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The treatment of DNA with bisulfite, which converts C to U but leaves 5-methyl-C unchanged, forms the basis of many analytical techniques for DNA methylation analysis. Many techniques exist for measuring the methylation state of a single CpG but, for analysis of an entire region, cloning and sequencing remains the gold standard. However, biases in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and in cloning can skew the results. We hypothesized that single-molecule PCR (smPCR) amplification would eliminate the PCR amplification bias because competition between templates that amplify at different efficiencies no longer exists. The amplified products can be sequenced directly, thus eliminating cloning bias. We demonstrated this accurate and unbiased approach by analyzing a sample that was expected to contain a 50:50 ratio of methylated to unmethylated molecules: a region of the X-linked FMR1 gene from a human female cell line. We compared traditional cloning and sequencing to smPCR and sequencing. Sequencing smPCR products gave an expected methylated to unmethylated ratio of 48:52, whereas conventional cloning and sequencing gave a biased ratio of 72:28. Our results show that smPCR sequencing can eliminate both PCR and cloning bias and represents an attractive approach to bisulfite sequencing.  相似文献   

Analysis of methylated DNA, which refers to 5-methycytosine (5mC) versus cytosine (C) at specific loci in genomic DNA (gDNA), has received increased attention in epigenomics, particularly in the area of cancer biomarkers. Many different methods for analysis of methylated DNA rely on initial reaction of gDNA with concentrated acidic sodium bisulfite to quantitatively convert C to uracil (U) via sulfonation of denatured, single-stranded gDNA under conditions where 5mC is resistant to analogous sulfonation leading to thymine (T). These methods typically employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification after bisulfite conversion, thereby leading to readily detectable amounts of amplicons where T and C are measured as surrogates for C and 5mC in the original unconverted gDNA. However, incomplete bisulfite conversion of C in gDNA has been reported to be a common source of error in analysis of methylated DNA. Incomplete conversion can be revealed during the course of bisulfite sequencing, which is the generally accepted “gold standard” for analysis of methylated DNA. Previous bisulfite sequencing investigations of conventional predenaturation of gDNA with NaOH followed by the use of bisulfite containing added urea to maintain denaturation and thus mitigate incomplete conversion of C have been reported to give conflicting results. The current study describes a new approach where conventional predenaturation of gDNA with NaOH is instead achieved with formamide and maintains denaturation during subsequent sample handling and sulfonation. This formamide-based method was applied to 46 formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded (FFPE) biopsy tissue specimens from well-characterized patients with primary prostate cancer. These specimens were representative of difficult-to-analyze samples due to the chemically compromised nature of the gDNA, which was recovered by modifying the protocol for a commercially available total RNA/DNA extraction kit (RecoverALL). An additional novel aspect of this study was analysis of CpG-rich promoter regions of two prostate cancer-related genes: glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTPi) and retinoic acid receptor beta2 (RARβ2). High-quality bisulfite sequencing results were obtained for both genes in 43 of 46 (93%) specimens. Detection of methylated GSTPi and RARβ2 genes was significantly associated with primary prostate cancer as compared with the benign prostate (Fisher’s exact test, P < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of detection of methylated GSTPi and RARβ2 genes were 86% and 100% and 91% and 100%, respectively. Moreover, the presence of either methylated gene was detected in primary prostate cancer with sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 100%, respectively. The results demonstrated a high degree of reliability of formamide-based denaturation and bisulfite conversion that should extend, generally, to FFPE and other types of samples intended for any analytical method predicated on bisulfite conversion. This pilot study also demonstrated the efficacy of determining methylation of these two genes with high sensitivity and specificity in FFPE biopsy tissue specimens. Moreover, the results showed a highly significant association of methylated GSTPi and RARβ2 genes with primary prostate cancer. Finally, this improved procedure for determining these two methylated genes may allow the detection of prostate cancer cells in core biopsy specimens with insufficient numbers of cells and poor morphology.  相似文献   

DNA methylation plays a central role in genomic regulation and disease. Sodium bisulfite treatment (SBT) causes unmethylated cytosines to be sequenced as thymine, which allows methylation levels to reflected in the number of ‘C’-‘C’ alignments covering reference cytosines. Di-base color reads produced by lifetech’s SOLiD sequencer provide unreliable results when translated to bases because single sequencing errors effect the downstream sequence. We describe FadE, an algorithm to accurately determine genome-wide methylation rates directly in color or nucleotide space. FadE uses SBT unmethylated and untreated data to determine background error rates and incorporate them into a model which uses Newton–Raphson optimization to estimate the methylation rate and provide a credible interval describing its distribution at every reference cytosine. We sequenced two slides of human fibroblast cell-line bisulfite-converted fragment library with the SOLiD sequencer to investigate genome-wide methylation levels. FadE reported widespread differences in methylation levels across CpG islands and a large number of differentially methylated regions adjacent to genes which compares favorably to the results of an investigation on the same cell-line using nucleotide-space reads at higher coverage levels, suggesting that FadE is an accurate method to estimate genome-wide methylation with color or nucleotide reads. http://code.google.com/p/fade/.  相似文献   

DNA methylation pattern mapping is heavily studied in normal and diseased tissues. A variety of methods have been established to interrogate the cytosine methylation patterns in cells. Reduced representation of whole genome bisulfite sequencing was developed to detect quantitative base pair resolution cytosine methylation patterns at GC-rich genomic loci. This is accomplished by combining the use of a restriction enzyme followed by bisulfite conversion. Enhanced Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (ERRBS) increases the biologically relevant genomic loci covered and has been used to profile cytosine methylation in DNA from human, mouse and other organisms. ERRBS initiates with restriction enzyme digestion of DNA to generate low molecular weight fragments for use in library preparation. These fragments are subjected to standard library construction for next generation sequencing. Bisulfite conversion of unmethylated cytosines prior to the final amplification step allows for quantitative base resolution of cytosine methylation levels in covered genomic loci. The protocol can be completed within four days. Despite low complexity in the first three bases sequenced, ERRBS libraries yield high quality data when using a designated sequencing control lane. Mapping and bioinformatics analysis is then performed and yields data that can be easily integrated with a variety of genome-wide platforms. ERRBS can utilize small input material quantities making it feasible to process human clinical samples and applicable in a range of research applications. The video produced demonstrates critical steps of the ERRBS protocol.  相似文献   

Coupling bisulfite conversion with next-generation sequencing (Bisulfite-seq) enables genome-wide measurement of DNA methylation, but poses unique challenges for mapping. However, despite a proliferation of Bisulfite-seq mapping tools, no systematic comparison of their genomic coverage and quantitative accuracy has been reported. We sequenced bisulfite-converted DNA from two tissues from each of two healthy human adults and systematically compared five widely used Bisulfite-seq mapping algorithms: Bismark, BSMAP, Pash, BatMeth and BS Seeker. We evaluated their computational speed and genomic coverage and verified their percentage methylation estimates. With the exception of BatMeth, all mappers covered >70% of CpG sites genome-wide and yielded highly concordant estimates of percentage methylation (r2 ≥ 0.95). Fourfold variation in mapping time was found between BSMAP (fastest) and Pash (slowest). In each library, 8–12% of genomic regions covered by Bismark and Pash were not covered by BSMAP. An experiment using simulated reads confirmed that Pash has an exceptional ability to uniquely map reads in genomic regions of structural variation. Independent verification by bisulfite pyrosequencing generally confirmed the percentage methylation estimates by the mappers. Of these algorithms, Bismark provides an attractive combination of processing speed, genomic coverage and quantitative accuracy, whereas Pash offers considerably higher genomic coverage.  相似文献   



Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor samples are a major source of DNA from patients in cancer research. However, FFPE is a challenging material to work with due to macromolecular fragmentation and nucleic acid crosslinking. FFPE tissue particularly possesses challenges for methylation analysis and for preparing sequencing-based libraries relying on bisulfite conversion. Successful bisulfite conversion is a key requirement for sequencing-based methylation analysis.


Here we describe a complete and streamlined workflow for preparing next generation sequencing libraries for methylation analysis from FFPE tissues. This includes, counting cells from FFPE blocks and extracting DNA from FFPE slides, testing bisulfite conversion efficiency with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based test, preparing reduced representation bisulfite sequencing libraries and massively parallel sequencing.


The main features and advantages of this protocol are:
  • An optimized method for extracting good quality DNA from FFPE tissues.
  • An efficient bisulfite conversion and next generation sequencing library preparation protocol that uses 50 ng DNA from FFPE tissue.
  • Incorporation of a PCR-based test to assess bisulfite conversion efficiency prior to sequencing.


We provide a complete workflow and an integrated protocol for performing DNA methylation analysis at the genome-scale and we believe this will facilitate clinical epigenetic research that involves the use of FFPE tissue.

Complementary to the time- and cost-intensive direct bisulfite sequencing, we applied reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) to the human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from YH, the Asian individual whose genome and epigenome has been deciphered in the YH project and systematically assessed the genomic coverage, coverage depth and reproducibility of this technology as well as the concordance of DNA methylation levels measured by RRBS and direct bisulfite sequencing for the detected CpG sites. Our result suggests that RRBS can cover more than half of CpG islands and promoter regions with a good coverage depth and the proportion of the CpG sites covered by the biological replicates reaches 80-90%, indicating good reproducibility. Given a smaller data quantity, RRBS enjoys much better coverage depth than direct bisulfite sequencing and the concordance of DNA methylation levels between the two methods is high. It can be concluded that RRBS is a time and cost-effective sequencing method for unbiased DNA methylation profiling of CpG islands and promoter regions in a genome-wide scale and it is the method of choice to assay certain genomic regions for multiple samples in a rapid way.  相似文献   

Fundamental to understanding the role of cytosine (C) methylation in genomic DNA (gDNA) is the need for robust analysis methods to determine the location and degree of this modification. We report a novel method for methylation detection by denaturing capillary electrophoresis (CE) using standard fragment analysis conditions. Bisulfite treatment of gDNA will selectively deaminate C but not 5-methylcytosine (5mC). Amplicons generated from bisulfite-converted gDNA are analyzed immediately after PCR using a 6-carboxy fluorescein (6-FAM) dye-labeled primer. The amplicons from methylated and unmethylated gDNA separate based solely on base composition due to the presence of multiple C versus thymine (T) differences. By direct detection of PCR amplicons following PCR using primers that anneal independent of methylation status, the overall workflow from gDNA sample input to data analysis is relatively simple. Furthermore, the same PCR product is suitable for additional analyses such as direct sequencing, cloning and sequencing, single-base extension, and post-PCR incorporation of a modified dCTP, the latter of which allows resolution of amplicons with as little as a single C/T difference. We show the utility of this novel CE detection assay by analyzing the hypermethylated region of the fragile-X FMR1 locus.  相似文献   



Epigenetic alterations, including DNA methylation, play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Several methods exist for evaluating DNA methylation, but bisulfite sequencing remains the gold standard by which base-pair resolution of CpG methylation is achieved. The challenge of the method is that the desired outcome (conversion of unmethylated cytosines) positively correlates with the undesired side effects (DNA degradation and inappropriate conversion), thus several commercial kits try to adjust a balance between the two. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of four bisulfite conversion kits [Premium Bisulfite kit (Diagenode), EpiTect Bisulfite kit (Qiagen), MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) and BisulFlash DNA Modification kit (Epigentek)] regarding conversion efficiency, DNA degradation and conversion specificity.


Performance was tested by combining fully methylated and fully unmethylated λ-DNA controls in a series of spikes by means of Sanger sequencing (0%, 25%, 50% and 100% methylated spikes) and Next-Generation Sequencing (0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% methylated spikes). We also studied the methylation status of two of our previously published differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at base resolution by using spikes of chorionic villus sample in whole blood.


The kits studied showed different but comparable results regarding DNA degradation, conversion efficiency and conversion specificity. However, the best performance was observed with the MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) followed by the Premium Bisulfite kit (Diagenode). The DMRs, EP6 and EP10, were confirmed to be hypermethylated in the CVS and hypomethylated in whole blood.


Our findings indicate that the MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) was shown to have the best performance among the kits. In addition, the methylation level of two of our DMRs, EP6 and EP10, was confirmed. Finally, we showed that bisulfite amplicon sequencing is a suitable approach for methylation analysis of targeted regions.  相似文献   

Methylation, the addition of methyl groups to cytosine (C), plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression in both normal and dysfunctional cells. During bisulfite conversion and subsequent PCR amplification, unmethylated Cs are converted into thymine (T), while methylated Cs will not be converted. Sequencing of this bisulfite-treated DNA permits the detection of methylation at specific sites. Through the introduction of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) simultaneous analysis of methylation motifs in multiple regions provides the opportunity for hypothesis-free study of the entire methylome. Here we present a whole methylome sequencing study that compares two different bisulfite conversion methods (in solution versus in gel), utilizing the high throughput of the SOLiD™ System. Advantages and disadvantages of the two different bisulfite conversion methods for constructing sequencing libraries are discussed. Furthermore, the application of the SOLiD™ bisulfite sequencing to larger and more complex genomes is shown with preliminary in silico created bisulfite converted reads.  相似文献   

Although CpG methylation clearly distributes genome-wide in vertebrate nuclear DNA, the state of methylation in the vertebrate mitochondrial genome has been unclear. Several recent reports using immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods concluded that human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has much more than the 2 to 5% CpG methylation previously estimated. However, these methods do not provide information as to the sites or frequency of methylation at each CpG site. Here, we have used the more definitive bisulfite genomic sequencing method to examine CpG methylation in HCT116 human cells and primary human cells to independently answer these two questions. We found no evidence of CpG methylation at a biologically significant level in these regions of the human mitochondrial genome. Furthermore, unbiased next-generation sequencing of sodium bisulfite treated total DNA from HCT116 cells and analysis of genome-wide sodium bisulfite sequencing data sets from several other DNA sources confirmed this absence of CpG methylation in mtDNA. Based on our findings using regionally specific and genome-wide approaches with multiple human cell sources, we can definitively conclude that CpG methylation is absent in mtDNA. It is highly unlikely that CpG methylation plays any role in direct control of mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification involved in both normal developmental processes and disease states through the modulation of gene expression and the maintenance of genomic organization. Conventional methods of DNA methylation analysis, such as bisulfite sequencing, methylation sensitive restriction enzyme digestion and array-based detection techniques, have major limitations that impede high-throughput genome-wide analysis. We describe a novel technique, MBD-isolated Genome Sequencing (MiGS), which combines precipitation of methylated DNA by recombinant methyl-CpG binding domain of MBD2 protein and sequencing of the isolated DNA by a massively parallel sequencer. We utilized MiGS to study three isogenic cancer cell lines with varying degrees of DNA methylation. We successfully detected previously known methylated regions in these cells and identified hundreds of novel methylated regions. This technique is highly specific and sensitive and can be applied to any biological settings to identify differentially methylated regions at the genomic scale.  相似文献   

We have developed a new generation of genome-wide DNA methylation BeadChip which allows high-throughput methylation profiling of the human genome. The new high density BeadChip can assay over 480K CpG sites and analyze twelve samples in parallel. The innovative content includes coverage of 99% of RefSeq genes with multiple probes per gene, 96% of CpG islands from the UCSC database, CpG island shores and additional content selected from whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data and input from DNA methylation experts. The well-characterized Infinium® Assay is used for analysis of CpG methylation using bisulfite-converted genomic DNA. We applied this technology to analyze DNA methylation in normal and tumor DNA samples and compared results with whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data obtained for the same samples. Highly comparable DNA methylation profiles were generated by the array and sequencing methods (average R2 of 0.95). The ability to determine genome-wide methylation patterns will rapidly advance methylation research.  相似文献   


The reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) method has been developed for the high-throughput analysis of DNA methylation based on the sequencing of genomic libraries treated with sodium bisulfite by next-generation approaches. In contrast to whole-genome sequencing, the RRBS approach elaborates specific endonucleases to prepare libraries in order to produce pools of CpG-rich DNA fragments. The original RRBS technology based on the use of the MspI libraries allows one to increase the relative number of CpG islands in the pools of genomic fragments compared to whole-genome bisulfite sequencing. Nevertheless, this technology is rarely used due to the high cost compared with bisulfite methylation analysis with hybridization microarrays and significant residual amount of data represented by the sequences of genomic repeats that complicates the alignment and is not of particular interest for developing DNA methylation markers, which is often the main goal of biomedical research. We have developed an algorithm for estimating the likelihood that recognition sites of restriction endonucleases will be represented in CpG islands and present a method of reducing the effective size of the RRBS library without a significant loss of the CpG islands based on the use of the XmaI endonuclease for library preparation. In silico analysis demonstrates that the optimum range of the XmaI-RRBS fragment lengths is 110–200 base pairs. The sequencing of this library allows one to assess the methylation status of over 125000 CpG dinucleotides, of which over 90000 belong to CpG islands.


DNA methylation plays a crucial role in higher organisms. Coupling bisulfite treatment with next generation sequencing enables the interrogation of 5-methylcytosine sites in the genome. However, bisulfite conversion introduces mismatches between the reads and the reference genome, which makes mapping of Illumina and SOLiD reads slow and inaccurate. BatMeth is an algorithm that integrates novel Mismatch Counting, List Filtering, Mismatch Stage Filtering and Fast Mapping onto Two Indexes components to improve unique mapping rate, speed and precision. Experimental results show that BatMeth is faster and more accurate than existing tools. BatMeth is freely available at http://code.google.com/p/batmeth/.  相似文献   

建立了适用于水稻基因组特定基因甲基化检测的亚硫酸氢钠测序法,并利用此方法对FIE2A基因CpG岛部分片段的甲基化差异进行了研究。采用CTAB法提取水稻叶片和胚乳细胞的基因组DNA,经亚硫酸氢钠化学修饰后,针对已修饰的FIE基因序列设计特异引物并结合巢式PCR扩增,TA载体克隆、测序,最后对测序结果进行分析。结果表明巢式PCR能够增加特异性产物的产生,FIE基因CpG岛在对称的CG和CNG位点甲基化水平较高,而在非对称CNN位点甲基化水平最低,此外在叶片中的平均甲基化水平较高。由此表明本研究建立的亚硫酸氢钠测序法适用于水稻基因组特定基因甲基化状态的检测。  相似文献   

Satellite sequences are an important part of the pericentromeric regions in mammalian genomes; they play a relevant role in chromosome stability and DNA hypomethylation of these sequences has been reported in ICF syndrome and in some cancers that are closely associated with chromosomal abnormalities. Epigenetic modifications of satellite sequences and their consequences have not been extensively studied in human cells. In the present work, we evaluated satellite 2 methylation patterns in human lymphocytes exposed to 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) and assessed the relationship between these patterns and chromosome missegregation. Human lymphocytes were exposed to 10μM 5-azaC for 24, 48, and 72h. Segregation errors were evaluated in binucleate cells using FISH against pericentromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16. DNA methylation patterns were evaluated by immunodetection, and by bisulfite plus urea conversion and sequencing. We have identified that 5-azaC induced missegregation of chromosomes 1 and 16, which have highly methylated satellite 2, after 72h of exposure. Chromosome methylation patterns showed a notable decrease in pericentromeric methylation. Bisulfite conversion and sequencing analysis demonstrated demethylation of satellite 2 associated to 5-azaC exposure, principally after 72h of treatment. This change occurred in a non-specific pattern. Our study demonstrates an association between loss of satellite 2 DNA methylation and chromosome loss in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation patterns   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cytosine methylation is the most common covalent modification of DNA in eukaryotes. DNA methylation has an important role in many aspects of biology, including development and disease. Methylation can be detected using bisulfite conversion, methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes, methyl-binding proteins and anti-methylcytosine antibodies. Combining these techniques with DNA microarrays and high-throughput sequencing has made the mapping of DNA methylation feasible on a genome-wide scale. Here we discuss recent developments and future directions for identifying and mapping methylation, in an effort to help colleagues to identify the approaches that best serve their research interests.  相似文献   

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