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Two serotype 1 strains ofLegionella pneumophila, Phildelphia 2 and Bellingham, were tested for their ability to metabolize five common substrates by measuring14CO2 released and14C-carbon incorporated into macromolecules. No major differences were noted between the two strains or preparations grown in the yolk sac of chick embryos or agar-broth diphasic medium, following 2 or 14 pasaages on agar. Glutamate was the most actively metabolized substrate, followed by glutamine. Acetate, glucose, and succinate were utilized at much more moderate rates. Changes in cell density and substrate concentration altered the channeling of glutamate and glucose into CO2 and macromolecules. Specific CO2 felease from glutamate was greatest at low cell density and high substrate concentration, while carbon incorporation was increased at high substrate concentration. A reciprocal relationship was noted with glucose: the proportion of carbon incorporation was enhanced at low substrate concentration, but CO2 release paralleled increases in substrate concentration. The pH optimum for glutamate carbon incorporation and CO2 release was 5.5 and 6.1, respectively, but 25% of both activities were retained at pH 3.1. CO2 release from glucose was maximal at pH 7.5 with negligible activity at pH 3.1. Pathways of glucose metabolism were explored by employing glucose, glucose-1-phosphate, and glucose-6-phosphate labeled in various carbon positions. The glycolytic pathway appeared to play a lesser role than the pentose phosphate and/or Entner-Doudoroff pathways. Glucose-1-phosphate was metabolized at a much higher rate than glucose or glucose-6-phosphate. We conclude that glutamate is utilized primarily as an energy source while glucose may serve as an important metabolite for the nutrition ofL. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Detection ofLegionella pneumophila by serogroup-specific fluorescent antibodies was combined with a tetrazolium dye (INT) to measure electron transport activity. The biological uptake and reduction of the INT dye was studied in pure cultures and in natural water samples with respect to temperature. Uptake was complete within 60 min. Controls inhibited with formaldehyde demonstrated little activity. Both the in vitro and in situ determinations suggested that the electron transport system ofLegionella was active over a temperature range of 25 to 60°C.  相似文献   

The cytochrome composition of membrane vesicles ofLegionella pneumophila has been examined by low temperature (77°K) and room temperature difference spectroscopy, and cytochromes of thec, b, a, andd types have been detected. The presence ofc-type cytochrome was verified by formation of the pyridine ferrohemochromogen. A carbon monoxide-bindingc-type cytochrome was detected in CO-reduced minus reduced difference spectra and may also function in cytochromec reductase activity. Respiratory activities were determined for membrane vesicles, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) was the most rapidly oxidized substrate (199 nmol per min per mg protein), followed by succinate and malate. Cytochrome oxidase activity was demonstrated using ascorbate andN,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) (39 nmol per min per mg of protein). High levels of cyanide (K i =10 mM) inhibited NADH oxidation, while low levels of 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO, 18 and 37 M) inhibited NADH oxidation by nearly 90%. The respiratory chain appeared to be complex and terminated by at least three terminal oxidases. Superoxide dismutase activity, but not catalase activity, was detected in cellular extracts.  相似文献   

Survival ofLegionella pneumophila SG 1 in seawater and river water was assessed using plate counts on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar amended with α-ketoglutarate (BCYEα) and [3H]thymidine-labeling. The [3H]thymidine-labeling method for assessing survival ofL. pneumophila in aquatic environments was compared with viable counts, direct fluorescent microscopy (DFA), and acridine orange direct counts (AODC). Protozoa were isolated from the samples employed in the study and identified by characteristic trophozite and cyst morphology. Selective filtration employing 2.0 μm Nucleopore filters was used to determine the effect of grazing on survival ofL. pneumophila in seawater and river water.Legionella viability as measured by plate counts (CFU/ml), declined to a greater extent than cell lysis, assessed by thymidine, DFA, and AODC counts, suggesting thatL. pneumophila survives in aquatic habitats to a greater extent than revealed through culturable counts.  相似文献   

The numbers of presumptiveLegionella pneumophila cells in waters and sediments of nine different cooling towers located on the same site in the northeastern United States were determined at approximately monthly intervals for 18 months. All systems received makeup water from the same source and received the same chemical treatments. PresumptiveL. pneumophila were found in both water and sediment samples from all systems on all sampling dates. An important result of this study was the finding that tower sediments represent large reservoirs ofL. pneumophila. The only correlation between levels of presumptiveL. pneumophila and any of the physical, chemical, or operating characteristics evaluated was with winter shutdown and drainage followed by a nonoperational period. These systems showed a definite seasonal response with the highest levels of presumptiveL. pneumophila found in the summer and fall. Systems operated year round showed relatively constant numbers ofL. pneumophila in both water and sediments.  相似文献   

Twelve strains ofLegionella pneumophila were tested for the presence of plasmid DNA. Three strains, belonging to serogroup 1, had large plasmids of 83.8×106 daltons, as determined by electron microscopy. A fourth strain, also from serogroup 1, had a similar large plasmid in addition to a smaller plasmid. Restriction analysis of plasmid DNA isolated from the strains with a single size plasmid indicated that the plasmids were structurally very similar. The biologic functions of these plasmids are yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Immuno-compromised patients are particularly susceptible to Legionnaires' Disease. After three cases of the disease occurred in a hospital, a continuous dosing regime using chlorine dioxide was initiated to replace chlorination of the water system. This study identified a number of factors which may have resulted in conditions that would encourage the growth of the water-borne pathogenLegionella pneumophila. The residual chlorination was inadequate for microbial control at the taps furthest from the four storage tanks, of which two were found to be in excess for demand. The temperature of the water in the storage tanks was also found to be above 20° C; a temperature that would encourage microbial growth. A back-up calorifier was present and was found to containL. pneumophila, and linseed oil-based sealants that provide nutrients for microbial growth were also prevalent as jointing compounds in the water circult. Although the shower heads were routinely disinfected, a requirement was identified to also disinfect the shower hoses. NoL. pneumophila were recovered from the water system after the chlorine reduced dioxide disinfection trial. Biofilm was also dramatically reduced after disinfection; however, small microcolonies were identified and proved to be metabolically active when tested with a metabolic indicator. Using light and fluorescence microscopy, the pipe samples removed from the water system were rapidly analysed for biofouling, complementing existing microbiological methods.  相似文献   

Environmental and clinical isolates ofLegionella pneumophila were grown in minimal-salts media (no organic compounds added) in associated with various green algae and cyanobacteria. Growth was observed to level off after a period of hours to days with no subsequent significant loss in the numbers of viableL. pneumophila even several days after growth had ceased. Transfer to new algal or cyanobacterial cultures resulted in a new burst of growty by theL. pneumophila.  相似文献   

The immunofluorometric procedure has been utilized to assess the relative antigenicity of whole-cell antigens ofLegionella pneumophila. Observed response curves and interpretations of them are presented with experimental results that directly support the interpretation of such reaction curves. Application of the method for evaluating the relative antigenicity of strains maintained in tissue versus laboratory strains, routinely transferred on Feeley-Gorman or charcoal yeast extract agar, showed that laboratory strains have quantitatively gained, rather than lost, surface antigens directly involved in the human immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is the causative agent of Legionellosis in man and considered an opportunistic intracellular Gram-negative bacterium that preferentially infects macrophages. The presence of a plasmid in these organisms was determined in cultures of the bacteria grown in vitro. A correlation was observed between the growth of virulent strains of theLegionella in murine macrophages and growth on standard buffered charcoal yeast extract agar supplemented with 0.1% -ketoglutarate (BCYE) agar medium rich in cysteine and widely used for growth of the bacteria in vitro. In contrast, the avirulent isolates of these strains grew well on supplemented Mueller-Hinton (SMH) agar utilized for differentiating virulent from avirulentLegionella. However, one virulent strain ofLegionella (the Iowa strain) was found to grow moderately well on the SMH agar. In addition, test strains ofLegionella that infect in vitro human monocytes were found to grow moderately well on the BCYE- agar, but did not grow on the SMH agar. Examination of these strains for plasmid DNA expression showed that extra chromosomal DNA-containing molecules were present in theL. pneumophila strains characterized as virulent for in vitro growth in macrophages. However, the avirulent strains that replicated in the human monocytes readily but only poorly in the permissive murine macrophages did not show evidence of similar plasmid DNA expression.  相似文献   

We studied the ability ofLegionella to multiply in potable water samples obtained from investigations of nosocomial legionellosis. AutochthonousLegionella multiplied in three of 14 hospital water samples after incubation at 35°C and 42°C. All three samples were from hot water tanks. Multiplication did not occur when a selected sample was filtered through a 0.45-m membrane and reinoculated with indigenousLegionella. We isolated bothLegionella pneumophila and one or more species of free-living amoebae, primarity members of theHartmannellidae, from each of these hot water tank samples. Amoebae from a total of six hot water tank samples were used for cocultivation studies withL. pneumophila. All amoebae supported multiplication ofLegionella in coculture at 35°C. Four of six isolates of amoebae supported multiplication oflegionella at 42°C, while none supported multiplication at 45°C. Gimenez staining and electron microscopy showed thatLegionella multiplied intracellularly in amoebae. Control of these amoebae in potable water may prevent colonization and multiplication ofLegionella in domestic hot water systems.  相似文献   

A polyvalent conjugate forLegionella pneumophila, the Legionnaires’ disease bacterium, was prepared by combining monospecific antibodies for the four recognized serogroups ofL. pneumophila. Pure cultures ofL. pneumophila and other bacteria representing 18 genera and 50 species of heterologous organisms were used in evaluating the reagent. A total of 358 specimens from patients suspected of having Legionnaires’ disease also were tested. The results show the practicality and advantages of using a polyvalentL. pneumophila conjugate for screening clinical specimens.  相似文献   

The intracellular growth ofLegionella pneumophila in WiREF (Wistar rat embryonal fibroblast) cells was inhibited by porcine interferon-γ. The effect was compared with that of different human interferons (α and γ). The growth inhibition was dose-dependent and required the pretreatment of WiREF cells with interferon. The development of an antibacterial state of the cells was observed. When interferon was added together with bacteria or 1 d after the infection there was no inhibition. Also, there was no direct antibacterial effect of the interferon. In addition, cell pretreatment with a combination of interferon and antibiotics failed to show a synergistic effect.  相似文献   

Killing of Leishmania tropica amastigotes by factors in normal human serum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amastigotes of Leishmania tropica and L. donovani were incubated with fresh or heat-inactivated normal human serum. Viability was estimated by amastigote conversion to promastigote forms and by the ability of serum-treated amastigotes to infect human monocytes. L. tropica, a parasite that causes local skin infection, was killed by fresh but not by heat-inactivated serum. The serum cytotoxic effect on L. tropica was inhibited by EDTA but not by Mg-EGTA. C2-deficient serum killed normally; C6-deficient serum was ineffective. These data indicate that L. tropica is killed by the complement membrane attack complex, in a sequence of reactions initiated by components of the alternate pathway. In contrast, L. donovani, a parasite that causes systemic visceral leishmaniasis, was 10-fold less susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of normal serum. Thus, a profound difference exists in the susceptibility of amastigotes of two species of Leishmania to a defense mechanism present in human serum. Serum complement factors may play an important role in limiting L. tropica to the skin. The resistance of L. donovani to such factors may be the primary reason for its ability to escape from the site of inoculation and cause catastrophic, disseminated disease.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of temperature on the interaction between Legionella pneumophila and phagocytes of guinea pigs. The body temperatures of guinea pigs infected with a sublethal dose (1.2 × 104 CFU) or a lethal dose (1.0 × 105 CFU) of L. pneumophila elevated from 38.4±0.15 C to 40.2±0.42 C or 40.3 ± 0.62 C, respectively. The intracellular bacterial killing by and bacterial proliferation in the phagocytes were examined at 33, 37, 40, and 42 C, using in vitro culture systems of peritoneal macrophages or polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) of guinea pigs. In all the macrophages incubated at different temperatures, significant intracellular bacterial killings were observed at 4 hr after in vitro phagocytosis. After 24 hr of incubation, there was about a 100-fold increase of CFU and the number reached a maximum after 48 hr of incubation in the macrophages incubated at 42 C as well as 37 and 40 C, suggesting that macrophages support the intracellular bacterial growth in hyperthermia. In the PMN, L. pneumophila CFU 4 hr or 12 hr after the infection were significantly lower at 42 C than those at 37 C (P<0.05), indicating that the bactericidal capacity of PMN was enhanced at 42 C compared to 37 C. However, in all the PMN incubated at different temperatures, there were about 10-fold increases of CFU 24 hr after the infection, suggesting that PMN as well as macrophages support intracellular bacterial growth in hyperthermia. The extracellular bacterial growth was examined at 33, 37, 40, and 42 C in buffered yeast extract (BYE) broth or RPMI 1640 medium containing 50% guinea pig serum as a permissive or non-permissive liquid medium for the bacterial growth, respectively. Inhibition of bacterial growth in BYE broth at 42 C, and a decrease of CFU in RPMI 1640 medium containing 50% guinea pig serum at 42 C were observed. In conclusion, hyperthermia may be beneficial by restricting extracellular bacterial survival, but it exerts no beneficial effect on the restriction of intracellular bacterial growth in phagocytes, though PMN showed enhanced initial killing at 42 C. These results suggest that fever, or hyperthermia itself, may not largely contribute as a nonspecific host defense early in the course of legionellosis.  相似文献   

With the eventual goal of characterizingLegionella pneumophila serogroup 1 plasmids at the molecular level, we have analyzed the plasmid contents of 78 clinical and environmental Spanish isolates. After selection of a suitable alkaline lysis method, we detected plasmids with approximate molecular weights of 25, 36, 40, 61, 80, 85, 90, and 95 megadalton (MDal). Several factors (i.e., wide temporal and geographic distribution, high frequency in both clinical and environmental isolates, and apparent high copy number after subculturing) make the 36 MDal type IA plasmid an appropriate plasmid for further molecular studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare an indirect immunofluorescence assay with culture methods for the identification ofLegionella pneumophila serogroups 1 to 6 in hot water samples taken from domestic environments. Hot water samples were obtained from the water heater, the shower heads, and the most frequently used faucet of 211 private houses. Concentrated water samples were inoculated on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar (BCYE) and on a semi-selective culture medium (GPV). Colonies with a morphology similar to that ofLegionellaceae were subcultured on BCYE and on blood agar plates; those that grew on the former but not the latter were further characterized and identified by direct immunofluorescence techniques. The concentrated samples were also smeared on multiple-well microscope slides and tested by indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies againstL. pneumophila, serogroups 1 to 6. Of the houses studied, 30% were found to contain culturableL. pneumophila in at least one water sample, whereas 63% were positive by indirect immunofluorescence. The sensitivity of this assay compared with culture varied from 16.7–21.1%, and its specificity was between 76.7% and 88.3% depending on the sample source (water heater, shower heads, or faucet). In the 38 houses with at least one positive sample found by both immunofluorescence and culture, total or partial agreement between serogroups identified by both techniques was only 34%. The results obtained in this study strongly suggest that indirect immunofluorescence is not an adequate alternative for the identification ofL. pneumophila in hot water systems.  相似文献   

Progressive changes in iron levels, total iron binding capacity and hematocrit values in sera of rats infected with Trypanosoma lewisi are described. The host dietary group were: (1) complete or full complement; (2) iron-deficient, and (3) pair-fed or calorically restricted. The hematocrit values of T. lewisi-infected rats given the various diets were not significantly different from those of the controls. The decrease in total iron binding capacity (TIBC) of rats inoculated with T. lewisi and fed complete and pair-fed diets ranged up to 15% over uninfected controls. TIBC levels in rats fed an iron-deficient diet and inoculated with T. lewisi ranged up to 32% over uninfected controls. TIBC levels of deficient infected rats were significantly different from the controls from day 90 to infection to the end of the observation period. Serum iron (SI) values of non-infected rats regardless of dietary regimen showed significantly higher values than T. lewisi-infected animals between days 95 and 120. The average SI value, for this period, in adequately fed control rats was 204 +/- 7 microgram/100 ml as compared to 172 +/- 5 microgram/100 for trypanosome-infected rats. SI levels of rats on a pair-fed diet and infected with T. lewisi decreased to 17% over uninfected controls. SI levels of animals on an iron-deficient diet and infected with T. lewisi decreased up to 76% over uninfected controls.  相似文献   

The review is devoted to the general and molecular ecology of bacteria of the genusLegionella in natural and anthropogenic environments. Invasion of amoebae and infusoria by legionellae and their replication in these protozoa can be considered to be a preadaptation for invasion of the human immune system. Symbiosis of bacteria and protozoa as a promising model of cellular microbiology and the conception of bacterial ecological niches are discussed in relation to the low fidelity of most bacterial species to their habitats (biotopes). The necessity of elaboration of a similar conception for microbial consortia and associations is emphasized.  相似文献   

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