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The phospholipid transfer properties of human and rat plasma have been studied using radiolabeled phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and diether PCs as well as a series of fluorescent PCs. The PC transfer activities of human and rat lipoprotein deficient sera are similar. Lipoprotein deficient rat serum transfers PC at a rate that is similar, if not identical, to the rate of transfer of the ether analogs of PC. These results suggest that PC ethers might be used to identify the nonhydrolytic metabolic routes of PCs.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of human Menkes and Wilson diseases depends on alterations in copper transport. Some reports suggest that intracellular traffic of copper might be regulated by kinase-mediated phosphorylation. However, there is no evidence showing the influence of kinase-related processes in coupled ATP hydrolysis/copper transport cycles. Here, we show that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) regulates Ccc2p, the yeast Cu(I)-ATPase, with PKA-mediated phosphorylation of a conserved serine (Ser258) being crucial for catalysis. Long-range intramolecular communication between Ser258 and Asp627 (at the catalytic site) modulates the key pumping event: the conversion of the high-energy to the low-energy phosphorylated intermediate associated with copper release.  相似文献   

Binding activity for the cage convulsant [35S]-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate, which appears to label a site closely associated with the chloride ionophore of the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor complex has been solubilized from rat cerebral cortex using the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS. Of several detergents screened, only CHAPS and CHAPSO were capable of solubilizing the binding activity with good recovery. The pharmacologic specificity of soluble [35S]-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding is very similar to the membrane state. In both the membrane and soluble state, [35S]-tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding is enhanced by anions which support inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (“Eccles anions”), suggesting that [35S]-t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate may label chloride channels thought to be involved in these potentials. Since this solubilization procedure also preserves GABA and benzodiazepine binding and their regulation by drugs such as barbiturates, purification and isolation of the macromolecular complex including chloride channel and GABA-benzodiazepine sites may be feasible.  相似文献   

Serine recombinases, which generate double-strand breaks in DNA, must be carefully regulated to ensure that chemically active DNA complexes are assembled correctly. In the Hin-catalyzed site-specific DNA inversion reaction, two inversely oriented recombination sites on the same DNA molecule assemble into a synaptic complex that uniquely generates inversion products. The Fis-bound recombinational enhancer, together with topological constraints directed by DNA supercoiling, functions to regulate Hin synaptic complex formation and activity. We have isolated a collection of gain-of-function mutants in 22 positions within the catalytic and oligomerization domains of Hin using two genetic screens and by site-directed mutagenesis. One genetic screen measured recombination in the absence of Fis and the other assessed SOS induction as a readout of increased DNA cleavage. These mutations, together with molecular modeling, identify important sites of dynamic intrasubunit and intersubunit interactions that regulate assembly of the active tetrameric recombination complex. Of particular interest are interactions between the oligomerization helix (helix E) and the catalytic domain of the same subunit that function to hold the dimer in an inactive state in the absence of the Fis/enhancer system. Among these is a relay involving a triad of phenylalanines that are proposed to switch positions during the transition from dimers to the catalytically active tetramer. Novel Hin mutants that generate synaptic complexes that are blocked at steps prior to DNA cleavage are also described.  相似文献   

The acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a is known to assemble as a homotrimer. Here, we used atomic force microscopy to image ASIC1a, integrated into lipid bilayers, at pH 7.0 and pH 6.0. The triangular appearance of the channel was clearly visible. A height distribution for the channels at pH 7.0 had two peaks, at 2 and 4 nm, likely representing the intracellular and extracellular domains, respectively. At pH 6.0 the 2-nm peak remained, but the higher peak shifted to 6 nm. Hence, the extracellular domain of the channel becomes ‘taller’ after acidification.  相似文献   

The glutathione contents of the mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions and extracellular space of isolated hepatocytes decrease when glutathione synthesis is inhibited with L-buthionine sulfoximine. Mitochondrial glutathione is depleted to 50% of its initial value whereas the cytosolic pool is completely emptied after 2 h incubation in the presence of inhibitor. The mitochondrial glutathione content was only fully depleted when L-buthionine sulfoximine was added together with phorone (2,6-dimethyl-2,5-heptadiene-4-one), a substrate of the glutathione S-transferases (E.C.  相似文献   

The present study describes an empirically discovered phenomenon that might be useful for development of a sensitive and rapid methodology for quantification of telomerase activity assay with simple data acquisition and possibility for calculation of telomerase product in absolute units. The method is based on the design and application of two single-stranded telomere sensing probes consisting of dual-labeled 16-mer oligonucleotides (fluorescent Cy3/Cy3-labeled and non-fluorescent IowaBlack/BHQ-labeled) that can simultaneously hybridize on the primary product of the telomerase reaction.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were treated with β-naphthoflavone and the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 solubilized with 3-[(3-cholaminopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. Chromatography on tryptamine-Sepharose 4B gave a single cytochrome P-450 peak which was further resolved into three components by elution from DEAE-Sepharose. The two main peaks were then chromatographed on hydroxyapatite and a total of four fractions obtained. Two of these fractions had similar properties and significantly metabolized [14C]benzo[a]pyrene in a reconstituted system containing rat cytochrome P-450 reductase. This activity was inhibited by α-naphthoflavone but not by metyrapone or SKF-525A. Purified cytochromes P-448 from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rat had similar spectral properties and activity towards [14C]benzo[a]pyrene suggesting similarities between these forms.  相似文献   

Purification of a novel enantioselective epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger M200 has been achieved using ammonium sulphate precipitation, ionic exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and size-exclusion chromatography, in conjunction with two additional chromatographic steps employing hydroxylapatite, and Mimetic Green. The enzyme was purified 186-fold with a yield of 15%. The apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was determined to be 77 kDa under native conditions and 40 kDa under denaturing conditions, implying a dimeric structure of the native enzyme. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was estimated to be 4.0 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. The enzyme has a broad substrate specificity with highest specificities towards tert-butyl glycidyl ether, para-nitrostyrene oxide, benzyl glycidyl ether, and styrene oxide. Enantiomeric ratios of 30 to more than 100 were determined for the hydrolysis reactions of 4 epoxidic substrates using the purified enzyme at a reaction temperature of 10 °C. Product inhibition studies suggest that the enzyme is able to differentiate to a high degree between the (R)-diol and (S)-diol product of the hydrolysis reaction with tert-butyl glycidyl ether as the substrate. The highest activity of the enzyme was at 42 °C and a pH of 6.8. Six peptide sequences, which were obtained by cleavage of the purified enzyme with trypsin and mass spectrometry analysis of the tryptic peptides, show high similarity with corresponding sequences originated from the epoxide hydrolase from Aspergillus niger LCP 521.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a peptide hormone in which serine 3 is modified by n-octanoic acid through GOAT (ghrelin O-acyltransferase). However, the enzymological properties of GOAT remain to be elucidated. We analyzed the in vitro activity of GOAT using the recombinant enzyme. Unexpectedly, although the main active form of ghrelin is modified by n-octanoic acid, GOAT had a strong preference for n-hexanoyl-CoA over n-octanoyl-CoA as an acyl donor. Moreover, a four-amino acid peptide derived from the N-terminal sequence of ghrelin can be modified by GOAT, indicating that these four amino acids constitute the core motif for substrate recognition by the enzyme.  相似文献   

Naryzhny SN  Lee H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(25):4917-4920
In order to clarify the status of PCNA in normal and transformed cells, we performed analysis of this protein by 2D-PAGE, Western blot and mass spectrometry. All the cell lines examined contained the major PCNA form (pI 4.57/30kDa), that is not post-translationally modified. In addition to the major form, two minor isoforms (pI 4.52/30kDa and pI 4.62/30kDa) were also detected in all the cell lines examined. However, the level of PCNA in cancer cells is 5-6 folds higher than those in primary and most of the immortalized cells. Taken together, the significant difference in PCNA status between cancer and normal cells is not at the post-translational modifications but in the overall levels of PCNA.  相似文献   

11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 is a homodimer where the carboxyl terminus of one subunit covers the active site of the dimer partner. Based on the crystal structure with CHAPS, the carboxyl terminal tyrosine 280 (Y280) has been postulated to interact with the substrate/inhibitor at the binding pocket of the dimer partner. However, the co-crystal structure with carbenoxolone argues against this role. To clarify and reconcile these findings, here we report our mutagenesis data and demonstrate that Y280 is not involved in substrate binding but rather plays a selective role in inhibitor binding. The involvement of Y280 in inhibitor binding depends on the inhibitor chemical structure. While Y280 is not involved in the binding of carbenoxolone, it is critical for the binding of glycyrrhetinic acid.  相似文献   

Ness GC  Holland RC 《FEBS letters》2005,579(14):3126-3130
In contrast with the accelerated degradation observed in tumor cells in response to sterols, hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase turnover in whole animals was not increased by dietary cholesterol. Furthermore, treating rats with lovastatin to lower hepatic cholesterol levels did not decrease the rate of degradation. The half-life remained in the 6 h range. Co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that the amount of ubiquitin associated with the reductase was entirely dependent upon the amount of microsomal protein subjected to immunoprecipitation. The results indicate that in liver, neither the rate of reductase protein degradation nor the ubiquitin-proteasome system appear to play roles in mediating changes in HMG-CoA reductase protein levels in response to dietary cholesterol.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus encodes an autoprotease, NS2-3, which is required for processing of the viral polyprotein between the non-structural NS2 and NS3 proteins. This protease activity is vital for the replication and assembly of the virus and therefore represents a target for the development of anti-viral drugs. The mechanism of this auto-processing reaction is not yet clear but the protease activity has been shown to map to the C-terminal region of NS2 and the N-terminal serine protease region of NS3. The NS2-3 precursor can be expressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies, purified as denatured protein and refolded, in the presence of detergents and the divalent metal ion zinc, into an active form capable of auto-cleavage. Here, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence has been used to assess refolding in the wild-type protein and specific active site mutants. We also investigate the effects on protein folding of alterations to the reaction conditions that have been shown to prevent auto-cleavage. Our data demonstrate that these active site mutations do not solely affect the cleavage activity of the HCV NS2-3 protease but significantly affect the integrity of the global protein fold.  相似文献   

The effect of the bee toxin melittin on DMPC dynamics in fast-tumbling bicelles has been investigated. The 13C R1 and 13C-1H NOE relaxation parameters for DMPC were used to monitor the effect of melittin and cholesterol on lipid dynamics. It was found that melittin has the largest effect on the DMPC mobility in DMPC/DHPC bicelles, while less effect was observed in cholesterol-doped bicelles, or in bicelles made with CHAPS, indicating that the rigidity of the membrane affects the melittin-membrane interaction. CD spectra were analysed in terms of cooperativity of the α-helix to random coil transition in melittin, and these results also indicated similar differences between the bicelles. The study shows that bicelles can be used to investigate lipid dynamics by spin relaxation, and in particular of peptide-induced changes in membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to isolate a membrane fraction of rat skeletal muscle which contains a highly active Mg2+-ATPase (5–25 μmol Pi/mg min). The rate of ATP hydrolysis by the Mg2+-ATPase was nonlinear but decayed exponentially (first-order rate constant ≥0.2 s?1 at 37°C). The rapid decline in the ATPase activity depended on the presence of ATP or its nonhydrolyzable analog 5′-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AdoPP[NH]P). Once inactivated, removal of ATP from the medium did not immediately restore the original activity. ATP- or AdoPP[NH]P-dependent inactivation could be blocked by concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin or rabbit antiserum against the membrane. Additions of these proteins after ATP addition prevented further inactivation but did not restore the original activity. Low concentrations of ionic and nonionic detergents increased the rate of ATP-dependent inactivation. Higher concentrations of detergents, which solubilize the membrane completely, inactivated the Mg2+-ATPase. Cross-linking the membrane components with glutaraldehyde prevented ATP-dependent inactivation and decreased the sensitivity of the Mg2+-ATPase to detergents. It is proposed that the regulation of the Mg2+-ATPase by ATP requires the mobility of proteins within the membrane. Cross-linking the membrane proteins with lectins, antiserum or glutaraldehyde prevents inactivation; increasing the mobility with detergents accelerates ATP-dependent inactivation.  相似文献   

Opioid receptors were solubilized from bovine striatal membranes with the zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate-(CHAPS). High concentrations of NaCl (0.5-1.0 M) were necessary to ensure optimal yields, which ranged from 40 to 50% of membrane-bound receptors. This requirement was found to be specific for sodium, with only lithium able to substitute partially, as previously reported for solubilization with digitonin. Opioid antagonists, but not agonists, were able to bind to soluble receptors with high affinity. High-affinity binding of mu, delta, and kappa agonists was reconstituted following polyethylene glycol precipitation and resuspension of CHAPS extract. Evidence is presented suggesting that this is the result of inclusion of receptors in liposomes. Competition and saturation studies indicate that the three opioid receptor types retain their selectivity and that they exist in the reconstituted CHAPS extract in a ratio (50:15:35) identical to that in the membranes. In reconstituted CHAPS extract, as in membranes, mu-agonist binding was found to be coupled to a guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), as demonstrated by the sensitivity of [3H][D-Ala2,N-methyl-Phe4,Gly5-ol]-enkephalin ([3H]DAGO) binding to guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S). In the reconstituted CHAPS extract, complete and irreversible uncoupling by GTP gamma S was observed, whereas membrane-bound receptors were uncoupled only partially. Treatment with GTP gamma S, at concentrations that uncoupled the mu receptors almost completely, resulted in a fourfold decrease in the Bmax of [3H]DAGO binding with a relatively small change in the KD. Competition experiments showed that the Ki of DAGO against [3H]bremazocine was increased 200-fold.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Assay conditions for the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase have been optimized by adding phospholipids in the media buffer to increase and stabilize the enzymatic activity. The presence of phospholipids greatly facilitates the study of the binding of cortisone and NADPH at the enzyme catalytic site. Kinetic analyses conducted with the human and rabbit enzyme isoforms suggest that both enzymes behave according to an ordered sequential bi-bi mechanism where the NADPH is the first to bind at the active site followed by cortisone. The equilibrium dissociation constant, K(i)a as well as the apparent Michaelis-Menten constants K(m)a, K(m)b, k(cat)a, and k(cat)b for NADPH and cortisone, have been determined to be 147.5 microM, 14.4 microM, 43.8 nM, 0.21 min(-1), and 0.27 min(-1), respectively, for the human enzyme and 41.1 microM, 3.1 microM, 161.7 nM, 0.49 min(-1), and 0.52min(-1), respectively, for the rabbit enzyme.  相似文献   

Proteomic profiling of hempseed proteins from a non-drug type of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), Cheungsam, was conducted using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. A total of 1102 protein spots were resolved on pH 3-10 immobilized pH gradient strips, and 168 unique protein spots were identified. The proteins were categorized based on function, including involvement in energy regulation (23%), metabolism (18%), stress response (16%), unclassified (12%), cytoskeleton (11%), binding function (5%), and protein synthesis (3%). These proteins might have important biological functions in hempseed, such as germination, storage, or development.  相似文献   

CHAPS, 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-Propane sulfonate, a zwitterionic detergent, has been shown to exhibit superior membrane protein solubilizing characteristics as compared to nonionic detergents. Replacement of NP-40 with CHAPS in isoelectric focusing of rainbow trout liver microsomes has increased resolution markedly. The two-dimensional electrophoretic system described will allow effective resolution of up to 300 micrograms of crude microsomal protein. CHAPS exhibits no effect on the stability or type of pH gradient when compared to NP-40 during isoelectric focusing in the presence of urea.  相似文献   

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