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Fifteen buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm, genotypes and 94 diploid full-sib progeny were evaluated for western chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), resistance in two separate studies. The experimental design for each study was a completely randomized design. Adult chinch bugs were introduced onto caged single clone genotypes and progeny in the greenhouse. Chinch bug damage was assessed using a 1-5 visual damage rating scale with 1 = < or = 10%; 2 = 11-30%; 3 = 31-50%; 4 = 51-70%; and 5 = > or = 70% of the buffalograss leaf area with severe discoloration, or dead tissue. Highly significant differences were found among the genotypes and progeny for chinch bug damage. Among the genotypes, Legacy, Prestige, 184, 196, Bowie, NE 3297, NE 2769, and NE 2768 were moderately resistant with damage ratings of > 1, but < 3, while NE 2990, NE 2838, and 1-57-19 were moderately susceptible with damage ratings of > or = 3, but < 4. Among the progeny, one progeny (MP45) was highly resistant with a chinch bug damage rating of 1.0, 78 progeny (83%) had moderate resistance, with damage ratings of > 1.0 and < 3.0, 13 progeny (14%) were moderately susceptible with damage ratings ranging from 3.0 to 3.9, while only two were highly susceptible with damage ratings of > or = 4.0. The significant variability among genotypes and progeny for chinch bug resistance indicates the ability to improve buffalograss resistance to chinch bugs through selection or hybridization of selected genotypes.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Nentwig 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):597-606
Summary A 5-year-field experiment was performed in a meadow to test the effect of strip-management (small unmown strips alternating with broad mown strips, Fig. 1) on the abundance and composition of arthropods. The species number and density of most predator groups increased from year to year. The succession (parallel to the development of the unmown strips) favoured more specialized species, so that the initial pioneer species become less abundant in consecutive years. In spiders, this succession leads from a dominance of Linyphiidae to a dominance of Lycosidae; the spider biomass increases and probably predator pressure by spiders is augmented. The stability of the predator community (measured as the variance of their frequency in successive years) is higher than that of the phytophagous groups. Under strip-managed conditions the abundance (activity density) of most arthropod groups decreases by an average of ca. 12%. The trophic levels, however, are affected to different extents and strong species-specific preferences were found as well. These combined effects lead to constant increase in the ratio of predacious and parasitic to phytophagous insects in the strip-managed area and probably lead also to an increase of the predator pressure facing phytophagous insects. Strip-management is discussed as an important technique among integrated methods for the biological control of pests.  相似文献   

Augmentation of beneficial arthropods by strip-management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of strip-management on surface activity, movements and activity density of abundant carabid beetles during two vegetation periods in a cereal field was investigated using mark-recapture techniques. Significantly higher recapture rates, indicating higher activity, were found in the strip-managed area than in the control area, especially in Poecilus cupreus and also in Carabus granulatus and Pterostichus melanarius. Several observations led to the conclusion that this higher activity is generally due to a prolongation of the reproductive period in the strip-managed area. Significantly higher activity densities were found for P. cupreus, Pterostichus anthracinus, C. granulatus and Pt. melanarius in the strip-managed area than in a bordering control area. P. cupreus is greatly attracted to the strips during its migrations, as can be deduced from the high percentage of movements that contact the strips. Also, significantly more marked individuals moved from the control to the strip-managed area than vice versa. Pt. melanarius and Pt. anthracinus show less preference for the strips in their movements than P. cupreus. However, significantly more individuals of Pt. melanarius also moved from the control to the strip-managed area. C. granulatus, on the other hand, kept mainly to the cereal areas. After harvest only Pterostichus niger and Harpalus rufipes distinctly preferred the strips. The generally marked degree of attraction exercised by strip-management on carabid beetles is discussed.  相似文献   

With a projected population of 10 billion by 2050, an immediate priority for agriculture is to achieve increased crop yields in a sustainable and cost-effective way. The concept of using a transgenic approach was realized in the mid-1990s with the commercial introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops. By 2010, the global value of the seed alone was US $11.2 billion, with commercial biotech maize, soya bean grain and cotton valued at approximately US $150 billion. In recent years, it has become evident that insect-resistant crops expressing δ-endotoxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis have made a significant beneficial impact on global agriculture, not least in terms of pest reduction and improved quality. However, because of the potential for pest populations to evolve resistance, and owing to lack of effective control of homopteran pests, alternative strategies are being developed. Some of these are based on Bacillus spp. or other insect pathogens, while others are based on the use of plant- and animal-derived genes. However, if such approaches are to play a useful role in crop protection, it is desirable that they do not have a negative impact on beneficial organisms at higher trophic levels thus affecting the functioning of the agro-ecosystem. This widely held concern over the ecological impacts of GM crops has led to the extensive examination of the potential effects of a range of transgene proteins on non-target and beneficial insects. The findings to date with respect to both commercial and experimental GM crops expressing anti-insect genes are discussed here, with particular emphasis on insect predators and parasitoids.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana conidia were bioassayed for pathogenicity against adult chinch bugs, Blissus leucopterus leucopterus, at varying percent relative humidities (RH). The conidia were found to be invasive and pathogenic at all humidities tested. Normal fungal replication and conidiogenesis, however, occurred only on the hosts incubated at the 75% or higher RH levels.  相似文献   

Large scale replicated field trials were carried out over a 2 year period to quantify the insecticidal properties of 3 foliar fungicides commonly used in wheat fields. Pyrazophos significantly reduced the numbers of many groups of the natural enemies of cereal aphids and the insects known to be vital in the diet of gamebird chicks for up to 4 weeks after spraying. No such reductions were found after the use of either triadimefon or propiconazole. Aphid numbers on plots sprayed with pyrazophos were twice the numbers found on unsprayed plots either 6 weeks after spraying in 1985 or on unsprayed plots and plots sprayed with the other fungicides 20 days after treatment in 1984. In 1985, this necessitated the additional use of an aphicide only on those plots previously sprayed with pyrazophos. The removal of chick food insects following the use of pyrazophos was considered to be sufficient to reduce survival rates of wild gamebird chicks.   相似文献   

Management of lawns that promotes conditions detrimental to the development of insect pests may represent a valuable environmentally benign turfgrass management strategy. In the cool-humid region of Quebec, Canada, we investigated 45 lawns infested with hairy chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus hirtus Montandon, to identify lawn parameters related to its distribution and abundance. Kentucky bluegrass, creeping bentgrass, and perennial ryegrass, respectively, accounted for 55.8, 19.6, and 9.3% of the grass species. Chinch bug population density was associated positively with abundance of perennial ryegrass, whereas it was marginally negatively related with the abundance of creeping bentgrass. An index of the severity of chinch bug infestation was obtained for each lawn by combining estimates of number of infested patches per lawn, average size of the patches, and chinch bug number per patch. The index was associated positively with abundance of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. There was evidence that abundance of creeping bentgrass was associated negatively with the number of infested patches per lawn, area of the patches, and number of chinch bugs within those patches. The number of infested patches increased, whereas patch area and chinch bug number per patch tended to decrease, when broad-leaf weeds were more abundant on a lawn. No significant relationship was found between thatch thickness and patterns of chinch bug abundance and distribution. These results suggest that management of lawns to respectively increase and decrease abundance of creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass could facilitate control of hairy chinch bug populations in cool-humid regions.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to find out whether a change in the alignment of the pyramid from the north-south axis causes any variation in the effects produced by it on plasma cortisol levels and markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes of adult-female Wistar rats. Plasma cortisol and erythrocyte TBARS levels were significantly lower whereas erythrocyte GSH was significantly higher in rats kept in pyramid that was aligned on the four cardinal points--north, east, south and west, as compared to normal control rats. Although there was a significant difference in the plasma cortisol level between normal control group and the group of rats kept in randomly aligned pyramid, there was no significant difference between these two groups for the other parameters. Erythrocyte TBARS levels in the group of rats kept in the randomly aligned pyramid was significantly higher than that in the group kept in the magnetically aligned pyramid. The results suggest that the north-south alignment of the pyramid is crucial for its expected effects.  相似文献   

Reproductive properties of the oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus, were investigated for three types of female adults: brachypters produced in both high and low density populations and macropters produced in high density populations. With respect to egg-laying potential in terms of clutch size, clutch number, and total fecundity, macropters were superior to brachypters produced in the same high density population, although inferior to brachypters produced in the low density population. The mean fecundity of female adults in each type was positively correlated with mean body length. Macropterous females markedly prolonged their initiation of both copulation and oviposition and had a much longer life span compared with both types of brachypters. However, there was no fundamental difference in reproductive schedules between the two types of brachypters.  相似文献   

Chinch bugs are common pests of many agronomic and horticulturally important crops and turfgrasses. The extensive overlap of plant hosts and geographic distribution of Blissus leucopterus leucopterus (Say), Blissus leucopterus hirtus Montandon, Blissus insularis Barber, and Blissus occiduus Barber underscores the importance of identifying resistant germplasm. Cool- and warm-season turfgrasses and sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, were evaluated for resistance to chinch bugs in the Blissus complex, and the presence of multiple resistance was documented. Greenhouse studies established that B. occiduus-resistant ('Prestige', formerly NE91-118) and -susceptible ('378') buffalograsses,, Buchlo? dactyloides (Nuttall) Engelmann, were susceptible to all other chinch bug species. KS94 sorghum exhibited resistance to both B. occiduus and B. l. leucopterus, whereas B. insularis-resistant St. Augustinegrass, Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze ('Floratam'), was also resistant to B. occiduus. B. l. leucopterus-susceptible sorghum ('Wheatland') and B. insularis-susceptible St. Augustinegrasses ('Raleigh' and 'Amerishade') were highly resistant to B. occiduus. Endophyte-free and -enhanced fine fescues (Festuca spp.) were moderately to highly susceptible to B. l. hirtus but moderately to highly resistant to B. occiduus. The results of this research showed the buffalograsses evaluated, including B. occiduus-resistant Prestige, are moderately to highly susceptible to the three other chinch bug species. In contrast, B. occiduus did not cause considerable damage to any of the turfgrasses or sorghum cultivars evaluated, other than buffalograss, irrespective of whether or not they are resistant to another chinch bug species. This information is increasingly important as various grasses become adapted to regions that may possess chinch bug species other than those with which they are typically associated. These levels of Blissus resistance should be included when selecting resistant germplasm for managing Blissus species pests.  相似文献   

The southern chinch bug, Blissus insularis Barber (Hemiptera: Blissidae), is the most important insect pest of St. Augustinegrass, Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze, in Florida and other Gulf Coast states. Resistance to southern chinch bug was identified previously in St. Augustinegrass lines 'FX-10' and NUF-76. Choice and no-choice tests and ovipositional and developmental studies were conducted to determine the categories of resistance in FX-10 and NUF-76 to southern chinch bug. When adult chinch bugs had a choice among attached stolons of three susceptible lines ('Floratam', 'Bitter Blue', and 'Palmetto') and the two resistant lines, chinch bugs were found significantly more often over a 5-d period on the susceptible lines. This result indicates the presence of antixenosis in the resistant lines FX-10 and NUF-76. In a no-choice study, chinch bugs produced less than half as many excretory spots on FX-10 as on the susceptible lines. Significantly fewer excretory spots produced by chinch bugs confined on NUF-76 accumulated by days 3 and 5 after release; however, on the first 2 d, the accumulative number of excretory spots was not significantly less than that found on susceptible lines. The no-choice study confirmed a high level of antixenosis in FX-10, a moderate level of antixenosis in NUF-76, and possible antibiosis in NUF-76. Ovipositional and developmental studies were conducted using only Floratam (a widely planted cultivar that was formerly resistant to B. insularis) and the two resistant lines. Adults released on Floratam produced 11 and 5 times more eggs and 18 and 9 times more offspring than adults on FX-10 and NUF-76, respectively. Plant anatomical and biochemical studies are required to investigate the exact cause of antixenosis in FX-10 and NUF-76 and possible antibiosis in NUF-76.  相似文献   

The insecticidal properties of the foliar fungicide pyrazophos were investigated in autumn- and spring-sown barley crops using several methods to estimate the density of non-target arthropods and by using manipulative experiments. In autumn-sown crops, pyrazophos significantly reduced densities of cereal aphid natural enemies relative to pre-treatment levels compared to areas of crop that were left unsprayed. These significant differences persisted in most groups for over 45 days after treatment. Groups most affected were aphid-specific predators, polyphagous predators, (Carabidae, Staphylinidae but not Araneae) and parasitoids. Insects known to be preferred food items of wild gamebird chicks and other non-target groups such as the Collembola were also significantly reduced in density on plots sprayed with pyrazophos, the effects again persisting for over 45 days. Densities of beneficial and non-target insects were also reduced in plots of spring barley sprayed with pyrazophos. However, the experimental design meant that levels of reductions were not significant for most arthropod groups. Removal of prey items (Drosophila pupae) placed in sprayed and unsprayed spring barley plots showed that the proportion predated was significantly lower on pyrazophos-treated plots compared to those remaining unsprayed, the difference persisting for at least 7 wk after treatment. Removal of cereal aphids from colonies introduced to sprayed and unsprayed plots was also significantly lower on plots treated with pyrazophos. Difficulties of data interpretation associated with experimental design are discussed together with the consequences of the use of broad-spectrum pesticides in I.P.M. programmes in cereals.  相似文献   

The within‐field spatial distribution of beneficial arthropods was assessed using two‐dimensional grids of pitfall traps and suction sampling across two winter wheat fields of 4 and 16 ha, before and after an application of dimethoate. An unsprayed 6 m wide buffer zone was left around half the edge of the larger field. Arthropod numbers fluctuated to varying extents prior to spraying. Two species of Carabidae (Pterostichus madidus and P. melanarius), Linyphiidae, Lycosidae and Aphidius spp. (Braconidae) all showed their greatest reduction after spraying. For five carabid taxa, Tachyporus spp. (Staphylinidae) and Collembola the decline in numbers following spraying was no greater than any reduction found during the pre‐spraying period. Within field spatial distributions of three arthropod groups were analysed using SADIE. P. madidus, present in patches across the centre of both fields prior to spraying, was removed by dimethoate and by 34 days after spraying had recovered most at the field edges. Linyphiidae were evenly distributed across both fields prior to spraying. Their numbers were reduced considerably by dimethoate and they did not recover to pre‐spray levels. However, where recovery occurred this was across the centre of both fields indicating their potential to reinvade whole fields. Aphidius species were also evenly distributed across both fields prior to spraying, but did not recover after spraying. Some, but not all arthropods survived within the unsprayed buffer zone and there was some indication that reinvasion of the mid‐field was more extensive where this was present. The importance of field margins with respect to insecticide treatments is discussed.  相似文献   

The wing polymorphism of the oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus, was studied in relation to its reproductive strategy. The frequency distribution of wing form in terms of the relative wing length (R.W.L.) changed with increase in the population density from a single modality biased toward the brachypterous form to bimodality with both macropterous and more extreme brachypterous forms. Since some evidences in the field showed that fliers are limited to macropters, such a bimodality of wing form indicated that C. saccharivorus employs a mixed strategy with some portion of adults staying on in the same habitat, whereas the rest disperse. Moreover, macropters were larger in body size than brachypters emerging in high density populations, although smaller than brachypters emerging in low density populations. Larger body size as well as the delay of ovarian maturation in macropters was considered to be a beneficial trait for migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

In order to improve IPM programs in carrot, 7 fungicides, 12 herbicides and 9 insecticides commonly used in Belgium were tested for their toxicity towards five beneficial arthropods representative of most important natural enemies encountered in carrot: parasitic wasps - Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), ladybirds - Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae), hoverfly - Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt.. Syrphidae), rove beetle - Aleochara bilineata (Col., Staphylinidae) and carabid beetle - Bembidion lampros (Col., Carabidae). Initialy, all plant protection products were tested on inert substrate glass plates or sand according to the insect. Products with a corrected mortality (CM) or a parasitism reduction (PR) lower than 30% were kept for the constitution of positive list (green list). The other compounds were further tested on plant for A. rhopalosiphi, A. bipunctata, E. balteatus and soil for B. lampros and A. bilineata. With these extended laboratory tests results, products were listed in toxicity class: green category [CM or PR < or = 30%], yellow category [30% < CM or PR < or = 60%] and orange category [60% < CM or PR < or = 80%]. Products with toxicity higher than 80% on plants or that reduce parasitism more than 80% on soil were put in red category and are not recommended to Integrated Pest Management programs in carrot. Results showed that all fungicides tested were harmless to beneficials except Tebuconazole, which was slightly harmful for A. bipunctata. Herbicides were also harmless for soil beneficials, except Chlorpropham. This product was very toxic on sand towards A. bilineata and must be tested on soil. All soil insecticides tested were very toxic for ground beneficials and considered as non-selective. Their use in IPM is subject to questioning in view of negative impacts on beneficials. Among foliar insecticides, Dimethoate and Deltamethrin are not recommended for IPM because their high toxicity for all beneficials. The other foliar insecticides were more selective; any of them were harmless for all species tested.  相似文献   

In order to promote IPM programmes in potato, the toxicity of 19 fungicides, 4 herbicides and 11 insecticides commonly used in this crop in Belgium was assessed on three beneficial arthropods. These species were representative of the most important aphid specific natural enemies encountered in potatoes: a parasitic wasp--Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), a ladybird--Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae) and a hoverfly--Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt., Syrphidae). In a first time, pesticides were tested on glass plates on A. rhopalosiphi adults and A. bipunctata and E. balteatus larvae. For each insect, products inducing corrected mortality (Mc) lower than 30% were directly classified in a positive list for harmless products (green list). The other compounds were further tested on plants and listed in toxicity classes according to mortalities induced during this extended laboratory test: harmless (Mc < 30%), slightly harmful (30% < Mc < 60%), moderately harmful (60% < Mc < 80%) and harmful (Mc > 80). A chemical determination of pesticides residues was also performed for each experiment in order to determine the exposure of beneficial arthropods to pesticide residues and to validate the application of chemicals on tested substrates. On the basis of the results of acute toxicity tests, the period of each pesticide use according to normal agricultural practices and the abundance and importance of the three different groups of aphid natural enemies at different periods of the year, four pesticides lists were built up. Each list corresponded to a different period of pesticides application: Period I--from seedling to beginning of June (based on A. rhopalosiphi tests), Period II--beginning to end of June (based on A. rhopalosiphi tests), Period III beginning to end of July (based on E. balteatus and A. bipunctata tests) and Period IV--August to harvest (no exposure of beneficials). Results showed that herbicides were not toxic to the three species and can be used according to normal agricultural practices without restrictions. All fungicides can also be used without restrictions at recommended rates. Only the mixture Metalaxyl-M + Fluazinam was slightly harmful to A. bipunctata but had no effects on A. rhopalosiphi and E. balteatus. Results were more contrasted for insecticides and none of them was totally selective for all the 3 beneficial arthropods. Therefore, they can only be used with restrictions at periods II and III, according to the beneficial species that need to be protected.  相似文献   

Species-rich grasslands are rare in the Netherlands and need consistent vegetation management to retain their characteristic biodiversity. Roadside verges are important refuges for grassland plants since the mowing management no longer aims at traffic safety only but also strives for botanical diversity. Although arthropods are highly abundant in roadside verges, the effect of different mowing practices on this group is largely unknown. During 4 years, we studied ground beetles, weevils, ants and ground-dwelling spiders with pitfall traps in experimental plots in roadside verges with five different mowing treatments: (i) no management, (ii) and (iii) mowing once a year with and without hay removal, (iv) and (v) mowing twice a year with and without hay removal. This was done in a plant productivity gradient; the experiment was repeated in low-, medium- and high-productive verges. In the low-productive site, the effect of management on the arthropods only existed in a higher abundance in plots mown twice per year with hay removal. In the medium- and high-productive sites, mowing twice a year with hay removal resulted not only in highest abundances but also in highest arthropod species richness. Mowing twice without hay removal and mowing once with removal showed intermediate values, while mowing once per year without removal and particularly the absence of management resulted in low diversity and low abundance. To promote ground-dwelling arthropods in medium-to-high-productive grassland verges, we recommend a management of mowing twice a year with the removal of hay. It is reasoned that some form of rotational management, aiming at leaving some vegetation refuges intact after mowing events, may further promote arthropod survival. However, caution should be taken that these refuges are not too large, as overall suitability for ground-dwelling arthropod decreases rapidly in such patches. Out of several studied vegetation characteristics, the number of flowering plant species (medium-productive verge) and total flower abundance (high-productive verge) appeared to represent suitable, and easily monitored, proxies that significantly mirror arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

Reproduction and egg diapause of the oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus, in the subtropical winter season were investigated in relation to its wing polymorphism. Macropterous females collected from the southern part of Okinawa Is. in the autumn season delayed their oviposition and were less fecund early in the adult life period, but survived much longer than brachypterous females collected from the same locality. The total fecundity was not significantly different between wing morphs. The diapause of eggs laid by brachypters tended to be terminated more easily at a high temperature than that of eggs laid by macropters. This indicated that the eggs laid by macropters were more intense in their diapause than those laid by brachypters. However, irrespective of the parental wing form, diapause showed considerable variation in its intensity within and between clutches.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations of the wing form and the relative wing length between females and males were estimated in the oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus, by calculating the correlation between the sexes of the proportion macropterous or the mean relative wing length in full-sib families obtained from different wing forms of parents emerged in a high density population. There was a significantly positive genetic correlation between the sexes in both the proportion macropterous and the mean relative wing length. However, the appearance rate of macropters tended to be much lower in males than in females under the rearing conditions which promote the appearance of macropters. This was evident especially in the offspring of brachypterous parents. These indicated that in C. saccharivorus the wing polymorphism of males is not a simple result of the genetic correlation of wing morphology between the two sexes. It was considered that both of the female and male fitness advantages to wing reduction, as well as the genetic correlation between the sexes, would influence the evolution of wing polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

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