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A smallish, rather slender-built bird; quite a typical Cisticola like subruficapilla , which species despite its different coloration is-one of if not the nearest of its allies, about the same size, build and proportions as the Sardinian Warbler (S. melanocephala) and with much moreover in its behaviour which recalls that and other quite differently coloured bush-loving Sylvia Warblers, such as, for instance, the Whitethroat (S. communis).  相似文献   


The only European and most familiar species * of the whole genus Cisticola , of which, according to ancient designation †, it is the representative type-species. It is also the species with the widest range.  相似文献   

E. H. Penry 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):229-235
Penry, E. H. 1985. Notes on breeding of Cisticola brunnescens and C. juncidis in Zambia. Ostrich 56: 229–235.

Details are given of breeding data from Cisticola juncidis and C. brunnescens in Kitwe. Zambia in December 1979 and January 1980. Composition, structure and dimensions of nests, incubation periods, nestling periods, chick development and breeding success are presented and comparisons are made between the two species for each of these factors. The previously unrecorded incubation period for C. brunnescens is 11–13 days. All published breeding records for the two species in Zambia between 1970 and 1980 have been collated.  相似文献   

The least of all the Cisticolae—although some of the races of other species are as small—a tiny, roundabout little creature, scarcely bigger than a Goldcrest (Regulus) , and of not very different proportions: confined to a comparatively small part of East Africa. In life, quite "a Cisticola", but one with a good deal of individuality in its behaviour, with quick darting movements, and at home in fairly dry, tall "bush" country. Discovered only forty-five years ago, nana was classified without hesitation in its natural place among the Cisticolae, and there it has remained more or less undisturbed; although near relationship with Apalis angusticauda, a bird of very like coloration, but with a number of unlike characters of form, has been suggested.  相似文献   

The only species of Cisticola not inhabiting Africa at all, but with headquarters in south-eastern Asia and Australia, and ranging thence no further to the westward than southern India: Latham's English name, "The Exile Warbler"*is therefore very appropriate.  相似文献   

A part from considerations as to where it is best wedged into the linear sequence, the brachyptera group is defined in general terms as a compact group of four small or very small species which resemble one another in many important specific characters and the other thirty-six species classified here as Cisticola in so many ways of form, coloration and behaviour as to make them best understood by classifying them also under that generic name.  相似文献   

G. L. MacLean 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):217-232
Results are presented from point-counts at six sites in the Kalahari in Botswana. Counts were repeated three times: during a dry season following good rains (1991), during the next wet season when rains were far below average, and the following dry season (1992) when the area became drought-stricken. Compared to the wet season, bird numbers decreased during the drought by 37–81% and species by 8–52%; compared to the previous dry season, birds decreased by 5–71% and species by 2–47%. Bird diversity (relative to numbers) tended to increase during the wet season but was little affected by drought, except in the northern Kalahari, where a greater proportion of birds moved out in response to drought. This gave the northern Kalahari the most distinct bird community during a wet cycle, but it became again typically Kalahari during the drought. Thus, the typical Kalahari bird communities expanded their range during drought into the moister periphery. Changes in numbers, most probably resulting from (local) movements were found in many species. Most confirmed earlier reports on their nomadic nature but some, like Red-crested Lophotis ruficrista and Northern Black Afrotis afraoides Korhaan, Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler Parisoma subcaeruleum, Ant-eating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora, Tinkling Cisticola Cisticola rufilatus, Black-chested Prinia Prinia flavicans, Marico Flycatcher Bradornis mariquensis and Brown-crowned Tchagra Tchagra australis have not been or are not widely recognised as mobile species.  相似文献   

R. S. Cumming 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):63-73
The study investigated the bird species diversity associated with vegetation communities found on a single mountain slope in the Usuthu Gorge Community Conservation Area, northern KwaZulu-Natal. Thirteen sample sites were surveyed on a monthly basis for 12 months. Over this period, 279 birds and 55 species were recorded, of which the Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor was the most abundant. The Rattling Cisticola Cisticola chiniana was the indicator species in the highest community, Open Bushveld, which is characterised by grassland and bush patches. The White-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris talatala was an indicator in the second-lowest community, Dense Bushveld–Woodland, which is characterised by steep slopes and thickets. In Wooded Grassland, located between the above two communities, the highest beta diversity (species turnover) was recorded and this outcome was probably caused by large areas covered by rocks that compelled woodland birds to move through this community. Contrary to expectation, the gamma diversity per vegetation community increased with elevation from 18 to 33 species in Dense Bushveld–Woodland, Wooded Grassland and Open Bushveld. A future study should measure bird species diversity on larger elevational gradients, i.e. slopes from 500 to 3 000 m above sea level, which also include more distinct vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the wing moult of Le Vaillant's CisticolaCisticola tinniens in South Africa indicate that the remiges are replaced once a year only, during the post-nuptial moult.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first extensive evidence of vocal imitations of African birds by a Palaearctic migrant, the Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris. Nearly 30 individual tape recorded repertoires have been analysed, most of them from Belgium; imitations of each identified species were compared to models by spectrographic analysis. A list of 113 African species (33 non-passerines, 80 passerines) was thus established (Appendix), which, added to the list of 99 European species, gives a total imitative range of 212 species. The low-pitched voices of many non-passerines exclude them from imitation. Vocal imitations of some rather local species in East Africa provide information on the localization of the autumn and winter quarters of A. palustris. In particular, the frequency of imitations of such species as Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea, Boran Cisticola Cisticola bodessa and Red-pate Cisticola C. ruficeps lends support to the idea of the existence of autumn quarters in northeastern Africa. Individual repertoires contain an average of 76.2 different imitated species (extremes 63–84), the number of African species (average 45.0) exceeding that of European species (average 31.2). About a fifth of the complete song remains unidentified and probably corresponds to imitations of African birds whose voices have not yet been recorded. The most recurrent imitations are those of noticeably noisy species, widespread in Africa. A. palustris appears not to be selective in its repertoire. Imitations of different species can, to some extent, be combined and alternated into original motifs. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the young A. palustris are still learning song motifs when on their way to their winter quarters and probably stop learning soon after their arrival there, most of them in January, at the age of 6–7 months. There is a temporal separation between the sensitive phase and the motor phase of song learning. No conclusion as to the possible functions of the imitative element of the song can be drawn at present.  相似文献   

Notes are given on 78 species of bird recorded in Korea between 7 July 1953 and 14 October 1954, including Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii and Fantail Warbler Cisticola juncoides apparently recorded for the first time. A further 67 species were also seen.  相似文献   

The songs of oscine passerine birds vary on many spatial scales, reflecting the actions of diverse evolutionary pressures. Here we examine the songs of Cisticola erythrops, which effectively signal species identity across a geographical area spanning 6500 km in sub-Saharan Africa. Selection for species identification should promote stability in song traits, while sexual selection and geographical segregation should promote diversity. Cisticola erythrops share syllable types across the entire range of species and structure songs similarly, but individuals sing highly variable songs through improvisational recombination of syllables. Patterns of syllable use change gradually across the range of the species and do not show distinct breaks at subspecies boundaries. The acoustic properties of the most common syllable type also change gradually with distance. The results illustrate how songs can be simultaneously species-specific and highly variable at an individual level. At a larger level, patterns of variation indicate that cultural drift has generated song diversity through an isolation by distance mechanism.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Mangokygegend wurden 4 Vertreter der Sylviidae beobachtet:Calamocichla newtoni, Nesillas typica, Thamnornis chloropetoides, Cisticola cherina.Verbreitung und Biotop vonThamnornis in der Mangokygegend werden beschrieben, ebenso Lebensweise und Lautäußerungen und zum ersten Mal Nest und Eier. Ein Partner, wohl das Weibchen, baut das Nest allein. Die zwei gefundenen Nester waren im Wald, in Büschen zwischen senkrechte Ästchen gebaut, aber diese nicht in das Nest eingewoben. Höhe des Nestgrundes über dem Boden: 27 cm bzw. 25 cm. Ein Vollgelege zählte 3 Eier. Die Bebrütungsdauer vom letzten Ei an gerechnet dauerte in einem Fall mindestens 13 Tage (Nest ausgeraubt). Die Brutperiode fällt in die erste Hälfte der Regenzeit.Thamnornis ist während des ganzen Jahres in seinem Verbreitungsgebiet in der Mangokygegend anwesend. Er hält sich vor allem im Unterholz, in Büschen und auf dem Boden auf.VonCalamocichla newtoni, Nesillas typica, Cisticola cherina werden die Verbreitung in der Mangokygegend dargelegt und einige Beobachtungen über die Lebensweise mitgeteilt.
Observations sur Thamnornis et les autres Sylviidés de la région du Mangoky, dans le Sud-Ouest de Madagaskar
Résumé Quatre représentants des Sylviidés ont été observés dans la région du Mangoky:Calamocichla newtoni, Nesillas typica, Thamnornis chloropetoides etCisticola cherina. La distribution deThamnornis dans la région du Mangoky et le biotope de cet oiseau sont décrits, de même que des observations sur ses moeurs, ses cris et son chant. Pour la première fois, le nid et les oeufs de ce genre sont dépeints. C'est probablement la femelle seule qui construit le nid. Les deux nids découverts étaient bâtis dans des buissons, au milieu de branches verticales. Ces dernières, cependant, n'étaient pas prises dans la texture du nid. Hauteur du fond du nid au-dessus du sol: 25 cm pour l'un et 27 cm pour l'autre. Une couvée complète compta trois oeufs. Dans un cas, l'incubation a duré au moins 13 jours, à partir du dernier oeuf (nid pillé).La nidification a lieu dans la première moitié de la saison des pluies.On trouveThamnornis durant toute l'année dans son aire de distribution du Mangoky. Il se tient surtout dans le sous-bois, les buissons et au sol.En ce qui concerneCalamocichla newtoni, Nesillas typica etCisticola cherina, leur distribution dans la région du Mangoky et quelques observations sur leurs moeurs sont exposées.

Bird-plant communities are described. Moorland: effect of incomplete forest barrier in extending population as compared with Kilimanjaro. Upland grasslands: four subdivisions with distinctive avifauna tabularly compared. Upland bushland: two subdivisions. Evergreen forest. Upland waters. Intermediate scattered-tree grasslands: lodgment of distinctive populations. Ground-water forest. Lake and swamp: comparison between populations of Lakes Natron, Manyara and Embagai; analysis of migrant movements and biotic preferences among waterfowl.
Breeding seasons: contrast between upper and lower zones, in some cases implying biological races of common species.
Evolutionary significance of population; probable recent development of the four or five endemics; very mixed affinities of the remainder, which include forms associated with Kilimanjaro, Chyulu, Kenya Highlands, Lake Victoria basin, Uganda and S.W. Tanganyika, considered to indicate rather recent colonization, but in some instances survival from an earlier epoch.
Systematic notes on 23 species of special interest, including a review of the East African races of Colius striatus , field-notes on newly described races of Pinarochroa sordida and Cisticola hunteri , and a first account of the nesting of Nectarinia johnstoni.  相似文献   

The social system of an individually-marked population of the fan-tailed warbler Cisticola juncidis was studied in Japan, over six breeding seasons from 1978 to 1983. More than 127 males established territories, some 50–70% were polygynists each year. Territorial males were replaced frequently within seasons. Females were less faithful than males to their first breeding sites. Perennial or seasonal pair bonds were rare, maintained over two successive breeding attempts, by only 13.6% of females. Half the females left the area after one breeding attempt. Frequent divorce, rapid and multiple remating of females, multiple breedings, and female movement over a wide area all combine to skew breeding sex ratio from unity and favor polygyny.  相似文献   

H. LYNES. 《Ibis》1930,72(S1):1-12
Origin of the Review—The birds concerned—Outlook on starting work, how the birds were classified, material &c. available—Progress; Types; Pictures; African tour—Conclusion purpose of the Review; Classification.  相似文献   

In the light of a decision taken in April 2009 that the arts will be included in a projected national curriculum it seems relevant to examine First We See: The National Review of Visual Education, which was completed in August 2008. That Review recommends the development of a visual education curriculum for the compulsory years of schooling. Under the guiding concept of “visuacy,” a neologism deriving from “visual literacy,” the newly conceived subject is intended to have educational outcomes complementary to literacy and numeracy. I examine the arguments and recommendations of the Review, and briefly examine the methodology of Phase One of the Review (i.e., a literature review, a questionnaire, and school visits) for its relevance to the Review's recommendations.  相似文献   

Birds of papyrus swamps have not been adequately studied in Kenya, and little is known about their ecology and habitat associations. Using fixed‐radius point counts and playbacks, we counted papyrus specialist birds and evaluated papyrus physical characteristics and levels of disturbance at a series of sample stations at three papyrus swamps of Dunga, Koguta and Kusa in the Kenyan sector of Lake Victoria. Papyrus height and density were significantly correlated across all sites but negatively correlated with levels of disturbance. Standardized point counts of swamp birds showed the papyrus gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri and Carruthers's cisticola Cisticola carruthersi to be the most abundant papyrus specialists across sites. Only Carruthers's cisticola numbers differed between sites. Overall, papyrus cover was the best predictor of the presence and abundance of all papyrus specialist birds, and significantly predicted the numbers of papyrus gonolek and white‐winged warbler Bradypterus carpalis.  相似文献   

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