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Mature Suffolk ewes were either actively or passively immunized against the synthetic fragment of porcine inhibin alpha, pI alpha(1-30), to determine the effects on gonadotrophin secretion and ovulation rate. Thirteen control ewes were immunized against human serum albumin, 12 ewes were actively immunized against pI alpha(1-30) and 36 ewes were passively immunized with pI alpha(1-30) antiserum. Blood samples were collected at 4-h intervals for 72 h from oestrus-synchronized ewes following the withdrawal of the progestagen pessaries. Mean gonadotrophin concentrations measured during the oestrous cycle of control ewes, ewes actively immunized against pI alpha(1-30) and ewes passively immunized against pI alpha(1-30) were similar, but their secretory profiles differed. Serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were highest in ewes which had received antiserum at the time of pessary withdrawal; FSH concentrations did not decrease during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle in ewes given antiserum 24 h after pessary withdrawal. Subtle but significant increments in serum FSH concentrations were observed in all passively immunized ewes in which sampling commenced at the time of treatment. The amplitude of the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) peak, but not of the FSH peak, and the postovulatory secondary rise in FSH were lower (P less than 0.05) in actively immunized ewes than in control ewes. The mean (+/- s.e.) ovulation rate for actively immunized ewes (6.6 +/- 1.0) was 3 times higher (P less than 0.05) than that for control ewes (2.0 +/- 0.2), but was unaffected by passive immunization (range, 1.8-2.3).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 80 kDa human sperm antigen has been identified using the serum of an infertile woman having circulating antisperm antibodies. The antigen was then purified to homogeneity by gel permeation chromatography using HPLC (protein PAK-125 column) system and on FPLC (superose-12 column) system. The antigen was found to be a glycoprotein. The antigen was mainly localized in the postacrosomal region of the human sperm, while it was localized in the head region of the rat sperm as demonstrated by immunofluorescent staining. The presence of this antigen was also demonstrated in the human prostate and endometrium and in the rat testis; epididymis and the prostate by immunocytochemical staining. The purified protein upon active immunization in female rats caused infertility in 100 percent animals. While in male rats it caused infertility in 90 percent animals. On morphometric analysis of testicular tissue it was observed that there was no significant change in spermatogonia and spermatocytes, but significant decrease in spermatids and sperm number as well as daily sperm production in the immunized male rats. The epididymal spermatozoa were markedly reduced in number and were largely found to be agglutinated. The results suggest that 80 kDa human sperm antigen appears to be a suitable candidate for immunocontraception both in male and female.  相似文献   

Ten adult human volunteers were immunized with Salmonella typhi and their peripheral blood leukocytes were collected for 14 days after immunization. These peripheral blood leukocyted, rich in lymphocytes, were plaqued in a modified Jerne assay against sheep erythrocytes coated with either Salmonella or Escherichia lipopolysaccharide. A specific direct and indirect PFC response developed in immunized individuals by day 7 and peaked at day 10. This vigorous PFC response rapidly declined to normal levels by day 14. This marked and specific PFC response of human peripheral blood leukocytes may be developed as a useful tool for monitoring the humoral immune response of patients with Gram-negative bacterial infections.  相似文献   

We investigated the fate of the intestinal cestode Hymenolepis nana in immunized mice. Immunity was induced by infection with the parasite eggs. These immunized animals and unimmunized controls were then challenged with 50,000 H. nana eggs. The mice were killed 4 to 90 hr after challenge, and H. nana in the intestinal tissue were counted. At 4 hr after challenge the unimmunized and immunized animals had approximately equal numbers of oncospheres. By 12 hr there were fewer parasites in the immunized than in the unimmunized animals. At 90 hr, no H. nana were seen in the immunized mice, whereas in the unimmunized animals the median number of cysticercoids was more than 1,000. It appears, therefore, that in mice well immunized to H. nana by infection, challenge oncospheres can burrow into the intestinal tissue before they are killed. The reduced number of oncospheres in the immunized mice 12 hr after challenge, and the accumulation of eosinophils near individual oncospheres still present, indicate that an immune response to the parasite was taking place. Absence of a lymphocyte infiltration near any of the oncospheres suggests that the mechanism of immunity was not lymphocyte mediated; thus, the histopathology of the reaction is consistent with that of humoral immunity.  相似文献   

For the generation of antibodies against small hapten molecules, the hapten is cross-linked with some carrier protein to make it immunogenic. However, the formation of such conjugates is not always reproducible. This may lead to inconsistent hapten-protein stoichiometries, resulting in large variations in the generation of the desired antibodies. In the study described here the hapten (mercaptopropionic acid derivative of atrazine) was coupled to carrier protein at five different molar ratios. The hapten-protein conjugates prepared were characterized thoroughly by spectrophotometric absorption, fluorescence, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI), and gel electrophoresis methods, before being used for the immunization and assay purposes. Electrophoresis and fluorescence methods were very useful in detecting hapten-protein cross-linking while MALDI-MS and spectrophotometric detection provided qualitatively comparable hapten density. The production of specific antibodies was sought following the generation of appropriate hapten-protein conjugates. A high antibody titer with moderate antibody specificity was obtained with hapten density around 15 molecules per carrier protein. The study proved useful for monitoring the course of hapten-protein conjugation for the production of specific antibodies against small molecules.  相似文献   

We prepared a hapten-protein conjugate using (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (NP) hapten and hen egg lysozyme (HEL) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) and defined hapten modification sites on the former protein based on results of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometric analyses performed after enzymatic digestion. The most reactive residue for aminoacetylation in HEL was found to be Lys33, and the second was Lys96 or Lys97. The homogeneous NP-HEL conjugates were purified by HPLC and used for examining the effect of hapten valence on the antigen-antibody interaction. We also examined the molecular nature of NP conjugates of BSA. Analysis using mass spectroscopy showed that the mass distribution of NP-BSA conjugates was limited, although it became broader with an increase in NP valence. Surface plasmon resonance biosensor measurements were employed in measuring antigen-antibody interactions. The results showed that the apparent binding avidity depends on hapten valence, hapten density, size of carrier proteins, and intrinsic binding affinity of the antibody.  相似文献   

Two-day-old embryos from untreated ewes were transferred to the oviducts of ewes actively immunized against androstenedione (n=26, Group A), passively immunized against testosterone (n=19, Group B) or left untreated (n=25, Group C). Donor ewes superovulated after treatment with follicle-stimulating hormone and fluorogestone acetate (FGA). Recipient ewes were treated with FGA and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG, 300 I.U.). Group A received two injections of Fecundin at a 4-wk interval. FGA sponges were inserted when the second injection was given. Group B was treated with antitestosterone antiserum (35 ml) at sponge withdrawal. Each recipient received two morphologically viable embryos 52 to 62 h after the onset of estrus. Antibody titre at embryo transfer and progesterone concentration on Days 2, 4, 6, and 12 after estrus were determined. Fertility was lower in Group A when compared to Group C (42.3 vs 84.1%; P<0.01) while that of Group B (63.2%) did not differ from those of Groups A and C. In immunized groups, most of the embryo losses occurring were complete (both embryos were lost), resulting in a decreased fertility, while in the untreated group embryo losses were mainly partial (only one embryo was lost), hence lowering prolificacy. Fertility in immunized groups changed according to the antibody titre reached. Ewes from Groups A and B with higher antibody titres displayed lower fertility than control ewes. On Days 4 and 12 of the cycle, Group A plasma progesterone concentrations positively correlated with antibody titres and were higher with respect to those of Group C (P<0.05). Progesterone levels in Group B were similar to those of Group C. These results indicate that ewes reaching higher antibody levels had more embryo losses, attributable to the adverse influences of the oviductal and/or uterine environment on embryo development.  相似文献   

The levels of antitoxic and vibriocidal antibodies in the sera of suckling rabbits after their parenteral immunization with cholera vaccine, cholera toxoid and a combination of cholera vaccine and toxoid were examined. Cholera vaccine induces intensive production of vibriocidal antibodies, and cholera toxoid, of antitoxic antibodies. The parenteral administration of the serum of rabbits immunized with cholera toxoid neutralized the action of cholera toxin in the small intestine of suckling rabbits. The complex preparation combines the properties of the corpuscular vaccine and the toxoid, inducing the production of both vibriocidal and antitoxic antibodies.  相似文献   

The relationship between the epitope density of hapten-protein conjugates (DNP· BSA), and their immunogenicity in mice has been investigated. As others have found, lightly substituted protein (DNP5BSA) elicited primary and secondary antibody responses which were mainly IgG. In contrast, DNP50BSA induced a primary IgM response with relatively little IgG, and little or no immunological memory. The transition in immunogenic behaviour from “low” to “high” occurred with a hapten: protein molar ratio around 30. DNP50BSA does not contain any serologically detectable native BSA determinants or neodeterminants resulting from dinitrophenylation. Although this antigen elicits a mainly IgM response as do thymus-independent antigens, antibody production to both DNP5BSA and DNP50BSA is highly thymus dependent. The possible reasons for the thymus dependence of immune responsiveness to highepitope-density hapten-protein conjugates are discussed.  相似文献   

Opsonizing activity of guinea pig blood serum containing mercaptoethanol-resistant pertussis antibodies was studied in vitro on a model of microorganism ingestion by the mononuclears of the guinea pig peritoneal exudate. There were revealed distinct differences in the serum activity depending on the phagocytosis object. The blood serum of hyperimmunized rabbits stimulated the ingestion of Bordetella pertussis by mononuclears of guinea pigs--normal and immunized with pertussis vaccine. The blood sera of hyperimmunized guinea pigs and of mice immunized with pertussis vaccine twice displayed opsonins to B. pertussis. The blood sera of animals immunized with pertussis vaccine inhibited the staphylococcus ingestion by the peritoneal exudate mononuclears of guinea pigs, both normal and those immunized with pertussis vaccine.  相似文献   

The influence of the chromatographic fractions of B. pseudomallei surface antigenic complex (C, C1, D, H) on immune response in white rats and white mice was under study. These antigenic complexes were noted to produce perceptible stimulating effect on the immune system of white rats, in contrast to that of white mice. The immunization of the mice the above-mentioned fractions suppressed the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages (PM) and slightly enhanced cell-mediated immunity. In experiments on white rats, fraction C induced the growth of specific antibody titers and stimulated the phagocytic activity of PM, as well as the indices of delayed hypersensitivity (DH). Fraction D showed a lower level of the induction of the phagocytic activity of PM and was inactive in the manifestation of cell-mediated immunity, but induced a high level of humoral immunity. Antigenic complexes C1 and H increased the phagocytic activity of PM and DH characteristics with a low level of antibody production. The studied fractions of the causative agent of melioidosis decreased the content of bactericidal cationic proteins (BCP) in rat blood neutrophils, and in mice a decreased content of BCP in phagocytes was registered. The fractions increased the activity of myeloperoxidase in blood neutrophils in mice and rats. As revealed with the use of immunoelectrophoresis, SDS PAAG electrophoresis and immunoblotting, the surface antigenic complex contained proteins of 18, 22, 39 kD and glycoproteins 42, 55, 90 kD. The latter glycoprotein was found in all the fractions under study, having protective properties.  相似文献   

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