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N R Burns  W B Gratzer 《Biochemistry》1985,24(12):3070-3074
The binding of calmodulin to red cell membrane cytoskeletons and to purified spectrin from red cells and bovine brain spectrin (fodrin) has been examined. Under physiological solvent conditions binding can be measured by ultracentrifugal pelleting assays. The membrane cytoskeletons contained a single class of binding sites, with a concentration similar to that of spectrin dimers and an association constant of 1.5 X 10(5) M-1. Binding is calcium dependent and is suppressed by the calmodulin inhibitor trifluoperazine. The binding showed a marked dependence on ionic strength, with a maximum at 0.05 M, and a steep dependence on pH, with a maximum at pH 6.5. It was unaffected by 5 mM magnesium. An azidocalmodulin derivative, under the conditions of our experiments, did not label the spectrin-containing complex, although it could be used to demonstrate binding to fodrin. Binding of calmodulin to spectrin tetramers and fodrin in solution could be demonstrated by a pelleting assay after addition of F-actin. Calculations (which are necessarily rough) suggest that at the free calcium concentration prevailing in a normal red cell about 1 in 20 of the calmodulin binding sites in spectrin will be occupied; this proportion will rise rapidly with increasing intracellular calcium. To determine whether inhibition of calmodulin binding to red cell proteins disturbs the control of cell shape, as has been suggested, calcium ions were removed from the cell by addition of an ionophore and of ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid to the external medium. This did not affect the discoid shape. Trifluoperazine still induced stomatocytosis, exactly as in untreated cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hereditary disorders of the red cell membrane skeleton   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The hereditary hemolytic anemias include a heterogeneous class of disorders caused by defects in the proteins that constitute the membrane skeleton of the red blood cell. The combination of classical and molecular genetics together with clinical findings is rapidly improving our understanding of the basis of these defects.  相似文献   

J C Hansen  R Skalak  S Chien    A Hoger 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(5):2369-2381
A finite-element network model is used to investigate the influence of the topology of the red blood cell membrane skeleton on its macroscopic mechanical properties. Network topology is characterized by the number of spectrin oligomers per actin junction (phi a) and the number of spectrin dimers per self-association junction (phi s). If it is assumed that all associated spectrin is in tetrameric form, with six tetramers per actin junction (i.e., phi a = 6.0 and phi s = 2.0), then the topology of the skeleton may be modeled by a random Delaunay triangular network. Recent images of the RBC membrane skeleton suggest that the values for these topological parameters are in the range of 4.2 < phi a < 5.5 and 2.1 < phi s < 2.3. Model networks that simulate these realistic topologies exhibit values of the shear modulus that vary by more than an order of magnitude relative to triangular networks. This indicates that networks with relatively sparse nontriangular topologies may be needed to model the RBC membrane skeleton accurately. The model is also used to simulate skeletal alterations associated with hereditary spherocytosis and Southeast Asian ovalocytosis.  相似文献   

Elasticity of the human red blood cell skeleton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have measured by optical tweezers micromanipulations the area expansion and the shear moduli of spectrin skeletons freshly extracted from human red blood cells, in different controlled salinity conditions. At medium osmolarity (150 mOsm/kg), we measure KC=9.7+/-3.4 microN/m, muC=5.7+/-2.3 microN/m, KC/muC=2.1+/-0.7. When decreasing the osmolarity, both KC and muC decrease, while KC/muC is nearly constant and equal to about 2. This result is consistent with the predictions made when modeling the spectrin skeleton by a two-dimensional triangular lattice of springs. From the measured elastic moduli we estimate the persistence length of a spectrin filament: xi approximately 2.5 nm at 150 mOsm/kg.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the elasticity of the human erythrocyte membrane was explored. Skeletons were released from ghosts in Triton X-100 and their dimensions followed by dark-field microscopy and packed volume. The rest size of skeletons was assumed to reflect the balance point between expansion (deformation) driven by electrostatic repulsions among the excess of fixed negative charges on the proteins and contraction (recovery) driven by their elasticity. The size of skeletons decreased with increasing temperature. This finding suggests that entropy drives elasticity. The requisite entropy change could be associated with either the configurational freedom of flexible protein chains or with the solvation of side chains exposed during protein dissociation (hydrophobic effects). To distinguish between these two alternatives, we tested the impact of two weak denaturants, 10% ethanol and 20 nM lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate. Both agents reversibly promoted the expansion of skeletons, presumably by reducing their elasticity. Since the conformation of random coils and globular proteins should not be significantly altered by these mild treatments, this finding strongly suggests a role for weak interdomain and/or interprotein associations. We conclude that the elasticity of the red cell membrane skeleton may not derive from the configurational entropy of flexible coils. Rather, the elastic energy may arise from reversible dissociations of weak but specific intramolecular and/or intermolecular contacts, presumably within deformed spectrin filaments.  相似文献   

The effects of systematic variations in the preparative procedures on the membrane viscoelastic properties of resealed human red blood cell ghosts have been investigated. Ghosts, prepared by hypotonic lysis at 0 degrees C and resealing at 37 degrees C, were subjected to: measurement of the time constant for extensional recovery (tc); measurement of the membrane shear elastic modulus (mu) via three separate techniques; determination of the membrane viscosity (eta m) via a cone-plate Rheoscope. Membrane viscosity was also determined as eta m = mu X tc. Compared to intact cells, ghosts had shorter tc, regardless of their residual hemoglobin concentration (up to 21.6 g/dl). However, prolonged exposure to hypotonic media did increase their recovery time toward the intact cell value. The shear elastic modulus, as judged by micropipette aspiration of membrane tongues (mu p), was similar for all ghosts and intact cells. This result, taken with the tc data, indicates that ghosts have reduced membrane viscosity. Rheoscopic analysis also showed that eta m was reduced for ghosts, with the degree of reduction (approx. 50%) agreeing well with that estimated by the product mu p X tc. However, flow channel and pipette elongation estimates indicated that the ghost membrane elastic modulus was somewhat elevated compared to intact cells. We conclude that: ghosts have reduced membrane viscosity; ghosts have membrane rigidities close to intact cells, except possibly when the membrane is subjected to very large strains; the reduction in eta m is not directly related to the loss of hemoglobin; prolonged exposure of ghosts to low-ionic strength media increases the membrane viscosity toward its initial cellular level. These data indicate that the mechanical characteristics of ghost membranes can be varied by changing the methods of preparation and thus have potential application to further studies of the structural determinants of red cell membrane viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

A Iglic  S Svetina    B Zeks 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(1):274-279
A possible physical interpretation of the partial detachment of the membrane skeleton in the budding region of the cell membrane and consequent depletion of the membrane skeleton in red blood cell vesicles is given. The red blood cell membrane is considered to consist of the bilayer part and the membrane skeleton. The skeleton is, under normal conditions, bound to the bilayer over its whole area. It is shown that, when in such conditions it is in the expanded state, some cell shape changes can induce its partial detachment. The partial detachment of the skeleton from the bilayer is energetically favorable if the consequent decrease of the skeleton expansion energy is larger than the corresponding increase of the bilayer-skeleton binding energy. The effect of shape on the skeleton detachment is analyzed theoretically for a series of the pear class shapes, having decreasing neck diameter and ending with a parent-daughter pair of spheres. The partial detachment of the skeleton is promoted by narrowing of the cell neck, by increasing the lateral tension in the skeleton and its area expansivity modulus, and by diminishing the attraction forces between the skeleton and the bilayer. If the radius of the daughter vesicle is sufficiently small relative to the radius of the parent cell, the daughter vesicle can exist either completely underlaid with the skeleton or completely depleted of the skeleton.  相似文献   

Two models of spectrin elasticity are developed and compared to experimental measurements of the red blood cell (RBC) membrane shear modulus through the use of an elastic finite element model of the RBC membrane skeleton. The two molecular models of spectrin are: (i) An entropic spring model of spectrin as a flexible chain. This is a model proposed by several previous authors. (ii) An elastic model of a helical coiled-coil which expands by increasing helical pitch. In previous papers, we have computed the relationship between the stiffness of a single spectrin molecule (K) and the shear modulus of a network (μ), and have shown that this behavior is strongly dependent upon network topology. For realistic network models of the RBC membrane skeleton, we equate μ to micropipette measurements of RBCs and predict K for spectrin that is consistent with the coiled-coil molecular model. The value of spectrin stiffness derived from the entropic molecular model would need to be at least 30 times greater to match the experimental results. Thus, the conclusion of this study is that a helical coiled-coil model for spectrin is more realistic than a purely entropic model.  相似文献   

Red blood cell (RBC) shape and deformability are supported by a planar network of short actin filament (F-actin) nodes (∼37 nm length, 15–18 subunits) interconnected by long spectrin strands at the inner surface of the plasma membrane. Spectrin-F-actin network structure underlies quantitative modeling of forces controlling RBC shape, membrane curvature, and deformation, yet the nanoscale organization and dynamics of the F-actin nodes in situ are not well understood. We examined F-actin distribution and dynamics in RBCs using fluorescent-phalloidin labeling of F-actin imaged by multiple microscopy modalities. Total internal reflection fluorescence and Zeiss Airyscan confocal microscopy demonstrate that F-actin is concentrated in multiple brightly stained F-actin foci ∼200–300 nm apart interspersed with dimmer F-actin staining regions. Single molecule stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy imaging of Alexa 647-phalloidin-labeled F-actin and computational analysis also indicates an irregular, nonrandom distribution of F-actin nodes. Treatment of RBCs with latrunculin A and cytochalasin D indicates that F-actin foci distribution depends on actin polymerization, while live cell imaging reveals dynamic local motions of F-actin foci, with lateral movements, appearance and disappearance. Regulation of F-actin node distribution and dynamics via actin assembly/disassembly pathways and/or via local extension and retraction of spectrin strands may provide a new mechanism to control spectrin-F-actin network connectivity, RBC shape, and membrane deformability.  相似文献   

We studied the structure and elasticity of membrane skeletons from human red blood cells (RBCs) during and after extraction of RBC ghosts with nonionic detergent. Optical tweezers were used to suspend individual cells inside a flow chamber, away from all surfaces; this procedure allowed complete exchange of medium while the low-contrast protein network of the skeleton was observed by high resolution, video-enhanced differential interference-contrast (DIC) microscopy. Immediately following extraction in a 5 mM salt buffer, skeletons assumed expanded, nearly spherical shapes that were uncorrelated with the shapes of their parent RBCs. Judging by the extent of thermal undulations and by their deformability in small flow fields, the bending rigidity of skeletons was markedly lower than that of either RBCs or ghosts. No further changes were apparent in skeletons maintained in this buffer for up to 40 min at low temperatures (T less than 10 degrees C), but skeletons shrank when the ionic strength of the buffer was increased. When the salt concentration was raised to 1.5 M, shrinkage remained reversible for approximately 1 min but thereafter became irreversible. When maintained in 1.5 M salt buffer for longer periods, skeletons continued to shrink, lost flexibility, and assumed irregular shapes: this rigidification was irreversible. At this stage, skeletons closely resembled those isolated in standard bulk preparations. We propose that the transformation to the rigid, irreversibly shrunken state is a consequence of spectrin dimer-dimer reconnections and that these structural rearrangements are thermally activated. We also measured the salt-dependent size of fresh and bulk extracted skeletons. Our measurements suggest that, in situ, the spectrin tethers are flexible, with a persistence length of approximately 10 nm at 150 mM salt.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that the 30,000 m.w. Rho(D) protein is associated with the membrane skeleton of the human red cell. We have studied the effects of the membrane skeleton on the immunoreactivity of the Rho(D) antigen present in Rho(D)+ membranes. Solubilization of the membranes with the Triton X-100 detergent and centrifugation of the extracts showed that more than 90% of the immunoreactive Rho(D) antigen sedimented with the membrane skeleton structures. The skeleton-bound Rho(D) antigen could be solubilized by disruption of the skeleton in low ionic strength medium. The removal of the membrane skeleton structure before the solubilization of the membranes with detergent resulted in the inactivation of the majority of the Rho(D) antigen. The effect of the membrane skeleton on the stability of the Rho(D) antigen was additionally studied in detergent extracts prepared from native and skeleton-free membranes. The assay of the Rho(D) antigen activity in the extracts showed that the Rho(D) antigen was 100 times more sensitive to the detergent inactivation in skeleton-free membranes than in native membranes. These results indicate that the membrane skeleton is important for stabilizing the immunoreactive form of the Rho(D) protein on the red cell membrane.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum parasites express and traffick numerous proteins into the red blood cell (RBC), where some associate specifically with the membrane skeleton. Importantly, these interactions underlie the major alterations to the modified structural and functional properties of the parasite-infected RBC. P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 3 (PfEMP3) is one such parasite protein that is found in association with the membrane skeleton. Using recombinant PfEMP3 proteins in vitro, we have identified the region of PfEMP3 that binds to the RBC membrane skeleton, specifically to spectrin and actin. Kinetic studies revealed that residues 38-97 of PfEMP3 bound to purified spectrin with moderately high affinity (K(D(kin))=8.5 x 10(-8) M). Subsequent deletion mapping analysis further defined the binding domain to a 14-residue sequence (IFEIRLKRSLAQVL; K(D(kin))=3.8 x 10(-7) M). Interestingly, this same domain also bound to F-actin in a specific and saturable manner. These interactions are of physiological relevance as evidenced by the binding of this region to the membrane skeleton of inside-out RBCs and when introduced into resealed RBCs. Identification of a 14-residue region of PfEMP3 that binds to both spectrin and actin provides insight into the potential function of PfEMP3 in P. falciparum-infected RBCs.  相似文献   

The area expansion and the shear moduli of the free spectrin skeleton, freshly extracted from the membrane of a human red blood cell (RBC), are measured by using optical tweezers micromanipulation. An RBC is trapped by three silica beads bound to its membrane. After extraction, the skeleton is deformed by applying calibrated forces to the beads. The area expansion modulus K(C) and shear modulus mu(C) of the two-dimensional spectrin network are inferred from the deformations measured as functions of the applied stress. In low hypotonic buffer (25 mOsm/kg), one finds K(C) = 4.8 +/- 2.7 microN/m, mu(C) = 2.4 +/- 0.7 microN/m, and K(C)/mu(C) = 1.9 +/- 1.0. In isotonic buffer, one measures higher values for K(C), mu(C), and K(C)/mu(C), partly because the skeleton collapses in a high-ionic-strength environment. Some data concerning the time evolution of the mechanical properties of the skeleton after extraction and the influence of ATP are also reported. In the Discussion, it is shown that the measured values are consistent with estimates deduced from experiments carried out on the intact membrane and agree with theoretical and numerical predictions concerning two-dimensional networks of entropic springs.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of erythrocyte membrane composed of a membrane bilayer and membrane skeleton are considered. Two membrane models are described: the model of free boundaries (MFB) and the model of immobilized boundaries (MIB). In MFB, the skeleton is assumed to be attached to the bilayer at a finite number of points, whereas MIB allows the interaction of each spectrin filament with the bilayer along its whole length. For MFB an estimate was made of the mechanical strain generated in the membrane by sucking erythrocytes into a micropipette. The existence of the deformation threshold is demonstrated, below which no mechanical strain, except that of bending, appears in the membrane. Thus only deformations exceeding this threshold result in strain. The relationship between the applied tension and the height of erythrocyte "tongue" sucked into a micropipette was determined. The MIB characteristics correspond to the model of Evans: strains in the membrane are generated at any deformation, however small, i.e. the threshold is equal to zero. A basic feature of this model is quite a different distribution of the skeleton deformations in the membrane. A comparison of the theoretical models and experimental data demonstrated the possibility of either MFB or MIB occurring, depending on the characteristic measurement time.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipid are the two major lipids of the red cell membrane. Cholesterol is insoluble in water but is solubilized by phospholipids both in membranes and in plasma lipoproteins. Morever, cholesterol exchanges between membranes and lipoproteins. An equilibrium partition is established based on the amount of cholesterol relative to phospholipid (C/PL) in these two compartments. Increases in the C/PL of red cell membranes have been studied under three conditions: First, spontaneous increases in vivo have been observed in the spur red cells of patients with severe liver disease; second, similar red cell changes in vivo have been induced by the administration of cholesterol-enriched diets to rodents and dogs; third, increases in membrane cholesterol have been induced in vitro by enriching the C/PL of the lipoprotein environment with cholesterol-phospholipid dispersions (liposomes) having a C/PL of >1.0. In each case, there is a close relationship between the C/PL of the plasma environment and the C/PL of the red cell membrane. In vivo, the C/PL mole ratio of red cell membranes ranges from a normal value of 0.9–1.0 to values which approach but do not reach 2.0. In vitro, this ratio approaches 3.0. Cholesterol enrichment of red cell membranes directly influences membrane lipid fluidity, as assessed by the rotational diffusion of hydrophobic fluorescent probes such as diphenyl hexatriene (DPH). A close correlation exists between increases in red cell membrane C/PL and decreases in membrane fluidity over the range of membrane C/PL from 1.0 to 2.0; however, little further change in fluidity occurs when membrane C/PL is increased to 2.0–3.0. Cholesterol enrichment of red cell membranes is associated with the transformation of cell contour to one which is redundant and folded, and this is associated with a decrease in red cell filterability in vitro. Circulation in vivo in the presence of the slpeen further modifies cell shape to a spiny, irregular (spur) form, and the survival of cholesterol-rich red cells is decreased in the presence of the spleen. Although active Na-K transport is not influenced by cholesterol enrichment of human red cells, several carrier-mediated transport pathways are inhibited. We have demonstrated this effect for the cotransport of Na + K and similar results have been obtained by others in studies of organic acid transport and the transport of small neutral molecules such as erythritol and glycerol. Thus, red cell membrane C/PL is sensitive to the C/PL of the plasma environment. Increasing membrane C/PL causes a decrease in membrane fluidity, and these changes are associated with a reduction in membrane permeability, a distortion of cell contour and filterability and a shortening of the survival of redcells in vivo.  相似文献   

The response of a red blood cell (RBC) to deformation depends on its membrane, a composite of a lipid bilayer and a skeleton, which is a closed, twodimensional network of spectrin tetramers as its bonds. The deformation of the skeleton and its lateral redistribution are studied in terms of the RBC resting state for a fixed geometry of the RBC, partially aspirated into a micropipette. The geometry of the RBC skeleton in its initial state is taken to be either two concentric circles, a references biconcave shape or a sphere. It is assumed that in its initial state the skeleton is distributed laterally in a homogeneous manner with its bonds either unstressed, presenting its stress-free state, or prestressed. The lateral distribution was calculated using a variational calculation. It was assumed that the spectrin tetramer bonds exhibit a linear elasticity. The results showed a significant effect of the initial skeleton geometry on its lateral distribution in the deformed state. The proposed model is used to analyze the measurements of skeleton extension ratios by the method of applying two modes of RBC micropipette aspiration.  相似文献   

Influence of red cell membrane on diffusion of oxygen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary Procedures were developed for preparation of red cell membranes almost free of hemoglobin but with minimal loss of membrane proteins. Two water-soluble protein fractions are described, each constituting about 25% of the ghost protein. The first is ionically bonded and can be solubilized in water rapidly at pH 7.0 and more slowly at higher ionic strength solutions, with a minimal rate at 20mm. This fraction contains four major components with molecular weights ranging from 30,000 to 48,000. The second fraction can only be solubilized at an appreciable rate if Ca++ is absent and at higher pH (9.0). It is predominantly a single molecular weight component (150,000). It tends to aggregate at higher ionic strength and in the presence of Ca++. Evidence is presented suggesting that the water-soluble proteins are present at the inner face of the membrane. The lipids remain in a water-insoluble residue that contains four major protein components ranging in molecular weight from 30,000 to 100,000. The latter is the predominant component. Only the residue contains the Na+–K+-activated ATPase, the cholinesterase, antigenic activity and most of the sialic acid and carbohydrate. The first water-soluble fraction contains a Mg++-activated ATPase. The extraction of the water-soluble proteins is accompanied by anatomical changes resulting finally in the formation of small membranous vesicles.  相似文献   

A theoretical membrane skeleton model of erythrocyte has been developed and successfully applied to interpret electrical and mechanical properties of the red blood cell spectrin-actin network. The model is based on the structure of the membrane skeleton that is comprised of unit cells each containing an actin protofilament and shooting forth a few spectrin heterodimers. The loose ends of the heterodimers of adjacent cells can form bonds with each other giving rise to an integrated network. The number of bonds depends on the temperature. The bond length being excessive (2.6 times the distance between the centers of adjacent cells), the bonds are flexible, and can thus be regarded as entropy springs. The advanced model has been employed to calculate the shear modulus of the membrane skeleton as well as to establish its temperature dependence. In a wide range of temperatures mu(T) is a decreasing function well fitting the experimental data. The relationship between the membrane bilayer-free size of the skeleton and the ionic strength of the solution has been derived to appear in good agreement with the results obtained previously. Experimental data combined with the advanced theory yield the average number of heterodimers per unit cell, m0, as equal to ca. 5; the spectrin heterodimer charge has been estimated.  相似文献   

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