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Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were surveyed on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia for gnathiid isopods and protozoan (haemogregarine) parasites to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection and to investigate the potential role of gnathiids as vectors of these haemogregarines, the first such study carried out on elasmobranchs. Juvenile gnathiids were collected and quantified using a novel non-invasive and chemical-free technique and gnathiid squashes were examined for haemogregarine developmental stages. The feeding and reproductive ecology of the Gnathia spp. was investigated to better understand the relationship between gnathiids and haemogregarines. Gnathiids were found on all sharks and intensities ranged between two and 66. Only third-stage gnathiid juveniles were found, which fell into two size groups (A and B). These juveniles remained attached to H. ocellatum for up to 17 days, the longest period of attachment yet recorded for gnathiids. Group A female gnathiids produced broods of 45-187 (median =120) first stage juveniles from between 54 and 82 days (median=63 days) after detachment. First stage juveniles survived for an average of 15.8+/-0.1 (SEM) days without feeding. The prevalence (6.7%) and parasitaemia (usually <0.1% infected erythrocytes) of infections of the haemogregarine Haemogregarina hemiscyllii were relatively low and most stages were immature gamonts. Two undescribed Gnathia spp. were identified by examining adult male gnathiids that metamorphosed from juveniles from each of the two size groups. Our hypothesis that Gnathia spp. transmit H. hemiscyllii is neither supported or refuted, as although intact H. hemiscyllii gamonts were detected in squashes of gnathiids that had engorged on haemogregarine-positive H. ocellatum 24-57 days previously, no further developmental stages were detected.  相似文献   

White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) are threatened apex predators and identification of their critical habitats and how these are used are essential to ensuring improved local and ultimately global white shark protection. In this study we investigated habitat use by white sharks in False Bay, South Africa, using acoustic telemetry. 56 sharks (39 female, 17 male), ranging in size from 1.7–5 m TL, were tagged with acoustic transmitters and monitored on an array of 30 receivers for 975 days. To investigate the effects of season, sex and size on habitat use we used a generalized linear mixed effects model. Tagged sharks were detected in the Bay in all months and across all years, but their use of the Bay varied significantly with the season and the sex of the shark. In autumn and winter males and females aggregated around the Cape fur seal colony at Seal Island, where they fed predominantly on young of the year seals. In spring and summer there was marked sexual segregation, with females frequenting the Inshore areas and males seldom being detected. The shift from the Island in autumn and winter to the Inshore region in spring and summer by females mirrors the seasonal peak in abundance of juvenile seals and of migratory teleost and elasmobranch species respectively. This study provides the first evidence of sexual segregation at a fine spatial scale and demonstrates that sexual segregation in white sharks is not restricted to adults, but is apparent for juveniles and sub-adults too. Overall, the results confirm False Bay as a critical area for white shark conservation as both sexes, across a range of sizes, frequent the Bay on an annual basis. The finding that female sharks aggregate in the Inshore regions when recreational use peaks highlights the need for ongoing shark-human conflict mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) are apex predators found on many Indo-Pacific coral reefs, but little is known about their movement patterns and habitat requirements. We used acoustic telemetry to determine movements and habitat use of these sharks at the isolated Rowley Shoals atolls, 250 km off the coast of north-western Australia. We equipped 12 male and 14 female sharks ranging from 0.79 to 1.69 m in total length with transmitters that were detected by an array of 11 strategically placed receivers on two atoll reefs. Over 26,000 detections were recorded over the 325 days of receiver deployment. No sharks were observed to move between reefs. Receivers on the outer slopes of reefs provided nearly all (99%) of the detections. We found no differences in general attendance parameters due to size, sex or reef, except for maximum period of detection where larger sharks were detected over a longer period than smaller sharks. Male and female sharks were often detected at separate receivers at the outer slope habitat of one reef, suggesting sexual segregation, but this pattern did not occur at the second reef where males and females were detected at similar frequencies. We identified two patterns of daily behaviour: (1) sharks were present at the reef both day and night or (2) sharks spent more time in attendance during day than at night. Fast Fourier transforms identified 24-h cycles of attendance at the reef and a secondary peak of attendance at 12 h for most sharks, although no individuals shared the same attendance patterns. Our study provides baseline data that can be used to optimise the minimum area and habitat requirements for conservation of these apex predators.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Belonolaimus longicaudatus was observed in vitro on excised roots of Zea mays. Roots were cultured on Gamborg''s B5 medium in petri dishes with 1.5% agar adjusted to pH 5.8 and incubated at 28 °C in darkness. Second-stage juveniles (J2) fed on the roots and started the second molt (M2) to the third-stage juveniles 2 days after inoculation (DAI). The third molt (M3) to the fourth-stage juveniles occurred 7 DAI, followed by the fourth molt (M4) to males 13 DAI or to females 14 DAI. Nematode gender differences were observed by the end of the fourth molt. The first male appeared 15 DAI and the first female 17 DAI, after which mating occurred. Males were attracted to females, and mating was observed. Mating was required for reproduction. Fertilized females began to lay eggs 19 DAI and continued egg laying without the further presence of males during a 90-day observation. All of the eggs hatched. Unfertilized females rarely laid eggs, and none of the eggs were able to hatch. Feeding took place between each molt and before egg deposition occurred. The first-stage juveniles molted in the eggs 4 days after deposition, and J2 hatched from eggs 5 days after egg deposition. The life cycle from J2 to J2 was completed in 24 days.  相似文献   

19 juvenile members of known genealogies in two wild baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to compare the ontogeny of agonistic experience and dominance relations for males and females. Juveniles of all age-sex classes were disproportionately likely to receive aggression from and submit to adult males per unit of time spent in proximity. This pattern intensified with increasing juvenile age. With age, juvenile females more often submitted to unrelated adult females from higher-ranking families, whereas this was not true for juvenile males. All juveniles received aggression from older group members more often during feeding than was expected by chance. High rates of agonistic interaction with unrelated adult females accounted for old juvenile females (3–5.5 years-old) interacting agonistically more frequently than male age peers and young juveniles of either sex (1–2.5 years-old). Adult females were also more aggressive toward females among young juveniles, suggesting that adult females target females among juveniles for aggression and resistance to rank reversal. Within juvenile age groups, males dominated all females and all younger males, irrespective of maternal dominance status. Dominance relations among female age-peers were generally isomorphic with relations among their mothers. No juvenile targeted any older male for rank reversal. Males targeted all older females, whereas females typically targeted only older females from families lower-ranking than their own. The strong sexual dimorphism in adult body size in baboons may explain why juvenile males' dominance relations with peers and adult females are not structured along lines of family membership as is true for the less dimorphic macaques. Acquisition of higher agonistic status probably allows juveniles of both sexes to increase their success in within-group feeding competition during late stages of juvenility, which, in turn, could affect important life-history traits such as age at menarche and adult body size.  相似文献   

Although marine protected areas (MPAs) are a common conservation strategy, these areas are often designed with little prior knowledge of the spatial behaviour of the species they are designed to protect. Currently, the Coral Sea area and its seamounts (north-east Australia) are under review to determine if MPAs are warranted. The protection of sharks at these seamounts should be an integral component of conservation plans. Therefore, knowledge on the spatial ecology of sharks at the Coral Sea seamounts is essential for the appropriate implementation of management and conservation plans. Acoustic telemetry was used to determine residency, site fidelity and spatial use of three shark species at Osprey Reef: whitetip reef sharks Triaenodon obesus, grey reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos and silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Most individuals showed year round residency at Osprey Reef, although five of the 49 individuals tagged moved to the neighbouring Shark Reef (~14 km away) and one grey reef shark completed a round trip of ~250 km to the Great Barrier Reef. Additionally, individuals of white tip and grey reef sharks showed strong site fidelity to the areas they were tagged, and there was low spatial overlap between groups of sharks tagged at different locations. Spatial use at Osprey Reef by adult sharks is generally restricted to the north-west corner. The high residency and limited spatial use of Osprey Reef suggests that reef sharks would be highly vulnerable to targeted fishing pressure and that MPAs incorporating no-take of sharks would be effective in protecting reef shark populations at Osprey and Shark Reef.  相似文献   

The development of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in pine wood infested with and free of Monochamus carolinensis was investigated. Formation of third-stage dispersal juveniles occurred in the presence and absence of pine sawyer beetles. The proportion of third-stage dispersal juveniles in the total nematode population was negatively correlated with moisture content of the wood. Formation of nematode dauer juveniles was dependent on the presence of the pine sawyer beetle. Dauer juveniles were present in 3 of 315 wood samples taken from non-beetle-infested Scots pine bolts and 81 of 311 samples taken from beetle-infested bolts. Nematode densities were greater in wood samples taken adjacent to insect larvae, pupae, and teneral adults compared with samples taken from areas void of insect activity. Nematodes recovered from beetle larvae, pupae, and teneral adults were mostly fourth-stage dauer juveniles, although some third-stage dispersal juveniles were also recovered. Dauer juvenile density was highest on teneral adult beetles.  相似文献   

Yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis , of all age classes were collected from Moreton Bay, Australia. The species possessed typical sparid ovotestes in which the testis and ovary occur in separate zones. During the spawning period (June-August) juveniles, functional males and functional females could be distinguished by the macroscopic appearance of the gonad. The sex ratio of males to females decreases with age, indicating protandrous sex inversion.
Histological and structural study of the ovotestis showed all fish have previtellogenic cells in the ovarian zone but only juvenile and male fish have developing spermatogenic cells in the testis. Most juveniles become functional males by the age of two years but a small proportion of juveniles develop directly into functional females (primary females). Protandrous sex inversion commences after the spawning period when male fish appear with spermatozoa and no other spermatogenic cells in the testis. During the period November-January male fish with no spermatogenic cells are common and a reduction in size of the testis occurs so that by March-April the ovotestis becomes structurally and histologically similar to the female ovotestis. Some fish remain functional males during their whole life-history (primary males). In functional females vitellogenic cells are present in the ovary only during the spawning period and the testis remains very small in size.  相似文献   

Phenotypic quality may determine the development and expressionof secondary sexual characters. We studied the relationshipbetween molt and several measures of phenotypic quality in thesexually size-dimorphic barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in itswinter quarters in Namibia. Males were in a more advanced stageof molt than females and juveniles, and the speed of molt asdetermined from the residual of the regression of the size ofthe gap in wings caused by missing and growing feathers on wingmolt score (residual wing raggedness) was also higher in malesthan in females and juveniles. Male barn swallows with longand symmetric tail feathers had a more advanced stage of moltand molted at a higher speed than males with short and asymmetrictails. Long-tailed females had a delayed molt, and females withasymmetric tails had less advanced molt and lower rates of feathergrowth than females with symmetric tails. Molt of secondariesin juveniles also appeared to be less advanced if they had longtails. Adult barn swallows molted their tail feathers in anirregular sequence with the longest, outermost tail featherusually replaced before the second or the third outermost feathers.Good body condition was positively associated with a high moltscore for some feather tracts and a rapid wing molt in adultfemales and tail molt in juveniles. Mallophaga were only weaklynegatively associated with primary and secondary molt scorein adult females and speed of wing molt in adult males. In conclusion,phenotypic quality of adult male barn swallows as reflectedby the expression of their secondary sexual character duringthe previous molt reliably reflected stage and speed of currentmolt.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the habitat use and migration patterns of large sharks is important for assessing the effectiveness of large predator Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), vulnerability to fisheries and environmental influences, and management of shark–human interactions. Here we compare movement, reef-fidelity, and ocean migration for tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, across the Coral Sea, with an emphasis on New Caledonia. Thirty-three tiger sharks (1.54 to 3.9 m total length) were tagged with passive acoustic transmitters and their localised movements monitored on receiver arrays in New Caledonia, the Chesterfield and Lord Howe Islands in the Coral Sea, and the east coast of Queensland, Australia. Satellite tags were also used to determine habitat use and movements among habitats across the Coral Sea. Sub-adults and one male adult tiger shark displayed year-round residency in the Chesterfields with two females tagged in the Chesterfields and detected on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, after 591 and 842 days respectively. In coastal barrier reefs, tiger sharks were transient at acoustic arrays and each individual demonstrated a unique pattern of occurrence. From 2009 to 2013, fourteen sharks with satellite and acoustic tags undertook wide-ranging movements up to 1114 km across the Coral Sea with eight detected back on acoustic arrays up to 405 days after being tagged. Tiger sharks dove 1136 m and utilised three-dimensional activity spaces averaged at 2360 km3. The Chesterfield Islands appear to be important habitat for sub-adults and adult male tiger sharks. Management strategies need to consider the wide-ranging movements of large (sub-adult and adult) male and female tiger sharks at the individual level, whereas fidelity to specific coastal reefs may be consistent across groups of individuals. Coastal barrier reef MPAs, however, only afford brief protection for large tiger sharks, therefore determining the importance of other oceanic Coral Sea reefs should be a priority for future research.  相似文献   

Reef shark species have undergone sharp declines in recent decades, as they inhabit coastal areas, making them an easy target in fisheries (i.e., sharks are exploited globally for their fins, meat, and liver oil) and exposing them to other threats (e.g., being part of by-catch, pollution, and climate change). Reef sharks play a critical role in coral reef ecosystems, where they control populations of smaller predators and herbivorous fishes either directly via predation or indirectly via behavior, thus protecting biodiversity and preventing potential overgrazing of corals. The urgent need to conserve reef shark populations necessitates a multifaceted approach to policy at local, federal, and global levels. However, monitoring programmes to evaluate the efficiency of such policies are lacking due to the difficulty in repeatedly sampling free-ranging, wild shark populations. Over nine consecutive years, we monitored juveniles of the blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) population around Moorea, French Polynesia, and within the largest shark sanctuary globally, to date. We investigated the roles of spatial (i.e., sampling sites) and temporal variables (i.e., sampling year, season, and month), water temperature, and interspecific competition on shark density across 10 coastal nursery areas. Juvenile C. melanopterus density was found to be stable over 9 years, which may highlight the effectiveness of local and likely federal policies. Two of the 10 nursery areas exhibited higher juvenile shark densities over time, which may have been related to changes in female reproductive behavior or changes in habitat type and resources. Water temperatures did not affect juvenile shark density over time as extreme temperatures proven lethal (i.e., 33°C) in juvenile C. melanopterus might have been tempered by daily variation. The proven efficiency of time-series datasets for reef sharks to identify critical habitats (having the highest juvenile shark densities over time) should be extended to other populations to significantly contribute to the conservation of reef shark species.  相似文献   

Studies with marine bivalve juveniles have shown a positive correlation between growth and allozyme multi-locus heterozygosity (MLH), and, in some cases, between larval growth and juvenile growth, but there has been little research on the relationship between allozyme heterozygosity and larval growth. Larvae of M. edulis from different mating systems (half-sib families with a single female, or a single male parent, a reciprocal cross of two malesxtwo females and two mass matings of 13x13 and 8x17 females and males, respectively) were reared in the laboratory and selected into fast and slow growing groups when about 10-30% were undergoing metamorphosis. Offspring were reared to the juvenile stage (>3.00 mm) and both groups of each mating were electrophoresed and genotyped at up to 12 allozyme loci. There was generally good agreement with Mendelian inheritance (half-sibs and reciprocal cross) or the Hardy-Weinberg model (mass matings). Null alleles were detected at the Odh and Lap loci but there was no evidence that null allele heterozygotes grew slower than other genotypes. Over all cohorts, juveniles from the fast growing larval group were not significantly larger, or smaller, than juveniles from the slow growing group which suggests that larval growth rate may be independent of juvenile growth rate. This observation agrees with some, but not all, earlier studies and has commercial relevance. Tests of heterozygosity and juvenile shell length indicated no association between average heterozygosity across all allozyme loci and the size of juveniles in any cohort regardless of the mating system used or their larval growth rate. The association between MLH and juvenile growth in bivalves is seldom detected in cohorts from a limited genetic background. The lack of an association between heterozygosity and size might therefore be expected in the half-sib and reciprocal cross cohorts, but not in the mass matings. The results argue against any significant association between heterozygosity and larval size in mussels.  相似文献   

Little is known of the blood parasites of coral reef fishes and nothing of how they are transmitted. We examined 497 fishes from 22 families, 47 genera, and 78 species captured at Lizard Island, Australia, between May 1997 and April 2003 for hematozoa and ectoparasites. We also investigated whether gnathiid isopods might serve as potential vectors of fish hemogregarines. Fifty-eight of 124 fishes caught in March 2002 had larval gnathiid isopods, up to 80 per host fish, and these were identified experimentally to be of 2 types, Gnathia sp. A and Gnathia sp. B. Caligid copepods were also recorded but no leeches. Hematozoa, found in 68 teleosts, were broadly hemogregarines of 4 types and an infection resembling Haemohormidium. Mixed infections (hemogregarine with Haemohormidium) were also observed, but no trypanosomes were detected in blood films. The hemogregarines were identified as Haemogregarina balistapi n. sp., Haemogregarina tetraodontis, possibly Haemogregarina bigemina, and an intraleukocytic hemogregarine of uncertain status. Laboratory-reared Gnathia sp. A larvae, fed experimentally on brushtail tangs, the latter heavily infected with the H. bigemina-like hemogregarine, contained hemogregarine gamonts and possibly young oocysts up to 3 days postfeeding, but no firm evidence that gnathiids transmit hemogregarines at Lizard Island was obtained.  相似文献   

Male animals often adjust their sperm investment in response to sperm competition environment. To date, only a few studies have investigated how juvenile sociosexual settings affect sperm production before adulthood and sperm allocation during the first mating. Yet, it is unclear whether juvenile sociosexual experience (1) determines lifetime sperm production and allocation in any animal species; (2) alters the eupyrene : apyrene sperm ratio in lifetime ejaculates of any lepidopteran insects, and (3) influences lifetime ejaculation patterns, number of matings and adult longevity. Here we used a polygamous moth, Ephestia kuehniella, to address these questions. Upon male adult emergence from juveniles reared at different density and sex ratio, we paired each male with a virgin female daily until his death. We dissected each mated female to count the sperm transferred and recorded male longevity and lifetime number of matings. We demonstrate for the first time that males ejaculated significantly more eupyrenes and apyrenes in their lifetime after their young were exposed to juvenile rivals. Adult moths continued to produce eupyrene sperm, contradicting the previous predictions for lepidopterans. The eupyrene : apyrene ratio in the lifetime ejaculates remained unchanged in all treatments, suggesting that the sperm ratio is critical for reproductive success. Male juvenile exposure to other juveniles regardless of sex ratio caused significantly shorter adult longevity and faster decline in sperm ejaculation over successive matings. However, males from all treatments achieved similar number of matings in their lifetime. This study provides insight into adaptive resource allocation by males in response to juvenile sociosexual environment.  相似文献   

During a mark–recapture survey from November 2014 until April 2017, 333 neonatal and juvenile blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus and 302 neonatal and juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks Negaprion acutidens were tagged and measured at the uninhabited and isolated St. Joseph Atoll (Republic of Seychelles). Both species demonstrated seasonal reproductive synchronicity and relatively large sizes at birth. Despite the extended times at liberty > 2.5 years, the majority of recaptures were found in close proximity to the initial tagging location (< 500 m). Annual growth rates of C. melanopterus (n = 24) and N. acutidens (n = 62) ranged from 6.6 to 31.7 cm year−1 (mean ± SE; 16.2 ± 1.2 cm year−1) and 0.2 to 32.2 cm year−1 (11.8 ± 1 cm year−1), respectively and are to date the most variable ever recorded in wild juvenile sharks. High abundances of both species coupled with long-term and repeated recaptures are indicative of a habitat where juveniles can reside for their first years of life. However, large variability in annual growth rates in both species may suggest high intra and interspecific competition induced by a possibly resource limited, isolated habitat.  相似文献   

Apex predators often have strong top-down effects on ecosystem components and are therefore a priority for conservation and management. Due to their large size and conspicuous predatory behaviour, reef sharks are typically assumed to be apex predators, but their functional role is yet to be confirmed. In this study, we used stomach contents and stable isotopes to estimate diet, trophic position and carbon sources for three common species of reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, Carcharhinus melanopterus and C. amblyrhynchos) from the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) and evaluated their assumed functional role as apex predators by qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other sharks and large predatory fishes. We found that reef sharks do not occupy the apex of coral reef food chains, but instead have functional roles similar to those of large predatory fishes such as snappers, emperors and groupers, which are typically regarded as high-level mesopredators. We hypothesise that a degree of functional redundancy exists within this guild of predators, potentially explaining why shark-induced trophic cascades are rare or subtle in coral reef ecosystems. We also found that reef sharks participate in multiple food webs (pelagic and benthic) and are sustained by multiple sources of primary production. We conclude that large conspicuous predators, be they elasmobranchs or any other taxon, should not axiomatically be regarded as apex predators without thorough analysis of their diet. In the case of reef sharks, our dietary analyses suggest they should be reassigned to an alternative trophic group such as high-level mesopredators. This change will facilitate improved understanding of how reef communities function and how removal of predators (e.g., via fishing) might affect ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

This study reports the discovery of the exclusive predation of sea turtle hatchlings by several juvenile blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in Chagar Hutang bay on Redang Island, Malaysia, in the South China Sea. Three dead specimens of C. melanopterus were retrieved from ghost nets, and the entire digestive tracts of these sharks solely contained the partially digested bodies of sea turtle hatchlings, with no evidence of the remains of any other prey. Thus, juvenile C. melanopterus may opportunistically feed primarily on turtle hatchlings during times when hatchling abundance is high.  相似文献   

The number of males per group is the most variable aspect of primate social organization and is often related to the monopolizability of females, which is mainly determined by the number of females per group and their reproductive synchrony. Colobines show both inter‐specific and intra‐specific variations in the number of males per group. Compared with other colobine species, little is known about the social organization of white‐headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), despite its endangered status and unusual limestone habitat. As a part of a long‐term study of the white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China, we quantitatively investigated their social organization by analyzing census data from 1998 to 2003. The population censuses revealed that the predominant social organization of bisexual groups was the one‐male group, similar to a previous report on this species and many other Asian colobines. In such groups, one adult male associated with 5.1 adult females, 0.1 sub‐adult males, 2.6 juveniles and 2.9 infants on average, with a mean group size of 11.7 individuals. In addition, three multi‐male groups were recorded, consisting of 2–3 adult males, 1–5 adult females, 0–2 sub‐adult males, 0–7 juveniles and 0–2 infants. They did not contain more adult females than the one‐male groups and were unstable in group membership. The langurs outside bisexual groups were organized into small nonreproductive groups or lived as solitaries. The nonreproductive groups averaged 1.3 adult males, 1.3 sub‐adult males and 2.6 juveniles. Juvenile females were present in such groups on 52.4% of all occasions. As predicted by the monopolization model, the prevalence of the one‐male pattern in this species may mainly be attributed to the small number of females in the group. The possible reasons for the occurrence of multi‐male groups and the presence of juvenile females in nonreproductive groups are also discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 71:206–213, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The grey reef shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, is one of the most abundant coral reef sharks throughout the Indo-Pacific. However, this species has been critically impacted across its range, with well-documented population declines of > 90% attributed to human activities. A key knowledge gap in the successful implementation of grey reef shark conservation plans is the understanding of large-scale movement patterns, along with the associated biological and ecological drivers. To address this shortfall, we acoustically monitored 147 adult and juvenile grey reef sharks of all sexes for more than 2 yr across the New Caledonian archipelago, West Pacific. Here, we document multiple adult males undertaking return journeys of up to nearly 700 km in consecutive years. This constitutes the first evidence of repeated long-range migrations for this species. Although only a limited number of adult males were definitively tracked undertaking migrations, similar timing in changes in the detection patterns of a further 13 animals, mostly adult males, suggests this behavior may be more common than previously thought. The paucity of evidence for juvenile migrations and timing of adult movements suggest that mating is the motivation behind these migrations. Our results have important implications for management, given the potential of mature individuals to recurrently travel outside managed or protected areas. Future management of this species clearly needs to consider the importance of large-scale migratory behaviors when developing management plans.


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