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Twenty-four adult female Sprague-Dawley rats (3 from each of 8 litters), showing 4-day cycles, were used in the present study. Aqueous extracts of pools of 6 pituitary glands in each cycle date were fractionated with a column isoelectrofocusing (IEF) technique, pH range of 3.5-10. Biological and immunological LH activities were determined by an in vitro bioassay and a radioimmunoassay, respectively, in the original aqueous extracts of the pituitary glands and in the fractions separated by IEF. Pituitary content of LH was the highest in the proestrus before the preovulatory LH surge (1243.7 +/- 67.8 micrograms NIAMDD rat LH-RP-1/pituitary gland for the biological activity). In the estrus, after the LH surge, it was reduced to 688.9 +/- 51.2 micrograms/pituitary gland. The decreased pituitary content was recovered to the level in the proestrus during the metestrus and the diestrus (1047.0 +/- 53.8 and 1173.0 +/- 58.5 micrograms/pituitary gland, respectively). Rat LH in the pituitary aqueous extracts was separated into multiple subpopulations in terms of pI values by IEF; i.e. Subpopulations A (pI = 10.3), B (9.3), C (9.0), D (8.7), E (8.3), F (neutral LH), and G (acidic LH). Among them the most predominant one was Subpopulation A throughout the estrous cycle. Subpopulations A, B and C exhibited statistically significant cyclic changes as was observed in the pituitary LH content, whereas the remaining ones stayed at constant levels during the cycle. The highest ratio of biological to immunological LH activities (B/I ratio) was obtained in Subpopulation A (6.41), followed by G, C and B (5.15, 4.24 and 3.99, respectively). Depressed B/I ratios were revealed in D, E and F (2.59, 1.86 and 3.07, respectively). High alkaline LH subpopulations, i.e. A, B and C, preserving high biological potency and showing cyclic changes during the estrous cycle, seem to be the releasable types of the hormone and to be mainly discharged for the preovulatory LH surge. Although characteristic features of other types of the hormone are not known, it is possible that one of them, presumably the acidic LH, might be the newly-synthesized type of the hormone, which might attain releasability by certain molecular modifications involving a shift in the pI value.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AII) has been previously shown to be localized in the gonadotropes of the rat anterior pituitary gland. Renin and angiotensin-converting enzyme, two enzymes that participate in the generation of AII, also have been shown to be present in gonadotropes. To determine whether angiotensinogen, the precursor to AII, is present in the same cells, we have stained rat anterior pituitary sections with an antirat angiotensinogen antiserum. Angiotensinogen staining was observed in cells that had a distinctive distribution at the periphery of the gland; the number of these cells and the intensity of the staining were increased in the pituitaries of rats that had been nephrectomized 24 hr before sacrifice. When double staining was performed, we never observed colocalization of angiotensinogen with any of the known pituitary hormones or with S100 protein. The results show that in the rat anterior pituitary gland, angiotensinogen is present, at least for the most part, in cells that are different from those containing renin, angiotensin-converting enzyme, and AII.  相似文献   

The effects of single and repeated LH-RH injections at 120 min intervals on female rat LH gonadotrophs and on pituitary and serum LH levels were investigated using electronmicroscopy and radioimmunoassay. A temporary stimulation of granule release, of protein and new granule synthesis and of the accumulation of lysosomal structures was found in LH cells after the first LH-RH injection. The temporary stimulations were massively enhanced after the second injection. These consecutive yet in their time-sequence overlapping processes account for the initial depletion of secretory granule content (3--15 min after LH-RH injection), for the subsequent regranulation and accumulation of granules above control levels (60--120 min after injection) and also for the reduction in the number of granules to control levels (150 min after LH-RH injection and thereafter). Increased polymorphic lysosomal structures are believed to be responsible for this reduction of excess granules. The amount of assayable pituitary and serum LH generally corresponds with the morphological changes observed in LH-gonadotrophs, thus further substantiating the above observations. A schema which summarizes the observed morphological and hormonal changes in their time-sequence in response to LH-RH stimulation depicts the short-term regulation of secretory processes in female gonadotrophs.  相似文献   

In this study a highly specific polyclonal antibody to DrmSP was produced and used to develop and standardize a sensitive direct ELISA. Structure-activity studies revealed that the antiserum is specific to the N-terminal of DrmSP. This ELISA was used for the detection of DrmSP-like immunoreactivity in the reproductive tissues of male Helicoverpa armigera moths at femtomole levels. Two positive immunoreactive peaks were found in HPLC purified extracts of male accessory glands. The immunoreactive peak, which contained a higher amount of immunoreactivity, was also found to be pheromonostatic in PBAN-injected decapitated females as well as in intact female moths during their peak pheromone production. Lower levels of DrmSP-like immunoreactivity were found in younger males (1-2 day-old) when compared to older males (3-7 day-old).  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms of the synthesis and the release of gonadotropin, rat anterior pituitary cells were stimulated in vitro with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH), [D-Ser(tBu)]6 des-Gly-NH2(10) ethylamide (Buserelin) and 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), and then the LH and LH-beta subunit released into the medium were determined by radioimmunoassay. Buserelin showed its biological activity at a much lower concentration than LH-RH, but both of them caused the release of LH and LH-beta subunit in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, intracellular LH synthesis from LH-beta subunit by stimulation with LH-RH or Buserelin was also found. After inducing various degrees of desensitization by stimulation with LH-RH or Buserelin in a dose-dependent manner (the first stimulation), pituitary cells were stimulated with a fixed dose of TPA (the second stimulation) and the released LH was assayed. LH was released almost constantly by the second stimulation, regardless of the dose used for the first stimulation. These results suggest that the C-kinase pathway was unaffected by the desensitization induced with LH-RH or Buserelin.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical staining for serotonin (5-HT) in paraffin-embedded sections of rat pituitary resulted in the localization of reactive nerve fibres and cell bodies in the intermediate lobe. Immunostaining was also found in the anterior and posterior lobes. Labelled nerve fibres appear to enter the intermediate lobe from the neural lobe through the interlobular spaces. These fibres are relatively scarce and lightly stained. Neuroglandular contacts were identified between varicose nerve endings containing serotonin and immunoreactive perykarion. It is not clear whether intermediate lobe cells produced 5-HT themselves or, alternatively, these cells take in 5-HT from serotoninergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Using a highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay for dynorphin(1-13), dynorphin-like immunoreactivity (dynorphin-LI) was detected in rat pituitary and hypothalamus. Gel chromatographic studies on Sephadex G-50 revealed three components of dynorphin-LI with molecular weights of approximately 7500-9500 (big dynorphin), 3500-5500 (intermediate dynorphin) and 1600-1900 (small dynorphin), the latter of which eluted at the same position as authentic dynorphin contamination in porcine ACTH extracts (Sigma). Dynorphin-LI in rat anterior pituitary existed mainly as big dynorphin, whereas dynorphin-LI in rat intermediate-posterior pituitary and hypothalamus eluted mainly at the position of authentic small dynorphin.  相似文献   

High molecular weight ACTH fractions, obtained through gel filtration of boiled rat anterior pituitary extract, induced a marked increase in corticosterone production from isolated rat adrenal cells in the presence of low concentrations of ACTH-(1-24). This indicates the presence of heat-stable factors augmenting the steroidogenic action of ACTH in the rat anterior pituitary. We also noted that these factors potentiated the activity not only of ACTH-1(1-24) but also of ACTH-(1-8). The ACTH-potentiating factors in rat anterior pituitary extract are possibly present in heterogeneous forms according to their molecular weights (8,000, 10,000 and 15,000), their mobility in ion-exchange chromatography and their content in RIA-ACTH activity. Of these three forms, the former comigrated with biological ACTH activity. The remaining two forms were free of it. Since the effect of potentiating factors on modified ACTH-(1-9), shown to be less susceptible to proteolytic degradation from ACTH-(1-24), was similar to the effect on ACTH-(1-24), it is suggested that potentiation was not due to an inhibition of ACTH proteolysis.  相似文献   

R J Orts  B Benson  B F Cook 《Life sciences》1974,14(8):1501-1510
Crude aqueous extracts of rat pineal glands markedly inhibited the 24 and 48 hour postcastration rise of serum LH in mature male rats. After partial purification by exclusion chromatography on Sephadex G-25 the LH inhibitory activity was found to reside in a volume not coinciding with that of melatonin, indicating that some substance other than this indole may be responsible for the anti-LH property in aqueous extracts of rat pineal glands.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic catechol-O-methyltransferase activity from rat liver was resolved by gel filtration into two enzymes: a major form having an estimated molecular weight of 23,000 and a minor one of 45,500. The relative abundance of these forms in liver is about 5:1, respectively. Microsomal catechol-O-methyltransferase constituted only 2% of the total liver activity. After solubilization by sonication most of the microsomal enzyme showed a molecular weight in excess of 100,000, but some 23,000 - enzyme was also released. The bound enzyme thus may represent an aggregate form of the soluble activity. The two cytoplasmic enzymes differ in several properties, including pH optima and thermal stability. The two forms also differ in the extent of methylation of the para hydroxyl group, the larger enzyme having a meta:para methylation ratio twice that obtained with the smaller form.  相似文献   

Summary Several attempts have been made to localize steroids by means of immunocytological techniques. However, these methods were found inadequate for detecting steroids bound to their receptors. To localize endogenous testosterone (T) in its target cells at the ultrastructural level, an immunocytological technique was performed on ultrathin sections obtained by cryo-ultramicrotomy. T was detected in the pituitary glands obtained from intact male or female rats and castrated rats, but not in castrated + adrenalectomized rats. Animals were also injected either with testosterone, with other steroids (estradiol, progesterone, corticosterone) or with an androgen antagonist (cyproterone acetate). In addition, some ultrathin sections were preincubated either with phosphate buffers of various pH, corticosterone, cyproterone acetate solution, or with T solution. The content of T in the pituitary before and after fixation was measured by radioimmunoassay; it decreased after fixation. T immunoreactivity was localized in the gonadotropic cells only, both in the male and female rats. At the subcellular level, the immunoreactivity was detected in the cytoplasmic matrix and in the nucleus. Immunoreactive T disappeared 1) in rats after castration+adrenalectomy; by means of radioimmunoassay no T was measured in these pituitary glands; 2) in rats injected with 25 (g/rat of cyproterone acetate; 3) after preincubation of pituitary sections on a drop of cyproterone acetate (1 × 10-6 M). The immunocytological reaction was not modified when the rats were injected with estradiol, progesterone or corticosterone (1 mg/rat), or after preincubation of the sections with corticosterone (1 × 10-3 M), or a buffer solution at pH 7.6. Lower or higher pH values led to a strong decrease in the immunoreactivity. After injection of T (15 g/rat) the immunocytological reaction was more abundant in the nucleus and less in the cytoplasm. The immunoreactivity was again observed when the sections were preincubated with cyproterone acetate solution and then with T solution. These data suggest that T can be detected by means of immunocytochemistry. It is probably bound to a specific binding site.This work was presented in part at the VIth International Congress on Hormonal Steroids, Jerusalem, 1982  相似文献   

Hydrogen and carbon isotope ratios of cellulose nitrate and oxygen isotope ratios of cellulose from C3, C4, and Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants were determined for plants growing within a small area in Val Verde County, Texas. Plants having CAM had distinctly higher deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratios than plants having C3 and C4 metabolism. When hydrogen isotope ratios are plotted against carbon isotope ratios, each photosynthetic mode separates into a distinct cluster of points. C4 plants had many D/H ratios similar to those of C3 plants, so that hydrogen isotope ratios cannot be used to distinguish between these two photosynthetic modes. Portulaca mundula, which may have a modified photosynthetic mode between C4 and CAM, had a hydrogen isotope ratio between those of the C4 and CAM plants. When oxygen isotope ratios are plotted against carbon isotope ratios, no distinct clustering of the C4 and CAM plants occurs. Thus, oxygen isotope ratios are not useful in distinguishing between these metabolic modes. A plot of hydrogen isotope ratios versus oxygen isotope ratios for this sample set shows considerable overlap between oxygen isotope ratios of the different photosynthetic modes without a concomitant overlap in the hydrogen isotope ratios of CAM and the other two photosynthetic modes. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that higher D/H ratios in CAM plants relative to C3 and C4 plants are due to isotopic fractionations occurring during biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative immunocytochemical studies were done by using the immunogold technique on sections of the intermediate lobe of rat pituitary. Antibodies raised (in rabbits) against the precursor proteins pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and ACTH were used. The results clearly indicate that the immature granules are the major site of POMC, as their antigenic density (gold beads/m2) was almost 3 times as high as that of ACTH. In the mature igranules, the antigenic density of ACTH was increased by 2.7-fold compared with the immature granules. Using a computer-assisted method, it was possible to categorize the granules antigenic density according to their size. Using this approach it was found that the antigenic density of POMC remained constant in all mature granules of varied sizes, whereas the antigenic density of ACTH decreased with increasing granule size. The relationship between granule size, degree of maturation, and antigenic density is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated morphometrically and densitometrically LH, FSH, PRL, and ACTH cells in pituitary glands in cows with follicular cysts and normal animals. Three groups were considered: cows in diestrus, cows in periestrus and cows with follicular cysts. The periestrous group was obtained by merging pro- and metaestrous groups, since the two did not differ when evaluated separately. The attribution to groups was confirmed by plasma progesterone measurements and by postmortem examination of the ovaries. After immunocytochemical labeling the pituitary cells were counted, and their area and total immunoreactivity were measured. The results suggest hypofunction of the LH cells (P < 0.05) and hyperfunction of the ACTH cells (P < 0.05) from the cows of the follicular cyst group. The FSH and PRL cells were similar in the three groups. These changes are consistent with the reduced LH release reported by most authors in cows with follicular cysts and should be relevant to the pathogenesis of the bovine follicular cysts. The subnormal activity of LH cells might be secondary to the activation of the ACTH cells.  相似文献   

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