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浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现的巨型长形蛋类可鉴定为西峡巨型长形蛋(Macroelongatoolithusxi xiaensis)和一新蛋属、新蛋种——桥下巨型纺锤蛋(Megafusoolithus qiaoxiaensis oogen.etoosp.nov.)。西峡巨型长形蛋此前仅发现于河南西峡盆地,其特征为个体巨大(35cm),蛋壳外表面具瘤点状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,呈波浪形,锥体层与柱状层厚度之比为1:5—1:2。已记述的产自天台的张氏巨型长形蛋(M.zhangi)和产自河南西峡盆地的西峡长圆柱蛋(Longiteresoolithus xixiaensis)均为西峡巨型长形蛋的同物异名。桥下巨型纺锤蛋的特征包括蛋壳中部外表面具有棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线不明显,二者厚度之比近1:3,这些特征区别于巨型长形蛋属。目前已知巨型长形蛋科仅包含巨型长形蛋属和巨型纺锤蛋属,订正的科征为:蛋化石巨大,长径大于35cm;蛋长形,两端大致对称,长宽之比约为3:1;蛋化石在蛋窝中一般两枚为一组,呈单层圆环状排列,蛋窝直径近3m;蛋壳外表面具瘤点状或棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳由锥体层与柱状层组成。这些特征明显区别于其他类型的蛋化石,因此它们代表了一个独立的蛋科:巨型长形蛋科(Macroelongatoolithidae)。  相似文献   

记述了江西省上高县发现的一窝不完整蛋窝的恐龙蛋。根据恐龙蛋宏观形态和蛋壳显微结构特征将其归入石嘴湾珊瑚蛋(Coralloidoolithus shizuiwanensis)。该窝恐龙蛋为近圆形球体,平均长径11.8 cm,平均赤道直径9.8 cm,蛋壳厚度可达2.5 mm;蛋壳由锥体层与柱状层组成,锥体层较薄,柱状层可分为内层、中间层和外层,内层发育致密的水平生长纹,中间层结构松散,含有大量暗色物质,中间层和外层发育次生壳单元。依据新标本的观察,明确珊瑚蛋属在石笋蛋科中以柱状层中间层结构松散为主要分类特征。上高新标本的发现,丰富了石嘴湾珊瑚蛋的古地理分布,同时也为上高地区晚白垩世含恐龙蛋红层的对比提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

恐龙蛋化石──繁殖受挫的证据──记山东莱阳恐龙蛋化石的进一步研究左权,汤卓炜目前在世界上好多地方陆续发现爬行类,尤其是恐龙的蛋化石,按形态结构可大致分为短圆蛋和长形蛋两种,蛋的大小变化范围很大,蛋壳厚度及其内外部“纹饰”,蛋壳结构及锥状层和柱状层比例...  相似文献   

甘肃省早白垩世地层中,出土了大量恐龙骨骼以及恐龙足迹化石,但是至今未有蛋化石的报道。根据发现于兰州-民和盆地下白垩统河口组的蛋壳化石,建立一恐龙蛋新蛋属、蛋种,并将其归于一新蛋科:Polyclonoolithidae(多小枝蛋科)。新发现的蛋化石标本不同于所有已知的恐龙蛋类型,具有独特的显微特征组合:分叉的蛋壳单元向外延伸至蛋壳外表面,并未在靠近蛋壳外表面处融合成层;弦切面上具相互链接或独立的多角形的蛋壳单元;以及不规则的气孔道。中国的恐龙蛋化石大多出自晚白垩世地层,仅在辽宁有早白垩世恐龙蛋的报道。新发现扩展了中国恐龙蛋化石的地质和地理分布,也有可能为圆形蛋科蛋壳结构的起源提供新的认识。  相似文献   

依据采自江西省萍乡地区上白垩统周田组的恐龙蛋化石,记述了蜂窝蛋科(Faveoloolithidae)副蜂窝蛋属(Parafaveoloolithus)一新蛋种。材料包括一枚较完整的蛋和若干破碎蛋壳。根据蛋壳弦切面呈蜂窝状结构,径切面蛋壳中、上部蛋壳局部呈现由6~10个以上壳单元成群聚集一起等特征,将其订为一新蛋种——萍乡副蜂窝蛋(Parafaveoloolithus pingxiangensis oosp.nov.)。  相似文献   

记述了发现于莱阳上白垩统将军顶的半枚蛋化石,据其保存较尖的一端,蛋壳外表面光滑无纹饰,蛋壳较薄,紧密排列的棱柱状壳单元,壳单元边缘由致密的方解石组成,以及气孔较少,气孔呈圆形或椭圆形等特征,将其归入棱柱形蛋科,建立新蛋属新蛋种:梨乡莱阳蛋(Laiyangoolithus lixiangensis oogen.et oosp.nov.)。梨乡莱阳蛋的发现不仅丰富了莱阳恐龙蛋化石群组成,同时也增加了棱柱形蛋类的古地理分布,并为研究伤齿龙类的多样性和古地理分布提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

浙江省义乌市发现了一种新类型的恐龙蛋化石,外表面上具有大致相互平行的波状分枝裂隙。这种奇特的纹饰表明这种蛋不属于已知的任何蛋科。有趣的是,它们与曾经被归于树枝蛋科的南马东阳蛋(Dongyangoolithus nanmaensis)有一些相同的蛋壳显微特征:外表面的分枝裂隙和被巨大空腔分隔的壳单元集合体。考虑到地点和层位都很接近,这一新类型的恐龙蛋和南马东阳蛋应被归于一新蛋科。由于这种新类型恐龙蛋的壳单元集合体及裂隙的形态不同于南马东阳蛋,因此又建立了一个新的蛋属、蛋种——赤岸多裂隙蛋(Multifissoolithus chianensis)。新蛋科与圆形蛋科的圆形蛋属(Spheroolithus)有较近的亲缘关系,还具有一种过渡型的气体交换系统。  相似文献   

中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所汪筱林研究员课题组王强博士等近期在浙江天台盆地双塘、桥下、酒厂等多个地点的赤城山组一段发现十几枚蛋壳结构非常特殊的蛋化石,与目前已知的恐龙蛋类型明显不同,研究后认为是恐龙蛋新蛋科化石.11月2日《科学通报》第57卷31期以封面文章形式刊登了该项研究成果.这一新的恐龙蛋类型的发现不仅有助于进一步了解天台盆地晚白垩世早期恐龙蛋类群的完整面貌,而且也为探讨白垩纪恐龙蛋壳结构的形成与演化提供新的资料.  相似文献   

1958年在山东莱阳赵疃村发现了一种特殊类型的恐龙蛋化石。尽管只发现了一枚较大的蛋壳碎片,但其极大的厚度表明它是一个新的蛋种。研究者根据蛋壳径切面的显微结构将它归入圆形蛋科的圆形蛋属并命名为厚皮圆形蛋。然而,与新近报道的产自中国浙江省和日本山口县的多裂隙蛋属的弦切面结构进行对比发现,它们都具有大致平行并且呈波浪状的裂隙。因此将产自莱阳的这块蛋壳碎片重新归入东阳蛋科的多裂隙蛋属,并讨论了东阳蛋类近蛋壳内表面的致密层以及东阳蛋类的时空分布情况。同时,产自辽宁昌图的厚皮圆形蛋的归入标本成为新修订的泉头圆形蛋的正型标本。  相似文献   

内蒙古巴音满都呼晚白垩世棱齿龙蛋化石的发现   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文记述的恐龙蛋化石标本,采自内蒙古乌拉特后旗巴音满都呼上白垩统牙道黑达组中。蛋化石在蛋窝中排列的方式和蛋壳的显微结构特征与北美发现的含有可鉴定为棱齿龙胚胎骨骼的蛋化石基本相似,但还有一些差别,如蛋壳外表面不具纵向细纹,柱状层中鱼骨型纹饰不明显等。因此,应为棱齿龙科中另一新的属种代表。  相似文献   

A new egg is described from the Upper Cretaceous lacustrine deposit of the Chichengshan Formation in the Tiantai Basin, Zhejiang Province, southeast China. The new specimen shares eggshell micro-features with members of the oofamily Stalicoolithidae, Paraspheroolithus of the oofamily Spheroolithidae and Mosaicoolithus (oofamily indet.), with barrel-shaped cones, prolatocanaliculate pore system, horizontal accretion lines and light stripes throughout the eggshell. However, the new egg differs from the aforementioned ootaxa by its small size and asymmetrical shape, revealing new morphological variation among eggs with microstructure similar to that of Paraspheroolithus, Mosaicoolithus and Stalicoolithidae. We refer the new egg to a new oogenus and oospecies, thus increasing the diversity of the Tiantai Basin oofauna. The Tiantai Basin has yielded a variety of dinosaur eggs and one turtle clutch. Comparatively, the new egg is surprisingly small and ovoid, a morphology usually associated with avian eggs, although the absence of a squamatic layer excludes the egg from being referred to this group.  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地晚白垩世恐龙蛋新类型(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江天台盆地上白垩统赖家组和赤城山组是我国最重要的恐龙蛋化石产出地层之一。近年来,我们对天台盆地陆相红层中的恐龙蛋化石层位进行了详细厘定,对恐龙蛋类型进行了系统描述,并对前人报道的一些属种进行了分类订正。研究显示,天台恐龙蛋化石群基本上可分为7蛋科、12蛋属和15蛋种,代表了我国晚白垩世早期的恐龙蛋化石组合。本文简要报道了主要产自天台盆地赤城山组的双塘似蜂窝蛋(新蛋属、新修订种)、木鱼山半蜂窝蛋(新蛋属、新蛋种)、国清寺副蜂窝蛋(新修订种)、天台棱柱形蛋(新修订种)和张头槽马赛克蛋(新蛋属、新修订种)等3新蛋属、5新蛋种和修订种的主要鉴定特征,并建立一新蛋科——似蜂窝蛋科。  相似文献   

Numerous discoveries in the Tiantai basin of Zhejiang Province, China, enrich our understanding of the parataxonomy, paleobiology and taphonomic histories of fossil eggs from a diverse array of Cretaceous oofamilies. We describe the most abundant of these egg types catalogued in the Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, Spheroolithus cf. zhangtoucaoensis (oofamily Spheroolithidae). Scanning electron microscopy, here utilised for the first time on Spheroolithus eggs from Tiantai, and petrographic microscopy reveal 0.81–1.37-mm thick eggshell composed of a single structural layer of calcite with slightly flaring shell units, irregular pores, horizontal accretion lines and a sweeping extinction pattern under crossed polars. This contradicts previous reports of the presence of two structural layers in Tiantai Spheroolithus. Clutches consist of 2–13 eggs arranged in an irregular, single-layered pattern. As these eggs are among the oldest Asian examples of Spheroolithus currently known, they may shed light on the early evolution of this oogenus. This study establishes the definitive presence of the Spheroolithidae in the Tiantai basin, contra recent reports, and provides the framework for ongoing examination of egg diversity and taphonomy in the Tiantai basin.  相似文献   

浙江天台山种子植物区系分析   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
金则新   《广西植物》1994,14(3):211-215
浙江天台山约有种子植物133科,535属,1235种。本文主要分析了天台山的植物区系特征。其植物区系的温带、亚热带东亚区系成分的特征显著。从地史上的联系,植物区系的分析和近代地理环境的某些相似来看,本区植物区系与东亚日本、北美有着不同程度的联系。  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species, Homidia latifolia is described from Mt. Tiantai, Zhejiang Province, East China. The species is characteristic in having leaflike setae on the mentum. The other characters, such as the color pattern, presence of labial seta M2, chaetotaxy on abd. N and setae on ventral tube, also make it separable from all the known species in the genus.  相似文献   

夏蜡梅种群的分布数量及其主要群萍类型   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
夏蜡梅是浙江省特有的第三纪孑遗植物,国家二级重点保护的濒危物种。本文采用密度生境样方法对夏蜡梅的分布数量进行了调查和研究,并对其区系成分、群落类型进行了分析。结果表明,夏蜡梅种群有6个群落类型,主要分布于浙江省临安县的顺溪、颊口、龙岗诸镇及天台县龙溪镇一带,共有2443hm2,1732210丛,其中颊口、龙岗分布点系首次发现,而顺溪则是夏蜡梅种群的现代分布中心,数量最多,密度最大,保存完好。  相似文献   

浙江天台山七子花群落特征的初步研究   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
金则新   《广西植物》1996,16(1):25-34
天台山的七子花林,常见的种子植物有125种,隶属51科,102属。其中热带类型36属,温带类型52属。按Raunkiaer生活型统计,高位芽植物占70.8%,地面芽植物占22.3%,地下芽植物占4.6%,一年生植物占2.3%,高位芽植物的比例与本省常绿落叶阔叶混交林的生活型谱近似。叶级以小型叶为主,占53.1%。叶型以单叶比例最大,占78.5%。群落结构可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和地被层。  相似文献   

Sawai (2) found in the amphibian egg that furrow-inducing cytoplasmic component (FIC) was localized along the cleavage furrow, which could induce a furrow on the polar surface of cleaving egg under which FIC was injected. But this procedure failed on the surface of uncleaved fertilized egg. In the present experiments, an attempt was made to induce a cleavage furrow on the surface of uncleaved egg of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. A piece of the cortex was cut from the uncleaved egg, which was transplanted to the egg just before or just after the onset of the cleavage, using a fine glass needle. After the transplantation FIC was injected beneath the graft with a capillary. The graft reacted to FIC and a furrow-like dent was induced at the position. Besides, stiffness of the graft increased during the cleavage of the host egg. In contrast to the cortical grafting, a large amount of the cytoplasm excluding FIC was injected under the cortex of an uncleaved egg. After several minutes FIC was deposited at the site. A furrow-like dent was formed there in many cases.  相似文献   

Although the fertilization-wave in the sea urchin egg is generally considered to propagate over the egg surface, there has been no definite evidence to show the site of propagation. The possibility that the wave passes through the endoplasm, not over the egg surface, has not been denied.
A drop of paraffin was injected into an egg, so that the endoplasm was divided into 2 parts by the paraffin drop, the 2 parts being connected only by the egg cortex. When spermatozoa were added to one side of the egg, the fertilization membrane was formed first on this part of the egg and then on the opposite part. This indicates that the egg surface or the egg cortex is the site of propagation of the fertilization-wave and the endoplasm has no direct influence on the propagation.  相似文献   

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