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The relative sensitivity of the MLR responses of freshly isolated human lymphocytes to Con A-induced suppressor cells (SC) was compared to that of lymphocytes that had been primed previously in vitro. Fresh and primed cells were suppressed 72 and 17%, respectively, when cultured under similar conditions (p less than 0.0005). Titration of SC indicated that equivalent suppression in the two populations would require greater than a 50-fold excess of SC in the primed cells. Neither preincubation of the primed cells for 24 or 72 hr with the SC before restimulation, addition of fresh autologous cells to the primed cells, nor preincubation of the SC with fresh cells before addition to the primed cells increased suppression of primed cells. SC added at the beginning of a primary MLC were, however, very suppressive for both the primary response (67% suppression) and the subsequent secondary response (81% suppression). These data indicate that although the human primary MLR and the precursor of the memory cell are both sensitive to the suppressors induced by Con A, the memory cell itself possess an intrinsic resistance to such suppressors that is not related to simple kinetic phenomena nor to the loss in vitro of an intermediate regulatory cell. Cell depletion experiments suggest that resistance to nonspecific suppression may occur at the level of the helper cell.  相似文献   

1 The emergence pattern of Thanasimus dubius (F.) (Coleoptera: Cleridae), a common predator of the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), was studied under field conditions across different seasons. A simple statistical model was then developed to characterize the emergence data, using the truncated geometric distribution. Data are also presented on the mortality of T. dubius eggs at various temperatures and humidities in an effort to explain certain aspects of emergence behaviour. 2 Emergence of T. dubius from a given tree usually occurred in several discrete episodes across a two‐year period, with most individuals emerging in spring or autumn. Almost no emergence occurred in July and August, which may be an adaptation to avoid high temperature mortality. Emergence patterns appeared similar across seasons, with the time of year serving mainly to shift the pattern through time. 3 Cycles in D. frontalis abundance may be the result of delayed density dependence generated by its natural enemy complex. The predator T. dubius is likely to be an important component of this delayed density dependence, because of its lengthy development time and apparent impact on D. frontalis.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are a large family of enzymes heavily involved in signal transduction, regulation of metabolism, and control of cell growth and differentiation. These functions require precise recognition of widely diverse signals and substrates, and very detailed control of protein kinase activity. Large molecules interact primarily through recognition of surface features. Comparison of surfaces is complicated by both sequence diversity and conformational variability, including multiple possible rotameric states of side chains. We used a recently developed method of protein surface comparison to compare different serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases. As we have shown, two hydrophobic cores inside a protein kinase molecule are connected by a unique formation, called the "spine". It exists only in the active conformation of protein kinases and is dynamically disassembled during the inactivation process. Detection of such structures by any other method was not possible as the residues which comprise the spine do not form any sequence or 3D motifs in a traditional sense.  相似文献   


We examine whether age at menarche affects age at first marriage or first birth using two samples of U.S. women. Data are drawn from the Tremin Trust, a longitudinal study of menstrual cycles that recruited white women who were students at the University of Minnesota and from a survey of a nationally representative sample of white women born between 1900 and 1910. Regression models with cubic splines were used to analyze the relationship between age at menarche and age at first marriage. Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine the effect of age at menarche on the interval between marriage and first birth. Unlike earlier work, we found that once secular trends in both age at marriage and age at menarche were taken into account, there was no evidence that age at menarche affects either age at marriage or the timing of first births in these U.S. women.  相似文献   

We examine whether age at menarche affects age at first marriage or first birth using two samples of U.S. women. Data are drawn from the Tremin Trust, a longitudinal study of menstrual cycles that recruited white women who were students at the University of Minnesota and from a survey of a nationally representative sample of white women born between 1900 and 1910. Regression models with cubic splines were used to analyze the relationship between age at menarche and age at first marriage. Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine the effect of age at menarche on the interval between marriage and first birth. Unlike earlier work, we found that once secular trends in both age at marriage and age at menarche were taken into account, there was no evidence that age at menarche affects either age at marriage or the timing of first births in these U.S. women.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities frequently result in both rapidly changing environments and translocation of species from their native ranges (i.e., biological invasions). Empirical studies suggest that many factors associated with these changes can lead to complex genetic patterns, particularly among invasive populations. However, genetic complexities and factors responsible for them remain uncharacterized in many cases. Here, we explore these issues in the vase tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Enterogona: Cionidae), a model species complex, of which spA and spB are rapidly spreading worldwide. We intensively sampled 26 sites (N = 873) from both coasts of North America, and performed phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on one mitochondrial fragment (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3-NADH dehydrogenase subunit I, COX3-ND1) and eight nuclear microsatellites. Our analyses revealed extremely complex genetic patterns in both species on both coasts. We detected a contrasting pattern based on the mitochondrial marker: two major genetic groups in C. intestinalis spA on the west coast versus no significant geographic structure in C. intestinalis spB on the east coast. For both species, geo-graphically distant populations often showed high microsatellite-based genetic affinities whereas neighboring ones often did not. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear markers provided largely inconsistent genetic patterns. Multiple factors, including random genetic drift associated with demographic changes, rapid selection due to strong local adaptation, and varying propensity for human-mediated propagule dispersal could be responsible for the observed genetic complexities.  相似文献   

We empirically tested the long-standing hypothesis of codivergence of New World arenaviruses (NWA) with their hosts. We constructed phylogenies for NWA and all known hosts and used them in reconciliation analyses. We also constructed a phylogenetic tree of all Sigmodontinae and Neotominae rodents and tested whether viral-host associations were phylogenetically clustered. We determined host geographical overlap to determine to what extent opportunity to switch hosts was limited by host relatedness or physical proximity. With the exception of viruses from North America, no phylogenetically codivergent pattern between NWA and their hosts was found. We found that different virus clades were clustered differently and that Clade B with members pathogenic to humans was randomly distributed across the rodent phylogeny. Furthermore, viral relatedness within Clade B was significantly explained by the geographic overlap of their hosts' ranges rather than host relatedness, indicating that they are capable of host switching opportunistically. This has important bearings on their potential to become panzootic. Together, these analyses suggest that NWA have not codiverged with their hosts and instead have evolved predominantly via host switching.  相似文献   

Patterns of nodulation, growth, andFrankia — host specificity have not been well characterized for the actinorhizal genera in the family Rosaceae because of the scarcity ofFrankia isolates from these taxa. Furthermore, the few isolates available from actinorhizal Rosaceae have consistently failed to nodulate plants from the host genus. In a series of experiments, species of rosaceousDryas, Cowania, Cercocarpus, Fallugia, andPurshia were inoculated withFrankia isolates, crushedDryas actinorhizae, and neoglacial soils to ascertain whether any of these inocula would effectively induce nodulation. Neoglacial soils from Alaska and Canada nodulated not only the localDryas drummondii, but alsoCercocarpus betuloides, Cowania mexicana andPurshia tridentata from distant and ecologically diverse locales as well as nonrosaceous, actinorhizal species ofAlnus, Elaeagnus, Myrica, andShepherdia. But of eightFrankia isolates, including two fromPurshia tridentata and one fromCowania mexicana, none were able to induce nodulation onPurshia orCowania species. Globular, actinorhizae-like nodules incapable of acetylene reduction were produced onC. betuloides inoculated withFrankia isolates. Crushed nodule suspensions fromDryas drummondii nodulated rosaceousCowania, Dryas andPurshia, as well as non-rosaceousElaeagnus, Myrica, andShepherdia species. Nodules produced by inoculation ofCowania mexicana andPurshia tridentata with crushed, dried nodule suspensions fromDryas drummondii reduced acetylene to ethylene, indicating nitrogenase activity for these nodulated plants. These data suggest that a similar microsymbiont infects the actinorhizal genera in the family Rosaceae.  相似文献   

Complex seasonal patterns of primary producers at the land-sea interface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cloern JE  Jassby AD 《Ecology letters》2008,11(12):1294-1303
Seasonal fluctuations of plant biomass and photosynthesis are key features of the Earth system because they drive variability of atmospheric CO2, water and nutrient cycling, and food supply to consumers. There is no inventory of phytoplankton seasonal cycles in nearshore coastal ecosystems where forcings from ocean, land and atmosphere intersect. We compiled time series of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) from 114 estuaries, lagoons, inland seas, bays and shallow coastal waters around the world, and searched for seasonal patterns as common timing and amplitude of monthly variability. The data revealed a broad continuum of seasonal patterns, with large variability across and within ecosystems. This contrasts with annual cycles of terrestrial and oceanic primary producers for which seasonal fluctuations are recurrent and synchronous over large geographic regions. This finding bears on two fundamental ecological questions: (1) how do estuarine and coastal consumers adapt to an irregular and unpredictable food supply, and (2) how can we extract signals of climate change from phytoplankton observations in coastal ecosystems where local‐scale processes can mask responses to changing climate?  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers have become one of the most popular tools for germplasm characterization, population genetics and evolutionary studies. To investigate the mutational mechanisms of maize microsatellites, nucleotide sequence information was obtained for ten loci. In addition, Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis was conducted to assess the occurrence of size homoplasy. Sequence analysis of 54 alleles revealed a complex pattern of mutation at 8/10 loci, with only 2 loci showing allele variation strictly consistent with stepwise mutations. The overall allelic diversity resulted from changes in the number of repeat units, base substitutions, and indels within repetitive and non-repetitive segments. Thirty-one electromorphs sampled from six maize landraces were considered for SSCP analysis. The number of conformers per electromorph ranged from 1 to 7, with 74.2% of the electromorphs showing more than one conformer. Size homoplasy was apparent within landraces and populations. Variation in the amount of size homoplasy was observed within and between loci, although no differences were detected among populations. The results of the present study provide useful information on the interpretation of genetic data derived from microsatellite markers. Further efforts are still needed to determine the impact of these findings on the estimation of population parameters and on the inference of phylogenetic relationships in maize investigations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The actinin-associated LIM protein (ALP) genes belong to the PDZ/LIM protein family which is characterized by the presence of both a PDZ and a LIM domain. The ALP subfamily in mammals has four members: ALP, Elfin, Mystique and RIL. In this study, we have annotated and cloned the zebrafish ALP gene family and identified a zebrafish-specific fifth member of the family, the alp-like gene. We compared the zebrafish sequences to their human and mouse orthologues. A phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences showed the overall high degree of conservation within the family. We describe here the expression patterns for all five ALP family genes during zebrafish development. Whole mount in situ hybridization results revealed common and distinct expression patterns for the five genes. With the exception of elfin, all genes were expressed as maternal RNAs at early developmental stages. Gene expression for all of them appeared regulated and localized in specific regions at the eight different developmental stages studied. Expression for all five genes was observed in the central nervous system (CNS), which led us to further investigate brain-specific expression in sections of embryos at 2 days of development. In summary, we identified the zebrafish orthologues of the ALP family and determined their gene expression patterns during zebrafish embryogenesis. Finally, we compare our results to the limited expression data available for this gene family during mammalian development.  相似文献   

Stable signal transmission is crucial for information processing by the brain. Synfire-chains, defined as feed-forward networks of spiking neurons, are a well-studied class of circuit structure that can propagate a packet of single spikes while maintaining a fixed packet profile. Here, we studied the stable propagation of spike bursts, rather than single spike activities, in a feed-forward network of a general class of excitable bursting neurons. In contrast to single spikes, bursts can propagate stably without converging to any fixed profiles. Spike timings of bursts continue to change cyclically or irregularly during propagation depending on intrinsic properties of the neurons and the coupling strength of the network. To find the conditions under which bursts lose fixed profiles, we propose an analysis based on timing shifts of burst spikes similar to the phase response analysis of limit-cycle oscillators.  相似文献   

Estuaries and coastal lagoons are included within the transitional waters category, according to the Water Framework Directive. However, criteria for their differentiation and characterisation are still under discussion and require more research. In particular, detailed observations of biodiversity in more complex transitional and coastal waters are lacking. Microscopic and molecular analyses were therefore used to investigate phytoplankton diversity and spatial community structure, in early spring, along the freshwater-to-marine continuum of the Segura River (Spain), an intensively regulated semiarid basin discharging into the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to the salinity gradient as the major factor determining taxa distribution, influence of multiple anthropogenic and climatic impacting factors (drought, confined waters, irrigation canal) leads to a significant spatial heterogeneity of the aquatic habitat types associated with variations in community composition. Several shifts within the phytoplankton distribution pattern along the continuum are revealed using multivariate analyses. An impressive bloom of the cryptophyte Plagioselmis prolonga occurred in the mixing zone, associated with a typical euryhaline community indicative of eutrophication. The 18S rDNA diversity revealed a microeukaryotic richness including several little-known groups, heterotrophic representatives, and potential parasites. By combining morphological and molecular approaches we revealed the presence of a ‘hidden’ diversity often neglected in traditional surveys.  相似文献   

The genetic defect causing Huntington disease (HD) has been mapped to 4p16.3 by linkage analysis using DNA markers. Two apparently contradictory classes of recombination events in HD kindreds preclude precise targeting of efforts to clone the disease gene. Here, we report a new recombination event that increases support for an internal candidate region of 2.5 Mb between D4S10 and D4S168. Analysis of 23 DNA polymorphisms in 4p16.3 revealed a complex pattern of association with the disease gene that failed to narrow the size of the candidate region. The degree of linkage disequilibrium did not show a continuous increase across the physical map, nor was a region of extreme disequilibrium identified. Markers displaying no association with the disorder were interspersed with and, in many cases, close to markers displaying significant disequilibrium. Comparison of closely spaced marker pairs on normal and HD chromosomes, as well as analysis of haplotypes across the HD region, suggest that simple recombination subsequent to a single original HD mutation cannot easily explain the pool of HD chromosomes seen today. A number of different mechanisms could contribute to the diversity of haplotypes observed on HD chromosomes, but it is likely that there has been more than one and possibly several independent origins of the HD mutation.  相似文献   

Complex II from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens, an archetype of an emerging class of succinate dehydrogenases (SDH), was extracted from intact membranes and purified to homogeneity. The complex contains one molecule of covalently bound FAD and 10 Fe atoms. EPR studies showed that the complex contains the canonical centres S1 ([2Fe-2S]2+/1+) and S2 ([4Fe-4S]+2/+1) but lacks centre S3 ([3Fe-4S]+1/0); these observations agree with the fact that the iron-sulfur subunit contains an extra cysteine that may allow the binding of a new centre, most probably a tetranuclear one. Succinate-driven oxygen consumption is observed in intact membranes indicating that in vivo, complex II operates as a succinate:quinone oxidoreductase, despite missing the typical anchor domain subunits. The pure complex was found to contain bound caldariella quinone, the enzyme physiological partner. An alternative membrane anchoring for this new type of SDHs, based on the amphipathic nature of the putative helices found in SdhC, is suggested.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the evolutionary patterns among larviparous and oviparous species of the family Ostreidae. The data reveal that larviparous species have experienced a wider range of environmental variables, life history traits, and levels of genetic variation than have oviparous species. Non-parametric correlation coefficients were obtained among fifteen variables (i.e., two genetic, four environmental and nine life-history variables). Among the life-history variables, mode of larval development, fecundity, egg size, initial size of the planktonic larva and planktonic larval period were found to covary significantly with the genetic variables. In a comparison of environmental and life-history variables, the mode of larval development and habitat water depth were found to covary. The implications of these results are discussed with reference to the evolution of the family Ostreidae.  相似文献   

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