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Intraguild predation (IGP) is an omnivorous food web configuration in which the top predator consumes both a competitor (consumer) and a second prey that it shares with the competitor. This omnivorous configuration occurs frequently in food webs, but theory suggests that it is unstable unless stabilizing mechanisms exist that can decrease the strength of the omnivore and consumer interaction. Although these mechanisms have been documented in native food webs, little is known about whether they operate in the context of an introduced species. Here, we study a marine mussel aquaculture system where the introduction of omnivorous mussels should generate an unstable food web that favors the extinction of the consumer, yet it persists. Using field and laboratory approaches, we searched for stabilizing mechanisms that could reduce interaction strengths in the food web. While field zooplankton counts suggested that mussels influence the composition and abundance of copepods, stable isotope results indicated that life‐history omnivory and cannibalism facilitated the availability of prey refugia, and reduced competition and the interaction strength between the mussel omnivore and zooplankton consumers. In laboratory experiments, however, we found no evidence of adaptive feeding which could weaken predator–consumer interactions. Our food web study suggests that the impact of an introduced omnivore may not only depend on its interaction with native species but also on the availability of stabilizing mechanisms that alter the strength of those interactions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Knowledge of the range, behavior, and feeding habits of large carnivores is fundamental to their successful conservation. Traditionally, the best method to obtain feeding data is through continuous observation, which is not always feasible. Reliable automated methods are needed to obtain sample sizes sufficient for statistical inference. Identification of large carnivore kill sites using Global Positioning System (GPS) data is gaining popularity. We assessed performance of generalized linear regression models (GLM) versus classification trees (CT) in a multipredator, multiprey African savanna ecosystem. We applied GLMs and CTs to various combinations of distance-traveled data, cluster durations, and environmental factors to predict occurrence of 234 female African lion (Panthera leo) kill sites from 1,477 investigated GPS clusters. Ratio of distance moved 24 hours before versus 24 hours after a cluster was the most important predictor variable in both GLM and CT analysis. In all cases, GLMs outperformed our cost-complexity-pruned CTs in their discriminative ability to separate kill from nonkill sites. Generalized linear models provided a good framework for kill-site identification that incorporates a hierarchal ordering of cluster investigation and measures to assess trade-offs between classification accuracy and time constraints. Implementation of GLMs within an adaptive sampling framework can considerably increase efficiency of locating kill sites, providing a cost-effective method for increasing sample sizes of kill data.  相似文献   

Invasion of a stream food web by a new top predator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Multiple predator effects in an intertidal food web   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We examined the effects of multiple predators from an intertidal boulder food web to test whether and how three different predator species affected the survival of a small amphipod species. 2. Predators were chosen because they differ in their foraging mode, two feeding at the bottom and in benthic refuges (nemertean and shrimp) and one in the water-column (juveniles of a fish). 3. Mortality of amphipods was not affected by nemerteans, but was high in the presence of shrimp or fish. Highest mortalities were observed in predator-combinations that contained both shrimp and fish. Amphipods responded to shrimp by escaping into the water column, while they avoided fish by remaining in the refuge. We conclude that predator-specific defence causes conflicts for prey when both shrimp and fish are present. 4. Comparing observed effects of multiple predators with expected effects revealed risk enhancement for the shrimp + fish combination. A comparison of different predictive models revealed that the multiplicative model was most appropriate, although additive models may work well under certain conditions. 5. Based on known consumption-ranges of the predators used, we conclude that nemerteans were saturated with prey while fish were far from their saturation point. A predator's functional response curve (prey consumption in relation to prey abundance) determines its impact on prey populations. This knowledge appears essential in order to predict whether prey organisms face risk enhancement, risk reduction or additive effects of multiple predators.  相似文献   

We tested some predictions relating metabolic constraints offoraging behavior and prey selection by comparing food handlingand utilization in four sympatric shrew species: Sorex minutus(mean body mass = 3.0 g), S. araneus (8.0 g), Neomys anomalus(10.0 g), and N. fodiens (14.4 g). Live fly larvae, mealwormlarvae, and aquatic arthropods were offered to shrews as smallprey (body mass <0.1 g). Live earthworms, snails, and smallfish were offered as large prey (>0.3 g). The larvae werethe high-nutrition food (>8 kJ/g), and the other prey werethe low-nutrition food (<4 kJ/g). The smallest shrew, S.minutus, utilized (ate + hoarded) <30% of offered food,and the other species utilized >48% of food. The largerthe shrew, the more prey it ate per capita. However, highlyenergetic insect larvae composed 75% of food utilized by S.minutus and only >40% of the food utilized by the other species. Thus, inverse relationships appeared between shrewbody mass and mass-specific food mass utilization and betweenshrew body mass and mass-specific food energy utilization:the largest shrew, N. fodiens, utilized the least food massand the least energy quantity per 1 g of its body mass. Also,the proportion of food hoarded by shrews decreased with increase in size of shrew. With the exception of S. araneus, the sizeof prey hoarded by the shrews was significantly larger thanthe size of prey eaten. Tiny S. minutus hoarded and ate smallerprey items than the other shrews, and large N. fodiens hoardedlarger prey than the other shrews.  相似文献   

Scavenging can have important consequences for food web dynamics, for example, it may support additional consumer species and affect predation on live prey. Still, few food web models include scavenging. We develop a dynamic model that includes two facultative scavenger species, which we refer to as the predator or scavenger species according to their natural scavenging propensity, as well as live prey, and a carrion pool to show ramifications of scavenging for predation in simple food webs. Our modeling suggests that the presence of scavengers can both increase and decrease predator kill rates and overall predation in model food webs and the impact varies (in magnitude and direction) with context. In particular, we explore the impact of the amount of dynamics (exploitative competition) allowed in the predator, scavenger, and prey populations as well as the direction and magnitude of interference competition between predators and scavengers. One fundamental prediction is that scavengers most likely increase predator kill rates, especially if there are exploitative feedback effects on the prey or carrion resources like is normally observed in natural systems. Scavengers only have minimal effects on predator kill rate when predator, scavenger, and prey abundances are kept constant by management. In such controlled systems, interference competition can greatly affect the interactions in contrast to more natural systems, with an increase in interference competition leading to a decrease in predator kill rate. Our study adds to studies that show that the presence of predators affects scavenger behavior, vital rates, and food web structure, by showing that scavengers impact predator kill rates through multiple mechanisms, and therefore indicating that scavenging and predation patterns are tightly intertwined. We provide a road map to the different theoretical outcomes and their support from different empirical studies on vertebrate guilds to provide guidance in wildlife management.  相似文献   

1. Mean body mass (W) and mean numerical (N) or biomass (B) abundance are frequently used as variables to describe populations and species in macroecological and food web studies. 2. We investigate how the use of mean W and mean N or B, rather than other measures of W and/or accounting for the properties of all individuals, can affect the outcome of tests of macroecological and food web theory. 3. Theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate that mean W, W at maximum biomass (W(mb)), W when energy requirements are greatest (W(me)) and the W when a species uses the greatest proportion of the energy available to all species in a W class (W(mpe)) are not consistently related. 4. For a population at equilibrium, relationships between mean W and W(me) depend on the slope b of the relationship between trophic level and W. For marine fishes, data show that b varies widely among species and thus mean W is an unreliable indicator of the role of a species in the food web. 5. Two different approaches, 'cross-species' and 'all individuals' have been used to estimate slopes of abundance-body mass relationships and to test the energetic equivalence hypothesis and related theory. The approaches, based on relationships between (1) log(10) mean W and log(10) mean N or B, and (2) log(10) W and log(10) N or B of all individuals binned into log(10) W classes (size spectra), give different slopes and confidence intervals with the same data. 6. Our results show that the 'all individuals' approach has the potential to provide more powerful tests of the energetic equivalence hypothesis and role of energy availability in determining slopes, but new theory and empirical analysis are needed to explain distributions of species relative abundance at W. 7. Biases introduced when working with mean W in macroecological and food web studies are greatest when species have indeterminate growth, when relationships between W and trophic level are strong and when the range of species'W is narrow.  相似文献   

In the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, ecosystem managers use a series of monitoring endpoints, known as thresholds of potential concern (TPCs), to define the upper and the lower levels of accepted variation in ecosystems. For woody vegetation, the current TPC suggests that woody cover should not drop by more than 80% of its 'highest ever' value. In this paper, we explore the utility of palaeoecological data in informing TPCs. We use calibrated fossil pollen data to explore variability in vegetation at two sites over the past 5000 years, to provide a long-term record of changes in woody vegetation cover and a context for interpreting more recent vegetation change. The fossil pollen data are calibrated using studies of modern pollen and vegetation from KNP; arboreal pollen percentage was simulated using pollen-landscape modelling software for savannah landscapes of varying woody vegetation cover, and the relationship between vegetation and pollen data was quantified using nonlinear regression. This quadratic equation was then applied to fossil pollen data in order to estimate woody vegetation cover from arboreal pollen percentages. Our results suggest that the TPCs have not been exceeded during the period represented in the pollen record, because estimated woody vegetation cover has remained above 20% of its highest ever value. By comparing the fossil pollen data with TPCs, our study demonstrates how palaeoecological data can be presented in a form that is directly relevant to management objectives.  相似文献   

Kennedy  A.D.  Potgieter  A.L.F. 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(2):179-192
Wildfires may be started naturally by lightning or artificially by humans. In the savanna regions of southern Africa, lightning fires tend to occur at the start of the wet season, during October and November, while anthropogenic fires are usually started during the dry season, between July and August. A long-term field manipulation experiment initiated in the Kruger National Park in 1952 was used to explore whether this seasonal divergence affects tree abundance, spatial pattern, size and architecture. After 44 years of prescribed burning treatments that simulated the seasonal incidence of lightning and anthropogenic fires, mean densities of the locally-dominant shrub, Colophospermum mopane, were 638 and 500 trees ha–1 respectively. Trees in burnt plots had aggregated distributions while trees in unburnt plots had random distributions. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were recorded in a range of morphological parameters including tree height, canopy diameter, mean stem circumference and number of stems. The incidence of resprouting also differed significantly between treatments, with burnt trees containing a high proportion of coppiced stems. The differences in tree size and architecture between the mid-dry season and early-wet season burning plots suggest that anthropogenic fires applied during July and August cannot substitute for a natural lightning fire regime. Anthropogenic fire yields a landscape that is shorter, more scrubby and populated by numerous coppiced shrubs than the landscape generated by natural lightning fire conditions.  相似文献   

Brown trout and food web interactions in a Minnesota stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We examined indirect, community‐level interactions in a stream that contained non‐native brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus), native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) and native slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson). Our objectives were to examine benthic invertebrate composition and prey selection of fishes (measured by total invertebrate dry mass, dry mass of individual invertebrate taxa and relative proportion of invertebrate taxa in the benthos and diet) among treatments (no fish, juvenile brook trout alone, juvenile brown trout alone, sculpin with brook trout and sculpin with brown trout). 2. We assigned treatments to 1 m2 enclosures/exclosures placed in riffles in Valley Creek, Minnesota, and conducted six experimental trials. We used three designs of fish densities (addition of trout to a constant number of sculpin with unequal numbers of trout and sculpin; addition of trout to a constant number of sculpin with equal numbers of trout and sculpin; and replacement of half the sculpin with an equal number of trout) to investigate the relative strength of interspecific versus intraspecific interactions. 3. Presence of fish (all three species, alone or in combined‐species treatments) was not associated with changes in total dry mass of benthic invertebrates or shifts in relative abundance of benthic invertebrate taxa, regardless of fish density design. 4. Brook trout and sculpin diets did not change when each species was alone compared with treatments of both species together. Likewise, we did not find evidence for shifts in brown trout or sculpin diets when each species was alone or together. 5. We suggest that native brook trout and non‐native brown trout fill similar niches in Valley Creek. We did not find evidence that either species had an effect on stream communities, potentially due to high invertebrate productivity in Valley Creek.  相似文献   

Evidence of chemical recovery from acidification in European freshwaters has emerged in recent years, with many previously damaged systems responding to decades of reduced acidifying emissions. Biological recovery, however, has often lagged behind, and this has been ascribed to several possible mechanisms, including inertia in the food web. We examined two decades of change in hindcasted food webs for Lochnagar, a Scottish mountain lake, to make inferences about the potential dynamical stability of the system and to assess the prospects for future biological recovery. Although community composition tracked temporal changes in acidity, this was neither sustained nor directional, and mainly manifested as shifts in relative abundances rather than the establishment of more acid‐sensitive species. The food web was highly interconnected and reticulate, especially in years when species richness was low, and subsidized by external inputs of detritus. Among the primary consumers, generalist herbivore–detritivores maintained feeding links with the scant algal resources, which appeared insufficient to support viable populations of specialist grazers. Together, these characteristics, which are shared with many other acidified freshwaters, are likely to make the community dynamically stable and resistant to invasions of potential new colonists, thereby slowing the pace of future biological recovery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Capturing, immobilizing, and fitting radiocollars are common practices in studies of large mammals, but success is based on the assumptions that captured animals are representative of the rest of the population and that the capture procedure has negligible effects. We estimated effects of chemical immobilization on mortality rates of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. We used a Cox proportional hazards approach to test for differences in mortality among age, sex, and capture classes of repeatedly captured radiocollared buffalo. Capture variables did not improve model fit and the Cox regression did not indicate increased risk of death for captured individuals up to 90 days postcapture [exp (β) = 1.07]. Estimated confidence intervals, however, span from a halving to a doubling of the mortality rate (95% CI = 0.56–2.02). Therefore, capture did not influence survival of captured individuals using data on 875 captures over a 5-year period. Consequently, long-term research projects on African buffalo involving immobilization, such as associated with research on bovine tuberculosis, should result in minimal capture mortality, but monitoring of possible effects should continue.  相似文献   

Alien fishes are considered a major threat to aquatic biodiversity in South Africa, yet relatively little regional information on their biology and ecology is available for many of these species. Seasonal changes in the diet of the bluegill Lepomis macrochirus in Howieson’s Poort Dam, Grahamstown, were assessed during summer and winter in 2014–2015, using stomach content analysis. In winter, juvenile and adult fish diets were dominated by crustacean zooplankton and insects, respectively. In summer, juvenile fish fed on crustaceans and insects, whereas adults consumed mostly fish eggs, indicating a potential impact by these invasive fish on native fish through oophagy.  相似文献   

Molecular methods allow noninvasive assessment of vertebrate predator–prey systems at high taxonomic resolution by examining dietary samples such as faeces and pellets. To facilitate the interpretation of field‐derived data, feeding trials, investigating the impacts of biological, methodological and environmental factors on prey DNA detection, have been conducted. The effect of meal size, however, has not yet been explicitly considered for vertebrate consumers. Moreover, different noninvasively obtained sample types remain to be compared in such experiments. Here, we present a feeding trial on abundant piscivorous birds, Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo), to assess meal size effects on postfeeding prey DNA detection success. Faeces and pellets were sampled twice a day after the feed of large (350–540 g), medium (190–345 g) and small (15–170 g) fish meals contributing either a large (>79%) or small (<38%) share to the daily consumption. Samples were examined for prey DNA and fish hard parts. Molecular analysis of faeces revealed that both large meal size and share had a significantly positive effect on prey DNA detection rate postfeeding. Furthermore, large meals were detectable for a significantly longer time span with a detection limit at ~76 hr and a 50% detection probability at ~32 hr postfeeding. In pellets, molecular methods reliably identified the meal consumed the previous day, which was not possible via morphological analysis or when examining individual faeces. The less reliable prey DNA detection of small meals or meal shares in faeces signifies the importance of large numbers of dietary samples to obtain reliable trophic data.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis has emerged as one of the primary means for examining the structure and dynamics of food webs, and numerous analytical approaches are now commonly used in the field. Techniques range from simple, qualitative inferences based on the isotopic niche, to Bayesian mixing models that can be used to characterize food‐web structure at multiple hierarchical levels. We provide a comprehensive review of these techniques, and thus a single reference source to help identify the most useful approaches to apply to a given data set. We structure the review around four general questions: (1) what is the trophic position of an organism in a food web?; (2) which resource pools support consumers?; (3) what additional information does relative position of consumers in isotopic space reveal about food‐web structure?; and (4) what is the degree of trophic variability at the intrapopulation level? For each general question, we detail different approaches that have been applied, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each. We conclude with a set of suggestions that transcend individual analytical approaches, and provide guidance for future applications in the field.  相似文献   

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