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Mammalian high temperature requirement A3 (HtrA3) is a serine protease of the HtrA family. It is an important factor for placental development and a tumor suppressor. The biochemical properties of HtrA3 are uncharacterized. One critical step in biochemical characterization is overexpressing and purifying the full-length recombinant protein. However, utility of cell-based expression systems is limited for a protease because of autocleavage. The wheat-germ cell-free translation system is highly efficient at producing "difficult" eukaryotic multidomain proteins and is easily modifiable for protein synthesis at different temperatures. In this study, we evaluated the potential of the wheat-germ cell-free translation system for producing human HtrA3. HtrA3 underwent autocleavage when synthesized at 17 °C. When the synthesis temperature was lowered to 4 °C, full-length HtrA3 was successfully produced and proteolytically active. Catalytic site serine substitution with alanine (S305A) stabilized HtrA3 while abolishing its protease activity. This mutant was readily synthesized and stable at 17 °C. When used with glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay, S305A HtrA3 was a valuable bait in searching for endogenous HtrA3 binding proteins. Thus, we demonstrated the unique utility of the wheat-germ cell-free translation system for producing and characterizing human HtrA3. These strategies will be likely applicable to a wide range of proteases.  相似文献   

Protective proteases are key elements of protein quality control pathways that are up-regulated, for example, under various protein folding stresses. These proteases are employed to prevent the accumulation and aggregation of misfolded proteins that can impose severe damage to cells. The high temperature requirement A (HtrA) family of serine proteases has evolved to perform important aspects of ATP-independent protein quality control. So far, however, no HtrA protease is known that degrades protein aggregates. We show here that human HTRA1 degrades aggregated and fibrillar tau, a protein that is critically involved in various neurological disorders. Neuronal cells and patient brains accumulate less tau, neurofibrillary tangles, and neuritic plaques, respectively, when HTRA1 is expressed at elevated levels. Furthermore, HTRA1 mRNA and HTRA1 activity are up-regulated in response to elevated tau concentrations. These data suggest that HTRA1 is performing regulated proteolysis during protein quality control, the implications of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Hongjuan Xi 《FEBS letters》2009,583(13):2269-15405
Poly(A) is a relevant sequence in cell biology due to its importance in mRNA stability and translation initiation. Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that is well known for its ability to target various nucleic acid structures. Here it is reported that neomycin is capable of binding tightly to a single-stranded oligonucleotide (A30) with a Kd in the micromolar range. CD melting experiments support complex formation and indicate a melting temperature of 47 °C. The poly(A) duplex, which melts at 44 °C (pH 5.5), was observed to melt at 61 °C in the presence of neomycin, suggesting a strong stabilization of the duplex by the neomycin.  相似文献   

The nuclear poly(A)-binding protein (PABPN1) is involved in the synthesis of the mRNA poly(A) tails in most eukaryotes. We report that the protein contains two RNA binding domains, a ribonucleoprotein-type RNA binding domain (RNP domain) located approximately in the middle of the protein sequence and an arginine-rich C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain also promotes self-association of PABPN1 and moderately cooperative binding to RNA. Whereas the isolated RNP domain binds specifically to poly(A), the isolated C-terminal domain binds non-specifically to RNA and other polyanions. Despite this nonspecific RNA binding by the C-terminal domain, selection experiments show that adenosine residues throughout the entire minimal binding site of approximately 11 nucleotides are recognized specifically. UV-induced cross-links with oligo(A) carrying photoactivatable nucleotides at different positions all map to the RNP domain, suggesting that most or all of the base-specific contacts are made by the RNP domain, whereas the C-terminal domain may contribute nonspecific contacts, conceivably to the same nucleotides. Asymmetric dimethylation of 13 arginine residues in the C-terminal domain has no detectable influence on the interaction of the protein with RNA. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is not required for RNA binding but is essential for the stimulation of poly(A) polymerase.  相似文献   

Human HTRA1 is a highly conserved secreted serine protease that degrades numerous extracellular matrix proteins. We have previously identified HTRA1 as being up-regulated in osteoarthritic patients and as having the potential to regulate matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression in synovial fibroblasts through the generation of fibronectin fragments. In the present report, we have extended these studies and investigated the role of HTRA1 in the pathogenesis of intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. HTRA1 mRNA expression was significantly elevated in degenerated disc tissue and was associated with increased protein levels. However, these increases did not correlate with the appearance of rs11200638 single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter region of the HTRA1 gene, as has previously been suggested. Recombinant HTRA1 induced MMP production in IVD cell cultures through a mechanism critically dependent on MEK but independent of IL-1β signaling. The use of a catalytically inactive mutant confirmed these effects to be primarily due to HTRA1 serine protease activity. HTRA1-induced fibronectin proteolysis resulted in the generation of various sized fragments, which when added to IVD cells in culture, caused a significant increase in MMP expression. Furthermore, one of these fragments was identified as being the amino-terminal fibrin- and heparin-binding domain and was also found to be increased within HTRA1-treated IVD cell cultures as well as in disc tissue from patients with IVD degeneration. Our results therefore support a scenario in which HTRA1 promotes IVD degeneration through the proteolytic cleavage of fibronectin and subsequent activation of resident disc cells.  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins (RBPs) often engage multiple RNA binding domains (RBDs) to increase target specificity and affinity. However, the complexity of target recognition of multiple RBDs remains largely unexplored. Here we use Upstream of N-Ras (Unr), a multidomain RBP, to demonstrate how multiple RBDs orchestrate target specificity. A crystal structure of the three C-terminal RNA binding cold-shock domains (CSD) of Unr bound to a poly(A) sequence exemplifies how recognition goes beyond the classical ππ-stacking in CSDs. Further structural studies reveal several interaction surfaces between the N-terminal and C-terminal part of Unr with the poly(A)-binding protein (pAbp). All interactions are validated by mutational analyses and the high-resolution structures presented here will guide further studies to understand how both proteins act together in cellular processes.  相似文献   

The transactivator Staf, which contains seven zinc finger motifs, exerts its effect on gene expression by binding to specific targets in small nuclear RNA (snRNA) and snRNA-type gene promoters. In this work, binding site selection allowed us to identify the 21-base pair ATTACCCATAATGCATYGCGG sequence as the high affinity consensus binding site for Staf. It shows a high sequence divergence with Staf-responsive elements in the Xenopus selenocysteine tRNA (tRNA(Sec)) and human U6 snRNA promoters. By using a combination of approaches, we analyzed the interaction of wild-type and truncated Staf zinc finger domains with the consensus, Xenopus tRNA(Sec), and human U6 sites. Two main conclusions emerged from our data. First, the data clearly indicate that zinc finger 7 does not establish base-specific contacts in Staf-DNA complexes. The second conclusion concerns zinc finger 1, which is required for the binding to the Xenopus tRNA(Sec) site but is dispensable in the case of the human U6 site. Taking into account the sequence differences in the two sites, these findings demonstrate that Staf utilizes zinc finger 1 in a rather flexible manner, illustrating how a protein can interact with DNAs containing targets of different sequences.  相似文献   

Binding of the chloroplast poly(A)-binding protein, RB47, to the psbA mRNA is regulated in response to light and is required for translation of this mRNA in chloroplasts. The RNA binding activity of RB47 can be modulated in vitro by oxidation and reduction. Site-directed mutations to individual cysteine residues in each of the four RNA binding domains of RB47 showed that changing single cysteines to serines in domains 2 or 3 reduced, but did not eliminate, the ability of RB47 to be redox-regulated. Simultaneously changing cysteines to serines in both domains 2 and 3 resulted in the production of RB47 protein that was insensitive to redox regulation but retained the ability to bind the psbA mRNA at high affinity. The poly(A)-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks cysteine residues in RNA binding domains 2 and 3, and this poly(A)-binding protein lacks the ability to be regulated by oxidation or reduction. These data show that disulfide bond formation between RNA binding domains in a poly(A)-binding protein can be used to regulate the ability of this protein to bind mRNA and suggest that redox regulation of RNA binding activity may be used to regulate translation in organisms whose poly(A)-binding proteins contain these critical cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Humans express nine paralogs of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme AlkB, an iron/2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase that reverses alkylation damage to nucleobases. The biochemical and physiological roles of these paralogs remain largely uncharacterized, hampering insight into the evolutionary expansion of the AlkB family. However, AlkB homolog 8 (ABH8), which contains RNA recognition motif (RRM) and methyltransferase domains flanking its AlkB domain, recently was demonstrated to hypermodify the anticodon loops in some tRNAs. To deepen understanding of this activity, we performed physiological and biophysical studies of ABH8. Using GFP fusions, we demonstrate that expression of the Caenorhabditis elegans ABH8 ortholog is widespread in larvae but restricted to a small number of neurons in adults, suggesting that its function becomes more specialized during development. In vitro RNA binding studies on several human ABH8 constructs indicate that binding affinity is enhanced by a basic α-helix at the N terminus of the RRM domain. The 3.0-Å-resolution crystal structure of a construct comprising the RRM and AlkB domains shows disordered loops flanking the active site in the AlkB domain and a unique structural Zn(II)-binding site at its C terminus. Although the catalytic iron center is exposed to solvent, the 2-oxoglutarate co-substrate likely adopts an inactive conformation in the absence of tRNA substrate, which probably inhibits uncoupled free radical generation. A conformational change in the active site coupled to a disorder-to-order transition in the flanking protein segments likely controls ABH8 catalytic activity and tRNA binding specificity. These results provide insight into the functional and structural adaptations underlying evolutionary diversification of AlkB domains.  相似文献   

A straightforward method to predict RNA duplex stability by neural network is described. The best network consists of three layers in which the input layer units are 12 (frequencies of 10 nearest-neighbors and 2 terminals), the hidden layer units are 3 and the output layer unit is 1 (measured Tm). This method to predict Tm has the advantage that the determinations of thermodynamic parameters is not needed.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMOs) regulate many essential cellular functions. Only one type of SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) has been identified that can extend the β-sheet of SUMO as either a parallel or an antiparallel strand. The molecular determinants of the bound orientation and paralogue specificity of a SIM are unclear. To address this question, we have conducted structural studies of SUMO1 in complex with a SUMO1-specific SIM that binds to SUMO1 with high affinity without post-translational modifications using nuclear magnetic resonance methods. In addition, the SIM sequence requirements have been investigated by peptide arrays in comparison with another high affinity SIM that binds in the opposing orientation. We found that antiparallel binding SIMs tolerate more diverse sequences, whereas the parallel binding SIMs prefer the more strict sequences consisting of (I/V)DLT that have a preference in high affinity SUMO2 and -3 binding. Comparison of two high affinity SUMO1-binding SIMs that bind in opposing orientations has revealed common SUMO1-specific interactions needed for high affinity binding. This study has significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular determinants underlining SUMO-SIM recognition.  相似文献   

During polyadenylation of mRNA precursors in metazoan cells, poly(A) polymerase is stimulated by the nuclear poly(A) binding protein PABPN1. We report that stimulation depends on binding of PABPN1 to the substrate RNA directly adjacent to poly(A) polymerase and results in an approximately 80-fold increase in the apparent affinity of poly(A) polymerase for RNA without significant effect on catalytic efficiency. PABPN1 associates directly with poly(A) polymerase either upon allosteric activation by oligo(A) or, in the absence of RNA, upon deletion of its N-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 may function to inhibit undesirable interactions of the protein; the inhibition is relieved upon RNA binding. Tethering of poly(A) polymerase is mediated largely by the C-terminal domain of PABPN1 and is necessary but not sufficient for stimulation of the enzyme; an additional interaction dependent on a coiled-coil structure located within the N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is required for a productive interaction.  相似文献   

The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), a protein that contains four conserved RNA recognition motifs (RRM1-4) and a C-terminal domain, is expressed throughout the eukaryotic kingdom and promotes translation through physical and functional interactions with eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4G and eIF4B. Two highly divergent isoforms of eIF4G, known as eIF4G and eIFiso4G, are expressed in plants. As little is known about how PABP can interact with RNA and three distinct translation initiation factors in plants, the RNA binding specificity and organization of the protein interaction domains in wheat PABP was investigated. Wheat PABP differs from animal PABP in that its RRM1 does not bind RNA as an individual domain and that RRM 2, 3, and 4 exhibit different RNA binding specificities to non-poly(A) sequences. The PABP interaction domains for eIF4G and eIFiso4G were distinct despite the functional similarity between the eIF4G proteins. A single interaction domain for eIF4G is present in the RRM1 of PABP, whereas eIFiso4G interacts at two sites, i.e. one within RRM1-2 and the second within RRM3-4. The eIFiso4G binding site in RRM1-2 mapped to a 36-amino acid region encompassing the C-terminal end of RRM1, the linker region, and the N-terminal end of RRM2, whereas the second site in RRM3-4 was more complex. A single interaction domain for eIF4B is present within a 32-amino acid region representing the C-terminal end of RRM1 of PABP that overlaps with the N-proximal eIFiso4G interaction domain. eIF4B and eIFiso4G exhibited competitive binding to PABP, supporting the overlapping nature of their interaction domains. These results support the notion that eIF4G, eIFiso4G, and eIF4B interact with distinct molecules of PABP to increase the stability of the interaction between the termini of an mRNA.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a poly(A) tail at their 3′-end, to which poly(A)-binding protein C1 (PABPC1) binds and recruits other proteins that regulate translation. Enhanced poly(A)-dependent translation, which is also PABPC1 dependent, promotes cellular and viral proliferation. PABP-interacting protein 2A (Paip2A) effectively represses poly(A)-dependent translation by causing the dissociation of PABPC1 from the poly(A) tail; however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the functional mechanisms of Paip2A action by characterizing the PABPC1–poly(A) and PABPC1–Paip2A interactions. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR analyses indicated that both interactions predominantly occurred at the RNA recognition motif (RRM)2–RRM3 regions of PABPC1, which have comparable affinities for poly(A) and Paip2A (dissociation constant, Kd = 1 nM). However, the Kd values of isolated RRM2 were 200 and 4 μM in their interactions with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively; Kd values of 5 and 1 μM were observed for the interactions of isolated RRM3 with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively. NMR analyses also revealed that Paip2A can bind to the poly(A)-binding interfaces of the RRM2 and RRM3 regions of PABPC1. Based on these results, we propose the following functional mechanism for Paip2A: Paip2A initially binds to the RRM2 region of poly(A)-bound PABPC1, and RRM2-anchored Paip2A effectively displaces the RRM3 region from poly(A), resulting in dissociation of the whole PABPC1 molecule. Together, our findings provide insight into the translation repression effect of Paip2A and may aid in the development of novel anticancer and/or antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

Binding of the signal recognition particle (SRP) to signal sequences during translation leads to an inhibition of polypeptide elongation known as translation arrest. The arrest activity is mediated by a discrete domain comprised of the Alu portion of SRP RNA and a 9 and 14 kDa polypeptide heterodimer (SRP9/14). Although very few nucleotides in SRP RNA are conserved throughout evolution, the remarkable conservation of G24, which resides in the region of SRP9/14 interaction, suggests that it is essential for translation arrest. To understand the functional significance of the G24 residue, we made single base substitutions in SRP RNA at this position and analyzed the ability of the mutants to bind SRP9/14 and to reconstitute functional SRPs. Mutation of G24 to C reduced binding to SRP9/14 by at least 50-fold, whereas mutation to A and U reduced binding approximately 2- and 5-fold respectively. The mutant RNAs could nevertheless assemble into SRPs at high subunit concentrations. SRPs reconstituted with mutant RNAs were not significantly defective in translation arrest assays, indicating that the conserved guanosine does not interact directly with the translational machinery. Taken together, these results demonstrate that G24 plays an important role in the translation arrest function of SRP by mediating high affinity binding of SRP9/14.  相似文献   

The major small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6 participate in the splicing of pre-mRNA. U1, U2, U4 and U5 RNAs share a highly conserved sequence motif PuA(U)nGPu, termed the Sm site, which is normally flanked by two hairpin loops. The Sm site provides the major binding site for the group of common proteins, B', B, D1, D2, D3, E, F and G, which are shared by the spliceosomal snRNPs. We have investigated the ability of common snRNP proteins to recognize the Sm site of snRNA by using ultraviolet light-induced RNA-protein cross-linking within U1 snRNP particles. The U1 snRNP particles, reconstituted in vitro, contained U1 snRNA labelled with 32P. Cross-linking of protein to this U1 snRNA occurred only in the presence of the single-stranded stretch of snRNA that makes up the conserved Sm site. Characterization of the cross-linked protein by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated that snRNP protein G had become cross-linked to the U1 snRNA. This was confirmed by specific immunoprecipitation of the cross-linked RNA-protein complex with an anti-G antiserum. The cross-link was located on the U1 snRNA by fingerprint analysis with RNases T1 and A; this demonstrated that the protein G has been cross-linked to the AAU stretch within the 5'-terminal half of the Sm site (AAUUUGUGG). These results suggest that the snRNP protein G may be involved in the direct recognition of the Sm site.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) protein EB2 (also called Mta, SM, or BMLF1) has properties in common with mRNA export factors and is essential for the production of EBV infectious virions. However, to date no RNA-binding motif essential for EB2-mediated mRNA export has been located in the protein. We show here by Northwestern blot analysis that the EB2 protein purified from mammalian cells binds directly to RNA. Furthermore, using overlapping glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EB2 peptides, we have, by RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assays (REMSAs) and Northwestern blotting, located an RNA-binding motif in a 33-amino acid segment of EB2 that has structural features of the arginine-rich RNA-binding motifs (ARMs) also found in many RNA-binding proteins. A synthetic peptide (called Da), which contains this EB2 ARM, bound RNA in REMSA. A GST-Da fusion protein also bound RNA in REMSA without apparent RNA sequence specificity, because approximately 10 GST-Da molecules bound at multiple sites on a 180-nucleotide RNA fragment. Importantly, a short deletion in the ARM region impaired both EB2 binding to RNA in vivo and in vitro and EB2-mediated mRNA export without affecting the shuttling of EB2 between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Moreover, ectopic expression of ARM-deleted EB2 did not rescue the production of infectious virions by 293 cells carrying an EBVDeltaEB2 genome, which suggests that the binding of EB2 to RNA plays an essential role in the EBV productive cycle.  相似文献   

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