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Amino acid sequence of the human fibronectin receptor   总被引:83,自引:40,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
The amino acid sequence deduced from cDNA of the human placental fibronectin receptor is reported. The receptor is composed of two subunits: an alpha subunit of 1,008 amino acids which is processed into two polypeptides disulfide bonded to one another, and a beta subunit of 778 amino acids. Each subunit has near its COOH terminus a hydrophobic segment. This and other sequence features suggest a structure for the receptor in which the hydrophobic segments serve as transmembrane domains anchoring each subunit to the membrane and dividing each into a large ectodomain and a short cytoplasmic domain. The alpha subunit ectodomain has five sequence elements homologous to consensus Ca2+-binding sites of several calcium-binding proteins, and the beta subunit contains a fourfold repeat strikingly rich in cysteine. The alpha subunit sequence is 46% homologous to the alpha subunit of the vitronectin receptor. The beta subunit is 44% homologous to the human platelet adhesion receptor subunit IIIa and 47% homologous to a leukocyte adhesion receptor beta subunit. The high degree of homology (85%) of the beta subunit with one of the polypeptides of a chicken adhesion receptor complex referred to as integrin complex strongly suggests that the latter polypeptide is the chicken homologue of the fibronectin receptor beta subunit. These receptor subunit homologies define a superfamily of adhesion receptors. The availability of the entire protein sequence for the fibronectin receptor will facilitate studies on the functions of these receptors.  相似文献   

The hemorrhagic toxin Ht-d from venom of the Western diamondback rattlesnake is a metalloproteinase with a molecular weight of 23,234. Peptides were obtained from enzymatic and chemical digestions, separated by reverse-phase chromatography, and sequenced in a gas-phase sequenator. The sequence showed a putative zinc binding site similar to that of thermolysin and other metalloproteinases but no overall significant similarity to the sequences of other metalloproteinases and may represent a new subfamily of metalloproteinases. Ht-d was shown to degrade type IV collagen and gelatin types I, III, and V but not interstitial collagens. The digestion of type IV collagen and other basement membrane proteins may allow this proteinase to disrupt capillary membranes causing hemorrhage in surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

Bovine articular type II collagen was prepared by limited pepsin digestion, differential salt fractionation and carboxymethylcellulose chromatography. Cyanogen bromide digestion of purified type II collagen alpha chains yielded twelve distinct peptides designated CB1-12. The peptide alpha 1(II)-CB11 was isolated by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography and Sephadex G-75S gel filtration. Automated Edman degradation together with chymotrypsin, thermolysin and trypsin digestion enabled identification of its complete amino acid sequence. Compared with type I and type III collagen, the data show similarity with alpha 1(I)-CB8 and alpha 1(III)-CB6-1-8-10-2 peptides, respectively. The peptide is located within residues 124-402 of the alpha 1(II) collagen chain and with its identification, now extends the known amino acid sequence of bovine type II cartilage collagen to 660 amino acid residues including alpha 1(II)-CB1-2-6-12-11-8-10 (partial). This corresponds to alpha 1(I)-CB0-1-2-4-5-8-3-7 (partial; 1-660) and alpha 1(III)-CB3A-3B-3C-7-6-1-8-10-2-4-5 (partial; 1-660) of bovine alpha 1(I) and alpha 1(III) collagen chains.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human liver cathepsin B   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete amino acid sequence of cathepsin B (EC from human liver was determined. The 252-residue sequence was obtained by automated solid-phase Edman degradation of the light and heavy chain resulting from limited proteolysis of the single-chain enzyme and of fragments produced by cyanogen bromide and enzymatic cleavage of the heavy chain. Human liver cathepsin B has 83.7% identical residues with the corresponding enzyme from rat liver. Comparison of both mammalian cathepsin B sequences with the sequence of papain provides further evidence that lysosomal and plant cysteine proteinases have evolved from a common ancestor and share a similar catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human von Willebrand factor   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
The complete amino acid sequence of human von Willebrand factor (vWF) is presented. Most of the sequence was determined by analysis of the S-carboxymethylated protein. Some overlaps not provided by the protein sequence analysis were obtained from the sequence predicted by the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone [Sadler, J.E., Shelton-Inloes, B.B., Sorace, J., Harlan, M., Titani, K., & Davie, E.W. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 6391-6398]. The protein is composed of 2050 amino acid residues containing 12 Asn-linked and 10 Thr/Ser-linked oligosaccharide chains. One of the carbohydrate chains is linked to an Asn residue in the sequence Asn-Ser-Cys rather than the usual Asn-X-Ser/Thr sequence. The sequence of von Willebrand factor includes several regions bearing evidence of internal gene duplication of ancestral sequences. The protein also contains the tetrapeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (at residues 1744-1747), which may be a cell attachment site, as in fibronectin. The amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the molecule contain clusters of half-cystinyl residues. The sequence is unique except for some homology to human complement factor B.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human tumor derived angiogenin   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The amino acid sequence and disulfide bond pairing of human tumor derived angiogenin, the first tumor angiogenesis factor to be isolated in pure form from human sources, have been determined by conventional sequencing techniques adapted and applied to nanomole and subnanomole levels of material. Angiogenin, obtained from conditioned media of a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line, is a single-chain protein consisting of 123 amino acids with the following sequences: less than Glu1-Asp-Asn-Ser-Arg-Tyr-Thr-His- Phe-Leu-Thr-Gln-His-Tyr-Asp15-Ala-Lys-Pro-Gln-Gly-Arg-Asp-Asp- Arg-Tyr-Cys-Glu-Ser-Ile-Met30- Arg-Arg-Arg-Gly-Leu-Thr-Ser-Pro-Cys-Lys-Asp-Ile-Asn-Thr- Phe45-Ile-His-Gly-Asn-Lys-Arg-Ser -Ile-Lys-Ala-Ile-Cys-Glu-Asn-Lys60-Asn-Gly-Asn-Pro-His-Arg-Glu-Asn -Leu-Arg-Ile -Ser-Lys-Ser-Ser75 -Phe-Gln-Val-Thr-Thr-Cys-Lys-Leu-His-Gly-Gly-Ser-Pro-Trp-Pro90-Pro -Cys-Gln-Tyr -Arg-Ala-Thr-Ala -Gly-Phe-Arg-Asn-Val-Val-Val105-Ala-Cys-Glu-Asn-Gly-Leu-Pro-Val- His-Leu-Asp-Gln-Ser-Ile-Phe120-Arg-Arg-Pro123-OH. Three disulfide bonds link the half-cystinyl residues 26-81, 39-92, and 57-107. The sequence is homologous to that of the pancreatic ribonucleases with 35% identity and many of the remaining residues conservatively replaced. Similarities are especially apparent around the major active-site residues His-12, Lys-41, and His-119 of ribonuclease which are conserved as are three of the four disulfide bonds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the nonsecretory ribonuclease of human urine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The amino acid sequence of a nonsecretory ribonuclease isolated from human urine was determined except for the identity of the residue at position 7. Sequence information indicates that the ribonucleases of human liver and spleen and an eosinophil-derived neurotoxin are identical or very closely related gene products. The sequence is identical at about 30% of the amino acid positions with those of all of the secreted mammalian ribonucleases for which information is available. Identical residues include active-site residues histidine-12, histidine-119, and lysine-41, other residues known to be important for substrate binding and catalytic activity, and all eight half-cystine residues common to these enzymes. Major differences include a deletion of six residues in the (so-called) S-peptide loop, insertions of two, and nine residues, respectively, in three other external loops of the molecule, and an addition of three residues at the amino terminus. The sequence shows the human nonsecretory ribonuclease to belong to the same ribonuclease superfamily as the mammalian secretory ribonucleases, turtle pancreatic ribonuclease, and human angiogenin. Sequence data suggest that a gene duplication occurred in an ancient vertebrate ancestor; one branch led to the nonsecretory ribonuclease, while the other branch led to a second duplication, with one line leading to the secretory ribonucleases (in mammals) and the second line leading to pancreatic ribonuclease in turtle and an angiogenic factor in mammals (human angiogenin). The nonsecretory ribonuclease has five short carbohydrate chains attached via asparagine residues at the surface of the molecule; these chains may have been shortened by exoglycosidase action.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The usualE 1 u and atypicalE 1 a human pseudocholinesterases (acylocholine acylhydrolase, EC were purified to homogeneity. The active-site serine residue was conjugated with diisopropyl fluorophosphate and digested with trypsin. The tryptic peptide containing the active site was isolated by gel filtration followed by two-dimensional paper chromatography and electrophoresis. The amino acid sequence of the active site peptide obtained from the usualE 1 u enzyme was found to be Gly-Glu-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ala-Ser-Ala-Val-Ser-Leu. A remarkable structural homology exists between the human and the horse enzymes in their active sites. From the difference in electrophoretic mobility of the active-site peptides obtained from the usual and atypical enzymes, the probable structure of the atypical human enzyme was deduced as Gly-His-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ala-Ser-Ala-Val-Ser-Leu.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of type VI collagen was investigated immunohistochemically in the developing human kidney from 15 to 32 weeks gestational age and it was compared with that observed in the normal infantile and adult human kidney. In fetal kidney, type VI collagen was widely distributed as a fibrillar network in the subcapsularly undifferentiated mesenchyme and intertubular interstitium, and as a basement membrane-like structure around the ureteral bud branches, tubules, and collecting ducts. During nephrogenesis, type VI collagen disappeared from the induced mesenchyme close to the tips of ureteral branches, while it formed a distinct basement membrane-like structure around the early stages of nephron differentiation (comma-shaped and S-shaped bodies) and later along Bowman's capsule of capillary loop and maturing glomeruli. A strong immureactivity for type VI collagen was also found in the glomerular basement membrane and mesangial areas of capillary loop and maturing glomeruli. In infantile kidney, type VI collagen showed a distribution pattern similar to that observed during the fetal period. In adult human kidney, glomerular basement membrane showed a weak positivity for type VI collagen and the basement membrane-like staining around Bowman's capsule, tubules, and collecting ducts was less evident than in fetal and infantle kidney. Our immunohistochemical findings suggest that type VI collagen is a normal component of the glomerular and extraglomerular extracellular matrix of developing human kidney and that it undergoes changes in the expression during maturation.  相似文献   

描述了胶原蛋白的结构和Ⅵ型胶原蛋白的结构以及胶原蛋白的应用 ,并对人类胶原蛋白的生产进行了展望。  相似文献   

Crystals of the NC1 domain of human type IV collagen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crystals of the non-collagenous C-terminal region (NC1) of type IV collagen have been obtained from human placenta. These crystals diffract to 2.0 A, and belong to space group P22(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 81 A, b = 158 A, c = 138 A, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees. The crystals contain one hexamer in the asymmetric unit; they are very stable with respect to X-rays.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human acidic fibroblast growth factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complete amino acid sequence of human brain acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) has been established. Human aFGF consists of 140 amino acids and is highly homologous to bovine aFGF (11 amino acid replacements). Results from experiments involving alkylation of cysteine residues are compatible with the possibilities that in aFGF all three cysteines exist as free sulfhydryls, or alternatively, that a disulfide bridge is present but cannot be identified due to disulfide scrambling caused by the SH group of the remaining cysteine. A potential glycosylation site Asn114-Gly115-Ser116 is present in aFGF but the mitogen does not bind to lectins suggesting that it may not be glycosylated.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase C   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human carbonic anhydrase C is the high-specific-activity form of the enzyme found in human red cells. A proposal for the primary structure of this enzyme is presented. Trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis was restricted to the arginyl bonds of the protein by blocking the lysyl side chains by amidination. The arginine fragments were isolated and their amino acid sequences determined. The sequence contains 259 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain devoid of disulfide bonds. The structure obtained should be adequate to permit a detailed interpretation of the 2.0 Å X-ray crystallographic model of the enzyme previously determined. The primary structures of the human B and C enzymes have about 60% identities.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the 216-residue-long N-terminal aggregation and cross-linking 7S domain of the alpha 1 (IV) chain of human placental basement membrane collagen is presented. The N terminus of the alpha 1 (IV) chain starts with a non-triple-helical region, which is at least 15 residues long and contains four cysteine and two lysine residues as putative cross-linking sites. This segment is followed by a 120-residue-long triple helical region, which contains the unusual occurrence of a cysteine residue in the Xaa position of a Gly-Xaa-Yaa triplet. Since individual molecules in the 7S domain are associated in an antiparallel manner, this cysteine probably aligns with one of the four cysteines in the amino-terminal end of an adjacent molecule, forming an intermolecular disulfide bridge. The length of the overlap of two adjacent molecules is estimated to be about 110 residues. The triple helix adjacent to the overlap zone is interrupted by a 10-residue-long non-helical area, which is probably responsible for the flexible region of the molecules in the neighbourhood of the overlap zone observed in the electron microscope. The mode of aggregation of the 7S domain, the formation of intermolecular cross-links as well as the relatively high stability of this region against proteolytic attack are discussed in the light of the elucidated amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human D of the alternative complement pathway   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The primary structure of human D, the serine protease activating the C3 convertase of the alternative complement pathway, has been deduced by sequencing peptides derived from various chemical (CNBr and o-iodosobenzoic acid) and enzymatic (trypsin, lysine protease, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, and chymotrypsin) cleavages. Carboxypeptidase A was also used to confirm the COOH-terminal sequence. The peptides were purified by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The proposed sequence of human D contains 222 amino acids and has a calculated molecular weight of 23 748. It exhibits a high degree of homology with other serine proteases, especially around the NH2-terminus as well as the three residues corresponding to the active-site His-57, Asp-102, and Ser-195 (chymotrypsinogen numbering). This sequence homology is highest (40%) with plasmin, intermediate (35%) with pancreatic serine proteases, such as elastase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and kallikrein, and least (30%) with the serum enzymes thrombin and factor X. D, however, exhibits only minimal amino acid homology with the other sequenced complement serine proteases, Clr (25%) and Bb (20%). The substitution of a basic lysine for a neutral amino acid three residues NH2-terminal to the active-site serine as well as a small serine residue for a bulky aromatic amino acid at position 215 (chymotrypsinogen numbering) in the binding pocket may be important in determining the exquisite substrate specificity of D. The presence of His-40 which interacts with Asp-194 (chymotrypsinogen numbering) to stabilize other serine protease zymogens [Freer, S. T., Kraut, J., Robertus, J. D., Wright, H. T., & Xuong, N. H. (1970) Biochemistry 9, 1997] argues in favor of such a D precursor molecule.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the a subunit of human factor XIII   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Factor XIII is a plasma protein that plays an important role in the final stages of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. The complete amino acid sequence of the a subunit of human factor XIII was determined by a combination of cDNA cloning and amino acid sequence analysis. A lambda gtll cDNA library prepared from human placenta mRNA was screened with an affinity-purified antibody against the a subunit of human factor XIII and then with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe that coded for a portion of the amino acid sequence present in the activation peptide of the a subunit. Six positive clones were identified and shown to code for the a subunit of factor XIII by DNA sequence analysis. A total of 3831 base pairs was determined by sequencing six overlapping cDNA clones. This DNA sequence contains a 5' noncoding region or a region coding for a portion of a pro-piece or leader sequence, the mature protein (731 amino acids), a stop codon (TGA), a 3' noncoding region (1535 nucleotides), and a poly(A) tail (10 nucleotides). When the a subunit of human factor XIII was digested with cyanogen bromide, 11 peptides were isolated by gel filtration and reverse-phase HPLC. Amino acid sequence analyses of these peptides were performed with an automated sequenator, and 363 amino acid residues were identified. These amino acid sequences were in complete agreement with those predicted from the cDNA. The a subunit of factor XIII contained the active site sequence of Tyr-Gly-Gln-Cys-Trp, which is identical with that of tissue transglutaminase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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