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The two forms of chicken cystatin, with different isoelectric points, that have been described previously were indistinguishable in analyses of amino- and carboxy-terminal residues, amino acid composition, and peptide maps. The two forms thus are highly similar and most likely differ only in an amide group or in a small charged substituent. The binding of either cystatin form to highly purified, active papain was accompanied by the same pronounced changes in near-ultraviolet circular dichroism, ultraviolet absorption, and fluorescence emission. These changes were compatible with perturbations of the environment of aromatic residues in one or both proteins of the complex, arising from local interactions or from a conformational change. Modification of the single tryptophan residue of cystatin, at position 104, with N-bromosuccinimide resulted in considerably smaller spectroscopic changes on binding of the inhibitor to papain, indicating that the environment of this residue is affected by the binding. Analogous modification of Trp-69 and Trp-177 of papain markedly affected the fluorescence changes observed on binding of cystatin to the enzyme, similarly suggesting that these two residues of papain are involved in the interaction. The fluorescence increase of papain at alkaline pH, arising from Trp-177 and due to deprotonization of the adjacent His-159, was abolished on binding of cystatin to the enzyme, further supporting the proposal that this region of papain participates in the interaction with the inhibitor. A stoichiometry of binding of either cystatin form to papain of 1:1 and a lower limit for the binding constant of 10(9) M-1 were determined by titrations monitored by either the ultraviolet absorption or fluorescence changes induced by the interaction.  相似文献   

The binding energetics of actinidin to chicken cystatin was determined from fluorometric titrations at different temperatures. It is shown that the association of actinidin with cystatin is both enthalpically and entropically driven, with a negative change in the heat capacity. The molecular basis of these contributions are analyzed within the framework of surface-area models, using a 3D model of the actinidin-cystatin complex, which was obtained using the x-ray structure of the homologous complex papain-stefin B as template.  相似文献   

A Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRI) sensor based on bromelain or chymopapain or ficin has been developed for specific cystatin determination. Cystatin was captured from a solution by immobilized bromelain or chymopapain or ficin due to the formation of an enzyme-inhibitor complex on the biosensor surface. The influence of bromelain, chymopapain or ficin concentration, as well as the pH of the interaction on the SPRI signal, was investigated and optimized. Sensor dynamic response range is between 0-0.6 μg/ml and the detection limit is equal to 0.1 μg/ml. In order to demonstrate the sensor potential, cystatin was determined in blood plasma, urine and saliva, showing good agreement with the data reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Human cystatin, a new protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new low-molecular weight protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, human cystatin, was isolated from sera of patients with autoimmune diseases. It inhibits papain, human cathepsin H and cathepsin B. According to its partially determined amino-acid sequence, human cystatin is highly homologous to egg white cystatin, but only distantly related to stefin, the cytosolic protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases isolated from human polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Very probably human cystatin is identical with human gamma-trace, a microprotein of known sequence but hitherto unknown function.  相似文献   

Cystatin, the protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases from chicken egg white was purified by a new method. The two major forms with pI 6.5 (Peak I) and 5.6 (Peak II) were separated. Molecular masses of both forms are approx. 12700 Da as determined by gel chromatography; Form A from Peak I has a molecular mass of 12191 Da as calculated from its amino-acid sequence. The complete amino-acid sequence of Form A was determined by automated solid-phase Edman degradation of the whole inhibitor and its cyanogen bromide fragments. It contains 108 amino-acid residues. Form B from Peak II represents an elongation of Form A by 8 amino-acid residues at the N-terminus. Cystatin contains four cysteine residues, presumably forming two disulphide bridges. Comparison of the amino-acid sequences and near ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra of stefin, the cysteine proteinase inhibitor from human granulocytes, and cystatin shows that the two proteins are entirely different. According to the primary structures, probably neither proteinase inhibitor is involved in a thiol-disulphide exchange mechanism in the interaction with its target enzyme.  相似文献   

W Bode  R Engh  D Musil  U Thiele  R Huber  A Karshikov  J Brzin  J Kos    V Turk 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(8):2593-2599
The crystal structure of chicken egg white cystatin has been solved by X-ray diffraction methods using the multiple isomorphous replacement technique. Its structure has been refined to a crystallographic R value of 0.19 using X-ray data between 6 and 2.0A. The molecule consists mainly of a straight five-turn alpha-helix, a five-stranded antiparallel beta-pleated sheet which is twisted and wrapped around the alpha-helix and an appending segment of partially alpha-helical geometry. The 'highly conserved' region from Gln53I to Gly57I implicated with binding to cysteine proteinases folds into a tight beta-hairpin loop which on opposite sides is flanked by the amino-terminal segment and by a second hairpin loop made up of the similarly conserved segment Pro103I - Trp104I. These loops and the amino-terminal Gly9I - Ala10I form a wedge-shaped 'edge' which is quite complementary to the 'active site cleft' of papain. Docking experiments suggest a unique model for the interaction of cystatin and papain: according to it both hairpin loops of cystatin make major binding interactions with the highly conserved residues Gly23, Gln19, Trp177 and Ala136 of papain in the neighbourhood of the reactive site Cys25; the amino-terminal segment Gly9I - Ala10I of bound cystatin is directed towards the substrate subsite S2, but in an inappropriate conformation and too far away to be attacked by the reactive site Cys25. As a consequence, the mechanism of the interaction between cysteine proteinases and their cystatin-like inhibitors seems to be fundamentally different from the 'standard mechanism' defined for serine proteinases and most of their protein inhibitors.  相似文献   

The shorter-chain form of chicken egg white cystatin has been crystallized in 1.6 M-phosphate buffer at pH 4.0 by vapour diffusion. The crystals are of trigonal space group P3121 (or P3221), have cell constants a = b = 47.9 A, c = 87.5 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees, and contain one molecule of 12,191 molecular weight per asymmetric unit. They diffract well to about 2.0 A resolution and are suitable for X-ray crystal structure analysis.  相似文献   

Rat cystatin C was purified to apparent homogeneity from rat urine after induction of a tubular dysfunction with sodium chromate. Twentyfold concentrated urine was chromatographed by a rapid purification procedure. A two-step purification including affinity chromatography on carboxymethyl papain- Sepharose and high-resolution anion exchange chromatography was developed. The purified protein has an apparent molecular mass of 15 kDa and pI of 10.2; its aminoacid composition was similar to human cystatin C. As opposed to previous data, purified urinary rat cystatin C did not contain significant amounts of carbohydrate. Antisera against rat cystatin C, raised in rabbits, partially cross-reacted with human and mouse cystatin C, indicating their antigenic similarities. Like human cystatin C, native rat cystatin C, named slow form, is degraded into a more acidic form, called fast form, by a loss of N-terminal amino acids; fast form displayed a pI of 9.4.  相似文献   

Cystatin CsC, a cysteine proteinase inhibitor from chestnut (Castanea sativa) seeds, has been purified and characterized. Its full-length cDNA clone was isolated from an immature chestnut cotyledon library. The inhibitor was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified from bacterial extracts. Identity of both seed and recombinant cystatin was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry analysis, two-dimensional electrophoresis and N-terminal sequencing. CsC has a molecular mass of 11275 Da and pI of 6.9. Its amino acid sequence includes all three motifs that are thought to be essential for inhibitory activity, and shows significant identity to other phytocystatins, especially that of cowpea (70%). Recombinant CsC inhibited papain (Ki 29 nM), ficin (Ki 65 nM), chymopapain (Ki 366 nM), and cathepsin B (Ki 473 nM). By contrast with most cystatins, it was also effective towards trypsin (Ki 3489 nM). CsC is active against digestive proteinases from the insect Tribolium castaneum and the mite Dermatophagoides farinae, two important agricultural pests. Its effects on the cysteine proteinase activity of two closely related mite species revealed the high specificity of the chestnut cystatin.  相似文献   

The interactions between egg-white cystatin and the cysteine proteinases papain, human cathepsin B and bovine dipeptidyl peptidase I were studied. Cystatin was shown to be a competitive reversible inhibitor of cathepsin B (Ki 1.7 nM, k-1 about 2.3 X 10(-3) s-1). The inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase I was shown to be reversible (Ki(app.) 0.22 nM, k-1 about 2.2 X 10(-3) s-1). Cystatin bound papain too tightly for Ki to be determined, but an upper limit of 5 pM was estimated. The association was a second-order process, with k+1 1.0 X 10(7) M-1 X s-1. Papain was shown to form equimolar complexes with cystatin. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of complexes formed between papain or cathepsin B and an excess of cystatin showed no peptide bond cleavage after incubation for 72 h. The reaction of the active-site thiol group of papain with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) at pH 8 and 2,2'-dithiobispyridine at pH 4 was blocked by complex-formation. Dipeptidyl peptidase I and papain were found to compete for binding to cystatin, contrary to a previous report. The two major isoelectric forms of cystatin were found to have similar specific inhibitory activities for papain, and similar affinities for papain, cathepsin B and dipeptidyl peptidase I. This, together with specific oxidation of the N-terminal serine residue with periodate, showed the N-terminal amino group of cystatin 1 to be unimportant for inhibition. General citraconylation of amino groups resulted in a large decrease in the affinity of cystatin for dipeptidyl peptidase I. It is concluded that the interaction of cystatin with cysteine proteinases has many characteristics similar to those of an inhibitor such as aprotinin with serine proteinases.  相似文献   

The cysteine proteinase inhibitor chicken cystatin is a phosphoprotein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B Laber  K Krieglstein  A Henschen  J Kos  V Turk  R Huber  W Bode 《FEBS letters》1989,248(1-2):162-168
Peptide maps obtained by reversed-phase HPLC of tryptic digests of isoelectric form 1 (pI = 6.5) and 2 (pI = 5.6) of chicken egg white cystatin revealed that the difference was located only in a single peptide (residues Ser-74-Lys-91). Ser-80 of cystatin 2 was subsequently identified as being modified by phosphorylation. Moreover, alkaline phosphatase treatment of a mixture of native cystatin forms 1 and 2 was shown by ion-exchange chromatography to cause the disappearance of isoelectric form 2 with a concomitant increase in form 1. Thus, the existence of two isoelectric forms of chicken cystatin is due to the phosphorylated form 2 and non-phosphorylated form 1.  相似文献   

The emission intensity of the fluorescent lanthanide, terbium, is shown to be enhanced upon binding to chicken cystatin. Fluorescence titrations indicate the presence of a single high affinity binding site per molecule. Binding of the terbium results in a 29% quenching of the fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue in the molecule. Calcium displaces the terbium from cystatin as judged by the decrease of terbium fluorescence in competition titrations. Similar titrations with magnesium or strontium demonstrate that the metal binding site of cystatin exhibits specificity for calcium or terbium. Analysis of the N-terminal sequence of chicken cystatin suggests the presence of a putative consensus sequence for a metal binding site between residues 13 and 24. Calcium causes a 17% decrease in the tryptophan fluorescence of cystatin, indicating that an induced conformational change accompanies metal binding. The increased quenching observed with terbium appears to be the result of resonance energy transfer from tryptophan to terbium. From the critical distance for energy transfer from tryptophan to terbium, it is estimated that the terbium binding site lies approximately 12 A from the single tryptophan residue in the molecule.  相似文献   

Rodis P  Hoff JE 《Plant physiology》1984,74(4):907-911
Protein crystals isolated from potato tubers were found to consist of a proteinase inhibitor active against the cysteine proteinases papain, chymopapain, and ficin. The molecular weight as determined by gel filtration at pH 4.3 or by gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecylsulfate was 80 kilodaltons. When the inhibitor was evaluated at pH 8.4 in a linear concentration (4-30% polyacrylamide) under nondenaturing conditions, it appeared as two bands of approximately 320 to 350 kilodaltons indicating that the inhibitor forms tetrameric aggregates in neutral or weakly alkaline media, while the monomeric form predominates under acidic conditions. Gel filtration in the presence of varying amounts of papain suggested that the monomer combines with four papain molecules. The inhibitor contains no cystine.  相似文献   

When an excess of human cystatin C or chicken cystatin was mixed with papain, an enzyme-inhibitor complex was formed immediately. The residual free cystatin was then progressively converted to a form with different electrophoretic mobility and chromatographic properties. The modified cystatins were isolated and sequenced, showing that there had been cleavage of a single peptide bond in each molecule: Gly11-Gly12 in cystatin C, and Gly9-Ala10 in chicken cystatin. The residues Gly11 (cystatin C) and Gly9 (chicken cystatin) are among only three residues conserved in all known sequences of inhibitory cystatins. The modified cystatins were at least 1000-fold weaker inhibitors of papain than the native cystatins. An 18-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 4-21 of cystatin C did not inhibit papain but was cleaved at the same Gly-Gly bond as cystatin C. When iodoacetate or L-3-carboxy-trans-2,3-epoxypropionyl-leucylamido-(4-guanidin o)butane was added to the mixtures of either cystatin with papain, modification of the excess cystatin was blocked. Papain-cystatin complexes were stable to prolonged incubation, even in the presence of excess papain. We conclude that the peptidyl bond of the conserved glycine residue in human cystatin C and chicken cystatin probably is part of a substrate-like inhibitory reactive site of these cysteine proteinase inhibitors of the cystatin superfamily and that this may be true also for other inhibitors of this superfamily. We also propose that human cystatin C and chicken cystatin, and probably other cystatins as well, inhibit cysteine proteinases by the simultaneous interactions with such proteinases of the inhibitory reactive sites and other, so far not identified, areas of the cystatins. The cleavage of the inhibitory reactive site glycyl bond in mixtures of papain with excess quantities of cystatins is apparently due to the activity of a small percentage of atypical cysteine proteinase molecules in the papain preparation that form only very loose complexes with cystatins under the conditions employed and degrade the free cystatin molecules.  相似文献   

Peptide segments derived from consensus sequences of the inhibitory site of cystatins, the natural inhibitors of cysteine proteinases, were used to develop new substrates and inhibitors of papain and rat liver cathepsins B, H, and L. Papain hydrolyzedAbz-QVVAGA-EDDnp andAbz-LVGGA-EDDnp at about the same rate, with specificity constants in the 107M–1 sec–1 range; cathepsin L also hydrolyzes both substrates with specificity constants in the 105 M–1 sec–1 range due to lowerk cat values, with theK m 's being identical to those with papain. OnlyAbz-LVGGA-EDDnp was rapidly hydrolyzed by cathepsin B, and to a lesser extent by cathepsin H. Peptide substrates that alternate these two building blocks (LVGGQVVAGAPWK and QVVAGALVGGAPWK) discriminate the activities of cathepsins B and L and papain. Cathepsin L was highly selective for cleavage at the G-G bond of the LVGG fragment in both peptides. Papain and cathepsin B cleaved either the LVGG fragment or the QVVAG fragment, depending on their position within the peptide. While papain was more specific for the segment located C-terminally, cathepsin B was specific for that in N-terminal position. Peptidyl diazomethylketone inhibitors based on these two sequences also reacted differently with papain and cathepsins. GlcA-QVVA-CHN2 was a potent inhibitor of papain and reacted with papain 60 times more rapidly (k +0= 1,100,000 M–1 sec–1) than with cathepsin L, and 220 times more rapidly than with cathepsin B. Cathepsins B and L were preferentially inhibited by Z-RLVG-CHN2. Thus cystatin-derived peptides provide a valuable framework for designing sensitive, selective substrates and inhibitors of cysteine proteinases.  相似文献   

Interaction of chicken cystatin with inactivated papains.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Papain which was inactivated by covalent attachment of small substituents to the active-site cysteine, up to the size of a carbamoylmethyl group, bound with high affinity to chicken cystatin (Kd less than approximately 15 pM), although less tightly than did active papain (Kd approximately 60 fM). However, as the size of the substituent was increased further, the affinity decreased appreciably, generally in proportion to the size of the inactivating group. For instance the dissociation constants for papain inactivated with N-ethylmaleimide and [N-(L-3-trans-carboxyoxiran-2-carbonyl)-L-leucyl]-amido-(4-guanido )butane were 0.17 and approximately 10 microM respectively. The spectroscopic changes accompanying the reaction of all but the most weakly binding (Kd greater than or equal to 2 microM) inactivated papains with cystatin were similar to those induced by the active enzyme. Interactions involving the reactive cysteine residue of papain are thus not crucial for high-affinity binding of the enzyme to cystatin, in accordance with a recently proposed model for the enzyme-inhibitor complex, based on computer docking experiments. In this model there is sufficient space around the reactive cysteine in the complex for a small inactivating group, explaining the tight binding of papains with such substituents. However, larger inactivating groups cannot be accommodated in this space and therefore must displace the inhibitor out of the tight fit with the enzyme, in agreement with the observed decrease in binding affinity with increasing size of bulkier substituents. The kinetics of binding of cystatin to inactivated papains were compatible with simple, reversible, bimolecular reactions, having association rate constants of (7-9) x 10(6) M-1 s-1 at pH 7.4, 25 degrees C, similar to what was shown previously for the binding of cystatin to active papain. The rate of association of the inhibitor with either active or inactivated papain thus appears to be primarily diffusion-controlled. The decreasing affinity of cystatin for papains inactivated with groups of increasing size was shown to be due to progressively higher dissociation rate constants, consistent with the greater impairment of fit between the binding regions of the two molecules.  相似文献   

1. The kinetics of the reactions of the catalytic-site thiol groups of actinidin (the cysteine proteinase from Actinidia chinensis), ficin (EC, papain (EC and papaya peptidase A (the other monothiol cysteine proteinase component of Carica papaya) with 4,4'-dipyridyl disulphide (4-Py-S-S-4-Py) and with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) dianion (Nbs22-) were studied in the pH range approx. 6-10. These studies provided the pH-independent second-order rate constants (k) for the reactions of the two probe reagents with the catalytic-site thiolate anions each in the environment of a neutral histidine side chain where an active-centre carboxy group would be ionized. 2. The ratio R equal to kNbs22-/k4-Py-S-S-4-Py provides an index of the catalytic-site solvation properties of the four cysteine proteinases and varies markedly from one enzyme to another, being 0.80 for papaya peptidase A (0.86 for the model thiol, 2-mercaptoethanol), 29 for actinidin, 0.18 for ficin and 0.015 for papain. These differences appear to derive mainly from the response of the enzyme to the negative charge on Nbs22-. 3. Possible implications of these results for (a) mechanisms of cysteine proteinase catalysis and (b) the possibility of using series of functionally related enzymes in the study of mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced two very similar cDNA clones of 1145 and 809 bp length, from a fruit-specific library of Actinidia chinensis, the larger encoding all 220 amino acids of actinidin, showing 91% homology to the published amino acid sequence. Both cDNAs code for an additional 25 amino acids following the mature carboxy terminus of actinidin. The larger clone has coding potential for 57 residues of an amino-terminal extension with considerable homology to amino-terminal sequences of other cysteine proteinases. From size determination of both mRNA (1.4 kb) and immunoprecipitated in vitro translation product (39 kDa) it was estimated that actinidin is synthesised as a precursor approximately 15 kDa larger than the mature protein. Both proteolytic cleavage sites are located on the surface of the molecule as illustrated by the hydropathy profile of the deduced amino acid sequence. Features of the prosegment primary sequence are considered with regard to a possible mechanism of inactivation of the proteinase, by analogy with other proteolytic zymogens. The presence of three potential glycosylation sites, one within the carboxy-terminal and two in the amino-terminal extension, are consistent with subcellular location of the enzyme within membrane-bound organelles. Results from a Southern blot suggest that actinidin is encoded by a multigene family of up to ten members. Actinidin gene expression, both at the level of mRNA and protein, is largely restricted to the fruit of the plant, where the level of actinidin mRNA accumulates early during development.  相似文献   

Cystatin B is unique among cysteine proteinase inhibitors of the cystatin superfamily in having a free Cys in the N-terminal segment of the proteinase binding region. The importance of this residue for inhibition of target proteinases was assessed by studies of the affinity and kinetics of interaction of human and bovine wild-type cystatin B and the Cys 3-to-Ser mutants of the inhibitors with papain and cathepsins L, H, and B. The wild-type forms from the two species had about the same affinity for each proteinase, binding tightly to papain and cathepsin L and more weakly to cathepsins H and B. In general, these affinities were appreciably higher than those reported earlier, perhaps because of irreversible oxidation of Cys 3 in previous work. The Cys-to-Ser mutation resulted in weaker binding of cystatin B to all four proteinases examined, the effect varying with both the proteinase and the species variant of the inhibitor. The affinities of the human inhibitor for papain and cathepsin H were decreased by threefold to fourfold and that for cathepsin B by approximately 20-fold, whereas the reductions in the affinities of the bovine inhibitor for papain and cathepsins H and B were approximately 14-fold, approximately 10-fold and approximately 300-fold, respectively. The decreases in affinity for cathepsin L could not be properly quantified but were greater than threefold. Increased dissociation rate constants were responsible for the weaker binding of both mutants to papain. By contrast, the reduced affinities for cathepsins H and B were due to decreased association rate constants. Cys 3 of both human and bovine cystatin B is thus of appreciable importance for inhibition of cysteine proteinases, in particular cathepsin B.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases (CPs) accumulate to high concentration in many fruit, where they are believed to play a role in fungal and insect defense. The fruit of Actinidia species (kiwifruit) exhibit a range of CP activities (e.g. the Actinidia chinensis variety YellowA shows less than 2% of the activity of Actinidia deliciosa variety Hayward). A major quantitative trait locus for CP activity was mapped to linkage group 16 in a segregating population of A. chinensis. This quantitative trait locus colocated with the gene encoding actinidin, the major acidic CP in ripe Hayward fruit encoded by the ACT1A-1 allele. Sequence analysis indicated that the ACT1A locus in the segregating A. chinensis population contained one functional allele (A-2) and three nonfunctional alleles (a-3, a-4, and a-5) each containing a unique frameshift mutation. YellowA kiwifruit contained two further alleles: a-6, which was nonfunctional because of a large insertion, and a-7, which produced an inactive enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis of the act1a-7 protein revealed a residue that restored CP activity. Expression of the functional ACT1A-1 cDNA in transgenic plants complemented the natural YellowA mutations and partially restored CP activity in fruit. Two consequences of the increase in CP activity were enhanced degradation of gelatin-based jellies in vitro and an increase in the processing of a class IV chitinase in planta. These results provide new insight into key residues required for CP activity and the in vivo protein targets of actinidin.  相似文献   

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