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Comparative properties of lecithin-based liposomes prepared from the mixed phospholipids of sunflower seeds, soybean and egg yolk were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. For these investigations, stable nitroxide radicals, 1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl 5,7-dimethyladamantane-1-carboxylate (DMAC-TEMPO), 5-doxylstearic acid (5-DSA) and 16-doxylstearic acid (16-DSA) were used as spin probes. Binding of the spin probes to the liposome membranes resulted in a substantial increase of the apparent rotational diffusion correlation times. The EPR spectra of the incorporated nitroxides underwent temperature-dependent changes. For every spin probe, values of apparent enthalpy and entropy of activation were calculated from the temperature dependence of rotational diffusion correlation times via Arrhenius equation. In case of DMAC-TEMPO, the data point to differences between the phospholipid bilayer of liposomes derived from sunflower and soy lecithin, and some similarity between the sunflower and egg yolk liposomes. Anisotropic hyperfine interaction constants of DMAC-TEMPO and 16-DSA included in the liposomes have been analyzed and attributed to different micropolarity of the surroundings of the spin probes. The kinetics of EPR signal decay of DMAC-TEMPO in the presence of 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane) suggest the better stability of the sunflower liposomes to lipid peroxidation as compared to the liposomes prepared from soy lecithin.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase activities of pea thylakoids as well as thylakoid fragments enriched either in Photosystem 1 (PS1-membranes) or Photosystem 2 (PS2-membranes) were studied. The activity of PS1-membranes if calculated on chlorophyll basis was much higher than the activity of PS2-membranes. Acetazolamide, a non-permeable inhibitor of carbonic anhydrases, increased carbonic anhydrase activity of PS2-membranes at concentrations lower than 10−6 M and suppressed this activity only at higher concentrations. A lipophilic inhibitor of carbonic anhydrases, ethoxyzolamide, effectively suppressed the carbonic anhydrase activity of PS2-membranes (I 50 = 10−9 M). Carbonic anhydrase activity of PS1-membranes was suppressed alike by both inhibitors (I 50 = 10−6 M). In the course of the electrophoresis of PS2-membranes treated with n-dodecyl-β-maltoside “high-molecular-mass” carbonic anhydrase activity was revealed in the region corresponding to core-complex of this photosystem. Besides, carbonic anhydrase activity in the region of low-molecular-mass proteins was discovered in the course of such an electrophoresis of both PS2-and PS1-membranes. These low-molecular-mass carbonic anhydrases eluted from corresponding gels differed in sensitivity to specific carbonic anhydrase inhibitors just the same as PS1-membranes versus PS2-membranes. The results are considered as evidence for the presence in the thylakoid membranes of three carriers of carbonic anhydrase activity. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 651–659.  相似文献   

The effects of oxalate on PS II and PS I photochemistry were studied. The results suggested that in chloride-deficient thylakoid membranes, oxalate inhibited activity of PS II as well as PS I. To our knowledge, this is the only anion so far known which inhibits both the photosystems. Measurements of fluorescence induction kinetics, YZ* decay, and S2 state multiline EPR signal suggested that oxalate inhibited PS II at the donor side most likely on the oxygen evolving complex. Measurements of re-reduction of P700+ signal in isolated PS I particles in oxalate-treated samples suggested a binding site of oxalate on the donor, as well as the acceptor side of PS I.  相似文献   

Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), combined with site-directed spin labeling, is a powerful spectroscopic tool to characterize protein dynamics. The lineshape of an EPR spectrum reflects combined rotational dynamics of the spin probe's local motion within a protein, reorientations of protein domains, and overall protein tumbling. All these motions can be restricted and anisotropic, and separation of these motions is important for thorough characterization of protein dynamics. Multifrequency EPR distinguishes between different motions of a spin-labeled protein, due to the frequency dependence of EPR resolution to fast and slow motion of a spin probe. This gives multifrequency EPR its unique capability to characterize protein dynamics in great detail. In this review, we analyze what makes multifrequency EPR sensitive to different rates of spin probe motion and discuss several examples of its usage to separate spin probe dynamics and overall protein dynamics, to characterize protein backbone dynamics, and to resolve protein conformational states.  相似文献   

Summary Permeabilities for an homologous series of amine nitroxide spin probes were measured in liposomes of varying composition by an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method. Results show that the rate-limiting step in permeation is not adsorption/desorption at the aqueous/membrane interface for two probes in phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid liposomes and for one probe in phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/phosphatidic acid liposomes. Accordingly, we interpret observed selectivity patterns for the entire series of probes in liposomes and red cells in terms of the properties of the bilayer interior.Results are inconsistent with simple applications of either free volume or hydrocarbon sheet models of nonelectrolyte permeation. In the former case, it was found that liposomes do not select against these probes on the basis of molecular volume. In the latter case, probe permeabilities are all much lower than would be predicted for a sheet of bulk hydrocarbon and the polarity of the rate-limiting region is shown to be greater than bulk hydrocarbon. Together with the results of previous studies of spin-labeled solutes in membranes, as well as studies of lipid dynamics in membranes, these latter results suggest that the rate-limiting region in nonelectrolyte permeation is not in the center of the bilayer, but in the relatively ordered acyl chain segments near the glycerol backbone.  相似文献   

Summary Permeabilities for a homologous series of amine and carboxylate nitroxide spin probes were measured in human red blood cells by an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method. Permeabilities determined in this study are much lower than would be predicted for a sheet of bulk hydrocarbon and the polarity of the rate-limiting region is shown to be greater than bulk hydrocarbon. This suggests that the rate-limiting region for permeation of these nonelectrolytes is somewhere in the membrane periphery rather than in the center of the membrane. The red cell membrane does not discriminate between these probes on the basis of molecular volume, as might be predicted by a simple free-volume theory of membrane permeation.  相似文献   

Robert Bittl  Stefan Weber 《BBA》2005,1707(1):117-126
Photogenerated short-lived radical pairs (RP) are common in biological photoprocesses such as photosynthesis and enzymatic DNA repair. They can be favorably probed by time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods with adequate time resolution. Two EPR techniques have proven to be particularly useful to extract information on the working states of photoinduced biological processes that is only difficult or sometimes even impossible to obtain by other types of spectroscopy. Firstly, transient EPR yields crucial information on the chemical nature and the geometry of the individual RP halves in a doublet-spin pair generated by a short laser pulse. This time-resolved method is applicable in all magnetic field/microwave frequency regimes that are used for continuous-wave EPR, and is nowadays routinely utilized with a time resolution reaching about 10 ns. Secondly, a pulsed EPR method named out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation (OOP-ESEEM) is increasingly becoming popular. By this pulsed technique, the mutual spin-spin interaction between the RP halves in a doublet-spin pair manifests itself as an echo modulation detected as a function of the microwave-pulse spacing of a two-pulse echo sequence subsequent to a laser pulse. From the dipolar coupling, the distance between the radicals is readily derived. Since the spin-spin interaction parameters are typically not observable by transient EPR, the two techniques complement each other favorably. Both EPR methods have recently been applied to a variety of light-induced RPs in photobiology. This review summarizes the results obtained from such studies in the fields of plant and bacterial photosynthesis and DNA repair mediated by the enzyme DNA photolyase.  相似文献   

Ravi Danielsson 《BBA》2004,1608(1):53-61
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to quantify Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII in vesicles originating from a series of well-defined but different domains of the thylakoid membrane in spinach prepared by non-detergent techniques. Thylakoids from spinach were fragmented by sonication and separated by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning into vesicles originating from grana and stroma lamellae. The grana vesicles were further sonicated and separated into two vesicle preparations originating from the grana margins and the appressed domains of grana (the grana core), respectively. PSI and PSII were determined in the same samples from the maximal size of the EPR signal from P700+ and YD, respectively. The following PSI/PSII ratios were found: thylakoids, 1.13; grana vesicles, 0.43; grana core, 0.25; grana margins, 1.28; stroma lamellae 3.10. In a sub-fraction of the stroma lamellae, denoted Y-100, PSI was highly enriched and the PSI/PSII ratio was 13. The antenna size of the respective photosystems was calculated from the experimental data and the assumption that a PSII center in the stroma lamellae (PSIIβ) has an antenna size of 100 Chl. This gave the following results: PSI in grana margins (PSIα) 300, PSI (PSIβ) in stroma lamellae 214, PSII in grana core (PSIIα) 280. The results suggest that PSI in grana margins have two additional light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) trimers per reaction center compared to PSI in stroma lamellae, and that PSII in grana has four LHCII trimers per monomer compared to PSII in stroma lamellae. Calculation of the total chlorophyll associated with PSI and PSII, respectively, suggests that more chlorophyll (about 10%) is associated with PSI than with PSII.  相似文献   

Interaction of filipin and amphotericin B with sterols in phosphatidylcholine membranes has been studied using various spin probes; epiandrosterone, cholestanone, phosphatidylcholine with 12-nitroxide or 5-nitroxide stearate attached to 2 position and also with tempocholine at the head group. Filipin caused increase in the fluidity of cholesterol-containing phosphatidylcholine membranes near the center, while it rather decreased the fluidity near the polar surface. On the other hand, amphotericin B did not apparently affect the fluidity. In the electron spin resonance spectrum of steroid spin probes in the antibiotic-containing membranes, both bound and free signals were observed and the association constant was calculated from the siganal intensity. In the binding of steroids with filipin, both 3 and 17 positions were involved, while the 17 position was less involved in the binding with amphotericin B. Phase change in the host membrane markedly affected the interaction of filipin with epiandrosterone probe. The bound fraction jumped from 0.4 to 0.8 on going to the crystalline state and increased further with decrease in temperature. The overall splitting of the bound signal also increased on lowering the temperature below phase transition. This change was attributed to aggregate formation of filipin-steroid complexes in the crystalline state. On the other hand, effect of phase transition was much smaller on the interaction of amphotericin B with the steroid probe.  相似文献   

A modified method based on EPR spin trapping and triacetylglycerol extraction was used for tissue nitric oxide (NO) detection at room temperature. NO signal intensity was stable for about 1.5 h and the detection limit of this method was less than 200 pmol g–1 tissue. Using this method, we report evidence that NO production in vivo can be inhibited by adriamycin in mice livers.  相似文献   

Effects of walnut oil (WO) on dynamic and thermodynamic properties of 0–50 wt% cholesterol (CH) containing dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and 10 wt% CH containing dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membrane dispersions were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), using 5-doxyl stearic acid (5-DSA) and 16-doxyl stearic acid (16-DSA). Incorporation of 10 wt% WO alone decreased the phase transition temperature and created depth-dependent effects at the gel phase. The order increased close to the head region and decreased in the hydrocarbon core of the DMPC bilayer. For DPPC, the order decreased both close to head region and in the hydrocarbon core. Ten weight percent WO did not have considerable effect at the fluid phase for both DMPC and DPPC. Incorporation of 40 wt% WO into DMPC created an abrupt decrease in the maximum hyperfine splitting values after 305 K. The effect of 10 wt% WO in CH containing DMPC dispersions was dependent on the CH concentration. An increase and a decrease in the order were observed at low and high CH concentrations, respectively. Incorporation of WO created different effects on fluidity of 10 wt% CH containing DMPC and DPPC dispersions. Close to the head group region, the order in DMPC increased both in the gel and fluid phases; but for DPPC, an opposite effect was observed in both of the phases. In the hydrocarbon core of the bilayer, addition of 10 wt% WO into 10 wt% CH containing DMPC decreased the order in the gel phase and WO did not affect the order in the fluid phase. For DPPC, WO effects were observed to alter with temperature. In the studied temperature range, order parameters, diffusion constants and effective tilt angles were obtained from simulations of the spectra using Microscopic Order Macroscopic Disorder (MOMD) and Vary Anisotropic Reorientation (VAR) models. For 16-DSA, spectra were also simulated using two domains with EPRSIM.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts isolated from broad bean (Vicia faba) show major structural reorganisations on heating to temperatures above 35°C. Exposure to increasing temperatures in the range 35–45°;C for 5 min, leads to a progressive destacking of the chloroplast membranes and the replacement of the normal granal arrangement by modified thylakoid attachment sites. An analysis of the size and packing densities of the freeze-fracture particles present in different membrane fracture-faces suggests that this rearrangement reflects the dissociation of the light-harvesting units of Photosystem II. The antennae complexes of Photosystem II appear to cluster together, maintaining regions of membrane adhesion, whilst excluding the core-complexes of Photosystem II and light-harvesting units of Photosystem I from these regions. If the chloroplasts are heated to higher temperatures, 45–55°C, phase-separated aggregates of non-bilayer-forming lipids are often observed. The release of these lipids from their normal constraints within the bilayer is consistent with the idea that they play a role in the packaging of the light-harvesting complexes within the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Energy trapping in Photosystem I (PS I) was studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of PS II-deleted Chl b-minus thylakoid membranes isolated from site-directed mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with specific amino acid substitutions of a histidine ligand to P700. In vivo the fluorescence of the PS I core antenna in mutant thylakoids with His-656 of PsaB replaced by asparagine, serine or phenylalanine is characterized by an increase in the lifetime of the fast decay component ascribed to the energy trapping in PS I (25 ps in wild type PS I with intact histidine-656, 50 ps in the mutant PS I with asparagine-656 and 70 ps in the mutant PS I with phenylalanine-656). Assuming that the excitation dynamics in the PS I antenna are trap-limited, the increase in the trapping time suggests a decrease in the primary charge separation rate. Western blot analysis showed that the mutants accumulate significantly less PS I than wild type. Spectroscopically, the mutations lead to a decrease in relative quantum yield of the trapping in the PS I core and increase in relative quantum yield of the fluorescence decay phase ascribed to uncoupled chlorophyll–protein complexes which suggests that improper assembly of PS I and LHC in the mutant thylakoids may result in energy uncoupling in PS I.  相似文献   

Lipid-protein interactions in thylakoid membranes from lettuce, pea, tomato, and cucumber have been studied using spin-labeled analogues of the thylakoid membrane lipid components, monogalactosyl diglyceride and phosphatidylglycerol. The electron spin resonance spectra of the spin-labeled lipids all consist of two components, one corresponding to the fluid lipid environment in the membranes and the other to the motionally restricted lipids interacting with the integral membrane proteins. Comparison of the spectra from the same spin label in thylakoid membranes from different plants shows that the overall lipid fluidity in the membranes decreases with chilling sensitivity. Spectral subtraction has been used to quantitate the fraction of the membrane lipids in contact with integral membrane proteins. Thylakoid membranes of cucumber, a typical chilling-sensitive plant, have been found to have a higher proportion of motionally restricted lipids and a different lipid selectivity for lipid-protein interaction, as compared with those of pea, a typical chilling-resistant plant. This correlation with chilling sensitivity holds generally for the different plants studied. It seems likely that the chilling sensitivity in thylakoid membranes is not determined by lipid fluidity alone, but also by the lipid-protein interactions which could affect protein function in a more direct manner.  相似文献   

The effects of tricylic antidepressant clomipramine (CLO) on the membrane properties of saturated dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine as well as on unsaturated egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes were investigated by the electron paramagnetic resonance spin-labeling technique, in combination with the simulation of the spectra, taking into account that the membrane is heterogeneous and composed of the regions with different fluidity characteristics. Different spin labels, monitoring membrane properties in the upper and inner parts of the membrane, were used. In general, two spectral components, having different motional characteristics, were detected in all liposomes investigated. In liposomes with saturated chains, CLO decreased the phase-transition temperature, disordered the membrane, and increased polarity in the upper part of the membrane. However, less impact was observed in liposomes with unsaturated chains. In dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes, it also induced molecular rearrangements near the pretransition temperature. The presence of 30 mol% cholesterol increased the fluidizing effect of CLO and modified the lateral diffusion of nitroxide in the inner part of the membrane. A unique anomalous increase in diffusion of nitroxide, dependent on CLO concentration, was detected in the temperature region where the phosphatidylcholine membrane without cholesterol experiences the phase transitions. Since the changes in the central part of the membrane were even more pronounced than in the upper part of the membrane, it could be concluded that CLO incorporates into the membrane with its hydrophobic ring parallel to the phospholipid chains.  相似文献   

Physical properties of thylakoid membranes isolated from barley were investigated by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin labeling technique. EPR spectra of stearic acid spin labels 5-SASL and 16-SASL were measured as a function of temperature in secondary barley leaves during natural and dark-induced senescence. Oxygen transport parameter was determined from the power saturation curves of the spin labels obtained in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen at 25 °C. Parameters of EPR spectra of both spin labels showed an increase in the thylakoid membrane fluidity during senescence, in the headgroup area of the membrane, as well as in its interior. The oxygen transport parameter also increased with age of barley, indicating easier diffusion of oxygen within the membrane and its higher fluidity. The data are consistent with age-related changes of the spin label parameters obtained directly by EPR spectroscopy. Similar outcome was also observed when senescence was induced in mature secondary barley leaves by dark incubation. Such leaves showed higher membrane fluidity in comparison with leaves of the same age, grown under light conditions. Changes in the membrane fluidity of barley secondary leaves were compared with changes in the levels of carotenoids (car) and proteins, which are known to modify membrane fluidity. Determination of total car and proteins showed linear decrease in their level with senescence. The results indicate that thylakoid membrane fluidity of barley leaves increases with senescence; the changes are accompanied with a decrease in the content of car and proteins, which could be a contributing factor.  相似文献   

In order to examine whether the two photosystems, PS I and PS II, are organized in specific electron transporting pairs, or randomly transport electrons from PS II to PS I, the photosystems imbalance of photoactivities (Emerson enhancement) was measured by modulated fluorimetry under different degrees of PS II inhibition in broken chloroplasts, where the granal structures were preserved by the presence of 5 mM MgCl. The results indicate a lack of any measurable specific functional pairing between individual PS I and PS II, in contrast to a previous research work in leaves (Malkin et al. 1986, Photosynth. Res. 10: 291–296). These results and this discrepancy are further discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the pore-forming antibiotic gramicidin on pure lipid membranes is well characterized. We studied its action in protein-rich thylakoid membranes that contain less than 25% (wt/wt) acyl lipids. A transmembrane voltage was induced by flashing light, and its decay was measured and interpreted to yield the distribution of gramicidin over thylakoids, its dimerization constant and its single-channel conductance in this membrane. The distribution of gramicidin over the ensemble of thylakoids was immediately homogeneous when the antibiotic was added under stirring, while it became homogeneous only after 20 min in a stirred suspension that was initially heterogeneous. The dimerization constant, 5×1014 cm2/mol, was about 10 times larger than in pure lipid membranes. This was attributed to the upconcentration of gramicidin in the small fractional area of protein free lipid bilayer and further by a preference of gramicidin for stacked portions of the membrane. The latter bears important consequences with regard to bioenergetic studies with this ionophore. As gramicidin was largely dimerized from a concentration of 1 nm (in the suspension) on, the membrane's conductance then increased linearly as a function of added gramicidin. When the negative surface potential at the thylakoid membrane was screened, the conductance of a single gramicidin dimer agreed well with figures reported for bilayers from neutral lipid (about 0.5 pS at 10 mm NaCl). The modulation of the conductance by the surface potential in spinach versus pea thylakoids and between different preparations is discussed in detail.We would like to thank Ms. H. Kenneweg for photographs. financial support by the DFG (SFB 171/B3) is gratefully acknowledged.This paper is dedicated to the Late Prof. Peter Läger.  相似文献   

Hill activity (photoreduction of 2,6,dichlorophenol indophenol) of heat inactivated (40°C, 3 min) and Tris-washed (0.8M, pH 8.3) thylakoids of Beta vulgaris (beet-spinach) was partially restored if they were incubated with 150 mM MgCl2 prior to the assay. Mg(NO3)2 or MgSO4 were unable to restore this activity. The extent of this reactivation was dependent upon the degree of inactivation by heating and upon the composition of the isolation and the resuspension buffer used during the heat treatment. Washing of heat-treated thylakoids with phosphate-EDTA buffer prior to incubation with MgCl2 did not affect the extent of this reactivation. Chloride ions seem to be required for the reactivation of Hill activity damaged either by heat or by Tris.Most commonly used chloroplast isolation and resuspension media, except for Tris-HCl as resuspension medium, were suitable for restoration of Hill activity in heat-damaged thylakoids by preincubation with 150 mM MgCl2 prior to the assay. Pretreatment with MgCl2 stimulated Hill activity in Tris-treated and heat-damage thylakoids if phosphate buffer was used for their resuspension. However, the same pretreatment inhibited Hill activity in unheated thylakoids isolated in Tris medium and resuspended in the same medium. On the other hand, MgCl2 pretreatment induced restoration of the Hill activity of the heated thylakoids when Tricine or Hepes was used as the resuspension medium. It appears that the presence of Tris somehow hampers the Cl induced reactivation. The stimulation of Hill activity by MgCl2 treatment in unheated (control) thylakoids is possibly induced by Mg2+ ions and not by Cl ions.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DCMU 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1. 1-dimethyl-urea - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - Hepes N-2 hydroxyethyl piperazine-N, 2 ethano-sulfonic acid - HT heat-treated - PS II photosystem II - Tricine N-tri (hydroxymethyl) methyl glycine - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl) amino-methane  相似文献   

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