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Bovine thrombin was immobilized on sepharose 4B through an oxidized sialic acid group on its B chain. The immobilized thrombin was reduced with β-mercaptoethanol in 8 m urea under conditions that were shown to be sufficient to reduce the disulfide bond connecting the A and B chains. The immobilized B chain that remained after the A chain was washed away was allowed to refold, and the disulfide bonds were reoxidized with a mixture of oxidized and reduced glutathione under anaerobic conditions. The refolded immobilized B chain exhibited 15–25% of the tosyl-l-arginine methyl ester esterase activity of the immobilized thrombin and a significant amount of fibrinogen clotting activity. The immobilized B chain behaved qualitatively like immobilized thrombin towards two oligopeptide fibrinogen-like substrates and showed no activity towards lysine or arginine peptide bonds in a fragment of ribonuclease.Since the recovered activity was greater than that computed for a random refolding of seven -SH groups to form three SS bonds, it is concluded that the B chain retains a sufficient number of interacting groups to refold correctly, and it is suggested that prothrombin might fold in localized domains with only weak interactions between domains. The behavior of the B chain towards the substrates tested suggests that the A chain does not play a significant role in determining the catalytic specificity of thrombin or in distinguishing its specificity from that of trypsin.  相似文献   

Differences between transfer RNA molecules   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Computer-assisted comparisons of 67 tRNA sequences that function in Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium were used to identify single and multiple nucleotide positions that maximally distinguish the 20 amino acid acceptor groups. Positions in the anticodon were identified most frequently, as expected from the decoding function of this region of the tRNA. The biological function, if any, of positions outside the anticodon may include specificity for aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes.  相似文献   

Mixtures of 17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-[16,16,17 alpha-2H3]androstan-3-one 17-sulphate and 5 alpha-[3 beta (or 3 alpha)-2H]androstane-3 alpha (or 3 beta), 17 beta-diol 17-sulphate were incubated with isolated hepatocytes from female rats or infused intravenously in female rats with bile fistulas. The androstanediols formed were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Metabolism of 3H-labelled steroids was also studied in corresponding experiments. Isolated hepatocytes rapidly reduced the 3-oxosteroid to the corresponding 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid, which was more rapidly sulphated than the incubated 3 alpha-androstanediol. The 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid was extensively oxidoreduced both in vivo and in isolated hepatocytes. The intermediate formed during oxidoreduction in vivo was incompletely mixed with the infused 3-oxosteroid indicating extrahepatic uptake of the latter. The 3 beta-hydroxysteroid was sulphated without significant oxidoreduction and a minor fraction was converted to 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid both in vivo and in isolated hepatocytes. The incubated 3 beta-hydroxysteroid contributed more to the disulphate of the isolated 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid than to the monosulphate, indicating that the incubated 3-oxosteroid and the intermediate in the inversion were not completely mixed. Deuterium from the 3 beta- or 3 alpha-positions of the incubated [3-2H]androstanediols was not incorporated in androstanediol molecules derived from the 3-oxosteroid. However, both in vivo and in isolated hepatocytes the 5 alpha-[3 alpha-2H]androstane-3 beta,17 beta-diol 17-sulphate molecules which underwent inversion at C-3 retained 50-80% of the deuterium. This indicates that the inversion was not caused by two separate oxidoreductases.  相似文献   

The Ku protein is an essential protein for DNA double-strand-break repair by the pathway of nonhomologous DNA end-joining (NHEJ). A previous study showed that Ku bound to one DNA molecule could transfer directly to another DNA molecule without being released into the solution first. Direct transfer requires the two DNA molecules having homologous cohesive ends with a minimum of four complementary bases. Results of this study reveal that direct transfer activity of Ku is regulated by NaCl and MgCl2. Increasing either one of the two cations can decrease the required amount of the other. However, the DNA end-binding activity of Ku is not affected by changing the concentration of the cations, indicating that the two activities are regulated independently. Most importantly, the results also show that Ku can transfer directly from one DNA molecule to another one with nonhomologous ends under the condition of 200 mM NaCl and 5mM MgCl2. The ability of direct transfer between DNAs with nonhomologous ends suggests that Ku can align or juxtapose two DNA ends during NHEJ.  相似文献   

Electron transfer within and between haemoprotein molecules   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Interactions involving hydrogen transfer were studied in a coculture of two hyperthermophilic microorganisms: Thermotoga maritima, an anaerobic heterotroph, and Methanococcus jannaschii, a hydrogenotrophic methanogen. Cell densities of T. maritima increased 10-fold when cocultured with M. jannaschii at 85 degrees C, and the methanogen was able to grow in the absence of externally supplied H(2) and CO(2). The coculture could not be established if the two organisms were physically separated by a dialysis membrane, suggesting the importance of spatial proximity. The significance of spatial proximity was also supported by cell cytometry, where the methanogen was only found in cell sorts at or above 4.5 mum in samples of the coculture in exponential phase. An unstructured mathematical model was used to compare the influence of hydrogen transport and metabolic properties on mesophilic and hyperthermophilic cocultures. Calculations suggest the increases in methanogenesis rates with temperature result from greater interactions between the methanogenic and fermentative organisms, as evidenced by the sharp decline in H(2) concentration in the proximity of a hyperthermophilic methanogen. The experimental and modeling results presented here illustrate the need to consider the interactions within hyperthermophilic consortia when choosing isolation strategies and evaluating biotransformations at elevated temperatures. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 268-278, 1997.  相似文献   

The purified ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum was covalently labeled with N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (1,5-IAEDANS) or with iodoacetamidofluorescein (IAF). In reconstituted vesicles containing both types of ATPase molecules fluorescence energy transfer was observed from the IAEDANS (donor) to the IAF (acceptor) fluorophore as determined by the ratio of donor and acceptor fluorescence intensities, and by nanosecond decay measurements of donor fluorescence in the presence or absence of the acceptor. The observed energy transfer may arise by random collisions between ATPase molecules due to Brownian motion or by formation of complexes containing several ATPase molecules. Experimental distinction between these two models of energy transfer is possible based on predictions derived from mathematical models. Up to tenfold dilution of the lipid phase of reconstituted vesicles with egg lecithin had no measurable effect upon the energy transfer, suggesting that random collision between ATPase molecules in the lipid phase is not the principal cause of the observed effect. Addition of unlabeled ATPase in five- to tenfold molar excess over the labeled molecules abolished energy transfer. These observations together with electron microscopic and chemical cross-linking studies support the existence of ATPase oligomers in the membrane with sufficiently long lifetimes for energy transfer to occur. A hypothetical equilibrium between monomeric and tetrameric forms of the ATPase governed by the membrane potential is proposed as the structural basis of the regulation of Ca uptake and release by sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes during muscle contraction and relaxation.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed the presence in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plasmalemma vesicles of an NAD(P)H oxidase, active at pH 4.5-5.0, which elicits the formation of anion superoxide (Vianello and Macrí (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 980, 202-208). In this work, we studied the role of hydrogen peroxide and iron ions upon this oxidase activity. NADH oxidation was stimulated by ferrous ions and, to a lesser extent, by ferric ions. Salicylate and benzoate, two known hydroxyl radical scavengers, inhibited both basal and iron-stimulated NADH oxidase activity. The iron chelators EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and DFA (deferoxamine melysate) at high concentrations (2 mM) inhibited the NADH oxidation, whereas they were ineffective at lower concentrations (80 microM); the subsequent addition of ferrous ions caused a rapid and limited increase of oxygen consumption which later ceased. Hydrogen peroxide was not detected during NADH oxidation but, in the presence of salicylate, its formation was found in significant amounts. NADH oxidase activity was also associated to a Fe2+ oxidation which was only partially inhibited by salicylate. Ferrous ion oxidation was partially inhibited by catalase and prevented by superoxide dismutase, while ferric ion reduction was abolished by catalase and unaffected by superoxide dismutase. These results show that during NADH oxidation iron ions undergo oxidoreduction and that hydrogen peroxide is produced and rapidly consumed. As previously suggested, this oxidation appears linked to the univalent oxidoreduction of iron ions by a reduced flavoprotein of radish plasmalemma which is then converted to a radical form. The latter, reacting with oxygen generates the superoxide anion which dismutases to H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide, through a Fenton's reaction, may react with Fe2+ to produce hydroxyl radicals, or with Fe3+ to generate the superoxide anion.  相似文献   

In vivo synaptogenesis is described in a simple vertebrate system, the chick ciliary ganglion, a parasympathetic autonomic ganglion. An attempt is made to integrate anatomical, physiological and biochemical observations during synapse formation in the ganglion and in the peripheral target structures; the iris, ciliary muscle, and smooth muscle of the choroid coat. The relationship between synaptogenesis and neuron survival is explored, and it is shown that a critically timed interaction between the neuron and target organ is necessary for full neuronal maturation and survival. The existence of an active competition between neurons for survival is documented, and the possible relationship between neuronal cell death and specificity of connections is discussed.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules associate with peptides through pocket interactions and the formation of hydrogen bonds. The current paradigm suggests that the interaction of side chains of the peptide with pockets in the class II molecule is responsible for the formation of stable class II-peptide complexes. However, recent evidence has shown that the formation of hydrogen bonds between genetically conserved residues of the class II molecule and the main chain of the peptide contributes profoundly to peptide stability. In this study, we have used I-A(k), a class II molecule known to form strong pocket interactions with bound peptides, to probe the general importance of hydrogen bond integrity in peptide acquisition. Our studies have revealed that abolishing hydrogen bonds contributed by positions 81 or 82 in the beta-chain of I-A(k) results in class II molecules that are internally degraded when trafficked through proteolytic endosomal compartments. The presence of high-affinity peptides derived from either endogenous or exogenous sources protects the hydrogen bond-deficient variant from intracellular degradation. Together, these data indicate that disruption of the potential to form a complete hydrogen bond network between MHC class II molecules and bound peptides greatly diminishes the ability of class II molecules to bind peptides. The subsequent failure to stably acquire peptides leads to protease sensitivity of empty class II molecules, and thus to proteolytic degradation before export to the surface of APCs.  相似文献   

[2,2,2-2H]Ethanol was administered continuously to bile fistula rats for 72 h, with or without (--)-hydroxycitrate. The deuterium labelling of biliary bile acids was determined by GC-MS and 13C NMR. Difference spectra between 2H,1H- and 1H-decoupled 13C NMR spectra showed the presence of partly deuterated methyl and methylene groups in methyl cholate, indicating exchange of deuterium in [2,2,2-2H]ethanol for protium prior to or during incorporation of acetate into the bile acid. The extent of exchange was 20--30% as calculated from the isotopic composition of a fragment ion containing one methyl and one methylene group derived from C-2 of acetate. The exchange was unaffected by (--)-hydroxycitrate, indicating that it was not due to reversible incorporation of deuterated acetate into citrate. About 60% of the acetyl-CoA serving as precursor of cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids were derived from ethanol. This value was not changed by administration of (--)-hydroxycitrate. The half-life time of cholesterol molecules acting as precursors of both bile acids was about 50 h in the presence of (--)-hydroxycitrate, which is about the same as previously found in the absence of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Studies [bachovchin, W. W., et al. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 2218] of the mechanism of inactivation of adenosylcobalamin-dependent diol dehydratase have led to the development of a general method to describe the kinetics of a reaction pathway containing a reservoir of mobile hydrogen. Analysis by this method of catalytic rate measurements for mixtures of 1,2-propanediol and 1,1-dideuterio-1,2-propanediol supports a mechanism involving an intermediate with three equivalent hydrogens, in which hydrogen transfer from this intermediate to product is the major rate-contributing step. Other results using tritium as a trace label [essenberg, M. K., et al. (1971) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 1242] are considered in light of these deuterium isotope studies.  相似文献   

In vivo sampling of cardiac triglyceride from dogs during ethanol infusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The feasibility of procuring and analyzing cardiac tissue for triglyceride in vivo was tested in anesthetized dogs. Measurements of triglycerides in samples obtained in vitro confirmed: reproducibility of triplicate analyses of the glycerideglycerol moiety of tissue triglyceride (SEM +/- 2.1%), homogeneity in and between ventricles (SEM +/- 1.8%), and agreement between right endocardial triglyceride and left myocardial triglyceride (difference not significant). Seven dogs received ethanol, 15-30 mg/kg/min, and five dogs received glucose or 0.85% NaCl for 2 hr. Cardiac output and filling pressure were measured from the left ventricle and tissue was taken from the right ventricle with a biopsy catheter before and during infusions. Three to four samples were obtained from each dog; the average weight was 14.4 mg and two to three biopsies were required for each sample. In the ethanol group, triglyceride increased after 15 min and continued to rise; the final triglyceride concentration correlated with the infusion rate. In the glucose-saline group, in vivo triglyceride concentration did not change and did not differ from postmortem triglyceride. Cardiac function declined in the ethanol group and was unaffected in the controls. Thus, multiple in vivo measurements of cardiac lipid are practical and safe and show that ethanol infusions cause early and progressive accumulation of triglyceride in heart muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of proton pumps, of uncouplers and of permeant ions on the relationship between input force, delta mu H+, and output flows of the ATPase, redox and transhydrogenase H(+)-pumps in submitochondrial particles was investigated. It is concluded that: (1) The decrease of output flow of the transhydrogenase proton pump, defined as the rate of reduction of NADP+ by NADH, is linearily correlated with the decrease of input force, delta mu H+, in an extended range of delta mu H+, independently of whether the H(+)-generating pump is the ATPase or a redox pump, or whether delta mu H+ is depressed by inhibitors of the H(+)-generating pump such as oligomycin or malonate, or by uncouplers. (2) The output flows of the ATPase and of the site I redox H(+)-pumps exhibit a steep dependence on delta mu H+. The flow-force relationships differ depending on whether the depression of delta mu H+ is induced by inhibitors of the H(+)-generating pump, by uncouplers or by lipophilic anions. (3) With the ATPase as H(+)-consuming pump, at equivalent delta mu H+ values, the output flow is more markedly inhibited by malonate than by uncouplers; the latter, however, are more inhibitory than lipophilic anions such as ClO4-. With redox site I as proton-consuming pump, at equivalent delta mu H+ values, the output flow is more markedly inhibited by oligomycin than by uncouplers; again, uncouplers are more inhibitory than ClO4-. (4) The results provide further support for a delocalized interaction of transhydrogenase with other H(+)-pumps.  相似文献   

Fingerprinting single molecules in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The interaction of p-nitrophenol (p-NP), 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) (II) and 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP)(III) with dipalmitoyllecithin in apolar solvents has been examined by IR and UV spectroscopy. Addition of any nitrophenol to the solution of lecithin in CCl4 causes disappearance of broad absorption band of water bound with lecithin phosphate grops (3150–3600 cm?1), which was accompanied by an insignificant increase of absorption near 3040 and 2800 cm?1. Association of phenolic groups of (I) with the lecithin was observed by disappearance of the free OH absorption band. In UV spectra of (I), complex formation with lecithin results in a 30 nm red shift of phenol long-wave absorption band and in the appearance of an isosbestic point at 303 nm. In the case of III, addition of the lecithin causes a red shift and strong hyperchromic effect, which is accompanied by the appearance of a new absorption band near 420 nm. It was concluded, that nitrophenols displace a part of water from the polar groups of lipids and form hydrogen bonded complexes or ion-pair structures, depending upon acidic properties of the proton donor.  相似文献   

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