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Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) catalyzes the COOH- terminal amidation of bioactive peptides through a two step reaction catalyzed by separate enzymes contained within the PAM precursor. To characterize the trafficking of integral membrane PAM proteins in neuroendocrine cells, we have generated stable AtT-20 cell lines expressing full length and COOH-terminally truncated integral membrane PAM proteins. Full length integral membrane PAM was present on the cell surface in low but detectable amounts and PAM proteins which reached the cell surface were rapidly internalized but not immediately degraded in lysosomes. Internalized PAM complexed with PAM antibody was found in a subcellular compartment which overlapped with internalized transferrin and with structures binding WGA. Thus the punctate juxtanuclear staining of full length PAM represents PAM in endosomes. Endoproteolytic processing of full length PAM-1 and PAM-2 resulted in the secretion of soluble PAM proteins; the secretion of these soluble PAM proteins was stimulus dependent. Although some of the truncated PAM protein was also processed and stored in AtT-20 cells, much of the expressed protein was redistributed to the plasma membrane. Soluble proteins not observed in large amounts in cells expressing full length PAM were released from the surface of cells expressing truncated PAM and little internalization of truncated integral membrane PAM was observed. Thus, the COOH-terminal domain of PAM contains information important for its trafficking within the regulated secretory pathway as well as information necessary for its retrieval from the cell surface.  相似文献   

The catalytic core of the peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine alpha-amidating lyase (PAL) domain of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase was investigated with respect to its ability to function as a ureidoglycolate lyase and the identity and role of its bound metal ions. The purified PAL catalytic core (PALcc) contains molar equivalents of calcium and zinc along with substoichiometric amounts of iron and functions as a ureidoglycolate lyase. Limiting iron availability in the cells synthesizing PALcc reduces the specific activity of the enzyme produced. Concentrated samples of native PALcc have an absorption maximum at 560 nm, suggestive of a phenolate-Fe(III) charge transfer complex. An essential role for a Tyr residue was confirmed by elimination of PAL activity following site-directed mutagenesis. Purified PALcc in which the only conserved Tyr residue (Tyr(654)) was mutated to Phe was secreted normally, but was catalytically inactive and lacked bound iron and bound zinc. Our data demonstrate an essential role for Tyr(654) and suggest that it serves as an Fe(III) ligand in an essential iron-zinc bimetallic site.  相似文献   

Structure of a Sir2 enzyme bound to an acetylated p53 peptide   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

A series of hydrazones and semicarbazones of glyoxylic acid were shown to have a potent inhibitory effect on the enzyme-catalysed conversion of D-Tyr-Val-Gly to D-Tyr-Val-NH2. Among the derivatives tested, the inhibitory activity was increased by the presence of hydrophobic substituents and decreased by polar substituents. The inhibition produced by glyoxylic acid phenylhydrazone was shown to be competitive. No inhibition was obtained with pyruvic acid phenylhydrazone, which possesses a methyl group in place of the alpha-H of glyoxylic acid phenylhydrazone. The inhibitory potencies of these non-peptide substances are in accord with the specificity exhibited by the amidating enzyme in its reaction with peptide substrates. The inhibition produced by the glyoxylic acid derivatives was shown to be due to their ability to act as substrates for the peptide-amidating enzyme. The product formed from [14C]glyoxylic acid phenylhydrazone was identified as oxalic acid phenylhydrazide by co-chromatography in three chromatographic systems. The results demonstrate that the enzyme-catalysed oxidation of glyoxylic acid phenylhydrazone takes place by a mechanism involving hydroxylation. It is implicit that peptide amidation catalysed by the same enzyme proceeds by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

Carboxy-terminal amidation is a prevalent posttranslational modification necessary for the bioactivity of many neurohormonal peptides. We recently reported that in addition to peptidylglycine alpha-monooxygenase (PAM), a second enzyme, which we now call peptidylamidoglycolate lyase (PGL), functions in the enzymatic formation of amides [Katopodis et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 4551]. The monooxygenase first catalyzes formation of the alpha-hydroxyglycine derivative of the glycine-extended precursor, and the lyase subsequently catalyzes breakdown of the PAM product to the amidated peptide and glyoxylate. We report here the first primary sequence data for PGL, which establish that it is part of the putative protein precursor which also contains PAM. We also show that PAM and PGL activities are colocalized in the secretory granular fraction of neurointermediate pituitary as would be expected for enzymes sharing the same precursor. Time course studies of the amidation reaction using purified soluble pituitary PAM and PGL indicate that both enzymes are essential for enzymatic amidation. Finally, PGL has no effect on the substrate or inhibition kinetics of PAM, and purified pituitary PAM has an acidic pH optimum consistent with its known localization in secretory granules.  相似文献   

The C terminal amidation is required for full biological activity of salmon calcitonin (sCT). We constructed BL21(DE3)/pGEX-sCT-Ala, an engineering Escherichia coli strain. The soluble fusion protein of GST-sCT-Ala expressed from BL21(DE3)/pGEX-sCT-Ala was purified by affinity chromatography after high density, high expression culture and sonication of bacteria. Following S-sulfonation of the fusion protein, the 33 alanine-extended peptides were released from the fusion protein by cyanogen bromide. The S-sulfonated precursor peptide was transacylated by CPD-Y, o-PNGA as a nucleophile, to produce photosensitive SO(-)(3)-sCT-o-PNGA. After photolysis and folding, the biological activity of sCT was assayed as standard.  相似文献   

A 43-kDa protein factor that increases the ability of purified bovine peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM)-A and -B to produce alpha-amidated peptides at physiological pH was purified to homogeneity from bovine neurointermediate pituitary. At each step of the purification, the amount of activity correlated with the amount of protein detected on Western blots by antibody to bovine PAM(561-579). In the bovine neurointermediate pituitary the 108-kDa PAM precursor protein is cleaved to form a peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase and a peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine alpha-amidating lyase, which function sequentially in the 2-step formation of alpha-amidated peptides.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the C-terminal carboxamide group of peptide hormones was studied using comparatively pGlu-His-Pro-Gly and Glu-His-Pro-Gly-Lys-Arg as putative precursors of the tripeptide, thyroliberin (TRH). Rat hypothalamus granules were found to contain an amide group forming activity which converts both peptide substrates into TRH. Comparison of the rate of conversion of the two substrates indicated that the C-terminal dibasic extension favored a 10-fold increase in the production of amidated peptide. It is suggested that this type of structure may be present in the putative biosynthetic precursor of TRH and that it may provide a better substrate for the enzyme(s) involved in C-terminal amidation.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide is an essential component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and consists of three elements: lipid A, the core oligosaccharide and the O-antigen. The inner core region is highly conserved and contains at least one residue of 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonate (Kdo). The first committed step of Kdo biosynthesis is the aldol-keto isomerisation of d-ribulose 5-phosphate to d-arabinose 5-phosphate catalyzed by arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase encoded in Escherichia coli by the kdsD gene.KdsD contains an N-terminal sugar isomerase (SIS) domain commonly found in phosphosugar isomerases but its three-dimensional structure is unknown.The structure of the KdsD SIS domain has been predicted by homology modeling using the hypothetical 3etn protein as a template. Moreover by sequence alignments, comparison with other sugar isomerases structurally related to KdsD, and site-directed mutagenesis we implicated four residues in KdsD activity or substrate recognition. A possible role of these residues in the catalysis is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of various cofactors to substitute for ascorbate in the biosynthesis of alpha-aidated peptides from pro-ACTH/endorphin (PAE) was compared in corticotrope tumor cells (AtT-20) and in primary anterior and intermediate pituitary cultures. In all three systems, ascorbate was the most potent cofactor tested. In AtT-20 cells, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dehydroascorbate and dihydro- and tetrahydrobiopterin supported significant alpha-amidation of joining peptide [PAE(77-94)NH2]. In contrast, amidation of joining peptide by primary corticotropes was stimulated only slightly by catecholamines and not by tetrahydrobiopterin. Neither catecholamines nor tetrahydrobiopterin stimulated peptide amidation by melanotropes. The ability of cofactors to support the synthesis of alpha-amidated peptides is cell-type specific.  相似文献   

The precursor to B-type natriuretic peptide is an O-linked glycoprotein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (proBNP), the precursor for B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) and compared by Western blot analysis to BNP cross-reacting material immunoprecipitated from the plasma of heart failure patients. Both recombinant and native forms co-migrated as a diffuse band centered around 25 kDa and were reduced to a 12 kDa species by treatment with a mixture of O-link deglycosylation enzymes. The 108-amino acid CHO-expressed protein was examined by tryptic mapping and LC-MS and found to be an O-linked glycoprotein. Determination of the sites of O-glycosyl addition by blank cycle sequencing of tryptic and Glu-C (Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease) peptides showed that there are seven sites of glycosylation confined to a 36-amino acid residue stretch within the center of the propeptide region. This data is consistent with previous observations of higher molecular weight isoforms of BNP.  相似文献   

The intermediate lobe of the pituitary contains the alpha-amidated peptide alpha-melanotropin and high levels of a copper and ascorbate-dependent peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) capable of converting peptides terminating in -X-Gly into amidated products (-X-NH2). As reported previously, the ability of cultured intermediate pituitary cells to produce alpha-amidated alpha-melanotropin declined rapidly. A decline in PAM activity assayed in vitro under optimized conditions failed to account quantitatively for the lack of production of alpha-amidated product, while a 100-fold decline in cellular levels of ascorbate could account for the lack of production of alpha-amidated product. Incubation of intermediate pituitary cultures with ascorbate partially restored the ability of the cells to produce alpha-amidated product without significantly increasing the level of PAM activity. In intermediate pituitary cultures made competent to produce alpha-melanotropin by addition of ascorbate, the actual extent of amidation occurring was modulated by the presence of specific secretagogues (bromocriptine or corticotropin-releasing factor). Cultured anterior pituitary cells showed a similar rapid 3-fold decline in PAM activity assayed in vitro under optimized conditions. Cellular levels of ascorbate also declined rapidly to levels 100-fold below those in the intact anterior pituitary. The addition of ascorbate to the anterior pituitary cultures rapidly restored the enzyme activity assayed in vitro to the levels in the initial cell suspension. Thus, production of amidated product peptide may be regulated by cellular levels of ascorbate, by cellular levels of PAM activity, and by the concentration of specific secretagogues to which the cells are exposed.  相似文献   

The isolation and sequence analysis of the gene encoding the bovine atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) precursor is described. The bovine-ANP coding sequences are located on three exons which are interrupted by two intervening sequences. Comparison of the bovine, human, rat and mouse ANP gene sequences reveals a common organization of introns and exons and a high degree of sequence homology in the 5'-flanking and coding regions. Examination of the pre-proANP amino acid sequence derived from the bovine gene with those from rat, mouse and human, indicates a high degree of sequence homology in both the amino-terminal and biologically-active carboxy-terminal ANP region. The latter region in the bovine sequence resembles its human counterpart except for a carboxy-terminal Arg-Arg dipeptide.  相似文献   

Many nascent proteins that are destined to be anchored to plasma membranes by a phosphatidylinositol glycan (PI-G) are in the range of 50-70 kDa so that changes of 2-3 kDa between precursors and products during processing are not easily detected. Furthermore, PI-G-anchored proteins are generally glycosylated so that changes between the nascent (prepro) proteins and the mature products are not due simply to the loss of signal peptides. These problems have made it difficult to monitor the processing of the prepro form of wild type human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) in a cell-free system. We have designed a smaller and simpler substrate of PI-G "transamidase" derived by deletion of approximately 60% of the internal sequence of preproPLAP 513. This engineered protein, preprominiPLAP 208, retains the NH2- and COOH-terminal signal peptides of PLAP as well as all the epitopes for site-directed antibodies of the latter, but is devoid of glycosylation sites, the active site, and most of the cysteine residues. With preprominiPLAP, it has been possible to demonstrate, in a cell-free system, step by step conversion to the pro form and then to the mature form, with the concomitant loss of the appropriate signal peptides. These changes were shown to be time- and enzyme concentration-dependent. Studies with Asp-179 site-directed mutants of preprominiPLAP showed the same specificity for amino acids with a monosubstituted beta carbon at the cleavage/attachment site that were found previously with wild type PLAP.  相似文献   

Inhibition of peptide amidation by disulfiram and diethyldithiocarbamate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase is a copper- and ascorbate-dependent enzyme that converts peptides with COOH-terminal glycine residues into the corresponding alpha-amidated product peptides. The relatively selective copper chelator N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) and its disulfide dimer, disulfiram (Antabuse), were used to determine whether the availability of copper affects the production of two alpha-amidated pro-ACTH/endorphin-derived peptides, alpha-melanotropin (alpha MSH) and joining peptide. When mouse pituitary corticotropic tumor cells (AtT-20) were grown in medium containing micromolar concentrations of disulfiram or DDC, alpha-amidation of newly synthesized joining peptide was specifically inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. In rats injected twice with disulfiram or DDC, the ability of the intermediate pituitary to alpha-amidate newly synthesized alpha MSH and joining peptide was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner; at disulfiram doses equivalent to those used in alcohol abuse therapy (4 mg/kg/day), only about 10% of the newly synthesized peptides were correctly alpha-amidated. Chronic treatment of rats with DDC or disulfiram produced a dose-dependent increase in the pituitary content of glycine-extended alpha MSH and joining peptide; the total amount of pro-ACTH/endorphin-related material was unaltered. After 11 days of treatment with 4 mg/kg/day disulfiram, about one-third of the pituitary alpha MSH and joining peptide were present in the glycine-extended rather than the alpha-amidated form; pituitary extracts normally contain almost entirely alpha-amidated peptides.  相似文献   

We isolated a novel gram-positive bacterium, Brevibacillus texasporus, that produces an antibiotic, BT. BT is a group of related peptides that are produced by B. texasporus cells in response to nutrient limitation. We report here purification and determination of the structure of the most abundant BT isomer, BT1583. Amino acid composition and tandem mass spectrometry experiments yielded a partial BT1583 structure. The presence of ornithine and d-form residues in the partial BT1583 structure indicated that the peptide is synthesized by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). The BT NRPS operon was rapidly and accurately identified by using a novel in silico NRPS operon hunting strategy that involved direct shotgun genomic sequencing rather than the unreliable cosmid library hybridization scheme. Sequence analysis of the BT NRPS operon indicated that it encodes a colinear modular NRPS with a strict correlation between the NRPS modules and the amino acid residues in the peptide. The colinear nature of the BT NRPS enabled us to utilize the genomic information to refine the BT1583 peptide sequence to Me(2)-4-methyl-4-[(E)-2-butenyl]-4,N-methyl-threonine-L-dO-I-V-V-dK-V-dL-K-dY-L-V-CH2OH. In addition, we report the discovery of novel NRPS codons (sets of the substrate specificity-conferring residues in NRPS modules) for valine, lysine, ornithine, and tyrosine.  相似文献   

R Tenhaken  O Thulke 《Plant physiology》1996,112(3):1127-1134
Hemicellulose is a major component of primary plant cell walls. Many of the glycosyl residues found in hemicellulose are derived from the sugar precursor UDP-glucuronic acid, which can be converted into UDP-arabinose, UDP-apiose, UDP-galacturonic acid, and UDP-xylose. The enzyme controlling the biosynthesis of UDP-glucuronic acid, UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (EC, was cloned from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) by an antibody screening procedure. This enzyme is surprisingly homologous to the bovine sequence, which is the only other eukaryotic UDP-glucose dehydrogenase sequence known. The characteristic motifs of the enzyme, the catalytic center, a NAD-binding site, and two proline residues for main chain bends, are conserved within the prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences. The soybean full-length cDNA clone encodes a protein of 480 amino acids with a predicted size of 52.9 kD. The enzyme is highly expressed in young roots, but lower expression levels were observed in expanding tissues of the epicotyl and in young leaves. The expression pattern of the enzyme in different developmental stages strengthens the argument that UDP-glucose dehydrogenase is a key regulator for the availability of hemicellulose precursors.  相似文献   

Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) catalyzes the COOH-terminal amidation of peptide hormones. We previously had found high expression of PAM in several regions of the developing rodent. To determine the function of PAM during mouse embryogenesis, we produced a null mutant of the PAM gene. Homozygous mutants die in utero between e14.5 and e15.5 with severe edema that is likely due to cardiovascular deficits. These defects include thinning of the aorta and carotid arteries and are very similar to those of the recently characterized adrenomedullin (AM) gene KO despite the presence of elevated immunoreactive AM in PAM KO embryos. No peptide amidation activity was detected in PAM mutant embryos, and there was no moderation of the AM-like phenotype that could be expected if any alternative peptide amidation mechanism exists in the mouse. Despite the proposed contribution of amidated peptides to neuronal cell proliferation, no alteration in neuroblast proliferation was observed in homozygous mutant embryos prior to lethality. Mice heterozygous for the mutant PAM allele develop normally and express wildtype levels of several amidated peptides despite having one half the wildtype levels of PAM activity and PAM protein. Nonetheless, both an increase in adiposity and a mild glucose intolerance developed in aged (>10 months) heterozygous mice compared to littermate controls. Ablation of PAM thus demonstrates an essential function for this gene during mouse development, while alterations in PAM activity in the adult may underlie more subtle physiologic effects.  相似文献   

Lantibiotics are peptide antibiotics, realizing their unique secondary structure by posttranslational modifications, the most important one being the formation of the characteristic amino acid lanthionine. Like other ribosomal peptide antibiotics, they are synthesized with an N-terminal leader peptide important for posttranslational processing by modifying enzymes; after peptide maturation, the leader peptide is proteolytically cleaved off. Numerous studies of the leader peptides of class I and II lantibiotics already showed their crucial role in recognition, self-immunity, and extracellular transport. The recently described labyrinthopeptins, members of the family of class III lantibiotics, exhibit the characteristic novel amino acid labionin, which was revealed by elucidation of the structure of labyrinthopeptin A2. The assembly of the labionin motif in the linear peptide chain is mediated by the lyase-kinase-cyclase-type enzyme LabKC through a serine side chain phosphorylation with GTP, elimination of the phosphate group, and a subsequent 2-fold Michael-type addition cyclization. In this work, we systematically investigated for the first time the importance of the leader peptide in the processing of class III lantibiotics using the example of the labyrinthopeptin A2 precursor peptide. In vitro studies with synthetic leader peptide analogues revealed that a conserved N-terminal hydrophobic patch on a putative helical structure is required for the proper peptide processing by the modifying enzyme LabKC. On the other hand, studies showed that the C-terminal part of the leader peptide serves as a spacer between the binding site and active sites for phosphorylation and elimination, thus restricting the number of hydroxy amino acid side chains that could undergo dehydration. Finally, a model for the peptide recognition and processing by the LabKC has been postulated.  相似文献   

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