclease activities as assayed by measuring the conversion of single-stranded circular f1 DNA to the linear form by agarose gel electrophoresis. One of them, which is specific for single-stranded DNA (named endonuclease MII), was purified about 320 times by two chromatographic steps and gel filtration, thereby eliminating exonuclease and phosphomonoesterase activities. This activity requires divalent cations but does not require ATP. The molecular weight estimated by gel filtration was about 57,000 daltons. The cleavage products have 5'-phosphoryl termini. At low concentrations, double-stranded DNA is not split to any detectable extent. At high concentrations, however, double-stranded superhelical DNA is attacked to yield open-circular and linear DNA's. The activity of the enzyme towards single-stranded circular DNA relative to that towards double-stranded linear DNA was calculated to be approximately 5,000:1 by comparing the initial rates of introducing single-strand breaks into the DNA's.  相似文献   

An open reading frame encoding a protein similar in size and sequence to the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB protein) was identified in the Herbaspirillum seropedicae genome. This open reading frame was cloned into the expression plasmid pET14b. The SSB protein from H. seropedicae, named Hs_SSB, was overexpressed in E. coli strain BL21(DE3) and purified to homogeneity. Mass spectrometry data confirmed the identity of this protein. The apparent molecular mass of the native Hs_SSB was estimated by gel filtration, suggesting that the native protein is a tetramer made up of four similar subunits. The purified protein binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a similar manner to other SSB proteins. The production of this recombinant protein in good yield opens up the possibility of obtaining its 3D-structure and will help further investigations into DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Dimeric circular duplex DNA of bacteriophage phiX174 and recombination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Bacteriophage X174 replicative from DNA (RF DNA) was formed in the presence of chloramphenicol at a concentration of 40 g per ml and isolated at 12 and at 55 min. after infection. The component I RF DNA (double stranded covalently closed and twisted form) was separated and divided into a monomer and multimer (dimer) fraction.The frequency of recombinants found after phage formation in the chloramphenicol treated cells and that found after spheroplast infection with the monomer molecules both increase with the time of RF formation. However, the frequency of recombinant molecules among the dimers remained constant. This finding is explained by the hypothesis that two separate mechanisms act in X174 recombination, one of which is restricted to the formation of dimers.Irradiation with UV of phage prior to infection showed that the frequency of recombinants in monomers increased, as the recombination frequency of phage after (a single) growth (step) did, but that neither the frequency of recombinant molecules in dimers is raised, nor the frequency of dimers. Using a recombination negative host the frequency of recombinant dimer molecules was three to fourfold decreased, whereas the frequency of dimers was only slightly lower (relative to the normal host). These results support the hypothesis mentioned above and moreover lend support to the view that the greater part of the dimers is not formed by recombination events.  相似文献   

The preparation of single-stranded DNA from double-stranded PCR products is an essential step in the identification of aptamers by Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). The most widely used method for producing single-stranded DNA is alkaline denaturation of biotinylated PCR products attached to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Recently, it has been suggested that this method may be unsuitable due to the release of interfering amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA. In this article, the alkaline method is compared with a thermal method that is known to release significant amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA. Results show that trace amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA are released in the alkaline method, but this can be curtailed by preconditioning the beads in aqueous sodium hydroxide. The main product in the alkaline method is single-stranded DNA, which is produced in high yield.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  J Lee  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1482-1494
The single-stranded DNA binding protein of Escherichia coli (SSB) stimulates recA protein promoted DNA strand exchange reactions by promoting and stabilizing the interaction between recA protein and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Utilizing the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of SSB, an ATP-dependent interaction has been detected between SSB and recA-ssDNA complexes. This interaction is continuous for periods exceeding 1 h under conditions that are optimal for DNA strand exchange. Our data suggest that this interaction does not involve significant displacement of recA protein in the complex by SSB when ATP is present. The properties of this interaction are consistent with the properties of SSB-stabilized recA-ssDNA complexes determined by other methods. The data are incompatible with models in which SSB is displaced after functioning transiently in the formation of recA-ssDNA complexes. A continuous association of SSB with recA-ssDNA complexes may therefore be an important feature of the mechanism by which SSB stimulates recA protein promoted reactions.  相似文献   

Specimen-tilting in an electron microscope was used to determine the three-dimensional architecture of the helical complexes formed with DNA by the closely related single-stranded DNA binding proteins of fd and IKe filamentous viruses. The fd gene 5 protein is the only member of the DNA-helix-destabilizing class of proteins whose structure has been determined crystallographically, and yet a parameter essential to molecular modeling of the co-operative interaction of this protein with DNA, the helix handedness, has not been available prior to this work. We find that complexes formed by titrating fd viral DNA with either the fd or IKe gene 5 protein have a left-handed helical sense. Complexes isolated from Escherichia coli infected by fd virus are also found to be left-handed helical; hence, the left-handed fd helices are not an artefact of reconstitution in vitro. Because the proteins and nucleic acid of the complexes are composed of asymmetric units which cannot be fitted equivalently to right-handed and left-handed helices, these results rule out a previous computer graphics atomic model for the helical fd complexes: a right-handed helix had been assumed for the model. Our work provides a defined three-dimensional structural framework within which to model the protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions of two structurally related proteins that bind contiguously and co-operatively on single-stranded DNAs.  相似文献   

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