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LL-37 is an antimicrobial peptide produced by human cells that can down-regulate the lipopolysaccharide-induced innate immune responses and up-regulate double-stranded (ds) RNA-induced innate responses through Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). The murine LL-37 ortholog, mCRAMP, also inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced responses, but unlike LL-37, it inhibited viral-induced responses in mouse cells. A fluorescence polarization assay showed that LL-37 was able to bind dsRNA better than mCRAMP. In the human lung epithelial cell line BEAS-2B, LL-37, but not mCRAMP, colocalized with TLR3, and the colocalization was increased in the presence of dsRNA. The presence of poly(I:C) increased the accumulation of LL-37 in Rab5 endosomes. Signaling by cells induced with both LL-37 and poly(I:C) was sensitive to inhibitors that affect clathrin-independent trafficking, whereas signaling by poly(I:C) alone was not, suggesting that the LL-37-poly(I:C) complex trafficked to signaling endosomes by a different mechanism than poly(I:C) alone. siRNA knockdown of known LL-37 receptors identified that FPRL1 was responsible for TLR3 signaling induced by LL-37-poly(I:C). These results show that LL-37 and mCRAMP have different activities in TLR3 signaling and that LL-37 can redirect trafficking of poly(I:C) to effect signaling by TLR3 in early endosomes in a mechanism that involves FPRL1.  相似文献   

Within innate immune signaling pathways, interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases (IRAKs) fulfill key roles downstream of multiple Toll-like receptors and the interleukin-1 receptor. Although human IRAK4 deficiency was shown to lead to severe immunodeficiency in response to pyogenic bacterial infection during childhood, little is known about the role of human IRAK2. We here identified a non-synonymous IRAK2 variant, rs35060588 (coding R214G), as hypofunctional in terms of NF-κB signaling and Toll-like receptor-mediated cytokine induction. This was due to reduced ubiquitination of TRAF6, a key step in signal transduction. IRAK2 rs35060588 occurs in 3–9% of individuals in different ethnic groups, and our studies suggested a genetic association of rs35060588 with colorectal cancer survival. This for the first time implicates human IRAK2 in a human disease and highlights the R214G IRAK2 variant as a potential novel and broadly applicable biomarker for disease or as a therapeutic intervention point.  相似文献   

Endotoxin tolerance reprograms Toll-like receptor 4 responses by impairing LPS-elicited production of pro-inflammatory cytokines without inhibiting expression of anti-inflammatory or anti-microbial mediators. In septic patients, Toll-like receptor tolerance is thought to underlie decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in response to LPS and increased incidence of microbial infections. The impact of endotoxin tolerance on recruitment, post-translational modifications and signalosome assembly of IL-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) 4, IRAK1, TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF) 6, TGF-β-activated kinase (TAK) 1, and IκB kinase (IKK) γ is largely unknown. We report that endotoxin tolerization of THP1 cells and human monocytes impairs LPS-mediated receptor recruitment and activation of IRAK4, ablates K63-linked polyubiquitination of IRAK1 and TRAF6, compromises assembly of IRAK1-TRAF6 and IRAK1-IKKγ platforms, and inhibits TAK1 activation. Deficiencies in these signaling events in LPS-tolerant cells coincided with increased expression of A20, an essential deubiquitination enzyme, and sustained A20-IRAK1 associations. Overexpression of A20 inhibited LPS-induced activation of NF-κB and ablated NF-κB reporter activation driven by ectopic expression of MyD88, IRAK1, IRAK2, TRAF6, and TAK1/TAB1, while not affecting the responses induced by IKKβ and p65. A20 shRNA knockdown abolished LPS tolerization of THP1 cells, mechanistically linking A20 and endotoxin tolerance. Thus, deficient LPS-induced activation of IRAK4 and TAK1, K63-linked polyubiquitination of IRAK1 and TRAF6, and disrupted IRAK1-TRAF6 and IRAK1-IKKγ assembly associated with increased A20 expression and A20-IRAK1 interactions are new determinants of endotoxin tolerance.  相似文献   

The double-stranded RNA analog, poly(I:C), extracellularly activates both the endosomal Toll-like receptor (TLR) 3 and the cytoplasmic RNA helicase, melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5, leading to the production of type I interferons (IFNs) and inflammatory cytokines. The mechanism by which extracellular poly(I:C) is delivered to TLR3-positive organelles and the cytoplasm remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic lipid raft protein, Raftlin, is essential for poly(I:C) cellular uptake in human myeloid dendritic cells and epithelial cells. When Raftlin was silenced, poly(I:C) failed to enter cells and induction of IFN-β production was inhibited. In addition, cellular uptake of B-type oligodeoxynucleotide that shares its uptake receptor with poly(I:C) was suppressed in Raftlin knockdown cells. Upon poly(I:C) stimulation, Raftlin was translocated from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane where it colocalized with poly(I:C), and thereafter moved to TLR3-positive endosomes. Thus, Raftlin cooperates with the uptake receptor to mediate cell entry of poly(I:C), which is critical for activation of TLR3.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) are deficient in expressing type I interferons (IFNs) in response to viral infection and synthetic viral RNA analogs (Wang, R., Wang, J., Paul, A. M., Acharya, D., Bai, F., Huang, F., and Guo, Y. L. (2013) J. Biol. Chem. 288, 15926–15936). Here, we report that mESCs are able to respond to type I IFNs, express IFN-stimulated genes, and mediate the antiviral effect of type I IFNs against La Crosse virus and chikungunya virus. The major signaling components in the IFN pathway are expressed in mESCs. Therefore, the basic molecular mechanisms that mediate the effects of type I IFNs are functional in mESCs; however, these mechanisms may not yet be fully developed as mESCs express lower levels of IFN-stimulated genes and display weaker antiviral activity in response to type I IFNs when compared with fibroblasts. Further analysis demonstrated that type I IFNs do not affect the stem cell state of mESCs. We conclude that mESCs are deficient in type I IFN expression, but they can respond to and mediate the cellular effects of type I IFNs. These findings represent unique and uncharacterized properties of mESCs and are important for understanding innate immunity development and ESC physiology.  相似文献   

The R753Q polymorphism in the Toll-IL-1 receptor domain of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) has been linked to increased incidence of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, but the mechanisms by which it affects TLR2 functions are unclear. Here, we studied the impact of the R753Q polymorphism on TLR2 expression, hetero-dimerization with TLR6, tyrosine phosphorylation, and recruitment of myeloid differentiation primary response protein (MyD) 88 and MyD88 adapter-like (Mal). Complementation of HEK293 cells with transfected WT or R753Q TLR2 revealed their comparable total levels and only minimal changes in cell surface expression of the mutant species. Notably, even a 100-fold increase in amounts of transfected R753Q TLR2 versus WT variant did not overcome the compromised ability of the mutant TLR2 to activate nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), indicating that a minimal decrease in cell surface levels of the R753Q TLR2 cannot account for the signaling deficiency. Molecular modeling studies suggested that the R753Q mutation changes the electrostatic potential of the DD loop and results in a discrete movement of the residues critical for protein-protein interactions. Confirming these predictions, biochemical assays demonstrated that R753Q TLR2 exhibits deficient agonist-induced tyrosine phosphorylation, hetero-dimerization with TLR6, and recruitment of Mal and MyD88. These proximal signaling deficiencies correlated with impaired capacities of the R753Q TLR2 to mediate p38 phosphorylation, NF-κB activation, and induction of IL-8 mRNA in transfected HEK293 cells challenged with inactivated Mycobacterium tuberculosis or mycobacterial components. Thus, the R753Q polymorphism renders TLR2 signaling-incompetent by impairing its tyrosine phosphorylation, dimerization with TLR6, and recruitment of Mal and MyD88.  相似文献   

Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is an adaptor protein that transduces intracellular signaling pathways evoked by the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and interleukin-1 receptors (IL-1Rs). MyD88 is composed of an N-terminal death domain (DD) and a C-terminal Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain, separated by a short region. Upon ligand binding, TLR/IL-1Rs hetero- or homodimerize and recruit MyD88 through their respective TIR domains. Then, MyD88 oligomerizes via its DD and TIR domain and interacts with the interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases (IRAKs) to form the Myddosome complex. We performed site-directed mutagenesis of conserved residues that are located in exposed regions of the MyD88-TIR domain and analyzed the effect of the mutations on MyD88 signaling. Our studies revealed that mutation of Glu183, Ser244, and Arg288 impaired homodimerization of the MyD88-TIR domain, recruitment of IRAKs, and activation of NF-κB. Moreover, overexpression of two green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged MyD88 mini-proteins (GFP-MyD88151–189 and GFP-MyD88168–189), comprising the Glu183 residue, recapitulated these effects. Importantly, expression of these dominant negative MyD88 mini-proteins competed with the function of endogenous MyD88 and interfered with TLR2/4-mediated responses in a human monocytic cell line (THP-1) and in human primary monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Thus, our studies identify novel residues of the TIR domain that are crucially involved in MyD88 homodimerization and TLR signaling in immune cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here that the bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) uses sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4 (S1P4) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) to stimulate the extracellular signal regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK-1/2) pathway in MDA-MB-453 cells. This was based on several lines of evidence. First, the S1P stimulation of ERK-1/2 was abolished by JTE013, which we show here is an S1P2/4 antagonist and reduced by siRNA knockdown of S1P4. Second, the S1P-stimulated activation of ERK-1/2 was almost completely abolished by a HER2 inhibitor (ErbB2 inhibitor II) and reduced by siRNA knockdown of HER2 expression. Third, phyto-S1P, which is an S1P4 agonist, stimulated ERK-1/2 activation in an S1P4- and HER2-dependent manner. Fourth, FTY720 phosphate, which is an agonist at S1P1,3,4,5 but not S1P2 stimulated activation of ERK-1/2. Fifth, S1P stimulated the tyrosine phosphorylation of HER2, which was reduced by JTE013. HER2 which is an orphan receptor tyrosine kinase is the preferred dimerization partner of the EGF receptor. However, EGF-stimulated activation of ERK-1/2 was not affected by siRNA knockdown of HER2 or by ErbB2 (epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (or HER2)) inhibitor II in MDA-MB-453 cells. Moreover, S1P-stimulated activation of ERK-1/2 does not require an EGF receptor. Thus, S1P and EGF function in a mutually exclusive manner. In conclusion, the magnitude of the signaling gain on the ERK-1/2 pathway produced in response to S1P can be increased by HER2 in MDA-MB-453 cells. The linkage of S1P with an oncogene suggests that S1P and specifically S1P4 may have an important role in breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

Activation of the ionotropic P2RX7 nucleotide receptor by extracellular ATP has been implicated in modulating inflammatory disease progression. Continuous exposure of P2RX7 to ligand can result in apoptosis in many cell types, including monocytic cells, whereas transient activation of P2RX7 is linked to inflammatory mediator production and the promotion of cell growth. Given the rapid hydrolysis of ATP in the circulation and interstitial space, transient activation of P2RX7 appears critically important for its action, yet its effects on gene expression are unclear. The present study demonstrates that short-term stimulation of human and mouse monocytic cells as well as mouse osteoblasts with P2RX7 agonists substantially induces the expression of several activating protein-1 (AP-1) members, particularly FosB. The potent activation of FosB after P2RX7 stimulation is especially noteworthy considering that little is known concerning the role of FosB in immunological regulation. Interestingly, the magnitude of FosB activation induced by P2RX7 stimulation appears greater than that observed with other known inducers of FosB expression. In addition, we have identified a previously unrecognized role for FosB in osteoblasts with respect to nucleotide-induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is the rate-limiting enzyme in prostaglandin biosynthesis from arachidonic acid and is critical for osteoblastic differentiation and immune behavior. The present studies are the first to link P2RX7 action to FosB/AP-1 regulation in multiple cell types, including a role in nucleotide-induced COX-2 expression, and support a role for FosB in the control of immune and osteogenic function by P2RX7.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have an anti-viral role in that they detect viruses, leading to cytokine and IFN induction, and as such are targeted by viruses for immune evasion. TLR4, although best known for its role in recognizing bacterial LPS, is also strongly implicated in the immune response to viruses. We previously showed that the poxviral protein A46 inhibits TLR4 signaling and interacts with Toll-IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing proteins of the receptor complex. However the exact molecular mechanism whereby A46 disrupts TLR4 signaling remains to be established, and may yield insight into how the TLR4 complex functions, since viruses often optimally target key residues and motifs on host proteins for maximal efficiency. Here we show that A46 targets the BB loop motif of TIR proteins and thereby disrupts receptor:adaptor (TLR4:Mal and TLR4:TRAM), but not receptor:receptor (TLR4:TLR4) nor adaptor:adaptor (Mal:MyD88, TRAM:TRIF, and Mal:Mal) TIR interactions. The requirement for an intact BB loop for TIR adaptor interactions correlated with the protein:protein interfaces antagonized by A46. We previously discovered a peptide fragment derived from A46 termed VIPER (Viral Inhibitory Peptide of TLR4), which specifically inhibits TLR4 responses. Here we demonstrate that the region of A46 from which VIPER is derived represents the TLR4-specific inhibitory motif of the intact protein, and is essential for A46:TRAM interactions. This study provides the molecular basis for pathogen subversion of TLR4 signaling and clarifies the importance of TIR motif BB loops, which have been selected for viral antagonism, in the formation of the TLR4 complex.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor signaling requires interactions of the Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domains of the receptor and adapter proteins. Using the mammalian protein-protein interaction trap strategy, homology modeling, and site-directed mutagenesis, we identify the interaction surfaces in the TLR4 TIR domain for the TLR4-TLR4, TLR4-MyD88 adapter-like (MAL), and TLR4-TRIF-related adapter molecule (TRAM) interaction. Two binding sites are equally important for TLR4 dimerization and adapter recruitment. In a model based on the crystal structure of the dimeric TLR10 TIR domain, the first binding site mediates TLR4-TLR4 TIR-TIR interaction. Upon dimerization, two identical second binding sites of the TLR4 TIR domain are juxtaposed and form an extended binding platform for both MAL and TRAM. In our mammalian protein-protein interaction trap assay, MAL and TRAM compete for binding to this platform. Our data suggest that adapter binding can stabilize the TLR4 TIR dimerization.  相似文献   

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