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Summary Concentrations of lactic acid in bodies of inactive neotenic tiger salamanders were similar to those recorded for inactive transformed animals. Transformed salamanders swimming against a water current for 5 min accumulated significantly more lactate in their body fluids than did neotenic salamanders, but subsequently metabolized the lactate at higher rates than characterized neotenic animals. Total body lactate in both morphs decreased rapidly in the first 1–1/2 h after activity, and within 6 h had returned to the level (common to both morphs) observed prior to activity. Whereas neotenic animals apparently swim with greater efficiency than transformed salamanders (4.26 mole ATP/gvs. 6.06 mole ATP/g expended by neotenic and transformed animals, respectively, during 5 min of continuous swimming), the transformed animals exhibit a metabolic adaptation to aquatic existence enabling them rapidly to recover from a lactacid debt.  相似文献   

Juvenile axolotls were acclimated to 15○C or 25○C and either fed or fasted at both temperatures, to study the interaction of thermal acclimation and nutritional state on metabolism. Fasting but not thermal acclimation significantly increased oxygen consumption at 15○C. Fasting also increased the specific activities of two oxidative metabolic enzymes – citrate synthase and cytochrome oxidase – but not that of the glycolytic enzyme lactic dehydrogenase. The specific activity of cytochrome oxidase was further stimulated by cold acclimation. Triglycerides and fatty acids were severely depleted in fasted animals, but thermal acclimation had no significant effect on lipid stores. This study illustrates: (1) the differential nature of various metabolic responses to fasting; and (2) the confounding interaction of the nutritional state on thermal acclimation experiments in an ectotherm.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of net and unidirectional fluxes of Na+ and acid-base balance to the drug amiloride were assessed during normocapnia and hypercapnia in larval salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum. Isotope flux measurements demonstrated that 10-4 M amiloride in the external medium inhibits Na+ influx during normocapnia and reverses the usual increase in influx of this ion during hypercapnia, causing a significant decrease instead. Measurements of blood-gas/acid-base balance conditions of artcrially cannulated salamanders demonstrated a significant metabolic acidosis in amiloridetreated animals that did not occur in untreated animals over the same period. the same concentration of amiloride also blocked the normal compensatory increase in [HCO - 3 ] that follows a respiratory acidosis produced by a hypercapnic environment.Abbreviations IU international nnits - J in influx - J net net flux - PCO 2 parial pressure of carbon dioxide  相似文献   

Summary Renal clearance methods were used to examine several factors which may be involved in control of urine flow in larvalAmbystoma tigrinum. Arginine vasotocin (10 ng/g) reduced both urine flow and GFR (–30%); this was reversed with mesotocin (5 ng/g). Adaptation to isosmotic media reduced GFR from 0.156 ml/10 g·h to 0.057. Neither hypophysectomy nor treatment with mesotocin altered this response. The adrenergic blocking agents propranolol and phentolamine did not reverse the antidiuresis in isosmotic medium-adapted larvac. Ten percent volume expansion with 50% and 100% Ringer's solution increased GFR in isosmotic medium-adapted animals. Hypophysectomy prevented this increase in GFR. Ten percent volume expansion with 200% Ringer's solution decreased GFR in tapwater adapted larvae; however, 20% volume expansion with 200% Ringer's increased GFR. Both volume and concentration of extracellular fluid appear to be important in control of GFR. Both arginine vasotocin and mesotocin may be involved in these responses, however other factors must also play a role.Abbreviations AVT arginine vasotocin - ECF extracellular fluid - GFR glomerular filtration rate - MT mesotocin  相似文献   


1. 1.|Body temperature preferences were compared between cockroaches acclimated to different ambient temperatures and between 25°C acclimated cockroaches and cockroaches deprived of their peripheral temperature receptors.

2. 2.|Acclimation to 35°C resulted in a significantly higher mean body temperature and low body temperature selected compared with 25°C acclimated cockroaches.

3. 3.|Cockroaches deprived of their peripheral temperature receptors showed a significantly higher mean high body temperature selected when compared to normal 25°C acclimated cockroaches.

4. 4.|It is concluded that cockroach temperature regulation is more precise than expected and that central temperature receptors are the primary sensing elements for cockroach thermoregulation.

Author Keywords: Temperature preference; thermoregulation; Periplaneta americana; peripheral temperature receptors  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (VO2) of juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) was investigated at low tempera tures (six temperatures; range -0.5 to 2.7°C). Small (mean wt. 6–8 g) and large (mean wt. 14 g) fish were acclimated, or adjusted to a constant temperature (0.4°C), for 5 months and then tested for metabolic cold adaptation (elevated metabolic rates in polar fishes). Short-term (2 weeks) acclimated fish showed elevated VO2 similar to previously established values for polar fishes, but there was no such evidence after longterm acclimation. Long-term acclimation caused VO2 values to drop significantly (from 86.0 to 46.5 mg O2·kg–1·h–1, at 0.4°C), which showed that metabolic cold adaptation was a phenomenon caused by insufficien: acclimation time for fish in respiration experiments. We also measured the effects of temperature and feeding on VO2. A temperature increase of 2.3°C resulted in relatively large increases in VO2 for both longand short-term acclimated fish (Q10 = 6.7 and 7.1, respectively), which suggests that metabolic processes are strongly influenced by temperature when it is close to zero. Feeding individuals to satiation caused significant increases in VO2 above pre-fed values (34–60% within 1–2 days after feeding). Respiration budgets of starved and fed Arctic cod at ambient temperatures in Resolute Bay N.W.T., Canada, were used to model annual respiration costs and potential weight loss. Low respiration costs for Arctic cod at ambient temperatures result in high growth efficiency during periods of feeding and low weight loss during periods of starvation.  相似文献   

Summary Freshwater eel gills are notorious for their limited ability to pump chloride. As a result there is a considerable discrepancy between the Na+ and Cl plasma levels, and plasma HCO3 and blood pH are relatively high in this species.When eels are kept in tanks aerated with pure oxygen, significant alterations in blood acid-base balance, an increase in plasma pCO2 and a decrease in blood pH, are observed. In fish studied after 3 weeks hyperoxia, the decrease in blood pH is compensated by an increase in plasma HCO3 . Such fish exhibit a Cl influx 5 times higher than that observed in normoxic fish. This Cl influx is readily inhibited by addition of SCN to the external medium.An anion-stimulated ATPase activated by HCO3 and by Cl and inhibited by SCN was recently described in membrane fractions of the gills ofCarassius auratus, a fish noted for its high Cl pumping rate. This enzyme is also found in the gills of the eel. While the maximal rates of enzyme activation by HCO3 and by Cl are similar inCarassius andAnguilla, the affinity of the enzyme for Cl is 25 times higher inCarassius. In the microsomal fraction of the hyperoxic eel gills, the maximal anionstimulated ATPase activity remains unchanged but HCO3 affinity decreases by 50%, while Cl affinity increases 5 times. Thus some characteristics of this ATPase seem to be closely related to the Cl pump activity exhibited by the gill in fresh water.  相似文献   

The response of respiration to temperature in plants can be considered at both short‐ and long‐term temporal scales. Short‐term temperature responses are not well described by a constant Q10 of respiration, and longer‐term responses often include acclimation. Despite this, many carbon balance models use a static Q10 of respiration to describe the short‐term temperature response and ignore temperature acclimation. We replaced static respiration parameters in the ecosystem model photosynthesis and evapo‐transpiration (PnET) with a temperature‐driven basal respiration algorithm (Rdacclim) that accounts for temperature acclimation, and a temperature‐variable Q10 algorithm (Q10var). We ran PnET with the new algorithms individually and in combination for 5 years across a range of sites and vegetation types in order to examine the new algorithms' effects on modeled rates of mass‐ and area‐based foliar dark respiration, above ground net primary production (ANPP), and foliar respiration–photosynthesis ratios. The Rdacclim algorithm adjusted dark respiration downwards at temperatures above 18°C, and adjusted rates up at temperatures below 5°C. The Q10var algorithm adjusted dark respiration down at temperatures below 15°C. Using both algorithms simultaneously resulted in decreases in predicted annual foliar respiration that ranged from 31% at a tall‐grass prairie site to 41% at a boreal coniferous site. The use of the Rdacclim and Q10var algorithms resulted in increases in predicted ANPP ranging from 18% at the tall‐grass prairie site to 38% at a warm temperate hardwood forest site. The new foliar respiration algorithms resulted in substantial and variable effects on PnETs predicted estimates of C exchange and production in plants and ecosystems. Current models that use static parameters may over‐predict respiration and subsequently under‐predict and/or inappropriately allocate productivity estimates. Incorporating acclimation of basal respiration and temperature‐sensitive Q10 have the potential to enhance the application of ecosystem models across broad spatial scales, or in climate change scenarios, where large temperature ranges may cause static respiration parameters to yield misleading results.  相似文献   

Summary Ventilation, gas exchange, blood gas tensions and arterial pH were measured simultaneously in monitor lizards,Varanus exanthematicus. In contrast to previously studied poikilotherms, the arterial pH is independent of body temperature within the normally encountered temperature range (Fig. 1). This exception to the relative alkalinity concept (Rahn, 1966) is correlated with the finding thatV. exanthematicus maintains a constant ratio of ventilation to oxygen uptake (and CO2 production) at different temperatures (Fig. 3). The increase in arterial (Fig. 1) is related to an increase in physiological dead space; i.e., alveolar ventilation increases less with temperature than total ventilation (Fig. 4). This may result from the increased frequency of breathing which results in a reduced breath holding time (Fig. 2). Varanid lizards have a higher oxygen requirement than other reptiles. This is reflected in the control of ventilation, the specialized lung morphology, the high arterial saturation due to low intracardiac shunting, pH regulation and other mammal-like features ofVaranus.  相似文献   

Cyclograpsus lavauxi H. Milne Edwards, 1853 occurs under boulders near the littoral fringe, where it is wetted only briefly, if at all, in each tide. Mean water content of sea-water equilibrated crabs was 62.3 % of body weight. On warm, windy days crabs on the shore lose > 17.5% of body water. Water loss for crabs of 1.6 g mean body weight was 0.29 % water content · h −1 · mm Hg saturation deficit −1, which is similar to that of species occupying positions lower on the shore. C. lavauxi is, however, able to tolerate comparatively greater losses of body water (up to 36%) compared with species from lower shore levels.

As the gills dry, the lamellae separate into regular clumps which may help to maintain gas exchange. Resting oxygen consumption (Vo2) after 3–5 h settlement was similar in water and air. During enforced activity, Vo2 increased by factors of 5.3 in water and 2.6 in air at a standardized body weight of 1.5 g, indicating an appreciable aerobic scope in both media. Loss of up to 16% of body water did not depress resting aerial Vo2 or aerobic scope.

In resting crabs there was no change in haemolymph pH after 24 h of either immersion or emersion, but haemolymph [Ca2+], [HCO3] + [CO2−3], and calculated Pco2 all rose in air relative to aquatic values. These results suggest that cuticular or other endogenous CaCO3 is mobilized to compensate the respiratory acidosis in air. The implications of such physiological properties for aquatic and aerial activity on the shore are discussed.  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of the action of progesterone on pulmonary ventilation during pregnancy, arterial and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base parameters were measured in 59 pregnant and 36 nonpregnant women at the periods of follicular phase, luteal phase, early pregnancy, late pregnancy, and puerperium. Marked respiratory alkalosis in both arterial blood and CSF was observed in pregnancy and puerperium. The degree of hypocapnia observed in the luteal phase and during pregnancy was closely related to the progesterone level in arterial blood. In conclusion, it is unlikely that the observed hyperventilation results from stimulation at the central chemosensitive areas or peripheral chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) has been known to regulate the proliferation and differentiation of a variety of cell types via interaction with a specific FGF receptor on the cell surface. In the present study, Fgf8 cDNA of Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, was expressed in Escherichia coli as an MBP-FGF8 fusion protein. The cell proliferation activity of the recombinant FGF8 (rFGF8) was measured by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay. The addition of rFGF8 to the culture medium enhanced proliferation of BALB/c 3T3 and BHK21 cells about 1.4--1.5 fold. To analyze the binding activity of rFGF8 to the cell surface, cell surface enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was developed. Comparison of the structure of basic FGF with the computer-simulated structure of FGF8 suggested that Tyr-58, Glu-132, Tyr-139, and Leu-179 might be the potential receptor binding sites. Amino acid substitution muteins of FGF8 were constructed by PCR-derived directed mutagenesis and the muteins were overexpressed in E. coli. The rFGF8 muteins were purified and their binding activities were analyzed. Substitution of Tyr-58 or Glu-132 or Leu-179 of the FGF8 with alanine reduced the binding affinity, while substitution of Tyr-139 with alanine did not alter the binding affinity. These results imply that Tyr-58, Glu-132, and Leu-179 of FGF8 might be involved in its binding to the cell surface.  相似文献   

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