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Multiple arrangements of the human embryonic zeta globin genes.   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Rearrangements which are most readily explained by homologous crossover between misaligned segments of DNA in the region of the human embryonic zeta (zeta) globin genes have been identified in individuals of three different racial origins. These recombination events have resulted in a surprisingly high prevalence of chromosomes with single (0.4%) and triplicated (1.3%) zeta genes with apparently no significant effect on the phenotype.  相似文献   

Using samples of human cellular DNA digested with restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hind III, Hinc II, Bam HI, Alu I, or Hae III, we were able to localize globin gene fragments separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The fragments were transferred to nitro-cellulose filters and identified by hybridization to [32P] cDNA for total adult globin mRNA. The α-globin gene fragments were specifically identified by their presence in normal controls and absence in DNA from homozygous α-thalassemia, a genetic disorder due to deletion of α-globin genes. In addition, the patterns with Hind III indicate a 4.1 kb distance between the centers of the normal duplicated α-globin gene loci.  相似文献   

We have characterized the expression of the human zeta (zeta) gene, which encodes an embryonic alpha-like globin, in transgenic mice. We find that a 777 base pair fragment spanning erythroid specific hypersensitive site II (HSII) from the distal 5. region of the human beta globin gene cluster potentiates expression of the zeta globin gene. In the absence of the HSII fragment, no zeta expression is observed. Expression of the human zeta gene in mice parallels expression of a murine embryonic alpha-like globin gene (x). Thus, expression of the human zeta gene in mice requires linkage to an erythroid-specific enhancer sequence, but the presence of the enhancer does not affect the developmental regulation of the transgene. Our results indicate that the factors involved in switching from embryonic to adult alpha globin gene expression during development are evolutionarily conserved, and suggest that the transgenic mouse is an in vivo system in which the requirements for the developmental switch in alpha globin gene expression can be analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

The equine zeta globin gene locus consists of an intact 5' gene and a truncated 3' pseudogene (psi zeta) that has only 5' control sequences and a first exon and intron. Nevertheless, the psi zeta gene has retained almost perfect homology with its neighbour, presumably by gene conversion. The first introns of both zeta and psi zeta genes contain a number of degenerate tandem repeats of a 14 base-pair sequence that has been found in the zeta genes of goats and humans and that is related to a family of human minisatellite sequences. Comparisons of sequences flanking the zeta and psi zeta genes reveal areas of considerable interspecies homology, which can be explained by a zeta gene duplication that pre-dated the mammalian radiation.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) was prepared with viral RNA-directed DNA polymerase from purified baboon globin messenger RNA (mRNA). Homologous and heterologous hybrids between human and baboon mRNAs and cDNAs were compared for extent of hybridisation and thermal stability. Higher mRNA inputs to the hybridizations were required to reach saturation in the heterologous cases. The melting temperature of the heterologous hybrid was 5 degrees C lower than the homologous hybrid. Between these two primates, divergence has occurred in the globin gene to a smaller extent than that possible from third position changes in the coding sequences of the divergence of total DNA. Globin cDNA prepared from baboon will not in general be useful as a probe for human globin mRNA or human globin gene sequences.  相似文献   

Transfer of human globin genes to erythroleukemic mouse cells.   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Thymidine kinase negative (TK-) Friend cells were transformed with recombinant molecules carrying human globin genes and the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA. Transformation frequencies of 1 transformant/microgram donor DNA/1 x 10(6) cells were obtained by standard procedures and this was increased 20- to 30-fold by treating recipient cells with dimethyl sulfoxide or glycerol. Transformed cell lines expressed thymidine kinase activity of viral origin as determined by its insensitivity to 0.2 mM dTTP and electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels. The physical status of donor DNA in the transformed cells was examined in Hirt precipitates and supernatants by Southern blot hybridization and spot hybridization techniques. This analysis showed that most donor sequences were present in a circular or concatenate configuration, but also was suggestive of some donor sequences being integrated into high molecular weight DNA. Expression of human globin genes and particularly the epsilon-globin gene in the transformed Friend cells was studied by Northern blot hybridization analysis.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of cloned human fetal globin genes.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Three clones containing both the human G gamma and A gamma globlin genes have been isolated and characterized from a library of DNA fragments generated by partial Eco RI digestion of cellular DNA using charon 4A phage as vector. Two of the clones (NY 2 and 3) are identical and have an insert of 14.0 kb. The third clone (NY 1) has a 15.4 kb insert by virtue of an extra 1.4 kb Eco RI fragment at its 5' most end. This clone also has a Kpn I site not present in the other two suggesting it is the product of the gamma gene on the opposite chromosome. Restriction analysis of the three clones indicates that the G gamma and A gamma genes are linked on a single continuous piece of DNA and are separated by 3.5 kb and each contains at least one large intervening sequence of 0.85 kg between the Bam HI and Eco RI sites. These findings in cloned DNA provide direct evidence for linkage and organization of the gamma genes in man.  相似文献   

Five repetitive DNA sequences, of average length 259 bp, have been identified in the intergenic regions which flank three human beta-tupe globin genes. A pair of inverted repeat sequences, separated by 919 bp, was found 1.0 kb to the 5' side of the epsiln-globin gene. Each contains a homologous Alu I site. Another repetitive sequence, with the same orientation as the inverted repeat sequence closest to the epsilon-globin gene, lies about 2.2 kb to the 5' side of the delta-globin gene. A pair of inverted repeat sequences, with the same relative orientations as the other pair and separated by about 800 bp, was found about 1.5 kb to the 3' side of the beta-globin gene.  相似文献   

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