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In a biomechanical investigation of tractus iliotibialis and abdominal wall tissue from rabbits, an analysis was made of the influence that the fibre orientation in specimens as well as the length and width of specimens has on the measured parameters. The mechanical testing was performed with a materials testing machine (Alvetron). The investigation showed that the mechanical characteristics of specimens, when the width was kept constant, depended upon the fibre orientation in the specimens and the length of the specimens. The investigation further demonstrated that in intact abdominal wall no proportionality exists between, on the one side, the width of specimens (2, 4, 6 and 8 mm) and, on the other, the breaking strength, the energy absorption, and the elastic stiffness, respectively. For the 6 day old abdominal wall wounds a proportionality, however, could be demonstrated between the 4 and 8 mm broad specimens on the one side and the breaking strength, the energy absorption, and the elastic stiffness on the other. A possible explanation of the difference between the mechanical characteristics of short and long specimens can be given by the theoretical possibility that the short specimens contain relatively more fibres running all the way through the specimen from clamp to clamp than do the long specimens. The consequences on biomechanical investigations rendered by the result of the analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present study, we compared four macrophage (Mφ) cell lines from different anatomical origins for functional and secretory activities against the two morphogenetic forms of the fungus Candida albicans . We show that all the cell lines actively phagocytize the yeast and exert antimicrobial activity against both forms o3 Candida , although Mφ of microglial origin are the most effective. When assessed for secretory properties, microglial Mφ exhibit a peculiar patten with respect to other Mφ populations under either basal or stimulated conditions. In particular, only microglial Mφ fail to respond to the hyphal form of the fungus (H- Candida ), which instead acts as a potent tumor necrosis factor inducer in the other Mφ cell lines. When exposed to H- Candida , microglial Mφ are indistinguishable from other Mφ in their ability to modulate specific surface adhesion molecules. In addition to strengthening the knowledge on functional heterogeneity among Mφ, our data provide evidence on the peculiar behavior of microglial Mφ. To what extent Mφ heterogeneity may be related to tissue homeostasis is discussed.  相似文献   

Engineering approaches used in the study of textile fibers have been applied to the measurement of mechanical properties of bacterial cell walls by using the Bacillus subtilis bacterial thread system. Improved methods have been developed for the production of thread and for measuring its mechanical properties. The best specimens of thread produced from cultures of strain FJ7 grown in TB medium at 20 degrees C varied in diameter by a factor of 1.09 over a 30-mm thread length. The stress-strain behavior of cell walls was determined over the range of relative humidities between 11 and 98%. Measurements of over 125 specimens indicated that cell wall behaved like other viscoelastic polymers, both natural and man-made, exhibiting relaxation under constant elongation and recovery upon load removal. This kinetic behavior and also the cell wall strength depended greatly on humidity. The recovery from extension observed after loading even up to a substantial fraction of the breaking load indicated that the properties measured were those of cell wall material rather than of behavior of the thread assemblage. Control experiments showed that neither drying of thread nor the length of time it remained dry before testing influenced the mechanical properties of the cell walls. Specimens drawn from TB medium and then washed in water and redrawn were found to be stiffer and stronger than controls not washed. However, tensile properties were not changed by exposure of cells to lysozyme before thread production. This suggests that glycan backbones are not arranged along the length of the cell cylinder. The strength of the cell wall in vivo was estimated by extrapolation to 100% relative humidity to be about 3 N/mm2. Walls of this strength would be able to bear a turgor pressure of 6 atm (ca. 607.8 kPa), but if the increase in strength of water-washed threads was appropriate, the figure could be 24 atm (ca. 2,431.2 kPa).  相似文献   

The flexural modulus and work-to-fracture properties of circumferential lamellar bone from baboon tibia are presented, based on experiments with miniature cantilever bending specimens. Data is provided for specimens in three orthogonal directions that show marked anisotropy. The advantages of such miniature specimens (about 150 microm in diameter and 2 mm long) include the possibility of sampling very small volumes within a heterogeneous structure such as osteonal bone, or studying biological materials that are not available in large enough volumes for conventional mechanical analysis.  相似文献   

1. The mechanical properties of loops of cuticle cut from the abdomens of 5th instar Rhodnius have been investigated. The cuticle shows pronounced viscoelastic behaviour. 2. Stress-relaxation tests show a continuously falling modulus over a wide range of times after the imposition of a strain. 3. Plasticized samples of cuticle show stress-relaxation curves which are shifted along the time axis towards earlier times by up to times 10-3. The modulus at any particular time after the imposition of strain is about 10 times lower than that of the unplasticized cuticle. 4. It is concluded that the mechanical properties of this cuticle are determined, at least for maintained stresses, largely by the matrix material. Chitin microfibrils may act as a reinforcing filler for short-term, rapid stresses. The cuticular macromolecules are probably not extensively cross-linked by primary bonds, though secondary interactions between them are probably important in the viscoelastic properties of the cuticle. 5. Plasticization probably involves a change in either the number or the strength of secondary interactions between the cuticle macromolecules, or both.  相似文献   

Various mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) are evaluated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A tensioning process was first performed on a SWCNT whose interaction is based on the Brenner’s ‘second generation’ potential under varying length–diameter ratios and strain rates, in order to understand the SWCNT’s behaviour under axial tension. The results showed an increase in the SWCNT’s ultimate tensile strength and a decrease in critical strain given the conditions of increasing strain rate and a decreasing length–diameter ratio. Comparison was done with previous studies on axial tensioning of SWCNT to validate the results obtained from the set-up, based on the general stress–strain relationship and key mechanical properties such as the strain at failure and the Young’s modulus. A DWCNT was then constructed, and Lennard-Jones ‘12-6’ potential was used to describe the energy present between the nanotube layers. Extraction of the inner tube in a DWCNT was performed using two inner wall tubings of different diameters to draw comparison to the energies needed to separate fully the outer and inner tubing. Finally, a bending test was performed on two DWCNTs with different intertube separations. Insights into the entire bending process were obtained through analyses of the variations in the strain energy characteristic of the surface atoms near the bending site, as the DWCNT is gradually bent until failure.  相似文献   

We have used micromanipulation to study the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle and the mechanical properties of the chromosomal spindle fibers. Individual chromosomes can be displaced about the periphery of the spindle, in the plane of the metaphase plate, without altering the structure of the spindle or the positions of the nonmanipulated chromosomes. From mid-prometaphase through the onset of anaphase, chromosomes resist displacement toward either spindle pole, or beyond the spindle periphery. In anaphase a chromosome can be displaced either toward its spindle pole or laterally, beyond the periphery of the spindle; however, the chromosome resists displacement away from the spindle pole. When an anaphase half-bivalent is displaced toward its spindle pole, it stops migrating until the nonmanipulated half-bivalents reach a similar distance from the pole. The manipulated half-bivalent then resumes its poleward migration at the normal anaphase rate. No evidence was found for mechanical attachments between separating half-bivalents in anaphase. Our observations demonstrate that chromosomes are individually anchored to the spindle by fibers which connect the kinetochores of the chromosomes to the spindle poles. These fibers are flexible, much less extensible than the chromosomes, and are to pivot about their attachment points. While the fibers are able to support a tensile force sufficient to stretch a chromosome, they buckle when subjected to a compressive force. Preliminary evidence suggests that the mechanical attachment fibers detected with micromanipulation correspond to the birefringent chromosomal spindle fibers observed with polarization microscopy.  相似文献   

Effects of the overstressing induced by the harvest of grafts from the patellar tendon on the mechanical properties and morphometry of remaining tendon were studied using a rabbit model. The width of the patellar tendon was reduced by one-fourth or one-half equally removing the medial and lateral portions; by this surgery, the cross-sectional area was decreased by 25 or 50 percent from the original area. After all the rabbits were allowed unrestricted activities in cages for 3 to 12 weeks, their patellar tendons were harvested for mechanical and histological studies. The one-fourth removal induced no significant changes in the mechanical properties, but significantly increased the cross-sectional area. In the case of one-half removal, tensile strength and tangent modulus did not change in some tendons, although the cross-sectional area increased significantly. In the other central half tendons, mechanical strength decreased markedly, while the cross-sectional area increased; hypercellular areas and breakage of collagen bundles were observed in these tendons. These results indicate that the patellar tendon has an ability of functionally adapting to overstressing by changing the cross-sectional area, while keeping the mechanical properties unchanged, if the extent of overstressing is less than 30 percent.  相似文献   

Acyl-coenzyme-A synthetase I from Candida lipolytica has been purified to homogeneity as evidenced by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of dodecylsulfate as well as by Ouchterlony double-diffusion analysis. The purification procedure involves resolution of cellular particles with Triton X-100 and chromatography on phosphocellulose, Blue-Sepharose and Sephadex G-100. The purified enzyme exhibits a specific activity of 20--24 U/mg protein at 25 degree C, which is about 100-fold higher than those of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases hitherto reported. The molecular weight of the enzyme has been estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecylsulfate to be approximately 84 000. The enzyme is specific for fatty acids with 14--18 carbon atoms regardless of the degree of unsaturation. Studies with the use of specific antibody to acyl-CoA synthetase I have indicated that this enzyme is immunochemically distinguishable from acyl-CoA synthetase II.  相似文献   

Growth-related changes in the mechanical properties of collagen fascicles (approximately 300 microm in diameter) were studied using patellar tendons obtained from skeletally immature 1 and 2 months old and matured 6 months old rabbits. Tensile properties were determined using a specially designed micro-tensile tester. In each age group, there were no significant differences in the properties among cross-sectional locations in the tendon. Tangent modulus and tensile strength significantly increased with age; the rates of their increases between 1 and 2 months were higher than those between 2 and 6 months. The tangent modulus and tensile strength were positively correlated with the body weight of animals. However, growth-related changes in the mechanical properties were different between collagen fascicles and bulk patellar tendons, which may be attributable to such non-collagenous components as ground substances and also to mechanical interactions between collagen fascicles.  相似文献   

The effect of pyrite dust inhalation on the ultrastructure of rabbit tracheal epithelium was studied as a model of mechanic damage of the epithelium from a chemically practically inert aerosol of needle-like structure. Rabbits were eposed to a mean pyrite dust concentration of 49.7 mg/m3 in a solid-aerosol inhalation chamber for intervals of 1/2,2 or 8 h. At each interval, tissue from three animals was examined. Dust particles were found to penetrate gradually into and affect epithelial cells but were not transported further by the cells or phagocytized. Dust particles especially cumulated in the secretory goblet cells. The ciliary border was also deranged and consequently the vital self-cleaning function of the respiratory passages epithelium was impaired.  相似文献   

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