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To evaluate the possible involvement of ductal blockade with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive materials in the mechanism of hidromeiosis in humans, skin slices were incubated with methacholine for 2 h and PAS-positive materials localized histologically in the ductal lumen. In 20% of the glands complete ductal blockade with PAS-positive materials was noted. The characteristics and origin of such PAS-positive glycoproteins in human sweat were then studied using various electrophoretic techniques. One-dimensional sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1-D SDS-PAGE) demonstrated considerable individual variation in the electrophoretic pattern; however, four major bands at 45, 28, 20, and 18K shared by different individuals, were PAS positive. Further studies using two-dimensional SDS-PAGE, immunodiffusion and immunoaffinity chromatography demonstrated that the PAS-positive glycoproteins are not derived directly from serum because they are electrophoretically and antigenically distinct from serum proteins, including alpha 1-glycoprotein, alpha 2-HS-glycoprotein, and alpha 1-antitrypsin. Since only dark cell granules are densely stained in the histochemical PAS staining, and because antiserum produced against the PAS-positive band selectively stained cells facing the secretory coil lumen (which are most likely dark cells), it is suggested that PAS-positive sweat glycoproteins are derived predominantly from the dark cells.  相似文献   

Using an anti-NHE1 antibody, we demonstrate the presence of a Na+/H+ exchanger of isoform 1 (NHE1) in the human eccrine sweat duct. A strong staining was observed at the basolateral membrane of the outer cell layer (NHE1basal), at the junction between inner and outer cells layers (NHE1inter), and along the lateral membranes (NHE1later) of all cells of the duct. At the luminal membrane, no staining was demonstrated either for NHE1 or NHE3. To investigate Na+/H+ mediated proton transport, straight sweat duct portions were isolated and perfused in vitro under HCO3-free conditions. In the presence of basolateral 5-ethyl-N-isopropyl amiloride (EIPA), an acidification of 0.29 +/- 0.03 pH units was observed, whereas no effect was observed with luminal EIPA. Bath sodium removal generated a stronger acidification (0.41 +/- 0.09 pH units). Removal of luminal sodium (in the absence or presence of basolateral EIPA), or low luminal chloride, led to an alkalinization, presumably due to a decrease in intracellular sodium, strongly suggesting functional activity of NHE1inter. We therefore conclude that in the sweat duct, NHE1 plays a major role in intracellular pH regulation.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of glycoconjugates in human eccrine sweat glands has been studied by the binding of newly discovered lectins and by antibodies against a chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan and chondroitin sulphate glycosaminoglycans. Mannose-specific lectins labelled large intracellular granules, part of which could be extended cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus. In contrast, lectins specific for terminal mannose/glucose residues predominantly labelled basement membranes and the glycocalyx. Lectins recognizing terminal N-acetylgalactosamine groups left most parts of the glands unstained, but stained some dark cells intensely. These last cells were also intensively labelled by N-acetylglucosamine-specific and by fucose-specific lectins. Sialic acid residues were preferentially located in luminal borders of secretory coils. No terminal galactose residues were detected. All antibodies against chondroitin glycoconjugates stained large granules similar to those revealed by the mannose-specific lectins in the secretory cells. The basement membrane is only stained by the proteoglycan antibody and the chondroitin-6-sulphate antibody.Thus, a complex composition of glycoconjugates exists not only in matrix elements but also in the cells of eccrine glands of the human skin. A possible secretion of glycoconjugates is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated for the presence of avacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) in the human eccrinesweat duct (SD). With the use of immunocytochemistry, ananti-V- ATPase antibody showed a strong staining at the apicalmembrane and a weaker one in the cytoplasm. Cold preservation followedby rewarming did not alter this staining pattern. With the use of thepH-sensitive dye2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein onisolated and perfused straight SD under HCO-free conditions and in the absence of Na+, proton extrusion wasdetermined from the recovery rate of intracellular pH(dpHi/dt) following an acid load. Oligomycin (25 µM), an inhibitor of F-type ATPases, decreaseddpHi/dt by 88 ± 6%, suggesting a role foran ATP-dependent process involved in pHi recovery.Moreover, dpHi/dt was inhibited at 95 ± 3% by 100 nM luminal concanamycin A, a specific inhibitor ofV-ATPases, whereas 10 µM bafilomycin A1, another specificinhibitor of V-ATPases, was required to decrease dpHi/dt by 73%. These results strongly suggestthat a V-ATPase is involved in proton secretion in the human eccrine SD.


We studied the electron microscopic localization of ouabain-sensitive, potassium-dependent p-nitrophenyl phosphatase (K-pNPPase) activity of the Na K-ATPase complex in Rhesus monkey eccrine sweat gland by use of the one-step lead citrate method of Mayahara et al. (Histochemistry 1980; 67:125). Reaction product was observed predominantly in the cytoplasmic side of the basolateral membranes of clear (secretory) cells, especially in the interdigitating membrane folds in the basal labryinth, and were completely abolished by 10 mM ouabain or by removal of K+. Little or no enzyme activity was noted in membrane processes in the intercellular canaliculi and in the secretory coil lumen. Basolateral membranes of the dark cells also showed moderate enzyme activity. The myoepithelial cell membrane was devoid of reaction product, except in a few membrane processes arising from the inner aspect of myoepithelial cells. In the coiled duct, K-pNPPase activity was present predominantly in the entire cell membrane of the peripheral ductal cells. The predominantly basolateral distribution of Na-K-ATPase in the eccrine sweat secretory cells is consistent with the concept that a Na-K-Cl co-transport model may be involved in the mechanism of eccrine sweat secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of monkey eccrine sweat glands is described. The secretory portion of the sweat gland is discussed in detail. The morphological differences in the secretory coil using three different fixatives and fixative combinations are emphasized. The secretory product of dark cells is seen to have three distinct appearances depending upon the fixative used. The biochemical significance of the latter finding is discussed. The appearance of clear cell cytoplasmic processes is described using the different fixatives. The similarity of adjacent clear cell processes to those of avian salt glands is pointed out and discussed. Evidence is presented to indicate that dark cells arise from clear cells via an intermediate cell type. The appearance of the clear cell plasma membrane is described and the necessity for the use of the general term multilaminar plasma membrane is discussed.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. grant 5 T 1-GM-29 F-04 AS. The author would like to express his gratitude to the Lederle Laboratories and in particular to Dr.James Vickers for providing the tissue. Sincere thanks is given to Mrs.Dagmar Graham and Mrs.Ditza Springer for technical assistance and also to MissMary Lorenc for preparation of the diagram. In addition, I would like to thank Dr.J. A. G. Rhodin for his criticism and advice.  相似文献   

Interactions between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and epithelial cells are necessary for the proper organization and function of the epithelium. In the present study, we show that human eccrine sweat gland epithelial cells cultured in matrigel, a representation of ECM components, constitute a good model for studying three-dimensional reconstruction, wound repair and regeneration and differentiation of the human eccrine sweat gland. In matrigel, epithelial cells from the human eccrine sweat gland form tubular-like structures and then the tubular-like structures coil into sphere-like shapes that structurally resemble human eccrine sweat glands in vivo. One sphere-like shape can be linked to another sphere-like shape or to a cell monolayer via tubular-like structures. Hematoxylin and eosin staining has revealed that the tubular-like structures have a single layer or stratified epithelial cells located peripherally and a lumen at the center, similar to the secretory part or duct part, respectively, of the eccrine sweat gland in sections of skin tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cultures has demonstrated that the cells express CK7, CK19, epithelial membrane antigen and actin. Thus, matrigel promotes the organization and differentiation of epithelial cells from the human eccrine sweat gland into eccrine sweat gland tissues.  相似文献   

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