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Zooplankton samples were collected in Mejillones Bay, northernChile (23°00'15'S, 70°26'43'W ). Sampling was conductedat 4 h intervals, for 24 h during three seasons, austral spring(October 2000), summer ( January 2001) and winter (August 2001)at three different strata (0–25, 25–50 and 50–100m). Five species of chaetognaths were collected. Sagitta enflatawas the most abundant species, representing up to 65% of allchaetognaths in total numbers, followed by Sagitta bierii, makingup 34% of the total abundance of chaetognaths. S. enflata wasdistributed mainly above the Oxygen Minimum Zone, while S. bieriiremained below this zone. Feeding rates were relatively constantwithin the upper layer (0–25 m depth), for each samplingdate, averaging 1.2 prey S. enflata day–1, and decreasingwith depth. Gut content analyses demonstrated that predationwas principally focused on small copepods (<1500 µm),with greatest feeding activity occurring at night. The dailypredation impact on the total standing stock of small copepodsvaried seasonally between 6% in spring and 0.4% in winter. Thispercentage may represent a negligible impact on the entire copepodcommunity, but it is relevant at the species or genus level,since S. enflata removed more than 20% of the standing stockof Centropages brachiatus and Corycaeus sp. Thus, during someperiods of the year, chaetognaths may strongly influence theabundance and size distribution of copepods in coastal upwellingecosystems.  相似文献   

The annual dynamics of the numbers and distribution of barnaclelarvae in Avacha Inlet were studied. Planktonic cirripede larvaewere found in the area studied from late March at a temperatureof –1–0°C until October. The highest densityof 18 000 m–3 was observed in mid-April. Balanus crenatusand Semibalanus cariosus were the dominant species, Chthamalusdalli and Balanus balanus larvae being less abundant. Naupliardensity was maximal at 0–5 m and decreased with depth.Maximum densities of B.crenatus larvae were observed in RakovayaBay, where there are many ships and a seawater-cooled powerstation. Most nauplii of the intertidal barnacle S.cariosus,which prefers wave-exposed open coast, were taken in the AvachaInlet narrows Settling on artificial substrata was most intensivefrom late May to early June  相似文献   

The sedimentary flux of phytoplankton was measured using sedimenttraps in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Kasumigaura), whereMicrocystis bloomed, from June to November 1983 The sedimenttraps were set at 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 m depth in Takahamairi Bay(3.5 m depth). Microcystis spp. (including M.aerugmosa and M.viridis)in the traps were rare until early August, but increased thereafter.Sinking rates of Microcystis were 0.0045, 0.020 and 0.24 m day–1in June–August, September and October respectively, whichwere far lower than those of Melosira (0.2–1.7 m day–1)and Syncdra (0.2–1.0 m day–1). The total sedimentaryfluxes of POC and that of algal carbon during the study periodwere 283.2 and 96.7 gC m–2 which were 59.5% and 20.3%of the gross primary production (475.8 gC m–2) respectively.The sedimentary flux of living algae measured by algal countswas large in June but small in August and September. On theother hand, the flux of detritus obtained by subtracting totalalgal carbon from POC was small in June and July but large inAugust and September. Therefore diatoms, which appeared mostlyin June, tended to sink as live algae, while Microcystis sankas detritus after being decomposed or consumed in the waterIt was concluded from the results of carbon budget calculationsand the respiration rate of the 1- to 20-µm fraction thatthe activity of decomposers or consumers increased greatly inthe short period at the end of the bloom of Microcystis.  相似文献   

Findings of the cladoceran Diaphanosoma mongolianum have been recorded in lakes Pleshcheevo (since 2004) and Nero (since 2007) in Yaroslavl oblast at the northern boundary of its range. Similar species D. brachyurum, previously described in both lakes, is found in insignificant numbers. In 2004–2015, the seasonal abundance, spatial distribution, and diel vertical migration of D. mongolianum were studied in deep mesotrophic Lake Pleshcheevo. The species was found in the plankton from early June until October, with the maximum abundance in July–August. The late appearance of males and gamogenetic females (September) is characteristic of its population. D. mongolianum was the most abundant in the epilimnion of the pelagic zone, where it performed diel vertical migrations, concentrating in the surface layer (0–2 m) at night and at a depth of 2–6 m during the day.  相似文献   

Results are presented on the phytoplankton species compositionand abundance from bottle samples collected in September 1989near the confluence of the Brazil and Malvinas currents offArgentina. The phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by diatomsand dinoflagellates. A surface diatom bloom was found alongthe west side of the Brazil Current, and was dominated by Thalassiosiradelicatula Ostenfeld emend. Hasle (cell numbers up to 5.5 x105 cells 1–1) The bloom was associated with strong temperaturegradients separating Brazil and Malvinas waters, and with thepresence of a cyclonic eddy near the confluence of the currents.These features were detected in satellite imagery coincidentwith the in situ sampling dates.  相似文献   

Species composition and body-size distribution were studiedin the crustacean zooplankton communities of two limnologicallysimilar lake localities situated 50 km apart in the Pasvik RiverSystem, northern Norway. A recent invasion and successive downstreamexpansion of vendace (Coregonus albula), a specialized zooplanktivorousfish, allowed comparisons between sites with different predationpressures. Vendace had established a high population densityand was the dominant fish species in the pelagic of the upperlocality, but had just invaded the lower locality with a smallnumber of individuals. Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), a closelyrelated but less specialized zooplanktivore species, dominatedthe native fish community of both lakes. The zooplankton communityof the upper locality was dominated in June and August by Bosminalongirostris, the smallest zooplankton species represented inthe water course, and in September by Daphnia cristata. Thelower locality was dominated by the larger Holopedium gibberumand Eudiaptomus graciloides in June, by D.cristata in August,and by D.cristata and B.longirostris in September. The meanbody size of the three most abundant cladoceran species wassignificantly smaller in the upper locality, compared to thelower locality. It was concluded that the invasion and establishmentof a dense vendace population in the upper locality had increasedthe predation pressure in the pelagic, resulting in a reductionof body size and a shift towards smaller species in the zooplanktoncommunity.  相似文献   

The armoured dinoulagellates present in 90 plankton samplescollected by the use of an Apatein closing net were enumerated.The samples were collected from various stations around the20W meridian and between 44 and 60N during the 1988, 1989and 1990 Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS) cruises. Atmost stations, samples were obtained from various depths, althoughin 1990 only the surface zone was sampled. A total of 126 specieswere identified, of which 49 have chloroplasts and are thoughtto be autotrophic, 47 are assumed to be heterotrophic and thenutritional type of the remainder is unknown. The samples collectedduring July 1988 were dominated by large numbers of the twophotosynthetic species Gonyaulax polygramma and Protoceratiunreticulatum (=Gonyaulax grindleyi). The much more intensivesampling of 1989 revealed several Ceratiun species, C.fusus,C.furca and C.lineazum, together with Gonyaulax polygramma,as the most common dinoflagellates. In 1990 the samples, whichwere taken during a Lagrangian survey in May-June, were alsodominated by Ceratium species. This time C.azoricwn was a majorcomponent and Protoceratium reticulatum was again present inhigh numbers as in 1988. A number of analyses were carried outon the data collected. It was found that the majority of themore frequent species were autotrophs and most were membersof the genus Ceraziwn. The effects of depth were shown to resultin reduced numbers of cells and species, but no clear associationwas found between species and depth. After the application ofDetrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) to all surfacesamples, there was found to be a clear association between thespecies composition and both time of year and latitude. Watercolumn stability is also probably an important factor in speciescomposition and cell numbers. Seasonal changes in the frequencyof the main species were also noted with some, such as C.lineatum,being more important early in the summer and others, such asProtoceratium reticulatum and particularly G.polygramma, becomingdominant later. The use of Two-way Indicator Analysis (TWINSPAN)revealed some potential species associations.  相似文献   

Caridean, stenopididean, anomalan and thalassinidean decapodlarvae were collected monthly during daytime hours in KuwaitBay and the Khor al Sabiya from September 1981 through August1982. Most taxa were more abundant during spring through fallmonths and least abundant during winter. Taxa that were somewhatmore abundant along the southern periphery of Kuwait Bay, wherehabitats were more diverse, included Diogenes spp. (Anornala),Upogebia spp. (Thalassinidea), porcellanids (Anomala) and alpheids(Caridea). Larvae which were more abundant along the northernshore and in the Khor al Sabiya, where mud flats are extensive,included Ogyrides orienjalts (Caridea), Enierita ?asiatica (Anomala)and two callianassids (Thalassinidea).  相似文献   

The diversity, ecology, and seasonality for sand flies from two localities in Jenin District, the Palestinian Territories, were studied. A total of 12,579 sand flies (5,420 Phlebotomus and 7,159 Sergentomyia) were collected during the study period. The genera Phlebotomus and Sergentomyia are represented by 13 and nine species and subspecies, respectively. Species account was given for all collected species. CDC light traps yielded 7,649 (60.8%) of the total captured sand flies, while sticky traps and aspirators contributed to 36.4 and 2.8% of the total collected specimens, respectively. Phlebotomus sergenti and P. syriacus showed two peaks, one in July and one in October. Phlebotomus tobbi showed one peak towards the end of the summer in September and August, while P. papatasi showed a bimodal peaks pattern, one in June and one in October. Phlebotomus canaaniticus showed a peak in August. P. perfiliewi transcaucasicus and P. neglectus showed a peak in October. Sergentomyia dentata showed one peak in August and increasing numbers from June to August, declining afterwards. Other species, such as S. theodori, had one peak in June, S. taizi had steady numbers across the summer, and S. christophersi had a peak in August.  相似文献   

The dominant Antarctic copepod species Calanoides acutus, Calanuspropinquus, Rhincalanus gigas and Metridia gerlachei were investigatedwith respect to their abundance, vertical distribution, developmentalstage composition, dry weight and lipid content. The specimenswere sampled during three expeditions to the eastern WeddellSea in summer (January/February 1985), late winter/early spring(October/November 1986) and autumn (April/May 1992) between0 and 1000 m depth to follow the seasonal development of thepopulations. Three species were most abundant in April, onlyC.propinquus reached highest concentrations in February. A seasonalmigration pattern was evident in all four species, but was mostpronounced in C.acutus. In October/November, they inhabiteddeeper water layers, their ascent started by mid-November andin mid-February the species concentrated in the upper 50 m,except for M.gerlachei (50–100 m). Their descent was observedin April/May. The stage composition changed dramatically withseason, the older developmental stages (CIII–CVI) dominatedthe populations in late winter/early spring, whereas youngerstages (CI and CII) prevailed during summer (C.acutus, C.propinquus)or autumn (R.gigas, M.gerlachei). Only C.acutus ceased feedingin autumn and diapaused at depth. Strong differences betweenseasons were also detected in dry weight and lipid levels, withminima in late winter/early spring and maxima in summer (C.acutus,R.gigas) or autumn (C.propinquus, M.gerlachei). Lipid reservesseem to be most important for the older stages of C.acutus andC.propinquus. Based on these seasonal data, different life cyclestrategies are suggested for the four species.  相似文献   

A total of 383 fleas of 11 species were collected off 428 bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) captured near Babaevo (59°4′N, 35°8′E). Three of the species recorded (Amphipsylla rossica, Doratopsylla dasycnema, and Palaeopsylla soricis) were not typical of these rodents, infesting the latter occasionally from other animals, such as the common vole Microtus arvalis and shrews inhabiting adjacent or the same biotopes. Peromyscopsylla bidentata, infesting the bank vole in most part of its range, was recorded only as a single female. Megabothris turbidus was also very rare, being sporadically recorded from May to October; the examined territory probably lies at the northern boundary of its range. The most abundant species, Ctenophthalmus uncinatus, had two peaks of abundance: in April, when adults emerged from overwintered cocoons, and in July. Then their abundance decreased and the last occasional individuals were recorded till December. The year-round parasite Amalaraeus penicilliger was most abundant in winter. Other species were few in number. Adults of Megabothris rectangulatus were recorded from April to August with two peaks of abundance: in April, when they emerged from overwintered cocoons and in July, when the second generation emerged. The univoltine species Peromyscopsylla silvatica emerged in July–August and parasitized till September. Rhadinopsylla integella was the most abundant in October–December, but occasional specimens were recorded in January. The polyxenous species Hystrichopsylla talpae emerged in late July and occurred till September.  相似文献   

Hyperiid amphipods are pelagic crustaceans that live associated with gelatinous zooplankton including medusae, ctenophores, siphonophores, and salps. Standard plankton sampling disrupts natural associations, so the most reliable way to determine an association is through direct observation of the organisms in their environment. The planktonic fauna of the Gulf of California dwelling between 10 and 3000 m was surveyed using SCUBA diving and a remotely operated submersible (ROV) during March 2003. Here we report our observations on a total of 14 symbiotic associations found between the hyperiid amphipods and various taxa of gelatinous zooplankton. We found parental care behavior in a group of amphipods (Oxycephalidae) in which this phenomenon has not been previously reported. For two hyperiid species, Euthamneus rostratus and Vibilia australis, we present the first information on their symbiotic relations. Additional hosts were discovered for other well-known and widely distributed hyperiid species (i.e. Brachyscelus crusculum, Hyperoche medusarum). Photographic evidence of some of these interactions is included in this contribution. This is the first survey of these relationships in the Gulf of California, and many aspects of the ecology and biology of these symbioses remain to be studied.  相似文献   

The diurnal vertical distribution of a large number of speciesof zooplankton, icbthyoplankton and micronekton were determinedin the top 150 m in three locations in the Shelf Water, on theNova Scotia Shelf, and Slope and on Georges Bank during springand fall periods. Species were categorized as to their trophiclevel and their type of diurnal migration behaviour. The influenceof temperature, salinity, and water density on the diurnal verticaldistribution of the species was examined. Temperature was foundto have the greatest influence on the distribution of the largestnumber of species. Diurnal migration behavior of the same speciesin Shelf and Slope water and at different times of the yearwas examined. Results showed that species changed their behaviorin the two water masses, while some species changed their migrationbehavior at different times of the year. During the night inApril the most abundant copepod species, Calanus finmarchicus,making up about 80% of the biomass, was found concentrated abovethe thermocline and the main chlorophyll layer. The majorityof the less abundant species of copepods were found below thethermocline and the chlorophyll layer. At night in August thetwo most abundant copepod species, Centropoger typicus and Paracalanusparvus, making up at least 80% of the zooplankton biomass, werealso concentrated above the thermocline and the main chlorophyllLayer. Three species of copepods were concentrated at the depthof the main chlorophyll layer and two species were concentratedbelow the chlorophyll layer and thermocline. The vertical distributionof other zooplankton and ichthyoplankton species was examinedin relation to the thermocline and chlorophyll layer. Relationshipsbetween concentrations of six species of fish larvae and allspecies of copepods in the same samples showed a general increasein the numbers of larvae m–3 as the numbers of copepodsm–3 increased in a range of 500–4000 m–3.However, the concentration of Merluccius bilinearis decreasedas the concentration of copepods exceeded 4000 m–3 suggestingthat high concentrations of copepods may not be a favourableenvironment for the larvae.  相似文献   

The species composition and abundance of phytoplankton were determined in the Baidarata Inlet (Kara Sea) in August 2005 and July and September–October 2007. A total number of 220 species were found. In the surface layer, phytoplankton biomass ranged from 1.5 to 15.4 mg C/m3 (mean 5.7 ± 3.0 mg C/m3) in July, from 1.2 to 11.8 mg C/m3 (mean 5.2 ± 2.8 mg C/m3) in August, and from 4.4 to 22.6 mg C/m3 (mean 12.8 ± 5.6 mg C/m3) in September-October. In July at different sampling sites, the biomass was dominated by dinoflagellates, diatoms, and chrysophycean. Dinoflagellates dominated at almost all stations in August. Diatoms dominated in autumn with the most abundant species Paralia sulcata.  相似文献   

Synopsis Thermal and depth distributions, diets and time of feeding of young-of-year (YOY) alewives and YOY rainbow smelt were compared for evidence of resource partitioning in southeastern Lake Ontario. YOY alewives were largely epilimnial during August and September, but moved toward the bottom during fall turnover. Alewives were most abundant in the warmest available water. YOY rainbow smelt were concentrated at depths between 10 and 30 m in August and September, but moved into deeper water at fall turnover. Depth distribution of YOY smelt was correlated with temperatures of 8–12°C Both species fed predominantly during day on zooplankton during August and September. Cyclopoid copepods were the most common prey, but bosminids, eubosminids, and occasionally calanoid copepods were frequently eaten. As YOY rainbow smelt grew (> 60 mm), they consumed more Mysis relicta and amphipods, which became the major prey of rainbow smelt by November. YOY alewives consumed mostly zooplankton in all months. Diet overlap of the two species was greatest in warm water (> 12.0° during October (94.3% similarity) and August (80.0% similarity) and lowest in November (16.9% similarity). Positive size-selection on zooplankton was found in all months for YOY rainbow smelt, but only in late September through November for YOY alewives. Thus, during thermal stratification, the species were spatially segregated by water temperature but had a high degree of overlap in time of feeding and types of prey eaten. In contrast, after fall turnover there was a greater separation in diet but a higher overlap in habitat use.  相似文献   

Among the five coexisting species of snail in Edessa (N. Greece),Bradybaena fruticum and Helix lucorum dominated in density andbiomass in comparison with Xeropicta arenosa, Monacha cartusianaand Cepaea vindobonensis. Resting places of each species inrelation to plant cover and diet preferences are examined seasonallyand throughout a year. Discriminant analysis for the annualdata showed that 83% of the snail group species could be differentiatedby the plants on which they were attached. Each snail specieswas usually found sitting on one of the most abundant plants.Cepaea preferred to sit on and eat senescent material even inspring time and Bradybaena green material. In spring, the snailsdid not consume plant material in proportion to the occurrenceof those plants but they usually did so in summer and in autumn.Hedera helix was not consumed even when it was abundant. Inspring and autumn the snails had consumed plants to which theywere found attached, but in summer they did not. (Received 9 August 1993; accepted 14 February 1994)  相似文献   

The stomach contents of fish <100 mm standard length (SL)and fish >100 mm SL collected during June and October intwo deep basins on the Scotian Shelf, showed that juvenile co(and silver hake fed primarily on the two most abundant speciesof zooplankton in the basins: Calanus finmarchicus and Meganyctiphanesnorvegica. These zooplankton were abundant in the basin: duringthe 2 months, forming high concentrations at depths below 200m during the day. In June fish (<100 mm SL) concentratedin the upper 50 m during both day and night. Cod and wolffislcollected between 195 and 240 m had a large percentage of C.finmarchicusin their stomachs suggesting that these fish exploited the highconcentrations of C.finmarchicus below 200 m depth There wasno evidence that Calanus hyperboreus was eaten by any juvenilefish species. Calanus finmarchicus was the most common preyof cod feeding in the top 50 m, but the percentages o C.finmarchicusstages IV and V were lower in the stomachs than in the watercolumn. Cod showed ; strong preference for M.norvegica, withthis prey species having a modified Ivlev's index of 1 indicatingthat cod were highly selective for this species. There was noevidence that C.hyperboreus. stage IV was eaten by any of thespecies offish. Silver hake and dogfish (>100 mm SL) bothfeed oi M.norvegica and C.finmarchicus in the deep regions ofthe basins. In October, silver hake was the most common juvenilefish in the basins, feeding primarily on small stages of M.norvegica.The populations of fish (>100 mm SL) in the basins were mainlyspecies known to feed heavily or euphausiids. The two basinsare unique regions of the shelf because of the large populationsof Calanus copepods and M.norvegica they contain all the yeararound, thereby providing an atrractive feeding ground for manyspecies of fish, particularly silver hake.  相似文献   

Marine cladocerans in the zooplankton samples collected vertically(0–500 m) with Norpac nets at 2–4 week intervalsfrom February 1990 through January 1991 at a station in ToyamaBay, southern Japan Sea, were examined. From mid-March throughearly December, cladoceran populations exhibited five distinctpeaks. in which seven species occurred and showed a species-specific pattern of seasonal distribution. In mid-July. Peniliaavirostris exhibited a prominent peak in population density.Three species of Evadne, E.nordmanni, E.spinifera and E.tergestina,showed a clear ecological separation in time. The first twospecies had a peak density in April and July. respectively,but the last species demonstrated three distinct peaks betweenJune and September. Two congeneric species of the genus Podon,P.leuckarti and P.schmackeri, also did not co-exist in time.Simultaneous horizontal hauls with MTD nets made in June andSeptember 1986 revealed a strikingly marked surface distributionof all species. Evadne nordmanni occurred in June and demonstrateda clear ‘reverse’ did vertical migration, residingin the 30 m depth during the night time and ascending up tothe uppermost water column of 0–10 m during the daytime.Among the four species which occurred in September, E.spinifera,E.tergestina and P.schmackeri also showed a reverse migrationbetween the 30 m depth during the night and the very surfaceduring the day. A different pattern was observed in P.avirostrzs,which was distributed at a depth of 30 m during both the dayand the night with no sign of diel vertical migration. Amongthe more prevalent parthenogenetic individuals, some gamogeneticforms were found to exist in most species occurring in ToyamaBay.  相似文献   

Nitrogen excretion by two surf zone gastropods, Bullia rhodostomaReeve and Bullia digitalis (Dillwyn) was determined under laboratoryconditions. The forms of nitrogen excreted and the effects ofmass, temperature, short-term starvation and feeding on excretionrates were determined for each species. The excretion ratesof B. rhodostoma removed directly from the surf zone (within2 h of capture) were also determined at three temperatures.No significant differences in the forms of nitrogen excretedwere found between starved and fed whelks or between species.Ammonia was the major form of nitrogen excreted with amino acidsof secondary importance. Urea was not detected and a small percentageof total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) excreted was unaccounted forin both species. Mass significantly influenced the rate of ammoniaexcretion in both species. No significant difference in slopes(common b = 0.60) were found between starved B. rhodostoma andB. digitalis or between fed whelks of the two species (commonb = 0.54). Mass adjusted mean ammonia excretion rates of starvedB. rhodostoma and those removed directly from the surf zone(‘natural diet’) did not differ significantly. Adjustedmean ammonia excretion rates of fed whelks were significantlyhigher than ‘starved’ excretion rates in both species.Temperature did not significantly influence ammonia excretionrates of fed B. rhodostoma or starved and fed B. digitalis.Bullia recycle 14.45 to 23.98 g N per metre strip of surf zoneper year which constitutes less than 1% of total phytoplanktonrequirements in the surf zone. (Received 15 August 1989; accepted 16 October 1989)  相似文献   

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