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The metabolism of Streptococcus pneumoniae was studied by isotopologue profiling after bacterial cultivation in chemically defined medium supplemented with [U-(13)C(6)]- or [1,2-(13)C(2)]glucose. GC/MS analysis of protein-derived amino acids showed lack of (13)C label in amino acids that were also essential for pneumococcal growth. Ala, Ser, Asp, and Thr displayed high (13)C enrichments, whereas Phe, Tyr, and Gly were only slightly labeled. The analysis of the labeling patterns showed formation of triose phosphate and pyruvate via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. The labeling patterns of Asp and Thr suggested formation of oxaloacetate exclusively via the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase reaction. Apparently, α-ketoglutarate was generated from unlabeled glutamate via the aspartate transaminase reaction. A fraction of Phe and Tyr obtained label via the chorismate route from erythrose 4-phosphate, generated via the pentose phosphate pathway, and phosphoenolpyruvate. Strikingly, the data revealed no significant flux from phosphoglycerate to Ser and Gly but showed formation of Ser via the reverse reaction, namely by hydroxymethylation of Gly. The essential Gly was acquired from the medium, and the biosynthesis pathway was confirmed in experiments using [U-(13)C(2)]glycine as a tracer. The hydroxymethyl group in Ser originated from formate, which was generated by the pyruvate formate-lyase. Highly similar isotopologue profiles were observed in corresponding experiments with pneumococcal mutants deficient in PavA, CodY, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase pointing to the robustness of the core metabolic network used by these facultative pathogenic bacteria. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the dual utilization of carbohydrates and amino acids under in vitro conditions and identifies the unconventional de novo biosynthesis of serine by pneumococci.  相似文献   

目的:研制猪链球菌2型(SS2)全基因组DNA芯片,建立SS2基因表达谱技术平台。方法:利用SS2全基因组序列,挑选出2194条基因,经PCR扩增出2156条基因并将产物纯化,点样制备芯片;将芯片用于表达谱研究,采用实时定量PCR验证表达谱结果,对芯片进行可靠性分析。结果:芯片杂交数据与实时定量PCR验证显示了较高的相关性,二者相关系数r=0.87。结论:研制了一批SS2全基因组DNA芯片,并建立了基于DNA芯片的表达谱技术平台。  相似文献   

利用同源重组基因敲除方法构建猪链球菌2型(Streptococcus suis serotype2,S.suis2)中国强毒株05ZYH33菌毛骨架蛋白(Backbone protein,BP)编码基因SSU2101敲除突变株。采用引物特异性PCR分析、Southern杂交及RT-PCR等方法鉴定,证实成功构建了BP基因缺失突变株。生物学特性显示,突变株的菌落形态、溶血活性以及染色特性方面与野生株之间均无明显差异。小鼠致病性试验结果显示,突变株的毒力比野生株显著减弱。研究结果提示菌毛在S.suis2感染致病过程中起重要作用,为系统研究S.suis2菌毛分子装配机制及其生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:探究2型猪链球菌(S.suis2)强毒株05ZYH33的srtF基因簇编码的菌毛结构亚蛋白SSU0473的细菌定位及其免疫保护效能。方法:原核表达截短的SSU0473(tSSU0473),并以亲和层析法纯化目的蛋白,Western印迹检测tSSU0473蛋白的免疫原性,ELISA法检测多抗血清的效价及IgG亚型,小鼠试验测试重组蛋白的免疫保护效能,免疫电镜观测tSSU0473蛋白的细菌定位。结果:在原核系统中表达了tSSU0473蛋白;ELISA结果显示重组蛋白能够刺激小鼠产生高效价的免疫抗体;动物试验表明tSSU0473蛋白免疫小鼠可抵御致死剂量病原体的攻击,显示出较好的免疫保护作用;免疫电镜检测显示tSSU0473蛋白定位于细菌表面。结论:菌毛亚蛋白tSSU0473是S.suis2膜表面蛋白,具有良好的免疫原性和免疫保护性,可作为S.suis2亚单位疫苗的候选分子。研究结果为系统揭示S.suis2的菌毛生物学结构与功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]为了研究噬菌体整合酶基因在猪链球菌2型(Streptococcus suis type 2,SS2)中的分布情况.[方法]根据噬菌体整合酶基因设计引物,建立了PCR方法,并对扩增产物进行测序.[结果]结果显示,25株SS2致病菌株均扩增出目的片段,非毒力株T15、5株其它血清型猪链球菌及兰氏C群猪源链球菌未扩增出目的片段.经丝裂霉素C诱导后,SS2致病菌株出现完全的细胞溶解,而非毒力株T15未出现溶解.SS2致病株HA9801和ZY05719诱导均产生溶原性噬菌体,分别命名为SS2-HA和SS2-ZY,电镜观察,二者均头部呈正六边形,无尾部,其核酸类型为dsDNA,可鉴定为复层噬菌体科(Tectiviridae)的成员.噬菌体SS2-HA和SS2-ZY整合酶基因序列与已报道的SS2噬菌体整合酶基因序列高度同源,显示SS2噬菌体整合酶具有较高的特异性.[结论]从SS2致病株中检出溶原性噬菌体和噬菌体整合酶基因,且噬菌体整合酶基因与SS2溶菌酶释放蛋白(mrp)等7种毒力相关基因有相关性,表明SS2的溶原性噬菌体可能与其致病性有关.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila survives and replicates within a Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) of amoebae and macrophages. Less is known about the carbon metabolism of the bacteria within the LCV. We have now analyzed the transfer and usage of amino acids from the natural host organism Acanthamoeba castellanii to Legionella pneumophila under in vivo (LCV) conditions. For this purpose, A. castellanii was 13C-labeled by incubation in buffer containing [U-13C6]glucose. Subsequently, these 13C-prelabeled amoebae were infected with L. pneumophila wild type or some mutants defective in putative key enzymes or regulators of carbon metabolism. 13C-Isotopologue compositions of amino acids from bacterial and amoebal proteins were then determined by mass spectrometry. In a comparative approach, the profiles documented the efficient uptake of Acanthamoeba amino acids into the LCV and further into L. pneumophila where they served as precursors for bacterial protein biosynthesis. More specifically, A. castellanii synthesized from exogenous [U-13C6]glucose unique isotopologue mixtures of several amino acids including Phe and Tyr, which were also observed in the same amino acids from LCV-grown L. pneumophila. Minor but significant differences were only detected in the isotopologue profiles of Ala, Asp, and Glu from the amoebal or bacterial protein fractions, respectively, indicating partial de novo synthesis of these amino acids by L. pneumophila. The similar isotopologue patterns in amino acids from L. pneumophila wild type and the mutants under study reflected the robustness of amino acid usage in the LCV of A. castellannii.  相似文献   

构建2型猪链球菌(Streptococcus suis serotype 2,S.suis 2)中国强毒株05ZYH33的sao基因敲除突变株。构建中间为壮观霉素抗性基因,两侧为sao编码基因上下游同源序列的基因敲除载体,同源重组筛选sao基因敲除突变株。PCR、RT-PCR、Western Blot对疑似突变株进行验证,实验结果均证实sao基因完全被spc抗性基因替代,成功构建了突变株05ZYH33-sao。对野生型菌株和突变株进行菌落溶血活性、生长特性、小鼠致病性比较,结果表明sao基因的敲除并未使野生型菌株在以上三方面产生明显的变化。筛选获得的05ZYH33 sao基因突变株为进一步研究sao基因在05ZYH33致病过程中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【目的】噬菌体具有防控耐药性病原菌的抗菌应用潜力,但是有些病原菌噬菌体的获得非常困难,研究发现大多数病原菌存在前噬菌体(prophage),且由前噬菌体编码的裂解酶(endolysin)具有良好的抗菌应用前景,本研究将挖掘猪链球菌前噬菌体及其编码的裂解酶。【方法】通过对GenBank中登录的数株猪链球菌前噬菌体裂解酶的基因信息分析,挖掘出一株猪链球菌7型菌株前噬菌体编码的裂解酶,研究其生物学活性。以猪链球菌7型菌株7917的基因组为模板,采用PCR技术扩增获得裂解酶基因ly7917,将其克隆至质粒pET28a(+)并转化大肠杆菌DH5α细胞,挑选基因序列正确的阳性克隆、抽提质粒、转化表达菌株大肠杆菌BL21,经IPTG诱导可高效表达裂解酶Ly7917。【结果】平板裂解试验结果显示Ly7917具有高效裂菌活性,能够裂解猪链球菌2型高致病力菌株HA9801;浊度递减试验结果显示该裂解酶能够高效裂解猪链球菌2型、7型、9型和马链球菌兽疫亚种参考株、金黄色葡萄球菌(包括耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)等多种革兰氏阳性菌。【结论】基于前噬菌体挖掘的裂解酶Ly7917,具有高效广谱裂菌活性,为临床上利用裂解酶治疗耐药菌的混合感染提供了可能。  相似文献   

目的:构建2型猪链球菌强毒株05ZYH33中MocR家族转录调控因子SSU0562基因敲除的突变株,探索SSU0562基因缺失对细菌基本生物学特性和毒力的影响。方法:构建左右两侧为SSU0562基因上下游的同源序列,中间部分为壮观霉素抗性基因(Spcr)的基因敲除质粒,通过同源重组的方法筛选SSU0562基因敲除突变株Δ0562。对突变株与野生株的基本生物学特性进行系统的比较分析,并且将小鼠作为动物感染的模型来研究突变株的毒力。结果:组合PCR的分析及基因测序结果均表明Spcr完全取代了S.suis2中SSU0562基因位点,表明基因敲除突变体Δ0562构建成功,反转录PCR(RT-PCR)证实了突变株Δ0562中SSU0562基因在转录水平的缺失;在溶血活性、生长速率及对小鼠的致病力方面,突变株Δ0562与野生株05ZYH33相比均无显著差别,然而革兰染色实验显示突变株Δ0562的成链能力明显减弱。结论:猪链球菌强毒株05ZYH33的毒力并未因SSU0562基因的缺失而发生显著性改变,表明SSU0562基因并非猪链球菌的毒力决定因子,但很有可能参与猪链球菌成链能力的调控。  相似文献   

目的:构建2型猪链球菌假想转运蛋白89k/pTP的基因插入失活突变体并进行毒力相关分析。方法:首先将同源臂片段克隆到pSET4s质粒上,构建插入失活载体pSET4s-pTP,并通过对单交换的筛选获得89k/pTP的基因插入失活突变体,再用小鼠腹腔感染模型对突变株和野生株的毒力进行比较。结果:获得了89k/pTP的基因插入失活突变体,并发现其毒力与野生型相比明显下降。结论:2型猪链球菌假想转运蛋白89k/pTP与其毒力有关,其作用和机制值得进一步分析。  相似文献   

目的:克隆表达2型猪链球菌葡萄糖胺-6-磷酸脱氨酶(NagB)编码基因,并测定其酶反应体系活性。方法:根据2型猪链球菌05ZYH33基因组序列,全合成nagB基因(ssu05_0195),并将其克隆至pET32a载体,在大肠杆菌中表达;利用Ni亲和层析柱纯化表达产物,获得纯化的NagB蛋白,Western印迹鉴定后测定其酶反应体系活性。结果:在大肠杆菌中高效表达了nagB基因,重组NagB相对分子质量约为56×10~3;在25℃、pH9.5、底物浓度为15 mmol/L、反应40 min时,NagB酶促反应体系表现出最大活性;在最适条件下,2型猪链球菌中NagB酶促反应体系的体外活性为3.73 U/mL,酶比活为12.43 U/mg。结论:2型猪链球菌05ZYH33中含有编码NagB的nagB基因,在原核系统中表达的NagB蛋白具有酶学活性。  相似文献   

Although closely related at the molecular level, the capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of serotype 10F Streptococcus pneumoniae and coaggregation receptor polysaccharide (RPS) of Streptococcus oralis C104 have distinct ecological roles. CPS prevents phagocytosis of pathogenic S. pneumoniae, whereas RPS of commensal S. oralis functions as a receptor for lectin-like adhesins on other members of the dental plaque biofilm community. Results from high resolution NMR identified the recognition region of S. oralis RPS (i.e. Galfβ1–6GalNAcβ1–3Galα) in the hexasaccharide repeat of S. pneumoniae CPS10F. The failure of this polysaccharide to support fimbriae-mediated adhesion of Actinomyces naeslundii was explained by the position of Galf, which occurred as a branch in CPS10F rather than within the linear polysaccharide chain, as in RPS. Carbohydrate engineering of S. oralis RPS with wzy from S. pneumoniae attributed formation of the Galf branch in CPS10F to the linkage of adjacent repeating units through sub terminal GalNAc in Galfβ1–6GalNAcβ1–3Galα rather than through terminal Galf, as in RPS. A gene (wcrD) from serotype 10A S. pneumoniae was then used to engineer a linear surface polysaccharide in S. oralis that was identical to RPS except for the presence of a β1–3 linkage between Galf and GalNAcβ1–3Galα. This polysaccharide also failed to support adhesion of A. naeslundii, thereby establishing the essential role of β1–6-linked Galf in recognition of adjacent GalNAcβ1–3Galα in wild-type RPS. These findings, which illustrate a molecular approach for relating bacterial polysaccharide structure to function, provide insight into the possible evolution of S. oralis RPS from S. pneumoniae CPS.  相似文献   

利用同源重组基因敲除方法构建猪链球菌2型强毒株05ZYH33唾液酸合成酶neuB基因敲除突变株。PCR和Southern杂交结果均显示neuB基因在1株转化重组体中完全被壮观霉素抗性基因替代, 表明neuB基因敲除突变体构建成功。生物学特性鉴定显示, 突变体与强毒株在菌落形态、溶血活性以及染色特性方面均无明显差异; 电镜检查发现突变体表面结构组分与强毒株有显著差异, 荚膜明显变薄, 质地更加紧密; 小鼠致病性试验结果显示, 突变体毒力显著减弱。研究结果提示菌体荚膜中的唾液酸对于猪链球菌2型侵袭和致病具有重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】 通过构建2型猪链球菌(SS2)强毒株05ZYH33的SSU0448基因缺失突变株Δ0448和互补株CΔ0448,探索SSU0448基因缺失对细菌基本生物学特性和细菌毒力的影响。【方法】用同源重组基因敲除方法构建筛选强毒株05ZYH33中N-乙酰半乳糖胺和半乳糖胺代谢途径相关转录调节因子SSU0448基因的缺失突变株,比较分析突变株Δ0448与野生株05ZYH33、互补株CΔ0448的基本生物学特性,小鼠毒力实验分析SSU0448基因缺失对细菌毒力的影响。【结果】PCR检测分析显示,SSU0448基因在转化重组体中被壮观霉素抗性基因所替代,表明基因敲除突变株构建成功;同时构建了基因功能互补株CΔ0448。生物学特性实验表明突变株Δ0448在成链能力上较野生株明显减弱,对数生长期稍短,快速到达平台期;而菌落形态、革兰氏染色和溶血活性方面无明显差异;小鼠毒力实验发现,突变株毒力并无显著改变。【结论】SSU0448基因的敲除能够改变2型猪链球菌的成链能力;不影响其侵袭致病能力,可能延缓2型猪链球菌的发病过程,此研究为2型猪链球菌致病感染奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Streptococcus sanguinis is a cause of infective endocarditis and has been shown to require a manganese transporter called SsaB for virulence and O2 tolerance. Like certain other pathogens, S. sanguinis possesses aerobic class Ib (NrdEF) and anaerobic class III (NrdDG) ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) that perform the essential function of reducing ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. The accompanying paper (Makhlynets, O., Boal, A. K., Rhodes, D. V., Kitten, T., Rosenzweig, A. C., and Stubbe, J. (2014) J. Biol. Chem. 289, 6259–6272) indicates that in the presence of O2, the S. sanguinis class Ib RNR self-assembles an essential diferric-tyrosyl radical (FeIII2-Y) in vitro, whereas assembly of a dimanganese-tyrosyl radical (MnIII2-Y) cofactor requires NrdI, and MnIII2-Y is more active than FeIII2-Y with the endogenous reducing system of NrdH and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1). In this study, we have shown that deletion of either nrdHEKF or nrdI completely abolishes virulence in an animal model of endocarditis, whereas nrdD mutation has no effect. The nrdHEKF, nrdI, and trxR1 mutants fail to grow aerobically, whereas anaerobic growth requires nrdD. The nrdJ gene encoding an O2-independent adenosylcobalamin-cofactored RNR was introduced into the nrdHEKF, nrdI, and trxR1 mutants. Growth of the nrdHEKF and nrdI mutants in the presence of O2 was partially restored. The combined results suggest that MnIII2-Y-cofactored NrdF is required for growth under aerobic conditions and in animals. This could explain in part why manganese is necessary for virulence and O2 tolerance in many bacterial pathogens possessing a class Ib RNR and suggests NrdF and NrdI may serve as promising new antimicrobial targets.  相似文献   

The green alga Hematococcus pluvialis accumulates large amounts of the antioxidant astaxanthin under inductive stress conditions, such as nitrogen starvation. The response to nitrogen starvation and high light leads to the accumulation of carbohydrates and fatty acids as well as increased activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Although the behavior of individual pathways has been well investigated, little is known about the systemic effects of the stress response mechanism. Here we present time-resolved metabolite, enzyme activity, and physiological data that capture the metabolic response of H. pluvialis under nitrogen starvation and high light. The data were integrated into a putative genome-scale model of the green alga to in silico test hypotheses of underlying carbon partitioning. The model-based hypothesis testing reinforces the involvement of starch degradation to support fatty acid synthesis in the later stages of the stress response. In addition, our findings support a possible mechanism for the involvement of the increased activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in carbon repartitioning. Finally, the in vitro experiments and the in silico modeling presented here emphasize the predictive power of large scale integrative approaches to pinpoint metabolic adjustment to changing environments.  相似文献   

To cause colonization or infection, most bacteria grow in biofilms where differentiation and death of subpopulations is critical for optimal survival of the whole population. However, little is known about initiation of bacterial death under physiological conditions. Membrane depolarization has been suggested, but never shown to be involved, due to the difficulty of performing such studies in bacteria and the paucity of information that exists regarding ion transport mechanisms in prokaryotes. In this study, we performed the first extensive investigation of ion transport and membrane depolarization in a bacterial system. We found that HAMLET, a human milk protein-lipid complex, kills Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) in a manner that shares features with activation of physiological death from starvation. Addition of HAMLET to pneumococci dissipated membrane polarity, but depolarization per se was not enough to trigger death. Rather, both HAMLET- and starvation-induced death of pneumococci specifically required a sodium-dependent calcium influx, as shown using calcium and sodium transport inhibitors. This mechanism was verified under low sodium conditions, and in the presence of ionomycin or monensin, which enhanced pneumococcal sensitivity to HAMLET- and starvation-induced death. Pneumococcal death was also inhibited by kinase inhibitors, and indicated the involvement of Ser/Thr kinases in these processes. The importance of this activation mechanism was made evident, as dysregulation and manipulation of physiological death was detrimental to biofilm formation, a hallmark of bacterial colonization. Overall, our findings provide novel information on the role of ion transport during bacterial death, with the potential to uncover future antimicrobial targets.  相似文献   

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