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Enniatin synthetase (Esyn), a 347-kDa multienzyme consisting of two substrate activation modules, is responsible for the nonribosomal formation of the cyclohexadepsipeptide enniatin. The synthesis follows the so-called thiol template mechanism. While this process is basically well established, no substantial insight into the 3-dimensional arrangement of these enzymes and possible interactions between them exists to date. To find out whether enniatin synthesis is an intramolecular process or the result of three interacting Esyn molecules (intermolecular), analytical ultracentrifugation equilibration studies were carried out. The molecular mass of Esyn was determined by ultracentrifugation and is in good agreement with that calculated from the ORF of the encoding gene, indicating that Esyn exists in solution as a monomer. This strongly suggests that synthesis of the cyclohexadepsipeptide enniatin follows an intramolecular reaction mechanism in which all three reaction cycles are catalyzed by a single Esyn molecule. This finding was supported by in vitro complementation studies in which [(14)C]-methylvalyl Esyn, upon incubation with the second substrate D-2-hydroxyisovaleric acid (D-Hiv) and ATP, did not yield radioactive enniatin. This confirms our previous assumption of an iterative reaction mechanism similar to that for fatty acid synthase. Furthermore, the sedimentation rate constant evaluated from analytical ultracentrifugation was lower (S(20,w)=14.1S) than expected (S(20,w)=16.9S) for a globular protein, indicating that Esyn has an extended structure.  相似文献   

Schreiber L 《Annals of botany》2005,95(7):1069-1073
BACKGROUND: The plant cuticle is an extracellular lipophilic biopolymer covering leaf and fruit surfaces. Its main function is the protection of land-living plants from uncontrolled water loss. In the past, the permeability of the cuticle to water and to non-ionic lipophilic molecules (pesticides, herbicides and other xenobiotics) was studied intensively, whereas cuticular penetration of polar ionic compounds was rarely investigated. RECENT PROGRESS: Recent work measuring cuticular penetration of inorganic and organic ions is presented; the effects of molecular size of ions, temperature, wax extraction, humidity and plasticizers strongly support the conclusion that ions penetrate cuticles via water-filled pores. The cuticle covering stomata and trichomes forms the preferential site of ion penetration. This indicates that cuticles possess a pronounced lateral heterogeneity: the largest fraction of the cuticle surface is covered by the lipophilic domains of cutin and wax, but to a certain extent polar domains are also present in the cuticle, which form preferential sites of penetration for polar compounds. THE FUTURE: The chemical nature of these polar domains awaits detailed characterization, which will be of major importance in agriculture and green biotechnology, since polar paths of diffusion represent the most important transport routes for foliar-applied nutrients. Furthermore, many compounds acting as inducers of gene expression in transgenic plants are ionic and need to penetrate the cuticle via polar paths in order to be active.  相似文献   

CFTR is a monomer: biochemical and functional evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the CFTR protein alone is sufficient to generate a regulated chloride channel, it is unknown how many of the polypeptides form the channel. Using biochemical and functional assays, we demonstrate that the CFTR polypeptide is a monomer. CFTR sediments as a monomer in a linear, continuous sucrose gradient. Cells co-expressing different epitope-tagged CFTR provide no evidence of co-assembly in immunoprecipitation and nickel affinity binding experiments. Co-expressed wild-type and DF508 CFTR are without influence on each other in their ability to progress through the secretory pathway, suggesting they do not associate in the endoplasmic reticulum. No hybrid conducting single channels are seen in planar lipid bilayers with which membrane vesicles from cells co-expressing similar amounts of two different CFTR conduction species have been fused.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a demential, neurodegenerative inheritable disease affecting middle-aged patients. HD is characterized by uncontrolled choreiform movements, psychiatric symptoms and cognitive decline. Histopathological changes in HD brains reveal a considerable damage to basal ganglia, particularly affecting middle-sized spiny neurons from the caudate-putamen region. Neurochemical changes are specifically oriented to deplete GABAergic and cholinergic systems, while molecular alterations include an increased expression of CAG trinucleotide at exon 1 from the huntingtin (htt) gene, as well as aggregation of mutant htt. Although several hypotheses regarding the mechanisms by which neurotoxicity is triggered in HD brains have been suggested on the basis of experimental evidence, so far it remains not clear which of them are predominant or whether they are complementary. Recent experimental evidence through transgenic mice models reveal an interesting interaction between expanded CAG triplets, mutant htt, and the increase in toxic metabolites from the kynurenine pathway. Further evidence supports the assumption that different toxic mechanisms (i.e. excitotoxicity, energy metabolism impairment, inflammatory events, oxidative stress, etc.) are confluent and depend on each other. In this review we will briefly summarize some of those findings and propose a final integrative hypothesis for HD.  相似文献   


Density has been suggested to affect variation in extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in avian mating systems, because increasing density promotes encounter rates and thus mating opportunities. However, the significance of density affecting EPP variation in intra‐ and interspecific comparisons has remained controversial, with more support from intraspecific comparisons. Neither experimental nor empirical studies have consistently provided support for the density hypothesis. Testing the density hypothesis is challenging because density measures may not necessarily reflect extra‐pair mating opportunities, mate guarding efforts may covary with density, populations studied may differ in migratory behavior and/or climatic conditions, and variation in density may be insufficient. Accounting for these potentially confounding factors, we tested whether EPP rates within and among subpopulations of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) were related to density. Our analyses were based on data from 13 subpopulations studied over 4 years. Overall, 56.4% of totally 181 broods contained at least one extra‐pair young (EPY) and 37.1% of totally 669 young were of extra‐pair origin. Roughly 90% of the extra‐pair fathers were from the adjacent territory or from the territory after the next one. Within subpopulations, the proportion of EPY in broods was positively related to local breeding density. Similarly, among subpopulations, proportion of EPY was positively associated with population density. EPP was absent in subpopulations consisting of single breeding pairs, that is, without extra‐pair mating opportunities. Our study confirms that density is an important biological factor, which significantly influences the amount of EPP within and among subpopulations, but also suggests that other mechanisms influence EPP beyond the variation explained by density.  相似文献   


We have previously shown insulinoma (HIT-T15 and RINm5F) cells in culture to be very sensitive, in comparison with a reference cell line (J-774), to the oxidative stress that is created when alloxan reacts extracellularly with reducing agents, forming superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. The toxic effects are prevented by catalase added to the medium, suggesting that alloxan does not need to be taken up in order to affect cells. Rather, alloxan seems to exert its action through extracellular formation of hydrogen peroxide that influences the stability of the cells' lysosomes following diffusion into them. To further analyse the mechanisms in operation, we studied the influence of induced autophagocytosis on the sensitivity to ensuing oxidative stress. Starvation for 60–120 min in PBS at 37°C markedly enhanced autophagocytosis and, in parallel, increased the cytotoxic effect and lysosomal vulnerability of ensuing exposure to hydrogen peroxide, while not significantly changing the antioxidative status or the energy balance. Autophagocytosis increased the size of the intralysosomal pool of reactive, low-molecular-weight, iron, probably by degradation of metallo-proteins, as shown by autometallography and HPLC demonstration of desferrioxamine-reactive intracellular iron. Moreover, exposure to the iron-chelator desferrioxamine before treatment with hydrogen peroxide prevented lysosomal destabilization and cellular death of both starved and control cells, further proving the importance of intralysosomal iron for the response to oxidative stress. We hypothesize that β-cells which, like insulinoma cells, have a weak antioxidative defence system under conditions of enhanced general autophagocytosis, or crinophagy, might become vulnerable to even low, or moderate, oxidative stress.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between the wound-healing process and the development of cancer? Malignant tumours often develop at sites of chronic injury, and tissue injury has an important role in the pathogenesis of malignant disease, with chronic inflammation being the most important risk factor. The development and functional characterization of genetically modified mice that lack or overexpress genes that are involved in repair, combined with gene-expression analysis in wounds and tumours, have highlighted remarkable similarities between wound repair and cancer. However, a few crucial differences were also observed, which could account for the altered metabolism, impaired differentiation capacity and invasive growth of malignant tumours.  相似文献   

Methotrexate has been a clinical agent used in cancer, immunosuppression, rheumatoid arthritis, and other highly proliferative diseases for many years, yet its underlying molecular mechanism of action in these therapeutic areas is still unclear. We have previously reported using a chemical proteomics technique on several other potential pharmacodynamic targets of methotrexate. Here, using a frontal affinity chromatography with mass spectrometry detection, we confirm one of these targets, hypoxanthine-guanine amidophosphoribosyltransferase, as a true binder of methotrexate with a Kd of 4.2 μM. These results complement and confirm our recent study, but more importantly, shed light into the mechanism of action of methotrexate in oncology and other highly proliferative diseases and may help explain some unaccounted for effects of this drug. For example, despite the fact that DNA salvage pathway enzymes are highly active, methotrexate can be effective if it only targets enzymes of the de novo pathway.  相似文献   

Methotrexate has been a clinical agent used in cancer, immunosuppression, rheumatoid arthritis and other highly proliferative diseases for many years, yet its underlying molecular mechanism of action in these therapeutic areas is still unclear. We present a chemical proteomics approach that uses ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry coupled to an inverse protein-ligand docking computational technique to unravel the mechanism of action of this drug. Using methotrexate tethered to a solid support we were able to isolate a signficant number of proteins. We effectively captured a large portion of the de novo purine metaolome and propose a pathway architecture similar to that seen in signaling pathways and consistent with substrate channeling. More importantly, we were able to capture protein targets that could potentially provide new insights into the mechanism of action of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis and immunosuppression. The application of this approach to other drugs and drug candidates may facilitate the prediction of unknown and secondary therapeutic target proteins and those related to the side effects and toxicity. These results demonstrate that this proteomics technology could play an important role in drug discovery and development since it allows monitoring of the interactions between a drug and the protein content of a cell.  相似文献   

Plants consist of distinct cell types distinguished by position, morphological features and metabolic activities. We recently developed a method to extract cell-type specific mRNA populations by immunopurification of ribosome-associated mRNAs. Microarray profiles of 21 cell-specific mRNA populations from seedling roots and shoots comprise the Arabidopsis Translatome dataset. This gene expression atlas provides a new tool for the study of cell-specific processes. Here we provide an example of how genes involved in a pathway limited to one or few cell-types can be further characterized and new candidate genes can be predicted. Cells of the root endodermis produce suberin as an inner barrier between the cortex and stele, whereas the shoot epidermal cells form cutin as a barrier to the external environment. Both polymers consist of fatty acid derivates, and share biosynthetic origins. We use the Arabidopsis Translatome dataset to demonstrate the significant cell-specific expression patterns of genes involved in those biosynthetic processes and suggest new candidate genes in the biosynthesis of suberin and cutin.Key words: cell-type specific expression, polysome immunopurification, translatome, suberin, cutin, endodermis, epidermis, arabidopsis  相似文献   

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