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The ribosomal stalk is directly involved in the interaction of the elongation factors with the ribosome during protein synthesis. The stalk is formed by a complex of five proteins, four small acidic polypeptides and a larger protein which directly interacts with the rRNA at the GTPase center. In eukaryotes the acidic components correspond to the 12-kDa P1 and P2 proteins, and the RNA binding component is the P0 protein. All these proteins are found phosphorylated in eukaryotic organisms, and previous in vitro data suggested this modification was involved in the activity of this structure. Results from mutational studies have shown that phosphorylation takes place at a serine residue close to the carboxy end of the P proteins. Modification of this serine residue does not affect the formation of the stalk and the activity of the ribosome in standard conditions but induces an osmoregulation-related phenotype at 37 degrees C. The phosphorylatable serine is part of a consensus casein kinase II phosphorylation site. However, although CKII seems to be responsible for part of the stalk phosphorylation in vivo, it is probably not the only enzyme in the cell able to perform this modification. Five protein kinases, RAPI, RAPII and RAPIII, in addition to the previously reported CKII and PK60 kinases, are able to phosphorylate the stalk proteins. A comparison of the five enzymes shows differences among them that suggest some specificity regarding the phosphorylation of the four yeast acidic proteins. It has been found that some typical effectors of the PKC kinase stimulate the in vitro phosphorylation of the stalk proteins. All the data suggest that although phosphorylation is not involved in the interaction of the acidic P proteins with the ribosome, it can affect the ribosome activity and might participate in a possible ribosome regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

A human cell line, in which expression of the ribosomal stalk proteins P1 and P2 has been suppressed by RNAi technology, has been used to test how the loss of these proteins affects IRES-dependent translation. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) IRES-dependent translation from a bicistronic construct is about three fold higher in the P1/P2-depleted cells than in control cells in the presence of Lb protease. By contrast, no effect on Hepatitis C virus (HCV) IRES translation was observed. These results emphasize the functional heterogeneity of the IRES and they highlight a functional connection between the ribosomal stalk and picornavirus IRES-dependent translation.  相似文献   

This report describes a transformation system leading to stable high copy number integration into the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the astaxanthin-producing yeast Phaffia rhodozyma. A plasmid was constructed that contains the transposon Tn5 encoded kanamycin resistance gene (KmR) fused in frame to the 5′-terminal portion of the Phaffia actin gene. This marker, driven by the Phaffia actin promoter, confers resistance to G418 (Geneticin). The plasmid also contains a rDNA portion that comprises the 18S rDNA and promotes high copy integration leading to stable Phaffia transformants that maintained the plasmid at high copy number after 15 generations of non-selective growth. Phaffia, strain CBS 6938, was found to contain the rDNA units in clusters distributed over three chromosomes with a total copy number of 61. Phaffia transformants were shown to have over 50 copies of pGB-Ph9 integrated in tandem in chromosomes that contain rDNA loci. The chromosomal shifts that occur as a result of these integrations as shown by pulsed field electrophoresis strongly suggest that Phaffia is haploid.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of acidic ribosomal proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an important mechanism, regulating the number of active ribosomes. The key role in regulation of this process is played by specific, second messenger-independent protein kinases. A new protein-inhibitor regulating activity of PK60S kinase has been purified from yeast extracts and characterised. Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) and amino-acid sequence analysis by Post Source Decay (PSD) have identified the inhibitor as a Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD). Inhibition by SOD is competitive with respect to protein substrates-P proteins and 80S ribosome-with K(i) values of 3.7 microM for P2A protein and 0.6 microM for 80S ribosomes. A close correlation was found between the state of phosphorylation of P proteins in diauxic shift and logarithmic growth yeast cells and activity of SOD. The possible mechanism of regulation of PK60S activity, and participation of SOD protein in regulation of 80S-ribosome activity in stress conditions, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The r-proteins of an edeine-resistant mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were compared to those of the wild-type strain by using two different two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques: (1) the Kaltschmidt-Wittmann method and, (2) the Kaltschmidt-Wittmann system, in the first dimension and the Na Dodecyl-SO4 system in the second.With the first technique, the results indicate that the patterns of basic ribosomal proteins are similar in the two strains. However, the pattern of acidic ribosomal proteins of the mutant revealed an additional protein band with respect to the normal one. Using the other technique, the patterns of basic and acidic ribosomal proteins of the mutant demonstrated a similarity to the corresponding pattern of the wild-type strain.The data disclose that an acidic ribosomal protein of the mutant may have two forms with different electrophoretic mobilities and similar molecular weights.  相似文献   

A yeast mutant defective in cholinephosphotransferase (cpt) was isolated as a revertant from a choline-sensitive mutant, which exhibited lowered phosphatidylinositol synthesis. A block at the cholinephosphotransferase step in the mutant was indicated by the enzyme defect and the accumulation of CDP-choline in the cells with a decrease in phosphatidylcholine synthesis. The defect was due to a single recessive mutation in a nuclear gene. The residual activity in the mutant showed an increased apparent Km for CDP-choline and an altered sensitivity to Tween 20. Thus the structural gene may be affected in the mutant. The occurrence of an intact ethanolaminephosphotransferase in the mutant indicates the distinctness of the genes encoding cholinephosphotransferase and ethanolaminephosphotransferase in yeast. The present selection method was also effective for isolating mutants defective in the other steps of the CDP-choline pathway and choline transport.  相似文献   

Summary Two mitochondrial ribosomal proteins of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences determined. The sequence data were used for the synthesis of oligonucleotide probes to clone the corresponding genes. Thus, the genes for two proteins, termed YMR-31 and YMR-44, were cloned and their nucleotide sequences determined. From the nucleotide sequence data, the coding region of the gene for protein YMR-31 was found to be composed of 369 nucleotide pairs. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of protein YMR-31 and the one deduced from the nucleotide sequence of its gene suggests that it contains an octapeptide leader sequence. The calculated molecular weight of protein YMR-31 without the leader sequence is 12792 dalton. The gene for protein YMR-44 was found to contain a 147 bp intron which contains two sequences conserved among yeast introns. The length of the two exons flanking the intron totals 294 nucleotide pairs which can encode a protein with a calculated molecular weight of 11476 dalton. The gene for protein YMR-31 is located on chromosome VI, while the gene for protein YMR-44 is located on either chromosome XIII or XVI.  相似文献   

Fungi may carry cytoplasmic viruses that encode anticompetitor toxins. These so‐called killer viruses may provide competitive benefits to their host, but also incur metabolic costs associated with viral replication, toxin production and immunity. Mechanisms responsible for the stable maintenance of these endosymbionts are insufficiently understood. Here, we test whether co‐adaptation of host and killer virus underlies their stable maintenance in seven natural and one laboratory strain of the genus Saccharomyces. We employ cross‐transfection of killer viruses, all encoding the K1‐type toxin, to test predictions from host–virus co‐adaptation. These tests support local adaptation of hosts and/or their killer viruses. First, new host–virus combinations have strongly reduced killing ability against a standard sensitive strain when compared with re‐constructed native combinations. Second, viruses are more likely to be lost from new than from original hosts upon repeated bottlenecking or the application of stressful conditions. Third, host fitness is increased after the re‐introduction of native viruses, but decreased after the introduction of new viruses. Finally, rather than a trade‐off, original combinations show a positive correlation between killing ability and fitness. Together, these results suggest that natural yeast killer strains and their viruses have co‐adapted, allowing the transition from a parasitic to a mutualistic symbiosis.  相似文献   

The stalk, a characteristic structure of the large ribosomal subunit, is directly involved in the interaction with the soluble factors during translation. In the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, the stalk consists of one 32 kDa protein, MgP0, and two smaller, 12 kDa acidic proteins, MgP1 and MgP2, of pI 3.0 and 4.0, respectively, as revealed by analysis of purified ribosomes with electrophoresis and Western blot with a specific monoclonal antibody. Treatment of the ribosomes with alkaline phosphatase showed movement of the bands corresponding to the acidic MgP1 and MgP2 proteins to more basic pH after isoelectrofocusing, implying phosphorylation. The cDNA molecules of M. galloprovincialis ribosomal proteins MgP0, MgP1 and MgP2 and superoxide dismutase (MgSOD) were isolated from a cDNA library or constructed by RT-PCR, cloned in expression vectors and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant proteins were purified with immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and identified with immunoblotting. Exposure of mussels at cadmium and sorbitol and analysis of gill tissue extracts showed over expression of MgP0 protein.  相似文献   

Attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO to other proteins is an essential process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, yeast mutants lacking the SUMO ligases Siz1 and Siz2/Nfi1 are viable, even though they show dramatically reduced levels of SUMO conjugation. This siz1Delta siz2Delta double mutant is cold sensitive and has an unusual phenotype in that it forms irregularly shaped colonies that contain sectors of wild-type-appearing cells as well as sectors of enlarged cells that are arrested in G(2)/M. We have found that these phenotypes result from misregulation of the copy number of the endogenous yeast plasmid, the 2 microm circle. siz1Delta siz2Delta mutants have up to 40-fold-higher levels of 2 microm than do wild-type strains. Furthermore, 2 microm is responsible for the siz1Delta siz2Delta mutant's obvious growth defects, as siz1Delta siz2Delta [cir(0)] strains, which lack 2 microm, are no longer heterogeneous and show growth characteristics similar to those of the wild type. Possible mechanisms for SUMO's effect on 2 microm are suggested by the finding that both Flp1 recombinase and Rep2, two of the four proteins encoded by 2 microm, are covalently modified by SUMO. Our data suggest that SUMO attachment negatively regulates Flp1 levels, which may partially account for the increased 2 microm copy number in the siz1Delta siz2Delta strain.  相似文献   

The copy number of genes encoding 5S ribosomal RNA has been found to be constant in Petunia hybrida plants regenerated from protoplast and leaf disc-derived callus cultures. However, in one somaclone a heritable change in the length of the major 5S rDNA repeat has arisen. Despite the constant copy number of 5S rRNA genes, that of the 18S–25S rRNA genes is found to very by at least ten-fold. The relevance of these findings to ribosomal RNA gene variability and to somaclonal variation is discussed.  相似文献   

Defective interfering (DI) influenza viruses carry a large deletion in a gene segment that interferes with the replication of infectious virus; thus, such viruses have potential for antiviral therapy. However, because DI viruses cannot replicate autonomously without the aid of an infectious helper virus, clonal DI virus stocks that are not contaminated with helper virus have not yet been generated. To overcome this problem, we used reverse genetics to generate a clonal DI virus with a PB2 DI gene, amplified the clonal DI virus using a cell line stably expressing the PB2 protein, and confirmed its ability to interfere with infectious virus replication in vitro. Thus, our approach is suitable for obtaining purely clonal DI viruses, will contribute to the understanding of DI virus interference mechanisms and can be used to develop DI virus‐based antivirals.  相似文献   

【目的】随机选择裂殖酵母核糖体蛋白RPL21作为研究对象,分析其表达不足对细胞的影响。【方法】通过同源臂交换的方法,敲除裂殖酵母基因组中RPL21蛋白的编码基因rpl21-1和rpl21-2,观察突变菌株rpl21-1Δ和rpl21-2Δ细胞内的核糖体合成情况以及细胞表型变化。【结果】突变菌株rpl21-1Δ和rpl21-2Δ细胞内总的rpl21(rpl21-1+rpl21-2)表达水平与野生型菌株相比分别减少了66.5%和58.7%,合成的核糖体总量较野生型菌株分别下降了62.8%和50.4%。突变菌株在YEPD液体培养基中培养时发生细胞粘附现象,而基因回补的重组菌株rpl21-1Δ/RPL21-1和rpl21-2Δ/RPL21-2突变株细胞中粘附现象消失。【结论】核糖体蛋白损伤造成核糖体合成受阻,进而引发细胞生长过程中的粘附在粟酒裂殖酵母中是普遍存在的现象。  相似文献   

Summary The sequences ofSaccharomyces carlsbergensis ribosomal protein (r-protein) SL25* and its equivalents fromCandida utilis (CL25),Escherichia coli (EL23),Bacillus stearothermophilus (BL23),Mycoplasma capricolum (ML23),Marchantia polymorpha chloroplasts (McpL23), andNicotiana tabacum chloroplasts (NcpL23) were examined using a computer program that evaluates the extent of sequence similarity by calculating correlation coefficients for each pair of residues in two proteins from a number of physical properties of individual amino acids. Comparison matrices demonstrate that the prokaryotic sequences (including McpL23 and NcpL23) can be aligned unambiguously by introducing small internal deletions/insertions at three specific positions. A similar comparison brought to light a clear evolutionary relationship between the prokaryotic and the yeast proteins despite the fact that visual inspection of these sequences revealed only limited similarity. The alignment deduced from this comparison shows the two yeast r-proteins to have acquired a long (50–60 amino acids) N-terminal extension as well as a 13-amino acid-long deletion near the C-terminus. The significance of these findings in terms of the evolution of r-proteins in general and the biological function of various parts of the SL25 protein in particular is discussed.  相似文献   

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