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Sulfate flux in high sodium cat red cells   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The transport of radioactive sulfate in cat red cells has been studied. The rate constant for 35SO4 inward movement under steady-state conditions is 0.24 ± 0.02/hr. This movement was found to be sensitive to osmotic changes in cell volume and to the nature of anions in the incubation medium; it increases with increasing cell volume and decreases with decreasing cell volume. The anions SCN, NO3, and I were found to inhibit the uptake of 35SO4. Furthermore, 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene at a concentration of 1 mM inhibits (>90%) this uptake. The inward movement of erythritol-14C shows qualitatively the same dependence on cell volume as 35SO4, but it is insensitive to the nature of the anion present in the bathing medium. It was also found that the usually observed inhibition of radioactive Na uptake by SCN in cat red cells can be reversed when cell volume is increased.  相似文献   

The kinetic characteristics of the ouabain-sensitive (Na + K) transport system (pump) of high potassium (HK) and low potassium (LK) sheep red cells have been investigated. In sodium medium, the curve relating pump rate to external K is sigmoid with half maximal stimulation (K1/2) occurring at 3 mM for both cell types, the maximum pump rate in HK cells being about four times that in LK cells. In sodium-free media, both HK and LK pumps are adequately described by the Michaelis-Menten equation, but the K1/2 for HK cells is 0.6 ± 0.1 mM K, while that for LK is 0.2 ± 0.05 mM K. When the internal Na and K content of the cells was varied by the PCMBS method, it was found that the pump rate of HK cells showed a gradual increase from zero at very low internal Na to a maximum when internal K was reduced to nearly zero (100% Na). In LK cells, on the other hand, no pump activity was detected if Na constituted less than 70% of the total (Na + K) in the cell. Increasing Na from 70 to nearly 100% of the internal cation composition, however, resulted in an exponential increase in pump rate in these cells to about ⅙ the maximum rate observed in HK cells. While changes in internal composition altered the pump rate at saturating concentrations of external K, it had no effect on the apparent affinity of the pumps for external K. These results lead us to conclude that the individual pump sites in the HK and LK sheep red cell membranes must be different. Moreover, we believe that these data contribute significantly to defining the types of mechanism which can account for the kinetic characteristics of (Na + K) transport in sheep red cells and perhaps in other systems.  相似文献   

The transport of radioactive sodium and calcium in high sodium low potassium cat red blood cells has been studied under various experimental conditions. In these cells, calcium uptake was found to increase by 25-fold when cell volume was decreased from 1.0 normal to 0.55. Increasing cell volume from 1.0 to 1.1 normal was found to decrease calcium-uptake by 30%. N-ethylmaleimide, NEM, phloretin, colchicine, and vinblastine were found to inhibit Na-uptake by these cells. Among these four agents, phloretin was the most potent inhibitor of Na-influx. It appears that phloretin produces its effect through its interaction with the cell membrane and not with cell interior.  相似文献   

Sodium and calcium movements in dog red blood cells   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Determinants of 45Ca influx, 45Ca efflux, and 22Na efflux were examined in dog red blood cells. 45Ca influx is strongly influenced by the Na concentration on either side of the membrane, being stimulated by intracellular Na and inhibited by extracellular Na. A saturation curve is obtained when Ca influx is plotted as a function of medium Ca concentration. The maximum Ca influx is a function of pH (increasing with greater alkalinity) and cell volume (increasing with cell swelling). Quinidine strongly inhibits Ca influx. Efflux of 45Ca is stimulated by increasing concentrations of extracellular Na. 22Na efflux is stimulated by either Ca or Na in the medium, and the effects of the two ions are mutually exclusive rather than additive. Quinidine inhibits Ca-activated 22Na efflux. The results are considered in terms of a model for Ca-Na exchange, and it is concluded that the system shows many features of such a coupled ion transport system. However, the stoichiometric ratio between Ca influx and Ca-dependent Na efflux is highly variable under different experimental conditions. Because the Ca fluxes may reflect a combination of ATP-dependent, outward transport and Na-linked passive movements, the true stoichiometry of an exchanger may not be ascertainable in the absence of a specific Ca pump inhibitor. The meaning of these observations for Ca-dependent volume regulation by dog red blood cells is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Unidirectional Na+ influx in lamprey red blood cells was determined using 22Na as a tracer.
  • 2.2. Total Na+ uptake and amiloride-inhibitable Na+ influx increased in a saturable fashion as a function of external Na+ concentration (Nae).
  • 3.3. At 141 mM Nae, the average value of net Na+ influx was 13 ± 1.1 and the amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx was 5.3±1.1 mmol/l cells per hr (±SE).
  • 4.4. The amiloride-sensitive component of Na+ influx was significantly activated by 10−5 M isoproterenol, by 2 × 10−5 M DNP, and by cell shrinkage.
  • 5.5. Furosemide (1 mM) had no effect on the Na+ transport in red cells.
  • 6.6. The residual amiloride-insensitive component of Na+ transport was a linear function of Nae in the range of 5–141 mM. This transport seems to be accounted for by simple diffusion.

Outward sodium and potassium cotransport in human red cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary This paper reports some kinetic properties of Na–K cotransport in human red cells. All fluxes were measured in the presence of 10–4 M ouabain. We measured Na and K efflux from cells loaded by the PCMBS method to contain different concentrations of these ions into a medium that contained neither Na nor K (MgCl2-sucrose substitution) in the absence and presence of furosemide. Furosemide inhibited 30–60% of the total efflux depending on the internal ion concentration and the individual subject. We took the furosemide-sensitive fluxes to be a measure of Na–K cotransport. The ratio of Na to K cotransport was 1 over the entire range of internal Na and K concentrations studied. When Na was substituted for K as the only internal cation, cotransport was maximally activated when the Na and K concentrations were between 20 and 90 mmol/liter cells. The concentration of internal Na required to produce half-maximal cotransport was about 13±4 mmol/liter cells (n=4), while the comparable concentration of K was somewhat lower. The activation curve was definitely sigmoid in character, suggesting that at least two Na ions are involved in the transport process. The maximum of Na–K cotransport was about 0.5±0.15 mmol/liter cells × hr (n=5); it had a flat maximum in the medium at about pH 7.0, decreasing in both the acid and alkaline sides. furosemide-resistant effluxes were found to be linear functions of internal Na and K concentrations and to yield rate coefficients of 0.019±0.002 hr–1 and 0.014±0.002 hr–1 (n=7), respectively. These values are of the same order of magnitude expected of ions moving across phospholipid bilayers.Charge de Recherches CNRS.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde fixation of sodium transport in dog red blood cells   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The large increase in passive Na flux that occurs when dog red blood cells are caused to shrink is amiloride sensitive and inhibited when Cl is replaced by nitrate or thiocyanate. Activation and deactivation of this transport pathway by manipulation of cell volume is reversible. Brief treatment of the cells with 0.01-0.03% glutaraldehyde can cause the shrinkage-activated transporter to become irreversibly activated or inactivated, depending on the volume of the cells at the time of glutaraldehyde exposure. Thus, if glutaraldehyde is applied when the cells are shrunken, the amiloride-sensitive Na transporter is activated and remains so regardless of subsequent alterations in cell volume. If the fixative is applied to swollen cells, no amount of subsequent shrinkage will turn on the Na pathway. In its fixed state, the activated transporter is fully amiloride sensitive, but it is no longer inhibited when Cl is replaced by thiocyanate. The action of glutaraldehyde thus allows one to dissect the response to cell shrinkage into two phases. Activation of the pathway is affected by anions and is not prevented by amiloride. Once activated and fixed, the anion requirement disappears. Amiloride inhibits movement of Na through the activated transporter. These experiments demonstrate how a chemical cross-linking agent may be used to study the functional properties of a regulable transport pathway.  相似文献   

Shrinkage of dog red blood cells (RBC) activates a Na transport pathway that is Cl dependent, amiloride sensitive, and capable of conducting Na- proton counterflow. It is possible to establish transmembrane gradients for either Na or protons and to demonstrate that each cation species can drive reciprocal movements of the other. The nature of the coupling between Na and proton movements was investigated using the fluorescent probe diS-C3(5) and also by an indirect method in which K movements through valinomycin channels were used to draw inferences about the membrane potential. No evidence was found to suggest that the Na-proton pathway activated by shrinkage of dog RBC is a conductive one. By exclusion, it is presumed that the coupling between the counterflow of Na and protons is electroneutral. The volume-activated Na-proton fluxes in dog RBC have certain properties that distinguish them from similar transport pathways in other cell types.  相似文献   

The efflux of sodium from human red blood cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

After incubation in isotonic KCl, dog red blood cells can be separated by centrifugation into subgroups which assume different cell volumes and possess different transport characteristics. Those red cells which swell in isotonic KCl exhibit a higher permeability to K and possess a greater volume dependence for transport of K than those red cells which shrink. A high Na permeability characterizes cells which shrink in isotonic KCl and these cells exhibit a larger volume-dependent Na flux than those red cells which swell. These two subgroups of red cells do not seem to represent two cell populations of different age. The results indicate that the population of normal cells is evidently heterogeneous in that the volume-dependent changes in Na and K permeability are distributed between differnt cell types rather than representing a single cell type which reciprocally changes its selectivity to Na and K.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that in hamster red cells the amiloride-sensitive (AS) Na+ influx of 0.8 mmol/liter cells/hr is not mediated by Na-H exchange as in other red cells, but depends upon intracellular Mg2+ and can be increased by 40-fold by loading cells with Mg2+ to 10 mm. The purpose of this study was to verify the connection of AS Na+ influx with Na-dependent, amiloride-sensitive Mg2+ efflux and to utilize AS Na+ influx to explore that pathway.Determination of unidirectional influx of Na+ and net loss of Mg2+ in parallel sets of cells showed that activation by extracellular [Na+] follows a simple Michaelis-Menten relationship for both processes with a K m of 105–107 mm and that activation of both processes is sigmoidally dependent upon cytoplasmic [Mg2+] with a [Mg2+]0.5 of 2.1–2.3 mm and a Hill coefficient of 1.8. Comparison of Vmax for both sets of experiments indicated a stoichiometry of 2 Na: l Mg. Amiloride inhibits Na+ influx and Mg2+ extrusion in parallel (K i = 0.3 mm). Like Mg2+ extrusion, amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx shows an absolute requirement for cytoplasmic ATP and is increased by cell swelling. Hence, amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx in hamster red cells appears to be through the Na-Mg exchange pathway.There was no amiloride-sensitive Na+ efflux in hamster red cells loaded with Na+ and incubated with high [Mg2+] in the medium with or without external Na+, nor with ATP depletion. Hence, this is not a simple Na-Mg exchange carrier.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of red cell membranes at ambient temperatures with micromolar [32P]ATP in the presence of Na ions produced phosphoenzyme that was dephosphorylated rapidly upon the addition of ADP or K ions. However, as first observed by Blostein (1968, J. Biol. Chem., 243:1957), the phosphoenzyme formed at 0 degrees C under otherwise identical conditions was insensitive to the addition of K ions but was dephosphorylated rapidly by ADP. This suggested that the conformational transition from ADP-sensitive, K-insensitive Na pump phosphoenzyme (E1 approximately P) to K-sensitive, ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme (E2P) is blocked at 0 degrees C. Since the ATP:ADP exchange reaction is a partial reaction of the overall enzyme cycle dependent upon the steady state level of E1 approximately P that is regulated by [Na], we examined the effects of temperature on the curve relating [Na] to ouabain-sensitive ATP:ADP exchange. The characteristic triphasic curve seen at higher temperatures when [Na] was between 0.5 and 100 mM was not obtained at 0 degrees C. Simple saturation was observed instead with a K0.5 for Na of approximately 1 mM. The effect of increasing temperature on the ATP:ADP exchange at fixed (150 mM) Na was compared with the effect of increasing temperature on (Na + K)-ATPase activity of the same membrane preparation. It was observed that (a) at 0 degrees C, there was significant ouabain-sensitive ATP:ADP exchange activity, (b) at 0 degrees C, ouabain-sensitive (Na + K)-ATPase activity was virtually absent, and (c) in the temperature range 5-37 degrees C, there was an approximately 300-fold increase in (Na + K)-ATPase activity with only a 9-fold increase in the ATP:ADP exchange. These observations are in keeping with the suggestion that the E1 approximately P----E2P transition of the Na pump in human red cell membranes is blocked at 0 degrees C. Previous work has shown that the inhibitory effect of Na ions and the low-affinity stimulation by Na of the rate of ATP:ADP exchange occur at the extracellular surface of the Na pump. The absence of both of these effects at 0 degrees C, where E1 approximately P is maximal, supports the idea that external Na acts through sites on the E2P form of the phosphoenzyme.  相似文献   

Ouabain-sensitive K influx into ground squirrel and guinea pig red cells was measured at 5 and 37 degrees C as a function of external K and internal Na. In both species the external K affinity increases on cooling, being three- and fivefold higher in guinea pig and ground squirrel, respectively, at 5 than at 37 degrees C. Internal Na affinity also increased on cooling, by about the same extent. The effect of internal Na on ouabain-sensitive K influx in guinea pig cells fits a cubic Michaelis-Menten-type equation, but in ground squirrel cells this was true only at high [Na]i. There was still significant ouabain-sensitive K influx at low [Na]i. Ouabain-binding experiments indicated around 800 sites/cell for guinea pig and Columbian ground squirrel erythrocytes, and 280 sites/cell for thirteen-lined ground squirrel cells. There was no significant difference in ouabain bound per cell at 37 and 5 degrees C. Calculated turnover numbers for Columbian and thirteen-lined ground squirrel and guinea pig red cell sodium pumps at 37 degrees C were about equal, being 77-100 and 100-129 s-1, respectively. At 5 degrees C red cells from ground squirrels performed significantly better, the turnover numbers being 1.0-2.3 s-1 compared with 0.42-0.47 s-1 for erythrocytes of guinea pig. The results do not accord with a hypothesis that cold-sensitive Na pumps are blocked in one predominant form.  相似文献   

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