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Origin and rearrangement of ribosomal DNA repeats in natural allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum are described. Comparative sequence analysis of the intergenic spacer (IGS) regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis (the paternal diploid progenitor) and Nicotiana sylvestris (the maternal diploid progenitor) showed species-specific molecular features. These markers allowed us to trace the molecular evolution of parental rDNA in the allopolyploid genome of N. tabacum; at least the majority of tobacco rDNA repeats originated from N. tomentosiformis, which endured reconstruction of subrepeated regions in the IGS. We infer that after hybridization of the parental diploid species, rDNA with a longer IGS, donated by N. tomentosiformis, dominated over the rDNA with a shorter IGS from N. sylvestris; the latter was then eliminated from the allopolyploid genome. Thus, repeated sequences in allopolyploid genomes are targets for molecular rearrangement, demonstrating the dynamic nature of allopolyploid genomes.  相似文献   

Using DAPI-stained prometaphase chromosomes, quantitative idiograms were constructed for the T subgenome of Nicotiana tabacum (2n = 4x = 48, SSTT) and two putative candidates for its T subgenome progenitor, Nicotiana otophora and Nicotiana tomentosiformis (both have 2n = 24, TT). The large chromosomes of the three karyotypes could be identified from the distributional pattern of the DAPI signal. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 5S rDNA gave not only good cytogenetical landmarks for identification of small chromosomes of the karyotypes but also phylogenetical information. In all three idiograms, 5S rDNA was localized in the proximal region of the long arm of a small submetacentric pair, but an additional 5S rDNA locus was detected terminally on the short arm of a small metacentric pair in N. otophora. The 18S rDNA locus detected here corresponded to satellite regions in all three karyotypes. Two satellited pairs in N. otophora and one satellited pair in N. tomentosiformis had single large subterminal DAPI blocks and two interstitial DAPI bands on their long arms, respectively. For the T subgenome component of N. tabacum, the single intense DAPI band was depicted on the center of the long arm of a satellited pair in the idiogram, although two interstitial bands were often detected on the long arm of the satellited pair in some spreads. Therefore, it was suggested that the T component of N. tabacum was more similar to that of N. tomentosiformis than N. otophora, especially in respect of the number and location of rDNA and the distributional patterns of DAPI signals. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 24 March 2000<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by Y. Gleba  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco, Solanaceae) has two 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) families, one of unit length approximately 646 bp and the other -430 bp, that differ in the length of the 5S rDNA non-transcribed spacer (NTS). The long 5S rDNA family, found on the T genome of tobacco and in Nicotiana tomentosiformis, contains a GC-rich subregion that is absent in the short family. We designed primers for this subregion and generated a probe that we used against a range of Nicotiana and related Solanaceous species. We demonstrated the presence of the GC-rich subregion in a range of Nicotiana species, but it was absent in Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana longiflora, and two closely related genera, Petunia and Solanum. These data suggest that this subregion of the NTS is likely to have evolved with the genus Nicotiana. The absence of the subregion in N. sylvestris and N. longiflora is likely to have arisen by a deletion event in the evolution of section alatae. We demonstrate patterns of evolution in the 5S rDNA unit cluster in relation to a phylogenetic reconstruction of species relationships in section tomentosae. Nicotiana glutinosa diverged early from the section and contains a 5S rDNA family based on a 550-bp unit. After this divergence, 430- and 650-bp rDNA unit families evolved. The 650-bp family is found in all species of tomentosae (except N. glutinosa) and in tobacco. The 430-bp family within tomentosae includes the GC-rich subregion and is thus unrelated to the 430-bp family in N. sylvestris. Nicotiana setchellii is unusual in that it has three 5S rDNA loci, including one locus that is exceptionally large. This species, unique to tomentosae, has a very abundant 900-bp unit family. It is possible that this 900-bp family occurs on this one large locus. In N. tomentosa and N. kawakamii, the 650-bp family is predominant, whereas N. tomentosiformis and N. otophora have only the 650-bp family. There is no clear relationship between the number of 5S families and the number of 5S rDNA loci. Certainly the replacement of 5S rDNA units, perhaps by gene conversion, has occurred repeatedly in the evolution of genus Nicotiana.  相似文献   

Unidirectional gene conversion of rDNA units has occurred in the evolution of natural tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). In this paper we report the use of the synthetic tobacco line Th37, 4n (N. sylvestris × N. tomentosiformis), to study early rDNA evolution associated with allopolyploidy. At least three classes of newly amplified rDNA unit variants were identified (17/20 plants). Their presence was often accompanied by near-complete elimination of N. tomentosiformis-donated rDNA units (15/20 plants). Novel rDNA units were of N. tomentosiformis-type and contained rearranged subrepeats in the intergenic spacer. The maternal N. sylvestris-derived units were unchanged, except for some alteration in the ratio of individual gene family members. A cytogenetic analysis revealed rDNA sites on N. sylvestris-derived chromosomes S10, S11, and S12 and N. tomentosiformis-derived chromosomes T3 and in some cases T4. An rDNA locus does not occur on N. tomentosiformis chromosome 4. The locus on chromosome T4 of some hybrids correlates with the occurrence of the novel units that probably amplified at the locus. Combined with an analysis of tobacco cultivars, the data indicate that an initial burst of rDNA evolution associated with allopolyploidy was followed by a slower process that led towards reduced complexity and a decreased number of rDNA variants.  相似文献   


Key message

We characterized a white flower mutant of allotetraploid N. tabacum as a DFR-deficient mutant; one copy of DFR has a cultivar-specific frameshift, while the other was deleted by heavy-ion irradiation.


In most plants, white-flowered mutants have some kind of deficiency or defect in their anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. Nicotiana tabacum normally has pink petals, in which cyanidin is the main colored anthocyanidin. When a relevant gene in the cyanidin biosynthetic pathway is mutated, the petals show a white color. Previously, we generated white-flowered mutants of N. tabacum by heavy-ion irradiation, which is accepted as an effective mutagen. In this study, we determined which gene was responsible for the white-flowered phenotype of one of these mutants, cv. Xanthi white flower 1 (xwf1). Southern blot analysis using a DNA fragment of the dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) gene as a probe showed that the xwf1 mutant lacked signals that were present in wild-type genomic DNAs. Sequence analysis demonstrated that one copy of the DFR gene (NtDFR2) was absent from the genome of the xwf1 mutant. The other copy of the DFR gene (NtDFR1) contained a single-base deletion resulting in a frameshift mutation, which is a spontaneous mutation in cv. Xanthi. Introduction of NtDFR2 cDNA into the petal limbs of xwf1 by particle bombardment resulted in production of the pink-colored cells, whereas introduction of NtDFR1 cDNA did not. These results indicate that xwf1 is a DFR-deficient mutant. One copy of NtDFR1 harbors a spontaneous frameshift mutation, while the other copy of NtDFR2 was deleted by heavy-ion beam irradiation.  相似文献   

To investigate phylogenetic relationships in Nicotiana, the intergenic spacer sequences of 5S rDNA were analyzed in species with 2n=18, 20 or 24, and amphidiploid species with 2n=48. The chromosomal localization of the 5S rDNA was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In species with 2n=24 and their descendants, a major 5S rDNA-specific PCR fragment of 400–650 bp was obtained. The amphidiploid species contained similar length of 5S rDNA units derived from putative diploid progenitors. Among the five clones from each representative PCR fragment, some nucleotide exchanges and length heterogeneity were observed. The latter was due to variation in the spacer region, such as differences in the length of poly A and/or poly T tracts as well as insertions/deletions. Interspecific comparisons of each 5S rDNA sequence demonstrated that the spacer sequence could be divided into three regions. Excluding gaps from the aligned spacer sequences of 5S rDNA, phylogenetic trees were constructed. Each phylogenetic tree showed an almost identical topology even if different algorithms were applied. The chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA in each species correlated with the phylogenetic topology. The phylogenetic trees were generally in agreement with the current classification. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

Wild germplasms are often the only significant sources of useful traits for crops, such as soybean, that have limited genetic variability. Before these germplasms can be effectively manipulated they must be characterized at the cytological and molecular levels. Modern soybean probably arose through an ancient allotetraploid event and subsequent diploidization of the genome. However, wild Glycine species have not been intensively investigated for this ancient polyploidy. In this article we determined the number of both the 5S and 18S-28S rDNA sequences in various members of the genus Glycine using FISH. Our results distinctly establish the loss of a 5S rDNA locus from the "diploid" (2n = 40) species and the loss of two from the (2n = 80) polyploids of GLYCINE: A similar diploidization of the 18S-28S rDNA gene family has occurred in G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. soja, and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n = 40). Although of different genome types, G. tabacina and G. tomentella (2n = 80) both showed two major 18S-28S rDNA loci per haploid genome, in contrast to the four loci that would be expected in chromosomes that have undergone two doubling events in their evolutionary history. It is evident that the evolution of the subgenus Glycine is more complex than that represented in a simple diploid-doubled to tetraploid model.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNAs from Nicotiana tabacum, an amphiploid, and its putative progenitor species, N. sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis were compared in structure and organization. By using DNA transfer techniques and cloned fragments of known genes from maize and N. sylvestris as labeled probes, the positions of homologous sequences in restriction digests of the Nicotiana species were analyzed. Results indicate that the mitochondrial DNA of N. tabacum was inherited from N. sylvestris. Conservation in organization and sequence homology between mtDNAs of N. tabacum and the maternal progenitor, N. sylvestris, provide evidence that the mitochondrial genome in these species is evolutionarily stable. Approximately one-third of the probed restriction fragments of N. tomentosiformis mtDNA showed conservation of position with the other two species. Pattern variations indicate that extensive rearrangement of mtDNA has occurred in the evolution of these Nicotiana species.  相似文献   

Genomic sequencing was used to localise 5-methylcytosine residues in individual DNA strands of 5S rRNA genes in tobacco. The density of methylation along the sequence was high in both strands, exceeding the average methylation density of the tobacco genome. Besides methylation of CG and CNG sequences, considerable amounts of mC were found in non-symmetrical sites. Among 69 sequenced clones obtained from leaf DNA we did not detect any non-methylated clone, and Southern blot hybridisation analysis also failed to suggest the presence of methylation-free 5S rDNA units in the tobacco genome. Differences were observed among methylation patterns of individual sequenced clones. This heterogeneity reflects either heterogeneity among individual members of 5S rRNA gene cluster or differences among individual cells. Methylation of CNG and non-symmetrical sites can be efficiently reduced by treatment with dihydroxypropyladenine, an inhibitor of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase.  相似文献   

Chromosomal features, location and variation of the major and minor rDNA genes cluster were studied in three pufferfish species: Sphoeroides greeleyi and Sphoeroides testudineus (Tetraodontidae) and Cyclichthys spinosus (Diodontidae). The location of the major rDNA was revealed with an 18S probe in two loci for all species. The minor rDNA loci (5S rDNA) was found in one chromosome pair in tetraodontid fishes and four sites located on two distinct chromosomal pairs in C. spinosus. A syntenical organization was not observed among the ribosomal genes. Signal homogeneity for GC/AT-DNA specific fluorochromes was observed in diodontid fish except in the NORs regions, which were CMA3-positive. Giemsa karyotypes of tetraodontid species presents 2n = 46, having the same diploid value of other Sphoeroides species that have been investigated. On the other hand, the karyotype of C. spinosus, described for the first time, shows 2n = 50 chromosomes (4m + 18sm + 12st + 16a). The foreknowledge of the karyotypic structure of this group and also the physical mapping of certain genes could be very helpful for further DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Endogenous pararetroviruses (EPRVs) represent a new class of dispersed repetitive DNA in plants. The genomes of many Nicotiana species and other solanaceous plants are rich in EPRVs. Distinct EPRV families are present in N. sylvestris ( Ns ) and in N. tomentosiformis ( Nto ), the two diploid progenitors of allotetraploid N. tabacum . Nicotiana EPRVs represent an interesting type of repetitive sequence to analyse in polyploids because of their potential impact on plant fitness and the epigenetic architecture of plant genomes. The Ns EPRV family appears identical in N. sylvestris and N. tabacum , indicating little change has occurred in either species since polyploid formation. By contrast, the Nto EPRV family is larger in N. tomentosiformis than in N. tabacum , suggesting either preferential elimination from the polyploid genome or specific accumulation in the diploid genome following polyploidization. The lability of Nto EPRVs might be enhanced by a frequent association with gypsy retrotransposons. Although some EPRVs are probably benign, others are potentially pathogenic or, conversely, determinants of virus resistance. Normally quiescent EPRVs can be reactivated and cause symptoms of infection in hybrids of species that differ in their EPRV content. EPRVs that furnish immunity to the free virus exemplify the selective value of so-called 'junk' DNA. Variation in the abundance and distribution of EPRVs among related species can be useful in taxonomic and evolutionary studies.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 627–638.  相似文献   

Wang JB  Wang C  Shi SH  Zhong Y 《Hereditas》2000,133(1):1-7
The genus Aegilops comprises approximately 25 diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species, in which the genome types of all allopolyploids involve either U or D genome, or both of them. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from 11 allopolyploid species and 7 related diploid species in the genus were directly sequenced by pooled PCR products. Phylogenetic analyses for tracing evolutionary patterns of parental rDNA in allopolyploid species were performed using the neighbor-joining method. The D genome involved tree included three clades (CC-DDCC, DDMM-DDMMSS-DDMMUU, and MM-MhMh-DDNN), but did not include Ae. squarrosa (DD). It indicated that the rDNA of ancestral D genome had been somewhat differentiated in allopolyploids. The U genome involved tree showed that the allopolyploids and their common ancestor, Ae. umbellulata, formed a clade, suggesting that rDNA in UUMM and UUSS genomes has been homogenizing toward that of ancestral U genome. The phylogenetic pattern of U genome based on ITS sequences also supported the "pivotal-differential" hypothesis.  相似文献   

The length variability of the nontranscribed spacer (NTS) of the 5S rDNA repeats was analyzed in species of the genus Lens by means of PCR amplification. The NTS ranged from approximately 227 to approximately 952 bp. The polymorphism detected was higher than previous NTS polymorphisms described in this genus. Three NTS length variants from Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris and 2 from Lens culinaris subsp. orientalis were sequenced. The culinaris NTS fragment lengths were 239, 371, and 838 bp, whereas the orientalis ones were 472 bp and 506 bp, respectively. As a result of sequence similarities, 2 families of sequences were distinguished, 1 including the sequences of 838 and 506 bp, and others with the sequences of 239, 371, and 472 bp. The 1st family was characterized by the presence of a repeated sequence designated A, whereas the 2nd family showed a single A sequence and other repeated sequences designated B, C, and D. The presence of an (AT)n microsatellite was also observed in the 2nd family of sequences. The fragments, which included the 239-bp and 838-bp NTS sequences, as well as the intergenic spacer (IGS) of the 18S-5.8S-26S ribosomal DNA also from L. culinaris subsp. culinaris, were used to localize the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) and the 5S rDNA loci in the chromosomes of several species of the genus Lens by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The selective hybridization of the 2 NTS probes allowed us to distinguish between different 5S rDNA chromosomal loci.  相似文献   

Background: The evolution and biology of rDNA have interested biologistsfor many years, in part, because of two intriguing processes:(1) nucleolar dominance and (2) sequence homogenization. Wereview patterns of evolution in rDNA in the angiosperm genusNicotiana to determine consequences of allopolyploidy on theseprocesses. Scope: Allopolyploid species of Nicotiana are ideal for studying rDNAevolution because phylogenetic reconstruction of DNA sequenceshas revealed patterns of species divergence and their parents.From these studies we also know that polyploids formed overwidely different timeframes (thousands to millions of years),enabling comparative and temporal studies of rDNA structure,activity and chromosomal distribution. In addition studies onsynthetic polyploids enable the consequences of de novo polyploidyon rDNA activity to be determined. Conclusions: We propose that rDNA epigenetic expression patterns establishedeven in F1 hybrids have a material influence on the likely patternsof divergence of rDNA. It is the active rDNA units that arevulnerable to homogenization, which probably acts to reducemutational load across the active array. Those rDNA units thatare epigenetically silenced may be less vulnerable to sequencehomogenization. Selection cannot act on these silenced genes,and they are likely to accumulate mutations and eventually beeliminated from the genome. It is likely that whole silencedarrays will be deleted in polyploids of 1 million years of ageand older.  相似文献   

We used the intergenic spacer sequences of the 5S ribosomal RNA genes (5S rDNA) to obtain insights into the genomic origin of putative amphidiploid/tetraploid species with 2n = 48 and their descendants in Nicotiana. Amplification of the spacer sequences and subsequent multiple alignment using the consensus sequences from each species, showed that two Australian species shared common large deletions, suggesting that the origin of the 5S rDNA is closely related in these species. Comparison of the spacer sequences with those from diploid (2n = 24) Nicotiana species made it possible to detect some groups consisting of the sequences from the 2n = 24 and 2n = 48 level species. Chromosomal localizations of the 5S rDNA arrays were similar in most groups. The relationships suggested by the 5S rDNA were also assessed at the genome level by using genomic in situ hybridization. We showed that the grouping based on the 5S rDNA spacer sequence reflects high genomic homology between 2n = 24 and 2n = 48 level species. As a result, the putative polyploid species such as N. debneyi, N. quadrivalvis, and N. africana were suggested to involve the close relatives of the diploid species such as N. glauca, N. obtusifolia and N. sylvestris, and N. langsdorffii, respectively, in their speciation. Our results are generally in agreement with the relationships previously suggested by morphological and cytogenetic observations, and some novel relationships were also revealed.  相似文献   

5-Oxo-prolinase of cultured tobacco cells is a soluble enzyme predominantly localized in the cytoplasm. To get optimal enzyme activity, the presence of the monovalent cation ammonium and the divalent cations Mg2+ and Mn2+ in the assay mixture is necessary. The enzyme has an extremely alkaline pH—(9.5–10.5) and a high temperature - optimum (55°C). In contrary to the 5-oxo-prolinase from animal cells, where heat-stabilization by 5-oxo-proline is observed, the high temperature optimum of the tobacco enzyme is due to stabilization by ATP. High 5-oxo-prolinase activity in tobacco cell homogenates was not only shown with the co-substrate ATP, but with other purine-nucleotides, too, although ATP was the best co-substrate of the compounds tested. Substrate affinity of the tobacco enzyme (Km 5-oxo-proline = 30.5 μM) is similar to that demonstrated for wheat germ 5-oxo-prolinase. Competitive inhibition by the 5-oxo-proline analogues 2-imidazolidone-4-carboxylic acid(K1= 14.5 μ M ) and dihydroorotic acid (K1=2 m M ) revealed a much higher sensitivity of tobacco 5-oxo-prolinase to these compounds than observed for the mammalian enzyme.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of rDNA loci in Brassica species.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The number of major rDNA loci (the genes coding for 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA) was investigated in the economically important Brassica species and their wild relatives by in situ hybridization of an rDNA probe to metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei. The diploid species B. nigra (B genome) has two major pairs of rDNA loci, B. oleracea (C genome) has two major pairs and one minor pair of loci, while B. campestris (A genome) has five pairs of loci. Among the three tetraploid species arising from these three diploid ancestors, B. carinata (BBCC genomes) has four loci, B. juncea (AABB genomes) has five major pairs and one minor pair of loci, and B. napus (AACC genomes) has six pairs of loci, indicating that the number of loci has been reduced during evolution. The complexity of the known rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns gave little indication of number of rDNA loci. It is probable that chromosome rearrangements have occurred during evolution of the amphidiploid species. The data will be useful for physical mapping of genes relative to rDNA loci, micro- and macro-evolutionary studies and analysis of aneuploids including addition and substitution lines used in Brassica breeding programs.  相似文献   

Studies on genetic diversity help us to unveil the evolutionary processes of species and populations and can explain several traits of diploid-polyploid complexes such as their distributions, their breeding systems, and the origin of polyploids. We examined the allozyme variation of Dryopteris aemula and D. oreades, diploid ferns with highly fragmented habitats, and the allotetraploid D. corleyi to (1) analyze the putative relationship between both diploids and the tetraploid, (2) compare the levels of genetic variation among species and determine their causes, and (3) assess the breeding system of these taxa. The allozymic pattern of D. corleyi confirms that it derived from D. aemula and D. oreades. The lack of genetic diversity in D. aemula, a species of lowland habitats, may be due to genetic drift associated with the contraction of populations in the last glaciation. By contrast, the alpine D. oreades had moderate intrapopulation genetic variation, which may derive from the expansion of populations during the last glaciation. In the latter species, low interpopulational variation suggested effective gene flow (spore exchange), and genotype frequencies in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium indicated cross-fertilization of gametophytes. Evolutionary history appears to be an essential element in the interpretation of genetic variation of highly fragmented populations.  相似文献   

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