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Chalcone synthase (CHS) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of flavonoides, which are important for the pigmentation of flowers and act as attractants to pollinators. Genes encoding CHS constitute a multigene family in which the copy number varies among plant species and functional divergence appears to have occurred repeatedly. In morning glories (Ipomoea), five functional CHS genes (A–E) have been described. Phylogenetic analysis of the Ipomoea CHS gene family revealed that CHS A, B, and C experienced accelerated rates of amino acid substitution relative to CHS D and E. To examine whether the CHS genes of the morning glories underwent adaptive evolution, maximum-likelihood models of codon substitution were used to analyze the functional sequences in the Ipomoea CHS gene family. These models used the nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio ( = dN/dS) as an indicator of selective pressure and allowed the ratio to vary among lineages or sites. Likelihood ratio test suggested significant variation in selection pressure among amino acid sites, with a small proportion of them detected to be under positive selection along the branches ancestral to CHS A, B, and C. Positive Darwinian selection appears to have promoted the divergence of subfamily ABC and subfamily DE and is at least partially responsible for a rate increase following gene duplication.  相似文献   

Meningococcal meningitidis is a life-threatening disease. In Europe and the United States the majority of cases are caused by virulent meningococcal strains belonging to serogroup B. Presently there is no effective vaccine against serogroup B strains, as traditional vaccine antigens such as polysaccharide capsules are unusable as they lead to autoimmunity. The year 2000 saw the publication of the complete genome of Neisseria meningitidis MC58, a virulent serogroup B bacterium. Working in conjunction with the sequencing project, researchers endeavored to locate highly conserved membrane-associated proteins that elicit an immune response. It is hoped that these proteins will provide a basis for novel vaccines against serogroup B strains. A number of potential vaccine antigens have been located and are presently in phase I clinical trials. Recently many reports pertaining to the evidence of positive Darwinian selection in membrane proteins of pathogens have been reported. This study utilized in silico methods to test for evidence of historical positive Darwinian selection in seven such vaccine candidates. We found that two of these proteins show signatures of adaptive evolution, while the remaining proteins show evidence of strong purifying selection. This has significant implications for the design of a vaccine against serogroup B strains, as it has been shown that vaccines that target epitopes that are under strong purifying selection are better than those that target variable epitopes.[Reviewing Editor: Rasmus Nielsen]  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of “orphan” genes, genes that lack sequence similarity to any known gene, remains a mystery. One suggestion has been that most orphan genes evolve rapidly so that similarity to other genes cannot be traced after a certain evolutionary distance. This can be tested by examining the divergence rates of genes with different degrees of lineage specificity. Here the lineage specificity (LS) of a gene describes the phylogenetic distribution of that gene’s orthologues in related species. Highly lineage-specific genes will be distributed in fewer species in a phylogeny. In this study, we have used the complete genomes of seven ascomycotan fungi and two animals to define several levels of LS, such as Eukaryotes-core, Ascomycota-core, Euascomycetes-specific, Hemiascomycetes-specific, Aspergillus-specific, and Saccharomyces-specific. We compare the rates of gene evolution in groups of higher LS to those in groups with lower LS. Molecular evolutionary analyses indicate an increase in nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution rates in genes with higher LS. Several analyses suggest that LS is correlated with the evolutionary rate of the gene. This correlation is stronger than those of a number of other factors that have been proposed as predictors of a gene’s evolutionary rate, including the expression level of genes, gene essentiality or dispensability, and the number of protein-protein interactions. The accelerated evolutionary rates of genes with higher LS may reflect the influence of selection and adaptive divergence during the emergence of orphan genes. These analyses suggest that accelerated rates of gene evolution may be responsible for the emergence of apparently orphan genes. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides are highly diverse pathogen-killing molecules. In many taxa, their evolution is characterized by positive selection and frequent gene duplication. It has been proposed that genes encoding antimicrobial peptides might be subject to balancing selection and/or an enhanced mutation rate, but these hypotheses have not been well evaluated because allelic variation has rarely been studied at antimicrobial peptide loci. We present an evolutionary analysis of novel antimicrobial peptide genes from leopard frogs, Rana. Our results demonstrate that a single genome contains multiple homologous copies, among which there is an excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide site divergence relative to that expected from synonymous site divergence. Thus, we confirm the trends of recurrent duplication and positive selection. Allelic variation is quite low relative to interspecies divergence, indicating a recent positive selective sweep with no evidence of balancing selection. Repeated gene duplication, rather than a balanced maintenance of divergent allelic variants at individual loci, appears to be how frogs have responded to selection for a diverse suite of antimicrobial peptides. Our data also support a pattern of enhanced synonymous site substitution in the mature peptide region of the gene, but we cannot conclude that this is due to an elevated mutation rate.  相似文献   

In many plant and animal taxa mutation rates are higher in males than in females. As a result, the evolutionary speed of genes depends on how much time they spend in either sex. Usually, this time differs between genes located on sex chromosomes but not between those on autosomes. Here we present an unusual system with a partially sex-linked inheritance of autosomes: the hemiclonal frog Rana esculenta (E) which is originally a hybrid between the sexual species R. lessonae (L) and R. ridibunda (R). Rana esculenta excludes the L genome prior to meiosis, produces eggs or sperm containing an unrecombined R genome and restores hybridity by mating with R. lessonae (‘hybridogenesis’). Matings between L males and E females result in offspring with an even sex ratio, whereas the reverse combination produces only daughters. The extent of the resulting female bias and the proportion that R alleles have spent in either sex depend on the relative survival (b) and the relative reproductive contribution (a) of E males vs. E females. In this paper, we analyze mathematically how different combinations of a and b influence the sex ratio in R. esculenta populations and, combined with the male/female mutation rate ratio (α), the evolutionary rate of the clonally transmitted R genome. We find that this rate is higher than in an asexual population and lower than in a sexual one. Hence, clonal diversity through new mutations is more easily achievable than in purely asexual species. In contrast, the occurrence and accumulation of deleterious mutations is lower than in a comparable sexual species. We conclude that these intermediate mutation rates improve the ecological and evolutionary potential of hemiclonal organisms, and we draw attention to the implications for the use of microsatellites. Co-ordinating editor: L. Hurst  相似文献   

Understanding the selective constraints of partner specificity in mutually beneficial symbiosis is a significant, yet largely unexplored, prospect of evolutionary biology. These selective constraints can be explored through the study of nucleotide polymorphism at loci controlling specificity. The membrane-anchored receptor NORK (nodulation receptor kinase) of the legume Medicago truncatula controls early steps of root infection by two symbiotic microorganisms: nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobia) and endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomales). We analyzed the diversity of the gene NORK by sequencing 4 kilobases in 28 inbred lines sampled from natural populations. We detected 33 polymorphic sites with only one nonsynonymous change. Analysis based on Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H summary statistics revealed no departure from the neutral model. We analyzed divergence using sequences from the closely related species M. coerulea. The McDonald-Kreitman test indicated a significant excess of nonsynonymous changes contributing to this divergence. Furthermore, maximum-likelihood analysis of a molecular phylogeny of a few legume species indicated that a number of amino acid sites, likely located in the receptor domain of the protein, evolved under the regime of positive selection. Further research should focus on the rate and direction of molecular coevolution between microorganisms’ signaling molecules and legumes’ receptors. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Deborah Charlesworth] Sequence data were deposited in the GenBank database under accession nos. AY676428 to AY676457 and AJ884582.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR RLKs) comprise the largest group within the plant receptor-like kinase (RLK) superfamily, and the Arabidopsis genome alone contains over 200 LRR RLK genes. Although there is clear evidence for diverse roles played by individual LRR RLK genes in Arabidopsis growth and development, the evolutionary mechanism for this functional diversification is currently unclear. In this study, we focused on the LRRII RLK subfamily to investigate the molecular mechanisms that might have led to the functional differentiation of Arabidopsis LRR RLK genes. Phylogenetic analysis of 14 genes in this subfamily revealed three well-supported groups (I, II, and III). RT-PCR analysis did not find many qualitative differences in expression among these 14 genes in various Arabidopsis tissues, suggesting that evolution of regulatory sequences did not play a major role in their functional divergence. We analyzed substitution patterns in the predicted ligand-binding regions of these genes to examine if positive selection has acted to produce novel ligand-binding specificities, using the nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio (d N/d S) as an indicator of selective pressure. Estimates of d N/d S ratios from multiple methods indicate that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulated during divergence of the three lineages. Positive selection is likely to have occurred along the lineages ancestral to groups II and III. We suggest that positive selection on the ligand-binding sites of LRRII RLKs promoted diversification of ligand-binding specificities and thus contributed to the functional differentiation of Arabidopsis LRRII RLK genes during evolution. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Single likelihood ancestor counting (SLAC), fixed effects likelihood (FEL), and several random effects likelihood (REL) methods were utilized to identify positively and negatively selected sites in sexually induced gene 1 (Sig1) of four different Thalassiosira species. The SLAC analysis did not find any sites affected by positive selection but suggested 13 sites influenced by negative selection. The SLAC approach may be too conservative because of low sequence divergence. The FEL and REL analyses revealed over 60 negatively selected sites and two positively selected sites that were unique to each method. The REL method may not be able to reliably identify individual sites under selection when applied to short sequences with low divergence. Instead, we proposed a new alignment-wide test for adaptive evolution based on codon models with variation in synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates among sites and found evidence for diversifying evolution without relying on site-by-site testing. The performance of the FEL and REL approaches was evaluated by subjecting the tests to a type I error rate simulation analysis, using the specific characteristics of the Sig1 data set. Simulation results indicated that the FEL test had reasonable Type I errors, while REL might have been too liberal, suggesting that the two positively selected sites identified by FEL (codons 94 and 174) are not likely to be false positives. The evolution of these codon sites, one of which is located in functional domain II, appears to be associated with divergence among the three major Thalassiosira lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Genes encoding reproductive proteins often diverge rapidly due to positive selection on nucleotide substitutions. While this general pattern is well established, the extent to which specific reproductive genes experience similar selection in different clades has been little explored, nor have possible targets of positive selection other than nucleotide substitutions, such as indels, received much attention. Here, we inspect for the signature of positive selection in the genes encoding five accessory gland proteins (Acps) (Acp26Aa, Acp32CD, Acp53Ea, Acp62F, and Acp70A) originally described from Drosophila melanogaster but with recognizable orthologues in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup. We compare patterns of selection within the D. psuedoobscura subgroup to those in the D. melanogaster subgroup. Similar patterns of positive selection were found in Acp26Aa and Acp62F in the two subgroups, while Acp53Ea and Acp70A experienced purifying selection in both subgroups. These proteins have thus remained targets for similar types of selection over long (>21-MY) periods of time. We also found several indel substitutions and polymorphisms in Acp26Aa and Acp32CD. These indels occur in the same regions as positively selected nucleotide substitutions for Acp26Aa in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup but not in the D. melanogaster subgroup. Rates of indel substitution within Acp26Aa in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup were up to several times those in noncoding regions of the Drosophila genome. This suggests that indel substitutions may be under positive selection and may play a key role in the divergence of some Acps. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willis Swanson]  相似文献   

In this study we constructed a bootstrapped distance tree of 500 small subunit ribosomal RNA sequences from organisms belonging to the so-called crown of eukaryote evolution. Taking into account the substitution rate of the individual nucleotides of the rRNA sequence alignment, our results suggest that (1) animals, true fungi, and choanoflagellates share a common origin: The branch joining these taxa is highly supported by bootstrap analysis (bootstrap support [BS] > 90%), (2) stramenopiles and alveolates are sister groups (BS = 75%), (3) within the alveolates, dinoflagellates and apicomplexans share a common ancestor BS > 95%), while in turn they both share a common origin with the ciliates (BS > 80%), and (4) within the stramenopiles, heterokont algae, hyphochytriomycetes, and oomycetes form a monophyletic grouping well supported by bootstrap analysis (BS > 85%), preceded by the well-supported successive divergence of labyrinthulomycetes and bicosoecids. On the other hand, many evolutionary relationships between crown taxa are still obscure on the basis of 18S rRNA. The branching order between the animal-fungal-choanoflagellates clade and the chlorobionts, the alveolates and stramenopiles, red algae, and several smaller groups of organisms remains largely unresolved. When among-site rate variation is not considered, the inferred tree topologies are inferior to those where the substitution rate spectrum for the 18S rRNA is taken into account. This is primarily indicated by the erroneous branching of fast-evolving sequences. Moreover, when different substitution rates among sites are not considered, the animals no longer appear as a monophyletic grouping in most distance trees. Received: 11 June 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

Ants live in crowded nests with interacting individuals, which makes them particularly prone to infectious diseases. The question is, how do ants cope with the increased risk of pathogen transmission due to sociality? We have studied the molecular evolution of defensin, a gene encoding an antimicrobial protein, in ants. Defensin sequences from several ant species were analyzed with maximum likelihood models of codon substitution to infer selection. Positive selection was detected in the mature region of defensin, whereas the signal and pro regions seem to be evolving neutrally. We also found a significantly higher rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in some phylogenetic lineages, as well as dN/dS >1, suggesting varying selection pressures in different lineages. Earlier studies on the molecular evolution of insect antimicrobial peptide genes have focused on termites and dipteran species, and detected positive selection only in duplicated termicin genes in termites. These findings, together with our present results, provide an indication that the immune systems of social insects (ants and termites) and dipteran insects may have responded differently to the selection pressure caused by microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

Positive diversifying selection in avian Mx genes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Berlin S  Qu L  Li X  Yang N  Ellegren H 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(11):689-697
Mx proteins are interferon-induced GTPases that confer antiviral activities against RNA viruses. We analysed the molecular evolution of the Mx gene in birds using data on interspecific divergence in anseriform and galliform birds, and on intraspecific diversity in commercial chicken lines, local Chinese chicken breeds as well as in the mallard. The overall ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution was unusually high, 0.80, indicating relaxed constraint or positive selection. Evidence for the latter was provided by that a total of 11–18 codons were found to have evolved under positive selection. The great majority of these codons are located in a region unique to birds at the N-terminal end of the Mx protein. We found an excess of non-synonymous polymorphisms relative to synonymous variants in all comparisons. This, together with positive Tajima’s D values in the local Chinese chicken breeds and in the mallard suggests that balancing selection is acting in avian Mx genes. As such, Mx mimics the major histocompatibility complex system, indicating that heterozygous individuals are better off withstanding pathogen attack. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. S.B. and L.Q. contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Arabitol dehydrogenase as a selectable marker for rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Arabitol dehydrogenase has been adapted for use as a plant selectable marker. Arabitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol that can be used by E. coli strain C, but not by the laboratory K12 strains. The enzyme converts the non-plant-metabolizable sugar arabitol into xylulose, which is metabolized by plant cells. Rice was transformed with a plant-expression-optimized synthetic gene using Biolistic-mediated transformation. Selection on 2.75% arabitol and 0.25% sucrose yielded a transformation efficiency (9.3%) equal to that obtained with hygromycin (9.2%). Molecular analyses showed that the atlD gene was integrated into the rice genome of selected plants and was inherited in a Mendelian manner. This study indicates that arabitol could serve as an effective means of plant selection.  相似文献   

Summary A high pigment-producing strain of cultured Euphorbia millii cells was isolated by clonal selection. The pigment obtained was red and consisted mainly of anthocyanin. The amount of this pigment obtained after 24 selections was seven times that found in the original cells. Statistical and cell-pedigree analyses proved that this cell strain has stable productivity for this red pigment.  相似文献   

为选择适宜培育大径材的优良家系,以广东杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)第二代种子园半同胞子代(28个半同胞家系)和2个对照(第一代、第一代改良种子园混合种)为对象,对林龄4、9、11、16和21 a的杉木胸径进行持续测定。结果表明,相同林龄家系间的胸径差异极显著(P0.01),表型变异系数和遗传变异系数分别为4.43%~6.29%和2.95%~3.62%。家系胸径的遗传力较高(0.335 9~0.548 6),且随年龄的增长呈增大趋势,至林龄16 a时达到0.548 6,随后趋缓。林龄9 a的胸径与早期(4 a)、晚期(11、16和21 a)的胸径遗传相关性最为密切。基于多年度育种值和林龄21 a时家系各径级立木占比统计,共选择出F5、F9、F21等3个适于培育大径材的优良家系。  相似文献   

Ashraf  M.  Shahbaz  M. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(2):273-280
Twenty-five genotypes of early CIMMYT hexaploid wheat were screened for salt tolerance in a glasshouse experiment using photosynthetic capacity and water relation parameters as selection criteria. Under salt stress (150 mM NaCl) the genotypes Frontana, Norin-10, Mayo-54, Noreste-66, and Yaktana-54 excelled all other lines in shoot dry mass, and Na(20)TPP, Penjamo-62, Inia-66, Frontana, Siete Cerros, and Jaral-66 in grain yield per plant in both absolute and relative (percent of control) terms. Although net photosynthetic rate (P N) declined in all genotypes due to salt stress, it was not helpful in discriminating among genotypes according to salt tolerance. Similarly, no positive relationships of salt tolerance of the genotypes with stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, or turgor pressure were found. Every genotype used its own specific mechanism to tolerate salt stress. However, a large amount of variation in salt tolerance observed in 25 early CIMMYT wheat genotypes can be of considerable practical value for improving salt tolerance in the existing commercial hexaploid wheats. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The study of individual genes is essential to a comprehensive understanding of genome evolution. The wealth of information on alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) inDrosophila makes this gene particularly suitable for such analysis. We have characterized more than 4 kb of the genomicAdh region inDrosophila ambigua and compared this region toDrosophila mauritiana andDrosophila pseudoobscura. The presence of two genes,Adh and 3ORF (open reading frame), has been confirmed and some of their essential features have been inferred from primary structural analysis. Inter- and intraspecific comparisons have led us to support that both genes may have diverged from an ancient precursor. They appear to be evolving independently, and show a species-specific pattern. TheAdh in theobscura group species lacks amino acids three and four when compared to the species of themelanogaster group and has accumulated most of its amino acid replacements in the third exon. Neither characteristic is observed when any other group species are compared, which suggests that these may be particular features of the evolution of theobscura group. The 3ORF is highly conserved among the three species analyzed, although variability in the length of the third exon and the nucleotide substitution rate, which is much higher than inAdh, are worth noting. According to our data, both mutation/fixation rates and the distribution of mutations vary over time, which makes it difficult to predict the evolutionary dynamics of specific genome regions.  相似文献   

The Pten gene was initially identified in humans as a tumor suppressor. It has since been shown to play important roles in the control of cell size, cell motility, apoptosis, and organ size, and it has also been implicated in aging. Pten is highly conserved among organisms as diverse as nematodes, insects, and vertebrates. In contrast, a phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood of a 133-amino acid region showed an average nonsynonymous-to-synonymous rate ratio of 10.4 for Pten in the lineage leading to parasitoid wasps of the Nasonia genus, indicating very strong positive selection. A previous study identified Pten as a potential QTL candidate gene for differences in male wing size in Nasonia. Most of the amino acid replacements that occurred in the Nasonia lineage cluster in a small region of the protein surface, suggesting that they might be involved in an interaction between Pten and another protein. The phenotypic changes due to Pten are not yet known, although it is not associated with known differences in male wing size. Introgression of Pten from one species to another does affect longevity, but a causal relationship is not established. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie J. Swanson]  相似文献   

Summary I propose that the strength of selection is greatest when resource levels are intermediate. This idea was partially tested using artificial character variation for petal size inDrosera tracyi. This plant opens one flower each morning, with stigmas becoming available and pollen being presented simultaneously throughout the population. Bees remove all the pollen that can be removed and deposit all the pollen that can be deposited in one or two visits. Visitation rates track blooming density, as do pollen removal and deposition. I measured selection as the difference in pollen removal and deposition between flowers with trimmed petals versus flowers with normal petals. In one meadow, I found a wide range of levels of pollination and corresponding levels of selection, and selection was strongest at intermediate levels of pollination. This might mean that organisms are adapted to conditions when resources are at intermediate levels even though they may experience those conditions relatively rarely.  相似文献   

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