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在pH8.09、水温28℃±1℃、盐度5‰条件下,进行了氨氮对不同生长阶段的弧边招潮急性毒性试验。结果显示:氨氮对全甲宽小于1.5cm、1.5cm、1.5cm至2.5cm之间3个生长阶段的弧边招潮96h的半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为47.28mg·L-1、71.49mg·L-1和90.57mg·L-1,三者之间差异极显著(P<0.01),对应的非离子氨浓度为3.71mg·L-1、5.61mg·L-1和7.11mg·L-1;氨氮的安全浓度分别为4.73mg·L-1、7.15mg·L-1和9.06mg·L-1,对应的非离子氨浓度为0.37mg·L-1、0.56mg·L-1和0.71mg·L-1。结果表明,氨氮对弧边招潮的毒性与氨氮浓度和中毒时间呈正相关。3个生长阶段弧边招潮对氨氮的耐受性大小次序为:全甲宽1.5cm至2.5cm之间>全甲宽1.5cm>全甲宽小于1.5cm。  相似文献   

忽地笑愈伤组织培养条件对加兰他敏合成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了忽地笑次生代谢产物加兰他敏的合成以及各种理化因子对加兰他敏合成的影响。结果表明,蔗糖是忽地笑愈伤组织培养的最佳碳源,而且在90 g/L浓度培养下加兰他敏含量最高,达到0.068%;附加500 mg/L苯丙氨酸前体物也可提高加兰他敏产量。酪氨酸和水杨酸不利于加兰他敏的积累。此外,2,4-D和浓度高于0.5 mg/L的NAA、IBA抑制加兰他敏的合成,但高浓度的6-BA却对加兰他敏的合成起促进作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)对面部凹陷自体脂肪移植成活率的影响。方法:选取我院自2016年3月-2017年11月收治的62例面部凹陷患者,根据治疗方案的不同分为观察组和对照组,对照组30例患者仅采用自体脂肪颗粒移植治疗,观察组32例患者在对照组基础上加用血小板衍生生长因子治疗,比较两组患者治疗的优良率和并发症的发生情况。结果:治疗后,观察组患者的优良率为93.75%,明显高于对照组(73.33%,P0.05)。观察组患者治疗后3个月、6个月时身体脂肪吸收率明显高于术后1个月时(P0.05),且与对照组同时点比较,观察组患者治疗后3个月、6个月时的身体脂肪吸收率显著升高(P0.05)。观察组患者对治疗满意度为87.55%,显著高于对照组(70.0%,P0.05)。结论:血小板衍生生长因子应用于治疗面部凹陷能够有效提高自体脂肪移植的成活率。  相似文献   

向日葵种群中植株个体大小对其氮素利用策略的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们利用Berendse和Aerts提出的氮素利用效率(NUE)概念及原理研究了高密度一年生草本植物向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)种群中植株个体大小对其氮素吸收利用的影响,并对种内竞争进行了分析。结果表明,植株对氮素的吸收与其个体大小不成线性关系,说明种群内不同植株个体对土壤氮素的竞争属于非对称竞争。植株的氮素损失随着个体大小的增加而增加。个体较大的植株具有较高的氮素输入率和较低的氮素输出率,因而具有较高的氮素净增加值。植株的氮素生产力(NP)和氮素平均滞留时间(MRT)均与植株个体大小呈正相关。较大的植物个体具有较高的NP和较长的MRT,由于NUE为NP和MRT二者的乘积,因而较大个体植株的NUE高于个体较小的植株。同种植物的不同个体的NP和MRT之间不存在协衡关系。氮素回收效率(NRE)与植株个体大小密切相关。在个体水平上,较大的植株个体具有较高的NUE与其较高的NRE有关。种群内植株个体对土壤氮素的非对称竞争主要由于植株对氮素的吸收和利用效率不同所致。因此,Berendse和Aerts提出的氮素利用效率概念不仅适用于研究种间的养分利用策略,对于种内不同植株的养分策略研究也同样适用。  相似文献   

为考察个体大小对升温过程中草鱼的耐高温能力和群体行为的影响, 研究以草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为实验对象, 结果显示: 大个体群体的个体游泳速度明显大于小个体群体(P=0.039), 个体间距离和最近邻距离显著高于小个体群体(P<0.001); 大个体鱼群的极性与小个体群体并无差异。虽然大个体群体的致死高温与小个体群体无差异, 但前者的临界高温显著大于小个体群体(P<0.001)。升温过程会使鱼群个体游泳速度变快, 个体间距离和最近邻距离也相应增加, 但游泳速度同步性和群体极性维持不变。研究表明: 个体大小的增加可增强草鱼幼鱼对环境水温的耐高温能力; 升温不会影响不同个体大小草鱼幼鱼群体的协调性, 但会降低草鱼幼鱼的群体凝聚力。  相似文献   

我们利用Berendse和Aerts提出的氮素利用效率(NUE)概念及原理研究了高密度一年生草本植物向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)种群中植株个体大小对其氮素吸收利用的影响,并对种内竞争进行了分析.结果表明,植株对氮素的吸收与其个体大小不成线性关系,说明种群内不同植株个体对土壤氮素的竞争属于非对称竞争.植株的氮素损失随着个体大小的增加而增加.个体较大的植株具有较高的氮素输入率和较低的氮素输出率,因而具有较高的氮素净增加值.植株的氮素生产力(NP)和氮素平均滞留时间(MRT)均与植株个体大小呈正相关.较大的植物个体具有较高的NP和较长的MRT,由于NUE为NP和MRT二者的乘积,因而较大个体植株的NUE高于个体较小的植株.同种植物的不同个体的NP和MRT之间不存在协衡关系.氮素回收效率(NRE)与植株个体大小密切相关.在个体水平上,较大的植株个体具有较高的NUE与其较高的NRE有关.种群内植株个体对土壤氮素的非对称竞争主要由于植株对氮素的吸收和利用效率不同所致.因此,Berendse和Aerts提出的氮素利用效率概念不仅适用于研究种间的养分利用策略,对于种内不同植株的养分策略研究也同样适用.  相似文献   

拦河筑坝所导致的物理阻隔和生态阻隔是影响鱼类迁徙的关键因素。圆口铜鱼Coreius guichenoti(SauvageDabry de Thiersant,1874)作为长江上游重要的河流性洄游鱼类,其迁徙不可避免受到金沙江下游向家坝和溪洛渡大型水电站蓄水的影响。关于向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水是否会显著阻隔圆口铜鱼个体的下行以及不同年龄个体之间受阻隔的影响是否存在差异,迄今为止,还未有相关报道。本文拟通过2012—2014年对长江上游永善江段和宜宾江段圆口铜鱼年龄结构变动的研究,探讨向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼不同年龄个体下行阻隔的影响程度。结果表明:1)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对圆口铜鱼下行产生了明显的阻隔效应;2)向家坝和溪洛渡蓄水对1龄个体的下行阻隔最明显且最严重;3)与单一的大型水库和大坝相比,多个梯级的大型水库和大坝会对圆口铜鱼的下行产生更为严重的阻隔效应。本文拟为金沙江下游圆口铜鱼的资源保护提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

目的:了解gag基因修饰前后在不同载体系统中的表达水平差异对免疫效果的影响,为确定HIV疫苗中能诱发较高水平细胞免疫的Gag靶抗原奠定实验基础。方法:将含有优化前后gag基因的HIV-1 DNA(pVRC)疫苗和重组痘苗病毒(rVV)载体疫苗单独或联合免疫BALB/c小鼠,利用IFN-γ酶联免疫斑点法和胞内细胞因子染色检测各组的细胞免疫效果,ELISA检测体液免疫水平,分别比较基因优化前后及在不同载体内的Gag诱发的免疫效果。结果:DNA疫苗中gag基因修饰后细胞免疫反应由472提高至925 SFC/106MNC,抗体滴度随免疫次数增加而提高,基因修饰后第二针的抗体水平由104.2提高至105.3,三针后则没有差别;而以rVV为载体的疫苗基因修饰前后细胞免疫反应(~320 SFC/106MNC)和抗体水平(~104.4)均没有差异。2种疫苗联合免疫均可显著提高Gag修饰前后在小鼠体内的免疫效果,基因修饰后细胞免疫反应由1700提高至2100 SFC/106MNC,抗体水平则没有差别。结论:gag基因修饰明显提高常规DNA疫苗免疫效果,并可进一步提高联合免疫效果,但对rVV疫苗单独免疫效果无明显影响。  相似文献   

在磷浓度不同的基质中种植密度对野菱生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在3种不同磷浓度(低浓度27.56±0.78μg·g-1,中浓度52.85±1.30 μg·g-1,高浓度115.61±2.72μg·g-1)基质中,不同种植密度(11和32株·m-2)对野菱(Trapa incisa Sieb.et Zucc.)生长和不同部位磷含量的影响.结果表明,在磷浓度不同的基质中,野菱单株的根、茎和叶干质量及总干质量都随种植密度的提高而增加.种植密度的高低对野菱茎直径和叶数没有显著影响(P>0.05),但在3种基质中,种植密度高的野菱植株的叶数都高于种植密度低的野菱植株.种植密度埘野菱各部位干物质分配以及磷含量的影响因基质中磷浓度的不同而表现出不同的规律性;种植密度高的野菱植株的茎和叶片中的磷含量高于种植密度低的野菱植株,种植密度低的野菱植株的茎生物量比和根中的磷含量均高于种植密度高的野菱植株.研究结果显示,提高种植密度不仪能促进野菱个体的生长,且能促进磷在野菱体内的运输.  相似文献   

不同来源生物炭对砷在土壤中吸附与解吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用OECD Guideline 106批平衡方法研究了由凋落松针、玉米秸秆、牛粪制备的3种生物炭对As(Ⅴ)在棕壤中的吸附和解吸特性的影响.结果表明:3种生物炭的添加量为0.5%时,对As(Ⅴ)在土壤中的吸附量大小顺序为牛粪炭处理>松针炭处理>玉米秸秆炭处理,这与生物炭的基本性质密切相关;等温吸附曲线能用Langmuir方程进行很好的拟合(R2 =0.997);与对照相比,生物炭处理对砷的吸附容量(lgKf 为1.99~2.10)和吸附强度(1/N 为0413~0.449)降低,生物炭对As(Ⅴ)的主要吸附机制为物理吸附;生物炭处理对As(Ⅴ)解吸率大小顺序为:玉米秸秆炭处理>松针炭处理>牛粪炭处理,解吸率在14.5%~18.7%.添加3种来源生物炭降低了棕壤对As(Ⅴ)的吸附,这可能会导致砷的有效性增强,更易被生物吸收,进而增强土壤中砷的毒性.  相似文献   

目的观察不同子宫、卵巢切除术式对兔术后早期内分泌激素和骨代谢的影响。方法45只健康成年雌兔随机分为5组,Ⅰ组:单纯子宫全切除组;Ⅱ组:子宫全切+单侧卵巢切除组;Ⅲ组:子宫全切+双侧卵巢切除组;Ⅳ组:双侧卵巢切除组;Ⅴ组:对照组。测量术前、术后1、2、3个月的体重、雌二醇(E2)、甲状旁腺素(PTH)、血钙、血清碱性磷酸酶(ALK)和骨密度(BD)。结果术后第2、3个月,Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组出现烦躁不安和体重减轻的实验兔要显著高于Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组;术后第2个月,Ⅱ组E2浓度(17.66±6.06)pg/mL,显著降低,术后第3个月,血钙增高(3.86±0.11)mmol/L,第2椎骨骨密度显著降低,与对照组相比(P〈0.05),有显著差异;Ⅱ组术后第3个月PTH增高,但与对照组相比无显著差异(P〉0.05)。Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组术后第2个月起,E2、PTH、血钙、ALT和BD,与对照组相比均有显著改变。结论子宫切除术会影响雌兔内分泌的变化,只保留单侧卵巢时不能维持相应的正常生理功能。  相似文献   

Female chimpanzees mate promiscuously during a period of extended receptivity marked by prominent sexual swelling. Recent studies of wild chimpanzees indicate that subtle variations in swelling size could act as a reliable cue of female fertilization potential both within and between cycles (Emery and Whitten Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54, 340–351, 2003; Deschner et al. Hormones and Behavior, 46, 204–215, 2004). Copulation rates increase during the periovulatory period and during conception cycles (Deschner et al. Hormones and Behavior, 46, 204–215, 2004; Emery Thompson American Journal of Primatology, 67, 137–158, 2005a), suggesting that males may be able to assess female fertilization potential. We asked whether facultative timing of copulation in Kanyawara chimpanzees was due to increased male mating interest or to increased female proceptivity during the most fecund days. We assessed multiple measures of male mating effort in cycles aligned relative to the day of detumescence and compared periovulatory days to other days of maximal swelling, and conception cycles to nonconception cycles. The rate and proportion of male initiative in soliciting sexual behavior increased during periods of highest fertilization potential. Males were also more likely to interrupt copulations, associate with estrous females, and compete with other males when females were most likely to conceive. Females initiated copulations more frequently during conception cycles but did not visibly shift mating behavior within cycles. Our results support the hypothesis that male chimpanzees have the ability to assess the profitability of mating attempts, a trait that may act as a counter-adaptation to female strategies to obscure paternity. We discuss potential cues and the implications for female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

目的:探讨与观察面颈部吸脂结合脂肪移植在瘢痕整形中的临床应用效果。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,选择2017年8月到2020年6月在本院诊治的面颈部瘢痕患者78例作为研究对象,根据随机信封抽签原则把患者分为联合组与对照组各39例。对照组给予面颈部吸脂治疗,联合组给予面颈部吸脂结合脂肪移植治疗,治疗观察3个月。结果:联合组治疗后瘢痕部位的疼痛分级与对照组对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组治疗后的美容权重评分与瘢痕基底深度都低于治疗前(P<0.05),联合组低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后联合组的总有效率为97.4%,高于对照组的82.1%(P<0.05)。联合组治疗期间的感染、栓塞、出血、神经损害等并发症发生率为5.1%,低于对照组的28.2%(P<0.05)。结论:面颈部吸脂结合脂肪移植在瘢痕整形中的临床应用并不会增加患者的疼痛,还能降低瘢痕基底深度与减少并发症的发生,提高患者的美容度与总体治疗效果。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a thermal countercurrent exchange may occur in the cerebral vascular bed of humans, thereby creating for the brain a state of relative thermal independence with regard to the rest of the body. However, worrying questions have arisen concerning this suggestion. Experiments were carried out on seven young male volunteers. Hyper- and hypothermic conditions were produced by immersion in water at 38.5 degrees C and 25 degrees C, respectively. During the last few minutes of immersion, the face was cooled or warmed by ventilation with a 200 l.min-1 air flow at 5 degrees C or 40 degrees C, respectively. Internal and peripheral temperatures were recorded. Blood flow in the anastomotic vessels between face and brain was measured by Doppler techniques associated with computerized frequency analysis. The general responses were as classically described, i.e. an increase in peripheral and central temperatures during immersion in the warm bath and a decrease in these variables in the cold bath. The reactions produced by cooling or warming the face were small and easily explained by the direct changes of the heat load they induced. Whatever the thermal conditions, the blood flow in the anastomotic vessels between the vascular bed of the face and that of the brain was never reversed. It was concluded that there was no experimental evidence for an efficient thermal counter-current exchange in the vascular bed of the human head.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of overexposure of testosterone (T) on fat cell morphology and adipocyte precursor pools in inguinal and retroperitoneal fat depots of ovariectomized rats. In both tissues peripubertal T decreased weights without affecting adipocyte mean cell size or the size distribution profiles, but adipocyte number was decreased by 65% in the inguinal and by 38% in the retroperitoneal depots. Immunofluorescent flow cytometry utilizing a specific antibody to rat adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase was used to quantify regional precursor cell populations. T sharply reduced the percentages of differentiated and undifferentiated preadipocytes in the inguinal depot, from 43.2 ± 5.3 to 23.5 ± 2.1% and from 57.7 ± 4.0 to 43.6 ± 5.3%, respectively, with a concomitant increase in fibroblasts from 1.6 to 32.9%. On the other hand, T had no effect on retroperitoneal preadipocyte pools. Perinatal andro-genization exacerbated the decline in the inguinal weight (1.4 ± 0.1 vs. 2.2 ± 0.1g) but otherwise did not influence the actions of peripubertal T. Androgens may thus act in a tissue-specific manner to regulate fat cell growth potential in the femoral region in the female.  相似文献   

Individuals with overweight and obesity are subject to enormous bias and discrimination across domains. This bias constitutes a considerable public health problem beyond the effects of excess weight on health. Unfortunately, the few interventions that have been implemented to reduce this bias have not been successful. Evidence that the presence of an animal makes individuals and settings appear more attractive, desirable, approachable, and relaxed, as well as happier and safer, suggests that dog ownership may be a simple way to reduce weight bias. Accordingly, we tested whether the presence of a dog can reduce weight bias in a sample of 314 online participants. Each participant was presented with a stimulus image representing one of three conditions (person with dog, person with plant, or person alone), and was then asked to rate the human model using three measures. Two sets of stimuli (featuring different models) were used to ensure that findings were not restricted to a particular model. Contrary to our predictions, we found no evidence that the presence of a dog affects endorsement of weight-related stereotypes, general evaluations, or desire for social distance. These findings contrast with a large body of literature showing that dogs enhance perceptions of a range of individuals and settings. The effect of dogs on perceptions may be restricted in the case of weight bias because of the pervasive, explicit, and severe nature of this bias. Dogs may have stronger effects on attitudes that are less openly endorsed. Promising avenues where dogs are very likely to influence attitudes include perceptions of individuals of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, and even political parties.  相似文献   

Smoking exerts influences on the secretion of several hormones which are abnormal in obesity. Previous studies have mainly been performed in non-obese men, and data from non-obese and obese women are scarce. The aim of the present study was therefore to identify the effect of smoking on hormone secretions in obese and lean female smokers. The study was performed in 10 obese and 8 lean, premenopausal, healthy smokers. All subjects were tested once under experimental and once under control conditions (not smoking) in randomized order. The women smoked two non-filtered cigarettes during 4 minutes each. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured 30 minutes before smoking, at the start of smoking (time 0) and then after 5, 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. Blood samples were taken for determination of serum concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), Cortisol, prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) at the same time points except at 5 minutes. Heart rate rose in both groups during smoking. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was increased only in the obese subjects. Cortisol and ACTH increased in both groups, while TSH, PRL and GH were unchanged in both groups. We conclude that lean and obese smoking women seem to respond rather similarly to smoking in the hemodynamic and endocrine variables measured in this report with the possible exception of blood pressure where the obese women tended to show more pronounced increases.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of a model neuropeptide (leucine enkephalin) was studied in the presence of saliva obtained from normal and allergic male and female volunteers in the absence and in the presence of steroidal treatment. Possible variations in the formation of substrate hydrolysis by-products were studied in whole samples and after steric exclusion chromatography fractionation. The results obtained confirm already-described variations in substrate hydrolysis in allergic as compared to control saliva, as well as the effect of steroidal treatment on the activity of the substrate-active enzymes. In addition, whereas in male saliva, therapy was associated with a net decrease of substrate hydrolysis, in female saliva hydrolysis remained near the levels measured in the absence of treatment. Finally, therapy induced modifications of enzyme apparent molecular weight distribution that appear to be similar for all substrate-active enzyme classes, but different in male and female saliva. In male saliva, therapy decreased the activity of the enzymes eluted at high apparent molecular weight, while it increased the activity of the enzymes of low apparent molecular weight. Because the increase was considerably less than the decrease, the net effect was to decrease the activity of the substrate-active enzymes, nearly to the low levels measured in the controls. In female saliva the therapy-associated decrease in the activity of the enzymes eluted at high apparent molecular weight was offset by the increase in the activity of those eluted at low apparent molecular weight, consequently, substrate hydrolysis remained near the level measured in the absence of treatment, a level that was higher than that measured in the controls.  相似文献   

We investigated the function of copulation calls—vocalizations by females during mating—in captive groups of long-tailed macaques. We tested predictions of the contest-competition, sperm competition, synchronized orgasms, mate again, alpha-male notification and graded-signal hypotheses. We observed 371 copulations of 36 females wherein the presence or absence of a copulation call was clear. Females call equally often with different males and shortly after ejaculation. Copulation calls occurred equally with copulations with and without ejaculation. Calls did not incite disruptions of the mating. Following calls females mated again, more often than expected, with their mating partner. Both pregnant and fertile females uttered copulation calls. Two females conceived and mated mainly with the alpha male then. We conclude that copulation calls do not incite male contest competition for sexual access to females and that it is unlikely that calls synchronize male and female orgasms. Several hypotheses remain plausible, but not all predictions are borne out unequivocably. This alerts us to the possibility that the calls could have multiple beneficial effects; natural selection might strike a compromise among functions. Investigation of the mate again, sperm competition and alpha-male notification hypotheses, and of hypotheses not tested in our study concerning female breeding overlap and female-female agonism, is required.  相似文献   

目的:探讨靶控输注不同效应室浓度的舒芬太尼复合丙泊酚对Narcotrend指数(NI)的影响。方法:选择60例全麻患者,年龄40-60岁,体重指数30 kg/m2,ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,随机分为4组(n=15):舒芬太尼效应室靶控浓度0.1 ng/m L(A组)、0.2 ng/m L(B组)、0.3 ng/m L(C组)、0.4 ng/m L(D组);各组舒芬太尼达效应室靶浓度5 min后给予丙泊酚1 mg/kg。记录实验过程中的血压、心率、血氧饱和度及NI。所有患者在实验结束后,均调整至适宜的麻醉深度,给与阿曲库胺,进行气管插管。结果:靶控输注舒芬太尼使各组的NI有不同程度的降低,随着靶控浓度的增加,降低幅度增大;单纯靶控输注舒芬太尼时,其效应室浓度与NI呈负相关,相关系数为-0.456。结论:舒芬太尼能降低NI,舒芬太尼效应室浓度与NI呈负相关。而舒芬太尼效应室浓度0.4 ng/m L复合丙泊酚后,NI反而呈短暂的上升,随后下降的现象。  相似文献   

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