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The expression of three BH3-only proteins, Bad, Bid and Bim, were knocked down in HEK 293 cells using vectors that express corresponding siRNAs. When cultured in the presence of 10% (v/v) serum and a diminished glucose/nutrients environment, cells lacking any one of these BH3-only proteins showed delayed cell death compared to wild type cells. Remarkably, the culture life of Bad (−) cells was extended for an additional 5 days compared to WT HEK 293 cells. In the absence of serum, the suppression of either Bad, Bim or Bid expression delayed cell death under several stress conditions. Results presented in this paper offer an insight into the functions of BH3-only proteins in mediating the death signals under different stress conditions. Anup Padmanabhan and Sen Liu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

吴全德  黄文林 《生物工程学报》2014,30(11):1786-1790
腺病毒载体是极具发展前景的基因治疗载体之一,为获得一条新型腺病毒规模化生产工艺,研究采用5 L振荡激流式一次性生物反应器悬浮培养HEK293细胞来生产重组腺病毒载体。细胞经种子链逐步扩增后,接种至AP10生物反应器,采用CD293无血清培养基流加培养悬浮HEK293细胞,细胞密度达约2.0×106个/m L时,以30 MOI(Multiplicity of infection)感染重组Ad-IFNγ(Recombinant adenovirus-interferon gamma),48 h后收获细胞,3次冻融裂解离心收获上清病毒粗产品。采用壳蛋白免疫法快速测定粗产品滴度。结果表明,采用振荡激流式一次性生物反应器,流加HEK293细胞悬浮培养6 d,密度可达2.0×106个/m L,Ad-IFNγ粗产量达1.49×1013 IFU(Infectious unit),单细胞包装量达3 800 IFU/cell。采用阴离子交换层析法纯化重组腺病毒,回收率35.9%。建立了利用5 L激流式一次性生物反应器悬浮培养HEK293细胞生产重组腺病毒载体Ad-IFNγ的初步工艺。  相似文献   

Sun X  Goh PE  Wong KT  Mori T  Yap MG 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(11):843-848
Enhanced green fluorescence protein (GFP) and erythropoietin (EPO) were used as reporters to assess and improve transient gene expression in HEK 293 EBNA1 cells. The production of EPO only lasted 3 days and reached 18.1 mg/l in suspension cultures in 1 l batch bioreactors. However, GFP expression examined in well-plate experiments persisted for 12 days in transfected cells but decreased rapidly within the next 15 days. These results suggest that the retaining of a plasmid in cells may not be a limiting factor for protein expression in large-scale transient transfection. To improve cell maintenance and protein expression, a fed-batch culture was performed using an enriched medium, a mixture of equal volumes of 293 SFM II medium and a 5 × amino acid solution prepared based on DMEM/F12 medium formula. EPO reached 33.6 mg/l, representing 86% increase over that of the batch culture. Moreover, the total amount of EPO produced was increased by 165% in view of the volume increase in the fed-batch culture. The serum-free medium used in this work enables cells growing well and transfection without medium change. Thus, the process reported here is simple and easy to scale up.  相似文献   

由于各种疾病在全球范围内的肆虐,国际市场对重组腺病毒载体(adenoviral vector,Adv)疫苗的需求量急剧增加,而工艺研究是解决这一问题的有效手段之一。在细胞接毒前施加高渗胁迫可以提高分批培养模式下的Adv产量,新兴的灌流培养也可以显著提高Adv的产量。将高渗胁迫工艺与灌流培养相结合,有望进一步提升高细胞密度生产过程中的Adv产量。本研究利用摇瓶结合拟灌流培养作为生物反应器灌流培养的缩小模型,使用渗透压为300–405 mOsm的培养基研究了高渗胁迫对细胞生长和Adv生产的影响。结果显示,在细胞生长阶段使用370 mOsm的高渗透压培养基,在病毒生产阶段使用300 mOsm的等渗透压培养基的灌流培养工艺有效地提高了Adv的产量。进一步研究发现这可能归因于病毒复制后期HSP70蛋白的表达量增加。将这种工艺放大至生物反应器中,Adv的产量达到3.2×1010 IFU/mL,是传统灌流培养工艺的3倍。本研究首次将高渗胁迫工艺与灌流培养相结合的策略应用于HEK 293细胞生产Adv,同时揭示了高渗胁迫工艺增产Adv的可能原因,为HEK 293细胞生产其他类型Adv的工艺优化提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine the relationship between the Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) expression level and specific foreign protein productivity (qp), EBNA-1-amplifed HEK293 cells, which achieved a higher EBNA-1 expression level than that achieved by HEK293E cells, were established using dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr)-mediated gene amplification. Compared with a control culture in a null pool, Fc-fusion protein production by transient transfection in the EBNA-1-amplified pool showed a significant improvement. qp was linearly correlated with the EBNA-1 expression level in the transient transfection of EBNA-1-amplified clones, as indicated by the correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.7407). The Fc-fusion protein production and qp in a transient gene expression-based culture with EBNA-1-amplified HEK293 cells, E-amp-68, were approximately 2.0 and 3.2 times, respectively, higher than those in a culture with HEK293E cells. The increase in qp by EBNA-1 amplification mainly resulted from an enhancement in the amount of replicated DNA and level of mRNA expression but not an improved transfection efficiency. Taken together, it was found that EBNA-1 amplification could improve the therapeutic protein production in an HEK293 cell-based transient gene expression system.  相似文献   

利用HEK293细胞在悬浮培养体系中下具有聚集成团的体外培养特性,在250ml的spinner flask搅拌式细胞培养瓶中以悬浮细胞团的形式实施HEK293细胞的无载体固定化培养,以细胞密度、细胞活力、细胞团粒径分布和葡萄糖比消耗率 (qglc)、乳酸比产率 (qlac)、乳酸转化率 (Ylac/glc)、氨基酸消耗为观察指标,同时设置静止培养体系作为参照,考察无载体固定化培养模式下的HEK293细胞生长和代谢特征。观察结果表明,HEK293细胞在搅拌式细胞培养瓶中无载体固定化培养和在组织培养瓶中静止贴壁培养表现为基本相同的细胞生长和代谢特征,平均粒径小于300μm的细胞团中的物质传递能够满足HEK293细胞维持正常生长和代谢的基本需要。HEK293细胞的无载体固定化培养便于实施灌注操作、提高生物反应器单位体积的生产效率。  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins are of great commercial and scientific interest. Yet, most production methods in mammalian cells involve the time- and labor-consuming step of creating stable cell lines. Production methods based on transient gene expression are advantageous in terms of speed and versatility; yet, depending on the transfection protocol, transient transfection faces some bottlenecks such as a priori complex formation, limitations in terms of transfection and production media used and the need for medium exchange prior to and/or after transfection. Published protocols for transfection of suspension-adapted HEK-293 cells with polyethyleneimine have shown great promise in overcoming some of these bottlenecks, but still require a priori complex formation for optimal yields and limit the choice of transfection and production media. Here, we report successful in situ transfection of suspension-adapted HEK-293 cells with 25-kDa linear polyethyleneimine at densities up to 20 x 10(6) cells/mL in complex media followed by production at lower cell densities (1 x 10(6) cells/mL). After concentrating cells to such high densities, transfection of HEK-293 cells becomes possible in most commonly used media and is not restricted to a specific medium. Furthermore, there is no need to make transfection complexes a priori, a step that prevents inline sterile filtration of the DNA bulk for transfection, an important consideration when scaling processes up to 100 or 1,000 L. Finally, transfecting HEK-293 cells at high density in complex media is superior to existing transfection protocols and doubles yields of recombinant protein obtainable by transient gene expression.  相似文献   

LONGTMR3IGF-I, an analogue of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, was specifically engineered for use in biopharmaceutical protein production in mammalian cells. LONGTMR3IGF-I is capable of supporting the growth and survival of Chinese hamster ovary cells in serum-free media at concentrations at least 200-fold lower than required for insulin. LONGTMR3IGF-I also acts as a more potent growth and survival factor than either insulin or native IGF-I in SF culture of human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells. To investigate the basis of the enhanced potency of LONGTMR3IGF-I we have examined the mechanism of action of these mitogens in HEK293 cells. All mitogens tested were found to activate the TypeI IGF receptor (IGF-IR) and insulin receptor (IR) in a dose-responsive manner. However, the level of activation of both receptors after stimulation with LONGTMR3IGF-I, at lower concentrations, was greater than with either insulin or IGF-I. The greater potency of LONGTMR3IGF-I in activating the IR, despite having a low affinity for IRs, suggests the presence of heterotetrameric IGF-IR/IR dimers. Interestingly, the decrease in IGF-IR activation at higher concentrations of LONGTMR3IGF-I suggests that the dose-response curve may be bell-shaped.  相似文献   

减少乳酸积累一直是哺乳动物细胞生物技术产业的一个目标。体外培养动物细胞时,乳酸积累主要是2种代谢途径作用的综合结果:一方面,葡萄糖在乳酸脱氢酶A(lactate dehydrogenase A,LDHA)的作用下生成乳酸;另一方面,乳酸可通过乳酸脱氢酶B(LDHB)或乳酸脱氢酶C(LDHC)氧化为丙酮酸重新进入三羧酸循环。本研究综合评估了乳酸代谢关键基因调控对人胚胎肾细胞(human embryonic kidney 293 cells,HEK-293)细胞生长、代谢和人腺病毒(human adenovirus,HAdV)生产的影响,有效提高了HEK-293细胞的HAdV生产能力,并为哺乳动物细胞的乳酸代谢工程调控提供了理论基础。通过改造乳酸代谢关键调控基因(敲除ldha基因以及过表达ldhb和ldhc基因),有效改善了HEK-293细胞的物质和能量代谢效率,显著提高了HAdV的生产。与对照细胞相比,3个基因改造均能促进细胞生长,降低乳酸和氨的积累,明显增强细胞的物质和能量代谢效率,显著提高了HEK-293细胞的HAdV生产能力。ldhc基因过表达对HEK-293细胞的生长、代谢和HAdV生产调控最显著,最大细胞密度提高了约38.7%,乳酸对葡萄糖得率和氨对谷氨酰胺得率分别下降了33.8%和63.3%,HAdV滴度提高了至少16倍。此外,相比于对照细胞株,改造细胞株的腺苷三磷酸(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)生成速率、ATP/O_(2)比率、ATP与腺苷二磷酸(adenosine diphosphate,ADP)的比值以及还原型辅酶Ⅰ(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,NADH)含量均有不同程度的提高,能量代谢效率明显改善。  相似文献   

The bovine creatine transporter (CreaT) has been purified from membranes of HEK293 cells stably expressing high levels of the transporter. Membranes were solubilized with decyl maltoside and the CreaT was purified (90% pure) by affinity chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-Sepharose and gel-filtration. The CreaT was shown to be an approximately 70 kDa glycoprotein by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Identification of the CreaT was confirmed by sequencing tryptic peptides by mass spectrometry. Laser light scattering showed the majority of the CreaT to be present as a 224 kDa species. Additional purification was obtained when the Creat was eluted from the WGA column and purified by gel-filtration in Fos-choline 12 instead of decyl maltoside, followed by a second WGA affinity step to exchange the detergent for sodium cholate. This resulted in a 30-fold purification (95% purity) of the approximately 70kDa CreaT, with a yield of 15%. From this, it is estimated that the CreaT comprises approximately 3% of total HEK293-CreaT membrane protein. Gel-filtration showed the transporter to migrate with an apparent molecular mass of 210 kDa. Circular dichroism showed a predominantly alpha-helical structure, consistent with the 12 transmembrane domains predicted for the transporter. This work has enabled the purification of the CreaT in amounts ( approximately 100 microg) that make it feasible to consider structural studies of a member of the Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family.  相似文献   

In order to establish a simple and scaleable transfection system we have used the cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) to study transient transfection in HEK293 and 293(EBNA) cells grown in serum-free suspension culture. The transfection complexes were made directly within the cell culture by consecutively adding plasmid and PEI (direct method). Alternatively, the DNA-PEI transfection complexes were prepared in fresh medium (1/10 culture volume) and then added to the cells (indirect method). The results of this study clearly show that the ratio of PEI nitrogen to DNA phosphate is very important for high expression levels. The precise ratio is dependent on the DNA concentration. For example, using 1 μg/ml DNA by the indirect method, the ratio of optimal PEI:DNA was about 10–13:1. However, the ratio increases to 33:1 for 0.1–0.2 μg/ml DNA. By testing several different molecular weights of the polycationic polymer we could show that the highest transfection efficiency was obtained with the PEI 25 kDa. Using PEI 25 kDa the indirect method is superior to the direct addition because significantly lower DNA concentrations are needed. The expression levels of the soluble human TNF receptor p55 are even higher at low DNA compared to 1 μg/ml plasmid. The EBV-based pREP vectors gave better transient gene expression when used in 293(EBNA) cells compared to HEK293 cells in suspension culture. No differences in expression levels in the two cell lines were observed when the pC1 (CMV)-TNFR was used. In conclusion, PEI is a low-toxic transfection agent which provides high levels of transient gene expression in 293(EBNA) cells grown in serum-free suspension culture. This system allows highly reproducible, cost-effective production of milligram amounts of recombinant proteins in 2–5 l spinner culture scale within 3–5 days. Fermentor scale experiments, however, are less efficient because the PEI-mediated transient tranfection is inhibited by conditioned medium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Transient gene expression (TGE) in mammalian cells at the reactor scale is becoming increasingly important for the rapid production of recombinant proteins. We improved a process for transient calcium phosphate-based transfection of HEK293-EBNA cells in a 1-3 L bioreactor volume. Cells were adapted to suspension culture using a commercially available medium (BioWhittaker, Walkersville, MD). Process parameters were optimized using a plasmid reporter vector encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP/CLONTECH, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Using GFP as a marker-protein, we observed by microscopic examination transfection efficiencies between 70-100%. Three different recombinant proteins were synthesized within a timeframe of 7 days from time of transfection to harvest. The first, a human recombinant IgG(1)-type antibody, was secreted into the supernatant of the cell culture and achieved a final concentration of >20 mg/L. An E. coli-derived DNA-binding protein remained intracellular, as expected, but accumulated to such a concentration that the lysate of cells, taken up into the entire culture volume, gave a concentration of 18 mg/L. The third protein, a transmembrane receptor, was expressed at 3-6 x 10(6) molecules/cell.  相似文献   

刘慧  邹枨  林凤 《生物工程学报》2013,29(5):551-567
被称为"垃圾基因"的假基因是真核生物基因组中的重要组成部分。近年来对假基因的功能研究表明其并非是基因组中的沉默成员。如一些假基因参与RNA转录,一些假基因转录本能够形成小干扰RNA(siRNA),通过小RNA干扰作用调节功能基因。另外,还有研究发现,一些假基因能够通过microRNA调节肿瘤抑制因子。然而,对假基因功能的深入挖掘需要建立在对其更精准、更全面的鉴定基础之上。随着各物种全基因组测序的完成及序列比对算法的完善,全面而又精确地鉴定假基因已经成为可能。下文就近年来假基因相关鉴定方法、调节功能以及在进化上的意义进行了阐述,并对未来假基因研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Background information. TrxR (thioredoxin reductase), in addition to protecting against oxidative stress, plays a role in the redox regulation of intracellular signalling pathways controlling, among others, cell proliferation and apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether TrxR1 is involved in the regulation of cell migration. Results. Stably transfected HEK‐293 (human embryonic kidney) cells which overexpress cytosolic TrxR1 (HEK‐TrxR15 and HEK‐TrxR11 cells) were used in the present study. We found that the stimulation of cell motility induced by PKC (protein kinase C) activators, PMA and DPhT (diphenyltin), was inhibited significantly in the HEK‐TrxR15 and HEK‐TrxR11 cells compared with control cells. The overexpression of TrxR1 also inhibited characteristic morphological changes and reorganization of the F‐actin cytoskeleton induced by PMA and DPhT. In addition, the selective activation of PKCδ by DPhT was inhibited in cells that overexpressed cytosolic TrxR1. Furthermore, rottlerin, a selective inhibitor of PKCδ, and PKCδ siRNA (small interfering RNA), suppressed the morphological changes induced by DPhT in the control cells. Conclusions. The overexpression of TrxR1 inhibits migration of HEK‐293 cells stimulated with PMA and DPhT. Moreover, our observations suggest that this effect is mediated by the inhibition of PKCδ activation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨缺氧对稳定表达人淀粉样前体蛋白的HEK293细胞(HEK293-APP695)存活及相关蛋白表达的影响,为深入研究缺氧对阿尔茨海默病的调节作用提供稳定的细胞模型。方法:利用缺氧手套箱(0.3% O2)处理HEK293-APP695细胞,CCK-8法检测细胞的存活情况;Western blot检测缺氧条件下阿尔茨海默病(AD)相关蛋白APP、APP-CTFs和BACE1的表达变化。结果:缺氧处理后,HEK293-APP695细胞的存活率明显下降,APP表达降低,其剪切体APP-CTFs表达升高。结论:缺氧导致APP剪切的增多,抑制细胞的存活,提示缺氧可能通过影响BACE1的活性在AD的发病进程中起重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

早老素(progerin)的累积导致儿童早老症(Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome, HGPS)的发生,并与正常衰老相关。早老素能使细胞内稳态失衡但分子机制仍有待深入研究。本研究旨在探讨早老素导入人胚胎肾293T细胞(human embryo kidney 293T cell, HEK293T)后细胞增殖、周期变化的分子机制。形态学观察发现过表达早老素的HEK293T细胞密度下降,(57±2.47)%细胞核形态皱缩。细胞增殖和周期实验证明早老素使细胞增殖减慢,发生G1/S期阻滞,G1细胞从 (42.3±1.31)%升至(47.2±1.26)%,而S期细胞从 (43.1±1.36)%降至 (38.5±1.42)%。Western印迹结果显示早老素的高表达引起p21蛋白表达上调(103.2±1.49)%,CDK4下调(63±1.52)%,而p53、ATM、CyclinE1以及p16等蛋白质水平均不变;HEK293T细胞中早老素的过表达导致γ H2AX水平下调(53±1.36)%,H2O2处理后变化趋势不变。我们的研究结果提示,早老素通过上调p21和下调CDK4使细胞发生周期阻滞,不能增加HEK293T细胞的损伤及衰老。  相似文献   

目的:构建携带prohibitin(PHB-1)基因的MiRRNAi真核表达载体pcDNA^TM 6.2-GW/EmGFP-MiR,并观察其转染HEK293细胞株前后PHB-1的表达变化。方法:根据GenBank中prohibifin的序列,设计特异的两条互补的单链寡核苷酸退火后形成双链,克隆至pcDNA^TM6.2-GW/EmGFP-MiR质粒缺口末端,连接在质粒上生成含MiRRNAipcDNA^TM6.2.GW/EmGFP-MiR-PHB载体,测序鉴定后,用脂质体将重组子转染至HEK293细胞中,用Westernblotting检测干扰后HEK293细胞内PHB-1表达的变化。结果:将目的序列成功连接到载体上,并经测序分析证实载体构建成功。Westernblotting检测结果证实构建的PHB-1 MiR RNA表达重组体可显著抑制HEK293细胞内PHB-1的表达。结论:成功构建了携带PHB-1基因的MiR RNAi真核表达载体。  相似文献   

Recombinant retroviruses are now an established tool for gene delivery. Presently they are mainly produced using adherent cells. However, due to the restrictive nature of adherent cell culture, this mode of production is hampered by low cell-specific productivity and small production units. The large-scale production of retroviral vectors could benefit from the adaptation of retrovirus packaging cell lines to suspension culture. Here, we describe the ability of a 293 packaging cell line to produce retroviral vectors in suspension culture at high titer. Adherent 293GPG cells, producing a Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MoMLV) retrovirus vector pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSVG) envelope protein and expressing a TK-GFP fusion protein, were adapted to suspension culture in calcium-free DMEM. At a cell density similar to adherent cell culture, the suspension culture produced retroviral vector consistently in the range of 1 x 10(7) infectious viral particles/mL (IVP/mL), with a specific productivity threefold higher than adherent culture. Furthermore, at the same medium replacement frequency, the suspension producer cells could be cultured at higher density than their adherent counterparts, which resulted in virus titer of 3-4 x 10(7) IVP/mL at 11.0 x 10(6) cells/mL. This corresponds to a 10-fold increase in viral concentration compared to adherent cells. The capacity to up scale the retroviral vector production was also demonstrated by performing a 2 VVD perfusion culture for 9 days in a 3L Chemap bioreactor. The combination of suspension and perfusion led to a 20-fold increase in maximum virus productivity compared to the adherent culture.  相似文献   

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