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Mutation rates of structural chromosome rearrangements in man.   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The gametic mutation rates of human structural chromosome rearrangements have been estimated from rearrangements ascertained from systematic surveys of live births and spontaneous abortions. The mutation rates for rearrangements that survive long enough to give rise to clinically recognized pregnancies are 2.20 X 10(-4) for balanced rearrangements, 3.54 X 10(-4) for unbalanced Robertsonian translocations, and 3.42 X 10(-4) for unbalanced non-Robertsonian rearrangements. These estimates give a mutation rate for all detectable structural chromosome rearrangements of approximately 1 X 10(-3). The most common single rearrangement, the Robertsonian translocation involving chromosomes 13 and 14, has a mutation rate of 1.5 X 10(-4).  相似文献   

DNA rearrangements generating artificial promoters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The promoter-cloning plasmid pBRH4 (a derivative of pBR322 with a partially deleted promoter of the tet gene) is shown to contain a sequence which is located near the EcoRI site and can operate as an effective Pribnow box, but is not the remainder of the deletion-inactivated tet promoter of pBR322. If there is a sequence homologous to the '-35' promoter region at the border of the DNA fragment inserted at the EcoRI site, then a compound promoter arises and activates the tet gene. Point mutations in the nonfunctional--35 region of pBRH4 also activate the cryptic Pribnow box. Several compound promoters were obtained through deleting small portions of DNA around the HindIII site of pBR322; the deletions moved various sequences that could operate as Pribnow boxes towards the -35 region of the tet promoter.  相似文献   

Submicroscopic chromosomal rearrangements that lead to copy-number changes have been shown to underlie distinctive and recognizable clinical phenotypes. The sensitivity to detect copy-number variation has escalated with the advent of array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), including BAC and oligonucleotide-based platforms. Coupled with improved assemblies and annotation of genome sequence data, these technologies are facilitating the identification of new syndromes that are associated with submicroscopic genomic changes. Their characterization reveals the role of genome architecture in the aetiology of many clinical disorders. We review a group of genomic disorders that are mediated by segmental duplications, emphasizing the impact that high-throughput detection methods and the availability of the human genome sequence have had on their dissection and diagnosis.  相似文献   

Synaptophysin is an integral membrane protein of small synaptic vesicles in brain and endocrine cells. We have determined the structure and organization of the human synaptophysin gene and have established the chromosome localizations in man and mouse. Analysis of a cosmid clone containing the human synaptophysin gene (SYP) revealed seven exons distributed over approximately 20 kb, when compared with the previously published cDNA sequence. The exon-intron boundaries have been identified and do not correlate with functional domains. One intron interrupts the 3' untranslated region. Chromosomal localization of the human and murine genes for synaptophysin established the human SYP locus on the X chromosome in subbands Xp11.22-p11.23 and the mouse synaptophysin gene locus (Syp) on the X chromosome in region A-D. In addition, an Eco0109 RFLP has been identified and used in genetic mapping of the human SYP locus and supports the order TIMP-SYP-DXS14 within a span of approximately 4-7 centimorgans.  相似文献   

The alpha 3, alpha 5, and beta 4 genes (human gene symbols CHRNA3, CHRNA5, and CHRNB4 respectively; mouse gene symbols Acra-3, Acra-5, and Acrb-4, respectively) are members of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene family and are clustered within a 68-kb segment of the rat genome (Boulter et al., 1990, J. Biol. Chem. 265:4472). By somatic cell hybrid analysis, three cDNAs corresponding to these genes were used to map the homologous loci to human chromosome 15 and to mouse chromosome 9. Linkage analysis using CEPH pedigrees showed that the CHRNA5 gene was closely linked to the following chromosome 15 loci: D15S46, D15S52, D15S28, D15S34, and D15S35. Using interspecies crosses in mice, the Acra-5 gene was found closely linked to the Mpi-1 locus. The mapping of these members of a neurotransmitter receptor gene family may facilitate the identification of relationships between the neurotransmitter receptors and murine or human phenotypes.  相似文献   

27 cases in which apparent balanced chromosomal rearrangements (reciprocal and translocations and pericentric inversions) are associated with phenotypic abnormalities are reported and compared with the previous published cases. Almost all patients display mental retardation and a non specific dysmorphism. Genetic counseling is different whether the abnormality is inherited or de novo. When an unexpected structural rearrangements is found in fetal cells, the attitude depends on the results of the parent's chromosomal study.  相似文献   

Complex genomic rearrangements (CGRs) consisting of two or more breakpoint junctions have been observed in genomic disorders. Recently, a chromosome catastrophe phenomenon termed chromothripsis, in which numerous genomic rearrangements are apparently acquired in one single catastrophic event, was described in multiple cancers. Here, we show that constitutionally acquired CGRs share similarities with cancer chromothripsis. In the 17 CGR cases investigated, we observed localization and multiple copy number changes including deletions, duplications, and/or triplications, as well as extensive translocations and inversions. Genomic rearrangements involved varied in size and complexities; in one case, array comparative genomic hybridization revealed 18 copy number changes. Breakpoint sequencing identified characteristic features, including small templated insertions at breakpoints and microhomology at breakpoint junctions, which have been attributed to replicative processes. The resemblance between CGR and chromothripsis suggests similar mechanistic underpinnings. Such chromosome catastrophic events appear to reflect basic DNA metabolism operative throughout an organism's life cycle.  相似文献   

Cryptic complex rearrangements as a result of a reciprocal chromosome translocation have been characterised in a transgenic mouse strain. Analysis of the breakpoint junctions in our previous studies showed that the ada transgene was integrated at the breakpoint forming a fusion gene with Golga3 (Mea2). In this study, further detailed analysis around the translocation junctions revealed that the surrounding regions were composed of 13 fragments of defined transgenic chromosome origins over approximately 1.9-Mb areas. Exactly the same cluster structure of these 13 breakpoint fragments already existed in the second generation of the transgenic mice. Our results show that this highly complex rearrangement has been conserved as the incipient form without any additional changes for 18 years up to the present generation, suggesting simultaneous occurrence of multiple events in the founder mouse.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are differentially expressed from the maternally and paternally inherited alleles. Accordingly, inheritance of both copies of an imprinted chromosome or region from a single parent leads to the mis-expression of the imprinted genes present in the selected region. Strains of mice with reciprocal and Robertsonian chromosomal translocations or mice with engineered chromosomal rearrangements can be used to produce progeny where both copies of a chromosomal region are inherited from one parent. In combination with systematic differential expression and methylation-based approaches, these mice can be used to identify novel imprinted genes. Advances in genome sequencing and computer-based technologies have facilitated this approach to finding imprinted genes.  相似文献   

Summary A prospective study of structural rearrangements occurring in normal lymphocytes was carried out. For each of two newborns and four young and two old adults, about 1000 metaphases from 72-h and 120 from 48-h cultures were studied. The frequency of rearrangements between bands 7p14, 7q35, 14q11.2 or 14q12 and 14qter, which is on the average about 0.003, is higher in newborns (0.0043) than in adults (0.0024). Conversely, the rearrangements involving other bands, which have a frequency of 0.025 on the average, are more frequent in old adults (f=0.038) than in young adults (f=0.025) and newborns (f=0.013). The first type of rearrangement, which occurs in utero, may correspond to immunoglobulin and related gene rearrangements. The other rearrangements seem to accumulate progressively and may reflect exposure to mutagens. It is import to discriminate these two types of rearrangements when studying the effect of low doses of mutagens.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangements can result in losses, amplifications, translocations and inversions of DNA fragments thereby modifying genome architecture, and potentially having clinical consequences. Many genomic disorders caused by structural variation have initially been uncovered by early cytogenetic methods. The last decade has seen significant progression in molecular cytogenetic techniques, allowing rapid and precise detection of structural rearrangements on a whole-genome scale. The high resolution attainable with these recently developed techniques has also uncovered the role of structural variants in normal genetic variation alongside single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We describe how array-based comparative genomic hybridisation, SNP arrays, array painting and next-generation sequencing analytical methods (read depth, read pair and split read) allow the extensive characterisation of chromosome rearrangements in human genomes.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor system (IGF) has been linked to the process of bone acquisition through epidemiologic analyses of large cohorts and in vitro studies of bone cells. But the exact relationship between expression of IGF-I in bone and skeletal homeostasis or pathologic conditions, such as osteoporosis, remains poorly defined. Recent advances in genomic engineering have resulted in the development of better in vivo models to test the role of IGF-I during development and maintenance of the adult skeleton. It is now established that skeletal expression of IGF-I is critical for differentiative bone cell function. It may also be essential for the full anabolic effects of parathyroid hormone on trabecular bone and for some component of biomineralization. Evidence from conditional mutagenesis studies suggests that serum IGF-I may represent more than a storage depot or permissive factor during the final phase of skeletal acquisition. This work re-examines the original tenets of the "somatomedin hypothesis" in light of these newer mouse models and their remarkable skeletal phenotypes. The implications are far reaching and suggest that newer approaches for manipulating the IGF regulatory system may one day be useful as therapeutic adjuncts for the treatment of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the methods of gene dosage based on either RFLP studies or Southern blots using specific and reference probes, we designed a "slot blot" method for the evaluation of the copy number of unique chromosome 21 sequences. Varying amounts of denatured DNA from a normal control, a trisomy 21 patient, and the subject to be analyzed were loaded on the same membrane. Successive hybridizations with reference probes and chromosome 21 probes were then carried out. Intensities of the signals on autoradiograms were quantified by densitometric scanning. Graphic and statistical analysis of the linear regressions between reference and chromosome 21 probe signals were performed, and the conclusion that the DNA from the studied subject had two or three copies for a given chromosome 21 sequence was assessed by statistical comparison of the slopes. As a test for the validation of this method, 10 coded blood DNAs from five normal controls and from five trisomy 21 patients were analyzed, by using two reference (COL1A1 and COL1A2) and two chromosome 21 (D21S11 and D21S17) probes. Among the 10 DNAs analyzed, it was possible to diagnose, with 100% accuracy, normal controls and trisomic 21 individuals. Application of this methodology to the mapping of partial chromosome 21 rearrangements is presented.  相似文献   

M. King 《Genetica》1982,59(1):53-60
A case is made for the occurrence of simultaneous multiple chromosome rearrangements as a mechanism for karyotypic change. The evidence for this type of rearrangement from population studies and rare mutant animals is reviewed and the structural prerequisites for such a mode of evolution are considered.  相似文献   

The osteoclast is the main effector of bone resorption. Failure in osteoclast differentiation or function leads to osteopetrosis, a bone disease characterized by an impaired bone resorption. Analysis of mouse models developing osteopetrosis as a consequence of naturally occurring mutations or gene knockouts allowed to establish the osteoclast differentiation pathway. Among these models, the oc/oc, the gl/gl and the Clcn7(-/-) mice present a phenotype similar to the one displayed by patients with infantile malignant osteopetrosis, the most severe form of osteopetrosis in human. Analysis of these models led to the identification of different mutations in the corresponding human genes TCIRG1, GL and CLCN7, in osteopetrotic patients. Mutations in the TCIRG1 gene seem the most frequent cause of malignant osteopetrosis and mutations in the CLCN7 gene seem the most frequent cause of type II osteopetrosis. Therefore, these three mouse models appear to be particularly well suited for the study of the osteoclast function in order to provide new insights in the therapy of osteopetrosis.  相似文献   

In deletion-mapping of W-specific RAPD (W-RAPD) markers and putative female determinant gene (Fem), we used X-ray irradiation to break the translocation-carrying W chromosome (W Ze ). We succeeded in obtaining a fragment of the W Ze chromosome designated as Ze W, having 3 of 12 W-RAPD markers (W-Bonsai, W-Yukemuri-S, W-Yukemuri-L). Inheritance of the Ze W fragment by males indicates that it does not include the Fem gene. On the basis of these results, we determined the relative positions of W-Yukemuri-S and W-Yukemuri-L, and we narrowed down the region where Fem gene is located. In addition to the Ze W fragment, the Z chromosome was also broken into a large fragment (Z1) having the + sch (1-21.5) and a small fragment (Z2) having the + od (1-49.6). Moreover, a new chromosomal fragment (Ze WZ2) was generated by a fusion event between the Ze W and the Z2 fragments. We analyzed the genetic behavior of the Z1 fragment and the Ze WZ2 fragment during male (Z/Z1 Ze WZ2) and female (Z1 Ze WZ2/W) meiosis using phenotypic markers. It was observed that the Z1 fragment and the Z or the W chromosomes separate without fail. On the other hand, non-disjunction between the Ze WZ2 fragment and the Z chromosome and also between the Ze WZ2 fragment and the W chromosome occurred. Furthermore, the females (2A: Z/Ze WZ2/W) and males (2A: Z/Z1) resulting from non-disjunction between the Ze WZ2 fragment and the W chromosome had phenotypic defects: namely, females exhibited abnormal oogenesis and males were flapless due to abnormal indirect flight muscle structure. These results suggest that Z2 region of the Z chromosome contains dose-sensitive gene(s), which are involved in oogenesis and indirect flight muscle development.  相似文献   

Agouti: from mouse to man, from skin to fat   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The agouti protein regulates pigmentation in the mouse hair follicle producing a black hair with a subapical yellow band. Its effect on pigmentation is achieved by antagonizing the binding of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) to melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r), switching melanin synthesis from eumelanin (black/brown) to phaeomelanin (red/yellow). Dominant mutations in the non-coding region of mouse agouti cause yellow coat colour and ectopic expression also results in obesity, type 11 diabetes, increased somatic growth and tumourigenesis. At least some of these pleiotropic effects can be explained by antagonism of other members of the melanocortin receptor family by agouti protein. The yellow coat colour is the result of agouti chronically antagonizing the binding of alpha-MSH to Mc1r and the obese phenotype results from agouti protein antagonizing the binding of alpha-MSH to Mc3r and/or Mc4r. Despite the existence of a highly homologous agouti protein in humans, agouti signal protein (ASIP), its role has yet to be defined. However it is known that human ASIP is expressed at highest levels in adipose tissue where it may antagonize one of the melanocortin receptors. The conserved nature of the agouti protein combined with the diverse phenotypic effects of agouti mutations in mouse and the different expression patterns of human and mouse agouti, suggest ASIP may play a role in human energy homeostasis and possibly human pigmentation.  相似文献   

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