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以典型草原大型露天煤矿排土场为研究对象, 研究不同水土保持工程措施与植物措施配置形式下排土场人工、半人工植物群落的植物种类组成、结构及物种多样性变化, 结果表明, 自然恢复的人工裸露边坡草层低矮、植物种类单一, 水土保持工程措施与植物措施相结合进行植被恢复的试验小区植物种类明显增加, 项目实施第三年试验区内共出现23 种植物, 分属10 科22 属, 单种科和单种属占优势; “生态袋一字型布设+撒播种草”试验小区出现的植物种类最多, 植物成活率高、Shannon-wiener 多样性指数、Margalef 丰富度指数较大, 这一措施配置形式在草原矿区排土场边坡植物群落快速建植和水土流失防治等方面效果均显著; 抗逆性强、具有固氮功能、性状优良的豆科牧草可作为草原矿区人工扰动后植被恢复重建的先锋物种。  相似文献   

本文从生态学的角度,初步分析了鄂西三峡地区的植被现状和植物资源状况;探讨了该区的自然条件、植被恢复的可能性、植被与水土保持的关系;并提出了发展多种经营和控制水土流失应采取的措施。  相似文献   

沙棘灌丛对风滚植物有非常好的固留作用,可以在草原矿区排土场边坡形成大面积的风滚植物覆盖层,从而影响沙棘的正常生长.但风滚植物覆盖层比人工沙棘植被有着更好的水土保持和土壤培肥效果,当覆盖层腐烂后,会出现更繁茂的植物群落.因此,沙棘对风滚植物的固留可促进排土场植被恢复和水土保持.  相似文献   

植被建造技术取向   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为确保植被,尤其防蚀植被的建造达到预期目标,本文对植被建造技术措施的选择与应用进行了探讨。认为突出一般人工林的自然化特点.明确将其与集约经营的人工林区别开来。商品林并非一般意义上的森林,它属于作物栽培范畴也有一定的根据。分析表明“杂草”概念及其控制具有相对性。在一定情况下,可不必全面造林种草。植被带状种植在逐步退耕还林还草中具有特殊的意义。一般地,水土保持林内可以间种多年生牧草,但粮、根用药材、菜等间作形式需慎重处之。水土保持植物选择,应充分考虑植物本身的形态特征,对此本文给出了水土保持植物的定义。文中还从土壤扰动方面阐述了生态公益性植被的特征,由限量灌水讨论了有关提高造林成活率的技术问题。  相似文献   

武汉市位于桐柏山大别山国家级水土流失预防区与幕阜山省级水土流失治理区之间,其土壤侵蚀问题对长江中游生态安全具有重要影响。基于2009-2018年武汉市蔡店、磨盘山、西湖流域、燕子山等4个水土保持监测站35个径流小区的观测数据(139组),定量分析了坡度、侵蚀性降水量、土地利用和水土保持措施对土壤侵蚀的影响,并借鉴USLE模型识别土壤侵蚀主导因子。结果表明,裸地小区的平均土壤侵蚀模数最高(2597.57 t km-2 a-1),其次是经济林、草地和耕地小区且三者的侵蚀模数相差不大,土壤侵蚀模数与侵蚀性降雨量、坡度之间呈显著二元线性或幂函数关系;与天然植被小区相比,植物篱(草带、茶树、紫穗槐)及石坎梯田措施均显著降低了土壤侵蚀模数,其中植物篱措施的效果更优,且草带植物篱小区的侵蚀模数最低(46.13 t km-2 a-1);3个坡度等级(0-10°、10-20°、20-25°)小区平均侵蚀模数分别为892.07、911.15、2087.60 t km-2 a-1,表明坡度超过20°后土壤侵蚀严重加剧;武汉市土壤侵蚀的主导因子为水土保持措施、植被覆盖与管理因子。研究结果可为武汉市水土保持措施合理布设及侵蚀预报模型的完善提供依据,基于径流小区长期观测数据的土壤侵蚀定量研究值得进一步深入。  相似文献   

广西十万大山自然保护区植物资源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了广西十万大山自然保护区植物资源,介绍其中主要的材用植物、药用植物、油脂植物、纤维植物、淀粉植物、杂果植物、芳香植物、栲胶植物、保健饮料植物、饲用植物、花卉观赏植物、水土保持植物、珍稀濒危植物等13类资源植物,最后提出植物资源保护与开发利用的建议.  相似文献   

刘玉红 《植物研究》1984,4(4):145-157
豆科草木樨属(Mclilotus)植物共约20种,主要分布于中亚、欧洲和北非。我国产7种。该属植物经济价值较高,是优良的牧草和绿肥作物。此外,由于其适应性强,也是水土保持和改良天然草场和重要植物资源。  相似文献   

洞庭湖西岸区防护林土壤和植物营养元素含量特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柏方敏  田大伦  方晰  闫文德  梁小翠 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5832-5842
对洞庭湖西岸区4种防护林地土壤与植物中营养元素含量进行研究。结果表明:环湖低丘平原封山育林和补植封山育林的水土保持林、平原湖区防护林pH值为4.54—5.27,呈酸性反应;防浪护堤林pH值为8.18,呈碱性反应。有机质和全N含量以环湖低丘平原封山育林的水土保持林地高于其余3种防护林,N素和P素有效率均低,速效N仅占全N含量的1.46%—3.35%,速效P仅占全P的0.5%—1.6%,全K含量亦不高,除环湖低丘平原封山育林的水土保持林地含K量适量外,其余3种防护林地均为严重缺K型土壤,防浪护堤林地全Ca及Mg含量高于其余3种防护林地。各防护林群落中植物体内不同营养元素含量差异很大,同一元素在不同植物体内含量的变化范围亦很大,高低值达几倍到十几倍,甚至几十倍。植物对土壤中营养元素的积累能力分为最强、中等和最弱3个层次。研究结果可为防护林体系建设和土壤肥力评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄河中游河漫滩(禹渡口-桃花峪)种子植物资源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄河中游河漫滩有种子植物84科、358属、818种,根据用途资源植物种类有56科270种,可划分为有6类、25亚类.其中含种数较多的依次为:纤维植物类、饲用植物类、药用植物类、抗污染植物类、指示植物类、水土保持植物类.文章分析了该区域的主要资源植物特点,并对资源植物的开发利用和保护提出了建议.  相似文献   

山仑先生1933年生于山东龙口。195O年考入山东大学(后经院系调整到山东农业大学)。1954年大学毕业后来到刚刚成立的中科院生物土壤研究所(水土保持所的前身)工作至今。1959年被选派到前苏联科学院植物生理研究所学习,并于1962年获生物学副博士学位回国工作。197O年赴阿尔巴尼亚地那拉大学任微量元素专家组翻译,1971年作为专家组组长援助古巴科学院建立了水土保持研究所。曾任中国植物生理学会理事,陕西省植物学会常务理事,现为中国工程院院士,中国科学院、水利邻水土保持研究所研究员,博士生导师,水保所及黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱…  相似文献   

据调查,广西拉沟自然保护区有维管束植物186科657属1078种(含变种、亚种),包括材用植物88种、药用植物358种、油脂植物36种、纤维植物70种、淀粉植物29种、杂果植物25种、芳香植物28种、栲胶植物39种、保健饮料植物12种、饲用植物49种、花卉观赏植物75种、水土保持植物23种、珍稀濒危植物43种等资源植物,保护植物资源迫切而重要,对此提出植物资源保护与可持续利用的建议。  相似文献   

对花岗岩区土壤严重退化生态系统(对照)及4种不同恢复和重建措施建筑多样性和地力研究结果表明,花岗岩区红壤严重退化生态系统(对照)植物多样地性极低,土壤肥力极差,生态环境极为恶劣,改为杨梅果园(措施A)或多树种混交(措施B)后,植物多样性明显增大,林地土壤肥力得到一定程度恢复,生态系统朝着良性循环方向发展,采取封山育林(措施C)方法,林下植被层和群落多样性恢复最快,林地土壤肥力亦得到较快的恢复,保留  相似文献   

Xu  R. K.  Coventry  D. R. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(1):113-119
Both alkalization and acidification of soil occurred when shoot and root materials from lupin and wheat were incubated in a red–brown earth soil, but with three different starting pH values, during a 70-day period. The response of soil pH change to the addition of organic matter depended on the type of plant materials and starting pH. The net effect of addition of lupin and wheat shoots to acid soils (pH<5) caused soil pH to increase, the addition of lupin roots to soils caused soil pH to decrease slightly, whilst with a higher pH soil (6.5) the wheat straw and lupin shoots raised pH and pH was unchanged for soil with addition of lupin roots. The ash alkalinity of plant materials and the mineralization of organic N are major reasons for the soil pH increase, and the nitrification of mineralized N results in soil pH to decrease. Whilst the data given here would suggest the likelihood of soil acidification occurring, particularly on poorly buffered soil given the inevitable influence of legume root materials, the overall directions of soil pH change in a cropping system that is legume-based will be very much influenced by the balance of many factors associated with the soil and plant system.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化地区不同恢复和重建措施对土壤质量的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
采取4种不同恢复和重建措施对典型喀斯特石漠化地区进行了13年的生态治理研究.结果表明,喀斯特严重石漠化区(对照)植物多样性极低,土壤肥力极差,生态环境极为恶劣;改为花椒种植或多种乔-灌-藤混交种植后,植物多样性明显增大,土壤质量得到一定程度恢复,生态系统朝着良性循环方向发展;采取封山育林措施后,林下植被层和群落多样性恢复得最快,林地土壤质量得到较快的恢复;保留较好的喀斯特次生林中植物多样性较高,土壤质量最好.采用合适的生物措施,辅以必要的工程措施,是促进严重喀斯特石漠化地区生态重建的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

Because the capability of terrestrial ecosystems to fix carbon is constrained by nutrient availability, understanding how nutrients limit plant growth is a key contemporary question. However, what drives nutrient limitations at global scale remains to be clarified. Using global data on plant growth, plant nutritive status, and soil fertility, we investigated to which extent soil parent materials explain nutrient limitations. We found that N limitation was not linked to soil parent materials, but was best explained by climate: ecosystems under harsh (i.e., cold and or dry) climates were more N‐limited than ecosystems under more favourable climates. Contrary to N limitation, P limitation was not driven by climate, but by soil parent materials. The influence of soil parent materials was the result of the tight link between actual P pools of soils and physical–chemical properties (acidity, P richness) of soil parent materials. Some other ground‐related factors (i.e., soil weathering stage, landform) had a noticeable influence on P limitation, but their role appeared to be relatively smaller than that of geology. The relative importance of N limitation versus P limitation was explained by a combination of climate and soil parent material: at global scale, N limitation became prominent with increasing climatic constraints, but this global trend was modulated at lower scales by the effect of parent materials on P limitation, particularly under climates favourable to biological activity. As compared with soil parent materials, atmospheric deposition had only a weak influence on the global distribution of actual nutrient limitation. Our work advances our understanding of the distribution of nutrient limitation at global scale. In particular, it stresses the need to take soil parent materials into account when investigating plant growth response to environment changes.  相似文献   

植物残茬对土壤酸度的影响及其作用机理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
土壤强酸性是作物生长的最主要限制因子之一,某些植物残茬可以有效地提高土壤pH,降低活性铝含量,提高作物产量。植物残茬改良土壤酸度的效能因种而异,最高土壤pH升幅可达4.53个单位,多种豆科植物材料可使土壤pH提高2个单位以上,当pH>5时,土壤溶液活性铝降至极低水平,从而消除铝害。植物残茬改良土壤酸度的效能受植物残茬自身特性与土壤特性的影响,而且pH的上升通常在几个月后消失,但这种效能对当季作物有效。植物体内有机酸根的去羧化作用被认为是pH上升的主要机理之一,去羧化机理存在的主要证据是,随着土壤pH升高,植物材料内的可溶性有机成分下降,CO2排放与pH上升高度相关,以及杀菌条件下土壤pH上升速度显著减慢。超量碱机理是植物残茬导致pH上升的又一可能的重要机理,亦即有机盐的作用,有机盐分解转化为碳酸盐,其作用与石灰完全相似,有机盐水解也可导致土壤溶液的碱性反应。铵化作用与硝化作用是高氮植物材料影响土壤酸度的重要机理,有机氮的铵化直接消耗质子,铵的硝化则产生质子,pH的变化与这些氮过程高度相关。含硫植物材料及有机物质分解过程产生的氧化还原条件的变化,也可对土壤pH产生影响,但它们的作用较小。综合来看,去羧化作用机理基于间接证据,没有得到严格验证,超量碱机理可能是土壤pH上升的主要原因,超量碱只能转移,不能制造,含超量碱高的外源性有机材料施入耕地,将是改良土壤酸度,提高作物产量的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

Lignin is a major determinant of the decomposition of plant materials in soils. Advances in transgenic technology have led to the possibility of modifying lignin to improve the pulping properties of plant materials for papermaking. Previous studies have shown that lignin modifications also affect the rate of plant material decay in soil. The aim of this work was to investigate short-term changes in soil microbial community structures when tobacco residues with reduced activity of enzymes in the monolignol pathway decompose. The residues from lignin-modified plants all decomposed faster than unmodified plant materials. The relative proportions of some of the structural groups of microbial phospholipid fatty acids were affected by genetic modifications, especially the proportion of double unsaturated chain fatty acids, indicative of fungi.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Soil aggregate stability depends on plant community properties, such as functional group composition, diversity and biomass production. However, little is known about the relative importance of these drivers and the role of soil organisms in mediating plant community effects.


We studied soil aggregate stability in an experimental grassland plant diversity gradient and considered several explanatory variables to mechanistically explain effects of plant diversity and plant functional group composition. Three soil aggregate stability measures (slaking, mechanical breakdown and microcracking) were considered in path analyses.


Soil aggregate stability increased significantly from monocultures to plant species mixtures and in the presence of grasses, while it decreased in the presence of legumes, though effects differed somewhat between soil aggregate stability measures. Using path analysis plant community effects could be explained by variations in root biomass, soil microbial biomass, soil organic carbon concentrations (all positive relationships), and earthworm biomass (negative relationship with mechanical breakdown).


The present study identified important drivers of plant community effects on soil aggregate stability. The effects of root biomass, soil microbial biomass, and soil organic carbon concentrations were largely consistent across plant diversity levels suggesting that the mechanisms identified are of general relevance.  相似文献   

Summary The nitrogen and phosphorus contents of organic materials as a factor in determining the trend of mineralization of these elements when plant materials are added to the soil, were studied in an incubation experiment over a period of 12 weeks.Nitrogen mineralization increased with decreasing C:N ratio. No nitrogen mineralization was recorded above C:N ratio of 16.1 and the critical ratio lay between this and 23.0, with the plant materials used.Initial phosphorus immobilization occurred when plant materials ranging in C:P ratio from 501 to 112 were decomposed in the soil. The release of the immobilized phosphorus as incubation progressed suggests that green manuring should be considered of long-term benefit as far as phosphorus is concerned.  相似文献   

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