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茴香薄翅野螟生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茴香薄翅野螟是黑龙江省油菜和十字花科蔬菜的一种害虫,幼虫蛀食果荚、籽粒。1年2代,以幼虫在土中结茧越冬。第二年5月中下旬开始化蛹,6月羽化。6月中旬至7月上旬是第一代幼虫危害期,第二代幼虫发生于8月。幼虫有吐丝结网习性,成虫羽化当天即可交配产卵,卵产在嫩角果或柄上。成虫有趋光性,寿命4—16天。  相似文献   

茴香薄翅野螟发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽艳  刘永范 《昆虫知识》1998,35(6):331-332
茴香薄翅野螟EvergestisextimalisScopoli又名茴香螟、油菜螟,属鳞翅目、螟蛾科。它是最近几年来在我省密山地区为害十字花科蔬菜、油菜、茴香等植物越来越重的害虫之一,以幼虫钻蛀植株的角果食籽粒。随着春油菜种植面积的扩大,该虫的发生日趋严重,一般食荚率10%~20%,严重者在90%以上。我们于1989~1992年对该虫生物学特性及其防治方法进行了研究,现将结果介绍如下。豆生活史及习性室内饲养及田间调查表明,首香螟在密山地区1年发生2代,以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越冬。第2年5月下旬越冬幼虫开始化蛹,6月初始见成虫,6月上旬成虫羽…  相似文献   

经调查研究表明:在青海省的油菜种植区,茴香薄翅野螟Evergestis extimalis Scopoli越冬幼虫从6月初开始化蛹,6月中旬化蛹率达为80%,到6月下旬化蛹率达到100%;成虫于7月上旬开始羽化,7月15~20日为成虫羽化高峰;田间卵始见期为6月下旬至7月上旬,7月中旬达到产卵高峰期;越冬幼虫平均死亡率为96.63%。  相似文献   

款冬螟生物学特性观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
款冬螟Ostrintazealisvarialis(Bremer)是危害苍耳的主要害虫,幼虫蛀食叶脉、叶柄和秸秆。有关款冬螟的生物学特性,未见报道。199o年开始作者对该虫的生物学特性进行了观察。1形态特性成虫:雌蛾体长13mm,淡褐色,触角丝状,前翅三角形,翅长12mm,展翅29nun,赤黄色,有光泽;后翅淡黄色,腹部肥大,末端密生绒毛。雄蛾体长匕nun,淡黄色,触角丝状,前翅长13nun,展翅3OInm,翅面金黄色,亚前缘脉间褐色,翅基线褐色,中室有一肾状斑和一环状纹。后翅三角形,褐黄色,翅面有褐色点,外线线与亚外缘线锯齿状弯曲,腹部瘦尖。卵:块…  相似文献   

苍耳杆野螟生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡良成  潘桐 《昆虫知识》1994,31(6):363-365
苍耳杆野螟是寄生在苍耳上的1种重要药用昆虫。在湖南(常德)每年发生4代,以老熟幼虫(五龄)在苍耳茎杆蛀道内越冬。室内自然变温下(22.2~25.0℃)饲养,卵期为4.8天,幼虫期为23.6天,蛹期为见11.8天,成虫期为6.1天。每雌可产卵124~585粒,块产。一、二龄幼虫食叶,三龄后蛀茎。  相似文献   

竹金黄镰翅野螟生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用室内饲养和林间调查相结合的办法,研究了竹子重要食叶害虫竹金黄镰翅野螟Circobotys aurealis的生物学特性。该虫在浙江省每年发生1代,以预蛹越冬,翌年4月中旬到6月上旬化蛹,4月底至7月上旬出现成虫,5月上旬开始产卵,幼虫29~38 d后老熟,越冬期长达6~7个月。本文详细报道了各龄幼虫的体长、头宽和取食竹叶量,以及成虫夜间活动及扑灯时间,分析了该虫近年来危害趋重的原因,提出了捡拾当年新竹的笋箨和黑光灯诱杀成虫等防治方法。  相似文献   

皮暗斑螟生物学特性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨振江  史贺奎 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):340-342

长薄鳅生物学特性的初步观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵云芳 《四川动物》1995,14(3):122-122
长薄鳅生物学特性的初步观察赵云芳四川省农业科学院水产研究所郫县611731长薄鳅(Leptobotiaelongata)主要分布在长江流域,尤以长江上游的四川产量为大。由于其体色鲜艳,头和体表具有不规则深褐色斑纹,因而是一种很有观赏价值的鱼类。但迄今...  相似文献   

Ascoviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses which cause fatal disease in lepidopteran host larvae. They induce a unique pathology, causing cleavage of host cells into virion-containing vesicles. With the single exception of Diadromus pulchellus ascovirus, all ascoviruses have been exclusively reported from the Noctuidae. To investigate whether Heliothis virescens AV (HvAV-3e) has a broader host range at the family level, larvae of Crocidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a major pest of brassica crops in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the Old World and Australasia, were inoculated with HvAV-3e. Larvae were readily infected by the ascovirus and feeding, growth and survival were significantly affected. However, the milky white discolouration of the haemolymph which is characteristic of ascovirus infection in noctuid hosts was not apparent. In further contrast to infected noctuid host larvae that do not develop to the pupal stage, a significant proportion of infected C. pavonana larvae pupated but all were killed at this stage. Thus, C. pavonana appears to be a semi-permissive host of the ascovirus, the presence of such hosts in the field might be an explanation for the conundrum for the ascovirus-noctuid-wasp relationship, helping explain the persistence of the ascovirus.  相似文献   

黑缘红瓢虫生物学特性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄保宏  王波  余本渊 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):126-129
黑缘红瓢虫ChilocorusrubidusHope 1年发生 1代 ,以成虫在杂草、石缝中等处越冬 ,为朝鲜球坚蚧DidesmococcuskoreanusBorchs的重要天敌。主要分布在桃树、梅树等树上 ,对朝鲜球坚蚧有很强的控制作用。黑缘红瓢虫主要以幼虫捕食猎物为主 ,其幼虫对朝鲜球坚蚧雌蚧功能反应符合HollingⅡ模型 ,一昼夜最大捕食量为 8头。成虫主要起繁殖和扩散作用  相似文献   

The major constraint to the production of good quality cabbage in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is posed by a complex of insect pests which includes the Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella (L.) as the most prominent species. In order to evaluate the prospects of a classical control approach economically important major pests and their natural enemies were surveyed in three cabbage growing areas with distinct climatic regimes at low-, mid- and high-elevation. In the PNG highlands (Goroka and Tambul area, Western Highlands Province) the release and successful establishment of the P. xylostella -specific parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum (Hellen) reduced crop losses remarkably since 1995. Favourable circumstances, such as continuous brassica cultivation and low status of associated lepidopteran pests, particularly at Tambul (2400 m above sea level) with an almost temperate climate, were supportive for this approach. In the arid PNG lowlands (Laloki area, Central Province) the introduced P.xylostella -parasitoid Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) exerted 80% parasitism in an experimental site, although a lasting establishment was not achieved in that location. Among several indigenous P. xylostella parasitoids Brachymeria phya (Walker) was a ubiquitous species but did not reduce the pest status of its host. Natural enemies of associated lepidoptera such as Crocidolomia pavonana (Zeller), Spodoptera litura (F.), Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Hellula undalis (F.) were economically insignificant. Thus, insecticidal control, preferably selective, was still a requirement. In comparison to Bacillus thuringiensis -products (Delfin ® and Thuricide ® ) and the synthetic insect growth regulator Chlorfluazuron (Atabron ® ), best results were achieved in field trials with the commercial neem formulation NeemAzal ® ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) and an aqueous neem seed kernel extract from seeds of PNG grown trees. Besides its high efficacy against lepidopterous pests, neem also controlled the false mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.), being of economic importance in the arid PNG lowlands. The prospects of integrating C. plutellae into a reduced insecticide spraying program as well as alternative cultural control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

通过室内饲养观察及实地调查,明确了脊胸露尾甲年发生规律等基本生物学特性。该虫世代重叠现象明显,每代历期约33~38d,其中产卵前期平均68d,卵历期平均32d,幼虫期平均179d,蛹期平均75d。成虫产卵明显受性比的影响,雌雄性比小时,雌虫产卵量增多。  相似文献   

Crocidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a major pest of Brassica crops in tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa, Asia and the Pacific. There are no previous reports of effective natural enemies of the pest across this range but in Samoa an arrhenotokous population of the generalist egg parasitoid Trichogramma chilonis Ishii (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) frequently attacks it. This is the first record of T. chilonis in Samoa. A three-year field recruitment study showed that although C. pavonana eggs occurred at all times of the year, their abundance was greatest during drier periods. Parasitism of C. pavonana egg masses by T. chilonis was variable (0–87% of egg masses attacked) but the parasitoid was recovered from eggs collected at all times of the year and it is well established in the major Brassica growing regions of the island of Upolu. When partial lifetables were constructed for C. pavonana, the rate of egg disappearance (likely due to predation and the physical effects of rainfall) ranged from 0 to 0.839 and the marginal rate of mortality due to T. chilonis ranged from 0 to 0.474. When it was present, T. chilonis was the major mortality factor affecting C. pavonana eggs in all but one of the recruitment studies. The historical problems surrounding the identity and species status of T. chilonis are discussed and its host range and distribution in the Asia-Pacific region is reviewed briefly. Finally, the potential of this population of T. chilonis for development as a biological control agent of C. pavonana is considered.  相似文献   

纹瓣真片叶蜂Eutomostethus reticulatusWei是毛竹(Phyllostachys pubercens Mazelex H.de Lehaie)的食叶害虫。该虫适应毛竹2年萌发1次新叶的特性,多数个体也是历经2年发生1代。以预蛹在土茧中越夏越冬,于第2年或第3年春天羽化出土。幼虫为害期为4月上旬~6月上旬,5月上旬起老熟幼虫陆续入土预蛹。1年1代的预蛹历期近11个月,2年1代的预蛹历期近23个月。报道该虫各虫态的形态特征和生物学特性。  相似文献   

刘东明  陈红锋  易绮斐  邢福武 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):229-231,F0004
巴黎翠凤蝶Papilio parisL.为药用植物三桠苦(Melicope pteleifolia)(Champ.ex Benth)T.G.Hartley叶部的重要害虫之一。在广州年发生5代,世代重叠,以蛹在寄主植物上越冬。翌年3月上、中旬越冬代成虫羽化、交配、产卵,幼虫共5龄。  相似文献   

李虎  王晓贝 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):I0003-I0004
金绿宽盾蝽Poecilocoris lewisi Distant在北京1年1代,以5龄若虫在侧柏(Platycladus orientalis Franco)附近的落叶和石块下越冬,翌年4月上中旬陆续从越冬处爬出,取食侧柏嫩叶。5月中旬5龄若虫开始羽化,6月初为羽化高峰期,6月中下旬羽化期结束,5月到8月为成虫期,7月底到8月中旬交配产卵,8、9月份若虫由1龄发育至5龄,9月中下旬为5龄若虫高峰期,11月5龄若虫开始转移越冬。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine feeding site preferences of Crocidolomia pavonana (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae within cabbage plants, Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata cv. Warrior (Brassicaceae), and to determine whether induced plant responses to herbivory affect the behavior of larvae. In the first experiment, intra-plant damage and larval distribution were recorded to account for the spreading pattern of damage and larval feeding behavior on a plant; larvae initially fed on the base of leaves and moved progressively to the bud, leaf tips were avoided. In the second experiment, larval performance (the duration of the first instar, survival to the second instar, and weight of second instars) was assessed when larvae fed on the bud, the base, and the tip of the youngest fully expanded leaf on a plant. Crocidolomia pavonana larvae performed best when they fed on bud leaf tissue and most poorly when they fed on leaf tissue at the base of leaves. In the third experiment, expression of induced resistance was tested on each of the three plant parts using a first-instar bioassay. Negative impacts on larval growth and development were not detected when larvae fed on the bud or base tissue when plants were damaged prior to the assay. However, negative effects were detected in larvae feeding on tip leaf tissue when the base of the leaf was damaged prior to the assay or if the bud tissue was damaged simultaneously with the assay. The findings indicate that resource heterogeneity for C. pavonana within-cabbage plants is determined by both the initial quality of food at a location and by subsequent induced changes as a result of larval feeding; both contribute to the feeding pattern observed in these gregarious larvae.  相似文献   

研究了乌苏里鸣螽的生物学特性。该虫在河北省秦皇岛市 1年发生 1代 ,以滞育卵在土内越冬 ,翌年 3月下旬~ 6月上旬孵化为若虫。若虫共 7龄 ,1龄期 1 3~ 2 9d ,2龄期 8~ 2 0d ,3龄期 7~ 1 3d ,4龄期 6~ 9d,5龄期 6~ 9d ,6龄期 5~ 1 5d ,7龄期 1 2~ 1 7d。 6月下旬~ 8月中旬羽化为成虫 ,雌成虫产卵自 7月上旬至 9月下旬结束。成虫平均寿命 81 2 5d。  相似文献   

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