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The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by exchanging one intracellular H(+) for one extracellular Na(+). It is composed of an N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the structural and functional aspects of the critical transmembrane segment VII (TM VII, residues 251-273) by using alanine scanning mutagenesis and high resolution NMR. Each residue of TM VII was mutated to alanine, the full-length protein expressed, and its activity characterized. TM VII was sensitive to mutation. Mutations at 13 of 22 residues resulted in severely reduced activity, whereas other mutants exhibited varying degrees of decreases in activity. The impaired activities sometimes resulted from low expression and/or low surface targeting. Three of the alanine scanning mutant proteins displayed increased, and two displayed decreased resistance to the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 inhibitor EMD87580. The structure of a peptide of TM VII was determined by using high resolution NMR in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. TM VII is predominantly alpha-helical, with a break in the helix at the functionally critical residues Gly(261)-Glu(262). The relative positions and orientations of the N- and C-terminal helical segments are seen to vary about this extended segment in the ensemble of NMR structures. Our results show that TM VII is a critical transmembrane segment structured as an interrupted helix, with several residues that are essential to both protein function and sensitivity to inhibition.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by removing one intracellular H(+) in exchange for one extracellular Na(+). It has a large N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the cysteine accessibility of amino acids of the putative transmembrane segment IX (residues 339-363). Each residue was mutated to cysteine in a functional cysteineless NHE1 protein. Of 25 amino acids mutated, 5 were inactive or nearly so after mutation to cysteine. Several of these showed aberrant targeting to the plasma membrane and reduced expression of the intact protein, whereas others were expressed and targeted correctly but had defective NHE1 function. Of the active mutants, Glu(346) and Ser(351) were inhibited >70% by positively charged [2-(trimethylammonium)-ethyl]methanethiosulfonate but not by anionic [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting that they are pore lining and make up part of the cation conduction pathway. Both mutants also had decreased affinity for Na(+) and decreased activation by intracellular protons. The structure of a peptide representing amino acids 338-365 was determined by using high resolution NMR in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. The structure contained two helical regions (amino acids Met(340)-Ser(344) and Ile(353)-Ser(359)) kinked with a large bend angle around a pivot point at amino acid Ser(351). The results suggest that transmembrane IX is critical with pore-lining residues and a kink at the functionally important residue Ser(351).  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH in mammals. We characterized the structural and functional aspects of the critical transmembrane (TM) segment IV. Each residue was mutated to cysteine in cysteine-less NHE1. TM IV was exquisitely sensitive to mutation with 10 of 23 mutations causing greatly reduced expression and/or activity. The Phe(161) --> Cys mutant was inhibited by treatment with the water-soluble sulfhydryl-reactive compounds [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate and [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting it is a pore-lining residue. The structure of purified TM IV peptide was determined using high resolution NMR in a CD(3)OH:CDCl(3):H(2)O mixture and in Me(2)SO. In CD(3)OH: CDCl(3):H(2)O, TM IV was structured but not as a canonical alpha-helix. Residues Asp(159)-Leu(162) were a series of beta-turns; residues Leu(165)-Pro(168) showed an extended structure, and residues Ile(169)-Phe(176) were helical in character. These three structured regions rotated quite freely with respect to the others. In Me(2)SO, the structure was much less defined. Our results demonstrate that TM IV is an unusually structured transmembrane segment that is exquisitely sensitive to mutagenesis and that Phe(161) is a pore-lining residue.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein which regulates intracellular pH in mammalian cells. Nine isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger have been identified. The isoform first discovered has two domains: an N-terminal membrane domain containing approximately 500 amino acids and a C-terminal regulatory domain containing approximately 315 amino acids. The exchanger, which resides in the plasma membrane, exchanges an intracellular proton for an extracellular sodium, thereby regulating intracellular pH. It is involved in cell growth and differentiation, cell migration, and regulation of sodium fluxes. The Na+/H+ exchanger plays an important role in myocardial damage during ischemia and reperfusion and has recently been implicated as a mediator of cardiac hypertrophy. Inhibitors of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which may prove useful in the clinical treatment of these conditions, are currently being developed and clinical trials are underway.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the NHE1 isoform of the Na+/H+ exchanger.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Na+/H+ exchanger is a ubiquitous, integral membrane protein involved in pH regulation. It removes intracellular acid, exchanging a proton for an extracellular sodium ion. There are seven known isoforms of this protein that are the products of distinct genes. The first isoform discovered (NHE1) is ubiquitously distributed throughout the plasma membrane of virtually all tissues. It plays many different physiological roles in mammals, including important functions in regulation of intracellular pH, in heart disease, and in cytoskeletal organization. The first 500 amino acids of the protein are believed to consist of 12 transmembrane helices, a membrane-associated segment, and two reentrant loops. A C-terminal regulatory domain of approximately 315 amino acids regulates the protein and mediates cytoskeletal interactions. Studies are underway to determine the amino acid residues important in NHE1 function. At present, it is clear that transmembrane segment IV is important in NHE1 function and that transmembrane segments VII and IX are also involved in transport. Further experiments are required to elucidate the mechanism of transport and regulation of this multifunctional protein.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase B-Raf is the second most frequently occurring human oncogene after Ras. Mutations of B-Raf occur with the highest incidences in melanoma, and the most common mutant, V600E, renders B-Raf constitutively active. The sodium proton exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitously expressed plasma membrane protein responsible for regulating intracellular pH, cell volume, cell migration, and proliferation. A screen of protein kinases that bind to NHE1 revealed that B-Raf bound to the cytosolic regulatory tail of NHE1. Immunoprecipitation of NHE1 from HeLa and HEK cells confirmed the association of B-Raf with NHE1 in vivo. The expressed and purified C-terminal 182 amino acids of the NHE1 protein were also shown to associate with B-Raf protein in vitro. Because treatment with the kinase inhibitor sorafenib decreased NHE1 activity in HeLa and HEK cells, we examined the role of B-Raf in regulating NHE1 in malignant melanoma cells. Melanoma cells with the B-Raf(V600E) mutation demonstrated increased resting intracellular pH that was dependent on elevated NHE1 activity. NHE1 activity after an acute acid load was also elevated in these cell lines. Moreover, inhibition of B-Raf activity by either sorafenib, PLX4720, or siRNA reduction of B-Raf levels abolished ERK phosphorylation and decreased NHE1 activity. These results demonstrate that B-Raf associates with and stimulates NHE1 activity and that B-Raf(V600E) also increases NHE1 activity that raises intracellular pH.  相似文献   

NHE1 (Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1) has been reported to be hyperactive in 4.1R-null erythrocytes [Rivera, De Franceschi, Peters, Gascard, Mohandas and Brugnara (2006) Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 291, C880-C886], supporting a functional interaction between NHE1 and 4.1R. In the present paper we demonstrate that 4.1R binds directly to the NHE1cd (cytoplasmic domain of NHE1) through the interaction of an EED motif in the 4.1R FERM (4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin) domain with two clusters of basic amino acids in the NHE1cd, K519R and R556FNKKYVKK, previously shown to mediate PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate) binding [Aharonovitz, Zaun, Balla, York, Orlowski and Grinstein (2000) J. Cell. Biol. 150, 213-224]. The affinity of this interaction (Kd=100-200?nM) is reduced in hypertonic and acidic conditions, demonstrating that this interaction is of an electrostatic nature. The binding affinity is also reduced upon binding of Ca2+/CaM (Ca2+-saturated calmodulin) to the 4.1R FERM domain. We propose that 4.1R regulates NHE1 activity through a direct protein-protein interaction that can be modulated by intracellular pH and Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

We previously presented evidence that transmembrane domain (TM) IV and TM X-XI are important for inhibitor binding and ion transport by the human Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, hNHE1 (Pedersen, S. F., King, S. A., Nygaard, E. B., Rigor, R. R., and Cala, P. M. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 19716-19727). Here, we present a structural model of the transmembrane part of hNHE1 that further supports this conclusion. The hNHE1 model was based on the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, NhaA, and previous cysteine scanning accessibility studies of hNHE1 and was validated by EPR spectroscopy of spin labels in TM IV and TM XI, as well as by functional analysis of hNHE1 mutants. Removal of all endogenous cysteines in hNHE1, introduction of the mutations A173C (TM IV) and/or I461C (TM XI), and expression of the constructs in mammalian cells resulted in functional hNHE1 proteins. The distance between these spin labels was ~15 A, confirming that TM IV and TM XI are in close proximity. This distance was decreased both at pH 5.1 and in the presence of the NHE1 inhibitor cariporide. A similar TM IV·TM XI distance and a similar change upon a pH shift were found for the cariporide-insensitive Pleuronectes americanus (pa) NHE1; however, in paNHE1, cariporide had no effect on TM IV·TM XI distance. The central role of the TM IV·TM XI arrangement was confirmed by the partial loss of function upon mutation of Arg(425), which the model predicts stabilizes this arrangement. The data are consistent with a role for TM IV and TM XI rearrangements coincident with ion translocation and inhibitor binding by hNHE1.  相似文献   

We place 15N nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation analysis and functional mutagenesis studies in the context of our previous structural and mutagenesis work to correlate structure, dynamics and function for the seventh transmembrane segment of the human Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1. Although G261-S263 was previously identified as an interruption point in the helical structure of this isolated transmembrane peptide in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, and rapid conformational exchange was implicated in the NOE measurements, the six 15N labelled residues examined in this study all have similar dynamics on the ps-ns time scale. A mathematical model incorporating chemical exchange is the best fit for residues G261, L264, and A268. This implies that a segment of residues from G261 to A268 samples different conformations on the μs-ms time scale. Chemical exchange on an intermediate time scale is consistent with an alternating-access cycle where E262 is bent away from the cytosol during proton translocation by the exchanger. The functional importance of chemical exchange at G261-A268 is corroborated by the abrogated activity of the full-length exchanger with the bulky and restricting Ile substitutions F260I, G261I, E262I, S263I, and A268I.  相似文献   

The NHE1 isoform of the Na+/H+ exchanger is a ubiquitous plasma membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH in mammalian cells. Site-specific mutagenesis was used to examine the functional role of conserved, polar amino-acid residues occurring in segments of the protein associated with the membrane. Seventeen mutant proteins were assessed by characterization of intracellular pH changes in stably transfected cells that lacked an endogenous Na+/H+ exchanger. All of the mutant proteins were targeted correctly to the plasma membrane and were expressed at similar levels. Amino-acid residues Glu262 and Asp267 were critical to Na+/H+ exchanger activity while mutation of Glu391 resulted in only a partial reduction in activity. The Glu262-->Gln mutant was expressed partially as a deglycosylated protein with increased sensitivity to trypsin treatment in presence of Na+. Substitution of mutated Glu262, Asp267 and Glu391 with alternative acidic residues restored Na+/H+ exchanger activity. The Glu262-->Asp mutant had a decreased affinity for Li+, but its activity for Na+ and H+ ions was unaffected. The results support the hypothesis that side-chain oxygen atoms in a few, critically placed amino acids are important in Na+/H+ exchanger activity and the acidic amino-acid residues at positions 262, 267 and 391 are good candidates for being involved in Na+ coordination by the protein.  相似文献   

The sodium/proton exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an ubiquitous plasma membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by removing excess intracellular acid. NHE1 is important in heart disease and cancer, making it an attractive therapeutic target. Although much is known about the function of NHE1, current structural knowledge of NHE1 is limited to two conflicting topology models: a low-resolution molecular envelope from electron microscopy, and comparison with a crystal structure of a bacterial homologue, NhaA. Our laboratory has used high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the structures of individual transmembrane helices of NHE1 - a divide and conquer approach to the study of this membrane protein. In this review, we discuss the structural and functional insights obtained from this approach in combination with functional data obtained from mutagenesis experiments on the protein. We also compare the known structure of NHE1 transmembrane segments with the structural and functional insights obtained from a bacterial sodium/proton exchanger homologue, NhaA. The structures of regions of the NHE1 protein that have been determined have both similarities and specific differences to the crystal structure of the NhaA protein. These have allowed insights into both the topology and the function of the NHE1 protein.  相似文献   

Sodium proton exchangers (NHEs) constitute a large family of polytopic membrane protein transporters found in organisms across all domains of life. They are responsible for the exchange of protons for sodium ions. In archaea, bacteria, yeast and plants they provide increased salt tolerance by removing sodium in exchanger for extracellular protons. In humans they have a host of physiological functions, the most prominent of which is removal of intracellular protons in exchange for extracellular sodium. Human NHE is also involved in heart disease, cell growth and in cell differentiation. NHE’s physiological roles and the intriguing pathological consequences of their actions, make them a very important target of structural and functional studies. There are nine isoforms identified to date in humans. This review provides a brief overview of the human NHE’s physiological and pathological roles and cellular/tissue distribution, with special attention to the exemplar member NHE1. A summary of our knowledge to date of the structure and function of NHE1 is included focusing on a discussion of the recent discrepancies reported on the topology of NHE1. Finally we discuss a newly discovered relative of the NHE1 isoform, the Na+/Li+ exchanger, focusing on its predicted topology and its potential roles in disease.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 1 (NHE1) exists as a homo-dimer in the plasma membranes. In the present study, we have investigated the functional significance of the dimerization, using two nonfunctional NHE1 mutants, surface-expression-deficient G309V and transport-deficient E262I. Biochemical and immunocytochemical experiments revealed that these NHE1 mutants are capable of interacting with the wild-type NHE1 and, thus, forming a heterodimer. Expression of G309V retained the wild-type NHE1 to the ER membranes, suggesting that NHE1 would first form a dimer in the ER. On the other hand, expression of E262I markedly reduced the exchange activity of the wild-type NHE1 through an acidic shift in the intracellular pH (pH(i)) dependence, suggesting that dimerization is required for exchange activity in the physiological pH(i) range. However, a dominant-negative effect of E262I was not detected when exchange activity was measured at acidic pH(i), implying that one active subunit is sufficient to catalyze ion transport when the intracellular H(+) concentration is sufficiently high. Furthermore, intermolecular cysteine cross-linking at extracellular position Ser(375) with a bifunctional sulfhydryl reagent dramatically inhibited exchange activity mainly by inducing the acidic shift of pH(i) dependence and abolished extracellular stimuli-induced activation of NHE1 without causing a large change in the affinities for extracellular Na(+) or an inhibitor EIPA. Because monofunctional sulfhydryl regents had no effect, it is likely that cross-linking inhibited the activity of NHE1 by restricting a coupled motion between the two subunits during transport. Taken together, these data support the view that dimerization of two active subunits are required for NHE1 to possess the exchange activity in the neutral pH(i) range, although each subunit is capable of catalyzing transport in the acidic pH(i) range.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the renal brush border Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 exists in assemblies with other proteins in native kidney membranes. To this end we generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against affinity purified NHE3 protein complexes. Hybridomas were selected based on ability to immunoprecipitate NHE3. One of the resulting mAbs (10A3) labeled a high molecular mass (>200 kDa) protein and stained primarily the coated pit region of the proximal tubule in a manner similar to that described for megalin (gp330). We then confirmed that both mAb 10A3 and a known anti-megalin mAb immunoprecipitated and immunoblotted the same protein, namely megalin. mAb 10A3 specifically co-precipitated NHE3 but not villin or NaPi-2 from solubilized renal membranes, indicating specificity of the NHE3-megalin interaction. When immunoprecipitations were performed using either 10A3 or anti-NHE3 mAb 2B9 after separation of solubilized renal proteins by sucrose velocity gradient centrifugation, we found that NHE3 exists in two states with distinct sedimentation coefficients, a 9.6 S megalin-free form and a 21 S megalin-bound form, and that when NHE3 assembles with megalin, epitopes within the carboxyl-terminal 131 amino acids of NHE3 are blocked. Taken together, these findings indicate that a significant pool of NHE3 exists as a multimeric complex with megalin in the brush border of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) resides on the plasma membrane and exchanges one intracellular H(+) for one extracellular Na(+). It maintains intracellular pH and regulates cell volume, and cell functions including growth and cell differentiation. Previous structural and functional studies on TMVI revealed several amino acids that are potentially pore lining. We examined these and other critical residues by site-directed mutagenesis substituting Asn227→Ala, Asp, Arg; Ile233→Ala; Leu243→Ala; Glu247→Asp, Gln; Glu248→Asp, Gln. Mutant NHE1 proteins were characterized in AP-1 cells, which do not express endogenous NHE1. All the TMVI critical amino acids were highly sensitive to substitution and changes often lead to a dysfunctional protein. Mutations of Asn227→Ala, Asp, Arg; Ile233→Ala; Leu243→Ala; Glu247→Asp; Glu248→Gln yielded significant reduction in NHE1 activity. Mutants of Asn227 demonstrated defects in protein expression, targeting and activity. Substituting Asn227→Arg and Ile233→Ala decreased the surface localization and expression of NHE1 respectively. The pore lining amino acids Ile233 and Leu243 were both essential for activity. Glu247 was not essential, but the size of the residue at this location was important while the charge on residue Glu248 was more critical to NHE1 function. Limited trypsin digestion on Leu243→Ala and Glu248→Gln revealed that they had increased susceptibility to proteolytic attack, indicating an alteration in protein conformation. Modeling of TMVI with TMXI suggests that these TM segments form part of the critical fold of NHE1 with Ile233 and Leu465 of TMXI forming a critical part of the extracellular facing ion conductance pathway.  相似文献   

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