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Rejoining of single-strand breaks of DNA in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

DNA damage induced by administration of dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) to rats and mice was investigated. At 12 h after administration of DMAA, DNA single-strand breaks were induced markedly in lung. The majority of dimethylarsine, one of the main metabolites, in the expired air was excreted within 6–18 h after administration of DMAA to rats. In vitro experiments using nuclei isolated from lung of mice indicated that DNA strand breaks were caused by dimethylarsine. Furthermore, the strand breaks after exposure to dimethylarsine were reduced in the presence of catalase and/or superoxide dismutase. These results strongly suggest that the strand breaks are induced not by dimethylarsine itself but by active oxygen, e.g., O 2 ? and ·OH, produced both by dimethylarsine and molecular oxygen. When DNA was exposed to dimethylarsine, thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive intermediates andcis-thymine glycol were produced. Dimethylarsine appears to induce DNA damage by the mechanism similar to the damage produced by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

T4 DNA ligase catalyzes phosphodiester bond formation between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA in three steps: 1) enzyme-adenylylate formation by reaction with ATP; 2) adenylyl transfer to a 5'-phosphorylated polynucleotide to generate adenylylated DNA; and 3) phosphodiester bond formation with release of AMP. This investigation used synthetic, nicked DNA substrates possessing either a 5'-phosphate or a 5'-adenylyl phosphate. Steady state experiments with a nicked substrate containing juxtaposed dC and 5'-phosphorylated dT deoxynucleotides (substrate 1) yielded kcat and kcat/Km values of 0.4±0.1 s(-1) and 150±50 μm(-1) s(-1), respectively. Under identical reaction conditions, turnover of an adenylylated version of this substrate (substrate 1A) yielded kcat and kcat/Km values of 0.64±0.08 s(-1) and 240±40 μm(-1) s(-1). Single turnover experiments utilizing substrate 1 gave fits for the forward rates of Step 2 (k2) and Step 3 (k3) of 5.3 and 38 s(-1), respectively, with the slowest step ~10-fold faster than the rate of turnover seen under steady state conditions. Single turnover experiments with substrate 1A produced a Step 3 forward rate constant of 4.3 s(-1), also faster than the turnover rate of 1A. Enzyme self-adenylylation was confirmed to also occur on a fast time scale (~6 s(-1)), indicating that the rate-limiting step for T4 DNA ligase nick sealing is not a chemical step but rather is most likely product release. Pre-steady state reactions displayed a clear burst phase, consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

In recent years two mechanisms have been proposed for the production of DNA strand breaks in cells undergoing oxidative stress: (i) DNA attack by OH radical, produced by Fenton reaction catalyzed by DNA-bound iron; and (ii) DNA attack by calcium-activated nucleases, due to the increase of cytosolic and nuclear calcium induced by oxidative stress. We set out to investigate the participation of the former mechanism by detecting and quantifying 3'-phosphoglycolate, a 3' DNA terminus known to be formed by OH radical attack to the deoxyribose moiety, followed by sugar ring rupture and DNA strand rupture. These structures were found in DNA of monkey kidney cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide, iron nitrilotriacetate or ascorbate, all species known to favor a cellular pro-oxidant status. The method employed to measure 3' phosphoglycolate was the 32P-postlabeling assay. Repair time course experiments showed that it takes 10 h for 3'-phosphoglycolate to be removed from DNA. It was found that the DNA of both control cells and cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide had a very poor capacity of supporting in vitro DNA synthesis, catalyzed by DNA polymerase I. If the DNA was previously incubated with exonuclease III, an enzyme able to expose 3'-OH primers by removal of 3'-phosphoglycolate and 3'-phosphate termini the in vitro synthesis was substantially increased. This result shows that either of these termini are present at the break and that 3'-hydroxyl termini are virtually absent. At least 25% of the strand breaks exhibited 3'-phosphoglycolate termini as determined by the 32P-postlabeling assay, but due to the characteristic of the method this percentage is likely to be higher. These results favor the hypothesis that an oxidative agent generated by Fenton reaction is responsible for DNA strand breakage in cells undergoing oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that human cancer cells deficient in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) are resistant to the chemotherapeutic methylating agent temozolomide (TMZ) and can be sensitized by the base excision repair (BER) blocking agent methoxyamine (MX) [21]. To further characterize BER-mediated repair responses to methylating agent-induced DNA damage, we have now evaluated the effect of MX on TMZ-induced DNA single strand breaks (SSB) by alkaline elution and DNA double strand breaks (DSB) by pulsed field gel electrophoresis in SW480 (O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase [AGT]+, MMR wild type) and HCT116 (AGT+, MMR deficient) colon cancer cells. SSB were evident in both cell lines after a 2-h exposure to equitoxic doses of temozolomide. MX significantly increased the number of TMZ-induced DNA-SSB in both cell lines. In contrast to SSB, TMZ-induced DNA-DSB were dependent on MMR status and were time-dependent. Levels of 50 kb double stranded DNA fragments in MMR proficient cells were increased after TMZ alone or in combination with O6-benzylguanine or MX, whereas, in MMR deficient HCT116 cells, only TMZ plus MX produced significant levels of DNA-DSB. Levels of AP endonuclease, XRCC1 and polymerase beta were present in both cell lines and were not significantly altered after MX and TMZ. However, cleavage of a 30-mer double strand substrate by SW480 and HCT116 crude cell extracts was inhibited by MX plus TMZ. Thus, MX potentiation of TMZ cytotoxicity may be explained by the persistence of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites not further processed due to the presence of MX. Furthermore, in MMR-deficient, TMZ-resistant HCT116 colon cancer cells, MX potentiates TMZ cytotoxicity through formation of large DS-DNA fragmentation and subsequent apoptotic signalling.  相似文献   

Activation of quiescent human peripheral blood lymphocytes or purified T cells by the mitogen, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), involves a rapid rejoining of DNA breaks present in the resting cells as detected by both nucleoid sedimentation analysis and rate of strand unwinding in alkali. Inhibitors of the enzyme ADP-ribosyltransferase (ADPRT) prevent activation of peripheral lymphocytes or T cells by PHA or concanavalin A in a dose-dependent manner, but only if present during the early stages. They do not affect subsequent proliferation if added later, nor do they inhibit the growth of lymphoblastoid cell lines. The inhibitors slow the rejoining of DNA breaks but do not affect the binding of mitogen to the cell surface or the early PHA-stimulated turnover of plasma membrane inositol phospholipids. DNA breaking and rejoining, regulated by ADPRT, may be involved in controlling gene expression during differentiation.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda (polλ) is a recently identified DNA polymerase whose cellular function remains elusive. Here we show, that polλ participates at the molecular level in a chromosomal context, in the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) via non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in mammalian cells. The expression of a catalytically inactive form of polλ (polλDN) decreases the frequency of NHEJ events in response to I-Sce-I-induced DSB whereas inactivated forms of its homologues polβ and polμ do not. Only events requiring DNA end processing before ligation are affected; this defect is associated with large deletions arising in the vicinity of the induced DSB. Furthermore, polλDN-expressing cells exhibit increased sensitization and genomic instability in response to ionizing radiation similar to that of NHEJ-defective cells. Our data support a requirement for polλ in repairing a subset of DSB in genomic DNA, thereby contributing to the maintenance of genetic stability mediated by the NHEJ pathway.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we identified the novel protein PprA that plays a critical role in the radiation resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans. In this study, we focussed on the ability of PprA protein to recognize and bind to double-stranded DNA carrying strand breaks, and attempted to visualize radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in mammalian cultured cells by employing PprA protein using an immunofluorescence technique. Increased PprA protein binding to CHO-K1 nuclei immediately following irradiation suggests the protein is binding to DNA strand breaks. By altering the cell permeabilization conditions, PprA protein binding to CHO-K1 mitochondria, which is probably resulted from DNA strand break immediately following irradiation, was also detected. The method developed and detailed in this study will be useful in evaluating DNA damage responses in cultured cells, and could also be applicable to genotoxic tests in the environmental and pharmaceutical fields.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) induces DNA damage in living cells. In this report we analyzed the role of chromatin compactness in the differential response of mosquito (ATC-15) and mammalian (CHO) cells to DNA strand breaks induced by BLM. We used cells unexposed and exposed to sodium butyrate (NaB), which induces chromatin decondensation. By nucleoid sedimentation assay and digestions of nuclei with DNAse I, untreated mosquito cells (no BLM; no NaB) were shown to have more chromatin condensation than untreated CHO cells. By alkaline unwinding ATC-15 cells treated with NaB showed more BLM-induced DNA strand breaks than NaB-untreated CHO cells. The time-course of BLM-induced DNA damage to nuclear DNA was similar for NaB-untreated mammalian and insect cells, but with mosquito cells showing less DNA strand breaks, both at physiological temperatures and at 4 °C. However, when DNA repair was inhibited by low temperatures and chromatin was decondensed by NaB treatments, differences in BLM-induced DNA damage between these cells lines were no longer observed. In both cell lines, NaB did not affect BLM action on cell growth and viability. On the other hand, the low sensitivity of ATC-15 cells to BLM was reflected in their better growth efficiency. These cells exhibited a satisfactory growth at BLM doses that produced a permanent arrest of growth in CHO cells. The data suggest that mosquito cells might have linker DNAs shorter than those of mammalian cells, which would result in the observed both greater chromatin condensation and greater resistance to DNA damage induced by BLM as compared to CHO cells.  相似文献   

DNA with a 5′-adenylpyrophosphoryl cap (5′-adenylated DNA; AppDNA) is an activated form of DNA that is the biochemical intermediate of the reactions catalyzed by DNA ligase, RNA ligase, polynucleotide kinase, and other nucleic acid modifying enzymes. 5′-Adenylated DNA is also useful for in vitro selection experiments. Efficient preparation of 5′-adenylated DNA is therefore desirable for several biochemical applications. Here we have developed a DNA adenylation procedure that uses T4 DNA ligase and is more reliable than a previously reported approach that used the 5′-phosphorylated donor DNA substrate to be adenylated, a DNA template, and ATP but no acceptor strand. Our improved DNA adenylation procedure uses the above components as well as an acceptor strand that has a strategically chosen C-T acceptor-template mismatch directly adjacent to the adenylation site. This mismatch permits adenylation of the donor DNA substrate but largely suppresses subsequent ligation of the donor with the acceptor, as assayed on nine different DNA substrates that collectively have all four DNA nucleotides represented at each of the first two positions. The new DNA adenylation procedure is successful using either laboratory-prepared or commercial T4 DNA ligase and works well on the preparative (2 nmol) scale for all nine of the test DNA substrates.  相似文献   

Induction and repair of DNA breaks following irradiation with NIRS cyclotron neutrons were studied in cultured mammalian cells (L5178Y) in comparison to those following gamma-rays. The yield of the total single-strand breaks, 3'OH terminals and sites susceptible to S1 endonuclease following fast neutrons was found to be approximately 50 per cent of that following gamma-irradiation. On the other hand, the yield of double-strand breaks was slightly higher after fast neutrons than after gamma-rays. The percentage of the total single-strand breaks remaining unrejoined at 3 hours after post-irradiation incubation was found to be distinctly higher after the fast neutrons than after gamma-rays. The neutron-induced damage appears to carry a higher proportion of alkali-labile lesions compared to gamma-rays. It was concluded that the increase in the yield of double-strand breaks and of unrejoinable breaks is responsible for a high r.b.e. of the cyclotron neutrons.  相似文献   

Synthetic eumelanin prepared by autooxidation of D,L-DOPA causes DNA strand breaks, as determined by alkaline elution after cell lysis with detergent and proteolysis, in B16CL4 mouse melanoma cells. The melanin is toxic to the cells in the range of doses that causes strand breaks. When the melanin was incubated with the cells at 37 degrees C in tissue culture medium, it was maximally effective after 15 to 20 min at causing strand breaks in the DNA. The extent of damage is concentration dependent, but the effect plateaus at 1 mg/ml. The nature of the interaction of the cellular DNA with melanin is consistent with strand breaks, not DNA-DNA crosslinks. The strand break damage is repaired, even in the continued presence of melanin, but repair is more rapid if the cells are washed and the melanin is removed. The form of the melanin is important for obtaining the effect. Sonication for 3 min abrogates the effect to a considerable extent, and repeated cycles of sonication can completely destroy the activity. Lost activity returns slowly with storage at 4 degrees C. Melanin is more effective at damaging DNA in a protein-free medium. It is also DNA-damaging at 4 degrees C, but less so than at 37 degrees C. Preliminary studies indicate that the strand breaks caused by melanin are additive with those caused by ionizing radiation. The extent of DNA strand breaks and alkali-labile sites caused by several other melanins was also determined. Some melanins did not cause frank strand breaks, but were active in causing alkali-labile sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The amino acid histidine was found to increase the toxicity of H2O2 in cultured mammalian cells. Histidine also augmented the level of DNA single strand breaks (SSB) detectable in cells exposed to the oxidant and, in addition, resulted in the appearance of DNA double strand breaks (DSB), a lesion which is not produced by H2O2 alone.  相似文献   

Summary Chinese hamster cells (Cl : 1) were labelled with3H-thymidine or125Iododeoxyuridine for 18 h and after 3 h in non-radioactive medium they were stored at 0° C up to 6 h. The number of DNA strand breaks observed after the labelling period (37° C) or after treatment at 0° C was determined using the DNA-unwinding technique.125I-decays in DNA were significantly more efficient than3H-decays in introducing unrepairable DNA strand breaks during the labelling period. 32% of125I-induced and 3% of3H-induced DNA strand breaks were unrepaired after 21 h at 37° C. Comparison between the effects of125I- or 3H-disintegrations in DNA in three different ways shows 7–12 times more pronounced effects for125I-decays. For125I-labelled cells 3–4 DNA strand breaks were found per decay and the corresponding value for3H- labelled cells was 2.  相似文献   

Strand breaks were detected in the DNA of Ehrlich ascites cells as well as in HeLa S3 cells directly after 1-5 hr at 43-45 degrees C by the use of the unwinding in high salt/hydroxylapatite method. The strand breaks found could not be attributed to the decay of incorporated tritiated thymidine. When the cells were incubated at 37 degrees C after the hyperthermic treatments, the amount of strand breaks formed remained at a constant level. Hyperthermia inhibited the repair of "radiation-induced" strand breaks. The repair curves obtained this way show a heat-dose-dependent decrease of the relative weight of the fast component of repair. Similar repair curves of "radiation-induced" strand breaks could be obtained by mixing heat inactivated and vital control cells prior to irradiation. In the latter case, however, the DNA repair was inhibited to a greater extent for identical levels of cell survival. The possible underlying molecular mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

T4 DNA ligase is one of the workhorses of molecular biology and used in various biotechnological applications. Here we report that this ligase, unlike Escherichia coli DNA ligase, Taq DNA ligase and Ampligase, is able to join the ends of single-stranded DNA in the absence of any duplex DNA structure at the ligation site. Such nontemplated ligation of DNA oligomers catalyzed by T4 DNA ligase occurs with a very low yield, as assessed by quantitative competitive PCR, between 10(-6) and 10(-4) at oligonucleotide concentrations in the range 0.1-10 nm, and thus is insignificant in many molecular biological applications of T4 DNA ligase. However, this side reaction may be of paramount importance for diagnostic detection methods that rely on template-dependent or target-dependent DNA probe ligation in combination with amplification techniques, such as PCR or rolling-circle amplification, because it can lead to nonspecific background signals or false positives. Comparison of ligation yields obtained with substrates differing in their strandedness at the terminal segments involved in ligation shows that an acceptor duplex DNA segment bearing a 3'-hydroxy end, but lacking a 5'-phosphate end, is sufficient to play a role as a cofactor in blunt-end ligation.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break repair in mammalian cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Human cells can process DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by either homology directed or non-homologous repair pathways. Defects in components of DSB repair pathways are associated with a predisposition to cancer. The products of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which normally confer protection against breast cancer, are involved in homology-directed DSB repair. Defects in another homology-directed pathway, single-strand annealing, are associated with genome instability and cancer predisposition in the Nijmegen breakage syndrome and a radiation-sensitive ataxia-telangiectasia-like syndrome. Many DSB repair proteins also participate in the signaling pathways which underlie the cell's response to DSBs.  相似文献   

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