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The mutational mechanism underlying the striking diversity in MHC (major histocompatibility complex) genes in vertebrates is still controversial. In order to evaluate the role of inter- and intragenic recombination in MHC gene diversification, we examined patterns of nucleotide polymorphism across an exon/intron boundary in a sample of 31 MHC class IIB sequences of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). MHC class IIB genes of G. aculeatus were previously shown to be under diversifying (positive) selection in mate choice and pathogen selection experiments. Based on recoding of alignment gaps, complete intron 2 sequences were grouped into three clusters using maximum-parsimony analysis. Two of these groups had >90% bootstrap support and were tentatively assigned single locus status. Intron nucleotide diversity within and among loci was low (p-distance within and among groups = 0.016 and 0.019, respectively) and fourfold lower than the rate of silent mutations in exon 2, suggesting that noncoding regions are homogenized by frequent interlocus recombination. A substitution analysis using GENECONV revealed as many intergenic conversion events as intragenic ones. Recombination between loci may explain the occurrence of sequence variants that are particularly divergent, as is the case in three-spined stickleback, with nucleotide diversity attaining dN = 0.39 (peptide-binding residues only). For both MHC class II loci we also estimated the amount of intragenic recombination as population rate (4Ner) under the coalescent and found it to be approximately three times higher compared to point mutations (Watterson estimate per gene, 4Neμ). Nonindependence of molecular evolution across loci and frequent recombination suggest that MHC class II genes of bony fish may follow different evolutionary dynamics than those of mammals. Our finding of widespread recombination suggests that phylogenies of MHC genes should not be based on coding segments but rather on noncoding introns. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Richard Kliman]  相似文献   

Summary Life history theory predicts that migratory fishes should delay reproduction, be larger at first reproduction, and have higher fecundities than nonmigrants. We tested this hypothesis by comparing life histories of anadromous (estuary) and resident freshwater (upstream) threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) from the Navarro River, California, USA. Using a split-brood, two-environment breeding design, families from cach population were divided and reared in both freshwater and seawater overwintering environments. In both treatments, the more migratory estuary sticklebacks were larger at first reproduction and had large initial clutch sizes; in the freshwater treatment, the estuary sticklebacks matured later than the upstream fish. Population means varied little across treatments, indicating that the average effects of the different overwintering conditions were slight. The responses of individual families to a given overwintering treatment were highly variable in both populations, as reflected in significant family x treatment effects for all traits. Phenotypic correlations among life history traits were significant and positive for most traits, and were similar in magnitude in both populations. Differences in the relative degree of specialization for migration may in part explain variation in life history between these populations.  相似文献   

Using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library, we analysed a 99.5 kb genomic segment containing the major histocompatibility class II genes of a teleost, the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Experiments with G. aculeatus have provided direct evidence for balancing selection by pathogens and mate choice driving MH class II beta polymorphism. Two sets of paralogous class II alpha genes and beta genes in a tandem arrangement were identified, designated Gaac-DAA/DAB and Gaac-DBA/DBB. Expression analysis of the beta genes using single-strand conformation polymorphism revealed that both gene copies are expressed. Based on an analysis of pairwise nucleotide polymorphisms, we estimate that the duplication into two paralogous class II loci occurred only 1.2–2.4 million years ago, 1–2 orders of magnitude more recently than in other fish, bird or mammalian species. At the 3-direction of the classical MH loci, we identified another seven genes or gene fragments, two of which (small inducible cytokine, complement regulatory factor) are related to immune function in other vertebrates. None of these genes were associated with MH class II genes in zebrafish, suggesting a markedly different organisation of the MH class II region in sticklebacks, and presumably, across bony fishes. When the nucleotide substitution pattern of the novel class II beta genes was analysed together with a representative sequence sample isolated from fish in northern Germany (n=27), we found that the peptide binding region of the Gaac-DAB and Gaac-DBB loci had undergone an inter-locus gene conversion (P=0.007). In accordance, we found a 10- to 20-fold higher frequency of CpG-islands on the MH class II segment compared to other species, a feature that may be conducive for inter-locus recombination.  相似文献   

Synopsis Migratory fishes should exhibit higher growth rates and larger body size than nonmigrants. To test this hypothesis, laboratory reared threespine sticklebacks,Gasterosteus aculeatus, representing three populations from a single drainage in northern California, U.S.A. were compared. These populations differ in their migratory patterns, ranging from highly migratory anadromous forms to nonmigratory freshwater residents. The nonmigratory inland population was significantly smaller in standard length at most ages, with correspondingly reduced growth rates compared to the more migratory upstream and estuary populations. Von Bertalanffy growth functions described the growth trajectories of these fish well, accounting for approximately 99% of the variance in body size exhibited by these populations. Broad sense heritability estimates for body size were significant for all three populations at age 60 days but were significant only for the inland population at later ages. The results of this study provide evidence of genetically-based variation in growth rate and body size among these stickleback populations, and these differences are consistent with the hypothesis that adaptation to different migratory lifestyles has occurred.  相似文献   

Axtner J  Sommer S 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(5):417-426
The generation and maintenance of allelic polymorphism in genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a central issue in evolutionary genetics. Recently, the focus has changed from ex situ to in situ populations to understand the mechanisms that determine adaptive MHC polymorphism under natural selection. Birth-and-death evolution and gene conversion events are considered to generate sequence diversity in MHC genes, which subsequently is maintained by balancing selection through parasites. The ongoing arms race between the host and parasites leads to an adaptive selection pressure upon the MHC, evident in high rates of non-synonymous vs synonymous substitution rates. We characterised the MHC class II DRB exon 2 of free living bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus by single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. Unlike other arvicolid species, the DRB locus of the bank vole is at least quadruplicated. No evidence for gene conversion events in the Clgl-DRB sequences was observed. We found not only high allelic polymorphism with 26 alleles in 36 individuals but also high rates of silent polymorphism. Exceptional for MHC class II genes is a purifying selection pressure upon the majority of MHC-DRB sequences. Further, we analysed the association between certain DRB alleles and the parasite burden with gastrointestinal trichostrongyle nematodes Heligmosomum mixtum and Heligmosomoides glareoli and found significant quality differences between specific alleles with respect to infection intensity. Our findings suggest a snapshot in an evolutionary process of ongoing birth-and-death evolution. One allele cluster has lost its function and is already silenced, another is loosing its adaptive value in terms of gastrointestinal nematode resistance, while a third group of alleles indicates all signs of classical functional MHC alleles.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) consists of class I and class II genes. In the humanMhc (HLA) class II genes, nineDRB loci have been identified. To elucidate the origin of these duplicated loci and allelic divergences at the most polymorphicDRBI locus, introns 4 and 5 as well as the 3′ untranslated region (altogether approximately 1,000 base pairs) of sevenHLA-DRB loci, threeHLA-DRBI alleles, and nine nonhuman primateDRB genes were examined. It is shown that there were two major diversification events inHLA-DRB genes, each involving gene duplications and allelic divergences. Approximately 50 million years (my) ago,DRBI *04 and an ancestor of theDRB1 *03 cluster (DRBI *03, DRBI*15, andDRB3) diverged from each other andDRB5, DRB7, DRB8, and an ancestor of theDRB2 cluster (DRB2, DRB4, andDRB6) arose by gene duplication. Later, about 25 my ago,DRBI *15 diverged fromDRBI*03, andDRB3 was duplicated fromDRBI *03. Then, some 20 my ago, the lineage leading to theDRB2 cluster produced two new loci,DRB4 andDRB6. TheDRBI *03 andDRBI *04 allelic lineages are extraordinarily old and have persisted longer than some duplicated genes. The orthologous relationships ofDRB genes between human and Old World monkeys are apparent, but those between Catarrhini and New World monkeys are equivocal because of a rather rapid expansion and contraction of primateDRB genes by duplication and deletion. Correspondence to: Y. Satta  相似文献   

A. J. Conner  C. P. Meredith 《Planta》1985,166(4):466-473
The development of strategies for selecting and characterizing aluminum-resistant variants from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. cell cultures is described. Plated cells, smeared callus, in-vitro-grown shoots, and seedlings of wild-type N. plumbaginifolia all showed similar responses to Al, with total growth inhibition at or above 600 M Al. The strict control of both cell density and aggregate size is important in selection experiments for total inhibition of the growth of wild-type cells. Two approaches for the selection of Al-resistant variants were used. In a direct method, cells were plated onto medium containing 600 M Al which inhibited growth and chlorophyll synthesis in wildtype cells. A double selection strategy based on both cell growth and greening was used to isolate 29 Al-resistant variants. In the other approach, a rescue method, suspensions were cultured for 10 d in medium containing 600 M Al, then plated onto standard medium for recovery of survivors. Using this strategy, 217 Al-resistant variants were selected. After six to twelve weeks of growth in the absence of Al, each variant was cloned and reselected from single cells. Al resistance was retained in 31% and 51% of the variants selected by the direct and rescue strategies, respectively. Seedling segregation data are presented for the progeny (selfed and backcrossed) of plants regenerated from one of the variants and are consistent with those expected for a single dominant mutation.  相似文献   

The cellular pathway of sugar uptake in developing cotyledons of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed was evaluated using a physiological approach. The cotyledon interface with the seed coat is characterised by a specialised dermal cell complex. In the case of Vicia faba cotyledons, the epidermal component of the dermal cell complex is composed of transfer cells. Sucrose is the major sugar presented to the outer surface of both cotyledons and it is taken up from the apoplasm unaltered. Estimated sucrose concentrations within the apparent free space of Vicia and Phaseolus cotyledons were 105 and 113 mM respectively. Rates of in-vitro uptake of [14C]sucrose by cotyledon segments or by whole cotyledons following physical removal or porter inactivation of the outer cells demonstrated that, for both Vicia and Phaseolus cotyledons, the dermal cell complexes are the most intense sites of sucrose uptake. Accumulation of [14C]sucrose in the storage parenchyma of whole cotyledons was directly affected by experimental manipulation of uptake by the outer cell layers and plasmolytic disruption of the interconnecting plasmodesmata. These findings indicated that sucrose accumulated by the dermal cell complexes is transported symplasmically to the storage parenchyma. Overall, it is concluded that the dermal cell complexes of the developing legume embryo, irrespective of the presence or absence of wall ingrowths, are the major sites for the uptake of sucrose released from the maternal tissues to the seed apoplasm. Thereafter, the accumulated sucrose is transported radially inward through the symplast to the storage parenchyma.Abbreviations AFS apparent free space - CF 5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein - CFDA 5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SRG sulphorhodamine G The investigation was supported by funds from the Research Management Committee, The University of Newcastle and the Australian Research Council. One of us, R. McDonald, gratefully acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. We are grateful to Stella Savoury for preparing the photomicrographs.  相似文献   

Wild-carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell cultures were screened to yield small (less than 63 m) or large (greater than 170 m) cell aggregates which were then subcultured. Cultures of the small-size class had a higher, those of the large-size class a lower anthocyanin yield than the unscreened culture. This relationship became accentuated with an increasing number of passages with screening prior to subculture. At the end of six months (12 passages), the pigment yield of the small-size class was triple that of the unscreened cells. Following this selection period, the tendency of the small-size fraction to increase in clump size when subcultured without screening was much less than that of freshly isolated cell aggregates of the same size. These observations may be explainable on the basis of a differential distribution of cytokinin between aggregates of different sizes. High levels of cytokinin inhibit anthocyanin accumulation and inhibit cell separation; these effects result in large cell aggregates having low levels of anthocyanin. In support of this hypothesis, it is shown that addition of kinetin to cultures of small cell aggregates causes an increase in the size of cell aggregates and a parallel decrease in anthocyanin yield.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are pattern recognition receptors that specifically bind to peptidoglycans, a major component of bacterial cell wall. Generally, PGRPs are responsible for recognition of bacterial invasion in invertebrates. Full length cDNAs of PGRP, designated as CgPGRP-S1S, -S1L, -S2 and -S3, were identified from the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Homology and domain searches classified these CgPGRPs as short-type PGRPs for extracellular PGN recognition. Amidase activity was predicted in all CgPGRPs, and defensin-like domains were found in CgPGRP-S1S and -S1L, suggesting that they may also function as antimicrobial proteins. Although phylogenetic analysis indicated that CgPGRPs are closely related to each other, they showed different tissue expression patterns; CgPGRP-S1S in the mantle and the gill, -S1L in the mantle, -S2 in the hemocytes and -S3 in the digestive diverticula. The CgPGRPs seem to survey bacterial invasion in their corresponding expression tissues. This is the first report of the possibility that bivalve mollusks have PGN recognition systems as suggested by the identification of multiple PGRPs distributed in various tissues.  相似文献   

The cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster at the Chateau Tahbilk Winery (Victoria, Australia) was perturbed for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene frequencies. Phenol oxidase (Phox) frequencies were also perturbed and monitored as a control. Subsequent gene frequency changes, together with information on population structure, indicated that selection acted on the chromosome regions of both loci. Adh gene frequencies returned to preperturbation levels in a predictable manner. A model in which the relative fitness of Adh phenotypes was determined by temperature-dependent specific activities of enzymes of Adh genotypes adequately accounts for the rate of gene frequency change at this locus. Thus temperature behaves as a selective agent in modulating Adh gene frequencies in this cellar environment.  相似文献   

The full length of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB cDNA was cloned from a Chinese population of Paralichthys olivaceus by homology cloning and rapid amplification of cDNA ends-polymerase chain reaction (RACE-PCR). The MHC IIB genomic sequence is 1,864 bp long and consists of 34-bp 5′UTR, 741-bp open reading frame, 407-bp 3′UTR, 96-bp intron1, 392-bp intron2, 85-bp intron3, and 109-bp intron4. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the putative MHC class IIB amino acid of the Chinese P. olivaceus shared 28.3% to 85.4% identity with that of the reported MHC class IIB in other species. A significant association between MHC IIB polymorphism and disease resistance/susceptibility was found in Chinese P. olivaceus. Thirteen different MHC IIB alleles were identified among 411 clones from 84 individuals. Among the 280 (268) nucleotides, 32 (11.4%) nucleotide positions were variable. Most alleles such as alleles a, b, c, d, e, f, j, k, i, m were commonly found in both resistant and susceptible stock. Via χ2 test, allele d was significantly more prevalent in individuals from susceptible stock than from resistant stock, and their percentages were 23.80% and 7.14%, respectively. In addition, allele g occurred in 9 and allele h in 4 of 42 resistant individuals that were not present in the susceptible stock; their percentages were 21.4% and 9.52%, respectively. Although allele l was found only in 8 individuals from the susceptible stock, its percentage is 19.05%.  相似文献   

We have isolated a gene from loblolly pine, 5NG4, that is highly and specifically induced by auxin in juvenile loblolly pine shoots prior to adventitious root formation, but substantially down-regulated in physiologically mature shoots that are adventitious rooting incompetent. 5NG4 was highly auxin-induced in roots, stems and hypocotyls, organs that can form either lateral or adventitious roots following an auxin treatment, but was not induced to the same level in needles and cotyledons, organs that do not form roots. The deduced amino acid sequence shows homology to the MtN21 nodulin gene from Medicago truncatula. The expression pattern of 5NG4 and its homology to a protein from Medicago involved in a root-related process suggest a possible role for this gene in adventitious root formation. Homology searches also identified similar proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. High conservation across these evolutionarily distant species suggests essential functions in plant growth and development. A 38-member family of genes homologous to 5NG4 was identified in the A. thaliana genome. The physiological significance of this redundancy is most likely associated with functional divergence and/or expression specificity of the different family members. The exact biochemical function of the gene is still unknown, but sequence and structure predictions and 5NG4::GFP fusion protein localizations indicate it is a transmembrane protein with a possible transport function.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - BA Benzylaminopurine - EST Expressed sequence tag - NAA 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid - GFP Green fluorescent protein - ORF Open reading frame  相似文献   

Plant productivity is greatly influenced by various environmental stresses, such as high salinity and drought. Earlier, we reported the isolation of topoisomerase 6 homologs from rice and showed that over expression of OsTOP6A3 and OsTOP6B confers abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. In this study, we have assessed the function of nuclear-localized topoisomerase 6 subunit A homolog, OsTOP6A1, in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The over expression of OsTOP6A1 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants driven by cauliflower mosaic virus-35S promoter resulted in pleiotropic effects on plant growth and development. The transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed reduced sensitivity to stress hormone, abscisic acid (ABA), and tolerance to high salinity and dehydration at the seed germination; seedling and adult stages as reflected by the percentage of germination, fresh weight of seedlings and leaf senescence assay, respectively. Concomitantly, the expression of many stress-responsive genes was enhanced under various stress conditions in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed that the expression of a large number of genes involved in various processes of plant growth and development and stress responses was altered in transgenic plants. Although AtSPO11-1, the homolog of OsTOP6A1 in Arabidopsis, has been implicated in meiotic recombination; the present study demonstrates possible additional role of OsTOP6A1 and provides an effective tool for engineering crop plants for tolerance to different environmental stresses. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic control of hexokinase isozymes (ATP: d-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, E.C., HEX) in maize (Zea mays L.) was studied by starch gel electrophoresis. Genetic analysis of a large number of inbred lines and crosses indicates that the major isozymes observed are encoded by two nuclear loci, designated Hex1 and Hex2. Five active allozymes and one null variant are associated with Hex1, while Hex2 has nine active alleles in addition to a null variant. Alleles at both loci govern the presence of single bands, with no intragenic or intergenic heteromers visible, suggesting that maize HEX's are active as monomers. Organelle preparations demonstrate that the products of both loci are cytosolic. All alleles, including the nulls, segregate normally in crosses. Vigorous and fertile plants were synthesized that were homozygous for null alleles at both loci, suggesting that other hexosephosphorylating enzymes exist in maize that are undetected with our assay conditions. Linkage analyses and crosses with B-A translocation stocks place Hex1 on the short arm of chromosome 3, 27 centimorgans from Pgd2 (phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) and Hex2 on the long arm of chromosome 6, approximately 45 centimorgans from Pgd1. It is suggested that the parallel linkages among these two pairs of duplicated genes reflects an evolutionary history involving chromosome segment duplication or polyploidy.Paper No. 10170 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC  相似文献   

Summary Many plants resistant to methomyl (Lannate), an insecticide which selectively damages maize with the Texas (T) type of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS-T), were obtained by in vitro selection and also without selection. The selection procedure used 0.6–0.7mM methomyl and callus from CMS-T versions of several field and sweet corn genotypes (W182BN, Wf9, P39, MDM1, SW1 and hybrids of SW1, IL766A1, IL766A2, and 442 with W182BN-N). Addition of 1 mM methomyl to the regeneration medium greatly reduced recovery of methomyl-sensitive escapes. Resistance was linked with reversion to male fertility and maternally inherited. Most progeny of resistant plants exhibited stable maternally inherited resistance for two generations in field tests. First-generation progeny of seven culture-derived plants segregated for resistance and sensitivity; this suggests that ears of these seven regenerants were cytoplasmically chimeral. Resistance to methomyl was associated with resistance to T toxin from Helminthosporium maydis race T and with changes in mitochondrial physiology. Prolonged culture (14–16 months versus 6–8 months) increased the frequency of resistance among both selected and non-selected regenerants. Little or no resistance was found among regenerants from certain genotypes. Selection with methomyl may be useful for production of improved sweet corn lines and as a source of mitochondrial mutants. This system is also convenient for studies of the effects of nuclear background and of culture and selection systems on the generation of cytoplasmic mutants.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of reproductive fitness in lines subjected to artificial selection is one of the major problems in animal breeding. The decline in reproductive performance has neither been predictable from heritabilities and genetic correlations, nor have conventional selection indices been adequate to avoid the problem. Gowe (1983) has suggested that the heritabilities of reproductive traits are non-linear, with heritabilities being higher on the lower fitness side. Consequently, he has predicted that culling on reproductive fitness in artificial selection lines will be effective in preventing the usual declines in fitness. An experimental evaluation of Gowe's prediction has been carried out by comparing fitnesses of replicated lines of three treatments: selection for increased inebriation time without culling on fitness (HO), selection for inebriation time with culling of 20% (4/20) of selected females on reproductive fitness (HS), and unselected controls (C). Response to selection for inebriation time in the two selection treatments was similar. After 25 generations, the competitive index, a measure of reproductive fitness, was significantly lower in the HO treatment than the HS treatment, while the HS treatment did not differ from the control lines or the base population. These results demonstrate for the first time that culling on reproductive fitness in selection lines can be used to prevent the usual decline in reproductive performance.  相似文献   

A key challenge in marker-assisted selection (MAS) for molecular plant breeding is to develop markers linked to genes of interest which are applicable to multiple breeding populations. In this study representative F2 plants from a cross Mandalup (resistant to anthracnose disease) × Quilinock (susceptible) of Lupinus angustifolius were used in DNA fingerprinting by Microsatellite-anchored Fragment Length Polymorphism (MFLP). Nine candidate MFLP markers linked to anthracnose resistance were identified, then ‘validated’ on 17 commercial cultivars. The number of “false positives” (showing resistant-allele band but lack of the R gene) for each of the nine candidate MFLP markers on the 17 cultivars ranged from 1 to 9. The candidate marker with least number of false positive was selected, sequenced, and was converted into a co-dominant, sequence-specific, simple PCR based marker suitable for routine implementation. Testing on 180 F2 plants confirmed that the converted marker was linked to the R gene at 5.1 centiMorgan. The banding pattern of the converted marker was consistent with the disease phenotype on 23 out of the 24 cultivars. This marker, designated “AnManM1”, is now being used for MAS in the Australian lupin breeding program. We conclude that generation of multiple candidate markers, followed by a validation step to select the best marker before conversion to an implementable form is an efficient strategy to ensure wide applicability for MAS.  相似文献   

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