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The superiority of large zooplankton in suppressingphytoplankton growth has often been inferred from theSize Efficiency Hypothesis (S.E.H.). The S.E.H. hasoriginally been formulated to account for thecompetitive superiority of large to small zooplanktonunder food limiting conditions. Extrapolation of itspredictions to the suppression of phytoplankton byzooplankton under high food availability, should bedone with care. In an attempt to assess the relevanceof the S.E.H. to biomanipulation theory inhypertrophic systems, a fish exclosure experiment wascarried out in which the efficiency of two differentlystructured zooplankton communities in reducingphytoplankton biomass was examined. By inoculatingpart of the enclosures with laboratory grownDaphnia magna, a community dominated by this largecladoceran species could be compared with a communitymainly consisting of Bosmina and smallerDaphnia species. After the exclusion of fish, therewas an exponential increase of total zooplanktonbiomass. Phytoplankton growth was efficientlysuppressed to equal levels in both treatments, thoughthere was a difference in timing: chlorophyll-a levelsin the enclosures inoculated with D. magnadropped one week earlier than in non-inoculatedenclosures. The time-lag was even more pronounced whenlarge phytoplankton was considered. In accordance withthe S.E.H., the time lags could be explained bydifferences in population growth potential as well asby differences in zooplankton grazing rates(indirectly measured as the minimal zooplanktonbiomass needed to suppress phytoplankton growth) andfood particle size range.  相似文献   

Williams  Adrian E.  Moss  Brian 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):331-346
Thirty-six enclosures, surface area 4 m2, were placed in Little Mere, a shallow fertile lake in Cheshire, U.K. The effects of different fish species (common carp, common bream, tench and roach) of zooplanktivorous size, and their biomass (0, 200 and 700 kg ha–1) on water chemistry, zooplankton and phytoplankton communities were investigated. Fish biomass had a strong effect on mean zooplankton size and abundance. When fish biomass rose, larger zooplankters were replaced by more numerous smaller zooplankters. Consequently phytoplankton abundance rose in the presence of higher densities of zooplanktivorous fish, as zooplankton grazing was reduced. Fish species were also significant in determining zooplankton community size structure. In enclosures with bream there were significantly greater densities of small zooplankters than in enclosures stocked with either carp, tench and, in part, roach. When carp or roach were present, the phytoplankton had a greater abundance of Cyanophyta than when bream or tench were present. Whilst top-down effects of fish predation controlled the size partitioning of the zooplankton community, this, in turn apparently controlled the bottom-up regeneration of nutrients for the phytoplankton community. At the zooplankton–phytoplankton interface, both top-down and bottom-up processes were entwined in a reciprocal feedback mechanism with the extent and direction of that relationship altered by changes in fish species. This has consequences for the way that top-down and bottom-up processes are generalised.  相似文献   

A long‐term biomanipulation has been performed in the stratified Feldberger Haussee since 1985. Prior to manipulation, nutrient load to the lake had declined due to waste water removal. Planktivorous fish were reduced by seining and by enhancement of piscivorous fish. Changes in transparency, nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish were documented for both the premanipulation period (1978–1985) and the manipulation period (1986–1998). Transparency increased in response to the manipulation (+54%), but strong year‐to‐year fluctuations were observed. These fluctuations were correlated to chlorophyll a, primary production and the proportion of piscivores in the fish community. We conclude that the success of the restoration was predominantly attributed to bottom‐up forces as a result of the declining nutrient load and an intensified co‐precipitation of phosphorus with calcite. However, the increased predation impact by the piscivorous fish may have caused a reduced nutrient recycling by the planktivorous fish thus contributing also to the improvement in water quality.  相似文献   

生物操纵,营养级联反应和下行影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
理化因子和生物间的相互关系对生物群落的结构和生态系统功能的影响一直是生态学研究所关注的问题之一。在湖沼学方面,自60年代大规模组织国际合作重点研究水体富营养化问题以来,氮、磷等植物营养物质与浮游植物和初级生产力之间的定量关系,对水质的影响的研究和一系...  相似文献   

SUMMARYY 1. A total of 2.7 × 106 walleye fingerlings and 1.7 × 105 northern pike fingerlings were stocked during 1987–99 in eutrophic Lake Mendota. The objectives of the biomanipulation were to improve sport fishing and to increase piscivory to levels that would reduce planktivore biomass, increase Daphnia grazing and ultimately reduce algal densities in the lake. The combined biomass of the two piscivore species in the lake increased rapidly from < 1 kg ha?1 and stabilised at 4–6 kg ha?1 throughout the evaluation period. 2. Restrictive harvest regulations (i.e. increase in minimum size limit and reduction in bag limit) were implemented in 1988 to protect the stocked piscivores. Further restrictions were added in 1991 and 1996 for walleye and northern pike, respectively. These restrictions were essential because fishing pressure on both species (especially walleye) increased dramatically during biomanipulation. 3. Commencing in 1987 with a massive natural die‐off of cisco and declining yellow perch populations, total planktivore biomass dropped from about 300–600 kg ha?1 prior to the die‐off and the fish stocking, to about 20–40 kg ha?1 in subsequent years. These low planktivore biomasses lasted until a resurgence in the perch population in 1999. 4. During the period prior to biomanipulation when cisco were very abundant, the dominant Daphnia species was the smaller‐bodied D. galeata mendotae, which usually reached a biomass maximum in June and then crashed shortly thereafter. Beginning in 1988, the larger‐bodied D. pulicaria dominated, with relatively high biomasses occurring earlier in the spring and lasting well past mid‐summer of many years. 5. In many years dominated by D. pulicaria, Secchi disc readings were greater during the spring and summer months when compared with years dominated by D. galeata mendotae. During the biomanipulation evaluation period, phosphorus (P) levels also changed dramatically thus complicating our analysis. Earlier research on Lake Mendota had shown that Daphnia grazing increased summer Secchi disc readings, but P concentrations linked to agricultural and urban runoff and to climate‐controlled internal mixing processes were also important factors affecting summer readings. 6. The Lake Mendota biomanipulation project has been a success given that high densities of the large‐bodied D. pulicaria have continued to dominate for over a decade, and the diversity of fishing opportunities have improved for walleye, northern pike and, more recently, yellow perch. 7. Massive stocking coupled with very restrictive fishing regulations produced moderate increases in piscivore densities. Larger increases could be realised by more drastic restrictions on sport fishing, but these regulations would be very controversial to anglers. 8. If the lake's food web remains in a favourable biomanipulation state (i.e. high herbivory), further improvements in water clarity are possible with future reductions in P loadings from a recently initiated non‐point pollution abatement programme in the lake's drainage basin.  相似文献   

1. Sediment plays a key role in internal nutrient cycling and eutrophication in lakes. However, studies focusing on the efficiency of the biomanipulation techniques for improving the control of primary producers have rarely examined the effects of changes in food‐web structure on the sediment biochemical composition and biodegradability. 2. In a 1‐year experiment conducted in large replicated mesocosms, we tested how the absence or presence of a zooplanktivorous fish (roach, Rutilus rutilus) affected the elemental composition and the potential biodegradability of recently deposited sediment in a eutrophic system. The potential biodegradability of these sediments was assessed in laboratory microcosms by measuring the production of CO2 during 44‐day incubations. 3. The potential biodegradability of recently deposited sediment from the fish treatment was 60% higher than that from the fishless treatment. This higher biodegradability was corroborated by a higher annual loss of sediment in fish enclosures (36%) than in fishless ones (16%). Annual losses of carbon, nitrogen and organic phosphorous were higher for sediment from fish enclosures. 4. Carbon and nitrogen contents of sediment were higher for the fish treatment. In contrast, the sediment C/N ratio, one of the proxies used to estimate sediment biodegradability, did not differ between treatments. No relationship was observed between elemental composition of sediment and its potential biodegradability. This latter appeared to be more probably dependent on the biochemical composition of the sediment and especially on the content of labile compounds such as proteins, sugars and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The use of sterols as biomarkers revealed an important degradation by microorganisms of 1‐year‐old sediment from both fish and fishless treatments. 5. Our results revealed that fish biomanipulations might favour clear water states not only through a stronger top–down control on phytoplankton but also through a lower biodegradability of sediment reducing internal nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Søndergaard  M.  Mortensen  E.  Kristensen  P.  Riemann  B.  Jensen  H. J.  Müller  J. P.  Sortkjær  O.  Jensen  J. P.  Christoffersen  K.  Bosselmann  S.  Dall  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):205-218
The use of fish manipulation as a tool for lake restoration in eutrophic lakes has been investigated since 1986 in three shallow, eutrophic Danish lakes. The lakes differ with respect to nutrient loading and nutrient levels (130–1000 μg P l−1, 1–6 mg N l−1). A 50% removal of planktivorous fish in the less eutrophic cyanobacteria-diatom dominated Lake V?ng caused marked changes in lower trophic levels, phosphorus concentration and transparency. Only minor changes occurred after a 78% removal of planktivorous fish in eutrophic cyanobacteria dominated Frederiksborg Castle Lake. In the hypertrophic, green algae dominated Lake S?byg?rd a low recruitment of all fish species and a 16% removal of fish biomass created substantial changes in trophic structure, but no decrease in phosphorus concentration. The different response pattern is interpreted as (1) a difference in density and persistence of bloomforming cyanobacteria caused by between-lake variations in nutrient levels and probably also mixing- and flushing rates, (2) a difference in specific loss rates through sedimentation of the algal community prevaling after the fish manipulation, (3) a decreased impact of planktivorous fish with increasing mean depth and (4) a lake specific difference in ability to create a self-increasing reduction in the phosphorus level in the lake water. This in turn seems related to the phosphorus loading.  相似文献   

Providing fruit, nectar, leaves and litter, mistletoes represent important resources for many organisms, linking above‐ground patterns with below‐ground processes. Here, we explore how mistletoe litter affects arthropod availability, especially those taxa preferentially consumed by ground‐feeding insectivorous birds, a group that has undergone widespread declines. We estimated the influence of mistletoe on arthropod occurrence by sampling arthropod communities beneath infected and uninfected trees with pit‐fall traps. Then, we experimentally isolated direct effects of mistletoe litter on arthropods with a litterbag study. Soil arthropod communities beneath infected trees had consistently greater abundance and biomass – total arthropods and the subset of arthropods preferentially consumed by ground‐foraging insectivores – compared to otherwise comparable uninfected trees. Arthropods showed a weak response to litter addition, with maximum abundances recorded from bags with low mistletoe litter, significantly lower abundances associated with higher mistletoe fractions and pure tree litter (after 5 months). Our findings confirm that mistletoe occurrence has a significant positive impact on arthropod availability, especially on those preferred by ground‐foraging bird insectivores. However, only a minor part of this impact is due to the direct, short‐term effects of mistletoe litter, which suggests that additional mistletoe‐mediated effects (e.g. local changes in structural or microclimatic factors, cumulative effects over multiple years) play significant roles. By altering arthropod assemblages within leaf litter and increasing the heterogeneity of resource availability on forest floors, mistletoe plays an important role in improving habitat quality for declining insectivores.  相似文献   

The restoration and rehabilitation of the native fish communities is a long-term goal for the Laurentian Great Lakes. In Lake Superior, the ongoing restoration of the native lake trout populations is now regarded as one of the major success stories in fisheries management. However, populations of the deepwater morphotype (siscowet lake trout) have increased much more substantially than those of the nearshore morphotype (lean lake trout), and the ecosystem now contains an assemblage of exotic species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt, and Pacific salmon (chinook, coho, and steelhead). Those species play an important role in defining the constraints and opportunities for ecosystem management. We combined an equilibrium mass balance model (Ecopath) with a dynamic food web model (Ecosim) to evaluate the ecological consequences of future alternative management strategies and the interaction of two different sets of life history characteristics for fishes at the top of the food web. Relatively rapid turnover rates occur among the exotic forage fish, rainbow smelt, and its primary predators, exotic Pacific salmonids. Slower turnover rates occur among the native lake trout and burbot and their primary prey—lake herring, smelt, deepwater cisco, and sculpins. The abundance of forage fish is a key constraint for all salmonids in Lake Superior. Smelt and Mysis play a prominent role in sustaining the current trophic structure. Competition between the native lake trout and the exotic salmonids is asymmetric. Reductions in the salmon population yield only a modest benefit for the stocks of lake trout, whereas increased fishing of lake trout produces substantial potential increases in the yields of Pacific salmon to recreational fisheries. The deepwater or siscowet morphotype of lake trout has become very abundant. Although it plays a major role in the structure of the food web it offers little potential for the restoration of a valuable commercial or recreational fishery. Even if a combination of strong management actions is implemented, the populations of lean (nearshore) lake trout cannot be restored to pre-fishery and pre-lamprey levels. Thus, management strategy must accept the ecological constraints due in part to the presence of exotics and choose alternatives that sustain public interest in the resources while continuing the gradual progress toward restoration. Received 10 December 1999; accepted 13 June 2000.  相似文献   

A presumed value of shallow-habitat enhanced pelagic productivity derives from the principle that in nutrient-rich aquatic systems phytoplankton growth rate is controlled by light availability, which varies inversely with habitat depth. We measured a set of biological indicators across the gradient of habitat depth within the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta (California) to test the hypothesis that plankton biomass, production, and pelagic energy flow also vary systematically with habitat depth. Results showed that phytoplankton biomass and production were only weakly related to phytoplankton growth rates whereas other processes (transport, consumption) were important controls. Distribution of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea was patchy, and heavily colonized habitats all supported low phytoplankton biomass and production and functioned as food sinks. Surplus primary production in shallow, uncolonized habitats provided potential subsidies to neighboring recipient habitats. Zooplankton in deeper habitats, where grazing exceeded phytoplankton production, were likely supported by significant fluxes of phytoplankton biomass from connected donor habitats. Our results provide three important lessons for ecosystem science: (a) in the absence of process measurements, derived indices provide valuable information to improve our mechanistic understanding of ecosystem function and to benefit adaptive management strategies; (b) the benefits of some ecosystem functions are displaced by water movements, so the value of individual habitat types can only be revealed through a regional perspective that includes connectedness among habitats; and (c) invasive species can act as overriding controls of habitat function, adding to the uncertainty of management outcomes.  相似文献   

Two water bodies, which are quite different with respect to nutrient load and hydrophysical conditions, are used to perform long-term experiments in the whole water on the manipulation of the pelagic food web. Experimental water 1: Bautzen Reservoir (Dresden County, GDR); hypereutrophic, mean depth=7.4 m; extremely exposed to wind. Experimental water 2: Small pond in a former quarry (Dresden County); mesotrophic; mean depth=7.0 m; extremely protected against wind. Only the results of Experiment 2 are given in detail. Experiment 1 is not yet finished. Experimental water 2 was investigated in 1979 and 1980 when no predatory fish species were present, and in 1981 after introduction of predators (mainly Salmo gairdneri). The response of the ecosystem can be summarized as follows: (1) The biomass of the zooplankton-eating fish (mainly Leucaspius delineatus) decreases rapidly. (2) The biomass of the herbivorous zooplankton increases to nearly 400%. (3) This finding reveals that the dense population of an invertebrate predator (Chaoborus flavicans) is not able to compensate for the feeding pressure of the small fish. But the intensive feeding activity of the young larvae of Chaoborus leads to a strong increase (200 to 300%) in the mean individual body size of the crustaceans during late summer and autumn, which supports the “balanced predation hypothesis”. (4) The remarkable enhanced grazing pressure of the herbivorous zooplankton on the phytoplankton does not exert any effect on the total phytoplankton biomass. This result is interpreted as a consequence of growth limitation of the algae due to low nutrient (Fe, P) supply in that mesotrophic water body. But the phytoplankton composition does reveal a strong response to the enhanced grazing pressure. The Secchi depth increases as a consequence of this change in the phytoplankton composition. The conclusion is drawn that, when using biomanipulation as a means of water quality management, it is obviously necessary to take into account the complex interrelationships between fish stocks, predacious invertebrates, herbivorous zooplankton, phytoplankton as well as nutrient load and hydrophysical processes in the particular water.  相似文献   

Trophic interactions and cycling of organic carbon within the macroinvertebrate community of a Northern German lowland stream were analyzed based on a compartment model. The network model describes the structure of the food web quantifying biomass, production, and consumption of their elements, of the entire system and between trophic levels. System primary production is 153.7 g C m−2 yr−1 and invertebrate production 53.3 g C m−2 yr−1. Invertebrate consumption amounts to 702.6 g C m−2 yr−1. Main flows are identified between trophic level 1 and 2 and are connected with highly productive compartments. ‘Anodonta and Pseudanodonta’ and Dreissena polymorpha show the highest consumption of all groups with 269.9 g C m−2 yr−1 and 114.1 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. System consumption is highest on the import from the upstream lake with 532.5 g C m−2 yr−1, sediment detritus with 135.5 g C m−2 yr−1, and primary producers with 25.7 g C m−2 yr−1. The lowest predation pressure is observed for Bivalvia with an ecotrophic efficiency of <10% and highest for Chironomidae with 91%. Approximately 20% of organic matter entering the detritus pool are recycled to the living groups of the system. Transfer efficiencies between discrete trophic levels are generally low except for transfer of detrital material between level I and II.  相似文献   

Landscape modification and habitat fragmentation disrupt the connectivity of natural landscapes, with major consequences for biodiversity. Species that require patchily distributed habitats, such as those that specialize on early successional ecosystems, must disperse through a landscape matrix with unsuitable habitat types. We evaluated landscape effects on dispersal of an early successional obligate, the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis). Using a landscape genetics approach, we identified barriers and facilitators of gene flow and connectivity corridors for a population of cottontails in the northeastern United States. We modeled dispersal in relation to landscape structure and composition and tested hypotheses about the influence of habitat fragmentation on gene flow. Anthropogenic and natural shrubland habitats facilitated gene flow, while the remainder of the matrix, particularly development and forest, impeded gene flow. The relative influence of matrix habitats differed between study areas in relation to a fragmentation gradient. Barrier features had higher explanatory power in the more fragmented site, while facilitating features were important in the less fragmented site. Landscape models that included a simultaneous barrier and facilitating effect of roads had higher explanatory power than models that considered either effect separately, supporting the hypothesis that roads act as both barriers and facilitators at all spatial scales. The inclusion of LiDAR-identified shrubland habitat improved the fit of our facilitator models. Corridor analyses using circuit and least cost path approaches revealed the importance of anthropogenic, linear features for restoring connectivity between the study areas. In fragmented landscapes, human-modified habitats may enhance functional connectivity by providing suitable dispersal conduits for early successional specialists.  相似文献   

Parabroteas sarsi is a predaceous calanoid copepod that inhabits both shallow temporary fishless ponds and deep fish lakes of Patagonia and Antarctica. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of P. sarsi on the plankton structure of a deep Andean lake (>100 m depth) and the zooplankton vertical distribution in order to asses a possible vertical refuge of the predatory copepod against visual fish predation. We tested the extent to which the trophic cascade effect of this predator propagates through the food web. We carried out a vertical sampling in Lake Rivadavia (Patagonia, Argentina) in order to assess zooplankton distribution. P. sarsi showed a vertical distribution towards deeper layers of the water column both at midday and at night, indicating that the copepod had an effective refuge against visual predation. Additionally, we carried out both field and laboratory experiments with the presence of P. sarsi. The predator was observed to affect significantly the survival of the copepod Boeckella michaelseni both in laboratory and field experiments. On the contrary, rotifers and adults of Daphnia cf. commutata were not substantially affected by the predator. B. michaelseni mouthparts revealed an omnivorous diet; therefore a broad phytoplanktonic size spectrum could be affected by this copepod. However, no cascade effect was observed due to the presence of P. sarsi despite the decrease of B. michaelseni abundance.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the role of mesopelagic fish in the Southern Ocean food web, the energy and water content of Bathylagus antarcticus, Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus braueri from the Lazarev Sea were investigated. Mean dry weight energy content of B. antarcticus (20.4 kJ g−1) was significantly lower than in E. antarctica and G. braueri (both 29.4 kJ g−1). In E. antarctica, an increase of dry weight energy density with age was evident from 26.9 kJ g−1 in juveniles of less than 1 year of age to 32.0 kJ g−1 in 3-year-old fish. Water content decreased with size in all three species. Abundant high-energy species such as E. antarctica are at a key position in the food web. Due to a marked influence of age on energy content, population structure can be an important variable in estimates of energy fluxes in the Southern Ocean ecosystem.  相似文献   

Food chain models have dominated empirical studies of trophic interactions in the past decades, and have lead to important insights into the factors that control ecological communities. Despite the importance of food chain models in instigating ecological investigations, many empirical studies still show a strong deviation from the dynamics that food chain models predict. We present a theoretical framework that explains some of the discrepancies by showing that trophic interactions are likely to be strongly influenced by the spatial configuration of consumers and their resources. Differences in the spatial scale at which consumers and their resources function lead to uncoupling of the population dynamics of the interacting species, and may explain overexploitation and depletion of resource populations. We discuss how changed land use, likely the most prominent future stress on natural systems, may affect food web dynamics by interfering with the scale of interaction between consumers and their resource.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton production was estimated by using a new sampling technique and two alternative calculation methods. In essence, production estimates are based on significantly higher abundances. The contribution of juvenile stages to copepod and fish dynamics was generally low, so that the omission of juvenile stages in budgets will result in a small error. The situations reported in this study present a unique food web szenario, which in detail, however, was strongly dependent on methodology. Furthermore, relations between trophic levels were considered with respect to vertical distribution.  相似文献   

岩溶地质在我国分布广泛,特别是西南地区连片分布着世界上面积最大的岩溶地貌.由于长期人为活动的影响,目前我国南方地区岩溶石漠化土地面积已达1.2×105 km2,导致当地生态条件恶化,经济、社会发展面临严重困难.南方岩溶山地土层薄,养分贫瘠,保水性能差.对热带岩溶森林开展了一系列生理生态研究,研究结果对南方岩溶石漠化山地生态重建有启发意义.研究结果暗示,岩溶生境常绿、落叶木本植物和木质藤本植物共存对于维持生态系统水分平衡有重要意义.常绿植物枝条木质部耐气穴化能力强,叶片耐失水性能强.落叶植物采取避旱策略,通过落叶减少旱季蒸腾和水分消耗.岩溶山地大部分植物具有很深的根系,藤本植物根系更深,旱季能利用地下深层岩石下和缝隙水.有些植物如木棉、董棕利用树干储存水保持旱季必要的生理代谢.岩溶山地木本植物叶片和枝条木质部结构和生理功能的密切关联对于适应水分胁迫起重要作用.热带岩溶植物可能普遍缺乏锌、钾元素,这方面问题需引起重视和研究.藤蔓植物可以利用石漠化岩溶山地局部水土资源和丰富的生长空间和光照资源,并且大多数藤蔓植物气孔调节能力强,对强光的适应和利用能力强,是石漠化山地生态重建的理想植物材料.目前中国科学院西双版纳植物园正在推广的一种珍贵的油料植物—星油藤,可以作为南方热区石漠化山地生态重建的理想植物材料.石漠化土地的重建要合理利用不同功能类群植物,特别是岩溶生境的乡土植物,最好构建多层复合群落.  相似文献   

Climate may affect the dynamics of infectious diseases by shifting pathogen, vector, or host species abundance, population dynamics, or community interactions. Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are highly susceptible to plague, yet little is known about factors that influence the dynamics of plague epizootics in prairie dogs. We investigated temporal patterns of plague occurrence in black-tailed prairie dogs to assess the generality of links between climate and plague occurrence found in previous analyses of human plague cases. We examined long-term data on climate and plague occurrence in prairie dog colonies within two study areas. Multiple regression analyses revealed that plague occurrence in prairie dogs was not associated with climatic variables in our Colorado study area. In contrast, plague occurrence was strongly associated with climatic variables in our Montana study area. The models with most support included a positive association with precipitation in April–July of the previous year, in addition to a positive association with the number of “warm” days and a negative association with the number of “hot” days in the same year as reported plague events. We conclude that the timing and magnitude of precipitation and temperature may affect plague occurrence in some geographic areas. The best climatic predictors of plague occurrence in prairie dogs within our Montana study area are quite similar to the best climatic predictors of human plague cases in the southwestern United States. This correspondence across regions and species suggests support for a (temperature-modulated) trophic-cascade model for plague, including climatic effects on rodent abundance, flea abundance, and pathogen transmission, at least in regions that experience strong climatic signals.  相似文献   

Planning riparian restoration to resemble historic reference conditions requires an understanding of both local and regional patterns of plant species diversity. Thus, understanding species distributions at multiple spatial scales is essential to improve restoration planting success, to enhance long‐term ecosystem functioning, and to match restoration planting designs with historic biogeographic distributions. To inform restoration planning, we examined the biogeographic patterns of riparian plant diversity at local and regional scales within a major western U.S.A. drainage, California's Sacramento—San Joaquin Valley. We analyzed patterns of species richness and complementarity (β‐diversity) across two scales: the watershed scale and the floodplain scale. At the watershed scale, spatial patterns of native riparian richness were driven by herbaceous species, whereas woody species were largely cosmopolitan across the nearly 38,000 km2 study area. At the floodplain scale, riparian floras reflected species richness and dissimilarity patterns related to hydrological and disturbance‐driven successional sequences. These findings reinforce the importance of concurrently evaluating both local and regional processes that promote species diversity and distribution of native riparian flora. Furthermore, as restoration activities become more prevalent across the landscape, strategies for restoration outcomes should emulate the patterns of species diversity and biogeographic distributions found at regional scales.  相似文献   

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