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van der Meer  John P. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):389-395
Sporelings of the monoecious red alga Gelidium vagum were placed into 4500 individual cultures after treatment with the chemical mutagen nitrosoguanidine and raised to sexual maturity to search for reproductive mutants. Isolates undergoing normal self-fertilization were discarded, leaving approximately 250 self-sterile plants and mutants with abnormal reproduction or reproductive structures. Self-sterile mutants were tested further in crosses to a fertile green marker stock. From the results, many mutants appeared to be either male-sterile, female-sterile or unable to form carposporophytes. Although sufficient data on the inheritance pattern of the self-sterile mutants are available for only a few of the isolates, some apparently stable sterility mutations with simple Mendelian transmission were identified. Preliminary testing of one of the male-sterile mutations confirmed that it effectively eliminated self-fertilization and facilitated the formation of hybrid plants in crosses.  相似文献   

Ecological differentiation is a major contributor to the generation and maintenance of biological diversity. We investigated habitat differentiation between and within sites in the fully cross-fertile and hybridizing Silene dioica and S. latifolia using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) profiles and corresponding vegetation relevés around individual plants. Nineteen study sites in the Swiss Alps included pure sites and contact sites (both taxa present within 30 m). In pure sites and at contact sites, the two taxa showed consistently differentiated AFLP banding patterns across regions but few discriminating bands. This indicates that although the two taxa are weakly differentiated, current introgression has not led to genome-wide admixture. Only three putative early generation hybrids were detected at contact sites. The habitats of the two taxa differed between pure sites with S. dioica occurring in moister, colder, and less-disturbed sites than S. latifolia. However, asymmetric habitat overlap was evident within contact sites found in intermediate conditions that were more similar to S. latifolia sites. This situation might favor introgression from S. dioica into S. latifolia. Evidence for habitat-genotype associations within contact sites was weak making habitat-mediated selection against intermediate phenotypes of hybrids unlikely in the contact sites investigated. We suggest that other reproductive barriers together with dispersal limitation contribute to the rarity of early generation hybrids.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression are common processes among numerous plant species that present both challenges and opportunities for studies of species delimitation, phylogenetics, taxonomy and adaptation. Rhus integrifolia and R. ovata are two ecologically important shrubs native to the southwestern USA and Mexico, and are known to hybridize frequently, but the morphological, genetic and ecological implications of hybridization in these species are poorly studied on a broad geographic scale. Analyses were conducted using leaf morphology, genetic variation of plastid and nuclear loci, and species distribution models for both species and their putative hybrid introgressants across 19 localities in California and Arizona, USA. These analyses revealed evidence for morphological and genetic distinction among localities comprising putative parental species, but a high degree of morpho-genetic intermediacy among localities with putative hybrids. Comparison of morphological and genetic population structure among localities revealed evidence for putative local adaptation or widespread phenotypic plasticity. Multiple regression models identified a weak but statistically significant negative association between leaf area and precipitation. Finally, species distribution modeling inferred northward range shifts over time, with both species predicted to occupy more coastal regions in the future, possibly increasing the frequency of hybridization among them. These findings underscore the importance of integrative assessment of multiple data sources in the study of hybridizing species and highlight the R. integrifolia-ovata complex as a powerful model for investigating the adaptive implications of hybridization.  相似文献   

The mycelium of the fungus Phycomyces. essentially a giant multinucleate cell, produces two kinds of asexual reproductive structures, called macrophores and microphores, and a succession of structures for sexual reproduction. Following the treatment of spores with N-methyl-N′ -nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, conditional imb mutants have been isolated that form no macrophores at 26°C, but do at 14°C. At the restrictive temperature, few imb mutants (2 of 13) develop microphores, and none is able to complete the sexual cycle. This suggests that genes responsible for macrophorogenesis are involved in microphorogenesis and in sexual development as well. Light reduces macrophorogenesis and totally abolishes microphorogenesis in the wild type under the conditions of our experiments. These photomorphogenetic effects require the normal function of genes madA and madB, which are responsible for phototropism. Light inhibits microphorogenesis in the two imb mutants that form microphores at the restrictive temperature. Genetic alterations of carotenogenesis lead to an excess of microphores and a scarcity of macrophores in the dark, but they have little influence on vegetative reproduction in the light.  相似文献   

The role of genetic architecture in adaptation to novel environments has received considerable attention when the source of adaptive variation is de novo mutation. Relatively less is known when the source of adaptive variation is inter- or intraspecific hybridization. We model hybridization between divergent source populations and subsequent colonization of an unoccupied novel environment using individual-based simulations to understand the influence of genetic architecture on the timing of colonization and the mode of adaptation. We find that two distinct categories of genetic architecture facilitate rapid colonization but that they do so in qualitatively different ways. For few and/or tightly linked loci, the mode of adaptation is via the recovery of adaptive parental genotypes. With many unlinked loci, the mode of adaptation is via the generation of novel hybrid genotypes. The first category results in the shortest colonization lag phases across the widest range of parameter space, but further adaptation is mutation limited. The second category takes longer and is more sensitive to genetic variance and dispersal rate, but can facilitate adaptation to environmental conditions that exceed the tolerance of parental populations. These findings have implications for understanding the origins of biological invasions and the success of hybrid populations.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the genus Heliconius have undergone rapid adaptive radiation for warning patterns and mimicry, and are excellent models to study the mechanisms underlying diversification. In Heliconius, mimicry rings typically involve distantly related species, whereas closely related species often join different mimicry rings. Genetic and behavioural studies have n how reproductive isolation in many pairs of Heliconius taxa is largely mediated by natural and sexual selection on wing colour patterns. However, recent studies have uncovered new cases in which pairs of closely related species are near‐perfect mimics of each other. Here, we provide morphometric and genetic evidence for the coexistence of two closely related, hybridizing co‐mimetic species on the eastern slopes of the Andes, H. melpomene amaryllis and H. timareta ssp. nov. , which is described here as H. timareta thelxinoe . A joint analysis of multilocus genotyping and geometric morphometrics of wing shape shows a high level of differentiation between the two species, with only limited gene flow and mixing. Some degree of genetic mixing can be detected, but putative hybrids were rare, only one of 175 specimens being a clear hybrid. In contrast, we found phenotypic differentiation between populations of H. timareta thelxinoe , possibly indicative of strong selection for local mimicry in different communities. In this pair of species, the absence of breakdown of genetic isolation despite near‐identical wing patterns implies that factors other than wing patterns keep the two taxa apart, such as chemical or behavioural signals, or ecological adaptation along a strong altitudinal gradient. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 830–847.  相似文献   

Seven new male-sterile mutants (ms7–ms13) of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (ecotype columbia) are described that show a postmeiotic defect of microspore development. In ms9 mutants, microspores recently released from the tetrad appear irregular in shape and are often without exines. The earliest evidence of abnormality in ms12 mutants is degeneration of microspores that lack normal exine sculpturing, suggesting that the MS12 product is important in the formation of pollen exine. Teratomes (abnormally enlarged microsporocytes) are also occasionally present and each has a poorly developed exine. In ms7 mutant plants, the tapetal cytoplasm disintegrates at the late vacuolate microspore stage, apparently causing the degeneration of microspores and pollen grains. With ms8 mutants, the exine of the microspores appears similar to that of the wild type. However, intine development appears impaired and pollen grains rupture prior to maturity. In ms11 mutants, the first detectable abnormality appears at the mid to late vacuolate stage. The absence of fluorescence in the microspores and tapetal cells after staining with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and the occasional presence of teratomes indicate degradation of DNA. Viable pollen from ms10 mutant plants is dehisced from anthers but appears to have surface abnormalities affecting interaction with the stigma. Pollen only germinates in high-humidity conditions or during in-vitro germination experiments. Mutant plants also have bright-green stems, suggesting that ms10 belongs to the eceriferum (cer) class of mutants. However, ms10 and cer6 are non-allelic. The ms13 mutant has a similar phenotype to ms10, suggesting is also an eceriferum mutation. Each of these seven mutants had a greater number of flowers than congenic male-fertile plants. The non-allelic nature of these mutants and their different developmental end-points indicate that seven different genes important for the later stages of pollen development have been identified. Received: 14 August 1997 / Accepted: 7 October 1997  相似文献   

Levels of genetic differentiation vary widely along the genomes of recently diverged species. What processes cause this variation? Here, I analyze geographic population structure and genome-wide patterns of variation in the Rufous, Allen's, and Calliope Hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus/Selasphorus sasin/Selasphorus calliope) and assess evidence that linked selection on the Z chromosome drives patterns of genetic differentiation in a pair of hybridizing species. Demographic models, introgression tests, and genotype clustering analyses support a reticulate evolutionary history consistent with divergence during the late Pleistocene followed by gene flow across migrant Rufous and Allen's Hummingbirds during the Holocene. Relative genetic differentiation () is elevated, and within-population diversity (π) is depressed on the Z chromosome in all interspecific comparisons. The ratio of Z to autosomal within-population diversity is much lower than that expected from population size effects alone, and Tajima's D is depressed on the Z chromosome in S. rufus and S. calliope. These results suggest that conserved structural features of the genome play a prominent role in shaping genetic differentiation through the early stages of speciation in northern Selasphorus hummingbirds, and that the Z chromosome is a likely site of genes underlying behavioral and morphological variation in the group.  相似文献   

The question of whether speciation can occur in the presence of gene flow has long been a contentious one. However, measuring the amount and timing of gene flow remains challenging. The computer program IMa2 allows researchers to estimate the timing of migration events for each locus during analyses, and these estimates have been used to infer the timing of introgression and mode of speciation. We use simulated data sets to examine the degree to which gene-flow timing estimates can be used for these purposes, and what demographic conditions and data sets may be most amenable to gene-flow timing estimation. We find that the 90% highest posterior density (HPD) interval of gene-flow timing is almost always substantially wider than the actual window of gene flow, and increasing the information content of the data set in terms of number of loci, number of sequences sampled or locus length (and thus number of variable sites) has little impact on the posterior distribution over the range of values we tested. Even when simulated gene flow only occurred over the most recent 0.01% of the species' history, the HPD interval usually encompasses the inferred divergence time. Our results indicate that gene-flow timing estimates made using the method currently implemented in IMa2 cannot reliably be used to make inferences about the timing of introgression between diverged species or to distinguish between speciation with gene flow and allopatric speciation followed by one or more episodes of gene flow.  相似文献   

We examine and discuss evidence of contrasting differences in fertility patterns between captive and wild female chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, as they age; in the wild females reproduce in their 40s, but captive studies suggest that menopause occurs around that time. Thus, despite the increased longevity generally observed in captive populations reproductive life span is shortened. We outline a hypothesis to explain the apparent differential pace of reproductive decline observed between wild and captive populations. The breeding schedules of captive primates may contribute to accelerated reproductive senescence because continuous cycling in captive animals results in early depletion of the ovarian stock and premature senescence. Available evidence supports the hypothesis that women with patterns of high oocyte loss experience earlier menopause. Chimpanzees in captivity live longer, and thus, similar to humans, they may experience follicular depletion that precedes death by many years. In captivity, chimpanzees typically have an early age at menarche and first birth, shorter interbirth intervals associated with short lactational periods as young mature faster, and nursery rearing, which allows mothers to begin cycling earlier. Variables typical of wild chimpanzee populations, including late age at menarche and first birth, long interbirth intervals associated with prolonged lactational periods, and a long period of female infertility after immigration, spare ovulations and may be responsible for the later age at reproductive termination. Finally, we describe and discuss the timing of specific reproductive landmarks that occur as female chimpanzees age, distinguishing between functional menopause (age at last birth) and operational menopause (end of cycling). Am. J. Primatol. 71:271–282, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

基因工程培育可恢复的植物雄性不育系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang YF  Huang JY  Yang JS 《遗传》2011,33(1):40-47
植物雄性不育是植物杂种优势利用的资源, 具有重要的生产利用价值。植物雄性不育可从自然突变、人工诱变和远缘杂交中发现, 现在可通过细胞工程和基因工程等方法来创造。文章综述了利用基因工程方法制备雄性不育品系及其相应的育性恢复策略, 分为“单组分策略”和“双组分策略”。其中利用“单组分策略”制备的不育植株是条件型雄性不育(可逆转的雄性不育), 它能在特定的条件下实现雄性可育与不育的转换, 实践中可直接作为两用系(不育系和保持系)用于两系法杂交制种; “双组分策略”是利用基因互作和亲本杂交直接培育雄性不育系, 或利用基因互作原理分别研制不育系和恢复系, 用于三系法生产杂交种。文章分析了 “单组分策略”和“双组分策略”的基因工程方法培育雄性不育系及其相应育性恢复策略优缺点, 对以上两种技术路线在实际应用中的现状作了分析和展望。  相似文献   

The early-life developmental environment is instrumental in shaping our overall adult health and well-being. Early-life diet and endocrine exposure may independently, or in concert with our genetic constitution, induce a pathophysiological process that amplifies with age and leads to premature morbidity and mortality. Recently, this has become known as ‘programming’ but is akin to ‘maternal effects’ described for many years in the biological sciences and is defined as any influence that acts during critical developmental windows to induce long-term changes in the organisms'' phenotype. To date, such delayed maternal effects have largely been characterized in terms of susceptibility to cardiovascular or metabolic disease. Here, we review evidence from experimental animal species, non-human primates and man for an effect of the early-life nutritional environment on adult fecundity and fertility. In addition, using a database of pedigree sheep, we also specifically test the hypothesis that being born small for gestational age with or without post-natal growth acceleration directly programmes fertility. We conclude that there is a lack of compelling evidence to suggest pre-natal undernutrition may directly reduce adult fecundity and fertility, but may exert some effects secondarily via an increased incidence of ‘metabolic syndrome’. Possible effects of being born relatively large on subsequent fecundity and fertility warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of the tetrasporangial phase of Gelidium robustum was studied for 16 months at two sites off Santa Barbara, California. In all samples tetrasporangial thalli were always more abundant than gametangial ones. Tetratrasporangial sori were present throughout the duration of the study but relative fecundity was highest [300–400 sori g–1 (w. wt)] in spring/summer samples of consecutive years, as a result of increasing numbers both of tetrasporangial branchlets per plant and of sori per branchlet. On the other hand, laboratory experiments showed that tetraspore release per sorus was highest (150–250 spores sorus–1 d–1) in winter. Inferring from these field and laboratory data plants released up to ± 34 000 tetraspores g–1 (w. wt) d–1 in the spring/summer of the second study year. Tetraspore germination, under defined culture conditions, also showed a marked seasonality increasing sharply from less than 10% in winter up to almost 60% in spring/summer, thus coinciding with the period of maximal spore output per plant. These results suggest that although relatively high numbers of tetraspores may be released by G. robustum plants all year round these might not always have the potential to germinate and recruit.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is characterized by phenotypic convergence between an unpalatable model and a palatable mimic. However, because convergent evolution may arise via alternative evolutionary mechanisms, putative examples of Batesian mimicry must be rigorously tested. Here, we used artificial butterfly facsimiles (N = 4000) to test the prediction that (1) palatable Limenitis lorquini butterflies should experience reduced predation when in sympatry with their putative model, Adelpha californica, (2) protection from predation on L. lorquini should erode outside of the geographical range of the model, and (3) mimetic color pattern traits are more variable in allopatry, consistent with relaxed selection for mimicry. We find support for these predictions, implying that this convergence is the result of selection for Batesian mimicry. Additionally, we conducted mark–recapture studies to examine the effect of mimicry and found that mimics survive significantly longer at sites where the model is abundant. Finally, in contrast to theoretical predictions, we found evidence that the Batesian model (A. californica) is protected from predation outside of its geographic range. We discuss these results considering the ongoing hybridization between L. lorquini and its sister species, L. weidemeyerii, and growing evidence that selection for mimicry predictably leads to a reduction in gene flow between nascent species.  相似文献   

The grasshopper Podisma pedistris occurs in two chromosome races, which have XO/XX and neo-XY sex chromosome systems. We have studied chromosomal and electrophoretic variation in populations where these two races meet and hybridize, in an area near the town of Seyne, Alpes Maritimes, southern France. Allozyme variation, at 21 loci in 11 populations, does not seem to show any relationship to the underlying cline in the frequency of the two chromosome types. This indicates that the chromosomal cline does not offer a strong barrier to the flow of genes at other loci. The XO/XX race in this area occurs on a single plateau, isolated from other populations with the same karyotype. It is suggested that this form is only able to persist here because the introgression of neo-XY chromosomes is inhibited by steep cliffs, which tend to keep the two races apart.  相似文献   

When recently diverged taxa come into contact, the extent of introgression between them is related to the degree of differentiation that they have achieved. Studying contact zones is therefore essential to understand if differentiated taxa are reproductively isolated and, ultimately, if they are likely to remain distinct. Recent work on Iberian and North African wall lizards ( Podarcis ) has documented the existence of multiple evolutionary units, diagnosable both by genetic markers and morphology, but suggests that gene flow between distinct forms has occurred. Therefore, we were interested in evaluating how species boundaries are maintained in the areas where they meet. In this work, we study the contact zone between Podarcis bocagei and Podarcis carbonelli . We sampled a transect including the only locality where these two lizards are known to occur in syntopy and analysed a battery of 15 unlinked nuclear genetic markers and mitochondrial DNA. We also conducted a preliminary analysis of morphology and fertility. Using model-based clustering approaches, we show that the two species hybridize in the population where they have direct contact, but evidences of introgression are low for nearby populations. Although a significant number of individuals show evidence of admixture, this hybrid zone is clearly bimodal, suggesting strong barriers to gene flow, of which the putative nature are discussed. Interestingly, morphological analyses do not support the existence of intermediate forms among individuals that are admixed genetically. Taken together, these results constitute further evidence validating P. bocagei and P. carbonelli as distinct species.  相似文献   

Worldwide, parthenogenetic reproduction has evolved many times in the stick insects (Phasmatidae). Many parthenogenetic stick insects show the distribution pattern known as geographic parthenogenesis, in that they occupy habitats that are at higher altitude or latitude compared with their sexual relatives. Although it is often assumed that, in the short term, parthenogenetic populations will have a reproductive advantage over sexual populations; this is not necessarily the case. We present data on the distribution and evolutionary relationships of sexual and asexual populations of the New Zealand stick insect, Clitarchus hookeri. Males are common in the northern half of the species’ range but rare or absent elsewhere, and we found that most C. hookeri from putative‐parthenogenetic populations share a common ancestor. Female stick insects from bisexual populations of Clitarchus hookeri are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, but those insects from putative‐parthenogenetic populations produced few offspring via sexual reproduction when males were available. We found similar fertility (hatching success) in mated and virgin females. Mated females produce equal numbers of male and female offspring, with most hatching about 9–16 weeks after laying. In contrast, most eggs from unmated females took longer to hatch (21–23 weeks), and most offspring were female. It appears that all C. hookeri females are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, and thus could benefit from the numerical advantage this yields. Nevertheless, our phylogeographic evidence shows that the majority of all‐female populations over a wide geographic area originate from a single loss of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants is a maternally inherited inability to produce functional pollen, and is often associated with mitochondrial DNA abnormalities. Specific nuclear loci that suppress CMS, termed as restorers of fertility (Rf), have been identified. Previously, we identified an Rf for the CMS Kosena radish and used genetic analysis to identify the locus and create a contig covering the critical interval. To identify the Rf gene, we introduced each of the lambda and cosmid clones into the CMS Brassica napus and scored for fertility restoration. Fertility restoration was observed when one of the lambda clones was introduced into the CMS B. napus. Furthermore, introduction of a 4.7-kb BamHI/HpaI fragment of the lambda clone is enough to restore male fertility. A cDNA strand isolated from a positive fragment contained a predicted protein (ORF687) of 687 amino acids comprising 16 repeats of the 35-amino acid pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) motif. Kosena CMS radish plants were found to express an allele of this gene possessing four substituted amino acids in the second and third repeats of the PPR suggesting that the domains formed by these repeats in ORF687 are essential for fertility restoration. Protein levels of the Kosena CMS-associated mitochondrial protein ORF125 were considerably reduced in plants in which fertility was restored, although mRNA expression was normal. Regarding the possible role for PPR-containing proteins in the regulation of the mitochondrial gene, we propose that ORF687 functions either directly or indirectly to lower the levels of ORF125, resulting in the restoration of fertility in CMS plants.  相似文献   

Twenty-two loci were re-evaluated to assess genetic variation and differentiation in three natural populations (two from Gran Canaria and one from Tenerife) of Gelidium (G. canariensis and G. arbuscula). The new data using exclusively the diploid subpopulation gene frequencies confirm that dispersal was restricted over short distances for the two species, but contrary to previous conclusions, the data reveal that these two closely related species differed markedly by their mating systems and patterns of genetic differentiation. Genetic differentiation among populations was twice as high in G. arbuscula as in G. canariensis. It was confirmed that the mean way of reproduction is asexual in G. arbuscula and a discussion included as to how clonal propagation may explain the difference in haploid and diploid allele frequencies in this species. There was no evidence for asexual reproduction in G. canariensis. Heterozygote deficiency could be explained simply by spatial sub-structuring within populations. The importance of the sampling design in determining the level and pattern of genetic differentiation within a species is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Queen pheromones are among the most important chemical messages regulating insect societies yet they remain largely undiscovered, hindering research into interesting proximate and ultimate questions. Identifying queen pheromones in multiple species would give new insight into the selective pressures and evolutionary constraints acting on these ubiquitous signals. Here, we present experimental and comparative evidence that 3‐methylalkanes, hydrocarbons present on the queen's cuticle, are a queen pheromone throughout the ant genus Lasius. Interspecific variation in the chemical profile is consistent with 3‐methylalkanes evolving more slowly than other types of hydrocarbons, perhaps due to differential selection or evolutionary constraints. We argue that the sensory ecology of the worker response imposes strong stabilizing selection on queen pheromones relative to other hydrocarbons. 3‐Methylalkanes are also strongly physiologically and genetically coupled with fecundity in at least one Lasius species, which may translate into evolutionary constraints. Our results highlight how honest signalling could minimize evolutionary conflict over reproduction, promoting the evolution and maintenance of eusociality.  相似文献   

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