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The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of sperm cells has been examined ultrastructurally in the tricellular pollen grains ofGalium mollugo L. (Rubiaceae).Trichodiadema setuliferum Schwantes (Aizoaceae), andAvena sativa L. (Poaceae). After detachement from the intine the generative cell of all three species lies free within the vegetative cytoplasm. The two sperm cells are built inTrichodiadema andAvena by a single separating wall, while inGalium mollugo two independent walls are formed. However, both mechanisms separate the two male gametes completely.  相似文献   

The comparative floral ontogeny of five species belonging to the primuloid clade of the Ericales are investigated, viz. Maesa japonica, M. perlarius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Embelia laeta and E. ribes. All five species basically show 2/5-spiral phyllotaxis of the sepal primordia, although with some minor modification (particularly in Embelia, where the flowers are predominantly tetramerous). The phyllotaxis of the common petal-stamen primordia is also 2/5-spiral in the Maesa and Aegiceras species investigated, but appears to be unidirectional in Embelia. All five species develop common petal-stamen primordia in which the resultant petal primordia are larger than the stamen primordia, and in which the stamens develop proximally on the adaxial flank of the common primordia. Growth of the placenta in Maesa and Aegiceras partially embeds the ovules, but in Embelia the ovules are almost fully immersed in placental tissue at maturity. A comprehensive review of all previously published studies of floral ontogeny of primuloid genera is presented, and the phylogenetic significance of the variation between genera is evaluated with reference to recently published cladograms.  相似文献   

Six carabidicolous species of Laboulbeniales are reported as new for the Japanese mycoflora. They areLaboulbenia finitima, L. separata, L. borneensis, L. manubriolata, Dimeromyces caribaeus, andDixomyces ornatus. In Japan, the former three species are parasitic onMochtherus luctuosus and the latter three species onPerigona nigriceps. Laboulbenia finitima occurs on the left legs (tarsi and tibiae);L. separata on the left elytral margin:L. borneensis on the pronotum;L. manubriolata on the pronotum and elytra;Dimeromyces caribaeus on the right inferior posterior surface of the prothorax (pronotal hypomeron); andDixomyces ornatus on the outer margin of the right elytron. Comments and photographs are given for each fungus.  相似文献   

Osbertia, a stoloniferous group confined to the montane regions of Mexico and adjacent Guatemala, was first proposed as a genus byGreene (1895), but most workers have retained the taxon as part ofHaplopappus. It is clearly closer toNoticastrum, Erigeron orHeterotheca than it is toHaplopappus sensu stricto. The present treatment recognizes two species, a widespread highly variableOsbertia stolonifera and a newly describedO. chihuahuana from northwestern Mexico. Distribution maps, distinguishing features, full synonymy and illustrations are presented.  相似文献   

Jun Wen 《Brittonia》1993,45(1):47-55
Aralia, described by Linnaeus, remains a poorly defined genus. Many satellite genera ofAralia have been proposed, and some have been accepted without critical evaluation. These genera includeCoudenbergia, Megalopanax, Parapentapanax, andPentapanax. This study examined the historical background of the establishment of these genera and their diagnostic characters. It was found that (1)Aralia s. str. is a relatively diverse genus; (2) the separation ofPentapanax andParapentapanax fromAralia is unsubstantiated; (3)Megalopanax is synonymous withCoudenbergia; and (4) the boundaries betweenAralia and bothCoudenbergia andPentapanax intergrade. It is proposed, therefore, to mergeCoudenbergia, Parapentapanax, andPentapanax withAralia, which has nomenclatural priority.Aralia is herein defined as consisting of those species in Araliaceae with pinnate leaves, articulated rachises, five to eight-merous flowers, petals imbricate in buds, and articulated pedicels. The revised generic concept requires the following new combinations or new names:Aralia castanopsisicola, A. franchetti, A. gigantea, A. laevis, A. leschenaultii, A. parasitica, A. rex, A. subcordata, A. verticillata, andA. warmingiana.  相似文献   

Five new species are described:Eremostachys codonocalyx from NE. Iran (related toE. subspicata),E. stenocalycina from NE. Afghanistan (related toE. alberti andE. hissarica),E. salangensis from NE. Afghanistan (close toE. bamianica),E. freitagii from E. Afghanistan (similar but not closely related toE. vulnerans), andE. andersii from E. Afghanistan (similar but not closely related toE. vulnerans), andE. andersii from NE. Afghanistan of isolated systematic position.
Florae Iranicae praecursores 5–9.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Cyprus the pollinator —Ophrys (Orchidaceae) relationships and its specifity have been investigated from the end of February until the middle of March 1986. 12Ophrys spp. were found. To date, only a single pollinator reference has been reported from this island. We found the following pollinators:Melecta tuberculata (Ophrys kotschyi),Eucera dimidiata (Ophrys flavomarginata),Eucera gaullei (Ophrys umbilicata),Eucera paulusi (Ophrys bornmuelleri),Anthophora erschowi (Ophrys elegans),Andrena torda (Ophrys sicula =O. lutea subsp.minor),Andrena cinereophila (Ophrys fusca, small-flowered),Andrena flavipes (Ophrys israelitica),Andrena morio (Ophrys iricolor andOphrys transhyrcana),Andrena bimaculata (Ophrys sphegodes aggr., probably formerly confused withO. transhyrcana). Most interestingly, it could be verified thatO. flavomarginata/O. umbilicata, O. bornmuelleri/O. levantina andO. transhyrcana/O. sphegodes aggr. (possiblyO. sintenisii) are different biospecies. This is a result of genetic isolation due to varying pollinators, and of differences in flower morphology.  相似文献   

本文对彼得黑粉菌属(Franzpetrakia)进行订正研究。此属包括2个种,莠竹彼得黑粉(F. microstegii)和薏苡彼得黑粉新组合(F. okudairae comb. nov.)一对其孢子萌发同物异名及异同点等进行了讨论。彼得黑粉菌属是中国和日本的新记录属。芬竹彼得黑粉是中国新记录种。  相似文献   

The chemotaxonomic findings relating to the generaBoletinus, Suillus, Gastroboletus, Gomphidius, andChroogomphus are summarized and discussed, using published data as well as our own hitherto unpublished evidence of pigments and chromogens. The study confirms repeatedly made claims that these genera are closely related. In addition to the presence of pigments which are typical for most members of theBoletales (e.g., pulvinic acid derivatives, terphenyl quinones, cyclopentenones), prenylated phenols and quinones can also be constantly detected here (with the exception ofBoletinus), just as inRhizopogon. Accordingly,Suillus is more closely related to theGomphidiaceae andRhizopogonaceae than to the remaining boletes. It is therefore necessary to establish a new family (Suillaceae which includeBoletinus, Suillus, andGastrosuillus) and a new suborder (Suillineae which includeSuillaceae, Gomphidiaceae, andRhizopogonaceae) within theBoletales. Chemosystematics ofBoletales 2. For part 1 seeBesl & al. (1986). Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

The serological reaction of seed proteins provides evidence for a partly new systematic arrangement ofCytisus sect.Trianthocytisus and ofCytisus s.l. Proposed modifications agree with recent advances in morphological taxonomy. Sect.Trianthocytisus includes only two species,C. villosus andC. aeolicus. Its position is central within the genus, and this fact agrees with the proposed retypification ofCytisus (type species:C. villosus).C. emeriflorus, formerly included in the same section, constitutes the monospecific sect.Emeroides, which is intermediate towards the genusLembotropis. This is serologically isolated and includes onlyL. nigricans. It is confirmed thatC. sessilifolius should be removed from the genusCytisus as a monospecific genus:Cytisophyllum Lang which is closely allied toHesperolaburnum and toPodocytisus, the most primitive genera ofGenisteae.  相似文献   

We examinedchlL (frxC) gene evolution using several approaches. Sequences from the chloroplast genome of the fernPolystichum acrostichoides and from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. 7002 were determined and found to be highly conserved. A complete physical map of the fern chloroplast genome and partial maps of other vascular plant taxa show thatchlL is located primarily in the small single copy region as inMarchantia polymorpha. A survey of a wide variety of non-angiospermous vascular plant DNAs shows thatchlL is widely distributed but has been lost in the pteridophytePsilotum and (presumably independently) within the Gnetalean gymnosperms.The namefrxC was originally used to denote a gene encoding a product with probable Fe : S cluster binding activity. This activity was postulated due to the amino acid sequence similarity between this product and the Fe : S-binding nitrogenase iron proteinnifH. Fe : S-binding is a property shared by ferredoxins, which are denoted by the prefix frx. However, this gene does not encode a ferredoxin. It is much larger than any known ferredoxin, it binds its Fe : S cluster between two halves of a homodimer (Fujita & al. 1989,Burke & al. 1993 a, c) instead of within a single subunit, and it lacks the pattern of clustered cysteines present in all ferredoxins (Meyer 1988). Therefore, we use the namechlL to recognize the sequence and functional similarities to the bacterial PChlide reductase subunit,bchL. Similar usage has been adopted for this (Suzuki & Bauer 1992) and other (Choquet & al. 1992,Burke & al. 1993b) PChlide reductase subunits.  相似文献   

Four new species of the generaBeaufortia, Chamaelaucium, Drosera, andPultenaea are described based on the author's collections from SW. Australia. Their affinities are discussed and full illustrations are provided.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The solitary parasitoids Aphidius erviHaliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and Aphelinus asychisWalker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) attacked but generally did not oviposit in pea aphids parasitized by the other species. Wasps selectively oviposited in unparasitized hosts when given a choice. Host discrimination depended on the recognition of internal cues. Females of A. asychiseither could not recognize or ignored A. ervi'sexternal host marking pheromone. Under most conditions, A. ervisurvived in superparasitized hosts, killing competing A. asychislarvae by physical attack and possibly physiological suppression. The outcome of larval competition was not affected by oviposition sequence or age difference between larvae; A. asychissurvived only when it had substantially completed larval development before the host was superparasitized by A. ervi.It is suggested that competition for host resources incurs a cost, for the winner in terms of reduced size or increased development time and for the loser in terms of lost progeny and searching time. Consequently, heterospecific host discrimination can be functional. Internal, and probably general, cues enable wasps to recognize and avoid oviposition in hosts already parasitized by an unrelated species.  相似文献   

We conducted a field survey for flatworms to select species as potential biological control agents against Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) breeding in artificial containers. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the daily predation rate, differential predation on each mosquito larval instar, selective predation on either A. aegypti or C. pipiens, and predator tolerance to water from artificial containers. Girardia anceps (Tricladida, Paludicola, Dugesiidae), Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Bothromesostoma cf. evelinae (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida, Typhloplanidae) were found in temporary puddles and permanent pools. In the laboratory, they killed between 52% and 100% of immature mosquitoes coexisting in the same habitat. No preference of flatworms for mosquito preys was detected. Predation rate was related to predator size and instar of preys. Girardia anceps and B. evelinae survived after a dry period and when re-flooding occurred, they laid eggs. Tolerance to water from artificial containers was highest in G. anceps and this species could be a suitable predator to reduce mosquito populations from artificial containers using an inoculative approach.  相似文献   

The endoparasitoidCoptera haywardi(Ogloblin) (Diapriidae) was discovered in Mexico attacking the pupae of the Mexican fruit fly,Anastrepha ludens(Loew). Typically, parasitoids of Diptera Cychlorrhapha pupae develop as ectoparasitoids and are generalists that attack hosts in a number of families. Aspects of the bionomics ofC. haywardiwere compared to those of two chalcidoid ectoparasitoids,Dirhinus himalayanusWestwood andSpalangia geminaBoucek.C. haywardideveloped in three genera of Tephritidae, but not in species of other families. The two species of chalcidoids developed in all the calypterate and acalypterate hosts to which they were exposed. In an olfactometerC. haywardipreferredAnastrepha suspensa(Loew) pupae, while the chalcidoids preferred the pupae ofMusca domestica L.This preference inS. geminawas diminished in insects that had been reared onA. suspensa. C. haywardioviposited in theA. suspensapupae that had been previously parasitized by the braconidDiachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead). However, it completed development only in unparasitized pupae. Mortality of the primary parasitoid due toD. himalayanuswas approximately two-thirds the mortality inflicted on the host fly.S. geminadid not discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized pupae ofA. suspensaand developed in both.C. haywardiappears to have a more restricted host range relative to chalcidoid pupal parasitoids and this may be due to its endoparasitic development.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of Genista and related genera (Teline, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Echinospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus and Retama) were assessed by the analysis of sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS region), and the cpDNA trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. The tree obtained by combining both sets of data indicates the existence of three lines of diversification within Genista, that correspond to three subgenera: Genista, Phyllobotrys and Spartocarpus, however, each of these lineages encompass also species of the related genera Echinospartum, Teline, Retama, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus. The molecular data do not support division of these subgenera into taxonomical units at the sectional level; only sections Genista and Spartocarpus are monophyletic groups. The sequences of both regions are also informative at the specific level, grouping morphologically related species (e.g. the G. cinerea aggregate). The molecular data have also helped to clarify the position of taxa whose relationships were not well established (e.g. G. valdes-bermejoi). The relationships of related genera that belong to the Genista lines of diversification have also been investigated. Echinospartum splits into two separate clades matching the separation of two ecological and caryological differentiated groups. Teline also forms two groups, both placed near to Genista subgenus Genista, but that separated from the main core of the group. Retama, morphologically well differentiated from Genista, is close to Genista subgenus Spartocarpus. Chamaespartium and Pterospartum do not form a monophyletic group. Chamaespartium is closer to Genista subgenus Genista, whereas Pterospartum stands close to: 1) Genista subgenus Spartocarpus (particularly, sect. Cephalospartum); and 2) the Ulex-Stauracanthus clade (a terminal derivative of Genista subgenus Spartocarpus). Cases of incongruence (e.g. Echinospartum, Chamaespartium, Teline) between the trees obtained from the two molecular markers, may be indicating hybridisation and/or introgression between different lines of Genisteae.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

Heterokonts are evolutionarily important as the most nutritionally diverse eukaryote supergroup and the most species-rich branch of the eukaryotic kingdom Chromista. Ancestrally photosynthetic/phagotrophic algae (mixotrophs), they include several ecologically important purely heterotrophic lineages, all grossly understudied phylogenetically and of uncertain relationships. We sequenced 18S rRNA genes from 14 phagotrophic non-photosynthetic heterokonts and a probable Ochromonas, performed phylogenetic analysis of 210–430 Heterokonta, and revised higher classification of Heterokonta and its three phyla: the predominantly photosynthetic Ochrophyta; the non-photosynthetic Pseudofungi; and Bigyra (now comprising subphyla Opalozoa, Bicoecia, Sagenista). The deepest heterokont divergence is apparently between Bigyra, as revised here, and Ochrophyta/Pseudofungi. We found a third universal heterokont signature sequence, and deduce three independent losses of ciliary hairs, several of 1-2 cilia, 10 of photosynthesis, but perhaps only two plastid losses. In Ochrophyta, heterotrophic Oikomonas is sister to the photosynthetic Chrysamoeba, whilst the abundant freshwater predator Spumella is biphyletic; neither clade is specifically related to Paraphysomonas, indicating four losses of photosynthesis by chrysomonads. Sister to Chrysomonadea (Chrysophyceae) is Picophagea cl. nov. (Picophagus, Chlamydomyxa). The diatom-parasite Pirsonia belongs in Pseudofungi. Heliozoan-like actinophryids (e.g. Actinosphaerium) are Opalozoa, not related to pedinellids within Hypogyristea cl. nov. of Ochrophyta as once thought. The zooflagellate class Bicoecea (perhaps the ancestral phenotype of Bigyra) is unexpectedly diverse and a major focus of our study. We describe four new biciliate bicoecean genera and five new species: Nerada mexicana, Labromonas fenchelii (=Pseudobodo tremulans sensu Fenchel), Boroka karpovii (=P. tremulans sensu Karpov), Anoeca atlantica and Cafeteria mylnikovii; several cultures were previously misidentified as Pseudobodo tremulans. Nerada and the uniciliate Paramonas are related to Siluania and Adriamonas; this clade (Pseudodendromonadales emend.) is probably sister to Bicosoeca. Genetically diverse Caecitellus is probably related to Anoeca, Symbiomonas and Cafeteria (collectively Anoecales emend.). Boroka is sister to Pseudodendromonadales/Bicoecales/Anoecales. Placidiales are probably divergent bicoeceans (the GenBank Placidia sequence is a basidiomycete/heterokont chimaera). Two GenBank ‘opalinid’ sequences are fungal; Pseudopirsonia is cercozoan; two previous GenBank ‘Caecitellus’ sequences are Adriamonas. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editior: Patnck J. Keeling]  相似文献   

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