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Gould, R. P. and Mansfield, T. A. 1988. Effects of sulphur dioxideand nitrogen dioxide on growth and translocation in winter wheat.—J. exp. Bot 39: 389–99 Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Avalon) was grown undersimulated autumn conditions for 4 weeks and exposed to a mixtureof SO2 and NO2. Biomass was measured after 2, 3 and 4 weeksand the flag leaves of sample plants were labelled with 14CO2.Biomass yields revealed an increase in shoot-to-root ratiosunder polluted conditions. The labelling experiments showedthat less assimilate was transported to the roots, whilst morewas allocated to the younger components of the plant. It appearedthat NO2 and SO2 also caused labelled photosynthate to be retainedin the labelled leaf. Reducing the photon flux exacerbated theeffects of SO2 and NO2 as indicated by changes in biomass andby the distribution of 14C. Key words: Wheat, SO2, NO2, growth, translocation  相似文献   

Plants of the biennial Arctium tomentosum were grown from seedto seed-set in an open field under three different treatments:control plants receiving full light intensity, plants with aleaf area reduced by 45 per cent, and shaded plants receivingonly 20 per cent of natural illumination. At various stagesof development the youngest fully expanded leaf of one plantin each treatment was exposed to 14CO2 for half an hour. Subsequentdistribution of labelled assimilates in various plant partswas determined after eight hours. In the first year, the mostdominant sink was the tap root irrespective of variation inassimilate supply. During the production of new vegetative growthin the second season, a larger amount of radioactive photosynthatewas recovered from above ground parts, especially during formationof lateral branches. Seed filling consumed 80–90 per centof labelled carbon exported from the exposed leaf. In the secondyear, the most pronounced difference between treatments wasin the degree of apical dominance, being highest in shaded plantsand lowest in the plants with cut leaves. Results from 14C experimentsagreed fairly well with a ‘partitioning coefficient’derived from a growth analysis of plants grown independentlyunder the same experimental conditions. Reasons for discrepanciesbetween the 14C results and the partitioning coefficient arediscussed. Arctium tomentosum, burdock, variation in assimilate supply, assimilate distribution, 14CO2, labelling, growth analysis  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide production in the dark by ears and by the restof the shoot of winter wheat grown in the field was measuredin 2 years during grain growth. The respiration rate per g d.wt of the ears was increased by nitrogen fertilizer. Ears ofthe semi-dwarf varieties Maris Fundin and Hobbit respired moreslowly than ears of Maris Huntsman and Cappelle-Desprez. Respirationrates of the rest of the shoot were unaffected by nitrogen orvariety. The amount of carbohydrate required to provide the CO2 respiredduring the whole period of grain growth varied from 163 to 443g m–2, or 42 to 76 per cent of the dry weight of the grain.More than half the CO2 lost was respired by the ear. The additionof 180 kg N ha–1, which increased grain yield by 78 percent in 1975, almost trebled the amount of CO2 lost by the ears.The semi-dwarf varieties lost less CO2 from ears and shootsthan did the taller ones, and had larger yields of grain. Respiration was also estimated from the difference between the14C contents of shoots sampled immediately after a 30 s exposureto 14CO2 and at maturity. When 14C was supplied 10 days afteranthesis, the loss by maturity amounted to 16–28 per centof that initially absorbed by flag leaves and 40 per cent ofthat absorbed by the leaf below the flag leaf. Most of the lossoccurred in the first day. The loss of 14C by maturity was significantlyincreased by nitrogen fertilizer in 1975. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, respiration, nitrogen supply, fertilizer treatment  相似文献   

The nature and rate of degradation of carboxyl-14C-labelledindol-3y1-acetic acid (IAA-[l-14C]) were studied in apple leaves.The labelled auxin was applied to the cut surface of the growingshoot after the apical part had been removed. The respiratoryCO2 absorbed by chromatographic paper as Na2CO3 then freed byphosphoric acid was quantitatively measured by an internal gascounter. It was found that the concentration of 14CO2 evolvedby leaves was 77 times higher in daylight than in darkness.The ratio of 14CO2/CO2 obtained from respiration from the uppersurface of leaf blades was two and seven times higher than thatfrom the lower surface after 15 and 30 h of daylight, respectively.No such differences were noticed in darkness. Similarly, thetotal radioactivity of leaf tissues tripled in daylight, presumablybecause of photosynthetic incorporation of radioactive CO2 evolvedduring decomposition of LAA. These facts demonstrate the photolyticcharacter of auxin decarboxylation in apple leaves. Prolongeddarkness seemed to provoke a large metabolite withdrawal fromleaves and, to some extent, to protect auxin against decarboxylation.  相似文献   

Tobacco leaves were fractionated by the non-aqueous method afterphotesynthesis for short periods in 14CO2 and with or withoutsubsequent photosynthesis in 12CO2 or respiration in the dark.Phosphate esters became labelled only slowly in the non-chloroplastparts of the leaf; glycine and serine which became rapidly labelledin the non-chloroplast leaf fraction appear to be concernedin the transport of newly assimilated carbon from the chloroplast.  相似文献   

Amounts of some metabolites and the incorporation of 14CO2 intophotosynthetic products were measured in the third leaf of wheat,grown with two rates of nitrate supply at two temperatures,to analyse the effects of environmental conditions on the fluxesof carbon. Ribulose bisphosphate and 3-phosphoglyceric acidcontent per unit area were greater under nitrate deficiencyand decreased with leafage, but did not differ consistentlywith temperature. Sucrose content of young leaves was largerin cool than in warm conditions and with low nitrate, and decreasedwith age to similar values in all treatments. Starch accumulatedwith leaf age, slightly more in cool than warm conditions, andwith nitrate deficiency. Glutamate (plus glutamine), aspartate(plus asparagine), glycine and serine content of leaves weregreatest with added nitrate in cool temperature; changes withleaf age and conditions are discussed. The 14C content of assimilationproducts after exposure to 14CO2 (for up to 10 min at 20 ?C)under steady-state conditions was slightly greater in plantsgrown in the warm than in the cool temperature and with additionalnitrate. Additional nitrate increased the proportion of 14Cin, and flux of carbon to, amino acids, particularly serineand glycine, and decreased it in sugar phosphates and sucrose.Cool growth temperatures increased the proportion of 14C inamino acids (pre-dominantly glycine and serine) and decreasedthat in sucrose. Changes in the balance of carbon fluxes betweenamino acids and carbohydrates are discussed in relation to glycolatepathway metabolism and alternative routes of amino acid synthesis. Key words: Wheat, temperature, nitrate supply, carbon flux, sucrose, amino acids  相似文献   

The distribution of photosynthate labelled with 14C was studiedin spring wheat grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizerin the three years 1972–4, after exposing the flag leafor the leaf below the flag leaf to 14CO2 at 6–10 or 19–26days after anthesis. The movement of 14C to ears was unaffectedby nitrogen fertilizer except after early exposure in 1973,when nitrogen increased the retention of 14C in stems at maturity The concentration of sugar in the top part of the shoot at theend of the day was unaffected by nitrogen in 1973, but at 22days after anthesis in 1974 the concentration of sucrose inthe glumes and rachis, and in the flag leaf lamina was increasedby nitrogen. Loss of sugar by translocation and respirationduring the night may explain why this increase in concentrationwas not reflected in the 14C distribution 24 h after supplying14C. The proportion of the total 14C content of the shoot that wasin the ear at maturity ranged from 68 to 95 per cent dependingon when and to which leaf the 14CO2 was supplied. Less than5 per cent remained in the leaf exposed to 14CO2. The proportionof the final ear weight contributed by the leaf below the flagleaf was about half that contributed by the flag leaf. In 1974 about 24 per cent of the 14C absorbed by the flag leaf,and 56 per cent of that absorbed by the second leaf, was lostby maturity, presumably by respiration. Most loss occurred inthe first 24 h.  相似文献   

Respiratory Loss of Recently Assimilated Carbon in Wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of experiments was undertaken to assess the amountof respiration associated with the growth of wheat at differentstages. Plants (or in some cases just the flag leaf) were labelledwith 14CO2 and the amount of 14CO2 respired during the subsequent48 or 72 h was measured. The evolution of 14C, expressed asa percentage of the amount initially assimilated (referred toas the R/A value) was used as a measure of the overall efficiencyof dry matter production. Respiratory 14CO2 evolution from labelledplants was most rapid in the first 12 h after labelling, thereafterdeclining rapidly. Evolution was also more rapid following labellingsat the end of the light period (dusk) than at the beginningof it (dawn). The R/A values were greatest (42 and 50 per centrespectively for dawn- and dusk-labelled plants) for young plantsand least (13 and 28 per cent respectively) for plants duringmid grain filling. When flag leaves, as distinct from wholeplants, were labelled, R/A values were lower still (9 and 21per cent respectively), indicating that flag leaf assimilatewas used efficiently in grain production. The calculated minimum R/A for the formation of grain material(10 per cent protein, 90 per cent starch) was 6.2 per cent.That the experimentally determined values were greater thanthis is attributed to the turnover of carbon in enzymes, toother maintenance processes, and possibly to the operation ofthe pentose phosphate pathway of glucose oxidation. R/A valueswere lower in those plants labelled at the beginning than thoseat the end of the photoperiod. This was considered to be a consequenceof refixation of respiratory 14CO2 during the light. The higherR/A values found for young plants were considered to be a consequenceof the greater percentage of 14C translocated to the roots (rootsbeing unable to refix respired CO2) and of greater turnoverof enzymes associated with more active metabolism. Triticum, wheat, respiration, carbon assimilation, carbon loss, grain-filling  相似文献   

The Extent of Starch Turnover in Mature Pepper Leaves in the Light   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GRANGE  R. I. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(2):289-292
The extent of starch turnover in pepper leaves in the lighthas been estimated. After leaves were labelled with 14CO2 atconstant specific activity for 4–7 h, the irradiance wasreduced to a level which caused no net change in the starchcontent of the leaf, and the supply of 14CO2 was removed. Therewas no significant change in specific activity of starch overthe following 6–10 h, thus there was no exchange of 14C-starchwith 12C-assimilates entering the chloroplasts. Starch, turnover, 14C-labelling, pepper, Capsicum annuum L.  相似文献   

The influence of infection with Septoria nodorum of leaves belowthe flag leaf on the translocation of 14C-labelled assimilatesin wheat was followed. In the vegetative phase export of assimilatesfrom a single infected leaf was reduced, but export from a healthyleaf on a heavily infected plant was increased. During the reproductivephase export from leaves was not affected by disease. Heavyleaf infection had little effect on the patterns of distributionof export especially during reproductive growth when only changesin the proportion of assimilates in leaf sheaths and tillerstumps were found. Distribution of export from a healthy flagleaf on an otherwise heavily infected plant was unaltered. Duringvegetative growth changes in the distribution of assimilateswere more marked, the greatest changes occurring when a singleinfected leaf on a healthy plant was exposed to 14CO2.  相似文献   

Yamashita, T. 1987. Modulated degradation of ribulose ftisphosphatecarboxylase in leaves on top-pruned shoots of the mulberry tree(Morus alba L.).—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1957–1964. The effects of pruning shoot tops on the synthesis and degradationof ribulose 1,5–Wsphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) inleaves on remaining shoots were investigated in mulberry trees.Leucine labelled with 14C was fed to leaf discs from field-grownmulberry trees and 14C incorporation into RuBPCase was examined.Proportion of 14C in RuBPCase to leucine–14C absorbedby leaf discs was remarkably lowered by top-pruning, thoughoccasionally a slight increase was observed soon after pruning.Yet RuBPCase content in leaves on top-pruned shoots became progressivelyhigher than that in leaves on intact shoots. Changes in 14Cin Ru1BPCase in leaves of mulberry saplings previously fed 14CO2were followed. Following 14CO2 feeding, the attainment of themaximal level of 14C in RuBPCase was retarded by top-pruning.The highest level of 14C in RuBPCase was maintained in leaveson top-pruned shoots but decreased in leaves on intact shoots.Specific radioactivity in RuBPCase continued to increase inleaves on top-pruned shoots even after attaining a maximum levelin the control leaves. These facts suggest that the increasein RuBPCase by top-pruning results from a cessation of its degradationfor the remobilization of nitrogen for newly developing leaveson shoot tops. Key words: RuBP carboxylase, shoot pruning, mulberry (Morus alba)  相似文献   

The growing part of a wheat leaf (the extension zone) is loocatedat the leaf base and following from this it was proposed thatthe absolute leaf extension rate (Ler) can be partitioned intotwo components: the length of the extension zone (Lez) and therelative extension rate of that extension zone (Rez). Rez isan appropriate measure of the efficiency of leaf growth forcomparing different leaves. This model of a wheat leaf was thenused to investigate whether differences in growth rates betweensuccessive leaves on wheat plants were due to differences inhexose sugar or protein concentrations within the extensionzone. Measurements were done in an irrigated field crop suppliedwith 0, 3, 10, or 30 kg N ha–1 per week. The mean values of Ler at 15 °C increased with leaf numberand with nitrogen supply as did values for Lez. In contrastRez at 15 °C declined from 0.9 d–1 for the first leavesto 0.3 d–1 for the flag leaf. Nitrogen supply had littleeffect on Rez. A separate measure of the efficiency of leafgrowth, the responsiveness of Ler to temperature (measured asthe slope of the temperature response curve), also decreasedwith leaf number by the same order as Rez and was similarlyunaffected by nitrogen supply. The protein concentrations in the extension zones of the firstleaves were around 40 mg g–1 fr. wt. and this declinedto approximately 20 mg g–1 fr. wt for leaves emergingafter tillers emerged and remained low thereafter. Protein concentrationswere not correlated with the external supply of nitrogen. Hexosesugar concentrations followed a reverse pattern of increasingin the later order leaves and these also increased as nitrogensupply decreased. Both Rez and the responsiveness of Ler to temperature were positivelycorrelated with the protein concentration, the relationshipin each case being described by a rectangular hyperbola equation(P < 0.01), and negatively correlated with hexose concentrations.It was concluded that internal competition between growing pointsfor reduced nitrogen caused the observed effects. However, differencesin protein concentrations may not simply reflect differencesin enzyme concentrations; rather these differences may indicatechanges in some other character such as cell numbers.  相似文献   

Agrostis capillaris L.5, Festuca vivipara L. and Poaalpina L.were grown in outdoor open-top chambers at either ambient (340 3µmol mol–1) or elevated (6804µmol mol–1)concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) for periodsfrom 79–189 d. Photosynthetic capacity of source leaves of plants grown atboth ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations was measured atsaturating light and 5% CO2. Dark respiration of leaves wasmeasured using a liquid phase oxygen electrode with the buffersolution in equilibrium with air (21% O2, 0.034% CO2). Photo-syntheticcapacity of P. alpina was reduced by growth at 680 µmolmol–1 CO2 by 105 d, and that of F. vivipara was reducedat 65 d and 189 d after CO2 enrichment began, suggesting down-regulationor acclimation. Dark respiration of successive leaf blades ofall three species was unaltered by growth at 680 relative to340 µmol mol–1 CO2. In F. vivipara, leaf respirationrate was markedly lower at 189 d than at either 0 d or 65 d,irrespective of growth CO2 concentration. There was a significantlylower total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) concentrationin the leaf blades and leaf sheaths of A. capillaris grown at680µmol mol–1 CO2. TNC of roots of A. capillariswas unaltered by CO2 treatment. TNC concentration was increasedin both leaves and sheaths of P. alpina and F. vivipara after105 d and 65 d growth, respectively. A 4-fold increase in thewater-soluble fraction (fructan) in P. alpina and in all carbohydratefractions in F. vivipara accounted for the increased TNC content. In F. vivipara the relationship between leaf photosyn-theticcapacity and leaf carbohydrate concentration was such that therewas a strong positive correlation between photosynthetic capacityand total leaf N concentration (expressed on a per unit structuraldry weight basis), and total nitrogen concentration of successivemature leaves reduced with time. Multiple regression of leafphotosynthetic capacity upon leaf nitrogen and carbohydrateconcentrations further confirmed that leaf photosynthetic capacitywas mainly determined by leaf N concentration. In P. alpina,leaf photosynthetic capacity was mainly determined by leaf CHOconcentration. Thus there is evidence for down-regulation ofphotosynthetic capacity in P. alpina resulting from increasedcarbohydrate accumulation in source leaves. Leaf dark respiration and total N concentration were positivelycorrelated in P. alpina and F. vivipara. Leaf dark respirationand soluble carbohydrate concentration of source leaves werepositively correlated in A. capillaris. Changes in source leafphotosynthetic capacity and carbohydrate concentration of plantsgrown at ambient or elevated CO2 are discussed in relation toplant growth, nutrient relations and availability of sinks forcarbon. Key words: Elevated CO2, Climate change, grasses, carbohydrate partitioning, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in very young leaves utilizes carbon fromphotosynthesis and from translocated sucrose, and nitrogen translocatedin both xylem and phloem. The carbon of young leaf protein isderived mainly from assimilated CO2, while translocated sucrosecontributes proportionately more of its carbon to insolublecarbohydrate. Most protein amino-acids become labelled from14CO2, glutamate being the notable exception. Glutamine or glutamateis synthesized from sucrose in roots, and is translocated toyoung leaves. It is suggested that a small but significant proportionof the nitrogen requirement of the young leaf is translocatedfrom roots as glutamine, in the phloem. Inorganic nitrogen istranslocated in xylem.  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatal conductance to CO2 andresidual conductance to CO2 were measured in the last six leaves(the sixth or flag leaf and the preceding five leaves) of Triticumaestivum L. cv. Kolibri plants grown in Mediterranean conditions.Recently fully expanded leaves of well-watered plants were alwaysused. Measurements were made at saturating photosynthetic photonflux density, and at ambient CO2 and O2 levels. The specificleaf area, total organic nitrogen content, some anatomical characteristics,and other parameters, were measured on the same leaves usedfor gas exchange experiments. A progressive xeromorphic adaptation in the leaf structure wasobserved with increasing leaf insertion levels. Furthermore,mesophyll cell volume per unit leaf area (Vmes/A) decreasedby 52·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. Mesophyllcell area per unit leaf area also decreased, but only by 24·5%.However, nitrogen content per unit mesophyll cell volume increasedby 50·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. This increasecould be associated to an observed higher number of chloroplastcross-sections per mm2 of mesophyll cell cross-sectional areain the flag leaf: values of 23000 in the first leaf and 48000in the flag leaf were obtained. Pn per unit leaf area remainedfairly constant at the different insertion levels: values of33·83±0·93 mg dm–2 h–1 and32·32±1·61 mg dm–2 h–1 wereobtained for the first leaf and the flag leaf, respectively.Residual conductance, however, decreased by 18·2% fromthe first leaf to the flag leaf. Stomatal conductance increasedby 41·7%. The steadiness in Pn per unit leaf area across the leaf insertionlevels could be mainly accounted for by an opposing effect betweena decrease in Vmes/A and a more closely packed arrangement ofphotosynthetic apparatus. Adaptative significance of structuralchanges with increasing leaf insertion levels and the steadinessin Pn per unit leaf area was studied. Key words: Photosynthesis, structure, wheat  相似文献   

Assimilate distribution in leaves of Lolium temulentum was establishedby root absorption of [14C]sucrose and after exposure to 14CO2.Age determined the amount of carbon assimilated, with more labelbeing incorporated during expansion than at maturity. Duringsenescence 14C assimilation was much lower. Ethanol-solubleextracts from various tissues of root-labelled plants containedmost of the radioactivity chiefly in basic and acidic compounds.The neutral fraction was composed predominantly of sucrose. Sucrose was comparably labelled in leaves from plants fed equalamounts of either [14C]sucrose, glucose, or fructose and onlytraces of labelled monosaccharides appeared in extracts. Radioactive sucrose was translocated rapidly from mature leaveswhereas, in the expanding leaf, carbon incorporation was directedtowards growth and the greater proportion of label present atligule formation was in ethanol-insoluble material. Induced senescence, of a mature leaf fed during expansion, produceda rapid loss from the pool of insoluble 14C. This was accompaniedby a reduction in the contents of chlorophyll and soluble proteinand an accumulation of amino acids. The onset of senescencecaused changes in leaf sugar levels which were correlated withincreased rates of respiration.  相似文献   

Lawlor, D. W., Boyle, F. A., Young, A. T., Keys, A. J. and Kendall,A. C. 1987. Nitrate nutrition and temperature effects on wheat:photosynthesis and photorespiration of leaves.—J. exp.Bot. 38: 393–408. Photosynthetic and photorespiratory carbon dioxide exchangeby the third leaf of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Kolibri),was analysed for plants grown at 13/10 °C (day/night temperature)and 23/18 °C with two rates of nitrate fertilization (abasal rate, — N, and a 4-fold larger rate, +N) and, insome experiments, with two photon fluxes. Net photosynthesiswas greatest at the time of maximum lamina expansion, and forleaves grown with additional nitrate. Maximum rate of photosynthesis,carboxylation efficiency and photochemical efficiency at maturitywere slightly decreased by nitrate deficiency but photosystemactivity was similar under all conditions. As leaves aged, photosynthesisand photochemical efficiency decreased; carboxylation efficiencydecreased more than photochemical efficiency particularly withbasal nitrate. Low oxygen increased the carboxylation and photochemicalefficiencies, and increased the maximum rate of assimilationby a constant proportion in all treatments. Photorespiration,measured by CO2 efflux to CO2-free air, by 14CO2 uptake, andfrom compensation concentration, was proportional to assimilationin all treatments. It was greater, and formed a larger proportionof net photosynthesis, when measured in warm than in cold conditionsbut was independent of growth conditions. Assimilation was relatedto RuBPc-o activity in the tissue. Relationships between photosynthesis,photorespiration and enzyme complement are discussed. Key words: Wheat, leaves, nitrate nutrition, temperature effect, photosynthesis, photorespiration  相似文献   

Parallel to the increase in atmospheric CO2 from 278 µmolmol–1 in AD 1750 to the current ambient level of 348 µmolmol–1, there have been overall decreases in leaf nitrogencontent and stomatal density from 144% and 121%, respectively,in AD 1750 to 100% today of herbarium specimens of 14 trees,shrubs, and herbs collected over the last 240 years in Catalonia,a Mediterranean climate area. These decreases were steeper duringthe initial slower increases in CO2 atmospheric levels as comparedwith the relatively faster CO2 increases in recent years. Thedeclines in leaf N content and stomatal density have also beenreported in experimental studies on leaves of plants grown underenriched CO2 environments. Meanwhile, the stomatal index andoverall carbon and sulphur leaf contents have not changed significantly.Leaf S content was higher in the 1940s samples coinciding withthe burning of increased quantities of sulphur-rich coal. Consequently,the epidermal cell density has decreased parallel to the stomataldensity and the C/N ratio of leaves has increased, implyingpossible important consequences on herbivores, decomposers,and ecosystems. An overall decrease in the specific leaf area(SLA) from 184% in the 18th century to 100% today has also beenfound, as would be expected under CO2 enrichment, but whichmight also be an artifact of prolonged storage. Key words: Carbon dioxide increase, leaf nitrogen content, leaf sulphur content, stomatal density, last centuries  相似文献   

Lehnherr, B. M?chler, F. and N?sberger, J. 1985. Effect of CO2concentration during growth on a CO2 concentrating mechanismin white clover as predicted from differential 14CO2/12CO2 uptake.-J. exp. Bot. 36: 1835-1841. White clover was grown at 20 and100 Pa p(CO2). The CO2 response of net photosynthesis and differentialuptake of 14CO2 and 12CO2 by leaves were measured at varioustemperatures and at various O2 and CO2 partial pressures andcompared with predictions from ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenasekinetics. Discrepancies between the observed gas exchange characteristicsfor the leaves and those predicted from the enzyme kineticswere interpreted as being due to a CO2 concentrating mechanism.Plants grown at 20 Pa p(CO2) showed a higher affinity for CO2than plants grown at 100 Pa p(CO2) when measured at 10 ?C. Nodifference in affinity was found at 30 ?C. The postulated CO2concentrating effect was greater in plants grown at low CO2than in plants grown at high CO2 concentration and occurredonly at low temperature and low CO2 partial pressure. It issuggested that plants grown at the lower CO2 partial pressurehave a higher affinity for CO2 due to a more efficient CO2 concentratingsystem than plants grown at the higher CO2 partial pressure. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, concentration, RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

The uptake of 14CO2 by developing barley leaves of three ageswas followed using short presentation periods at the beginningor the end of the photoperiod. Partition of labelled carboninto ethanol-soluble and insoluble compounds, and movement oflabel within the plant were also examined. Young expanding leaves (day 6) retained most of the assimilatedcarbon and within 24 h 75–80 per cent of this was in ethanol-insolublecompounds. Leaves that were fully expanded took up rather more14CO2 but exported a substantial amount of this to roots, leafbases including the stem apex, and to the developing secondleaf. Export occurred over periods up to 24 h, and by that time8- and 10-day-old leaves retained only 35 per cent and 15 percent respectively of the total label taken up. The label retainedin these leaves was predominantly in ethanol-soluble forms,whereas 75 per cent or more of the labelled carbon which wasexported from the leaves was found in ethanol-insoluble compounds.  相似文献   

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