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Two conserved catalytic arginines, Arg-173 and Arg-292, of the tyrosine site-specific recombinase Cre are essential for the transesterification steps of strand cleavage and joining in native DNA substrates containing scissile phosphate groups. The active site tyrosine (Tyr-324) provides the nucleophile for the cleavage reaction, and forms a covalent 3′-phosphotyrosyl intermediate. The 5′-hydroxyl group formed during cleavage provides the nucleophile for the joining reaction between DNA partners, yielding strand exchange. Previous work showed that substitution of the scissile phosphate (P) by methylphosphonate (MeP) permits strand cleavage by a Cre variant lacking Arg-292. We now demonstrate that MeP activation and cleavage are not blocked by substitution of Arg-173 or even simultaneous substitutions of Arg-173 and Arg-292 by alanine. Furthermore, Cre(R173A) and Cre(R292A) are competent in strand joining, Cre(R173A) being less efficient. No joining activity is detected with Cre(R173A, R292A). Consistent with their ability to cleave and join strands, Cre(R173A) and Cre(R292A) can promote recombination between two MeP-full-site DNA partners. These findings shed light on the overall contribution of active site electrostatics, and tease apart distinctive contributions of the individual arginines, to the chemical steps of recombination. They have general implications in active site mechanisms that promote important phosphoryl transfer reactions in nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The Hin recombinase specifically recognizes its DNA-binding site by means of both major and minor groove interactions. A previous X-ray structure, together with new structures of the Hin DNA-binding domain bound to a recombination half-site that were solved as part of the present study, have revealed that two ordered water molecules are present within the major groove interface. In this report, we test the importance of these waters directly by X-ray crystal structure analysis of complexes with four mutant DNA sequences. These structures, combined with their Hin-binding properties, provide strong support for the critical importance of one of the intermediate waters. A lesser but demonstrable role is ascribed to the second water molecule. The mutant structures also illustrate the prominent roles of thymine methyls both in stabilizing intermediate waters and in interfering with water or amino acid side chain interactions with DNA.  相似文献   

基于Cre重组酶体系的鸡卵清蛋白基因打靶载体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张传生  杜立新 《动物学报》2005,51(4):685-690
利用胚胎干细胞基因打靶技术制备转基因鸡是研制鸡输卵管反应器的最佳技术路线。为建立基于Cre/loxp系统的鸡卵清蛋白基因(Ovalbumingene,OV)位点的双交换打靶载体系统,本研究克隆了鸡的OV基因7.8kb片段,并与克隆的内部核糖体进入位点(IRES)、人工合成的含有Cre重组酶识别位点变异体交换盒m2/loxp71EGFPloxp66,一起构建了含有Hsvtk负筛选标记的针对鸡卵清蛋白基因位点的敲入型共表达基因打靶载体pSSCm2/71EGFP66IRESOV7.8;以猪β干扰素基因(βInterferon,IFNβ)为目的基因构建了穿梭载体pMDm2/66MCSIFNMCSLoxp71,经过限制酶酶切及部分测序鉴定,所构建载体结构正确。进一步将它们共转化组成性表达Cre的细菌BM25.8,验证了loxp突变位点对重组反应的有效性  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the catalytic activity of serine proteases depends primarily on the Asp-His-Ser catalytic triad and other residues within the vicinity of this motif. Some of these residues form the oxyanion binding site that stabilizes the tetrahedral intermediate by hydrogen bonding to the negatively charged oxyanion. In acylaminoacyl peptidase from the thermophile Aeropyrum pernix, the main chain NH group of Gly369 is one of the hydrogen bond donors forming the oxyanion binding site. The side chain of His367, a conserved residue in acylaminoacyl peptidases across all species, fastens the loop holding Gly369. Determination of the crystal structure of the H367A mutant revealed that this loop, including Gly369, moves away considerably, accounting for the observed three orders of magnitude decrease in the specificity rate constant. For the wild-type enzyme ln(k(cat)/K(m)) vs. 1/T deviates from linearity indicating greater rate enhancement with increasing temperature for the dissociation of the enzyme-substrate complex compared with its decomposition to product. In contrast, the H367A variant provided a linear Arrhenius plot, and its reaction was associated with unfavourable entropy of activation. These results show that a residue relatively distant from the active site can significantly affect the catalytic activity of acylaminoacyl peptidase without changing the overall structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Recognition of protein-DNA binding sites in genomic sequences is a crucial step for discovering biological functions of genomic sequences. Explosive growth in availability of sequence information has resulted in a demand for binding site detection methods with high specificity. The motivation of the work presented here is to address this demand by a systematic approach based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation. A general framework is developed in which a large class of binding site detection methods can be described in a uniform and consistent way. Protein-DNA binding is determined by binding energy, which is an approximately linear function within the space of sequence words. All matrix based binding word detectors can be regarded as different linear classifiers which attempt to estimate the linear separation implied by the binding energy function. The standard approaches of consensus sequences and profile matrices are described using this framework. A maximum likelihood approach for determining this linear separation leads to a novel matrix type, called the binding matrix. The binding matrix is the most specific matrix based classifier which is consistent with the input set of known binding words. It achieves significant improvements in specificity compared to other matrices. This is demonstrated using 95 sets of experimentally determined binding words provided by the TRANSFAC database.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of amino acids at the periphery of the EcoRV endonuclease active site suggests that moderate-range electrostatic effects play a significant role in modulating the efficiency of phosphoryl transfer. Asp36 and Lys38 located on minor-groove binding surface loops approach within 7-9 A of the scissile phosphates of the DNA. While the rates of single-site mutations removing the carboxylate or amine moieties at these positions are decreased 10(3)-10(5)-fold compared to that of wild-type EcoRV, we find that double mutants which rebalance the charge improve catalysis by up to 500-fold. Mutational analysis also suggests that catalytic efficiency is influenced by Lys173, which is buried at the base of a deep depression penetrating from a distal surface of the enzyme. The Lys173 amine group lies just 6 A from the amine group of the conserved essential Lys92 side chain in the active site. Kinetic and crystallographic analyses of the EcoRV E45A mutant enzyme further show that the Glu45 carboxylate group facilitates an extensive set of conformational transitions which occur upon DNA binding. The crystal structure of E45A bound to DNA and Mn2+ ions reveals significant conformational alterations in a small alpha-helical portion of the dimer interface located adjacent to the DNA minor groove. This leads to a tertiary reorientation of the two monomers as well as shifting of the key major-groove binding recognition loops. Because the Glu45 side chain does not appear to play a direct structural role in maintaining the active site, these rearrangements may instead originate in an altered electrostatic potential caused by removal of the negative charge. A Mn2+ binding site on the scissile phosphate is also disrupted in the E45A structure such that inner-sphere metal interactions made by the scissile DNA phosphate and conserved Asp90 carboxylate are each replaced with water molecules in the mutant. These findings argue against a proposed role for Asp36 as the general base in EcoRV catalysis, and reveal that the induced-fit conformational changes necessary for active site assembly and metal binding are significantly modulated by the electrostatic potential in this region.  相似文献   

A protease nexin released by activated platelets forms stable complexes with alpha-thrombin. Active-site-blocked thrombin does not form the stable complex, but it inhibits formation of the stable complex by active alpha-thrombin. gamma-Thrombin, which has a damaged substrate recognition site (the anion-binding exosite), did not form the complex and did not inhibit formation of the stable complex by alpha-thrombin. Complex formation was inhibited by the C-terminal dodecapeptide of hirudin, which has been shown to bind to the anion-binding exosite. A monoclonal antibody that blocks reactions of thrombin that involve the anion-binding exosite also inhibited formation of a stable complex of alpha-thrombin and the platelet-derived protease nexin. It is concluded that the anion-binding exosite of thrombin, a site that confers a high degree of specificity for substrates with a complementary site, binds to the platelet nexin prior to reaction of the catalytic site with the serpin.  相似文献   

The catalytic pentad of tyrosine recombinases, that assists the tyrosine nucleophile, includes a conserved histidine/tryptophan (His/Trp-III). Flp and Cre harbor tryptophan at this position; most of their kin recombinases display histidine. Contrary to the conservation rule, Flp(W330F) is a much stronger recombinase than Flp(W330H). The hydrophobicity of Trp330 or Phe330 is utilized in correctly positioning Tyr343 during the strand cleavage step of recombination. Why then is phenylalanine almost never encountered in the recombinase family at this conserved position? Using exogenous nucleophiles and synthetic methylphosphonate or 5'-thiolate substrates, we decipher that Trp330 also assists in the activation of the scissile phosphate and the departure of the 5'-hydroxyl leaving group. These two functions are consistent with the hydrogen bonding property of Trp330 as well as its location in structures of the Flp recombination complexes. However, van der Waals contact between Trp330 and Arg308 may also be important for the phosphate activation step. A structure based suppression strategy permits the inactive variant Flp(W330A) to be rescued by a second site mutation A339M. Modeling alanine and methionine at positions 330 and 339, respectively, in the Flp crystal structure suggests a plausible mechanism for active site restoration. Successful suppression suggests the possibility of evolving, by design, new active site configurations for tyrosine recombination.  相似文献   

Directed molecular evolution was applied to generate Cre recombinase variants that recognize a new DNA target sequence. Cre was adapted in a three-stage strategy to evolve recombinases to specifically recombine the new site. This complex multicycle task was made feasible by an improved directed-evolution procedure that relies on placing the recombination substrate next to the recombinase coding region. Consequently, those DNA molecules carrying the coding region for a successful recombinase are physically marked by the action of that recombinase on the linked substrate and are easily retrieved from a large background of unsuccessful candidates by PCR amplification. We term this procedure substrate-linked protein evolution (SLiPE). The method should facilitate the development of new recombinases and other DNA-modifying enzymes for applications in genetic engineering, functional genomics, and gene therapy.  相似文献   

The 2 mu plasmid of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a site-specific recombination system consisting of the FLP protein and two inverted recombination sites on the plasmid. The minimal fully functional substrate for in-vitro recombination in this system consists of two FLP protein binding sites separated by an eight base-pair spacer sequence. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to generate every possible mutation (36 in all) within 11 base-pairs of one FLP protein binding site and the base-pair immediately flanking it. The base-pairs within the binding site can be separated into three classes on the basis of these results. Thirty of the 36 sequence changes, including all three at seven different positions (class I) produce a negligible or modest effect on FLP protein-promoted recombination. In particular, most transition mutations are well-tolerated in this system. In only one case do all three possible mutations produce large effects (class II). At three positions, clustered near the site at which DNA is cleaved by FLP protein, one of the two possible transversions produces a large effect on recombination, while the other two changes produce modest effects (class III). For seven mutants for which FLP protein binding was measured, a direct correlation between decreases in recombination activity and in binding was observed. Positive effects on the reaction potential of mutant sites are observed when the other FLP binding site in a single recombination site is unaltered or when the second recombination site in a reaction is wild-type. This suggests a functional interaction between FLP binding sites both in cis and in trans. When two mutant recombination sites (each with 1 altered FLP binding site) are recombined, the relative orientation of the mutations (parallel or antiparallel) has no effect on the result. These results provide an extensive substrate catalog to complement future studies in this system.  相似文献   


Large serine recombinases (LSRs) catalyze the movement of DNA elements into and out of bacterial chromosomes using site-specific recombination between short DNA “attachment sites”. The LSRs that function as bacteriophage integrases carry out integration between attachment sites in the phage (attP) and in the host (attB). This process is highly directional; the reverse excision reaction between the product attL and attR sites does not occur in the absence of a phage-encoded recombination directionality factor, nor does recombination typically occur between other pairings of attachment sites. Although the mechanics of strand exchange are reasonably well understood through studies of the closely related resolvase and invertase serine recombinases, many of the fundamental aspects of the LSR reactions have until recently remained poorly understood on a structural level. In this review, we discuss the results of several years worth of biochemical and molecular genetic studies of LSRs in light of recently described structural models of LSR–DNA complexes. The focus is understanding LSR domain structure, how LSRs bind to the attP and attB attachment sites, and the differences between attP-binding and attB-binding modes. The simplicity, site-selectivity and strong directionality of the LSRs has led to their use as important tools in a number of genetic engineering applications in a wide variety of organisms. Given the important potential role of LSR enzymes in genetic engineering and gene therapy, understanding the structure and DNA-binding properties of LSRs is of fundamental importance for those seeking to enhance or alter specificity and functionality in these systems.  相似文献   

The Drosophila protein Sex-lethal (SXL) promotes skipping of exon 3 from its own pre-mRNA. An unusual sequence arrangement of two AG dinucleotides and an intervening polypyrimidine (Py)-tract at the 3' end of intron 2 is important for Sxl autoregulation. Here we show that U2AF interacts with the Py-tract and downstream AG, whereas the spliceosomal protein SPF45 interacts with the upstream AG and activates it for the second catalytic step of the splicing reaction. SPF45 represents a new class of second step factors, and its interaction with SXL blocks splicing at the second step. These results are in contrast with other known mechanisms of splicing regulation, which target early events of spliceosome assembly. A similar role for SPF45 is demonstrated in the activation of a cryptic 3' ss generated by a mutation that causes human beta-thalassemia.  相似文献   

Non-contact positions impose site selectivity on Cre recombinase   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A first step in Cre-mediated site-specific DNA recombination is binding to the two 13 bp repeats of the 34 bp site loxP. Several nucleotides within loxP do not directly contact the bound enzyme, yet mutation at two of these base pairs, at positions 11 and 12 in each repeat, results in a 100 000-fold reduction in recombination. To understand better how Cre selects DNA sequences for recombination, we combined DNA shuffling mutagenesis and a forward selection strategy to obtain Cre mutants that recombine at 100% efficiency a mutant loxK2 site carrying these dinucleotide changes. The role of the several mutations found in these Cre isolates was analyzed both in vivo and biochemically with purified enzymes. A single mutation at E262 accounts for most but not all of the enhanced activity at loxK2. Secondary mutations act in one or more of three ways: enhancement of loxK2 binding, accelerated synthesis of Cre in vivo or faster DNA recombination at the alternative spacer region present in loxK2. Systematic analysis of all 20 natural amino acids at position E262 shows that the naturally occurring glutamate residue at this position provides the optimal balance of efficiency of recombination at loxP and maximal discrimination against loxK2.  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence similarity with other known DNA-binding proteins, the DNA-binding domain of Hin recombinase, residues 139-190, is thought to bind DNA by a helix-turn-helix motif. Two models can be considered that differ in the orientation of the recognition helix in the major groove of DNA. One is based on the orientation of the recognition helix found in the 434 repressor (1-69) and lambda repressor-DNA cocrystals, and the other is based on the NMR studies of lac repressor headpiece. Cleavage by EDTA.Fe attached to a lysine side chain (Ser183----Lys183) near the COOH terminus of Hin(139-184) reveals that the putative recognition helix is oriented toward the center of the inverted repeats in a manner similar to that seen in the 434 and lambda repressor-DNA cocrystals.  相似文献   

A Mack  B Sauer  K Abremski    R Hoess 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(17):4451-4455
The site-specific recombinase Cre from bacteriophage P1 binds and carries out recombination at a 34 bp lox site. The lox site consists of two 13 bp inverted repeats, separated by an 8 bp spacer region. Both the palindromic nature of the site and the results of footprinting and band shift experiments suggest that a minimum of two Cre molecules bind to a lox site. We report here experiments that demonstrate the absolute stoichiometry of the Cre-lox complex to be one molecule of Cre bound per inverted repeat, or two molecules per lox site.  相似文献   

Medullary cystic disease, Alport''s syndrome, and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease are inherited renal disorders whose genetic bases are better understood because of careful clinical observation. I explore the relationships among some clinical aspects of each of these conditions, the rapidly advancing field of molecular genetics, and the ethical issues that need to be addressed before gene identification becomes too widely applied as a diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

Diversity-generating retroelements (DGRs) are in vivo sequence diversification machines that are widely distributed in bacterial, phage, and plasmid genomes. They function to introduce vast amounts of targeted diversity into protein-encoding DNA sequences via mutagenic homing. Adenine residues are converted to random nucleotides in a retrotransposition process from a donor template repeat (TR) to a recipient variable repeat (VR). Using the Bordetella bacteriophage BPP-1 element as a prototype, we have characterized requirements for DGR target site function. Although sequences upstream of VR are dispensable, a 24 bp sequence immediately downstream of VR, which contains short inverted repeats, is required for efficient retrohoming. The inverted repeats form a hairpin or cruciform structure and mutational analysis demonstrated that, while the structure of the stem is important, its sequence can vary. In contrast, the loop has a sequence-dependent function. Structure-specific nuclease digestion confirmed the existence of a DNA hairpin/cruciform, and marker coconversion assays demonstrated that it influences the efficiency, but not the site of cDNA integration. Comparisons with other phage DGRs suggested that similar structures are a conserved feature of target sequences. Using a kanamycin resistance determinant as a reporter, we found that transplantation of the IMH and hairpin/cruciform-forming region was sufficient to target the DGR diversification machinery to a heterologous gene. In addition to furthering our understanding of DGR retrohoming, our results suggest that DGRs may provide unique tools for directed protein evolution via in vivo DNA diversification.  相似文献   

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